At what temperature does ethyl alcohol boil? Correct temperature conditions when distilling mash into moonshine

Under normal atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of alcohol is 78.3 °C (for ethanol). It should be borne in mind that this temperature always remains unchanged, even when the heat supply is continuous. This feature of the process is explained by the fact that the transformation of a liquid substance into vapor also occurs upon reaching a certain temperature value fixed for a given substance - the heat of evaporation.

As the molecular weight increases, the boiling point of the alcohol increases, and the proportion is the opposite for alcohols that are close in the series, starting from ethyl. Numerically, its value is much higher than that of ethers or hydrocarbons, which have the same molecular weight. Accordingly, this pattern also applies to derivatives of these substances. This property is explained by the presence of molecular association in alcohols due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in the composition.

The boiling point of alcohol is largely determined by its chemical structure. There is such a universal pattern here: the more the composition of the alcohol differs from the classical structure, the lower its boiling point.

When comparing boiling points various alcohols with the boiling points of their derivatives, a unique pattern is revealed - alcohols have almost anomalous values, very

More natural is the dependence of the boiling point on the molecular weight of a particular alcohol. For example, the boiling point is 78.15 °C with a molecular weight of 46.069 a. e.m. At the same time, similar indicators for methyl are 64.7 °C and 32.04 a.m., respectively. e.m. The same pattern is characteristic of all alcohols.

Hydrolysis of alcohol, as a rule, occurs when it reaches this stage; this is a rather long process, lasting about ten hours.

Such a parameter as the combustion temperature of alcohol largely determines the breadth of use of these compounds in industry and everyday life. However, one aspect to consider here is the type of combustion. classified into four groups. The first type includes all combustion processes that occur due to incoming oxygen contained in the surrounding air. This includes the combustion reactions of oil and alcohol. This process is expressed by the following formula: C2H5OH + 3O2 + 11.3 N2 = 2CO2 + 3H2O + 11.3N2.

When examining this formula, it should be borne in mind that it does not reflect in the full sense all chemical transformations that occur with substances taking part in the combustion reaction. The formula is compiled from the consideration that air consists only of oxygen and nitrogen, the presence of inert gases in it is assumed to be zero.

The parameter we are considering - the boiling point of alcohol - determines its diverse use. This use is best known to us as the use of alcohols as combustible materials and constituent substances. various types motor fuel. For these purposes, as a rule, methanol, ethanol and butanol are used, which are produced throughout the world in industrial quantities. Such production volumes are due to their commercial availability and high market conditions; moreover, these productions are in some cases used as criteria for indicators of the technological level of the state. Separate technological areas include the production of biodiesel, solvents, paints and many other products, which are simply impossible to list in one short article.

The boiling point of alcohol in mash varies, but do not think that maintaining an optimal regime is of no importance. Maintaining temperature conditions is considered one of the important components of the production process. high-quality moonshine.

In the process of maturing mash, temperature plays almost the main role; this rule also applies to distillation. When mash ferments, it generates heat, and maintaining a particular temperature level will have a direct impact on the fermentation process itself and on the quality of the raw materials.

Boiling point of alcohol in mash

During the distillation process, degrees are also measured not for the sake of interest - they help in cutting off the “tails” and “heads”.

The fermentation temperature of mash for moonshine depends on several factors; the optimal figure is considered to be 25–28 degrees. But do not forget that yeast in the process of vital activity, that is, when absorbing sugar and converting it into alcohol, produces heat.

Braga for moonshine is prepared based on several rules. But even high-quality mash will not turn into moonshine, which will have high characteristics, if the temperature regime is not observed.

So, tips for maintaining temperature, or rules for making quality wort:

  • The “correct” brew ferments at a temperature of 25–26 degrees. If the temperature rises to 30 degrees, then there is nothing to worry about.
  • Lowering the temperature to 17–18 degrees can cause the yeast to “fall asleep.” The fermentation process will stop, but it can be resumed.
  • When the temperature rises, the microorganisms stop working, they simply die, and the fermentation process cannot be resumed. The mash will have to be poured out and a new one put in.

To monitor the temperature, distillers equip the mash container with thermometers and monitor the regime. However, you should pay attention not only to the temperature in the room, but also to the time of year.

