Cooking fried mushrooms in sour cream. Mushrooms stewed in sour cream

1. Remove frozen forest mushrooms from freezer and leave at room temperature defrost. For this purpose, it is better not to use a microwave oven. Otherwise, you can not keep track and the product will deteriorate.
Then transfer the mushrooms to a sieve and rinse under running water. Leave in a sieve to drain the glass of all excess moisture, then cut them into medium pieces.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat. Add mushrooms and turn on medium heat. Fry them, stirring occasionally.

3. Peel, rinse and chop the onions in half rings. Send them to the pan with the mushrooms when they become light golden.

4. If necessary, add oil so that the mushrooms and onions do not burn.

5. Stir the food and season with salt and pepper. You can add any spices you like. If you cook Forest mushrooms, then they have mushroom aroma and no additional spices are needed. And if you use oyster mushrooms or champignons, then you can supplement them with mushroom seasoning to give a smell.

6. Cook mushrooms with onions for about 10 minutes so that the onions become transparent and the mushrooms golden crust and pour sour cream into the pan.

7. Stir, boil, so that the sour cream begins to gurgle, and screw the fire. Close the pan with a lid and simmer the mushrooms for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese before serving, if desired. From hot temperature it will melt and acquire a viscous texture.

Few food lovers will refuse mushrooms: they greatly diversify the table and delight the taste buds. True, forest mushrooms are not available to everyone and not always. But buying mushrooms is not a problem. That's why the hostesses came up with great amount all sorts of recipes with them. But everyone's favorite is champignons in sour cream in a pan. In this form, mushrooms are in harmony with any meat dishes, go well with vegetables, and can be eaten simply with any side dish.

mushroom preparation

Before frying in a pan, a few simple operations should be carried out with them. To begin with - sort out; if specimens with dark spots come across, it is better to cut such places. Mushrooms should be washed at least three times, but quickly so that their aroma is not lost. Before being sent to the pan, champignons must be dried - otherwise extra time will be spent on evaporating "foreign" water. small mushrooms it is better to fry whole, large ones are divided into legs and hats and cut into equal slices.

Whether to peel mushrooms is a moot point. Young mushrooms will obviously do without this procedure; on the old ones, the hat manages to build up a rather rough layer, so for tenderness it can be removed.

Frying rules

There are only three conditions for successful culinary experiments:

  1. Mushrooms should be used immediately after their preparation is completed: champignons darken extremely quickly and begin to deteriorate.
  2. Frying fresh mushrooms in sour cream in a pan does not take long, a maximum of seven minutes (unless, of course, they are heaped in a bowl). will cook up to 25 minutes.
  3. Salt and seasonings are poured into the mushrooms just before they are removed from the fire, otherwise they will turn out not very juicy.

Champignons in sour cream in a pan: recipe

Roasting mushrooms is actually very simple. Even a novice cook is unlikely to be able to spoil the dish. You need to act as follows.

  1. Half a kilogram of champignons is cut into not too small pieces.
  2. Two medium onions are cut into quarters of rings.
  3. A clove of garlic (if you have nothing against it) is chopped as finely as possible.
  4. A good bunch of dill is washed, dried and chopped.
  5. Sliced ​​champignons are poured into the heated oil in a frying pan and fried with stirring. If the pan is small, it will take about 15 minutes - there are a lot of mushrooms.
  6. In a separate frying pan, onions are fried until soft and poured over mushrooms.
  7. Mushrooms are poured with a glass of sour cream, seasoned with pepper and salt and stewed for about seven minutes.

At this stage, champignons in sour cream in a pan can be considered ready. But if you wish, you can arrange them in cocottes, sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven for ten minutes - you will get wonderful juliennes.

Mushrooms plus potatoes

These two favorite products are combined in dishes by many housewives. Especially successful are obtained in sour cream in a pan. On the initial stage they are prepared separately. In one pan, chopped onion head is allowed; as it becomes transparent - strips or small slices of a kilogram are poured fresh champignons. Six hundred grams of tubers are cut into strips, dried with napkins and fried in another pan until half cooked. Next, the potatoes are transferred to the mushrooms, a glass of fatter sour cream is poured into the same place, the contents of the pan are mixed and salted. Joint cooking is a quarter of an hour. When the dish is ready, it is sprinkled with parsley and dill.

juicy meat

The average Russian table rarely does without meat. Unless the family adheres to the precepts of vegetarianism or observes church fasting. Everyone else will surely like it in sour cream in a pan. Cooking begins with frying, for which two onions are chopped and fried until golden. Having achieved the desired color, tomatoes are added to the onion in slices, three pieces are medium-sized. If it is not the season for tomatoes, you can take canned food in own juice. Five minutes later, slices of a third kilogram of champignons are introduced into the pan, and after another five, pork cubes (about 700 grams). Frying for about ten minutes is carried out on high heat, then a glass of sour cream is poured in, and the heat is reduced to quiet. At the same moment, salting and peppering is carried out, the pan is covered and left for a third of an hour. A gentle result and a magical aroma are guaranteed!

