How to roll small cucumbers. Recipe for crispy cucumbers in jars for the winter

The time has come for preparing vegetables and fruits largely determines how varied and tasty our food will be. winter menu. Will there be any extras on the table for lunch or dinner? hearty salads, fragrant canned peppers or tomato, fragrant jam for tea...

Among all this variety, cucumber preparations are one of the most popular. After all, pickled or salted, they are good not only on their own, they are one of the important components of most salads, and they are also used in preparing first and second courses.

Today's article is for those housewives who decided to prepare cucumber preparations for the winter in liter jars, the crispy little cucumbers are especially tasty and appetizing.

But you also need to be careful when choosing a recipe for storing in such a container, because if they are stored in three-liter containers without problems, then in liter containers, due to their small volume, they cost worse, more often “explode”, and therefore require a recipe precisely adjusted in terms of the amount of preservatives.

By the way, for the same reason, when preparing cucumbers in small containers, the jars are most often not just filled with hot brine, but also sterilized.

Despite the fact that the recipes are very similar at first glance, experienced housewives They know that even a small difference in seasonings, and even more so in salt-sugar-vinegar, significantly affects the taste.

Do not forget that the dishes for seaming must be washed and sterilized, and vegetables and seasonings must be washed well.

And one more helpful advice: before you start seaming, it is advisable to soak the cucumbers in cold water for 3-4 (three to four) hours, this increases their “ability” for long-term storage.

So for you

Recipes for crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars for every taste

Cucumbers “Like from a store”

For the 1st one-liter jar you will need:

  • Cucumbers (it is advisable to choose identical, small-sized specimens)
  • 2 (two) tables. lie 9% vinegar
  • 5 (five) pieces each of black and allspice peppers
  • 1 (one) dill umbrella (take along with seeds and leaves)
  • 1 (one) Bay leaf
  • Mustard seeds (preferred, but optional)
  • To prepare the marinade for 3 (three) liters of water we need:
  • 100 (one hundred) gr. salt
  • 200 (one hundred) gr. granulated sugar

We wash the cucumbers well and cut off their ends. Fold as compactly as possible into jars prepared in advance, placing all the indicated seasonings down except salt-sugar-vinegar.

To prepare the marinade, you need to dissolve the salt/sugar in boiling water and, after dissolving, pour everything into the prepared vegetables and seasonings. Cover the top with metal (pre-sterilized) lids and set to sterilize.

Once removed, bubbles will begin to rise constantly from the bottom. Then take them out, pour the prescribed amount of vinegar into each, and then roll them up. Turn them upside down, wrap them up, and leave them to cool.

"Cucumbers in Bulgarian"

For 1 one-liter jar we need:

Place seasonings, onions, and garlic in a one-liter container. Wash the cucumbers, preferably small ones, and place them tightly on top of the seasonings.

Make the marinade - add salt/sugar to the water, bring everything together to a boil and after boiling, pour in the vinegar, then immediately turn it off. Pour the boiled marinade over the cucumbers and sterilize for 8 (eight) minutes. Roll up.

Many people prefer to pack cucumbers into liter jars for the winter without sterilization. In this case, the following recipes would be ideal:

“Let’s Crunch the Gherkins”

You will need (for one liter jar):

  • Cucumbers (try to choose small ones that are the same size)
  • 3 (three) table. lie granulated sugar
  • 1 (one) dessert lie salt
  • 2 (two) tables. lie 9% vinegar
  • 1 (one) garlic clove
  • 4-5 pieces of black peppercorns
  • 2 (two) pieces of bay leaf
  • 1 (one) horseradish leaf
  • 1-2 (one or two) sprigs of parsley

Prepare containers and vegetables in the usual way. Place sorted and washed seasonings into a one-liter jar: black peppercorns, peeled garlic, parsley sprigs, bay leaf, horseradish leaf. “Pack” cucumbers on top, pour boiling water over them, cover with a sterilized lid, and let stand for 10 (ten) minutes.

Then pour the water into the prepared container and bring it to boil again. Put sugar directly into the jar, add salt, pour in vinegar, then pour in boiling water. Done, let's roll it up. Turn them upside down, wrap them up, and leave them like that until they cool completely.