Moonshiners advise:

  1. If it’s cool outside and indoors too, then it’s best to add a little more yeast to the mash - this will help speed up the fermentation process. But in return, the drink will have a characteristic aroma, which can be considered the hallmark of moonshine.
  2. When the room temperature is stable, warm and there are no drafts, you can slightly change the proportions and add a little less yeast. This will not significantly affect the fermentation process, but will improve the quality of the product.
  3. Moonshine can be affected by using an aquarium heater, but do not overheat the brew, as this will not lead to anything good. When the temperature rises to 40 degrees, microorganisms die; this process is irreversible. If the fungi are simply “hibernating,” then raising the temperature will help revive them.

Temperature table

Temperature table that will help in the process of preparing mash.

Problems begin when the temperature in the container rises above 30 degrees. For this reason, you should carefully monitor the regime and, if necessary, lower or increase the degrees. This will ultimately help you obtain a high-quality product that, when properly distilled, will turn into a pleasant, smooth alcohol.

Distillation of mash: process and maintenance

The distillation temperature of the mash is of direct importance. The indicator is monitored using a regular thermometer. The distiller is equipped with various devices; the temperature in the cube is monitored by taking readings from the distillation cube. Degrees help to conduct fractional distillation and complete the selection of one or another faction in time.

The evaporation process is divided into several stages. Water evaporates at one temperature, alcohol at another, and fusel oils begin to boil at a third temperature.

To obtain a high-quality product, separate alcohol from fusel milk and get good moonshine, monitoring the indicators will help.

The process can be divided into several stages:

  1. First stage: keep the indicator at 63–68 degrees.
  2. We increase the degree to 78.
  3. 85 degrees - we begin selecting the “tail” part.

If the distiller and the mash, which is poured into the distillation cube, are heated to 65–67 degrees, then evaporation will begin fusel oils and alcohol. The first drops of the treasured fiery water will appear. But drinking it is not recommended. People call this moonshine pervak ​​and consider it high quality and strong. In fact, this mixture can hardly be called moonshine.

The first pack contains great amount impurities ranging from methyl alcohol to acetone. This drink quickly intoxicates, it causes severe poisoning, and hits the kidneys and liver hard. You should not drink pervak; it is collected in a separate container and used only for technical needs.

Among distillers, pervak ​​is called “heads”; they are cut off and not used; they cannot be consumed. Of the total volume as a percentage, the amount of pervak ​​is about 8–10%.

When the indicator rises to 63 degrees, heating occurs at maximum temperature, then the degree is reduced, at which time the temperature should be about 64–68 degrees. If the indicator is not reduced, then problems will arise: the mash will end up in the refrigerator and other parts of the distiller, and the moonshine will eventually acquire the characteristic smell of fusel and a cloudy color. Even if a distiller with a steamer is used, this will not help save the alcohol from deteriorating taste and smell.

Will help correct the situation re-distillation: it will significantly improve the quality of moonshine and affect its taste and aroma.

Then we proceed to a new stage - collecting the main moonshine. It is advisable to replace the steam seal. You can simply remove it and rinse it in cold water, and then place a container to collect the main product. At the same time, the temperature is maintained at 78 degrees, it is at this moment that the alcohol begins to actively evaporate. In case of condensation (collision cold water and alcohol vapor) the process of distillate separation begins.

When the indicator reaches 78 degrees, the release of the so-called “body” will begin, which can be used for internal use.

Gradually the temperature will increase, and at the same time the product yield will decrease. When the liquid heats up to 85 degrees, fusel oils begin to release. The introduction of fusel milk into the main product changes its quality: the color of the moonshine becomes cloudy, it will have an unpleasant, pungent odor.

However, the distillation process does not end there. We proceed to the third stage, which is called the selection of “tails”.

At temperatures of 85 degrees and above, a certain amount of alcohol remains in the base. But there is so little of it that getting the product in pure or relatively pure form it won't work anymore. For this reason, moonshiners begin to select the last part.

The fraction called “tails” has a low strength and a pungent odor. Such moonshine will be cloudy, which also indicates its dubious quality.

