How to properly prepare cheese sauce for pizza. Recipes and basics for making pizza sauces at home.

Pizza is a favorite food huge amount people who are increasingly trying to cook it at home. Preparing the filling is not difficult, because you cut meat products and vegetables, as well as grating cheese, even an ignorant cook can do it. But problems may arise with the sauce, because the taste directly depends on this integral ingredient ready-made dish. Today, pizzerias and restaurants prepare a variety of sauces that give pizza a special, extravagant taste. Special sauces are rarely prepared at home; they are often replaced with store-bought products such as ketchup and mayonnaise. This pizza turns out good, but classic taste it won't be possible to achieve. There are many suitable recipes, which do not take very long to prepare and provide a beneficial variety of pizza toppings.

Traditionally, pizza is served with tomato sauce, but now, in times of experimentation, people often deviate from the rules and make exceptions. This is how a creamy pizza sauce appeared, which goes well with fish, seafood, and chicken fillings. Perhaps today this sauce is at the peak of popularity, because quick cooking, soft consistency and light taste do their job. The taste of the delicate creamy sauce can be easily varied and modified by adding various components to it. We offer you the most best recipes, which will help you prepare real pizza.

Creamy garlic sauce

This sauce goes with vegetarian pizza and with seafood, but it is better not to use it with smoked meats. Pizza with creamy garlic sauce It has a very pleasant aroma, it turns out surprisingly tender, the amount of garlic can be varied to your taste.

Required Products:

  • cream – 1 glass
  • garlic – 2-4 cloves
  • flour – 100 g
  • butter – 80 g
  • salt and pepper - 3 g each
  • nutmeg – 0.5 tsp

Fry whole garlic cloves in melted butter, then, removing it, add flour, mix very thoroughly and pour in cream. Bring the sauce to a boil over low heat, add salt, pepper and nutmeg, which is just perfect for creamy sauces.

Delicate creamy cheese sauce

With this delicious Italian sauce, you'll be able to discover a whole new side of pizza.


To make this delicious sauce, you first need to finely chop the garlic cloves. Then heat the butter and add garlic to it, fry for 2 minutes. We also add here cream cheese and cream, as a final touch, add grated Parmesan to the sauce, season with paprika and, stirring, cook the sauce until thick.

English cream sauce for pizza

This sauce gives light pizza pleasant sourness, goes well with cheese, fish and spicy-salty filling.


  • onion – 1 pc.
  • kefir – 300 ml
  • cream – 0.5 cups
  • butter – 60 g
  • salt, pepper mixture, dried dill– 3-4 g each
  • white bread – 75 g

Finely crumble the bread into kefir, place the mixture on slow fire, add oil and a whole onion, previously lightly cut. Salt and pepper the sauce, add dried dill, cook for 10 minutes, then remove the onion and beat the remaining mixture, slowly pouring in the cream.

Cream sauce for pizza is the key to a successful dish. If you want to get a restaurant masterpiece at home, then you need to use the proposed recipes, which are united by ease of preparation and a pleasant, delicate taste.

04 June 2016 1631

Undoubtedly, pizza is one of the most favorite foods of the majority of the population. And preparing such a delicacy will not be difficult, because the whole process will require very little time and does not require complex manipulations.

There are no restrictions when choosing the filling. Even everyone’s favorite meat filling can be made varied. After all, no one will forbid replacing the most ordinary and familiar sausage with minced meat or any type of meat, lightly fried or boiled.

Of course, there are also vegetarians among pizza lovers. Of course, they shouldn’t be upset, because in their case vegetables will play the role of filling. Zucchini will cope with this task perfectly, bell pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms and even eggplant. And special gourmets even prefer to combine these two types of filling together.

Vegetable additives in the form of canned corn, tomato slices, olives, pickles, and even pickled pineapples will complement, lighten and emphasize the aromatic meat taste.

In general, it all depends on taste preferences. However, there is one important and mandatory ingredient. Of course it is hard cheese. And the more of it in the pizza, the better. Therefore, save on this fermented milk product is strictly prohibited.

Cheese should be tasty and of high quality. However, the excellent taste of pizza in almost all cases depends on the sauce with which the rolled dough is lubricated.

The methods of their preparation will be discussed further.