Bulgarian cucumbers

For 1 one-liter jar you will need:

Cucumbers, small and beautiful

To prepare the marinade you need:

In a prepared one-liter jar according to the rules, put dill along with an umbrella, whole garlic, peeling only the very top husk, peeled onion, carrots cut into 4 (four) parts, and cucumbers on top.

Pour boiling water over everything and leave for 15 (fifteen) minutes. Pour the water into a container, add granulated sugar and salt, and boil again. Once it has boiled and the sugar and salt have melted, reduce the heat to low and add 9% vinegar.

The resulting hot marinade add to cucumbers, roll up. As usual, wrap and leave upside down until completely cooled.

For those who have cucumbers, but do not have any seasonings, a recipe that is prepared with minimum quantity additional additives:

"Pepper cucumbers"

To prepare you need:

Place dill (at the bottom) and cucumbers in one-liter jars, pour boiling water, and let stand for 10-15 (ten to fifteen) minutes. Drain the water into a container, add sugar/salt, and boil again until smooth.

Pour the pepper directly into the jar, pour in the vinegar, and then pour in the boiling marinade. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

If you don’t have vinegar at home, but have acetic acid, then rolling cucumbers in liter jars for the winter is a good idea, a recipe with acetic acid.

Recipes with acetic acid

Cucumbers “Simply a Miracle”

For a 1-liter jar you need:

  • Small cucumbers
  • 1 (one) onion
  • 1 (one) carrot
  • 1 (one) garlic clove
  • 5 (five) peas each of black and allspice
  • parsley sprigs
  • 1 (one) tea. lie vinegar essence
  • 1 (one) table. lie with a heap(!) of salt
  • 2 (two) tables. lie without a slide(!) of granulated sugar
  • Cloves, cherry and bay leaves (to taste and desire).

We put spices at the bottom of the jar, cucumbers on them (preferably vertically), a clove of garlic on top, chopped onions and carrots, parsley sprigs. Pour boiling water over all this and leave for 10 (ten) minutes, drain the water and repeat pouring boiling water again, let stand for another 10 (ten) minutes.

Place sugar/salt in a container for preparing the marinade, pour in the water from the cucumbers and bring it all to a boil. Now pour boiling water into the cucumbers, add vinegar essence to the jar, and roll it up. Wrap upside down and leave until completely cool.

"Pickled cucumbers"

To prepare we need:

To prepare the marinade you need:

Place the gherkins in sterile one-liter jars and pour over the prepared boiled marinade.

Cover with lids, set to sterilize for 5-7 (five to seven) minutes, then add one teaspoon of 70% vinegar to each jar and vegetable oil and roll up.

For 1 one-liter jar there is about 0.5 liters of marinade.

Several unusual recipes

Which are also worth paying attention to.

Cucumbers “Without Vinegar”

You will need:

For small cucumbers, cut off the tails a little on each side, put them in one-liter jars, fill them with boiled cold(!) water and leave for 2 (two) hours.

After the allotted time, drain the infusion and, without heating it, dissolve the salt in it (simply stirring well). Pour the resulting solution over the cucumbers.

Leave, without rolling up(!), for 3 (three) days in a warm room (just with room temperature). After time, pour the water and salt into a container, and put peppercorns, dill and onions into the jar.

Boil the drained marinade, pour it back and roll it up.

Since this preparation is without vinegar, it is suitable even for a children's table.

Another recipe without vinegar.

"Cucumbers in grape leaves"

To prepare we need:

Marinade (calculated for filling 1-liter jars in the amount of 3 pieces):

We wash the cucumbers and grape leaves. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers, place them in a spacious container, pour boiling water over them for 1-2 (one or two) minutes, then rinse cold water.

We put garlic, peeled and spiced, into jars.

We wrap each cucumber in a grape leaf. We try to do this carefully, tucking the edges of the leaves and placing them tightly in the dish so that they do not unfold after hot pouring.

We make the marinade - add salt/sugar to hot water, and when they dissolve, pour the cucumbers in the leaves and leave for 5 (five) minutes, no more, to stand.

