Barley drink old composition. Barley coffee - health benefits and harms

Barley, like other grains, contains a large number of useful substances. In terms of fiber content, it ranks second among all cereals. Its amount is at least 9%. Protein in it up to 15.5%, carbohydrates up to 75.5%. One cup of barley coffee contains approximately 20-25 kcal, 4-5 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of protein.

Barley drink is rich in vitamins and beneficial elements, including:

  • group B (B1-B4, B6, B8 and B9);
  • fat-soluble E, A, D.
  • macro- and microelements (iodine, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, silicon, etc.);

Also in grains of barley there is a large amount of beta-glucans - dietary water-soluble fibers. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances, remove cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels.

Beneficial features

Barley drink has unique medicinal properties. If you include it in your diet, you can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, the risk of which increases due to the accumulation of aluminum oxide. Barley contains silicic acid, which neutralizes it.

Beneficial features barley coffee:

  • improves the condition of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • strengthens nails and bones;
  • restores hair growth;
  • makes the skin supple;
  • helps relieve stress and restore the body after overwork.

Cooking rules and taste

The taste of barley drink bears little resemblance to natural coffee. After brewing, a pleasant bready aroma emanates from it, and if you add hot milk, the taste will resemble cappuccino. To enhance the coffee aroma, you can add chicory - half a teaspoon per cup.

You can prepare a barley drink from ready-made dry powder or from grains. Brewing coffee from ready-made instant concentrate is much faster, but its taste may vary depending on the manufacturer. The taste also changes depending on the cooking method. Coffee brewed in a cup and in a Turk will differ quite a lot.

The simplest and most popular recipe making a coffee substitute from barley powder:

  • 4-6 g of coffee is poured into a 150 ml cup.
  • Infused 4-6 minutes.

The method of making coffee from beans is more complicated and time consuming, but its taste can be changed depending on the degree of barley roasting. The stronger the roast, the bitterer the drink will turn out.

Classic grain recipe:

  • The barley is washed and dried.
  • Dry grains are poured into a preheated pan (oil is not used).
  • Barley is roasted until dark and characteristic smell.
  • The grain is poured out and left to cool completely.
  • Cooled barley is ground in a coffee grinder.
  • As soon as the drink boils, it is removed from the fire, closed with a lid and left for 5-8 minutes.
  • Coffee is poured into a cup, and other ingredients are added to taste - milk, cream, sugar.

You can drink coffee from barley at any time of the day, as it does not have a stimulating effect on nervous system.

Contraindications and possible harm

Explicit negative consequences from the use of the drink was not detected. The product is contraindicated only for patients with cyalekia, as it contains gluten.

People with diabetes should consult their doctor before drinking barley coffee. Everyone else should remember that the recommended intake is no more than 2-3 cups per day.

A drink made from barley grains cannot replace coffee, and you should not turn your choice to it, just looking for a replacement for coffee. With the advent of various varieties of coffee, cereal drinks receded into the background, and were undeservedly forgotten. Indeed, due to its benefits, “barley coffee” was once recommended for medical and baby food.

Healthy barley drink

Today we often meet different kinds of such drinks, of course, many of us acquire them either out of curiosity or trying to reduce consumption. But, if you just surrender to the pleasure of the unique taste, barley drink, the benefits of which lie in the absence of caffeine, and in vitamins, and in the content of trace elements, then your diet of hot drinks will become, unlike, richer.

to pleasant and useful qualities can be attributed to the ability of this drink to influence the work of the gastrointestinal tract, to maintain the balance of hormones. Barley coffee drink regular use can provide water-salt balance and positively influence the functioning of the nervous system. Since coffee is contraindicated for many people for various reasons, cereal "coffee" becomes a good alternative.

Barley grains, from which drinks are made, contain components in their composition that allow them to be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. And, derivative products from this grain have the same useful properties. Barley, in addition to proteins and carbohydrates, contains a lot of fiber. It contains potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium and a number of vitamins: A, E, D and B. Barley drinks are allowed for use by expectant mothers and children.

