Moonshine becomes cloudy after dilution. How to make cloudy moonshine

There are several ways to clean moonshine from turbidity. However, we will make a reservation right away that we will talk about getting rid of the turbidity caused by spraying, mixing “fusel oil” or using water with high hardness to dilute the distillate. Moonshine with chemical impurities of decomposed plastic cannot be cleaned.

As a rule, it makes sense to clean cloudy moonshine if the distillate is sugar or grain. In the case of fruit and berry raw materials, cleaning along the way negates the entire aromatic component. However, if the drink is fruity, but because of impurities it is difficult to drink it, then you will still have to sacrifice flavoring properties. Of course, it would be better in general (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand), which allows you to reliably protect the distillate from splash entrainment and the ingress of “tails”. But even if it was necessary, then strict adherence to the distillation technology will minimize the formation of unpleasant turbidity in the final product.

Purification of cloudy moonshine can be done using many methods, we will focus on the most popular ones.

  1. The main cleaning method will always be redistillation. Everything is simple here: the cloudy distillate must be diluted with water to a strength of twenty degrees and fractional distillation should be carried out.
  2. Activated charcoal is one of the most common substances. In addition, it allows you to clean cloudy moonshine fast. Usually special charcoal of the BAU-A, BAU-LV or coconut brands is used Activated carbon(KAU-A). You can also use charcoal for barbecues, but for this you will have to. Usually use 50 grams of coal per liter of moonshine.
  3. Cleaning with soda is also quite popular and fast method, which allows you to rid the drink of turbidity and impurities in 12 hours. Requires 10 grams baking soda per liter of distillate. The liquid is then filtered and re-distilled.
  4. Cleaning with milk is also a traditional, but rather lengthy method. Milk protein - casein - coagulates with harmful impurities, after which all the resulting suspension precipitates. The coagulation process itself occurs gradually, and the distillate settles for a long time. But after filtering, a drink of a good degree of purification is obtained. It will take 10-15 ml skimmed milk per liter of moonshine.
  5. How else can you clean cloudy moonshine at home? You can use vegetable oil - there is such a way. Take 15 ml of refined sunflower oil per liter of distillate, shake the mixture well and leave for a day. Oil with impurities will collect on the surface of the moonshine, and the moonshine itself is drained from under the oil layer using a flexible tube.

There are other cleaning methods, for example, using water filters or a solution of potassium permanganate. About using the latter, there are rather ambiguous judgments. The fact is that it is very difficult to get rid of potassium permanganate itself, contained after cleaning in moonshine.

Experienced distillers know that he minimizes the risk of moonshine clouding after distillation. And connoisseurs are always advised to purchase distillers from proven and reliable sources. First of all, these are the official Internet resources of direct manufacturers, with the maximum guarantee of product quality.

Although for moonshiners this stereotype seems ridiculous, nevertheless, many people still continue to believe that it is certainly a whitish liquid.

The "right" drink always transparent!

Nevertheless, “haze” sometimes happens and it is not clear why the moonshine is cloudy, and what to do about it.

First you need to deal with the cause, so as not to repeat the mistakes in the future, and only then take steps to correct the situation.

Those who have sufficient experience in distillation will surely recall situations when moonshine is already initially dripping opaque or becomes so during storage. Sometimes this is observed after dilution with water. It is necessary to understand the reasons in more detail.

"Haze" during the haul

You filled the distillation cube according to all the rules, ensured the tightness of the connections, but already at the stage of obtaining the finished product, you are surprised to see that the liquid in the receiving vessel is not transparent, as it should be, but cloudy. The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Equipment cleanliness. You did not wash the device after the last run or left a little bard in it. It is unacceptable! The components, including the outlet tube, are washed after each use.
  • Poor quality moonshine still. The use of aluminum is strongly discouraged. Over time, it oxidizes and these substances enter the moonshine, clouding the liquid and endangering health. Either the device is made of technical stainless steel, which is also unsafe, since the metal reacts with the components of the mash.
  • Usage hard water causes haze.
  • "Busting" product (in other words, greed) is another reason.