Pour the filling into a container and boil again. You need to fill it like this 3 (three) times, and after the fourth fill, roll it up immediately. Leave to cool as usual.

"Cucumbers with red currants"

We will need:

To prepare the marinade you need:

Place all the spices at the bottom of the jars, fill the rest of the space with cucumbers, placing them horizontally, and interspersed with bunches and individual red currants (they easily take up space in empty spaces).

Pour the hot marinade of water and salt into one-liter jars and, covering with lids, set to sterilize for 15 (fifteen) minutes. Let's roll up.

Thanks to currants, cucumbers acquire spicy taste.

Cucumbers "Savelovskie"

We need:

To prepare the marinade you need:

Prepare juice using a juicer.

For 1 (one) one-liter jar there are 2 (two) glasses of marinade.

Prepare the cucumbers by placing them on top of the herb leaves and garlic.

Boil the marinade by mixing two types of juice with granulated sugar, add it hot to the jars and, after they have stood for 10 (ten) minutes, pour into the pan. Boil again, pour back again. Repeat again, after filling, roll up a third time. Leave to cool as usual, turning it over and wrapping it up.

In this recipe, in addition to cucumbers, it is very good to use small squash, in this marinade they acquire pleasant taste and elasticity. When preparing with squash, the calculation will be as follows:

For a 1-liter jar, 450 grams of cucumbers and 150 grams of squash.

No one will argue that the taste of any dish depends, first of all, on the quality of its ingredients. So pickled cucumbers for the winter, the recipes for which we will present to you, turn out fragrant and crispy, provided that their variety is pickled. In addition to pickling varieties, there are salad, universal and hybrid varieties, so before using greens, you should decide on your goals.

Canning cucumbers becomes a pleasure when we know all the secrets and subtleties of the process. For example, how to roll up pickled cucumbers for the winter so that they retain their crispness? The subtleties here are in the selection of the variety of cucumbers, herbs and spices, which come only with experience. Or how to quickly pickle cucumbers so as not to bother in the kitchen all day? Completely different technology and approaches!

Pickles instant cooking- means that the recipe is simple and with quite the expected result! Let's look at this recipe for canning pickled cucumbers in liter jars. Great for this recipe suitable variety Zelentsov “Monastic”, which is considered the best for pickling and salting. Cucumbers of this variety are dark green in color, have longitudinal light stripes and large tubercles with black spines. Their salting characteristics: bright aroma and crunchiness.

Sweet pickled cucumbers “Monastic”


  • - how much + -
  • greens, umbrellas with seeds + -
  • Cherry leaves - 4-5 pcs. per jar + -
  • - 2 pcs. per jar + -
  • 3 peas per jar + -
  • 1 large clove each + -

For 1 liter of marinade:

  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. (taste) + -


  1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, fill with cold water and leave the fruits to saturate with moisture for 2 hours.
  2. While the greens are soaking, we clean the jars with soda, rinse them thoroughly and sterilize them. We also sterilize the lids of the jars.
  3. We sort out the greens and wash them thoroughly. Place in jars, don’t forget about the garlic. The volume of greens should not exceed 10% of the volume of a liter jar. We don't add any spices yet.
  4. We place the cucumbers in the container vertically, tightly, but with some freedom.
  5. Bring filtered (preferably spring) water to a vigorous boil, pour sugar and salt into it, dissolve it and pour the cucumbers in jars with this boiling solution. Cover with lids and let stand for 10 minutes.
  6. We drain the water from the cans back into the pan, using special perforated lids made of dense polyethylene for convenience. We add more water there at the rate of 100 g per one liter jar - this is a reserve for the volume of water that the greens and herbs have absorbed. In this second water we put the spices according to the recipe for each glass unit - peppercorns and bay leaves. Boil for 5 minutes and remove the spices with a slotted spoon.
  7. Fill greens in jars with boiling water saline solution, without adding a little to the edges of the container. Pour 1-2 tbsp into each jar. vinegar (according to your preference) and add the remaining boiling marinade.
  8. Close the lids and seal them tightly.
  9. We turn the jars upside down, place them on a hard surface covered with film (just in case) and cover them with a warm blanket for pasteurization. After cooling, place it in the preservation storage area.