A few simple recipes for delicious red pizza sauces

Classic tomato

To prepare it you will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • 200 g onions (about 2 medium-sized heads);
  • Garlic – 6-8 cloves;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 1 large sweet pepper;
  • Sweet paprika – 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Dried rosemary, basil, savory and oregano - ¼ tbsp each. everyone;
  • Olive oil – 40-50 ml;
  • Salt – 1 tsp. no slide.

Cooking time: half an hour.

Calorie content: 100 g - 70 kcal.

Step by step recipe:

The easiest red sauce recipe


  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • Dried basil and oregano - half a tablespoon each. everyone;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 10-12 min.

Calorie content: 100 g – 25 kcal.

First, the tomatoes need to be peeled; this is not difficult to do if you first pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Then the fruits can be chopped a little and placed in a blender bowl. You need to do the same with garlic, only before doing this you should, of course, peel and wash it.

Next are all the spices and seasonings. There's just a little bit left to do. Now this whole mixture needs to be thoroughly crushed with a blender until smooth.

If there is no such electric assistant, then there is no need to be upset. In this case, the tomatoes must be diligently crushed with a fork, and the garlic must be passed through a garlic press or grated. And mix all this in one bowl, not forgetting to add oregano, salt, basil and pepper.

Gourmet Red Wine Sauce Recipe

What products will you need:

Cooking time: 40-45 min.

Calorie content: 100 g - 60 kcal.

Rinse all vegetables thoroughly under running water, peel and finely chop if necessary.

Place chopped parsley, onion, celery and cloves in a saucepan and pour red wine. Send to the fire and after it starts boiling, simmer for about 20-25 minutes. This time is absolutely enough for the brew to decrease by 2/3 of its original volume.

After the allotted time on the floor ready mixture add red sauce and grated nutmeg. And cooking continues for another 20 minutes, the main thing is to set the fire to minimum.

After completing the heat treatment, add salt to the sauce if desired and be sure to strain using a sieve.

which you should definitely take note of if you are going on a picnic.

Whole in the oven. Learn how to properly cook poultry so that the meat is not tough and bland.

White pizza sauce: several versions

The simplest option

It requires:

  • Half a liter of broth;
  • 25 g sifted wheat flour;
  • 30 g warm butter.

Cooking time: 40-50 min.

Recipe Plan:

  1. First you need to put a saucepan or deep frying pan on the fire. Add butter and flour there, and add a couple of tablespoons of broth. Fry this entire mixture for 5-7 minutes;
  2. Then pour the remaining broth into the container with the thick mixture being prepared and stir thoroughly, achieving homogeneity;
  3. When the resulting liquid boils, reduce the heat to the minimum allowable and simmer for about 30-40 minutes. Of course, don’t forget to stir periodically;
  4. After cooking is complete, the sauce must be strained using cheesecloth.

Special sauce - mushroom


Cooking time: 25-30 min.

Calorie content: 100 g – 70 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pre-clean, wash and finely chop the mushrooms;
  2. Add oil to a heated saucepan or frying pan, followed by chopped mushrooms. Fry for about 15 minutes and be sure to stir often so as not to burn;
  3. When the champignons have a slightly golden hue, you need to add cream and soy sauce. After this mixture boils, reduce the heat to low and evaporate a little, 15 minutes will be enough;
  4. The sauce should be cooled to room temperature before use.

Bon appetit!

In Italy, when preparing pizza, the sauce is given as much attention as the base. Even a thin, crispy dough won't taste as good if the sauce is poorly made. There are several options for sauces for making pizza, so everyone can choose the recipe they like best.

Classic Italian pizza sauce

The best pizza sauce will definitely be Italian, prepared according to a traditional Neapolitan recipe.

To make it, you will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1/2 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • oregano;
  • oregano;
  • basil (3 leaves);
  • salt.

How to make pizza sauce:

  1. Blanch ripe tomatoes and then remove the skins. Puree with an immersion blender.
  2. Add spices to the tomatoes, finely chop the onion and garlic.
  3. Simmer over low heat until the sauce thickens. This will take from 15 minutes to an hour.
  4. Unused italian sauce Can be frozen and stored in this state for up to 4 months.

Tomato sauce, like in a pizzeria

Not many people manage to bake the same delicious pizza at home as in a pizzeria. And it's not just about the dough. You can learn how to make real tomato sauce for pizza from the recipe presented.

