How to work with a film column. In simple terms, about the mash column

Column) is an apparatus for the production of "under-rectified", that is, strong and relatively pure moonshine. The output product is better than distillate, but does not reach the qualification. About its difference from the usual moonshine and distillation apparatus can be read here -.

Today we will consider the option of making a reinforcing column with our own hands. This work requires knowledge of its device, and possession of a welding machine and a grinder. It is rather difficult to assemble something adequate from the trash, but we will try to offer you the most budgetary and affordable option that will produce a strong and relatively high-quality product at the output.

There are not as many components as it might seem at first glance.

  • Three pipes with a diameter of 32 mm made of stainless steel.
  • Two nuts for connecting to the cube.
  • Stainless steel refrigerator
  • Sewer pipes, coupling and adapter for a washing machine (reflux condenser).
  • The distillation cube is used as the basis.

So how are we going to do solid column, then you will need a welding machine with electrodes and a grinder.

The design will not imply parsing, and it will need to be washed directly with water.

I propose to study the device and the principle of its operation of this apparatus before work.

Did it most successfully Lucky on your Youtube channel. A lot of questions are closed in the comments, so study this section too.


Probably your base for the apparatus will not be the same as ours. For this reason, you will not be able to make an identical column, as your pipe and connection sizes will be different.

Therefore, we have prepared for you selection of drawings which you can navigate while you work. Choose the best option for yourself, collect all the parts and you can get to work. The video will be presented below.

Drawing with dimensions and part names.
From copper.
With 22 mm drawer side.
Visual scheme.

Step-by-step instructions for making a reinforcing column

It is very difficult to explain the practical part in words, so I suggest you watch 2 videos from the Youtube channel samopal PRODUCTION. It is these videos that are considered the most popular, as they show a budget option making a reinforcing column.

The whole process can be divided into several parts:

  1. Preparation of equipment and components of the apparatus.
  2. Connection and welding of pipes, that is, the creation of a sealed system.
  3. Testing and improving the distillation (adding or working with a reflux condenser).

The output is a rather dumb, but working moonshine still. On it you can make moonshine with reinforcement, removing most of the harmful fractions from the product.

copper column

If stainless steel does not suit you, then the only alternative would be copper. The device will be more expensive, more efficient and better. This material is difficult to care for, but the result is always fantastic.

I propose to study the scheme of operation of the copper reinforcing column and understand its main nodes. The author will talk about the parts that make it up, so after watching the video you will have an objective picture of how it can be done.

Moonshiners contrive to use such devices in their work, which provide an opportunity to extract high-strength alcoholic products with a low content of harmful substances in it. Particularly in demand in the distilling environment is a strengthening column for moonshine still. She perfectly copes with the task of preparing a good homemade drink.

This device has a specialized name - a tsarga, which helps to produce repeated processing of the mash. The product is thoroughly cleaned from essential oils, which tend to return to the drink with condensate. Due to the fact that water vapor also condenses and does not reach the refrigerator, moonshine acquires a high degree.

The drawer is nothing more than a copper or stainless steel pipe with nozzle or film variations for home brewing. It is fixed vertically on the distillation cube. Usually it is tightly connected to the lid on the container with mash.

Interestingly, the mash column may have its own separate cooler, to which a water jacket is connected.

If you provide a simple device diagram, then it does not provide for a flow cooler, and the pipe is air-cooled. True, in this case it turns out to select the fuselage only from the initial, most poisonous portions of alcohol vapors.

The desired "body" is chased by the usual method. It is better not to touch the "tails" or collect them in a separate container, so that later they can be added to the moonshine and overtaken.

The design of the beer column in other cases smoothly passes into the distillation tube, where the alcohol vapor is completely freed from fusel oils. With such a more complex system, it is possible to draw a certain amount of pure alcohol with a strength of 95 degrees.

But most often, the column goes into a steamer (in which moonshine is freed from impurities), and from it into a refrigerator, where the alcohol vapors cool and drain into pre-prepared dishes.

The simplest design is when the drawer goes into the cooler. The distillate is no less strong, but needs additional purification with coal or some other substances.

What is the difference between a film column and a packed column?

The film column is hollow, without nozzles. But what happens inside it? Vapors of alcohol, evaporating from the mash, fall into the tsarga. In it they are cooled by water or air.

  1. Alcohol (its boiling point is 78 degrees) turns into steam and enters the cooler, where it condenses. And from there, the condensate flows down the tube into a specially prepared dish.
  2. Heavy fractions (water and essential oils) do not pass and settle in the beer column. Then they flow back into the distillation cube.
  3. If the reinforcing column is filled with nozzles (for example, pieces of stainless steel), then it will select phlegm with a high content of essential oils and will not allow methanol to rise higher. Therefore, a fairly strong alcohol at the outlet of the packed column will be cleaner than when using a film model.