Barley coffee drink

They can be produced with the addition of chicory, a certain amount, blueberry extracts, and other additives that enrich drinks with new tastes and properties. In order to get only good things from life, even in such drinks you should know the measure and always read the composition, because you better know your individual intolerance. Any abuse, even in such simple product like barley drink, harmful. Today you can buy drinks from roasted and ground beans, which are brewed like coffee in beans, or instant ones - which are diluted with hot water and, if desired, cream or milk is added.

because of high blood pressure or for a number of other reasons, some people are forced to give up traditional coffee. A worthy replacement for him can be coffee drink from rye and barley, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied by nutritionists.

Despite all the benefits and clear benefits, cereal coffee has long been underestimated. Today, thanks to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, the drink is confidently regaining its lost positions. Properly prepared, coffee from rye and barley will not only please with its taste, but also help improve health.

Useful properties of the drink

Studies have shown that drinks made from barley have a strong strengthening effect. They are indispensable for people whose lives are associated with constant stress, physical or emotional overload. Barley coffee is even included in some health food systems. And if barley is supplemented with rye, the benefits and nutritional value of the drink still increase.

Barley-rye coffee contributes to:

  1. Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Substances that make up cereals have a choleretic effect. They cleanse, tone and stimulate the epithelium that lines the intestines. As a result, it is restored, a favorable nutrient medium is created, which is optimal for the active reproduction of bacteria. Barley and rye coffee is indicated for gastritis, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, dyskinesia and other common gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Prevention of diabetes. Thanks to high content fiber in the drink slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Accordingly, the glucose indicator does not make sharp jumps, it remains stable.
  3. Weight normalization. Drinking barley coffee relieves stress on the pancreas. Due to this, glucose is completely processed, and not deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
  4. Restoration of the work of the heart and blood vessels. Grains, especially barley, are rich in magnesium and potassium. They are useful for the heart muscle, especially when backed up by the influence of vitamins D and E. Drinking coffee from rye and barley contributes to the normalization blood pressure, if it is increased, and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Treatment and prevention of inflammation. The bactericidal properties of rye and barley grains protect the body from infectious diseases. Inflammation respiratory tract accompanying colds, passes faster when drinking a drink. Cereal coffee Cereal coffee even helps with some skin diseases.
  6. General strengthening of the body. The optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates quickly restores strength. For this reason, barley coffee with rye is prescribed to people who have undergone injuries, surgeries, and long-term illnesses.

For making coffee, it is better to use ready-made mixtures. Buying the ingredients separately, it is easier to run into counterfeit products and, moreover, you can make a mistake in the proportions. Products like " old mill”, are prepared from high-quality and properly processed raw materials.

Among other useful elements, coffee from barley and rye contains silicon and lysine. They contribute to the synthesis of collagen, and it, in turn, has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenates it and improves tone.

Harm of barley coffee

Barley coffee can have a negative effect if it is not prepared correctly or the drink is abused. Experts recommend drinking no more than 4-5 cups of barley coffee per day. In this case, the drink will bring exceptional benefits.

There are no contraindications to the use of barley coffee, but there are several nuances that should be remembered. Given the carbohydrate content and calorie content of the drink, you should not drink it in large quantities when overweight. AT small quantities barley coffee promotes weight loss, but in significant amounts it can have the opposite effect. In addition, there is protein in barley and rye, which should be taken into account for people with kidney pathologies.

How to make barley coffee with rye

There are several options for making barley coffee. If you plan to cook it with rye, you can use this recipe:

  • For 3 tablespoons of barley we take the same amount of rye. We wash the ingredients several times until clean water. Then again fill with water and insist at least a day.
  • After the specified time, drain the liquid, and fill the grains with filtered or drinking water. We put all this mass on fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the grains begin to burst, it is necessary to remove the container from the stove, drain the water and rinse the cereals again.
  • Now it remains to dry the mixture and you can proceed directly to the preparation of coffee. To do this, fry the grains for several minutes in a dry frying pan. We make sure that the mass does not burn. We grind the dried products in a coffee grinder and use it like regular ground coffee.
  • As a rule, already mixed, washed and roasted coffee from barley and rye is sold in stores. In this case, all previous steps are skipped.
  • The ratio of a tablespoon (with a slide) of the mixture and 150 ml of water is considered optimal. Boil the mass for 2 minutes and insist the same amount under the lid.
  • In the process of making coffee, you can add half a teaspoon of chicory to barley and rye. It will give the drink a unique aroma, and make the color more saturated.