The distiller produces “tails” until the strength in the stream drops to 20 degrees. Then the collection of this fraction is stopped and distillation is completed. At this point, the moonshine process can be considered complete.

There is an alternative to distillation - freezing. The process is labor-intensive, but quite interesting. The thing is that water freezes at one temperature, and alcohol at another. Freezing has little effect, but you can try it just for fun.

Distillation without a thermometer

Often, you simply don’t have the right device at hand. If for one reason or another it is not possible to measure the temperature, then you can use the experience of distillers and stop selecting the main product if certain signs appear.

When to stop selecting the “body”:

  • High-quality moonshine burns well, the flame is even, and it differs in color. When a paper or napkin soaked in alcohol does not burn well or goes out, you should stop collecting moonshine.
  • When the temperature reaches 83 degrees, the distillate yield not only decreases, but drops to zero mark, that is, it stops completely.
  • Many moonshiners know that as soon as the strength in the stream drops below 40 degrees or is approximately in this range, the collection of the main fraction is stopped and the “tails” begin to be selected.
  • You can use another method - just smell the moonshine. Both the “heads” and “tails” have a rather pungent odor, which cannot be said about the main part.

In some cases, the first distillation is carried out without separation into fractions, then the temperature of the mash during distillation does not play a special role. But when reprocessing, you will have to monitor the degrees, otherwise this will affect the quality of moonshine, its taste characteristics, etc.

When producing alcohol at home, it is worth following all the nuances and controlling the process. If you miss something, you can end up with a product that is of low quality. However, almost any mistake can be corrected.

With any rectification, the temperature during moonshine brewing is maintained within certain limits. Likewise, the water for stirring granulated sugar, and especially yeast, must be taken warm. If the yeast is dry, it is necessary to “improve it”. First, stir in water with a temperature no higher than 35 and no lower than 25 degrees, add a little sugar and let stand until foam forms. Then pour into a container. they don't need it. The fermentation process of the mash takes place at room temperature.

About the temperature required for distillation

  • In moonshine brewing, it is very important not to “overdo it” with the temperature during distillation. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, alcohol begins to evaporate intensively a little earlier. If you distill boiling mash, the resulting moonshine will become cloudy.
  • In addition, it will drop sharply. All harmful impurities from the mash will get into it. A thermometer in the lid of the distillation cube will allow you to monitor the process. Optimal temperature distillation 79 – 82 degrees Celsius.
  • But already at 65 degrees of heating, the evaporation of light alcohols and ethers begins. This is the “head” of moonshine or “pervach” - the first liter (if the container with mash is at least 25 - 30 liters). Drinking it is harmful due to the presence of esters in it. And a temperature of 78 degrees “forces” evaporation and ethanol.
  • It is collected in a separate vessel. The heat of the mash is reduced so that it does not boil. Next, bring it over low heat until the temperature rises again to 78. And then continue distillation. The exact boiling point of alcohol (100% ethanol) is 78.39 degrees. 96% rectified boils a little earlier (78.15).

About cooling alcohol vapor

If you don't have a thermometer

If there is no thermometer, then the strength of the moonshine that comes out is determined by setting it on fire. Drop a little onto a wooden surface and light it. A bluish flame (and almost invisible) indicates a high strength of the drink. A weak light of a yellowish color already indicates 38 - 40% alcohol content. After burning out, an iridescent oily film remains in the light - these are fusel oils. The amount of this residue indicates the strength of the drink. It is impossible to completely remove alcohol from the mash. If you need a “tail”, that is, the moonshine is already cloudy, then it is heated above 85 degrees. If this is not necessary, then you can add this residue to the next container with a new portion of mash. The strength in that one will increase slightly. After distillation, approximately a quarter of the total alcohol remains in the mash.

