Fried potatoes with bacon and onions in a pan: recipe, photo. Recipes for potatoes baked with bacon, the secrets of choosing ingredients, etc.

April 30, 2017 213

Sometimes you have to wonder - and how did our ancestors of pre-Petrine times do without mother potatoes? Now this blessed fruit of the American land in Russia is called the "second bread", and this is by no means an exaggeration.

Potatoes, like bread, can be eaten with almost any type of food: fresh and salted vegetables, fish, meat, milk, eggs, and the number of dishes that can be prepared from it is simply incalculable. V

remember the heroine of the old movie "Girls" Tosya Kislitsyna, who claimed to know fifty recipes involving potatoes.

But, according to many Russian - and not only Russian - gourmets, fried potatoes with lard are especially tasty. Imagine how adherents of numerous diets will wince at these words: calories, “bad” cholesterol - fi!

But, firstly, we do not at all urge anyone to cook this dish for every day, but a couple of times a month - why not arrange a “belly holiday” for yourself?

Secondly, what prevents us in the following days from “correcting the situation” by jogging along the park paths or spending an extra hour in the gym? And finally, thirdly, as the classic of world literature Sholom Aleichem once said, if you can’t, but really want to, then you can.

Well, now that we have jointly convinced nutritionists of the innocence of our intentions, and at the same time calm our conscience, we can begin the mystery of culinary sorcery.

Potatoes with lard - we'll eat them all to the crumbs!

Let's start from the very simple recipe- fried potatoes with lard and onions. But simple does not mean not tasty, and after tasting the dish, you will be convinced of this once again. So, we take:

  • medium-sized tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • pork fat - 30-50 gr.;
  • turnip - 1 head;
  • rast. oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • dill greens;
  • salt.

Cooking time 25-30 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams - 630 kcal (the figure is quite impressive, its main share is lard).

The number of products is calculated per serving, if there are more eaters, the volume increases according to their number.

Step by step cooking recipe:

Sprinkle the finished dish with dill. As a side dish, a salad of fresh vegetables is perfect for it.

Ukrainian lunch

Potatoes in lard is not so much a typical Russian as an East Slavic dish. Ukraine has its own own recipe this dish. Here's what it looks like:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 60 gr. cracklings (finely crumbled and fried to the limit pieces of fat or fatty meat);
  • 60 gr. melted lard;
  • 60 gr. fresh;
  • 2-3 medium heads of turnips.
  • salt to taste.

Cooking takes half an hour.

How many calories are in fried potatoes with bacon - 750/100 g (remember the cracklings and sigh ...).

The given amount is enough for 4 servings.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Peel and crush the tubers;
  2. Do the same with the bow;
  3. cut small cubes and fry fresh lard in a hot frying pan;
  4. Slices of potatoes and onions separately overcook on melted;
  5. Combine both ingredients by adding cracklings;
  6. Salt, mix and bring to readiness in the oven at a temperature of 120ºС (5-10 minutes).

Food is as delicious as it is high in calories, so only people with a healthy digestive system can digest it.

Teasing our sense of smell ...

If you cook a dish not with ordinary, but with smoked lard, it acquires a very special taste and aroma. Shall we try?

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 8 medium sized potatoes;
  • 8 slices of smoked lard;
  • salt - to your taste.

The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

In 100 g of a dish - 680 kilocalories (the calorie content of a smoked product is higher than that of a fresh or salty one).

fried potato recipe smoked lard step by step:

  1. Peel potatoes, cut into thin slices.
  2. Rinse a couple of times cold water.
  3. Spread the slices on a paper towel to dry slightly.
  4. Cut the second component of the "duet" into long strips.
  5. Put the smoked meat in a hot frying pan and fry well on both sides (medium fire) until it begins to “float” in fat.
  6. Put the potatoes in the same place, increasing the flame so that the moisture leaves faster, and fry without covering with a lid.
  7. As soon as the potato slices begin to fry from the bottom, turn them over to another barrel.
  8. Stir the dish so that it does not overcook, but acquires a golden-ruddy color.

If desired, when serving, one or two “eyes” of fried eggs can be put on each plate.

In Ryazan - mushrooms with eyes?

The mushroom component will make our potatoes even tastier, although it seems that there is nowhere tastier.

Need to prepare:

  • champignons (fresh or frozen) - 300 gr.;
  • potato tubers - 1 kg;
  • salted bacon - 150 gr.;
  • onion - 2 medium heads.
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking will take no more than half an hour.

