With what to eat fried chanterelles. Fried chanterelles with sour cream and onions in a pan - the easiest recipe

Fried chanterelles

Delicious fried chanterelle forest food! Joyful and simple!

What do you need to fry chanterelles

to the frying pan

  • Chanterelles - a large bunch or 2;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves (optional)
  • Salt;
  • Greens (parsley, dill) - half a bunch;
  • Vegetable and/or butter.

fresh chanterelles

  • Soak chanterelles in cool water for 20-30 minutes (to remove sand and twigs), rinse, cut off what cannot be washed. cut into large pieces if very large mushrooms are caught.
  • Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, throw in the chanterelles. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Drain the water.
  • Onion cut into half rings or quarters of rings. Garlic - plates. Fry in oil (0.5 cm layer) until softened and the first onion aroma appears.
  • Add mushrooms. Fry over medium heat for about 20 minutes. A sign of the readiness of the chanterelles - they become brighter, and the onion fades and decreases in volume, becoming hardly noticeable among the red mushrooms. Salt. Keep on fire for a couple more minutes.
  • Sprinkle with herbs.

Delicious fried mushrooms!

2. Fried chanterelles in a dry pan (2 way)

This method is considered the easiest and fastest. It turns out just as delicious. Just a different technology.

  • Chanterelles also clean, rinse. Cut if necessary.
  • Throw them in a dry frying pan (without oil) and fry until the released water evaporates.
  • As soon as the water evaporates, add butter (preferably butter, but you can vegetable) and simmer and fry for another 15 minutes. At the end - salt, sprinkle with spices (dried basil or pepper). Sprinkle ready-made chanterelles with chopped herbs before serving!

This is how Natasha Rybka cooks, it's very tasty!

Chanterelles, butter, salt, herbs. Can be fried with onions and garlic.
Juice begins to stand out from the chanterelles
At first there is a lot of water in the pan

Water evaporated, add oil
Adding oil to the pan
Delicious fried chanterelles V butter

These chanterelles were fried by Natasha Rybka - in a dry frying pan

Features of cooking fried chanterelles

Chanterelles fried in butter acquire a sweeter, noble, rich taste. But if you only have the usual, sunflower - all the same, the mushrooms will turn out very tasty!

Plate with fried chanterelles. Very easy, fast and delicious! These mushrooms were prepared by Natasha Rybka.

What to add to the pan with chanterelles

Fresh herbs (especially parsley) harmonize both the color and the taste of the red mushroom dish.

If you have tried ready-made chanterelles, and you are a bit lacking in sourness or some special note, you can drip lemon juice, but just a couple of drops (very little).

That's how they shine, smeared with oil!

Enhance the pleasant taste sensations dried spices: marjoram, oregano, basil. You can add them to the chanterelles by a pinch.

Is it necessary to boil chanterelles before frying

If you have very clean, pretty mushrooms, you can not boil them. Just rinse them, dry them a little and toss them with onions.

Oh, and where is this plate full of happiness now ?! …)))

How to cut onions into fried mushrooms

I cut the onion into strips because it is more convenient for him to hug each mushroom piece, wrap the chanterelles in their spicy-sweet tender ribbons.

What else to cook with chanterelles

Fried chanterelles are very tasty food!

They are especially good with young potatoes (boiled or fried). They are served with sour cream. And you can fill it with mushrooms right in the pan (recipe for chanterelles fried with sour cream).

Chanterelles can be cooked creamy mushroom sauce and smear them delicious croutons(recipe).

And chanterelles are also very tasty if they are stewed with onion, garlic and tomato in meat broth or directly with meat (

Beautiful red mushrooms that can be found in many forests are a storehouse useful substances, and their taste and aroma will not leave indifferent even picky gourmets. Forest beauties can successfully become a component of any dish, however delicious option- Proper roasting.

How to fry chanterelles

Mushrooms of this species are famous for their flavoring qualities and useful properties. There are many options for how to cook chanterelle mushrooms. They can be boiled, added to soup, formed on the basis of the filling product. However, frying is considered the best way cooking, as it fully reveals the features of mushrooms. You can fry with carrots, onions, meat, potatoes, mayonnaise or sour cream. Each recipe for how to cook fried chanterelles has its own unique qualities.

How to fry chanterelles in a pan

Many housewives are interested in how to fry chanterelle mushrooms, since this processing method is fragrant and tasty. According to most recipes, you need to spread the product in a preheated pan with pre-added oil. However, experts believe that the mushrooms will turn out tastier and juicier if they are placed on a hot, dry surface, and the fat is added after a while. This method gives the fried chanterelles a pleasant golden color and proper roasting.

