Proven recipes to help you properly freeze nettles for the winter. May nettle

There are many on earth medicinal plants, among which nettle occupies a leading position. After all, it is a truly unique plant that people use in many areas of their lives.

Our ancestors made bast fibers from nettles, from which ropes, threads, fishermen's nets and fairly durable fabrics were subsequently made. Europeans in the 19th century sifted flour through a nettle sieve and strained honey.

In the past, nettle was widely used to perform various magical rituals. There was an opinion that it was this herb that evil spirits and evil spirits were afraid of.

During the hungry years of the war and after it, the main food of barefoot children, along with sorrel, quinoa, and nettle. They ate it from early spring until late autumn, and their mothers also prepared them from this miraculous plant variety of dishes: liquid flatbreads, salads, and cabbage soup.

Today, of course, life is more satisfying and therefore nettle, as food, has faded into the background and absolutely in vain. After all, it contains quite a lot of vitamins and various microelements. Nettle can replenish daily norm the body in vitamins.

The most real culinary masterpieces housewives of Transcaucasia cook from nettles, creating a variety of National dishes. You can get this plant for food all year round by storing it for the winter. There are several ways to prepare nettles for the winter: drying, freezing and canning. Each method has its own positive aspects.

Nettle for the winter: homemade preparations

Drying nettles for the winter

When to collect nettles for drying? Young shoots that are harvested in early May, the first two weeks, are suitable for this preparation. Young nettle leaves are quite convenient to process, as they practically do not burn.

And so we cut off the young shoots of nettles, as far as possible from production areas and highways. Rinse thoroughly by folding the colander and under running water. Let the water drain, then lay it out on a tray, which we cover with gauze or cotton cloth to absorb all the moisture.

Then lay out the nettles for drying in a thin layer on a paper napkin. Choose a place that is dark and very well ventilated. It is worth noting that it is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the plant.

Nettles can also be hung to dry for the winter. To do this, we tie it in small bundles and hang it in a suspended state. Store dried nettles in paper or fabric bags in places where there is no access to extraneous moisture and odor.

Freezing nettles for the winter

Nettles are collected in the same way as for drying. Then it is thoroughly washed, drained and finely chopped. The crushed nettles are laid out on a tray in a thin layer, covered cling film and sent to freezer.

After a few hours, the frozen nettles are scattered into containers (bags) and placed in the freezer for further storage. Nettles can be used for cooking without defrosting.

Canning nettles for the winter

This plant can be preserved either alone or in combination with spinach or.

Natural canned nettle

Fresh young leaves of the plant, as well as stems that have not yet become rough, are washed in cold water and then soak for one to two hours. After time, the nettle is pulled out of the water, allowed to drain and cut into pieces up to ten centimeters in size. Then pour three parts of nettle with one part of hot water and boil for five minutes. While still hot, place in jars, cover with lids and set to sterilize. We sterilize a one-liter jar for 35 minutes, and a half-liter jar for 35 minutes.

Salted nettle

To salt this plant you will need:

One kilogram of young nettle leaves;

One hundred grams of salt.

Young leaves are thoroughly washed and the water is allowed to drain. Then they are crushed, kitchen salt is added and ground. Next, they are placed tightly in clean and dry jars. Cover with plastic lids or tie with parchment.

Nettle juice for the winter

One kilogram of young and pre-prepared nettle leaves is passed through a meat grinder, combined with half a liter of cold boiled water, and stirred thoroughly. Then we squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, pass the juice through the meat grinder again, add half a liter of water and squeeze the juice through the cheesecloth.

Pour the juice into prepared glass containers and set to pasteurize at a temperature of 65-70 degrees for fifteen minutes. Cover the boiled juice with plastic lids and store

Finally, it would be useful to remind you that nettles can seriously burn you, so it is recommended to use gloves when collecting them. It would also be worth noting that it can cause allergies, so before using it it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

It's no secret that nettle is very useful, but recently many people have undeservedly forgotten it. But since ancient times, people have been eating and treating with this plant. Nettle can replenish your body’s daily need for vitamins, so let’s learn how to properly collect and store it for the winter.