You can see that this recipe for canning cucumbers is really quick and not troublesome. Every year you will improve this recipe, adding something of your own. Double fill marinade and pasteurization under a blanket saves preserved food from spoilage. Do not doubt!

Now let's look at how to preserve cucumbers for the winter without vinegar. Many people cannot eat dishes with vinegar for health reasons, and some simply do not like pickled cucumbers. In this case, we can either roll up sour (barrel-type) greens, or replace vinegar with vodka, with the addition of a large amount of garlic as a preservative. Of course, there are intermediate options that are the “secret weapon” of the most experienced masters. Let's take a brief look at the recipes for all three options.

How to preserve cucumbers with vodka

Vodka (certainly proven, good quality and without additives) is a preservative, along with garlic. The snack turns out wonderful - with the same vodka! But we are for sobriety, please note! The canning process is simple, but the result is excellent both in taste and crispness, and in the reliability of seaming.

We calculate the ingredients for 2 kg of small cucumbers. So, for the marinade we need: 2 tbsp. salt and the same amount of sugar, 2 heads of garlic, 1 tsp. citric acid, 50 g of vodka and 1.5 liters of filtered water.

We choose greens according to our taste preferences: dill with umbrellas, leaves of cherry, currant, oak, horseradish (and roots too), tarragon. Spices – also according to preferences, who likes what.

Wash the cucumbers and soak for a couple of hours. If the greens are very fresh (straight from the garden), then there is no need to soak them. We sterilize the three-liter jar, as well as the lid. We put in it the washed greens, peeled garlic (you can cut the cloves in half), spices and, in fact, our small green fruits. We try not to fold them, but to “arrange them like a soldier.” This is the first stage.

At the second stage, cook the marinade with salt, sugar and citric acid and pour boiling water into our jar of greens. Wait 10 minutes and pour the brine back into the pan. As soon as the drained brine begins to boil vigorously, fill the greens with brine again, add vodka to it and roll up. All! You can even do without pasteurization under a warm blanket, but this is at your discretion.

Canning barrel type cucumbers

This method consists of first pickling the cucumbers in a saline solution for 2-5 days, and then boiling this brine solution and pouring the jars with cucumbers three times. A simple process, really. The only subtlety is not to “over-acidify” the cucumbers in a warm place.

For 5 kg of pickling cucumbers we will need spices: dill with umbrellas and seeds, horseradish leaves and roots, blackcurrant, oak and horseradish leaves, garlic, and others - to your taste. Spices include allspice in peas, bay leaf and, if desired, 1 pod of chili pepper.


  1. We wash the cucumbers and greens. Place in jars, alternating greens with layers of greens, starting with the greens and ending with them. We also add garlic and 2-3 rings to each jar capsicum along with the seeds.
  2. We prepare the brine with salt at the following rate: for 5 liters of water – 350 g or 12 tbsp. salt. We also pour peppercorns and lavender leaves into the solution. Stir everything until dissolved, boil and pour the boiling solution into the prepared jars. Leave at room temperature for three days for pickling. Cover with lids loosely.
  3. After 3 days, pour the brine into a saucepan, and wash the cucumbers and herbs with boiling clean water. Those. Fill it with boiling water twice and pour it into the sink. For the third time, fill the cucumbers with boiling brine, which was drained from the jars.
  4. We roll up the sterile lids, carefully turn the jars upside down and wait for them to cool without a warm blanket. Next we move it to a storage location.

Nothing complicated, right? But greens preserved in this way will delight us all winter!

Canning lightly salted cucumbers

This amazing recipe is simple and the results are for kings! The unusual thing is that when seaming we fill the cucumbers with clean water! Let's study the recipe.

  1. We prepare herbs and herbs with spices according to your preferences. That's not what matters in this recipe! Take, for example, the set of spices from the previous recipe. We spread everything, including spices, evenly among jars (any volume, liter ones are also possible).
  1. The brine may scare you, but don't be too scared! The proportions of the brine are as follows: for 3 liters of water, put a full 250-gram glass of salt (with a slide!). Dissolve the salt and bring the solution to a boil, and pour the boiling water over the cucumbers in the jars. Leave for fermented milk fermentation for 2 days.
  1. After 2 days, we pour this concentrated brine into the sink - it has fulfilled its role. And fill the pickled cucumbers in jars with clean, filtered boiling water, immediately close with sterile lids and roll up.
  2. We place the jars in a convenient place with the bottom up and cover with a warm blanket for pasteurization - only for 2-3 hours. Preservation ready for the winter! All that remains is to move it to a permanent storage location.