True connoisseurs of barley coffee prepare it with milk. In this case, a third of the water is replaced with milk during the cooking process. If desired, the taste of coffee can be softened or honey.

Famous brands offering barley coffee

If you do not want to go into all the intricacies of making coffee from barley and rye, you can purchase a ready-made mixture. In the market for such products, the following brands are most in demand:

  • Old mill. Already ready mix from barley and rye, which should be brewed according to the attached instructions.
  • barley ear from the Coffee Company Vokrug Sveta. For the products of this brand, barley acts as the main component, and it is supplemented by rye, chicory, ground acorns and other equally healthy products.
  • Barley ear from "Centuries". Another brand that has proven itself on the positive side due to the availability and quality of products.

Barley coffee tastes like cappuccino, especially if milk was used in its brewing. The presence of rye does not spoil anything, it even adds unusual, but pleasant notes. To obtain the desired result, you need to choose your proportions of the components, determine the cooking time and additional ingredients drink.

We want to tell you about the undeservedly forgotten, but tasty and healthy drinks from barley. We hope that after reading the information presented by us, you will agree that barley drinks should take pride of place in the menu of every person trying to take care of their health.

Like any product, drinks from this cereal have some contraindications. There are very few of them, but still it does not hurt to know about them.

Long oblivion does not mean that the product is bad

For a long time there was an opinion that of all agricultural cereal crops, barley is the least useful and valuable from the point of view of microbiological analysis. At one time, it was even believed that pearl barley, which is made from barley, is an empty and useless product. What can we say about barley drink? The benefits and harms of this product were not even discussed. Most likely, this is due to the fact that its cost is relatively low, and in the famine years it was barley that became a familiar guest on the tables of low-income people. He rescued the poor both during the war years and during the years of crop failure.

Barley is completely unpretentious in cultivation and grows almost throughout Russia. And what is always at hand, as you know, is usually perceived without much reverence. In addition, the direct dependence of the diet on material well-being is too obvious, and pearl barley is a traditional meal during hard times. But everything flows and everything changes.

AT last years interest in barley as a food from the category "for healthy eating' has increased significantly. This trend is encouraging. She touched not only barley, but also other gifts of the earth, in particular, quinoa and amaranth, which returned to our tables under exotic, overseas names - quinoa and amaranth. But even they are not a curiosity for the Russian taste. By the way, both plants are considered weeds, and gardeners mercilessly fight them.

Barley drinks have returned to our diet no longer as cheap substitutes for tea and not as decoctions. medicinal plants for the treatment or restoration of an organism weakened by an illness, but as full-fledged components of a healthy menu for all family members.

Beneficial features

Barley drinks have unique beneficial properties. They help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing digestive system from waste and toxins. Barley promotes the excretion of cholesterol, prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder. It is hypoallergenic, so it can be added to the list of dishes for people prone to somatic reactions to various types of food.

If you include any of the barley drinks in your daily diet, then be sure that in old age you will not develop senile dementia. The point is that one of unique properties barley is a high content of silicic acid, which destroys aluminum oxide, and aluminum alloys are actively used in the production of food utensils and cutlery. During contact with them, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which aluminum in an easily digestible form enters our body and settles in the cells. The consequence of the accumulation of harmful metal is Alzheimer's disease.


Barley drinks have practically no contraindications. The two restrictions apply only to the following cases:

barley coffee

Barley coffee is called a substitute for real coffee. However, the so-called barley coffee drink only tastes like coffee. Unlike the real one, it does not excite the nervous system and is suitable not only for a morning meal, but also for drinking throughout the day. Barley drink, the benefits of which are undeniable, is allowed even for small children.