The best time to collect this useful herb The month is considered to be May. Nettle is young and tender during this period. For harvesting, cut only top part plants with delicate stems measuring approximately 10-15 centimeters.

If you didn’t have time to stock up on grass in time, then don’t despair, old nettle shoots can be cut off, and after a while fresh young shoots will grow in their place.

How to prepare nettles for freezing

The collected grass must be soaked in a salty solution for 20 - 30 minutes. This will help get rid of small bugs hiding in the greenery from your eyes. To prepare the solution, add to water table salt Calculation: 1 liter of water – 4 tablespoons of salt.

After this procedure, the nettles are rinsed with clean water and dried. To do this, lay the greens on paper or cotton towels and gently blot the top with a cloth. The leaves are periodically tossed with your hands and the damp napkins are replaced with dry ones. If you open the window slightly and create a small draft, the drying will go faster, the main thing is that the greens are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Methods for freezing nettles

How to freeze nettles with whole leaves

The grass is prepared for freezing in the manner described above. Then the dried nettle leaves are placed in plastic bags and packed tightly, trying not to deform the greens.

Freezing nettles in bunches

You can freeze nettles in bunches. Small bunches are formed from washed and well-dried greens, which are then tightly packed in several layers of cling film.

Freezing chopped nettle greens

Before sending the grass to the frost, it can be chopped with a knife or special scissors for greens. To make the workpiece as crumbly as possible, the slices can be pre-frozen on a freezer tray. When poured into one container, the greens can be used by removing them from the bag required amount product.

You can skip the pre-freezing stage if you pack the chopped nettles in portions, for one time of use.

How to freeze blanched nettles

Nettles can be blanched before freezing. To do this, immerse it in boiling water for several minutes, then cool and squeeze.

Blanched nettles can be crushed and packed into containers, as Nikolai Tipatov does in his video - Harvesting nettles, preparing nettles for the winter for nettle soup

And Anita Tsoi will tell you how to freeze blanched nettles packed using a kitchen vacuumizer in her video “Preparing nettles” on her channel “Tsoika’s Recipes”

How to freeze nettle puree

This preparation is convenient to use for sauces and add to pureed soups. Fresh leaves and young stems are crushed in a blender with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of water.

The finished puree is laid out silicone molds or special containers for freezing ice. To make the cubes more regular in shape, you can add more water to the cells. After the puree cubes are frozen, they are removed from the molds and packaged in bags or containers.

How to freeze nettle juice

The technology for preparing this preparation is the same as in the previous recipe, the only thing is that after grinding, 50-100 grams of water are added to the nettle puree, and then everything is thoroughly squeezed out. The pulp and juice are frozen separately from each other in ice cube trays. Ice can be added to soups and broths, and also used for cosmetic purposes.

How to store nettles in the freezer

Frozen nettles are stored in the freezer for 10 to 12 months at an average temperature of -16... -18ºС.

In order not to confuse nettle with preparations from other greens, containers and frozen bags must be signed, indicating the name and degree of grinding of the product, as well as the date of placing in the freezer.

Preparation of nettles on the one hand, an amazing phenomenon. Not everyone has heard of canning this plant. But it’s not just that our grandmothers collected nettles and made preparations from them for the winter. This plant has excellent properties. In order to use them, you need to make preparations from nettles. It is better to make preparations in the summer.

So as not to lose everything beneficial features this plant and, accordingly, you can do without canning. There are two methods for this: drying and freezing. To dry nettles, only young shoots of the plant are needed; they are collected only in early spring. True, if you did not have time to do this, you can trim the old bushes and after a while young shoots will appear there again. Many people do this for the winter. This is an incredibly tasty delicacy.

Preparation of nettles recipe drying is very simple. The collected shoots are washed under cold water and dry on a tray covered with a towel. Move the leaves periodically so they have time to dry better. After this, the slightly dried nettles are transferred to a dark place where the rays of the sun will not penetrate. It is advisable that the room be ventilated. For better drying, you can collect it in bunches and hang it in a dark room, or you can leave it to dry on a tray.