This recipe is guaranteed to taste good. lightly salted cucumbers, which will take you back to summer every time - with its pleasant memories of the warm sun and picnics.

Canning cucumbers - the recipes are not complicated. All you have to do is start canning and the excitement will return to you every season of ripening vegetables!

Every housewife has her own favorite recipe for canning cucumbers. Some people like to pickle cucumbers, others prefer pickles to all marinades. And in the comments to the recipes we offer, you often talk about your favorite methods of canning. We have selected culinary recipes canning cucumbers from the comments and bring them to your attention.


Recipe for canning cucumbers with ketchup

Products: for 6 glasses of water: 1 pack of chili ketchup, 2 tablespoons of salt (flat), 100 g of sugar, 100 g of vinegar, bay leaf, horseradish root, peppercorns, garlic to taste.

Trim the stems of the cucumbers and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. Place garlic in half-liter jars, cut horseradish into pieces and also add to jars. Make a marinade from water, salt, sugar and ketchup. Before pouring the marinade into the jars, add vinegar. Pour into jars and sterilize for 7 minutes. Roll up. If you decide to take liter jars, you need to sterilize for 10 minutes. The cucumbers are very tasty and crispy. Bon appetit.


Country-style cucumbers

In a 3-liter jar put dill - 2-3 umbrellas, horseradish - leaf and small root cut into pieces, 5-6 cloves of garlic, currant and cherry leaves. Then place the cucumbers, preferably selected according to size, 70g of salt without additives and cold water (I take either spring water or bottled in the store). The bank needs to be closed nylon cover and put it in the refrigerator or cellar. The cucumbers are salted slowly, but they do not sour and remain fresh inside. Try it - very tasty!

Bon appetit.


Canned cucumbers

I put in a 3-liter jar: 1 horseradish leaf, 2-3 cherry leaves, 1 dill umbrella and put cucumbers. The first time I just fill a jar of cucumbers with boiling water, leave it for 15-20 minutes, then pour this water back into the pan, add 80g of sugar, 60g of salt to 1 liter of water, boil again, pour in the cucumbers and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the jar . I wrap the sealed jars in a fur coat for a day. Proven method!



A 3-liter jar should be filled with small cucumbers, and overgrown cucumbers should be grated. Then add 3 tablespoons of salt and fill the jar with this mixture. You can add dill and a few cloves of garlic. Then close the jar with a plastic lid and store in the cellar


“Cold” canning of cucumbers

IN three liter jar filled with cucumbers, put horseradish, cherry and currant leaves, garlic, dill, pour in an incomplete stack of salt - about 70 grams, fill with cold water, close with a plastic lid and place in the cellar. Cool - you won't regret it!


Pickled cucumbers “easy as pie”

Today I pickled cucumbers - it couldn't be easier. Place spices in a three-liter jar, then cucumbers. Pour boiling water over and leave for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water, boil, add 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Place 3 aspirin tablets in a jar, fill with brine and add 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Let's roll up. Try it - you get wonderful crispy cucumbers!


A simple recipe for pickled cucumbers

My recipe is also very simple. To prepare the brine you need: 5 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 3 liter jar. Then place the cucumbers and fill them with brine. Be sure to sterilize! Cucumbers are very tasty!


Canned cucumbers

Rinse the cucumbers and soak in cold water overnight. In the morning, boil water, place the cucumbers in a container and pour boiling water over them for 5-8 minutes. Then place the cucumbers in jars with spices (peppercorns, dill, bay leaves, mustard seeds) and pour brine twice: 1 time - add salt and sugar to the brine, pour it over the cucumbers. 2 times - drain the brine from the jars, bring it to a boil and add vinegar before boiling.

Brine: for 5 liters of water: 600g sugar; 200g salt; - 400g vinegar 9%.


