Medicinal properties of anise, recipes for tea, decoction, infusion and vodka tincture, contraindications. Vitamin anise tea

Even in ancient Rome and Greece, anise seeds were used to improve appetite and sleep. Many believed that it was this plant that had a positive effect on sleep, and it became full and strong.

Nothing has changed to this day, and anise tea was and remains very popular and in demand among many people.

Anise- This is a plant that has a spicy aroma and a rich sweetish taste. This plant blooms in June, July, and the fruits from it can be harvested only in August. Anise grows only in Greece, but now it is also grown in other countries. The oil from this plant is very often used in cosmetology and folk medicine. The essential oils that are obtained from it have a softening and expectorant effect, often relieve severe headaches, as well as dizziness.

About the benefits of anise tea

benefits of anise tea known to many, because it favorably affects the state of the whole organism. It is very often used in folk medicine, because it easily relieves spasms during bronchitis, relieves asthma attacks, and is often used for expectoration. It is very useful to drink anise tea during respiratory diseases. Often used during the treatment of whooping cough, laryngitis, tracheitis.

In addition, anise is also used in pharmacology. Plant extract is used for pain relief, disinfection, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic, in general, anise can cure many ailments. If you have problems with your teeth, then they can rinse your mouth with inflammation of the gums.

The rinse aid is prepared as follows:

  • 1 tsp anise;
  • 200 ml of water;

How to make anise tea

The properties of anise tea are very diverse. Many people use it not only for treatment, but also for prevention. If it is so useful, then let's figure out how to make anise tea. To prepare one liter of tea you need:
  • Tea - 0.5 l;
  • Anise plant seeds - 1 tsp;
  • Boiling water - 0.5 l;
  • Peeled and chopped Walnut- 30-40 g;
Anise seeds should be poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes.. Then it is worth straining the tincture and adding it to regular tea. Add finely chopped walnuts as a garnish. Tea, which includes anise, has a very pleasant and delicious aroma. It will favorably affect the whole organism as a whole, so at least sometimes, but it is worth drinking and enjoying its taste.

anise seeds It is a popular herbal remedy for various ailments. This article talks about herbal tea prepared from anise seeds.

Anise tea is made from anise seeds, which are obtained from the Pimpinella anisum plant, which is a relative of fennel, dill, roman cumin or cumin, and common cumin. This plant is used both in cooking and in medical purposes. Anise seeds resemble fennel seeds but are smaller. They have a sweet taste with hints of licorice, and are part of huge amount recipes for a wide variety of cuisines.

And anise tea is one of the most commonly used herbal remedies in various parts of the world, especially in the Middle East. Anise seeds are often confused with star anise, or star anise, which is a completely different spice. In addition to the names, these two spices also have similar aromas, but the star anise is collected from the evergreen tree of the same name. Dried star anise fruits resemble an asterisk in shape, which is why they are also called star anise. Star anise also has medicinal uses, however, different from those of anise seeds.

It is said that even the ancient Egyptians knew about medicinal properties ah anise, and they used its seeds as a remedy for numerous ailments. In European herbal medicine, it has been used as a carminative (i.e., an agent that prevents the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract). Often this plant is consumed in the form of tea.

This herbal tea is most commonly used as a digestive aid. It is said to be effective in preventing bloating and indigestion. This tea also stimulates the appetite. In addition, it is widely used as a remedy for respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinusitis. Anise seed tea is claimed to be good at relieving menstrual pain. Some people use it to loosen phlegm that accumulates in the lungs and throat. It can also be used to relieve menopausal symptoms. It is one of the most common herbal remedies for hiccups and is also a lactation enhancer for breastfeeding mothers. Apart from this, anise seed tea is believed to be beneficial for men as it is used to treat impotence.

How to make anise tea

There is anise seed tea in bags on the market these days. You can use it, or make a tea from regular anise seeds. All you need to do is boil water with anise seeds. You can also pour boiling water over crushed anise seeds and let them brew for some time. Some people add this infusion to regular tea and consume it with sweeteners. So, to make tea from anise seeds, you should take two teaspoons of crushed anise seeds and add a cup of boiling water to them. After 10-15 minutes, the infusion can be filtered. Also to do this herbal tea You can boil one teaspoon of anise seeds with a cup of water. Another method is to boil two teaspoons of anise seeds in a cup and a half of water. In another teapot, you can brew two bags of regular tea in one and a half cups of water for ten minutes, and then strain both infusions and combine them.

In a word, anise tea is used as a herbal medicinal product from a variety of conditions. However, sometimes he may also cause side effects. While some people are allergic to these seeds and therefore may experience an allergic reaction after drinking anise tea, others are more likely to experience skin inflammation and other conditions such as rosacea. Since anise seeds have diuretic properties, excessive consumption of them can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended to practice moderation and follow the instructions of a qualified herbalist. It must also be remembered that anise should not be confused with star anise, which can lead to serious side effects when used as a tea.