About heaters

Now let's talk about heaters for a distillation cube or other container. Best to use gas stove, the boiling temperature of the mash is easiest to regulate. An electric stove or induction oven does not allow smooth changes in heat. IN as a last resort, a fire will do. The tank with mash is first heated over full heat. If you don’t have a thermometer, then the main thing in this process is not to miss the beginning of the hissing of the mash. Reduce heat sharply, avoiding boiling. Soon the first drops of moonshine will appear at the outlet of the coil. As the container fills, monitor the flow alcoholic drink. If it turns into a series of drops, then the heating is increased slightly. During the rectification process, the smell of alcohol is released. Supported temperature regime in the distillation cube it should be between 76 - 82 degrees. After some time, the alcohol concentration in the mash decreases. The process should last as long as possible. The highest quality moonshine is achieved by distilling the mash at 80 degrees.

About the sump

There are many types of moonshine brewing machines. Some have a sump for fusel oils cut into the hose between the distillation cube and the coil. Their vapors are heavier than alcohol vapors and settle faster. A settling tank in the form of a small vessel is gradually filled with harmful impurities. The higher the temperature of the mash, the faster it fills. But some of the harmful impurities still reach the exit.

Hi all!

Lately I have often been asked the following questions: at what temperature should moonshine be distilled? Or, how to distill moonshine using a thermometer installed in a distillation cube? And the like.

Indeed, such questions arise in most novice distillers. Today I will try to answer these questions and tell you whether a thermometer is generally needed in a moonshine still and what it gives us.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this article is devoted to working on a classic moonshine still, consisting of a tank and a cooler. Or else steamer between the tank and the distiller. The thermometer is installed in the distillation cube.

For more complex equipment, different rules apply. For example, to work on film column I have separate article.

What does a thermometer do in a moonshine still?

Now I will briefly list the advantages of this device, and in the next section I will explain how to implement them in practice.

  1. The ability to accurately determine the start of distillation, therefore saving on water by turning on its supply only when necessary.
  2. Determine the initial strength of the mash.
  3. Determine the current strength of moonshine at the outlet of the refrigerator, therefore eliminating the need to use hydrometers during distillation.
  4. Switch from body selection to tail selection in a timely manner.
  5. Complete the selection of tailings and all distillation in a timely manner.
  6. Calculate the remaining alcohol in the cube.

How to control the distillation process by temperature

As is known, ethyl alcohol boils at a temperature of 78.4 °C (at atmospheric pressure 760 mmHg). But mash or raw alcohol is a water-alcohol solution ( impurities neglected), and therefore the boiling point of this solution is different and depends on the ethanol content in it. Moreover, a certain amount of alcohol in the mash corresponds to a certain amount of alcohol in the vapor entering the cooler.

Below is a table of the dependence of the boiling temperature of mash (or raw mash) on the alcohol content in it.

The tablet is simple, but I will still explain how to use it.

  • When distilling mash
  1. Let's say you poured 10 liters of mash.
  2. The mash boiled and the selection began at 92 degrees, therefore the strength of the liquid is approximately 12%. Just you need to focus not on the very first drops, but when a cheerful trickle begins and the temperature stabilizes. Yesterday my first drops appeared at 88-89 degrees, but the temperature very quickly reached 93 and then began to rise very slowly - by 0.1 degrees. This is the number you need to focus on.
  3. We drive the moonshine to 98-99 °C, depending on your greed and patience. I usually drive it up to 98. I still don’t recommend going up to 100 degrees - the loss of product will be insignificant, but you’ll waste a lot of time and at the same time collect a lot of unnecessary impurities.
  • When distilling raw alcohol
  1. We filled in, say, 20% sorting.
  2. Using the table, we determine that the boiling point of the mixture is 88-89 degrees. Therefore, there is no need to turn on the water before 80 °C and you can save it.
  3. In most methods, and in mine too article about distillation, it is recommended to take up to 40% of the body in the stream (or while it is burning). This corresponds to a temperature of 95-96 °C. Those. With such heating, you can proceed to the selection of tailings. Looking ahead, I want to say that according to my latest data, it is better to move on to the tails at 93-94 °C. Yes, that's how we ship a large number of alcohol into the tails, but from these tails you can then squeeze out a decent amount of moonshine good quality. I will tell you why it is necessary to complete the selection of the body at 93 °C in one of the following articles, when I organize the information received.
  4. We select tails to 98-99 degrees.

To get high-quality moonshine and protect your health as much as possible, you need to know at what temperature to distill the moonshine. With a correct understanding of all the chemical processes that occur during moonshine, you will produce moonshine high level that will meet your expectations.