Canned cucumbers without sterilization

Why all these difficulties with sterilization: it takes a long time, there is steam in the whole apartment, and you can scald yourself. I make it simpler: I put cucumbers and spices in a 3-liter jar (horseradish, dill, peppercorns - black, white and allspice, cloves, tarragon, bay leaf, maybe a small peppercorn of red hot pepper.) I fill the filled jar with boiling water once, let stand for 8-10 minutes, covering the top with a clean and boiled lid. Then I pour the water into enamel pan, add 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar to the same pan, put it on the fire so that the marinade boils, and at this time pour 100 ml of 9% vinegar directly into the jar. Then I pour the marinade, boiled for at least 1-2 minutes, into the jar, roll up the boiled lid, turn it over and wrap it well.


Cucumbers “without complications”

Don't overwhelm each other with complexities! Place spices in a 3-liter jar: dill, horseradish. With gentle feminine hands we carefully place the soaked and clean cucumbers. Add 1 heaped tablespoon of kitchen salt (not extra and not iodized!), 1 heaped tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, pour boiling water from a kettle.

Place the jar in a pan (an old towel on the bottom) with water heated almost to a boil, cover with a lid and cook in a boiling pan for about 20 minutes. Carefully pull out and roll up. This is basic old recipe, and everything else is a matter of taste and refinement of the housewives. But these cucumbers can be eaten by both children and old people without harm to health. The taste is delicate, lightly salted.

You don’t have to cook it, but pour it three times - it’s even easier. Pour boiling water over the filled jar twice and leave for 5 minutes, then add salt, sugar, vinegar and pour, then roll up. Currant leaves, oak leaves, etc., as well as black pepper, bitter chili, etc., a large amount of salt and vinegar only satisfy very specific tastes. Try it, do it. But today we need to switch to other containers and twist-off lids. Very comfortable and beautiful.


Canned cucumbers “simple”

And I do canned cucumbers much simpler - for more than 20 years now, and not a single can has exploded! After sterilizing a three-liter jar, place it on the bottom of the jar currant leaf, horseradish leaf, peppercorns, garlic, dill. Then you need to fill the jar with cucumbers, previously soaked in cold water for 2-3 hours.

Hot boiled water pour 2 times after 5 minutes, i.e. After boiling for the first time, keep it in the jar for 5 minutes, then boil the same brine again, pour it into the jar with cucumbers again. But for the 3rd time, when you bring it to a boil, add 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar and pour this brine into a jar. And at the end add 100 grams directly into the tank table vinegar(9%) or 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence.

Read the recipe carefully - it will take you no more than 25-30 minutes to prepare it, if, of course, you make do with 1 jar. I assure you, you won't regret it!


Delicious cucumbers

Bring four liters of water to a boil, add 10 tablespoons of salt, 4 heaped tablespoons of sugar and cool the marinade. Add 6 tablespoons of 70% vinegar to the cooled marinade. Place the cucumbers in jars, add the spices you like, and fill the jars with marinade. Sterilize for 5 minutes from the moment the water boils.


A very simple recipe for canning cucumbers

I recommend trying this simple recipe. 5 kg of small cucumbers (8-12 cm), 400 g of 9% vinegar, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of salt. Dilute sugar, vinegar, and salt in 3 liters of cold water (not boiled). Clean, unsterilized liter jars can be used (in as a last resort, 1.5 liter - no more, otherwise it won’t work out) add seasonings: horseradish leaf, dill umbrella, mustard seeds, currant leaves, cherries, raspberries, peppercorns, garlic - a few cloves, a couple of carrot slices, 1 piece of allspice). Then put small cucumbers in a jar, fill with brine, cover with a lid (without a rubber band). In a cold oven, pour water into a baking tray with sides and place jars of cucumbers there. turn on the oven and sterilize for 30-40 minutes, until the cucumbers change color from green to yellowish. Then remove the jars from the oven, insert rubber bands into the lids (don’t forget!!) and roll up.

The smaller the cucumbers, the tastier! They store very well and never explode, even at room temperature, which is very important for those who have nowhere to store preserved food.