We continue the conversation about healing plants, today we will talk about anise and its beneficial medicinal properties, contraindications for use in traditional medicine. And also find out what heals and how anise tea is useful for the body.

Anise ordinary(family Umbelliferae) - herbaceous plant, spice. Anise is native to the Mediterranean. Today, this plant is found in every country. The anise plant is used in almost all industries: Food Industry, perfumery, cooking, as well as in medicine.

Useful properties of anise ordinary

Anise ordinary in folk medicine has received universal recognition. And, of course, the healing properties of anise have found their fans among lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

In the book "Ancient Tajik medicine about maintaining health" can be found precise definition anise as medicine.

  • The book notifies that anise soothes, reduces fatigue, helps people with, serves to eliminate halitosis ( bad smell from mouth).
  • It is also used for asthma and the treatment of the mucous membranes of the body.

In folk medicine, it is customary to use the ground part of anise, as well as the fruits and roots of the plant. Anise ordinary has a very pleasant taste, so it is often added to herbal mixture and used to make tea.

The use of anise in traditional medicine

anise tea

For colds, anise is often used, beneficial features it - relieve spasms during bronchitis, serve as an excellent expectorant.

How to prepare anise tea: brew equally the seeds of anise, coriander, fennel, cumin, dill (two tablespoons in two cups of boiled water). ready tea you need to stand for 5-10 minutes before using it. Anise fruits can be brewed both with tea and instead of it.

What else is useful anise tea?

Most people use anise tea not only as medicinal property but also for disease prevention. Tea with anise for nursing mothers helps to increase lactation, is also an antipyretic, diuretic, and has an antispasmodic effect. It is also favorable for the symptoms of VVD.

Anise seeds - medicinal properties

Tea with the addition of common anise seeds helps patients with encephalopathy, epilepsy, and improves mood with melancholy.

Infusion of anise seeds has an expectorant effect and serves as a remedy.

Decoction and infusion of anise

In the treatment of hepatitis (A-G), urolithiasis ( urolithiasis) is useful decoction with honey.

To do this, you need: pour 20 grams of seeds into a container with water (200 ml), keep on low heat for about 10 minutes. The finished broth should stand for 15-20 minutes, filter and add 20 g of honey. Stir the resulting mixture and take 4-5 times a day.

Needed to improve cerebral circulation anise stem extract. Method of preparation: pour dried and crushed anise stalk with boiled water (200 ml) and let the resulting broth brew for 30 minutes. Filter and take the finished broth half a cup 4 times before meals.

anise tincture

For preventive purposes and to stimulate the immune system, a tincture of anise fruits (50 g) is prepared, it must be insisted on alcohol or vodka for about 15 days. And then take the resulting tincture 3 times a day about 20 drops.

The use of anise tincture improves well-being and complexion, increases efficiency and strengthens the body's defenses.

Anise tea is fragrant and unique drink that can be enjoyed all year round. It is filled with many nutrients and is beneficial to health. What are its advantages? Is it really beneficial to everyone, or can it harm some?

What does he represent?

The anise plant is wild grass. Seeds (fruits), oil, sometimes leaf and root are used for the production of medicines.

Anise is used to treat indigestion, intestinal gas, runny nose, and as an expectorant to aggravate productive coughs. It is used both as a diuretic and as an appetite stimulant. At the same time, women use anise to increase the flow of milk during feeding, to establish menstruation, cure menstrual discomfort or pain, facilitate childbirth and increase sexual desire. Men use this plant to treat the symptoms of male menopause. Other options include treating seizures, nicotine addiction, sleep problems (insomnia), asthma and constipation.

AT food products This plant is used as a flavoring agent. It has a sweet taste reminiscent of black licorice. The seeds are most commonly used in liqueurs and spirits, as well as jellies, dairy products, candies, meats, and breath fresheners. Anise seasoning (dried seeds), which is added to various dishes.

AT industrial production anise is often used as a fragrance in soaps, creams and perfumes.

What is this tea?

Anise tea is an herbal drink made from the seeds and leaves of a plant that goes by the scientific name Pimpinella anisum. Anise has been cultivated and widely used in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region for thousands of years, both as a culinary ingredient and as an element of traditional medicine. As a medicinal component, it is used in the form of tea, less often - the essential oil of seeds.

Anise has a very recognizable flavor similar to licorice, tarragon, and fennel, and while this makes it unappealing to some people, it remains widely popular.

Benefits of anise drink

What are the benefits of anise tea? The most important health benefits of the drink are alleviation of digestive problems, treatment of coughs, asthma and sore throats, boosting immunity, stimulating appetite and alleviating inflammatory conditions.

For digestion

One of the oldest reasons for drinking anise tea is its mild laxative. Drink this drink as soon as you begin to observe a violation of the stool. It will help to quickly stimulate movements in the colon and relieve the symptoms of constipation.

Relieves inflammation

Anise tea contains a range of active ingredients and anti-inflammatory compounds that make it soothing and relaxing (both mentally and physically). Therefore, its use is recommended for conditions such as arthritis, gout, headaches and the consequences of injuries.

