Homemade hop beer. Cooking with hops

How to make beer from hops at home: a recipe

IN home brewing there is a time-tested hop beer recipe. Unlike industrial production in its manufacture, only natural raw materials are used. Hops impart specific bitterness and headiness and control transparency. Serves as a natural antiseptic and preservative. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect on the body.

Homemade hop beer

In the beer composition own production dry cones included. Due to essential oils, the drink acquires a spicy aftertaste. The normative consumption of hops per volume of water is calculated in the ratio of 20 g per 10 liters. To obtain fortified beer, the amount is increased. The technology of preparation is simple, does not require special equipment.

Source: Depositphotos

Recipe home beer from hops allows you to get a delicious drink


    • 40–50 g liquid brewer's yeast;
    • 1 kg of malt extract;
    • 10 liters of water;
    • 70-100 g dry hop cones;
    • 800 g of granulated sugar.

It is permissible to replace malt with molasses in the amount of 100–150 g.

Cooking method:

    1. Do water solution from sugar, malt and hops. Take only high quality water, otherwise delicious beer will not work. Suitable bottled version or natural origin. Bring to a boil and simmer for at least an hour.
    2. For 20 min. before the end of the preparation of the wort, another portion of hops is added for the corresponding smell.
    3. To get a drink of greater strength, more cones are added at the very end.
    4. Add the evaporated liquid to the original amount. Enter yeast.
    5. Cover the dishes and leave to ripen for three days in a warm place. Optimum temperature- 18-21°C.
    6. At the end of the term, strain and pour into glass bottles.
    7. Seal with corks and store in a cool place for a week.

Step-by-step hopping of the drink by adding hop raw materials in 3 passes is necessary to impart the appropriate aroma and bitterness. The technology provides for periodic stirring during cooking. It is not recommended to touch the container during fermentation.

The type of malt raw material affects the taste and aroma of beer. In addition to the standard barley, wheat and rye malt, there are several others. Caramel brings sweetness, stewed - honey aftertaste, burnt gives a coffee and chocolate note. The finished beer, subject to all the rules, is stored in plastic container up to 3–6 months. In tightly closed glass bottles, the shelf life is extended to 1 year. Homemade beer has a special richness and aroma.


Health 24.04.2014

Dear readers, today I suggest we talk about hop cones. Surely, having heard the name "hops" itself, many of us will associate it with fun, perhaps even intoxication, remembering the ancient Dionysus. However, hops are, first of all, a plant, and only then a state. And, by the way, the plant is very useful. I am going to talk about this in today's article.

Hops is a plant that came to us from hoary antiquity. According to legend, the pagan god Yarilo loved him, and the plant itself was identified with fertility, strength and health. It was with hops that in ancient times they showered newlyweds, wishing them success and happiness.

Today, hops are often used as an ornamental plant, pergola in the garden or decorating verandas. Dried hop cones are often used in ekibans, dried flower arrangements. Yes, most often the hop plant and hop cones are perceived precisely as the material used in the brewing industry. However, in addition to the listed areas of application, the use of hop cones in recipes for our health is not the last place.

Hop cones. Properties

Common hop ((Humulus lupulus) - perennial herbaceous plant. But those same cones are nothing more than its inflorescences. And they are male and female. But valuable in terms of content useful substances are precisely the female inflorescences, which are called cones. They emit a characteristic intoxicating aroma. Of particular value is lupulin - fine yellow pollen (hop flour). It has a bitter taste and is a mixture of essential oil, tannin, wax, resin, lignin (due to this substance, hop pollen becomes sticky).

As medicinal product hop cones are recognized by many doctors, including traditional medicine. And their use is due to the fact that the properties of hop cones are valuable not only for brewers.

Hop cones. Benefit:

  • Contain vitamins and minerals: vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium
  • Have a sedative and even hypnotic effect
  • Able to relieve pain, relieve inflammation, cramps
  • Tone up the gastrointestinal tract
  • Used as a diuretic
  • The bitterness contained in the pollen is used to stimulate the appetite.
  • Support women Health, help with problems with the menstrual cycle in women, help in the treatment of cystitis.