Pickles in a jar

In a 3-liter jar I put all the greens (to your taste), cucumbers (soak them in advance) and pour boiling water over them - I do this, for example, in the morning. and in the evening I drain the water from the jar, add 3 level tablespoons of coarse salt and fill it with tap water. I close the jar with a nylon lid (but one that needs to be held for a little while). hot water, not simple). That's all!


Delicious gherkins

In a liter jar, put horseradish, cherry leaves (if available), black currant leaves, dill umbrellas and garlic! We cut off the ends of the gherkins and put them in a jar!

For the brine: 0.5 tablespoon rock salt, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 35-50g of 9% vinegar to cold water, pour in the gherkins and set to sterilize: from the moment the water boils, about ten minutes at a low boil. And let's roll up! All! Very tasty and fast!

With the onset of the “vegetable season”, the question arises of how to roll up cucumbers so that it turns out unusual and tasty, and also so that it can be stored for a long time.

The answer to the question posed is of interest to every housewife involved in procurement. Let's try to give the most clear and intelligible answer to it. Firstly, final result will largely depend on the fruits you choose. The peak of perfection, of course, is considered to be small gherkin cucumbers, which can even be rolled into half-liter jars. These cucumbers will decorate any table. If everything is done correctly, then from a jar of your crispy, extremely delicious cucumbers, you can’t pull the ears of both home and guests, and they will simply “fly away” from the table.

This is interesting. However, cucumbers of other varieties, larger ones, are quite suitable for rolling. Moreover, if there are not many options left, you can even roll up a very large cucumbers, having previously cut them into circles or cubes.

Important! Be extremely careful to ensure that the jars prepared for sealing are thoroughly sterilized. There are several ways to do this. The simplest of them, as well as the most effective, will, of course, be. But you can also sterilize the dishes in a water bath, or by pouring boiling water over them several times.

Don’t despair if you don’t know how to roll cucumbers for the winter, we’ll give you practical advice, which will help even a “teapot”.

So, wash the selected vegetables in large quantities water, sand that gets into the blanks can easily ruin the entire “raspberry”. Let the cucumbers “sour” a little in the water, at least half an hour, this will only make them juicier. When your dishes are sterilized and the vegetables themselves are ready, you should start placing them in containers.

Place well-washed horseradish leaves on the bottom of the jar, which will add piquancy to your cucumbers, a few cloves of garlic, and black allspice peas. If desired, also add, cut into pieces, horseradish roots, dill (preferably with an umbrella) and cloves.

Place the prepared cucumbers tightly on top of the leaves, trying to place them as close to each other as possible. After this, fill the jars with cucumbers with boiling water, as they say, to the very top, and you can calmly watch the news, or finish reading the suggested tips. After ten minutes, you need to pour the water into a large saucepan, this will be our brine.

In the brine mixture drained from cucumbers, you need to add salt, sugar, and vinegar. It is usually calculated, based on the number of prepared jars, that for one three-liter jar you will need to “sprinkle” two tablespoons of salt and one spoon of sugar. Various housewives suggest pouring vinegar into different options, from one dessert spoon thirteen percent, up to three dessert spoons of vinegar essence. Depends on you, the more vinegar, the sour cucumbers, the sharper the taste will be.

In addition to the trivial and familiar to everyone plain cucumbers, you can do something special. We will tell you how to roll cucumbers and tomatoes further.

Sometimes you really want something special that you haven’t done before, and at such moments they come up with various new dishes. The same can be said about preparations for the winter. After all, it will be so original, tasty, and besides, also beautiful, if you roll up cucumbers and tomatoes together, they are regulars at any Russian feast! No super-knowledge is required, just put the cucumbers in the jar, as mentioned above, only up to half, and fill the remaining space with small tomatoes and do everything exactly as you were going to do with the cucumbers.

To find out exactly how to roll cucumbers correctly and tasty, read our tips to the end and, using your imagination, get down to business.

The recipe has been chosen, the vegetables are tightly packed into jars, and you’ve even poured boiling water over them once. The brine drained from the jars, already with salt and the rest of the ingredients that you have chosen, must come to a boil; at the same time, metal lids specially designed for seaming should also be boiled. Fill the jars with boiled solution and wait again for about ten minutes.