After complete drying, the nettles are transferred to fabric or paper bags. Dried nettle can be used as a seasoning for hot dishes. To do this, it is ground into powder and mixed with two tablespoons of cumin. This seasoning will cope perfectly with vitamin deficiency. It will help to cope with diseases, in particular viral ones.

Harvesting nettles for the winter can also be done by freezing it. This is also an effective way to help preserve its beneficial properties. To begin with, the nettles are thoroughly washed and dried, and then, covered with polyethylene, they are transferred to the freezer. Frozen nettles can be used as a seasoning or added to sauce.

This plant can easily be pickled. To do this, you need only 50 grams of salt and one kilogram of nettles. Young shoots are washed well and finely chopped. Pieces of nettle are placed in jars, covered in layers with salt. The resulting workpiece is stored in the refrigerator, because when room temperature it can quickly deteriorate. Like dried, salted nettle is also used for first courses.

This thorny plant seemed to have no benefit. But in fact, this is our friend. Nettle is used in various dishes and salads. This plant will please the body big amount vitamins Thanks to the blanks you can add cold winter, summer greenery. Nettle dishes turn out very tasty and unusual. No less tasty, in their composition great amount vitamins beneficial for the body, especially in winter.

Nettle contains many trace elements and vitamins. This amazing plant is available from spring to autumn. To use it all year round, you can prepare nettles for the winter.

There are several simple recipes Preparations for the winter of nettles. It can be canned, frozen and dried. It is better to collect young nettles for winter food in the first two weeks of May, always in environmentally friendly places, far from roads and factories.

Frozen nettle

Nettles are kept fresh by quick freezing at low temperatures. The plant can be used for baking and soups.


  1. Rinse the nettles and place in a colander.
  2. When the liquid has drained, finely chop the leaves and place them in a thin layer on a tray.
  3. Cover the tray with nettles with cling film and place in the freezer.
  4. After a few hours, scatter the leaves into containers or bags and store in the freezer.

Nettles frozen for the winter can be eaten and added to dishes without defrosting.

Dried nettle

Nettles can be dried in bunches or each leaf can be dried separately. To harvest nettles for the winter, choose a dark and cool place where the rays of the sun do not reach.


  1. Place the washed nettles in a colander.
  2. Cover the tray with gauze or cotton cloth and lay out the leaves.
  3. When the fabric has absorbed all the moisture and the leaves are dry, spread them in a thin layer on a paper napkin.
  4. Place the workpieces in a dark, well-ventilated place.
  5. When the nettle is dry, store it in cloth or paper bags in a dry, odorless place.

Nettles can be tied into bunches and hung to dry.

Canned nettle

Canned nettle in jars for the winter preserves vitamins. It can be used for salads.

Nettle is probably the most frequent visitor to our gardens and vegetable gardens. Stinging, burning, zhigalka, stinging, nettle, great nettle, stinging nettle, strekava, strekuchka - and whatever they called it at different times! This plant has gracefully shaped foliage, and it seems completely safe in appearance, but the main thing is distinctive feature The problem with nettle is that it can burn your hands. The name “nettle,” which is familiar to us, is translated from Latin as “burning,” and we all understand why. But which of us has at least once Did you get burned by nettles? It has long been known that its burn is not harmful to humans, because nettle sprays us with formic acid - and this acid is not only harmless for us, but on the contrary, it is very useful. If a nettle stings you, consider yourself receiving a dose of treatment or prevention for arthritis, poor circulation, neuritis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism and many other diseases. But be that as it may, we try to avoid the nettle thickets. Or maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at nettles, and harvesting nettles for the winter won’t be at all superfluous?

Possessing wonderful properties, nettle earned respect in Medieval Europe. It was one of the 12 magical plants, that is, it was used in various rituals of white magic. It was even believed that nettle saves those who carry it with them from danger. Our ancestors were also confident that nettle protected the house from evil spirits, so bunches of this plant were hung over doors and windows, nettle rugs were woven, which were certainly laid near the door - no matter who entered the house, he could not cause any harm to the owners.