To keep the moonshine clean as a tear, select only the “body” for consumption. The first 10-12% - "heads"- cut ruthlessly. Their main component is methyl alcohol dangerous for ingestion. Suitable only for rubbing, and even then - with a stretch.

Followed by body- a product suitable for drinking, in which the minimum amount of fuselage. Continuing the distillation into the same bowl, when the “tails” went, in which there are a lot of fusel oils, there is a high risk of getting muddy moonshine. Therefore, it was cloudy among our ancestors - they distilled everything without division into fractions and on primitive apparatuses.

Ethyl (drinking) alcohol evaporates at temperatures above 78.3°C. Everything before that is methyl, acetone, and up to 50 other toxic compounds. When this temperature is reached, the heating should be sharply reduced.

Attention. The body is taken when the temperature has reached 79°C and until it rises to 92°C. At the same time, at the end of the selection in the jet - 40 °.

The distillation is continued in another bowl until the temperature reaches 95°C. Further heating is impractical, there are almost no degrees in the stillage. What we managed to get is tails. They should not be poured out, since adding to the cube at the next distillation will increase the yield of a quality product.

Cloudiness after dilution with water

Diluting strong moonshine water, you can observe the formation of turbidity immediately or after a couple of days. What is the reason?

The main thing is that they poured water into the moonshine, but the opposite is necessary - pour moonshine into water, then the reaction proceeds correctly and there will be no turbidity.

Reference. In order not to make a mistake in calculating the ratio of water and alcohol, use the moonshiner's calculator.

It can be both opened online and downloaded to a gadget (including a smartphone) to have at hand.

In addition, water can also play a role. Do not use hard, filter through a household filter jug, or take a spring one after standing for a couple of days.

Mud from spray

If you throw the mash at the beginning of the haul, it makes sense to interrupt the process, wait until the mash cools down to at least 50 ° C (so as not to lose alcohol and not burn yourself) and disassemble the device. Wash all parts including coil.

Clue. The coil is a part that is difficult to clean. Try this method: take a strong long thread, securely tie such a piece of washcloth to it so that it enters the coil tube with a moderate tightness.

Lower the tip of the thread into the tube, and then substitute it under running water. She will pull the thread through the coil. You will have to stretch a washcloth for this thread, thereby clearing the tube of adhering foam.

  • For a successful distillation, pour a little mash so that it occupies 50% of the cube and heat slowly.
  • In the future, clean the mash before distilling it with bentonite (ordinary white clay will do if you know where to dig it).
  • Use a dryer. It will help to get moonshine largely purified from fusel oils and protect it from splashing.

Reference. The most prone to foaming grain and honey mash. They should fill the cube only half the volume, the rest of the species - 2/3.

If splashing happened at the end of the selection of the body, it makes no sense to interrupt the haul, you will have to deal with the consequences after it is over.

Carefully. If the ejection of foam did not interrupt the flow of moonshine from the outlet pipe, there is nothing to worry about. But if the "dripping" stops, immediately turn off the heat. Apparently, a plug has formed in the tube, and this threatens with an explosion and fire.

What to do if cloudy?

Usually after spraying The best way turbidity removal - rerun. Water is added to moonshine in such a way as to get at a level of 20 ° and distilled again. Definitely split into factions.

If it is impossible to overtake, then you will have to resort to one of the following cleaning methods:

  1. An excellent result comes from the use potassium permanganate. Moonshine after settling and filtering becomes crystal clear. But, according to chemists, removing fusel oils, manganese forms other toxic compounds. So the method is not ideal, and sometimes unsafe for health.
  2. Charcoal cleaning- safe and effective. It is better to use birch or coconut charcoal. Activated gives excessive bitterness to alcohol.
  3. Milk"collects" the fuselage into flakes, it remains only to wait for the sediment, drain and filter.
  4. Heat is a simple method. Unfortunately, the effect is not always achieved. Homemade alcohol with haze is poured into a saucepan and, without covering it, is heated to 70 ° C. At this temperature, alcohol will not evaporate. Then the moonshine cools, and a precipitate forms at the bottom. It remains to filter, give a couple of days to rest in the glass, putting in the refrigerator.