Pay attention to the description of the temperature stages of the moonshine preparation process. To separate the necessary parts of the drink, you need to maintain correct temperature boiling of all components. This and many other interesting and useful facts we have outlined in this article.

There are many aspects to consider, which we discuss in detail in this article. We advise you to take notes and notes so as not to forget anything and not get confused in the numbers. This helps to remember the instructions and makes it possible to refer to the notes at any time during the process.

Theoretical basis

The possibility of the existence of the moonshine process is determined by the fact that water, alcohol and fusel oils have different boiling points. Water boils at 100 degrees, alcohol at 78.3 degrees, and evaporation of fusel oils begins at 85 degrees. Since in original product If these three components are present, then its boiling point in a moonshine still is in the range from 78 to 95 degrees. The more alcohol in initial product, the boiling point approaches 78 degrees.

To obtain high-quality moonshine, using a moonshine still, during the distillation process, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 78 to 93 degrees. It is in this range that the mash should be distilled.

Temperature conditions for distilling mash in a moonshine still

First stage

Place the mash in alcohol mashine and start heating. After the mash warms up to 68-70 degrees, light harmful fractions begin to evaporate from it: methyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, etc. The beginning of the process is signaled by the smell of alcohol and the appearance of the first drops of moonshine.
This begins to stand out as “pervach”, which is popularly considered the best. But this is not so, this is the most harmful part of the resulting moonshine - the “head”. It should not be drunk, but must be separated from the main part of the resulting alcohol, and used only for technical purposes.

Up to 70 degrees, the mash is heated at maximum heat. But when the temperature approaches 80 degrees, the heating intensity is reduced to prevent the mash from getting into the refrigerator. This can significantly worsen taste qualities moonshine.

Obtaining the “body” of moonshine.

After the “head” is cut off, you should install a container to collect alcohol and raise the temperature in the moonshine still to 85 - 90 degrees.

If the distillation cube is not equipped with a thermometer, the distillation process is stopped when:

  1. Paper soaked in moonshine burns with a characteristic blue color.
  2. The mash has a temperature of 83 degrees and the amount of alcohol produced is reduced to zero.
  3. The strength of the resulting drink will drop below 30 degrees.
  4. End of the process.

After receiving the main “body”, there is still a small amount of alcohol, but when combined with it, harmful substances also enter the product. Alcohol produced at temperatures above 95 degrees is called “tails.” It is collected separately and used to increase the strength of a new batch of mash.

There is another way to divide mash into fractions. It is based on the fact that water freezes at higher temperatures than alcohol. This is a very long method that does not allow you to obtain pure moonshine free of harmful substances.

Therefore, if you like quality strong alcohol, cooked with my own hands, you should use a well-made moonshine still.

Temperature stages of mash distillation

1. Selection of volatile fractions (point 1). When the mash temperature reaches 65-68°C, light harmful fractions begin to evaporate (methyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, ethyl formic ether, methyl acetic ether and others). An alcohol smell and the first drops of condensed liquid appear.

The resulting moonshine is popularly called “pervak” or “pervach” and is considered the best. In fact, this is a poisonous mixture, drinking which is dangerous to health. Due to the high concentration of harmful impurities, pervach quickly intoxicates, but the consequences of consumption can be sad. In classical distillation, this first fraction is called “heads”, which are “cut off” - collected in a separate container, and then used only for technical needs.

Until the temperature reaches 63°C, the mash is heated at maximum heat, then the heating speed is sharply reduced to smoothly reach 65-68°C. If you miss this moment, then hot mash may get into the refrigerator and other parts of the moonshine still. As a result, the drink will acquire a fusel color, and the quality will noticeably deteriorate. The situation is corrected by the second distillation of moonshine after dilution to 20 degrees.

Cause cloudy moonshine– improper distillation of mash

2. Obtaining the main product (point 2).

When the output of “heads” stops, you need to replace the steamer (if any), substitute a container for collecting moonshine and gradually increasing the heater power to bring the mash to the starting temperature of distillation - 78°C. After some time, which depends on the design of the moonshine still, the output of the main product will begin.