How to fry frozen chanterelles

Mushrooms of this variety cannot be stored for a long time at room temperature, so the housewives are forced to immediately cook them or send them for storage in the freezer. Frozen chanterelles will not lose their taste. Frying such mushrooms involves preliminary defrosting. Put the ingredients inside a deep container, leave them at room temperature. It won't take much time. Be sure to drain the water formed during defrosting. When the mushrooms dry out a little, start cooking them. Remember that they are not subject to re-freezing.

fried chanterelle recipe

There are many options on how to make such mushrooms tasty and nutritious. The recipe for fried chanterelles can be varied with other ingredients. Among housewives, options with eggs, cheese, onions, sour cream, potatoes and meat are popular. Additional components increase satiety, make it possible to use the dish as an independent dish, an addition to side dishes or a filling for pies. Each culinary specialist will be able to choose an interesting, simple technology cooking.

Fried chanterelles with sour cream

  1. Cooking time: 45 min.
  2. Servings: 2-3 persons.
  3. Calorie content of the dish: 107 kcal.
  4. Destination: for lunch / dinner.
  5. Cuisine: Russian.

Cooking chanterelles fried in sour cream is not difficult even for a novice hostess. Fermented milk product in the composition of the dish gives it tenderness. If there is no sour cream in your kitchen, you can cook the product with cream or milk. To this dish, you can add porridge from buckwheat or rice groats, boiled or fried potatoes.


onions - 1 head;

spices; vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

mushrooms - 0.5 kg; sour cream - 150 g; greenery.

Cooking method:

Peeled and washed large chanterelles cut in half, and leave the small ones whole. Chop the onion into small cubes, fry it in a pan heated with olive or sunflower oil until golden brown. Add chanterelles to the vegetable, mix. You need to fry the components until the water evaporates. Mushrooms should be slightly browned. The next step, how to cook the dish, will be the addition of sour cream. Place it in the pan with a spoon, stir, cover the dish with a lid. Extinguish the product for 10 minutes.

Chanterelles fried with onions

  1. Cooking time: 30 min.
  2. Calorie content of the dish: 63 kcal.
  3. Destination: for lunch / dinner.
  4. Cuisine: Russian.
  5. Difficulty of preparation: easy.

It is very pleasant, having come from the forest, to cook fried chanterelles with onions. They will become amazing fragrant and delicious addition to any meal. You can use mushrooms made in this way as a snack. Adding an onion will help make taste qualities the product is more piquant, you can add flavor with your favorite spices. The simplicity and taste of the dish will delight guests and households.

Ingredients: onion - 1 head;

salt; chanterelles - 250 g;

ground black pepper;

butter - 40 g.

Cooking method: Mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, washed and cut into several pieces. The onion should be washed, peeled and chopped into small cubes. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the onion pieces in it. Stir during the process. Wait for the golden color to appear. Add the mushrooms to the prepared onion. The strength of the flame should be increased, since the chanterelles will release juice, and all the liquid must be evaporated. After the water has evaporated, salt and pepper the dish, stir and bring the mushrooms to a golden color.

Chanterelles fried with potatoes in a pan

  1. Cooking time: 35 min.
  2. Servings: 3-4 persons.
  3. Calorie content of the dish: 87 kcal.
  4. Purpose: for dinner / lunch.
  5. Cuisine: Russian.
  6. Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A recipe with a photo on how to cook fried chanterelle mushrooms with potatoes is divided into two stages. You will need to fry the ingredients separately. It is better to use two pans. Fry mushrooms in the first, potatoes in the second. As a result, you will get delicious and fast food which is suitable for hearty lunch or dinner.


vegetable oil - for frying;

onion - 1 head;

chanterelles - 300 g;

potatoes - 0.5 kg;


Continued on next page...

Chanterelles fried with sour cream and onions - tasty, nutritious and very hearty meal. which is prepared as independent dish as well as for garnish. For example, to potatoes or rice, pasta. It's quick and easy though. In 30 minutes you will have delicious mushroom dish.

Chanterelles - Forest mushrooms which are enjoyed by children and adults. At the same time, mushrooms are useful to eat. They contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. You can fry any forest mushrooms with sour cream, but chanterelles or mushrooms are especially tasty.

Mushrooms are almost 90% water. Therefore, when cooking, it should be borne in mind that when frying, mushrooms will greatly decrease in volume.

When cooking, in addition to sour cream and onions, garlic, herbs and spices can be added to the dish. Often, housewives immediately add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes to the pan when cooking fried chanterelles.

But our recipe for fried chanterelles with sour cream and onions is a basic or classic version cooking. You can add to the dish cooking at your discretion.

Fried chanterelles recipe with sour cream and onions in a pan

Even a novice hostess can fry chanterelles. If you have never fried these wild mushrooms, then our recipe is just for you. Fried chanterelles in butter with onions are very tasty. But this cooking option is tastier, we will add sour cream and deliciously fry the chanterelles in a pan. By the way, if there is cream at home, you can safely replace sour cream. It will be even tastier!