fragrant bird

A little differently cooked in sour cream in a pan. The cutest part of this dish is the fillet; since it is somewhat dry, half a kilogram of chicken meat is boiled for a third of an hour from boiling in salted water, after which it is cooled. In anticipation of cooling, two onions are cut into half rings, and a pound of champignons into slices. First, the onion is fried until it becomes transparent, then the mushrooms are added and cooked for a quarter of an hour until the excess juice evaporates. In a bowl, mix half a glass of sour cream, a spoonful of flour and a third of a spoonful of ground nutmeg. You need to knead until all the flour lumps are broken. The fillet is cut into strips, sent to the mushrooms and poured with fragrant sour cream. At the same time, the dish can be salted and seasoned with pepper. The container is tightly closed with a lid, and its contents are stewed for ten minutes. You can eat like this, or you can serve it with mashed potatoes, al dente pasta or just vegetables, fresh or salted - according to the season.

Mushrooms - traditional ingredient dishes of Russian cuisine. From time immemorial, our ancestors ate the generous gifts of the forest. Currently, there are a huge number of recipes, but true gourmets prefer tasty and fragrant mushrooms in sour cream.

Most often, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms or champignons are cooked in sour cream. Sour cream is added to mushrooms when frying, baking or during cooking. fragrant sauce.

Mushrooms with sour cream - food preparation

Porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons and mushrooms do not require any special preparation, it is enough to rinse well and boil for 15 minutes. If more than a few hours pass from the moment of picking mushrooms to the cooking process, the gifts of the forest should be poured with water and allowed to stand in salted water for about half an hour before being cooked.

Quite often, housewives refuse to boil mushrooms, preferring to simply scald them with boiling water 2-3 times, in which case it is necessary to extend the process of frying or baking them by 15-20 minutes. Provided that the dish is prepared from porcini mushrooms or champignons, they should be cut into pieces of the same size. Mushrooms are best cut into smaller pieces, champignons - larger.

Mushrooms with sour cream - preparing dishes

Mushrooms with sour cream - traditional Russian dish, its history spans more than one century and takes pride of place in domestic cookbooks.

- 500 grams of mushrooms;
- 1 onion;
- 500 milliliters of sour cream;
- 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 1 glass of milk;
- 1 glass of water;
- salt.

Cooking method
Cut the onion into small cubes, fry vegetable oil, add prepared mushrooms and salt, pour in water and cook the dish for half an hour. Mix milk and sour cream, pour sauce over mushrooms.
As a side dish, young potatoes are perfect for mushrooms with sour cream.

Mushrooms with sour cream in pots

Mushrooms can not only be fried, but also baked in pots, seasoned with cheese and sour cream, they turn out to be especially tasty and fragrant.

- 500 grams of porcini mushrooms (you can use oyster mushrooms);
- 200 grams of sour cream;
– 100-150 grams hard cheese;
- 1 tablespoon butter;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method
Mushrooms prepared for cooking (washed, boiled and chopped) should be fried in butter for 7 minutes, then add salt and sour cream, continue the processing process for another 3 minutes. Spread the mushrooms in pots, sprinkle with grated cheese. The cooking process in the oven usually takes 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Mushroom sauce with sour cream

Mushroom sauce with sour cream, subject to recipe data, it turns out to be very tender and tasty; boiled potatoes and rice are wonderfully suited to it as a side dish.

- 500 milliliters of mushroom broth;
- 50 grams of white dried mushrooms;
- 100 grams of sour cream;
- 1 onion;
- 50 grams of vegetable oil;
- 2 tablespoons of flour;
- 2 tablespoons of butter;
- salt.

Cooking method
Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil, add boiled mushrooms to the pan, continue the heat treatment process. Next, fry the flour separately in butter, add mushroom broth, cook the sauce for 7-10 minutes.
Mix sauce with mushrooms, add sour cream and salt.

When picking or buying mushrooms, it is very important to pay attention to their appearance, do not use old mushrooms and mushrooms that have dark spots.

Keep finished product does not follow for a long time, after a short period of time toxic substances begin to be produced in the mushrooms, there is a serious risk of poisoning.

When choosing between butter and vegetable oil when preparing mushroom dishes, it is better to give preference to the first option.

Boil and fry the mushrooms should be on low heat, so they will be elastic and strong.