Gradually, the temperature of the mash will increase and the output intensity will decrease. The collection of moonshine is stopped when the mixture heats up to 85°C. From this moment, fusel oils begin to evaporate, making the moonshine cloudy and deteriorating the quality.

If there is no thermometer, then the selection of the main product is stopped if:

  • a piece of paper soaked in moonshine stops burning with a blue flame;
  • at 83°C the output drops to zero;
  • The strength of moonshine is less than 40 degrees.

3. Selection of the last fraction (point 3).

A certain concentration of ethyl alcohol is retained in the mash, but it will no longer be possible to obtain alcohol in a more or less pure form. Therefore, at temperatures of 85°C and above, the distillate is collected in a separate container. This is the third cloudy fraction, called “tails,” which can be added to a new batch of mash to increase the strength.

Another method for making moonshine is freezing. At low temperatures water freezes faster than alcohol. The process is labor-intensive and ineffective compared to traditional distillation, but for the sake of interest, I advise you to familiarize yourself with it. More details in the video.

Distillation process and required temperature

In order to obtain crystal clear moonshine without harmful impurities and unpleasant odor, it’s not enough to purchase a high-quality moonshine still. Things like the correct procedure and maintaining optimal temperature are very important here. These are the most important stages of moonshine brewing. You can experiment, but without following the distillation technology, even the best initial wort (mash) will produce bad moonshine.

So, let's consider the procedure that is necessary for high-quality distillation of alcohol.

  1. First of all, to start extracting moonshine, you need to prepare mash. There are countless recipes for making mash. It all depends on the taste you want to get out of it. And the recipe itself depends on what you decide to distill moonshine from.
  2. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to use natural remedies that can ferment on their own - candied jam, honey, apples - then yeast is not needed.
  3. If you decide to go the traditional route using sugar and yeast, then you must carefully observe the required proportions and recipe.

The choice of water is extremely important - it is not recommended to use tap liquid: neither the hydro-alkaline balance, nor its hardness, nor the presence of minerals and chemicals in it are known, which can negatively affect the fermentation process. Do not boil water under any circumstances - you will remove all the oxygen from it, which is so necessary for fermentation.

Advice: buy any clean water, preferably spring or artesian water, as well as water from wells.

Fortunately, there are now a huge number of suppliers and you can always choose a water option for any budget in the nearest store.

The simplest recipe for making mash

We will need:

  1. 1 kg sugar;
  2. 5 liters of water (temperature no more than 40 °C),
  3. pressed yeast 100 g or dry yeast - 20 g.

You can increase the amount of the desired product, the main thing is to maintain the proportions.

Cooking process

First you need to dissolve the sugar in the water: if you don’t do this, it will settle to the bottom, will not dissolve and will not stimulate the fermentation process.

  • In another container, mix water, yeast and 2 tbsp. l. sugar, put in a warm place for 2 hours, stirring the starter periodically.
  • When the yeast comes to life, you should mix all the ingredients in a container in which the entire fermentation process will take place.
  • It is advisable to take glass jar, since glass is the most neutral material in terms of properties.

After combining all the ingredients, you should put a regular medical glove on the jar, after piercing the tips of your fingers with a needle.

Moonshine distillation temperature

You need to choose a suitable warm and dark place. The distillation temperature of moonshine should be in the range between 20–35 °C.

It is important to constantly monitor the fermentation process - if overheated, there is a possibility of the destruction of useful substances.

After 3–10 days, the mash will be ready for further distillation into moonshine. It is very simple to determine the readiness of the mash - by looking at the glove: if it is still inflated, then the fermentation process is underway, if it is deflated, the mash is ready.

After receiving the finished mash, we proceed to its distillation.

The distillation process is based on the difference in boiling points of alcohol, water and fusel oils. The boiling point of water is 100 °C, but alcohol boils at a temperature of 78.3 °C. Accordingly, the boiling point of a mixture of alcohol and water will be the average of this range; it all depends on the ratio of the components. To distill high-quality moonshine, the heating process must take place in stages, and it is important to monitor this.