Nettles have often appeared in fairy tales and legends. You probably already remembered the fairy tale about how a girl was forced to weave shirts from nettles in order to save her brothers from the evil spell. A fairy tale, as they say, is a lie, but there is a hint in it. They actually made fabric from nettles. From Old Russian the word “nettle” is translated as coprina or “silk”. For many years, nettles were cultivated in fields and in greenhouses specifically for the light industry of that time. It was also grown to make sails for ships and fishing nets. In Siberia, nettles were used to make paper. Amazing, isn't it? But the fact remains a fact.

Nettle, moreover, has a unique vitamin composition. It's no joke - its leaves contain four times more ascorbic acid than lemon! In addition, nettle leaves contain carotene, vitamins K and B2 and pantothenic acid. This unique plant can rightfully be called a storehouse of health. The healing and beneficial properties of nettle have long been used in folk medicine, both in cosmetology and in cooking. With such a wide range positive influence on human health, it was simply impossible to ignore this wonderful plant and not add it to your daily diet. Young nettle leaves are used to prepare soups, salads and main courses. This is especially true in spring and autumn during the period of risk of vitamin deficiency, when our body so needs support. Where do we rush first when spring comes? Of course, go to the pharmacy to buy mineral and vitamin complexes, which often benefit only the pharmacies and manufacturers themselves. Meanwhile, it’s time to turn to nettles - a wonderful source of vitamins and microelements, because they are much more nutritious than any other greens. Fortunately, many have already appreciated the taste and benefits of nettle.

For example, residents of an ancient Russian town with the telling name Krapivna (near Tula) have been organizing a Nettle Festival in late May - early June for several years in a row, where guests can taste traditional Russian pies with nettles and look at clothes made from nettle fiber. And in the small British town of Marshwood, the World Nettle Eating Championship has been taking place since 1986. Every year hundreds of thrill-seekers from all over the world come here.

In summer, there is an abundance of nettles in vegetable gardens, but what to do in winter, how to take advantage of the miraculous properties of this plant in the cold season? Of course, prepare nettles for the winter in order to get some benefits and diversify your menu. Nettles can be harvested from May to August. So let's talk about this.

So, without canning, and therefore without loss useful vitamins, harvesting nettles for the winter is possible in two ways: drying and freezing.

For the first method you will need: young nettle shoots, which you can collect in the spring. If you are late in collecting nettles, do not despair, you can cut off the old shoots of the plant and after a while fresh young shoots will appear in their place. Or go for nettles in the forest, where there is always a chance to find young shoots of this plant, and do not forget to take gloves with you for collecting nettles.

To properly prepare nettles using the first method, you first need to prepare them for drying.

Drying nettles

Rinse cut young nettle stems thoroughly under cold water. Do not use hot water under any circumstances - the leaves will immediately soften and wither. Then dry the washed shoots thoroughly. To do this, shake them off the water and place them on a table or, for example, on a tray, after placing paper towels or a piece of gauze on them, which will absorb excess moisture. Nettles laid out to dry should be stirred as often as possible. If the paper towels on which the nettles are placed have become saturated with moisture, they must be replaced with dry ones. Now let's proceed directly to the drying process itself. Spread the dried nettles in a thin layer (no more than five centimeters) on paper towels or plain white paper and Place in a dark, ventilated place where direct sunlight will not penetrate. You can also dry nettles by collecting them in small bunches and hanging them in a well-ventilated area. It's your choice. Once the nettles have dried, store them in paper or fabric bags. In city apartments, you can dry nettles using a dehydrator or, more simply, an electric dryer with a fan. The advantages of this method are its simplicity and the absence of the need to constantly monitor the condition of the raw materials - most modern dryers are equipped with thermostats and timers.

By the way, some of the dried nettle can be ground into powder, add 2 tbsp. spoons of cumin and it will turn out great dry soup dressing from nettle, which can be used as a seasoning for hot dishes, adding 5-10 minutes before cooking. Nettle “seasoning” will improve the taste of dishes and help the body cope with vitamin deficiency. By the way, thanks to the content of phytoncides in nettle, dishes with it are stored much longer.