Important! Some housewives believe that with the right preliminary preparation, it is enough to carry out this procedure only once, but for greater reliability, in order to avoid “bombing”, that is, exploding cans, do it three times. This will reliably destroy all microbes and prevent your workpieces from being damaged.

After all the necessary manipulations have been completed, and the banks are in last time filled with boiling brine, cover them with lids and quickly roll them up until they cool down. We wrap the jars in blankets, turn them upside down and leave them for a day to languish in anticipation. The next day they can be moved to the pantry or cellar and taken out when needed.

Another way to roll cucumbers for the winter can be seen in this video:

It is known that pickled cucumbers are more preferable in nutrition compared to their pickled counterparts. This is due to the fact that the pickling process is the result of lactic acid fermentation, the basis of the marinade is vinegar: from apple cider vinegar before acetic acid. In addition, the marinade uses a fairly limited amount additional ingredients in the form of greens, and when salting - the more varied various additives, the tastier and healthier it is. Moreover, the brine can be used separately, as a component in rassolnik soup, or as a compress on the wrist to reduce the temperature.

To ensure that the cucumbers turn out simply delicious, some rules for their selection are taken into account:

- if the cucumbers are from your own garden, then grow varieties that are suitable for pickling. This note is available on the seed packets used for sowing.

— when buying at the market, you need to choose greens that are darker in color, pimply, you can taste them, the core should not be too sweet and tender as in salad varieties.

- on long-term storage pickled cucumbers for the winter, harvested in late July early August. As it was believed in the old days, they should “grab” the August night dew, then the skin will be harder, which will give more crunch. It is advisable that the cucumbers for pickling are not “overgrown”, preferably an elongated shape, small in diameter, up to ten centimeters in length.

Pickled cucumbers are tastier the more varied the different greens added to them. The pickling container usually contains a standard set: dill, garlic and blackcurrant and cherry leaves in various quantities. But almost every housewife has her own little secret, which gives its preparation a unique taste.

What else do they add:

— oak and horseradish leaves – give a beautiful golden color and strength;

— spicy herbs: young sprigs of tarragon, leaves of basil, hyssop, marjoram, parsley and marigold in various combinations give an indescribable aroma and piquant taste;

- hot red pepper for spiciness.

There is a subtlety here. All greens must be washed well before use. It is advisable to take horseradish leaves that are young and not rough.

Spicy herbs must be used, but carefully, not to overdo it.

For a three-liter jar you can, for example, take: two young small leaves of horseradish, two small branches with dill umbrellas, four to five cloves of garlic or three green heads of garlic, three to four oak leaves, four to five cherry and black currant leaves, two - three leaves of basil, two young small sprigs of tarragon, a small sprig of marjoram, a leaf of marigold, a sprig of parsley.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter

recipe for preparation without vinegar and sterilization

Carefully rinse the removed cucumbers, without squeezing the skin, with cold running water, without cutting off the ends. In a sterilized, chilled three-liter jar, place at the bottom: a chopped horseradish leaf, on top of it - a green umbrella of dill, a leaf of marigold and basil. Garlic greens are chopped on top, you can use already flowering heads of winter garlic, a small piece of hot red pepper, a small sprig of tarragon, and half a sprig of marjoram. Everything is covered with an oak leaf, two or three leaves of cherry and black currant. On such a substrate the cucumbers are placed neatly close to each other until approximately the middle of the jar. Then again a layer of greens: chopped horseradish leaf, oak, blackcurrant and cherry leaves, garlic, a sprig of parsley, basil, dill. On these greens there are cucumbers almost to the top. The whole thing is closed with a leaf of cherry, black currant, an umbrella of dill, and a little garlic. The filled jar is filled with brine.

A three-liter jar with tightly packed cucumbers will require one and a half liters of water and one hundred grams of salt. Salt must be non-iodized. Bring salted water to a boil. Pour the hot solution into the jar to the top. Place a teaspoon of dry mustard on top and close with a tight nylon lid.

Important detail: closed jar It’s better to immediately put it in a cold place (cellar, basement), then in winter, eating pickles, truly finger licking good.