The beneficial properties of hop cones are used to treat diseases such as insomnia, neurosis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, stomach ulcers, and to treat some problems in gynecology.

The use of hop cones. How to brew them? Recipes for health.

Concerning dosage forms, in which this remedy can exist, the most popular are infusion and decoction of hop cones. There is also an ointment with crushed hop cones and directly lupulin, collected from the cones.

1. Hop cones for insomnia and nervous excitability.

For infusion, we take cones and motherwort in equal parts of hops, add about a fifth of the already obtained composition of mint leaves or lemon balm. If desired, and there are no contraindications, you can add valerian root to the collection. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with one liter of boiling water and let it all brew for about 10 hours. Take half a glass before meals three times a day.

Hop cones can be simply brewed (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Let it brew and drink like tea before going to bed.

Quite often, dried hop cones serve as a filler for pillows, which are also used for a sedative purpose.

2. Hop cones for pain in the joints. Recipe:

Grind one tablespoon of hop cones to a powder state and mix with the required volume of vegetable oil (your favorite). We need the mixture to be thick in consistency (approximate ratio 1:4). Also used for bruises, rheumatism, inflammation.

You can pre-boil hop cones - 1 table. boil a spoonful in a glass of water until the liquid is reduced by half. After we combine one spoonful of decoction with four tablespoons of petroleum jelly, mix well and apply to the places of bruises, bruises, abrasions. This remedy will relieve the pain of sciatica.

3. Hop cones for diseases of the kidneys or bladder

Preparing the infusion: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath. Drink a quarter cup three times a day before meals. Each time we drink the infusion with one glass of boiled water.

Hop cone oil for female beauty. Hop cones for breast enlargement. Myth or reality?

Recently, hop cones have been mentioned as a means for breast enlargement. And all because they contain a certain analogue of the female sex hormone (estrogen). This phytoestrogen 8-PN changes the hormonal background of a woman in the direction of increasing female hormones. In other words, it “activates” femininity, or rather, its external manifestations. Including this affects the size of the bust. I don't know how much this way effective - none of my friends have used it yet. But Runet is literally replete with reviews and recipes that feature hop cones for the chest.

The two most common recipes are hop cone infusion and hop cone oil.

Infusion of hop cones:

How to cook it? Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of hop cones and insist (preferably in a thermos) for eight hours. This infusion is recommended to drink up to three times a day, 100 ml 30 minutes before meals. The course should not exceed one month. Then you should take a break for a month.

But the oil of hop cones is used externally. You can look for it in pharmacies, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, grind a handful of dry hop cones and mix with 100 ml of base oil (olive, sesame, linseed). Shake the mixture well and make sure that the dry component has settled down.

Now we hide the prepared product in a dark place, store it for two weeks, shaking the jar daily, as if shaking all the contents. After 14 days, strain the oil and you can apply. Usually it is applied daily to the décolleté area with light massage movements.

The first effect may be noticeable after the first month of use. However, it will be possible to talk about some noticeable result only after three months of use.

Nevertheless, doctors insist that it is not worth interfering with the hormonal background of the body, otherwise the abuse of phytoestrogens can give rise to serious health problems, up to oncology. So wisdom to all in these matters.

Hop cones in cosmetology

As we found out, follow useful properties hop cones - bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the plant is rich in vitamins. So, its use in cosmetology is expedient and quite logical. "Hoppy" cones can improve the condition of the skin and hair, cope with areas of inflammation on the skin, acne, prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face.

An infusion of hop cones as a facial tonic.

In particular, an infusion of hop cones can be used as a tonic for washing. Pour a teaspoon of hop cones into 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and hold over low heat for five minutes. Cooled and strained infusion wipe the skin of the face daily. This tool will help to cope with negative manifestations. oily skin and also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Hop cones for hair. Recipe.