The number of calories in 100 grams is 650.

Steps to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms and salted fat step by step:

  1. Peel the mushrooms (if necessary, defrost first), cut into slices of medium thickness;
  2. Also peel the potatoes and cut into slices 0.5 cm thick or into cubes with a section of 1 cm;
  3. Cut salsa into small cubes.
  4. Free the onion from the husk, chop medium.
  5. Heat fat in a hot pan.
  6. Put the potatoes there, fry without a lid, constantly stirring and turning over.
  7. Fry mushrooms with onions separately in vegetable oil.
  8. Connect all components.

Serve with salted or fresh vegetables.

We fry-steam in a slow cooker ...

This miracle pot has long become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen for all housewives. With its help, you can cook almost everything, including our potatoes. You just need to take:

  • 1 kg of potato tubers;
  • 150-200 grams of salted bacon;
  • 1 PC. rep. Luke;
  • 3-4 medium garlic cloves;
  • rast. oil - 1 spoon;
  • spices, salt.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams - about 630 kcal.

Step by step cooking potatoes in lard in a slow cooker:

  1. Peel tubers, onions, garlic;
  2. Cut potatoes into slices, onion, garlic, bacon - crumble;
  3. Put the bacon in the multicooker bowl and cook in the frying mode until the pieces become crispy;
  4. Catch them from the fat and put them in a separate plate;
  5. Add butter to the melted fat and put potato slices in it;
  6. Onion half rings are placed on them, salt and pepper are added.

After frying until golden brown, put the dish on a plate, sprinkling it with crispy fry, garlic, passed through a garlic press, and chopped parsley.

  • if the composition of the dish includes salted bacon, then you need to salt it carefully - otherwise there is a risk of "overdoing it";
  • before frying, slices of potatoes should be washed in cold water and dried - this will help them not stick together during cooking;
  • it is better to cut off the skin on the fat: when it is fried, it will become hard, and it will be quite difficult to chew it.

And, most importantly, there is no need to be afraid - even not too much can pamper your family with such yummy. experienced hostess. As for the diet, make this dish festive, Sunday, and then it is unlikely to cause serious harm to your figure.

With lard is a very high-calorie and hearty meal almost everyone loves it. It should also be noted that there is nothing complicated in preparing such a simple Ukrainian dinner. Anyone can make it at home.

Fried potatoes with bacon: recipe

The dish in question is very popular not only in our state, but also in all CIS countries. This lunch is of Ukrainian origin and is also completely different recipes cooking.

So what products do we need to make such a tasty and satisfying dish like fried potatoes with bacon? To do this, stock up:

  • medium-sized potato tubers - 5 pcs.;
  • cooking fine salt- about 1/2 tbsp. l.;
  • salted bacon - about 80 g.

Preparation of components (lard and potatoes)

Roast potatoes with lard is quite easy to prepare. But before proceeding to heat treatment the above ingredients, they should be processed one by one. First you need to clean the potato tubers. You can shred them different ways. Someone cuts the tubers into slices, and someone - into strips.

As for salted fat, excess salt is removed from it and washed. Next, a piece pork fat dry with paper towels and chop into medium pieces.

Cooking process on the stove

Fried potatoes with bacon will turn out tastier if they are cooked in a deep cast-iron skillet. To do this, put the dishes on a strong fire, and then spread the pieces of pork fat.

Melt the lard until it turns into fried cracklings. As soon as all the fat comes out and covers the bottom of the pan, the greaves are removed to a separate plate. At the same time, all the potatoes are laid out in a hot dish with melted lard. Without interfering, it is immediately covered with a lid. In this form, vegetables are fried over high heat for about 4 minutes. After that, they are stirred and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.

Over time, the potatoes are salted to your liking. After mixing the product, it is fried for about 10 more minutes, but already on low heat.

As soon as the potatoes become soft, previously cooked cracklings are added to it. After mixing the ingredients again, they are removed from the stove and the lid is opened (so that the vegetables do not sweat).

Serve at the dinner table

Fried potatoes with bacon in a pan are high-calorie and not very healthy dish. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it too often. Having prepared dinner for your family, it is laid out hot on a plate, and sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs on top. Serving fried potatoes to the table along with bread and homemade marinades.

Step by step recipe for fried potatoes with lard and onions

All options for preparing the lunch in question are very similar to each other. However, each cook prefers to use a certain recipe.