Improves the immune system

Thanks to the powerful antiviral and antibacterial components in the seeds, a cup of this tea provides excellent stimulation. immune system in addition to the various antioxidants found in this drink. It can be especially useful in the midst of an epidemic of influenza and SARS.

Treats respiratory diseases

Functioning as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent, anise tea can soothe any irritation in the respiratory tract, relieve coughs and sore throats, and neutralize the underlying infection or pathogen causing these symptoms. Therefore, the drink is used for colds, along with a decoction of licorice.

To improve lactation

Although the use of any herbal remedy during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be careful, there is strong evidence that anise tea can increase milk production and lactation. Therefore, even doctors recommend it.

Stimulates appetite

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that anise tea can help stimulate appetite. In doing so, it helps people who are recovering from surgery or illness and suffering from an eating disorder.

Supports hormonal balance

Anise has the ability to regulate hormonal fluctuations in the body, helping to regulate everything from sleep problems to PMS. A drink made from it can even stimulate menstruation.

Some scientific studies show that taking a specific product containing anise, saffron and celery seeds reduces the severity and intensity of pain on certain days of the menstrual cycle.

How else can it be useful?

According to reviews of anise tea, it helps to alleviate well-being in a number of diseases. Some of the properties attributed to it have not been scientifically confirmed, but at the same time it is still actively used in traditional medicine. In particular, a drink from a plant is used for the following diseases and conditions:

  • Asthma. Drinking 1 cup of tea containing anise, saffron, German chamomile, fennel, licorice, cumin, and cardamom is believed to reduce coughing and discomfort during sleep in people with allergic asthma.
  • Lice. Older studies suggested that using a product containing anise, Coconut oil and ylang ylang oil, when applied to the scalp, helps to get rid of lice.
  • Scabies.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Seizures.

However, more evidence is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of using anise for these purposes.

Side effects and safety

Anise is perfectly safe for most adults when taken by mouth in amounts normally found in foods. However, there are special precautions that should be observed:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Anise is generally safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women when taken as a tea. However, it is unknown if it can be used in large quantities so moderation is key.
  • Childhood. Anise is generally considered safe for most children. It can be consumed both in the form of tea and as an external remedy. However, moderation also does not hurt, because children's body may not respond to the plant in the best way.
  • Allergy. Anise can cause allergic reactions in some cases. If you are allergic to plants such as asparagus, cumin, celery, coriander, dill and fennel, it is best to refrain from using.
  • A hormone-sensitive condition (for example, cancer of the breast, uterus, ovaries, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis). In this case, anise can act like estrogen. If you have any conditions that may be aggravated by estrogen exposure, do not consume anise.

How to make tea from this plant?

Making anise tea at home is quite simple and requires only the dried seeds. You can also make decoctions or tinctures with dried leaves or fresh seeds. The preparation of the drink is as follows:

  1. Crush the star-shaped anise seeds, but don't grind them into a powder.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil and place a handful of crushed seeds in a teacup.
  3. Let the mixture sit for 10-12 minutes, allowing the release of as much of the active ingredients as possible.
  4. Strain the anise seeds, if desired, although they should remain at the bottom of the cup.

Anise tea is a wonderful drink that can quench your thirst and make you invigorated for a long time. However, this drink also has a number of medicinal properties. Anise is a plant that can be found in the wild only in one country in the world - Greece. It blooms in the first two months of summer, June and July. But anise is grown in almost every country in the world on special plantations. Essential oil This plant is widely used in medicine, not only in folk, but also in the official one.

Anise is used as a mild disinfectant. It is also used as an expectorant. In addition, this plant can help with gastric and intestinal colic, as it has an anti-spasmodic effect. Tea from anise grains is also used for antipyretic, as well as diuretic effect. During tea with anise can stimulate the release of milk from the mammary glands.

Pounded fruits of the plant can be used to treat mild burns, in addition, tea from the plant can also be consumed for a mild effect. Due to its disinfectant and expectorant effect, anise is well used to treat cough, bronchitis, whooping cough, as well as other diseases of the upper respiratory, trachea and bronchus. It can become an additional tool in the fight against tracheitis and laryngitis.

Pharmacists use anise fruits for syrups, oils and ammonia drops.

Also, the plant can be used to treat nervous vomiting, nervous dyspepsia, swelling, and diarrhea. In addition, it is used to eliminate intestinal bleeding, and women with painful menstruation. In folk medicine, anise is also used for dizziness, asthma, scurvy, and increased heartbeat.

Use of anise in other areas

The fruits of this plant are added to food to give it certain palatability. However, the taste of anise is quite specific and not everyone may like it. In addition, anise is used in industry as an additive to flavor toothpastes.

Tea with anise: recipe

Before making a drink, you need to choose the right seeds. They should not be a dark brown color, as this is the first sign that the seeds are already old and you will not get the aroma that is so important in tea from them. It is best to buy young seeds of the plant and store them whole in a dark place out of sunlight, preferably in closed glass containers. If stored improperly, they can quickly lose their healing properties.