The need for a column

The armament of a standard moonshine still with a strengthening column is due to the intention to get a strong and significantly purified moonshine. And only then, on its basis, to drive such a drink, which the manufacturer likes more or which the recipe requires. Nothing good will come of a low-grade "compote" with the smell of fuselage. What can be made of it is only to re-distill.

In the partial refrigerator, the most harmful substances, the so-called heads, are selected. We mercilessly flush them down the drain, despite the attractively high fortress.

The principle of operation of the unit

After cooling in the column moonshine vapors are separated. Those that have a lower boiling point are volatilized, while the rest are sent back to the distillation cube.

During the process, the alcohol vapor, drawn up along the side, interacts with the phlegm flowing down the walls of the tank. It again removes the remaining components with a low degree of boiling from the condensate, in addition, gives to the phlegm the water and fusel oils preserved in alcohol vapors. Thus, there is an increase in the degree of moonshine.

At the start of the run, the minimum temperature is set (in the upper part of the column, it should not be higher than 75 degrees). When using the tsargi, alcohol does not come out, but returns to the distillation cube. After that, we raise the temperature and drive alcohol without selecting "tails".

How to make a do-it-yourself unit?

To make a tsarga, you will need the following materials:

  • a pipe made of stainless steel or copper (brass is also allowed) with a diameter of 22 mm, a length of 40–90 mm (the larger the pipe, the better the separation of vapors into fractions);
  • adapter fittings (22 to 15 mm). Their number depends on how the column is connected to the lid of the distillation cube. With a deaf connection, you will need one single spare part, which is installed when the drawer goes into the refrigerator;
  • welder or soldering iron with rosin and solder;
  • tube with a plug for attaching a thermometer;
  • cylindrical thermometer;
  • a metal mesh, if you plan to make a column with nozzles (it is fixed at the bottom of the unit), as well as small pieces of stainless steel or copper for a washcloth.

Step by step:

  1. Cut the pipe to the desired size.
  2. We close the bottom of the drawer with a net if we are going to use a column with nozzles.
  3. In a centimeter from the top of the pipe, we drill a hole of 15 mm under the tube - fastening the thermometer.
  4. We cut the tube, put a plug and solder (weld) at an angle into the hole.
  5. We connect the drawer with the nozzle of the distillation cube by welding or fitting.
  6. We fill the pipe with nozzles. If the latter are not provided, we skip this action.
  7. We fix the fittings and check the tightness of the structure.

So, with a little effort and effort, you can make an excellent reinforcing column.

You can often find such a thing as moonshine stills with a reinforcing column. What actually is such a column and what is it for? A strengthening column for a moonshine is sometimes also called a distillation column by some manufacturers. However, these two concepts are far from corresponding to each other, although the basic principle of separating liquids into components is used in both.

Reinforcing column for moonshine

It is obvious that the strengthening column is not suitable for obtaining rectified alcohol, for this it is necessary to have a rectifying column, and the strengthening column has a slightly different purpose. In order to fully understand this concept, it should also be noted that sometimes it is called a beer column, or a tsarga, and is used in order to receive more Reviver, up to 85%.

The principle of operation of the king is very simple. Steam leaves the cube through the column and cools, partially condenses on its walls and enters the cube. The more water-saturated part of the steam, which contains a large number of fusel oils, condenses and flows down, because their boiling point is higher. The lighter fraction flies upward and enters further into the dry steamer, or coil. Thus, the output product is stronger, with a lower concentration of fusel oils.

The larger the tsarga, the higher the strengthening, but the lower the efficiency of the apparatus. Therefore, the height should be within reasonable limits. It is believed that it should be no more than 90 centimeters, but there are nuances in this matter.

The need for a column

The length of the washer column must be clearly defined. She is responsible for the frequency of purification of the final product. For example, a 15cm length gives 20x cleaning, while a 35cm length gives 50x cleaning. The longer it is, the more slowly the process of fraction separation will proceed, and as a result there will be less impurities at the output and a higher strength of the drink.

An excellent product can also be obtained with a standard length of 15–35 cm. But in order to use such a drawstring, it is necessary to clean the product with potassium permanganate or coal. If you want to receive high content alcohol, more than 90%, after the first distillation, it will be necessary to purchase a distillation column, because the usual one will not give such an effect.

What requirements should the king meet?