To begin, prepare all the necessary ingredients:

  • 1 can of tomatoes own juice(400 ml);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • 55 ml olive oil;
  • black pepper;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground oregano.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Drain all the liquid from the can of tomatoes. Grind with a blender.
  2. Combine tomato puree and spices in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Cook the sauce for about half an hour until thick.
  3. Add salt and pepper. Remove from heat, let cool. Store unused sauce frozen for 2 months.

Simple tomato and tomato paste sauce

To make tomato paste sauce, you will need the most simple ingredients, which are in every home, and it turns out no worse than traditional Italian. For the sauce you need to take: 200 ml of tomato paste, 90 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon dried garlic and basil, salt to taste, ground black pepper.

Boil 250 ml of water in a small, thick-bottomed saucepan. Then sugar, spices and herbs are added to it, which are cooked for 5 minutes. Place in a saucepan tomato paste, add salt, stir, and cook over low heat for 7 minutes. Now the sauce needs to be poured into a sterile jar and stored in the refrigerator. It is perfect not only for pizza, but also for spaghetti.

White sauce

White sauce for pizza is prepared on the basis meat broth(800 ml) with the addition of butter (50 grams) and flour (30 g).

Flour, butter and a little broth are sautéed in a heated frying pan. It is important to keep stirring the sauce so that lumps do not form. Gradually pour in all the broth. Cook for 50 minutes, stirring with a wooden or silicone spatula. While still hot, you need to strain the sauce.

Garlic Sause

For this sauce you need to prepare garlic (3 cloves), olive oil (80 ml), Apple vinegar(1/2 teaspoon), yolk 1 raw egg, red and black pepper, salt.

The pizza sauce for this recipe is not boiled, but the ingredients are mashed until the consistency of cream is achieved. First, you need to crush the garlic in a mortar, then add spices, yolk and, rubbing thoroughly, gradually pour in olive oil. When the desired creamy structure is achieved, the sauce can be considered ready. This sauce is perfect for pizza with tomato-based filling.

How to make pizza sauce with mayonnaise and mustard

You can prepare this sauce in 2 minutes. It is best used for pizza with juicy filling. To prepare the sauce, it will be enough to combine together 150 ml of mayonnaise, 15 ml of vinegar, 10 ml of mustard and beat a little. The amount of mustard in it can be changed to your taste, and for piquancy it is better to add finely chopped pickled cucumber.

Original nut-sour cream sauce

The interesting taste of the sauce comes from nuts and sour cream. To prepare it, half a glass walnuts You need to grind it in a blender, combine it with sour cream (200 ml) and mix the mass well. In 200 ml warm water dilute 15 g of flour and pour into the sauce. Whisk the flour thoroughly to avoid lumps in the sauce. Simmer over low heat for a few minutes until thickened.

Caesar sauce for pizza

This sauce is specially made for Caesar pizza. But it turns out so tasty that it is perfect as a dressing for any other dish.

For the sauce you will need:

  • homemade mayonnaise (3 tablespoons);
  • milk (60 ml);
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • greens (bunch);
  • canned anchovy (1 tbsp);
  • Dijon mustard (1 tbsp).

Whip all ingredients for the sauce in a blender. If the sauce seems thick, you can add a little more milk.

Cheese sauce

Cheese is an essential ingredient in any pizza. And if you also include this product in the sauce, then there is no doubt that such a pizza will create a sensation at any feast.

To prepare it, you need to take:

  • cheese (200 g);
  • milk (0.5 l);
  • 3 eggs;
  • butter - 55 g;
  • flour - 55 g;
  • salt.

Fry the flour in a frying pan, add butter, milk, salt. Boil for 1 minute after boiling, remove from heat and strain through a sieve. Grate the cheese finely, beat the eggs with a mixer. Combine the ingredients with the sauce and bring to the desired consistency over low heat.

Creamy pizza sauce

Creamy pizza sauce is prepared similarly to béchamel sauce. It is suitable for pizza with any topping. To prepare it, saute 30 grams of flour and butter in a saucepan, carefully pour in the cream, carefully break up the lumps and heat over low heat for 4 minutes. The best creamy sauce is ready!

For all its simplicity, pizza surprises us with its incredible variety. The composition of the dough used for the base almost never changes, but the same cannot be said about sauces. However, it was the sauces that helped Italian cuisine, which is characterized by simplicity, conquer the whole world.