To strengthen and improve hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair after each wash. To prepare such a useful rinse, you need to take five tablespoons of hop cones and pour 500 ml of water over them. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes and let it brew for another 30 minutes. To feel the first effect, the remedy must be applied three times a week.

Hop cones: buy or harvest?

Today you can find hop cones in a pharmacy. The packaging also contains instructions for use, as well as a guarantee that the product has been assembled and stored in proper conditions. However, you can prepare hop cones yourself. Remember that only female inflorescences are used for medicinal purposes.

How to collect and dry hop cones?

You need to collect the cones a couple of days before they finally ripen. That is, when the inflorescence has a greenish-yellow color. This usually happens in mid-August. But the yellow-brown color and falling glands (parts of the plant, which contain the very useful lupulin) indicate that the plant has already faded and is unsuitable for use.

Cones break off along with pedicels. The collected material is dried in the open air, but in the shade, in order to prevent direct sunlight and overdrying of the plant. Usually hop cones are laid out on paper or cotton fabric. Properly dried inflorescences retain their color and even elasticity. If you need to prepare pollen separately, then after drying the inflorescences are sifted, and the glands with lupulin disappear, combining into a sticky yellow-green powder.

Hop cones. Contraindications.

Hops is a difficult plant and preparations prepared from it should be used with great care. First, get your doctor's approval. And secondly, remember that hops can become poison. That is, any overdose in the process of using the drug inside will end in poisoning. The first signs are dizziness, nausea, drowsiness. So you need to take the drug strictly according to the dosage. No self-activity.

A direct contraindication to taking drugs based on hop cones is pregnancy and lactation. The drug is also prohibited for gynecological diseases: polyps, cysts, tumors, endometriosis, etc.). Additional phytoestrogens will provoke the growth of formations and their rebirth.

Don't discount allergies. As with any herbal preparation, your body may react to hop cones. skin rashes, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Be careful, considerate and wise. And, of course, be healthy!

My heartfelt gift for today A. Tsfasman - Snowflakes, Fast movement . Two wonderful pieces by Alexander Tsfasman in the version of G. Pystin and I. Tsygankov for two pianos, double bass and percussion. An amazing duo from Novosibirsk. I remember this song. I just went to the theater the other day. There was the opening of the BTR festival - the Future of Theater Russia. And at the opening, post-graduate students of the Moscow Conservatory pleased us with an amazing concert. One of the pianists with the orchestra once performed "Snowflakes". I couldn't find his post on the internet. But this record also made me very happy. Tsfasman can be listened to and listened to. Do not miss! By the way - when with a friend they also performed these “Snowflakes” on 2 pianos ...

I wish you all beauty, health, mood. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Apply simple recipes to maintain your health and beauty.

Hop is a famous plant. Most people know it exclusively as a decorative culture. This attractive vine regrows stems every year, and their length per season can reach six to seven meters. Others are familiar with hops as one of the main components of the popular intoxicating drink - beer. But in fact, such a culture can also benefit health. It seems to be an ordinary hop, but it is also medicinal, and therefore let's discuss which healing recipes from hops at home can help people in different situations.

Hop cones are usually used as medicinal raw materials. They are harvested when they are still at an early stage of ripening, usually in mid-August. The resulting material can be used both fresh and dry. It is actively used by healers - experts in traditional medicine recipes, and doctors - specialists in official medicine.

Most often, ordinary hops are used to achieve a sedative and even hypnotic effect. At home, for this purpose, you can cook tea from the cones of this plant. A couple of teaspoons of crushed cones should be poured with a glass of only boiled water and covered with a lid for infusion. A quarter of an hour later ready drink it is necessary to strain and drink one cup twice a day as a sedative. For insomnia and other sleep disorders, it is best to drink it half an hour before a night's rest. If you combine such a medicine with warm milk sweetened with honey, then the effect will be much more pronounced.