  • It must have a height of at least 50 diameters of the width. Although this, of course, depends entirely on the desire of the moonshiner and on what kind of product is needed at the output. How clean should it be and what should be its fortress. A reinforcing column with a height of less than 30 diameters does not make sense, since its effectiveness will be very low.
  • The drawer must also have a controlled dephlegmator. Its design can be any, made on the basis of a dimroth, a shirt or something else. It does not matter. The main thing is that it completely extinguishes the power that is planned to be supplied. There can be several of them, for example, primary and secondary. This structure allows for more stable operation.
  • The reflux condenser must have a finely adjustable cooling capacity. To do this, you need a tap that allows you to dose the flow of water. It is better that it be needle-shaped; ball-shaped ones are not suitable for this purpose. If you choose from the available options in the domestic environment, then the most suitable is a faucet for a heating radiator.
  • A thermometer must be installed before entering the condenser. This is necessary for columns that operate on the principle of steam extraction. If a film column is used, and a liquid withdrawal reflux condenser, then the installation of the thermometer is determined by the design.
  • It must have a refrigerator that would be able to cool all the steam supplied to it. Liquid sampling columns also require a refrigerator to cool the product.
  • The water supply of the reflux condenser and the refrigerator are carried out separately.
  • Tubes for hot water and the product only silicone is allowed, PVC is allowed on the cold water supply.

Column device

First you need to define what it is. This is a structural unit that allows you to clean moonshine from impurities. When the drawer is installed on the moonshine, the output is almost pure alcohol. The process of making moonshine is the heat exchange of alcohol-containing vapors and condensate, which leads to the fact that the product is cleaned 10-15 times better.

Purification of alcohol occurs when there is a flow of steam from the distillation cube and flowing condensate on the head of the column. The selection of alcohol is carried out only from the liquid phase.

If the steam is not refluxed, heat exchange is impossible and the separation of alcohol from other substances will not occur. In order to feed the phlegm, a dephlegmator is needed. After it, a condenser is placed, which is a hollow part of the tube, where the liquid is cooled to a certain temperature. Along with the reflux condenser, air vents, the so-called alcohol traps, were to be installed, which draw out substandard alcohol and bring gases out.

Since alcohol in this case is collected in the liquid phase, a small refrigeration unit is enough for its next cooling. The main difference between the tsarga intended for rectification and the usual one is that the process of reflux is very slow. At this time, the constant heat exchange of vapor and liquid provides a better separation into fractions, more pure product.

There are many requirements for making a column. To simplify the design, many depart from them. What causes violations and deviations?

  • Among such deviations, one can single out a reflux condenser, which can be uncontrollable. Such a beer column was installed in the Malyutka device, where controllability was abolished in order to make the apparatus more compact, and the reflux condenser and condenser were a single container to which running water was connected. Such a scheme does not allow to regulate the process with the help of a reflux condenser, so the separation is worse.
  • Another deviation is the low utilization capacity of the dephlegmator. There are such devices where everything seems to be present, but the dephlegmator is so low-powered that it does not allow for a normal separation. One gets the impression that the manufacturers of these devices absolutely do not understand why a reinforcing column is needed and make its presence useless.
  • Small column height. The low height usually allows the instrument to be compact and suitable for mounting on gas stove if there is a hood above it and so on. However, in this case, the separation will be much worse and this must be understood immediately. It can be said that the re-distillation will be more efficient than such a strengthening column.

Thus, it should be emphasized that many additional devices to the moonshine still make sense, including the strengthening column. It allows you to get a much purer product and do it in a double distillation. This cannot be obtained on a conventional moonshine without being left with big amount fusel oils and other harmful impurities. It is easy to make such a column on your own, its design does not present such difficulties as a distillation one. However, it does not produce rectified alcohol at the output. But the distilled product on a moonshine still with a strengthening column will have its original aroma and taste, for example, when prepared from fruit or grain raw materials.

Analyzing the search engine queries that get visitors to my blog, I came to the conclusion that the essence of the work of the reflux condenser and the film column itself is not fully understood by everyone. Accordingly, the difference from a conventional apparatus on the one hand and from the recolonna on the other.

Let's try to understand in more detail what is the matter here. Let's start with terms. As Wikipedia tells us:

Rectification(from Latin rectus - direct and facio - I do) - this is the process of separating binary or multicomponent mixtures due to countercurrent mass and heat exchange between vapor and liquid. Rectification can be carried out periodically or continuously. Rectification is carried out in tower column apparatus equipped with contact devices (plates or packing), distillation columns.

Distillation (lat. distillatio - dripping) - distillation, evaporation of a liquid, followed by cooling and condensation of vapors.