It is not necessary to cook porcini mushrooms in sour cream in a pan during the peak season of their collection. Just at this time of the year, you are only stocking for the winter, and there is no time to cook such delicious food. You can also fry porcini mushrooms with sour cream in a frying pan and pre-frozen. It will even the best option. It is thawed or just picked mushrooms that will release a lot of juice, and you can cook excellent gravy from a forest delicacy.
If you have never tried the dish offered today, then you should definitely cook it for your family. Slightly fried mushrooms, and even in sour cream gravy, create such a wonderful duet of taste! So, let's prepare the ingredients and start cooking.

  • White mushrooms - 500 g;
  • Food salt - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
  • Onion - 1 large head;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Sour cream - 200 g;
  • Cloves seasoning - 1 inflorescence;
  • Parsley - 7 - 10 branches.

Porcini mushrooms in sour cream in a pan recipe

1. In order not to stain a lot of dishes and not to fry the ingredients separately, first fry the onion in a deep frying pan until golden brown in vegetable oil. Then remove the onion to a plate, and in the meantime, you should already have diced mushrooms.

2. As you already read in the article, it is best to fry non-wormy, large mushrooms. Small mushrooms can also be fried, but they will be much tastier in the marinade.

3. Peeling porcini mushrooms is very easy! Scrape the leg white with a knife and clean the hat with a small brush so that neither sand nor dirt remains. If there is no brush, then use a special hard sponge for washing dishes. It is advisable to take a new sponge, but after that you will still stew porcini mushrooms in sour cream with onions.

4. Cut the mushrooms into cubes. You can cut the legs and hats for frying. It’s good when you have a lot of legs left after marinating. They taste a little better for my taste.

5. Now, after you have removed the onion from the pan, you can fry the mushrooms in the same vegetable oil. Before sour cream gets into the pan, porcini mushrooms should be fried for about 40 minutes. And at first they will begin to secrete juice. About halfway through frying, you can add salt to the gravy, but not immediately.

6. How much juice will stand out in your case is not known. But after 40 minutes of frying over low heat, there should be something like this picture. If you get more yushki, then if you wish, you can select a little with a spoon.

7. Now you can add sour cream and fried onions. I hope you remember what to do with sour cream so that it does not curl up in hot gravy, even from the previous recipe with vegetables. Salt it and dilute it with warm water.
Together with sour cream, add cloves, peppercorns and Bay leaf. Stew porcini mushrooms in a pan with sour cream for another 10 minutes on the same low heat.

8. You can choose any greens. It will be delicious with dill, and parsley, and even with green onions. Chop the greens finely and combine with gravy.

If desired, you can squeeze a clove of garlic at the very end of cooking and turn off the stove.

If you decide to season the porcini mushrooms in sour cream in a pan with garlic, then after turning off the stove, you should insist the dish for 20 minutes and then serve it to the table. It is very tasty to serve such a gravy with fried potatoes for garnish.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 30 minutes

Elastic mushrooms in viscous cream sauce with an incredible aroma - this dish is worthy of entering your festive and daily menu. And do not be upset if picking mushrooms is not your hobby, but selling-buying fresh mushrooms not an all-season event. Just buy frozen porcini mushrooms from a manufacturer you trust. And cook porcini mushrooms in sour cream in a pan in just 30 minutes using our detailed recipe with photo. Memories of delicious dish they will last for a very long time, and when the opportunity arises, homemade ones will ask you to cook the mushrooms again or two. Stock up fresh and - cook for good and pleasure!

for 2 servings:
- white mushrooms - 200 g,
- sour cream 20% - 3 tbsp. l.,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- butter - 1 tsp,
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
- salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour odorless sunflower oil into a heated frying pan and put a piece of butter. Thanks to this combination of oils, onions and mushrooms will not burn in the pan, but will acquire a rich creamy aroma. Pour out the crushed onion. Salt and sprinkle with black ground pepper. Fry over medium heat for 1 minute.

Add porcini mushrooms to the onion fried until translucent and golden. Frozen mushrooms must first be thawed at room temperature in order to be able to cut large hats and legs. Small mushrooms can not be thawed.

Saute onion and mushrooms over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until clear water has evaporated, 3-5 minutes. During this time, the mushrooms will have time to lightly brown.

Add thick fat sour cream to the fried white with onions. Of course, you can use less fat sour cream, but the result will be different - grains and flakes may appear in the sauce. The dish will lose its visual appeal, and sour cream sauce won't be perfect.

All the ingredients in the pan are well, but mix gently. Simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes until the mushrooms are ready. For fresh mushrooms, a longer heat treatment is required.

Ready porcini mushrooms in sour cream in a pan look like in the photo: elastic pieces of mushrooms in thick sauce creamy caramel color.

Arrange the dish in portioned dishes and immediately serve hot.

Porcini mushrooms in sour cream go well with boiled potatoes, fresh vegetables as well as poultry and meat dishes.

Tasty recipes and bon appetit!
You can also cook from porcini mushrooms