To correct nervous conditions, it is best for readers of "Popular about Health" to combine medicinal hops with mint and chamomile. All components must be used in equal number. A teaspoon of the crushed collection should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for a quarter of an hour under the lid, then strain and drink one hundred milliliters in the afternoon.

For cooking decoction with the same properties, it is necessary to prepare a tablespoon of crushed hop flowers. They need to be brewed with a glass of only boiled water and heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The finished medicine must be cooled and strained using gauze. The infusion should be taken shortly before the meal three times a day for a quarter cup.

This remedy is also used by traditional medicine specialists in the treatment of oncological lesions of the stomach, liver or lungs.

Hop cones are widely used externally. So, in the presence of joint diseases, traditional medicine experts advise cooking from them ointment. To do this, a tablespoon of cones must be thoroughly crushed to a powder state and combined with the right amount any vegetable oil to get a fairly thick mixture. The resulting medicine can be used to treat bruises, rheumatism and inflammation.

More for the treatment of bruises, bumps, abrasions and sciatica, you can prepare a tablespoon of hop cones. Brew it with a glass of water and boil on a fire of minimum power until the volume of the broth is reduced by half. The resulting broth must be filtered and mixed with four tablespoons of petroleum jelly. Store the finished medicine in the refrigerator.

Hop cones at home can come to the rescue with diseases of the kidneys or bladder. In this case, you need to prepare a decoction from them by brewing a tablespoon of crushed raw materials with one glass of boiled water only. Boil the resulting mixture in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. The finished medicine must be cooled, strained and taken in a quarter cup shortly before the meal, washed down with a glass plain water. There is evidence that such a remedy will also help to cope with allergic diseases, in such a situation it can also be used externally.

Patients with irritation and spasms of the bladder it is worth preparing the following decoction: a tablespoon of crushed hop cones should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled over a fire of minimum power for a quarter of an hour. Insist for half an hour, then strain and drink for a quarter of an hour three times a day shortly before a meal.

Patients with Botkin's disease (hepatitis C) you can prepare the following infusion: ten grams of crushed hop cones should be brewed with a glass of boiled water only. Infuse this medicine for seven to eight hours, then strain using gauze, and take a tablespoon three times a day.

With cholecystitis and other inflammatory lesions of the gallbladder and liver, as well as with kidney ailments, healers advise preparing a tincture of hop cones. Three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials must be poured with one hundred milliliters of alcohol. Seal the container with the mixture tightly and send it to a warm and dark place to infuse. Do not forget to periodically shake the medicine being prepared. After it, you need to strain and take forty drops three times a day. Tincture before taking should be diluted in fifty milliliters of water.

Hops will help to cope with baldness problem. In this case, it is best to use it both internally and locally. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew a tablespoon of crushed hop cones with one glass of boiled water only. Infuse the medicine for a quarter of an hour - twenty minutes, then strain and take a tablespoon three times a day. Also use this decoction to rub into the hair.

Before using hops for therapeutic purposes, it is not superfluous to consult a doctor. This plant has contraindications for use.

Common hop is a climbing plant, up to seven meters long, chosen by river valleys, ravines. Often found as an ornamental plant, decorating hedges. Flowering occurs from July to August. Fruit ripening - from mid-August to September.

In this article, we will look at some useful and medicinal properties have hop cones, how to use them for the treatment of diseases, as well as possible contraindications from them.

Useful properties of hops

Hop cones are rich in tannins, biologically active compounds, hop resins, essential vegetable oils, wax. The plant is used in medicine and Food Industry. In the bakery industry, it is used for baking bread and confectionery. The stems of the plant are suitable for making paper. low grades, coarse yarn. We don't even realize that burlap and ropes are made from hops.

Hop cones are used in brewing. They are added to the drink at the end of boiling. This gives the beer a special flavor.

Hop cones belong to the category of plants that have a sedative effect. They contain chemicals that have a calming effect on the central nervous system+ substances that stimulate appetite.

The medicinal properties of hop cones have long been known and are used not only in folk, but also in official medicine, however, drugs must be used with caution, as there are some contraindications for taking.