Peculiarities. The easiest way to make a filter is plastic bottle 1.5 - 2 liters (preferably with a long neck). Cut off the bottom, discard the cork. Twist cotton pads into a tube (the number depends on the thickness, usually 5-6) and insert it into the neck a bit tight, but without fanaticism.

The filter is ready. If there is too much turbidity and the filter stops working, drain the rest back into the jar, discard the discs, rinse the “watering can” and replace the discs with fresh ones.

How and how to "stir up" moonshine?

But you personally like muddy moonshine or want to keep up with your neighbors (in some regions it is customary to make whitish-milk moonshine). It is not difficult to create an artificial and harmless turbidity. Here are three proven ways:

  1. Add whey (what is left after the cottage cheese) at the rate of 30-40 ml per liter homemade alcohol. Stir and uniform turbidity is formed. Milk or curd cannot be added.
  2. We drip (preferably from a pipette) 5 drops sunflower oil per liter of moonshine. The effect is the same.
  3. Add 10-12 g of powdered milk per liter and stir to dissolve. After this procedure, to stabilize the "turbidity", moonshine should stand for a couple of days.

Domestic cinema shows that moonshine is a cloudy slurry, with an incomprehensible smell and taste, so a stereotype has appeared that real moonshine is cloudy or milky white. This is how vodka looked like about a century ago, and the smell was terribly nasty. Hard workers made "vodka" using primitive devices, because of this the quality suffered greatly. The nobles, on the contrary, improved technology, technical means, trying to get a distillate clean “like a tear”, strong. Of course, muddy moonshine looks more spectacular on TV screens, but now this steady trend needs to be broken.

How to clean cloudy moonshine simply quickly and efficiently

So, before disassembling the methods of cleaning, homemade alcohol, it is worth establishing the reasons for the cloudiness of the drink, and there may be several, some can be eliminated during the cooking process, others after.

The most common causes of cloudy moonshine:

  • The effect of splashing - the problem is that the process of boiling the mash is similar to boiling milk, that is, foam is formed from above, which “creeps” up, through the pipe it ends up in the freezer, mixing with pure product. The slurry forms instantly, but cannot be seen because the alembic is opaque. It is not possible to find out exactly when the foam entered the machine, but if the drink goes like this, reduce the heat. The distillation is coming to an end, the unit is disassembled, and the apparatus should be cleaned.

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Leave a place for foam in the cube, the optimal proportions are 70% mash and 30% for foam.
  • Play with the temperature to get the best temperature regime, here the skill comes with the experience of cooking, after a couple of distillations.
  • Install dryer.
  • Wash the apparatus after each distillation.
  • Cleaning the mash, before distillation, you can use bentonite.
  • The presence of fusel oils. Sivukha, and its oils cause serious damage, cause poisoning, and other troubles. To get rid of unnecessary "pests" should be in the process of distillation, the method of fractional distillation (rectification), allows you to clean the drink from harmful components, balance the smell, taste.
Homemade moonshine has a mild taste, provided it is properly cleaned.

Fractional distillation

The distillation process consists of several fractions:

  • The first distillation is raw alcohol ("Pervak"), very dangerous product, contains acetic acid, formic acid, alcohol, esters, aldehydes and other impurities.

Pervak ​​is divided into several factions:

  • "Heads" - components harmful to the body (10-15% alcohol), have the lowest boiling point, you should never drink.
  • "Body" - 80% of the product, they drink it, an excellent base for preparing other alcohol, and giving it the right amount degrees, you can tint, add herbs.
  • "Tails" - give the drink an unpleasant aroma, and are also the cause of severe hangover syndrome, contain fusel oils that give strength. They are collected after collecting the body in a separate container.