  • fresh forest chanterelles - 2 kg;
  • sour cream 200 g;
  • bulb onion of medium size;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook fried chanterelles with sour cream and onions in a pan - step by step recipe with photo:

To cook fried forest chanterelles, it is better to use a deep frying pan with a thick bottom or a pressure cooker.

Rinse the chanterelles thoroughly in clean water. Remove small debris and leaves (if you have forest mushrooms).

Cut them up big. If you cut the mushrooms finely, then when roasting, they will still decrease in size. small mushrooms can be left intact.

Boil water and dip the prepared mushrooms into boiling water. Cook for 5-7 minutes. Throw almost ready forest mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain.

Do chanterelles need to be boiled before frying? If you do not know where the mushrooms were collected, then it is better to pre-cook them. Raw chanterelles that grew next to conifers may be slightly bitter after roasting. It is also better to pre-boil purchased frozen chanterelles.

Finely dice the onion and fry it in vegetable oil until softened. Approximately about 1-2 minutes.

In a preheated pan, add boiled mushrooms to the fried onions and fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

When the mushrooms are fried, add sour cream and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for about 10 minutes, do not forget to mix.

Salt to taste, pepper if desired, add your favorite spices.

Serve with boiled new potatoes or mashed potatoes. The sweetish-sour taste of sour cream and tender chanterelles is successfully combined with the taste of potatoes, so it is better to serve it in this way.

Video: How to cook chanterelles with sour cream and onions

Fried chanterelles today are a fairly common dish, as this species mushrooms - one of the most sought after by lovers of this product. This is due to the fact that chanterelles have a low calorie content. Their preparation does not take much time, and the recipes using these mushrooms are very simple. Most popular recipefried potatoes with foxes. In order to properly prepare the product, you need to know how much to fry the chanterelles in a pan, whether it is necessary to boil the chanterelles before frying, and many other nuances.

Chanterelles are one of the best varieties of mushrooms. They are beautiful in appearance, amazingly tasty. They can be found in birch, coniferous, mixed forests. Collect the product from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. In such mushrooms there are no small worms, they are very rarely wormy. They grow up in families.

Chanterelles are prepared easily and simply, as they do not accumulate harmful substances from the environment. In addition, they are tasty, fragrant, they are used to cook various dishes. It can be both soups and appetizers with salads.

You can fry the mushrooms just like that, or with onions, garlic, add potatoes, sour cream.

Many are interested in whether it is necessary to process mushrooms? Before you fry the chanterelles, you need to soak them in water for half an hour. This is necessary so that the sticky needles, the sand that will be on the mushrooms are easier to wash off, and the chanterelles do not get bitter. Then rinse them well under running water. Everything that is poorly washed out needs to be cut off, and the product itself will need to be chopped into cubes. If they are small in size, then you can fry the mushrooms whole.

Chanterelles fried with onions

There are only 20 kilocalories in 100 grams of chanterelles. Even fried mushroom is dietary product, so a losing weight person consumes few calories.

To cook fried chanterelles, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms;
  • butter - 10 tablespoons;
  • medium-sized bulb;
  • small carrots;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

It is important to consider that when they are greatly reduced in volume, therefore it is worth calculating the chanterelles so that they fill the entire pan or more in their raw form.

The product is quite easy to clean. Adhering debris should be removed and rinsed in water. There are 2 ways to prepare mushrooms before frying chanterelles.

Recipe number 1. Soaking mushrooms strongly in water is not worth it, so that they do not absorb it, and then do not dry for a long time before cooking. Spread the washed chanterelles on a paper towel, dry (from 30 minutes to 2 - 3 hours, it all depends on their humidity). When the chanterelles are dry, they should be pleasant to the touch.

Recipe number 2. After cleaning, chanterelle mushrooms should be boiled. How much to cook them so as not to lose structure? Cooking takes 15 minutes.

While drying the mushrooms, you can prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings. So that the rings have strength and do not break during cooking, it is advised to chop them along the fibers. Fry the onion not until fully cooked, so that it does not have bitterness and crunch. On a medium grater, grate the carrot. This is necessary so that after frying it, it is delicate in taste, but not soft.

Throw the cooked product on a sieve to glass the water.

Then you need to cut the chanterelles, dividing each mushroom into parts. Melt the butter, add the product, stirring from time to time. Mushrooms in the process of frying will release liquid. It must be poured into a plate, it will be needed to prepare the sauce.

After you need to add oil again and fry the mushrooms for 15 minutes. When they are completely ready, salt and pepper the product, cover with a lid and remove from the burner so that the chanterelles are infused for 10 minutes. Next, mix with carrots and onions.