Harvesting nettles for the winter using the second method - freezing nettles. For this you will need: nettles, plastic wrap, a tray or large cutting board and plastic bags.

Let's start freezing. First, rinse the nettles thoroughly. Then dry it by spreading it on a cotton cloth or gauze. Next, for convenience, you can chop the nettles if you use them for fillings or sauces, or leave them in the form of whole leaves. Before portioning the nettles into bags, place them on a large cutting board or tray and cover plastic film and place in the freezer. And after it is completely frozen, put it in bags, without compacting it, let there be a little free space. Frozen nettle is an excellent addition to cabbage soup. Try it, amazingly delicious!

Nettles can also be pickled, fermented and even pickled.

Salted nettle

1 kg nettles,
50 g salt.

Wash and chop young nettle leaves and shoots. Place in jars, sprinkling with salt. It is advisable to store the jars in the refrigerator, since salted nettles quickly deteriorate in a warm place. Salted nettle is most often used to prepare first courses.

Pickled nettle

1 kg nettles,
2-3 carrots,
2-3 apples,
cranberry, cumin,
20 g salt.

Wash the young shoots and nettle leaves thoroughly. Then put it in some container (for example, a small bowl) and mix with salt. Place the nettles in a jar, layering grated carrots, apples, cranberries, caraway seeds. Be sure to put pressure on top, otherwise the nettle will become moldy.

What do you think of pickled nettle? The main thing is that with such processing, nettle retains its color and looks very appetizing.

Pickled nettle

1 kg nettles,
salt, sugar, vinegar to taste.

For pickled nettles, collect the top part of young shoots 6-8 cm long, no more. Rinse them thoroughly in hot water(in this case, the nettles are washed precisely hot water). Pack the shoots tightly into a sterilized jar, cover with boiling water and let stand for 5-8 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar, salt and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour it over the nettles. Cover the jar with a lid and place in a pan of hot water. Don't forget to put a small amount under the jar kitchen towel, otherwise the can may crack. From the moment the water boils, sterilize the half-liter jar for 5 minutes. Pickled cabbage is ready. Seal the jar tin lid and after it has cooled completely, put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Harvesting nettles for the winter will provide you and your family with important vitamins throughout the winter.

Nettle with spinach

1 kg nettles,
2 kg spinach,
1 liter of water.

Collect fresh, young, dark green leaves and rough stems (before flower stems form) of stinging nettle, and remove damaged, dried leaves. Rinse in cold water, soak particularly dirty ones for 1-2 hours, cut into 8-10 cm pieces and place in a pan. Pour hot water and boil for 4-5 minutes. Place the hot mixture in jars, cover with lids and sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 25 minutes, 1 liter - 35 minutes.

Nettle with sorrel

1 kg nettles,
2 kg sorrel,
1 liter of water.

The method for preparing nettles with sorrel is the same as for nettles with spinach. Only instead of spinach they use sorrel. You can take sorrel in the same quantity as nettles, rely on your own preferences.

You can also preserve it for the winter as a wonderful dressing for nettle soup.

Winter seasoning for soup with nettles


700 g nettles,
300 g sorrel,
100 g green onions,
1 teaspoon salt.

To prepare a dressing for soup with nettles, rinse the greens thoroughly with cold water, chop finely, place in enamel dishes, add salt and 1 glass of water. Bring the greens to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. After time, pour into sterile jars and seal with sterilized lids.

How nice it will be to add a little summer green to your favorite soup in winter!

It turns out that, despite its “prickly” character, nettle is a true, faithful green friend of man. Many tasty and delicious dishes are prepared from nettles. healthy dishes, add to various salads as a vitamin spring green, in casseroles and omelettes, amazingly tasty cabbage soup is cooked, and used as a seasoning. With our preparations for the winter, you can prepare dishes from nettles not only in summer, but also in winter. This is what a tasty and healthy weed grows in our beds. So let us skillfully and gratefully use what nature gives us.

Bon appetit and a bright, healthy and green summer, like young nettle leaves!

Larisa Shuftaykina