Let's figure out what you need to make a flavorful cheese pizza with... delicious sauce. The basis for the cheese sauce is the same set of products as for the famous Bechamel. These are flour, milk and butter. And adding various varieties cheese, or other ingredients, you can constantly change the taste of the sauce. Varieties of blue cheese add special piquancy and pungency.

At all, cheese sauce for pizza is prepared from hard or processed cheeses, add garlic, mayonnaise, mustard, and spices for taste. Flour is most often used as a thickener. But if the consistency turns out to be very thick, then you need to dilute it with a small amount of broth or milk. This sauce can also be served with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, and pasta.

To prepare the sauce, flour must first be fried in a dry frying pan until it becomes creamy. Then its taste improves a little, and this way we can avoid the appearance of lumps in the sauce. Cheese should always be finely grated or chopped with a knife before use.

Garlic Pizza Cheese Sauce Recipe

If you can describe this sauce with two owls, then you can say - simple and tasty. Cheese is suitable for cooking durum varieties. The main thing is that he is good quality, then it will not melt or curl. If you don't like the smell of garlic, just don't use it in this recipe.

What do you need:

  • 100 gr. cheese
  • a couple of garlic cloves
  • 100 ml. cream (25-30%)
  • pepper, salt

Grate cheese with garlic. Pour in the cream and place on the stove. Cook in a water bath, stirring constantly.
Add salt and pepper. To thicken, if necessary, you can add a spoonful of toasted flour. The pizza cheese sauce is ready. This recipe can be slightly supplemented and changed depending on the desired result.

To prepare cheese pizza with a delicious sauce, let's use another recipe.

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 cups milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 packs processed cheese, salt, pepper and ground nutmeg to taste.

We dilute the toasted flour with milk, pour it in gradually so that no lumps form. Add chopped or grated cheese, mix everything, cook over low heat until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Then season with pepper, salt and nutmeg. To tasty pizza with cheese sauce is well browned, you need to add a little grated hard cheese to the sauce.

Servings: 10

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

As you know, the basis of the taste of pizza is the sauce. The taste of the dish as a whole depends on how skillfully the dressing is prepared. In Italy, even many recipes are still kept strictly secret. But several we already know after all.


    200 ml. 20% cream

    salt pepper

    Art. spoon of flour

    Art. spoon of butter

Method for making creamy pizza sauce

  • Step 1

  • Pour the flour into a dry frying pan and fry it. As soon as it acquires a golden hue, add oil and mix. Fry a little and add cream. Boil the mixture for 2 minutes. During the process, you need to constantly stir the sauce to avoid lumps. That's all - the creamy pizza sauce is ready.

Traditionally, pizza is prepared with tomato sauce and herbs. But we suggest you learn how to prepare pizza with creamy sauce, the recipe for which we will also provide you with. This dish is distinguished by its tender, exquisite taste. It combines mushrooms and creamy pizza sauce especially harmoniously. The recipe for this dressing is very simple. And the taste is much more refined in comparison with our traditional combination of “mayonnaise + tomato juice”.

Creamy pizza sauce is considered the easiest to prepare. The basis of this sauce is cream, which gives it a delicate consistency and a soft, refined taste. Can be added to the composition different ingredients, thereby changing the taste of the dish in which the sauce will be used. For example, you can make a creamy sauce with garlic, cheese, hot spices, and herbs.

Classic Creamy Pizza Sauce Recipe

Let's start with the classics. If you learn how to cook according to this recipe, then you can take it as a basis and add various components.

Pizza recipe with creamy sauce

To make pizza with creamy sauce delicious, you need to take the following correct products.


1. Marinate the chicken in a mixture of garlic, pepper and salt. Then it needs to be fried small quantity butter and cut into small pieces.

2. Prepare creamy pizza sauce according to the above recipe. Add chopped garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and Parmesan to it.

3. Cutting out the dough the desired shape. Place it on a heated baking sheet. Pour in the sauce, place spinach, chicken, tomatoes and mozzarella on top.

4. At the end the edges of the dough should be brushed with olive oil. Season to taste with pepper and salt. Place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes and bake until nicely crusted and golden brown.

Pizza with creamy sauce is a divine dish!

Be sure to use your favorite herbs and spices in cooking. This will give the dish a unique aroma.