The easiest way to create delicious homemade dish was presented above. If you want to get a more fragrant dinner, we recommend using the recipe presented. To implement it, you need to purchase:

  • medium-sized potato tubers - 5 pcs.;
  • fine table salt - about 1/2 large spoon;
  • salted lard - about 80 g;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • green onions, fresh dill - in a medium bunch;
  • sunflower oil - optional.

Food processing (preliminary)

Fried potatoes with bacon, prepared according to this recipe, are more satisfying, aromatic and tasty. Before making such a dinner, the tubers of vegetables are peeled, chopped into slices, and then laid out on a clean terry towel and dried thoroughly. Next, prepare the onions. It is cut into half rings. As for the greens, they are finely chopped with a knife. Salo for such a dish is taken slightly smoked. It is cleaned of excess seasonings and chopped into cubes.

The process of frying a high-calorie dinner on the stove

You can see a photo of fried potatoes with bacon in this article. To prepare this dish cast iron pan very hot on the stove. Then it is added sunflower oil(about 5 large spoons). After that, all pre-processed potatoes are poured into the dishes. Without interfering with the vegetables, they are tightly covered with a lid and cooked over high heat for about three minutes.

After a while, smoked lard is added to the potatoes. After mixing the products, they are again covered with a lid and fried at a high temperature for about 5 minutes. During this time, the ingredients should brown a little. As soon as you feel that the potatoes are becoming soft, lay out half rings to it. onion. Without interfering with the components, they continue to fry over low heat for about 2 minutes. The products are then salted and peppered to taste. At the same time, they are interfered with with a wooden spatula.

After the potatoes become completely soft, finely chopped green onion, as well as fresh dill. In this form, the dish is kept on low heat for about two minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and the lid is opened. After mixing vegetables with bacon and herbs with a spatula, they are served at the dinner table.

How to use?

Serve with herbs and bacon should only be hot. For this ready meal distributed on plates. It can be further tweaked if necessary. fragrant spices and also add a small amount of fresh sour cream.

Eat a ready-made lunch, preferably with a slice of bread and marinades such as pickled tomatoes, cucumbers or sauerkraut. Bon Appetit!

Summing up

Many nutritionists forbid eating such dishes, especially with lard. But sometimes you really want to treat yourself to delicious and not very healthy lunch. In this case, we suggest doing it as described above.

It should be especially noted that other ingredients can be added to fried potatoes in addition to lard. Among them, such products as sausages, ham, sausage and so on are especially popular. It all depends on the imagination of the chef.

Potatoes fried in bacon is one of the most beloved and traditional dishes of Russians. Although salo is considered a typical Ukrainian product. Never mind! The main thing is that it is really very tasty, and if you still can’t manage to cook exactly what you want, check out a few secrets of the chef.

Important points in the preparation of the "correct" potatoes in lard

Do potatoes turn out damp, and lard and onions turn into charred pieces that cannot be chewed? Or, on the contrary, did the potato slices fall apart and transform into an unappetizing mass? This will never happen again if you strictly follow all the recommendations of a professional!

  • To cook potatoes in this way, you need a good frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides to ensure uniform heating from all sides. The lid is then not needed at all;
  • you can only pour food into a well-heated dish with hot fat;
  • do not salt from the very beginning and do not add water;
  • do not mix too often, and if you interfere, then only with a spatula, not a fork;
  • strictly observe the order of laying the ingredients, and do not dump everything at once;
  • do not fill the pan to the brim, otherwise the dish will not cook properly and the crust on each slice will not work;
  • the size of the slices is important, not the shape. Cubes, slices, bars - all this is at your discretion, but potatoes are cut the thickest, followed by lard, then onions.

Remember? Then get started!

What you need

If this is a main course, not a side dish, and not an appetizer for vodka for a group of friends, then enough for two:

  • one kilo of potatoes;
  • a 100-gram piece of salted lard with streaks;
  • medium bulb.

Also salt, pepper, vegetable oil, any seasonings to taste.

Such a potato, hearty, fried, is considered a winter dish, so pickles are ideal for it - canned tomatoes, gherkins, sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms.

Potatoes fried in lard - a step by step recipe

The most important thing is to find someone who will do the dirty work and peel the potatoes. Then everything is elementary.