From a comparative analysis of these terms, it can be seen that in one case there is a direct passage of steam to the cooler / condenser (distillation), and in the second case, part of the condensed vapor returns in the form of a liquid back, repeatedly / repeatedly reacts with the newly formed vapor (rectification) and only then goes to the condenser. The result of this multiple re-evaporation is a qualitative separation of the mixture into its constituent parts (and a significant strengthening of the product with a simultaneous decrease in overall performance). Those. as a result of rectification, we get a set of different products (alcohol, water, fusel oil separately), and as a result of distillation, a more or less homogeneous product (alcohol, water and fusel oil together). Let me remind you that the term "fusel oil" is collective and denotes a certain complex of substances and compounds that make up the distillates / rectified alcohol-containing raw materials in addition to water and alcohol itself (see). In addition to components harmful to health, the sivuha also contains flavoring components, the presence of which in finished product often welcome.

Thus, the separator of the concepts of distillation and rectification is "countercurrent mass and heat exchange between vapor and liquid" . How and when does it occur? Or, otherwise:

What is a dephlegmator?The reflux condenser is essentially a refrigerator / condenser, which can be structurally made according to different schemes. Its main purpose is to condense part of the passing vapor flow into a liquid (which is called phlegm) and direct this liquid back into the cube against the vapor flow. When meeting with steam, phlegm heats up and all/partially turns back into steam. And again it condenses with a reflux condenser and again flows into a cube, and so on and so on. Here it is important to understand a number of conditions that maximize the benefits of such a design:

1. For the most efficient reevaporation, the thickness of the stream/reflux layer should be minimal and the area of ​​the stream should be maximum. Therefore, in hollow pipes, phlegm should flow down evenly in a thin layer along the inner wall of the pipe, forming a film - hence the name "film". If you use a column filled with any packing with a developed surface, you can significantly increase the contact area of ​​the phlegm enveloping the packing and the steam – hence the name “packed”

2. For the formation of a stable film, the pipe must stand strictly vertically - hence the "column". With even a slight inclination of the column, the phlegm tends to form a stream on one of the sides of the inner surface of the pipe and the film ceases to form.

3. The column (or rather, its part in which the contact of phlegm and steam is carried out) must have a height sufficient to stabilize the processes of heat and mass transfer of steam / phlegm. Not less than 50 diameters. Due to the stabilized heat and mass transfer and at a sufficient height of the column, a zone distribution of fractions according to the evaporation temperature (i.e., the actual separation) is formed in it. The lowest boiling fractions are upper part columns, as they overevaporate faster and easier, while higher-boiling ones roll down lower. Accordingly, low-boiling ones are the first to be selected, and then the next in terms of boiling point, etc. We get a well-separated product, selected in different containers according to the boiling point.

Why are columns divided into beer and distillation?

Firstly, to obtain rectified alcohol (SR), the separation capacity of a film column is not enough - a packed column is needed.

Secondly, if mash is used as a raw material for a packed column, and not raw alcohol (SS) of the first direct-flow distillation, the packing will become dirty very quickly and stop working in the normal mode.

So it turns out that the beer column is film, and the distillation column is packed.

However, the dephlegmator is an integral part of both designs.

P.S. In the one I wrote later, there are illustrations showing how the jacketed reflux condenser of the film column works.

How to make a dephlegmator yourself to the beer column, you can see in paragraph 2 of the section.

As always, I welcome questions, comments and criticism.

One of the flagships of home distillation is the HD4 2500pc set. A series of HD4 moonshine stills is an excellent equipment for obtaining high-quality rectified alcohol - pure alcohol, as well as for distilling moonshine. It is in demand for working with small volumes, typical for home use and also requires little space. XD4 2500pk is a classic example of a film (or mash, as it is often called) column, due to which the first distillation of mash takes place with a significant increase in the strength of raw alcohol.

Operating methods

This universal moonshine is usually used for the following situations:

  • In order to overtake the mash for moonshine (raw alcohol). Various types of mash are used, such as classic sugar, popular berry or fruit, etc.
  • When working, the moonshine still is capable of producing a distillate that has the required taste properties. During the process, you can set the semi-automatic mode or manual.
  • It will be possible to effectively distill raw alcohol through a shulman moonshine still into rectified alcohol (drinking).
  • Using fractional distillation in the xd4 distillation and rectification kit, the output will be absinthe class drinks, gin, etc.

Positive qualities

The moonshine still xd 4 has mostly only positive reviews, which indicates a high degree of reliability and excellent performance properties. At the same time, the xd4 distillation kit belongs to the middle price category and wins in the price / quality ratio.