You can buy ground barley coffee at the store, but it's easy to make your own. Unpeeled barley grains should be fried in a dry frying pan until light brown and ground in a coffee grinder. Ground grains are brewed in a coffee grinder at the rate of one spoon per cup of boiling water. It turns out a brown bitter drink, a bit like coffee. It is customary to drink it with sugar and milk or cream.

Drinks "Barley Ear" and "Golden Ear"

These two barley drinks are analogues ground coffee. They are sold in ordinary supermarkets in the grocery departments.

"Barley Ear" contains roasted ground barley grains and chicory root. The brewing method is indicated on the package. As a rule, one large mug requires one tablespoon of powder. Barley coffee is brewed in the same way as regular coffee, in a Turk or a coffee maker.

"Zolotoy Kolos" is a mixture of barley and rye grains. It is prepared in the same way as "Barley Ear" or regular coffee.

Perhaps it's time to stop treating Barley and Golden Ear as cheap analogues of Brazilian coffee. The drink "Barley Ear" only by the method of brewing and color resembles traditional coffee. Its properties and taste do not repeat coffee at all, and the health benefits far exceed the latter. Negative side effects can only be associated with the quality of barley raw materials and with those additives that will be included in the drink.

malt drink

Barley malt drink is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. For him, the grains must be germinated within one to two days. As soon as white sprouts hatch, the grains should be washed and dried. Grind dry grains and pour boiling water. Insist in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. For two or three tablespoons of ground barley, one and a half to two glasses of boiling water is enough.

Can be prepared ahead of time and used as needed. They are stored both whole and ground.


Barley jelly is made from peeled grains, that is, from pearl barley, and from non-threshed. The proportions look rather arbitrary: at least 50 g of barley is required per liter of water. If you love thick jelly- put more.

Barley is filled with water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Then it settles down and cools down. Only a drink made from unpeeled barley is filtered.

Barley jelly for Russia - a traditional dish. It used to be boiled thick and eaten with butter, seasoned with a pinch of salt. The children were prepared sweet kissel with honey or berries.

Barley jelly is by no means a primitive dish with a couple of options. A whole book can be compiled about the methods of preparing barley jelly, because this drink can be brewed from fresh unthreshed grains, and from dry peeled, and from sprouted ones. It is made of different densities, eaten sweet and salty, diluted with butter, meat and vegetable broths.

Barley jelly has a rather neutral taste, therefore it is combined with a variety of products.

Based on it, mixtures are prepared for feeding infants if the mother has little of her own milk.

Mugitya, damaicha and porichha

Mugitya, damaicha and porichha - three names for the same barley drink, very popular in Japan, China and Korea. It is similar to the Russian one, which is sold in our stores under the name "Summer".

This is barley coffee made from whole, unmilled, roasted and ground beans without any additives in the form of milk powder, sugar or preservatives. It is brewed like ordinary coffee, but it is customary to drink it cold, putting a slice of lemon and ice in a cup. This drink is also produced in the form of an instant concentrated powder.

We hope that the article was of interest to you. In it, we examined the barley drink, the harm and benefits that it brings to the body.

Many people are discouraged from using strong coffee. When switching to a healthy diet, you should use its substitutes. The leader in usefulness is barley coffee. The benefits and harms of the drink, the rules for its preparation are presented in the article.

What it is?

Barley as a food crop has been known to mankind for more than 4 thousand years. Cereals are popular due to their composition. They contain almost 15% protein and fiber, which is necessary for excellent nutrition. Beta-glucans cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the amount of sugar. Due to the content of vitamins and trace elements, barley is a pantry of nature.

It is no coincidence that the diet of Roman gladiators included dishes from this grain. Russian heroes also consumed barley in large quantities. He served for making porridge, baking bread, getting drinks. The latter are made from roasted and ground grains. In Europe, they began to replace barley for a long time. This was due to the high price of coffee beans. In addition, there were constant interruptions in the supply. Scientists believe that such a drink can not only save money, but also improve health.