We figured out what and how it is called, you can proceed to fractional distillation, it includes several steps:

  1. We drive away the “heads” - we distill raw alcohol, on an active flame, as soon as the raw material heats up to 60 degrees, reduce the fire, heat the liquid to 85 degrees. Removal of "heads" is started, as a result, 50 ml of "heads" per liter of liquid is acceptable.
  2. We expel the “body” - this should be done on high heat, at a temperature of less than 90-95 degrees, otherwise fusel oils penetrate. Finish the job as soon as the fortress reaches 40 degrees.
  3. “We chop off the tails”, that is, we collect them in a separate bowl to prepare the next drink. There should be 50-60 of this mixture per liter of drink.
  4. Completed.

Fractional distillation pro technique

  • Analysis of raw alcohol into fractions, based on the smell of the latter. Not suitable for beginners, it is difficult to determine exactly.
  • Distillation by volume, take the total amount of "pervak" as 100 percent, which means 5% of the head, when the mash, then the tails make up 1% of the total volume, so 10 liters. mash 100 ml heads. The start of distillation, when the fortress is below 40, you can test it with paper soaked in alcohol, if it burns blue, then it is stronger than 40, and when it does not light up, then it is lower.
  • The selection of "tails", for smell, is used if it is necessary to ennoble raw materials infused with cereals, berries. To drive, to a fortress of 30 degrees.

The described methods are for experienced moonshiners.

The procedure must be carried out slowly, at a moderate temperature, otherwise, the effect will not be unsatisfactory.

  • The imperfection of the moonshine still, breakage of parts, for example, a metal that is not used in the distillation of alcohol, reacts with it, or bad silicone. The solution is simple, analyze the oxidation processes, update the device.
  • hard water, saturated mineral composition - moonshine becomes cloudy due to additives, for example, mineral salts contained in water. Trouble makes itself felt after a couple of hours. Solution 2: use bottled water, add alcohol to water with a temperature of less than 20 degrees, and not otherwise. This factor is often neglected by beginners, not understanding why the drink is cloudy, tasteless, with a pungent odor.
  • Wrong containers- an ideal storage place, a glass bottle, with a metal lid, and the alcohol "eats" the plastic, the resulting impurities have a bad effect on a person, the consequences cannot be eliminated, special plastic is good, but they do not sell it. When the product becomes cloudy in the glass, it means that the container is poorly washed, not dried. The cleanliness of dishes should be given special attention, no extraneous dirt, in the place of moonshine.

Methods for cleaning moonshine

There are a great many recipes for cleaning cloudy moonshine, we will analyze the most common

Charcoal cleansing

  1. Take charcoal, home-made, for barbecue, first remove the bark from the firewood, cut the grill into bars 3-5 cm, crush into chocks and dry for 14 days.
  2. Burn in a cast-iron, metal tightly closed pot, until complete combustion (1 hour 30 minutes).
  3. Grind so that the pieces are 5 mm.
  4. Sift through a sieve.
  5. Separate dust particles.
  6. Treat with 2% hydrochloric acid solution, then can be used many times.
  7. Wash, dry.
  8. Re-ignite.
  9. Pour coals with moonshine (50g / l), shake the container 3 times a day for three weeks.
  10. Let stand for another week, without shaking.
  11. Ready.

You can clean moonshine from impurities using activated charcoal

Potassium permanganate cleaning

  1. Dilute manganese boiled water, 1-2 grams / liter of alcohol.
  2. Pour a solution of manganese into alcohol.
  3. Leave for 10 hours, until a precipitate forms and clarification.
  4. Filter through canvas.
  5. Carry out a special race.
  6. Here it is important to take a drink at room temperature, not alcohol, after the 1st distillation.
  7. A quick way to clean with caustic sodium, alkali.
  8. Add 2-3 grams of alkali per liter to moonshine.
  9. Mix.
  10. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  11. Pour in a solution of manganese, the above says how to do it, after half an hour add alkali, mix and insist.
  12. Repeated addition of caustic potassium will speed up cooling, remove excess acidity, so the procedure is done 2 times.
  13. After 10 hours, drain the liquid and remove the sediment.
  14. End.

manganese excellent tool for cleaning moonshine at home

We clean the moonshinecooling(freeze), at home

  1. Pour into a thick-walled dish, perfect "out of champagne."
  2. Close the lid tightly.
  3. Put in the freezer, 2 days is enough, at the time of cooling, the water with "harmful" will become ice.
  4. Drain alcohol.