The first step is to heat the mash to the boiling point of light impurities, namely 65–68 °C. Temperature control should be done using a thermometer, but if this device is not available, you can determine it yourself: a slight smell of alcohol will appear, condensation can be detected on the walls of the refrigerator, and the first drops of moonshine will appear from the exit point. At this stage, the heating process is not limited in any way, since what we received at this moment is the so-called pervach - the most poisonous and unsuitable product for consumption.

But don’t rush to throw it away, since pervach is an excellent alternative to acetone, and it can be used, for example, as a kitchen degreaser.

The transition from the first stage to the second is the most responsible, since after the primary fluid is drained, an intensive release of light impurities begins. From this moment, you need to heat the mixture as smoothly as possible until the second critical moment of 78 ° C, which corresponds to the boiling point of alcohol. It requires skillful balancing of the heating rate within a relatively small temperature range between 78-83°C throughout the distillation time. Otherwise, either the mash will be released or the connecting tubes will become clogged with cake.

Inverse relationship

It is important to understand that as the temperature rises, the amount of alcohol will strictly decrease due to the low boiling point; accordingly, there will be more water, and the entire mixture will begin to boil faster. Then we will come very close to the third stage, which should be avoided altogether - at temperatures above 85 ° C, intensive release of fusel oils begins - extremely undesirable substances in moonshine, worsening its quality in terms of taste and safety for the body.

  1. You can find out that the moonshine is ready using a piece of paper - you need to moisten it and set it on fire. If it burns with a blue flame, continue distilling. If it stops flashing, then you can end the process.
  2. If you did everything correctly - from choosing the initial raw materials to observing the temperature conditions during distillation, then the moonshine is ready.
  3. It’s up to you to decide what to do with the finished moonshine. You can drink it in its pure form - this drink is popularly called “white drink”. You can infuse it in barrels, in which case you will have the opportunity to distill your own cognac, rum and even whiskey.

Or you can begin the rectification process, in which you can obtain pure alcohol. True, this requires more complex and expensive equipment.

Distilling moonshine is a fun and creative activity. But at the same time, it is important to approach its use responsibly. Remember that excessive alcohol consumption leads to sad consequences.

First distillation

Fully ready-made mash pour into the distillation cube. The purpose of the first distillation is to separate the alcohol from other substances. The process takes place over low heat. The entire yield of the drink is divided into fractions, which we will call by common names: “head”, “body” and “tail”. The first 50 grams of the drink for every kilogram of sugar consumed are collected in a separate container and disposed of or used for technical needs. Under no circumstances should they be consumed, as they are hazardous to health.

Next, you select the “body” - the raw alcohol itself - which is necessary to obtain high-quality moonshine from sugar. When the strength of the distillate drops below 40 degrees, the selection should be stopped. To determine the strength, you can use an alcohol meter, or you can use folk method– as long as the alcohol collected in the spoon burns, the selection can continue.

At the end of the first distillation, collect the “tails”, which also contain a fair amount of fusel oils, into a separate container. However, this distillate, unlike the “head”, is not dangerous, and zealous moonshiners, whose production of the drink is on stream, pour it into the next mash - this makes it stronger.


This stage precedes the second distillation, and its purpose is to rid the drink of harmful impurities. To do this, there is purification of moonshine using coal, potassium permanganate and some other methods that we have already written about. Choose the method that seems most effective to you and proceed, but do not forget to dilute the drink with water to a strength of 15-20 degrees.

Second distillation

After purification, pour the raw alcohol into the distillation cube and begin distillation over low heat. As with the previous distillation, select the first 50 grams for each kilogram of sugar separately and do not use it for internal use - by God, health is more valuable. Next, select the distillate until its strength drops below 40 degrees. Actually, this is what it is ready drink, which just needs to be diluted.

The second distillation aims not only to strengthen, but also to additionally remove harmful and smelly impurities.

When to stop distilling mash

There are several ways to determine when the distillation process stops:

  1. 1) The simplest one is to distill the mash until it tastes like alcohol, in order to take all the alcohol from the distillation cube. Thus, we taste it and make a decision.
  2. 2) Wet a paper napkin with the dripping distillate and try to set it on fire: if it ignites quickly, the selection should be continued, if it does not burn, the alcohol has already come out and the process can be stopped.
  3. 3) If you have a thermometer in the distillation cube, then determine the temperature of 96°C, this way we limit the content of fusel impurities in the moonshine. This moment corresponds to the release of moonshine from the cooler with a strength of 40%.