Beneficial features

Is barley coffee healthy? In the 1930s, biologists found that the drink has a strengthening effect. It is used by people who have experienced severe stress and stress. Barley coffee began to be used to restore nutrition, it is recommended in the complex therapy of many ailments.

The drink has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Cereal treats ulcers, gastritis, dysbacteriosis. Barley is necessary for activating, cleansing and toning the digestive tract. They restore the intestinal microflora. Beta-glucans, which are found in barley, are considered an excellent environment for the development of beneficial bacterial compounds. Without them, there will be no normal functioning of the digestive system.

Barley coffee serves as a prevention of diabetes. It allows you to drop excess weight. Due to the high fiber content, the absorption of carbohydrates slows down, so the level of glucose in the blood is normal. The drink improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as the cereal contains a lot of magnesium and potassium. And the vitamins E and D contained in it are needed to restore pressure.

Barley coffee serves as a means of preventing and treating inflammation. Due to the bactericidal action of the grains, the drink has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in the treatment of colds and respiratory tract infections. The drink has general strengthening properties - proteins and carbohydrates perfectly restore strength. It is not for nothing that barley decoction is used to strengthen strength after stress, operations and injuries.

This coffee is a beauty drink. It contains a lot of lysine and silicon, necessary for the production of collagen. The drink makes the skin supple and youthful, and also improves hair growth and density. To restore the nervous system, barley coffee should be consumed. It does not have an exciting and stimulating effect on brain activity, therefore it is considered safe.

If coffee beans contain caffeine, which in large quantities can worsen many processes in the body, then barley drink does not contain it. This allows you to use it regularly. Barley coffee is preferred by representatives of a healthy diet. Even with the addition of other components, the benefits of the drink do not deteriorate.


No negative effects of drinking barley coffee have been established. Just be aware of the number of calories. A cup of drink contains about 20-25 kilocalories, 4-5 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of protein. These indicators should be especially taken into account by those who monitor weight. Contraindications for the use of the drink have not been identified.

Cooking rules

How to make barley coffee at home? This will require whole dry barley grains. They must be selective. The preparation is based on the following steps:

  • Grains should be fried in a pan without oil.
  • Then they are ground in a hand mill.
  • Ready brown powder should be poured into a Turk (for 150 ml of water 1 tablespoon of the product).
  • Coffee is boiled for 2 minutes, and the same amount is required for infusion, best of all under the lid.
  • The drink can be spilled.

Many people love barley coffee. Reviews indicate that it is better to use it with chicory - 0.5 tsp each. per serving. This will make the drink more aromatic. You can add milk to it, which is poured into coffee during preparation, replacing water. In this case, the taste of coffee becomes softer.

Ready coffee is also mixed with cream, honey and sugar. The drink has a pleasant aroma, delicate taste. In addition, it has many valuable properties that are needed for a healthy lifestyle, so you can use it regularly.


In our country, barley coffee is produced by the following manufacturers:

  • The Russian Product company manufactures products under the Staraya Mill brand. This barley drink contains rye.
  • In stores you can find products of the Barley Ear brand. It is produced by the coffee company "Around the World".
  • Barley Ear is produced by the Stoletov brand.

Soluble may contain chicory, ground acorns and other natural substances. The price of a package of 100 g is in the range of 45-55 rubles. Goods of local manufacturers can cost 30-35 rubles. You can find barley coffee in almost every store, and especially in large supermarkets.


This drink tastes like a cappuccino, especially if it contains hot milk. With brewing, a thick and high foam appears, a bready aroma. If chicory is also present, then the coffee smell intensifies. When a product contains only barley, it will not exude coffee bean aroma.

Barley coffee is great for pregnant women, children, and also for those who are contraindicated for caffeine. It will improve your well-being without harming your health. You can use any recipe, including those with the addition of additional components. Each of them tastes great and has many benefits. The drink can be consumed regularly.