Do not fantasize that this is how you make original alcohol, the drink will be strong, but not fantastic.

Freezing technology will help clear moonshine

We convert moonshine into high-quality alcohol, just a hell of a drink

  1. Buy copper sulfate.
  2. Ignite the vitriol using an aluminum container, glass containers, as a result, dehydration will occur, then let it cool.
  3. Mix with pure moonshine.
  4. Re-distill.

Important! When you do everything as written, the strength of such a drink will be about one hundred degrees, just a hell of a drink.

  • The heating method sometimes does not work, but it can be significantly spoiled by such actions, so it is better for beginners to use a different technique. However, there are also advantages, this is the ease of implementation:
  • Heat moonshine to 70 degrees.
  • Cool down quickly.
  • Wait for the precipitation to fall, this is 2-3 hours.
  • Drain moonshine.

Fast, but to be effective, you need to have high level skill, and hot moonshine, instantly flares up. The method is good for extreme sportsmen.

  • Filtering the drink through an ordinary water filter, for example, "Barrier", the main thing is to repeat 2, 3 times, then the drink will be transparent.

Classic cleaning with milk

  1. Take pasteurized milk, 150g. for 10 liters of alcohol, not more than 60 degrees.
  2. Stir, cover tightly.
  3. Put in a cool room room temperature Shake daily for the first 5 days.
  4. Filter after a week.

Similar option with dry milk

  1. Dilute dry milk product water (40 45 degrees).
  2. Leave for a couple of hours to swell, stir continuously
  3. Add to alcohol mixture
  4. Mix everything, insist 3 hours.
  5. Filter, remove turbidity.
  6. It turns out alcohol of high strength.
  7. Cleansing with soda.
  8. Add 10 gr. soda / liter of moonshine (40 °).
  9. Stand 12 hours.
  10. Run again.

We drive and clean, distillation method 2 and 3

  1. Dilute the drink with water up to 18-20%.
  2. Re-pass through the apparatus, with fractional division.
  3. Bring with water to a fortress of 40-45%.
  4. Be sure to add water, otherwise all efforts for purification of moonshine, will be in vain.
  5. Let stand for a few days before testing.
  6. "Guiding cleanliness", with the help of egg white or black bread, well absorbs harmful fusel mixtures, helping them to precipitate, which is easily removed.
Soda will help clean moonshine from impurities

Making cloudy moonshine, for connoisseurs of Russian traditions, already on a refined product

  1. Pour milk whey into the drink, it does not react with alcohol, there is no sediment, but forms turbidity, like a Russian "vodka".
  2. Fall asleep powdered milk or its weak solution, this will quickly cloud the product.
  3. An excellent muddier - 3 drops of oil per liter of alcohol.
  4. Rice or grain mash, will give the drink the necessary whitish tint.

Transparency is a sign of the quality of alcohol, so moonshine experts conduct many experiments to purify alcohol so that the product is tasty, transparent, and its use does not impair health. Even novice distillers can do the described actions, and the quality, taste characteristics of the product will rise several times. There is no single recipe for cleaning moonshine, everyone has their own. All distillers have a different approach to business, it depends on many factors. It is always necessary to clean alcohol, and everyone decides which method to use for himself, you can use several methods at once, it is important final result. In home brewing, all means are good.

Before taking specific steps, you need to understand why moonshine is cloudy. The main reason for this is suspension - small particles that slowly settle due to their small mass. Such moonshine can be clarified by settling, although it is not known how long it will take - just a couple of days or 2-3 weeks.

It is worse if some extended or reversible chemical and biochemical reaction takes place in the finished moonshine. Then uphold finished product useless - it will stay in such an opaque state long time. Most often, a similar result is obtained if the fermentation was sour-milk. You can get rid of turbidity in moonshine by chemical cleaning and subsequent distillation.