Fried chanterelles are served with a side dish, poured over with sauce drained after frying mushrooms.

This recipe is good because the product can be put in the freezer for the winter. IN winter time take out the chanterelles, heat them in oil. The taste of fried chanterelles will remain, and the aroma will remind you of the summer season.

How to cook chanterelles with potatoes. Recipe

To prepare potatoes with mushrooms, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh product - up to a kilogram;
  • potatoes - half a kilo;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • oil for frying;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • greenery.

How to fry chanterelles.

  1. Clean the product by soaking for an hour.
  2. Chop the chanterelles into strips, it is better to have a large size so that they look, as the product greatly decreases in size when fried.
  3. Peel and chop the onion small cube. We fry it until it acquires a golden crust, and then put the mushrooms. Add salt, pepper, stir, reduce heat. When all the juice is gone, cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. After turning off the fire, you can put sour cream to the mushrooms. So the dish will be juicier.
  5. Cooking potatoes. We clean, cut into strips. Then you need to dry it with a paper towel.
  6. Heat up the pan, add the potatoes. You can not interfere with it and salt, cover until cooked, so that the shape is preserved and the potatoes do not turn into gruel.
  7. Mix fried potatoes with mushrooms, add spices to taste.

With the advent of autumn, many, armed with baskets, go to the forest for mushrooms. White, champignons, mushrooms, chanterelles are the most favorite. So let's talk about how to cook chanterelles. They are highly valued for their taste. They are marinated, cooked from them delicious soups, salads, roasts, sauces.

Mushroom preparation

Chanterelles, like other mushrooms, should be cleaned immediately after harvest or purchase. If mushroom hunting was carried out in the rain, the “harvest” should first be dried by laying it on a table covered with a cloth and waiting for it to dry completely.

During growth, mushrooms absorb a lot of water, which is then given away when heat treatment. Therefore, it is better to clean them dry. First of all, the roots are cut, then the ground is carefully scraped off, if any. If the edges of the chanterelle cap are broken, they should be carefully trimmed. Using a dry napkin, folded in a corner, or a brush, they pass over the plates and between them, removing dust and dirt.

If you don’t have time or for cleaning, mushrooms can be put in a paper bag and sent to the refrigerator for 1-2 days, no more - they quickly deteriorate.

How to cook chanterelles: attention to deceit

When processing chanterelles, pay attention to the bottom of the hat. In real plates, they are dense, even and pass into the stem. False chanterelles have no aroma, the plates do not pass into the stem and, moreover, branch. In principle, now scientists have begun to attribute the “trick” to false-poisonous mushrooms and are allowed to be eaten, although they were previously classified as poisonous.

Chanterelle Mushroom Recipes

Most people prefer to eat mushrooms in season rather than stocking up for the winter. gifts of nature are added to soups, pies, salads, fried or stewed. We offer a selection of the most delicious recipes.

Chanterelle salad with chicken fillet

Lettuce has pleasant taste flavor, easy to prepare and perfect for a family dinner.

To cook chanterelles for two servings, you will need 0.2-0.3 kg of the mushrooms themselves. This amount should take 0.1 g chicken fillet(or any other boiled meat), one carrot and one onion each. As seasonings, use 2-3 garlic cloves and 5-6 arrows, salt and pepper to taste, and fresh herbs, pre-chopped. 1 st. l. will be sufficient.

Salad making process:

Video recipe for freezing chanterelles for the winter

How to deliciously cook chanterelles in French

The dish has a tender creamy taste. In addition, it is low-calorie, light and quick to prepare. Such an appetizer can be safely served to guests at the table.

If you already have a dish ready, you can give it a fresh touch: sprinkle with grated cheese and put them in the oven for a few minutes until the cheese is melted and the peeping mushrooms become crispy.

For 4-6 servings, 0.5 kg of chanterelles will be required. The rest of the ingredients for this amount should be taken: 50 g of cheese and sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. thickener, which is flour, and spices.

Getting ready to cook:

When serving, you can decorate the dish with grated cheese.

Chicken soup with chanterelles

But how to cook soup from chanterelles? We offer an option chicken base with fillet pieces. Very tasty and original dish. It is savory, rich. Something in between the first and second course. And most importantly, you can vary the thickness of the soup yourself.

To prepare a delicacy, 0.2 g of chanterelles is enough. The soup is designed for 3-4 servings. Additional products will require 2 chicken breasts and 0.2 kg of any vermicelli. Spices and chopped herbs are used to emphasize the taste.

Vermicelli can be replaced with spaghetti or other pasta.

Cooking soup:

We fry chanterelles - video

Now you know how to cook chanterelles. By adopting the proposed recipes, you can not only cook delicious dishes, but also give yourself the opportunity to experiment. It is in experiments that new combinations of tastes are born.

Video recipe for harvesting chanterelles for the winter