  • The resulting product has all the advantages of high-quality pure alcohol or raw. It is almost completely devoid of such "diseases" of cheap equipment as extraneous odors, the taste of raw materials or fusel oils. The final alcohol strength is obtained at the level of 96.0-96.3%.
  • Working on a moonshine xd is available even for distillers who have little experience with such devices. All procedures and settings are intuitive.
  • This moonshine is universal, which expands the owner's ability to use it. With it, it is easy to get raw alcohol, distillate for making vodka, various rectified products.
  • The modern xd 4 moonshine still has positive reviews due to the fact that it takes less time to get the result than when using the classic model with a gas or electric oven. "Home" volume can be obtained within one day, which is usually impossible for "can" portions. The average output is about 3 liters with self-maintenance of the installation.
  • Affordable cost allows you to buy xd 4 moonshine for 10 thousand rubles. In this case, the owner receives a complete set of universal purpose. The amount is affordable for almost any family who is fond of manufacturing alcoholic products at home.
  • All structural elements have a high degree of durability and reliability. These properties provide a high operational resource to a set.
  • An important factor when working with high temperature and pressure is increased safety. Subject to all fire and electrical safety measures, manufacturers guarantee long-term and trouble-free operation of the device.
  • The elements included in the kit can be easily detached from each other and can be used as universal parts for their intended purpose. For example, a pressure cooker is quite suitable for cooking something edible at home.

All products that xd 4 moonshine produces can be consumed both immediately after they are received (moonshine, grappa, rum, chacha, etc.), and after the time has elapsed and they have been kept in prepared barrels (whisky, calvados, etc.). d.).

Equipment set

The main part of the set is a cube, the role of which is performed by a pressure cooker. Depending on the variety of the xd 4 2500pc model (reviews can be left below), a volume of 8 and 12 liters is used. Such a pan provides pressure build-up inside, which has a positive effect on productivity and work speed.

High tightness is a prerequisite for reliable distillation. Alcohol vapors do not go into the atmosphere, but thanks to the pressure cooker they go to the desired nozzle. The silicone gasket helps to increase the tightness.

The lid is equipped with two valves to ensure stable pressure. One valve is working, and the second is used as an emergency valve to prevent the formation of excess pressure inside the tank.

Instead of an emergency valve, it is customary to mount a pressure gauge or thermometer to control the processes inside the mash tank.

The column joins through the built-in adapter. A classic distiller can be installed in the same place. If regular use of a pressure cooker is planned, then the welded-in adapter is easily silenced with a pre-prepared metal plug.

VIDEO: Pros and cons of a copper column

The cube is heated in any convenient way:

For large 20-liter models, electric heating elements are prudently welded into the cavity. If periodic regular use of a pressure cooker is provided, then the heating elements are simply not included in the mains. With this design, heat loss is significantly reduced, which increases the efficiency of the device.

There are conditional design flaws with built-in heaters:

  • there is an irreducible balance in the cube, about 2-3 liters;
  • excessively thick mash, when using built-in heaters, may burn a little on them, which will affect the final taste as a result;
  • there is some difficulty in normal use;
  • the use of heating elements increases the price tag of the product, although the final electricity consumption will be slightly less than on the stove.

VIDEO: Copper reinforcing column

Advantages of built-in heaters

  • effective efficiency is more than 90% in terms of power parameters;
  • the heating time of the mash is reduced, unlike other structures;
  • product and film column xd 4 2500pc have a compact appearance;
  • The design parameters made it possible to exclude an extra power regulator from the design, which reduces the cost of the apparatus.

What is a film (wash) column

So why is the column in this design given special attention? The operation of the column is based on the principle of recurrence, when part of the alcohol-containing liquid (reflux) flows down the walls back into the cube to react with the rising concentrate. When it drains, a film is formed on the column wall, which periodically reacts with rising alcohol-containing vapors, strengthening the product and facilitating its separation into fractions.

The film retains fractions that usually flow back into the cube, increases the concentration percentage of the finished product.

This effect is possible due to an additional refrigerator-reflux condenser (there is a special article about), which is installed on the base of the column and contributes to the return of reflux. Depending on the size of the ascending part, the strength of the finished raw alcohol will increase proportionally - the higher it is, the greater the concentration of the product. This is precisely the principle of the beer or film column, when a reflux film is formed, which additionally reacts with condensate. Please note that the performance beer column always lower than that of a straight-through - up to 2 liters per hour.

If you turn off the refrigerator on an ascending basis, it will be a regular column, which at the exit gives a maximum strength of 60 degrees.

You can see the work in more detail in the video from Igor Shulman.