When can you harvest hops

Collection of hop cones for use in medicinal purposes produced in mid-August. During this period, the initial maturation of the plant begins. To dry the raw materials, it is necessary to choose a shaded place and prepare a flat surface on which to lay out the collected raw materials.

Hanging hops in bunches is not worth it, in order to avoid losing the valuable part of the lupulin plant (golden powder). If the buds are dried properly, they will retain their natural color, elasticity and aroma, which is very important.

Medicinal properties of hop cones

  • Hop cones have antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In folk and official medicine, this plant is effectively used in combination with other medicinal herbs for the treatment of the urinary tract and kidneys, as well as for the regulation of mineral metabolism, as a sedative for cardiovascular diseases, agitation, and insomnia.
  • Small pillows stuffed with fragrant cones, placed at the head of the bed, will relieve insomnia and anxiety, help you sleep well.
  • Essential oil from hop seedlings relieves headaches and muscle pain.
  • Plant extracts are used to treat viral infections. Its effectiveness is high for the treatment of staphylococci, streptococci, herpes.
  • Inhalations with hop oil facilitate breathing, eliminate nasal congestion, and ease coughing during flu and colds.
  • Hops are also known for their antiviral, antibacterial, and pain-relieving properties. Ointments based on it are excellent tool for the treatment of non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers, mucous membranes, when they are affected by inflammatory processes and itching.
  • Decoctions and ointments from hop cones are used as lotions for the treatment of joints, bruises, and burns. Effective for fungal skin lesions.

The use of the plant in medicine

The medicinal properties of hops are used in official medicine. Preparations derived from the plant are part of the well-known, well-proven medical preparation "Urolesan". They take it to obtain a diuretic, choleretic, litholytic and antispasmodic effect in the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the urinary tract and kidneys, such as pyelonephritis; urolithic and; chronic cholecystitis; biliary dyskinesia.

Hop oil is part of the well-known drugs "Valocordin", "Novo-Passit", "Corvaldin", "Sedavit", effective for insomnia, depression, pain in the heart, nervousness due to stress.

The use of hop cones at home

IN folk medicine A decoction of hop flowers is used for cancer of the stomach, liver, and lungs.

Hop preparations have a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the body, the regulation of fat, mineral, water metabolism.

Hops is rich in plant analogues of the female hormone estrogen, due to which it has a stimulating effect on the menstrual cycle, which is important for hormonal disorders. Also, some female representatives use hops to increase their bust, also thanks to this female hormone.

Taking a decoction of the plant (in strict doses) increases the sexual stamina of men - nerve processes are stabilized, sensitivity to stimulation is reduced, which positively affects the duration of sexual intercourse and eliminates premature ejaculation.

Hops-based tinctures and decoctions are also used in the care of problem skin. Their regular use will help get rid of various kinds of skin inflammations and rashes.

Ointment recipe for osteochondrosis and other joint diseases

Mix two tablespoons of crushed hop cones with four tablespoons of interior fat or butter. Let it brew for a day. Apply the ointment to a linen cloth and apply to the problem area in the form of a compress overnight. Repeat 4-5 times.

alcohol tincture recipe

One part of dry crushed hop cones is poured into four parts medical alcohol and kept at room temperature 7 - 10 days. After straining, the tincture is ready for use.

For headaches, anxiety, panic attacks, migraines, etc., drink tincture of 5 drops diluted in 50 ml of water 3 times a day.

decoction recipe

A tablespoon of cones is poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, after which it is infused until cool and filtered.

A decoction is taken for problems with the kidneys and bladder, 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Infusion recipe

- 2 tablespoons of cones, brew half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for one hour. Strain.

For cystitis, drink a quarter cup three times a day half an hour before meals. Usually after a week, all manifestations of cystitis disappear.

- 1 tablespoon of hops is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, filtered and used for compresses and lotions for wounds, cuts, acne, ulcers, inflammation and other skin diseases.