  1. Put a frying pan on high heat - it is important to cook on high heat, which can be reduced only if something starts to burn. While it is heating, cut the lard into cubes or strips. Which form you choose, you need to cut the same potatoes. And all the components will be prepared well, and the view will be aesthetic.
  2. Fry the lard in a dry frying pan until the fat begins to stand out. At this time, cut the potatoes - cubes or slices should not be thicker than 1.5 cm and thinner than 1 cm! Note that it is recommended to dry the potatoes on a napkin if you want a crispy crust.
  3. Add a little oil, then the main ingredient and mix well immediately. Leave to fry until it forms on all sides golden brown. You will have to turn over a couple of times, no more. Salt is not needed yet.
  4. Now add the chopped onion, sprinkle with spices, mix again, trying not to break the pieces of potatoes.
  5. Be patient for five minutes, regardless of the most appetizing aromas and neighbors bursting at the door - and to the table!

Bon Appetit!

Potatoes fried in lard - hearty and appetizing dish, a simple recipe for lovers of fragrant, tasty fried potatoes. It does not take a lot of ingredients and time to prepare it. Salo in this recipe can be used both fresh and salted. If you are using salted potatoes, then most likely you will not need salting the potatoes, otherwise add salt to taste.


  • Potato - 600 g
  • Fresh pork fat- 130 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - to taste


Second course
Servings - 2
Cooking time - 0 h 40 min

Fried potatoes in lard: how to cook

To begin with, cut the fat into small cubes or strips, transfer to a dry frying pan and fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the fat is rendered out of it.

While the fat is frying, peel the onion and cut into thin strips or as you like. Send the onion to the pan with fried lard and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the onion is browned. Lightly salt and pepper.

As soon as the onion is reddened, you need to remove the greaves with onions with a slotted spoon into a separate bowl. The melted fat should remain in the pan, in the future we will fry potatoes on it.

Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into thin sticks. Dry the sliced ​​potatoes with a paper towel or napkin to remove excess moisture. Put the potatoes in a frying pan with hot melted bacon and, without stirring, let it brown. Then carefully turn over with a spatula and fry until golden brown over medium heat. Often the potatoes do not need to be stirred, it is important that they brown on all sides and do not turn into a potato mass. Salt and pepper to taste 2-3 minutes before cooking.

Put the pork rinds with onions in the fried potatoes, mix gently.

The dish should be served hot with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Delicious and fragrant fried potatoes with lard is ready. Bon Appetit!

The most interesting news.

It would seem, what could be easier than cooking fried potatoes in lard? However, to cook it tasty and appetizing, you need to know some secrets.


Fried potatoes in lard is a Ukrainian delicacy. Crispy cracklings, golden brown, soft and crumbly inside. It's all about her, fried potatoes! Probably not to find a single person who would not love this dish. It's easier and tastier meals not find. And, it would seem that absolutely anyone, and even a novice cook, will cope with its preparation. However, this is not the case at all. To cook a juicy ruddy fried, you will need to know some of the secrets of its preparation.

Fried Potato Secrets

1. Choosing potatoes for frying

For frying, medium-boiled varieties of potatoes are best suited, as they retain their shape well and will be firm. This variety mostly has a pink skin.

2. How to cut potatoes

There are several ways to cut potatoes: cubes, slices, cubes and slices. For frying potatoes in a pan, the cutting method does not matter, the main thing is that the slices are not too large. For deep-frying, slices of any size, even large ones, are suitable. The potatoes will fry the fastest when cut into strips.

3. What to fry potatoes on

Fat consumption is 7% by weight of raw peeled potatoes. Deep frying pans with a thick bottom are used for frying.

Traditionally, several types of fats and oils are used for frying potatoes:

  • Vegetable refined oil, i.e. odorless, so that the vegetable does not have other tastes.
  • Butter. On it, the potatoes are more fragrant and tender. But there is one "but" here. Butter can burn, from which the crust will not be ruddy, but burnt.
  • A mixture of butter and vegetable refined oil. Such fat does not burn and has a delicate rich taste.
  • Animal fats (chicken, beef, pork). They give the potatoes flavor and satiety, while the dish will be unnecessarily fatty.
  • Salo (undercuts, bacon). Potatoes can be the main dish, the crust is nice and crispy, and the slices inside are soft. This vegetable on lard is a real delight that true gourmets prefer.

The only drawback of this dish is its absolute uselessness for health, and even harm. It is contraindicated to eat for people suffering from obesity, allergic skin rashes in the form of acne, certain categories of people with stomach ulcers, gastritis.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 206 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 35 minutes