Affects dregs in moonshine

  • the presence of essential and fusel oils;
  • spray blower;
  • untreated hard water;
  • poor quality alcohol mashine;
  • insufficient cleanliness of containers.


This term describes the situation with a special heating of the mash. The thing is that the boiling point of alcohol is about 78 degrees Celsius and, therefore, in the process of distilling the mash, you must adhere to the normal temperature regime of heating in the region of 79-84 degrees Celsius. However, when this rule is violated, the mash boils. At such a moment, it foams and instantly condenses when it gets into the refrigerator. result this process it becomes muddy.

The situation is especially complicated by the closed design of old moonshine stills, which does not allow visual control of the entire distillation process. As a result, you can only react to the fact of the final stagnation and the appearance of cloudy moonshine. In such a situation, you need to lower the temperature, complete the distillation and thoroughly clean the moonshine still.

How to avoid it?

There are a few tricks to help prevent splashing. Preparing for the transfer, you should not completely fill the cube with mash. Leave free space in the container in case such foam appears.

  • It is recommended to fill with mash up to 70-75% of the moonshine still.
  • Control the temperature. The implementation of this item depends entirely on the design features of your moonshine still.
  • Use a dryer. By doing this, you can solve several problems at once: prevent clouding of moonshine and even better clean it of impurities, as well as carry out aromatization. In this situation, even if splashes occur, they will fall into the container and will not reach the refrigerator.
  • After distillation is complete, wash the moonshine still.
  • Before distillation, clarify and clean the cooked mash with bentonite.

Essential/fusel oils

Under this, various harmful substances and their impurities are hidden, which are formed during the fermentation reaction.

Poor quality moonshine

It is rather not about the design of the device, but about the materials from which it is assembled or produced. There are cases when turbidity appears as a result of an oxidation reaction. Moreover, this process takes place both in the distillation cube itself, and in pipes or in a coil.

The unpleasant thing is that the cloudiness of the distillate does not necessarily appear immediately after distillation. Sometimes this takes up to several days.

Cleaning cloudy moonshine

There are many ways to purify cloudy distillate. Let's consider three of them:

  1. Re-distillation. Produced as the first distillation of moonshine. But there are a few subtleties that should be remembered: first dilute the moonshine with water. A suitable fortress is 18-22 degrees and be sure to separate the outgoing product into separate fractions. After that, let the finished distillate stand in the room before use, for two days.
  2. cleaning charcoal. This technique is considered to be extremely effective.
  3. Heating. The method is extremely simple, but a positive result is not always achieved. Pour the cloudy moonshine into a clean saucepan and place it on the stove. Next, heat up to a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. After - chill. When the desired effect is achieved, a precipitate will form within two hours, which is quickly filtered out.

How deftly cinema is able to form stereotypes and misconceptions, showing on the screen cloudy moonshine. Some directors, for a special impression, give the drink a milky-white tint, by which the viewer will always recognize vintage drink and will never be confused with plain water. Still, there is some truth in the cinematic image: peasants made moonshine at home in a primitive way, where low-quality handicraft installations were the main tool. The result was similar.

However, "titled" compatriots from the nobility regularly improved both the methods of making moonshine and the equipment itself, wanting to get the most transparent and strong distillate. The haze of moonshine was left behind over time, but the spectacular image for movie screens haunts us today. With one small difference: a modern moonshiner needs to achieve a cloudy-colored drink with special means! (But more on that later).

From words, let's immediately get down to business and talk in detail about the key factors why moonshine turns cloudy. So:

  1. Foam in the refrigerator of moonshine or spray. One of the most common reasons why the mash loses its final quality. High heating of the mash leads to abundant foam resembling boiling milk. Once in the tube, the foam goes straight to the refrigerator and mixes with the distillate. Moreover, the process goes very quickly: the turbidity appears instantly, but the distillation cube is closed and the “defect” is not immediately detected.