Hop oil recipe

4 tablespoons of cones pour 150 ml of olive oil or and soak to infuse oil healing properties a week in a dark place, shaking daily. After straining, the oil is used by women for breast augmentation: not a large number of oils are poured into the hand and rubbed into your bust with massage movements. This massage is done once a day for a month.

It is also an oil for colds.

Cushion with hops

To normalize sleep or in case of chronic insomnia, inhalation of essential vapors of hops helps. To do this, stuff a cotton pillowcase with dry cones and sleep on it. You can not sleep on it, but put it at the head - the therapeutic effect will be slightly less, but also sufficient for the treatment of insomnia.

At night, tea with hops will be useful: brew a teaspoon of cones with a glass of boiling water. After a short infusion, strain, add honey and drink to calm down.

Benefits of hop cones for hair

In modern cosmetology, the medicinal properties of hops are often used to care for hair and scalp. On sale there are shampoos, balms and masks for all types of hair. But at home, it is quite possible to prepare an infusion for rinsing hair. Take 2 tablespoons of cones, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour. Use after shampooing.

You can vary the composition of the infusion by adding various herbs to it. If you have dry hair, add chamomile flowers, mint leaves. If fatty - nettle leaves, horsetail.

The use of a decoction of hop cones for rinsing the hair for a month strengthens them, makes them shiny and well-groomed.

With hair loss, baldness for medicinal purposes, masks and rubbing from plant cones are used to grow and strengthen hair.

Precautionary measures: Hops are not recommended for infants and children. It is contraindicated in people taking antidepressants and sleeping pills.

Contraindications for admission

Despite all of the above positive traits, hops - a poisonous plant. When taking decoctions, infusions, ointments, a strict dosage must be observed. In case of an overdose, a manifestation of general malaise, nausea or vomiting, headache, allergic reactions, pain in the heart and shortness of breath is possible.

It is advisable to use hop preparations only as directed and under the supervision of a physician. They should not be taken by pregnant women and should also be avoided by people prone to depression.

Treatment of children under two years of age with any herbal remedies is a potential hazard.

Hop, braiding supports with flexible shoots, grows up to 6 meters, its rough leaves consist of 3 or 5 lobes, they are attached to the stem oppositely. The flowers are small, female in cone-shaped inflorescences, and male - small greenish-white panicles. For medicinal purposes, only hop cones from female plants are used.

Composition, vitamins and minerals

This vine of temperate latitudes grows everywhere, preferring places with high humidity, it can be found in bushes or along the banks of rivers and reservoirs. In the villages, hops curl on fences, and in Germany they are cultivated on large plantations. In addition to pharmacy, the plant is used in bakery production and brewing.

If you grind the hop cones, you can see a yellowish substance - lupulin. It gives the plant a special smell, it contains nitrogen-containing components, wax, resins, fats, essential oils and ash. During brewing, lupulin breaks down into humulin and lupulon, giving the beer its distinctive amber color and slight bitterness.

Hop cones contain:

  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids;
  • catechins;
  • anthocyanides;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • vegetable oils;
  • phytoestrogens.

In addition, the plant contains two dozen aromatic compounds, trace elements, vitamins.

Hop cones: medicinal and beneficial properties

People have known about the healing potential of hops for many centuries. Women in the villages use hop cones for hair, preparing rinsing decoctions based on them. Empress Catherine II herself curled her curls on beer. Grandmothers use a mixture of sweet clover and hops for arthritis and arthrosis, back pain.

On hops, instead of yeast, fragrant loaves are baked. For preparation, hop cones are kneaded, poured with water, filtered, and the dough is kneaded on this basis. It rises slowly, not like yeast, but the bread turns out to be healthy and tasty.

Medicinal properties of hops:

  • stimulates appetite;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • reduces convulsions;
  • anesthetizes;
  • removes inflammation;
  • strengthens capillaries;
  • heals ulcers;
  • regulates the exchange of fluid in the body.