We know that controlling the distillation of moonshine by temperature in the still is based on the fact that each alcohol content in moonshine corresponds to a certain boiling point.

Data taken from the table below.

Monitoring the distillation process using a thermometer

Bottom temperature
liquid (°C)
Alcohol content
cubed (°C)
Alcohol content
in selection (°c)
88 21,9 68,9
89 19,1 66,7
90 16,5 64,1
91 14,3 61,3
92 12,2 57,9
93 10,2 53,6
94 8,5 49,0
95 6,9 43,6
96 5,3 36,8
97 3,9 29,5
98 2,5 20,7
99 1,2 10,8
100 0,0 0,0

Dilution and settling

At this stage, which completes the process, dilute the moonshine to the desired strength. Now everything is definitely ready, but, having gathered your will into a fist, be patient a little more, and after pouring the moonshine into bottles, let it stand for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place. This will make the drink softer and more balanced, and you will be able to appreciate its taste with friends and relatives.


Schematic representation of the temperature stages of distillation

Let's go through the temperature stages of distillation. First, let's draw a diagram schematically:

As you can see - this diagram does not indicate degrees Celsius - this all comes from the fact that in reality it is not so simple. To read in the “manuals for moonshiners” that at 63-65° the light fractions begin to boil, they must be removed, from 78° to 85° the body goes - it needs to be collected, and above 85° - the tails - you can’t drink them - it’s funny. The fact is that these are the pure boiling points of substances.

For example, if ethyl alcohol boils at 78.4° and water at 100°, then their mixture, depending on the proportions, will boil at the “mixed” temperatures of 78.4°+100°!!! In solutions, water and alcohol boil and evaporate together! The following scheme would be more fair for practical use:

Temperature stages of distillation

Now directly to the stages:

At the first stage, we need to separate the heads - this is the so-called “pervach” - volatile fractions, which, not only to drink, but even for grinding are not recommended. It contains acetaldehyde, ethyl formic ether, methyl acetic ether, and methyl alcohol.

And also other crap that is not recommended for consumption. Heat the mash over the highest possible heat until the first drops appear from the refrigerator. Then the heating rate must be sharply reduced in order to smoothly reach the boiling point of the light fractions. Otherwise, the mash will boil sharply (and in this case it will also begin to foam) and begin to splash out. And in the absence of a steamer, it will end up in the refrigerator, spoiling the quality of the moonshine.

At this time, the heads are collected. If you don’t have a thermometer, simply reduce the heat after the first drops of product appear from the refrigerator. We wait until approximately 5% of the expected moonshine yield is taken away. (This figure varies in different sources from 3% to 10% - but this depends on what you are distilling moonshine for, and how many more distillations are planned). 5% of the volume of expected moonshine is approximately 1% of the total volume of mash.


That is, if we pour 5 liters of mash into a distillation cube and expect to get ~1 liter of moonshine, the first 50 grams of distillation are those very “heads”. They can either be poured out or used exclusively for technical purposes.

  • When it reaches 78° (or when the volume reaches 5%), without stopping heating, we perform the following actions - change the steamer, if there is one, and change the container for collecting the moonshine. Then the second stage begins.
  • The second temperature stage is the direct production of the main product - moonshine. The so-called “body” or “heart” of the distillate. We carry out distillation at a temperature of 95-96°C - raising it higher at this stage is undesirable - “tails” will come out - fractions containing fusel oils.
  • Accordingly, as soon as the distillation temperature cannot be maintained in the specified range, or the output of the distillate has practically stopped, we change the dishes again and begin to collect the “tails”. In the absence of a thermometer, you can check the completion of the distillation of the “body” as follows - a piece of paper soaked in the distillate does not flare up with a blue flame.

At the third stage, we select the tails, increasing the temperature to 100°. In this faction, in addition to high content fusel oils also contain ethyl alcohol, therefore, in order not to waste the goodness, the tails can be added to the next portion of mash to increase its strength.