If you notice that cloudy moonshine comes out of the apparatus, reduce the heat and stop distillation (you can clarify the drink with cloudiness later). After installation, you need to disassemble and rinse well. Knowing why homemade moonshine becomes cloudy during the transfer, it's time to use the prevention of splashing:

  • fill the container to 70% of the total volume, leaving enough space for the resulting foam;
  • monitor the heating level and select optimal temperature for a specific device (each of them is individual in this regard);
  • use a steamer so that the spray does not fly into the coil, but immediately into the jar;
  • thoroughly rinse the moonshine after each use;
  • when draining the mash from the sediment, clean the container with gentle means that provoke foaming in a minimal amount (for example, Bentonite).
  1. Fusel oil. The liquid is rich in toxins that were formed as a result of fermentation. The peculiarity of these oils lies in the boiling point, which is either lower or higher than that of alcohol. Due to this nuance, 90% of impurities are easily removed during distillation (with separation into fractions).

As a preventive measure, we do the following: cut off head fraction and complete the distillation in a timely manner. You can use charcoal to clean the drink between distillations. Keep in mind that clouding of moonshine runs the risk of occurring when the fortress is lowered to 40 ° C or less.

  1. Low quality moonshine parts. In this case, the oxidation of the body itself, the connecting pipes and the coil, including smaller elements of the installation, begins. Moonshiners note that this is due to low-grade silicone. The drink begins to become cloudy either immediately or after a while. Prevention is simple: choose a unit made of good materials and periodically inspect parts for oxidation.
  2. Hardness of water. The case when moonshine became cloudy either 2 hours after dilution with water, or immediately. The whitish tint is the result of the presence of salt and other components in the composition of the water, so the choice of the main ingredient must be approached with special attention (unfortunately, moonshiners often ignore the quality of water).

Prevention: dilute moonshine only with purified water (preferably bottled) with the minimum amount salts. The order in which liquids are mixed matters. For example, you do not need to pour water into distillate, but vice versa - distillate into water. Observe the temperature balance of water and moonshine within 7-10 ° C.

  1. Poor flushing or inappropriate container type. If you store your drink in a plastic container, be prepared for cloudiness. Over time, alcohol reacts with the material, changing the color of moonshine (toxins are also formed). Cloudy liquid in glassware is caused by poor washing. To avoid consequences, it is necessary to store the drink in glass, thoroughly washed and wiped dry vessels.

The causes of turbidity are quite commonplace, so careful attention to the process will help to successfully overcome them.

3 ways to clean cloudy moonshine

Purification is possible only for a distillate that has become cloudy as a result of a violation of the distillation technology or after dilution with hard water. If cloudy moonshine is a consequence of oxidative processes, including when stored in plastic, it will not work to get rid of the white tint (why homemade moonshine becomes cloudy after diluting with water - read a little higher). Such moonshine cannot be filtered and is extremely dangerous to health, therefore it is suitable only for technical purposes.

How to clean a drink:

  1. Overtake again. Cloudy moonshine must be diluted by 20% with clean water and distilled with separation into fractions.
  2. Apply charcoal. The drink is passed through coal column, using the brands "BAU-A" and "BAU-LV".
  3. Heat to 70°C and cool quickly. Method of average efficiency. It will make moonshine clarified in the case when there are very few impurities in the liquid. Before use, you need to remove debris from moonshine (remove excess impurities as far as possible).

When using the latter method, be careful: hot moonshine is highly flammable.

How to make moonshine cloudy

This is not a school of bad advice at all, since modern moonshiners are not averse to treating guests to the same milky-white drink from their favorite movies. There are several methods by which moonshine is painted in this colorful whitish color. There are three in total:

  1. Fresh whey. The proportions depend on the saturation of the color to be obtained: from 5 to 30 ml per 1 liter of pure moonshine.
  2. Powdered milk. Add from 3 to 15 g per 1 liter of drink and mix well.
  3. Sunflower oil. They give a "gray" shade. Add 2 to 6 drops per 1 liter.

You need to deal with color design literally a day before use, so that "foreign" substances do not have time to form a precipitate. And remember: if the distillate has already gone cloudy during distillation, the drink may not be suitable for food purposes.