Homemade gingerbread in glaze. Sugar icing, step by step recipe with photo. Icing for gingerbread without eggs with lemon juice.

Many people New Year and Christmas are favorite holidays since childhood. And to make them even more cozy, fragrant and family-friendly, at the end of December in some countries they bake gingerbread in the form of gingerbread men and gingerbread houses. It is customary to decorate them with the whole family, and then present them with hand-made presents to relatives and friends. In order for the result of the creative process to please every member of the family, you will need to decorate special glaze for painting gingerbread.

Other variations of this might include placing flowers in specific areas to create a pattern in your stained glass. Of course you won't have transparent windows, but they don't have color if that's what you want. If you're thinking of making windows perfectly clear, let me know! After the piece has cooled, carefully turn it upside down. If there is colored glass on the wall, at this time it should be detached from the foil.

You have to act according to the situation

Cover the back with soft icing, making sure there is nothing in the windows. This soft glaze hardens when it becomes dry, which will give the wall more strength. Do you see soft white icing on the reverse side of the parts in the photo on the right. Keeping the glaze white will help reflect the light through the stained glass. After that, you can place a layer of frost on the back to provide stability.

Recipes for cooking both gingerbread and glaze are presented in the article. We offer to make both gingerbread men and a gingerbread house. And then the aroma of baking will reign in your house until the end of all the holidays.

Recipe for gingerbread for painting with icing

The aroma of baking with ginger in many people is associated with new year holidays and cozy winter evenings. In America and Western European countries, gingerbread men and a gingerbread house have long become symbols of the upcoming Christmas. It is customary to paint them with icing and give them to relatives and friends for the holiday.

Grated chocolate icing with sour cream for gingerbread

You could even add an extra frost coat after the first one dries and hardens. When some parts of the wall are done, cooking can move on to the more enjoyable part of the process - building! You will want someone to help you until one or two people can't take a bite of bread when applying chocolate icing. This chocolate icing is very similar to the sweet one, but should be more moist than the sweet one. If it dries too much, you won't be able to connect to the gingerbread properly, but if it's too wet, you need to keep it for a long time and then find a remedy.

We offer step by step recipe gingerbread under glaze painting:

  1. Powdered sugar (80 g) is poured into a deep bowl for kneading the dough, butter (80 g) and an egg are added.
  2. The ingredients are whipped with a mixer for three minutes until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Lemon and orange zest, grated ginger (1 tablespoon), honey (2 tablespoons) and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon) are added to the whipped mass.
  4. Sifted flour is combined with baking powder (1.5 teaspoons), cinnamon (2 teaspoons), cocoa powder (1 tablespoon), a pinch of salt, nutmeg and ground cloves. All ingredients are mixed and added to the liquid mass.
  5. The kneaded dough is placed in a film and sent to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  6. The chilled dough is rolled out between two sheets of baking paper to a thickness of 5-7 mm. With the help of cuttings for dough, products of a certain shape are cut out.
  7. Gingerbread blanks are sent to a preheated oven (180 °) for 7-10 minutes.

Cooled products are painted with white glaze.

Icing sugar for the gingerbread house

If it is too dry, you can add some milk to soften it. It should be shaping in your hands, but it will be challenging and you will be left with everything you just prepared for it. Find something to hold against the bread so you don't have to hold it for long. Wooden tacos work very well for this task. Apply a generous layer of chocolate coating where you plan to place it on the wall. Gently press down on the wall to this freezing drop. While a person remains a gingerbread man, you can press your fingers into the corner where the wall meets vanilla cream.

Royal icing (recipe): gingerbread icing for painting

For royal icing, which is used to create the contour of the drawing and painting, you will need fresh egg white, powdered sugar and lemon juice. The glaze recipe is as follows:

  1. Pour the whites of two or three eggs with a total weight of 90 grams into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour on top powdered sugar fine grinding (455-500 grams), previously sifted through a sieve or organza.
  3. Beat the contents of the bowl with a mixer, first at low speed, and then at medium speed until smooth and stable peaks form.
  4. Before the end of kneading, add 5 drops of lemon juice to the glaze.

Sugar icing for gingerbread on the water

Run your finger along the entire length of the base of the wall so that a good foundation for the wall is made. After spreading this initial frost along the base, a little extra glaze is added to this edge to add stability. Once you are done applying the entire ice pad for half an hour as it dries and hardens. You can work on something else like other walls and windows while waiting for it to dry.

General principles for preparing delicate glaze

Once everything is dry, it can be put on another wall. Keep adding walls until everything on the base floor is together. Once the base is assembled, you can turn on the light and see what it looks like. For me, the design feeds me on an extension cord through the hold at the back of the cathedral.

If the icing has a yellowish tint, it means that the protein mass is not completely whipped. With the correct execution of the sequence of actions, you should get a snow-white and glossy glaze for painting gingerbread. The recipe, reviews of which can only be found positive, allows you to create high-quality, easy-to-use icing.

Apply the buttresses in the same way as on the walls. Just stick the chocolate frosting where you want something to stick and then keep it there for a bit while it dries. Do this until all buttresses are installed. Since they are available for more support, you can take some rest here.

White chocolate icing

While the chocolate is drying so that when you start putting on the additional parts of the cathedral you can be sure that you will have enough support if needed. Now is the time to start building towers. Making them very clear because only four sides have the same look. You can see the ones set in the oven tray in the couple of images included in the step.

The finished glaze dries very quickly in the air. To prevent this from happening immediately after kneading, it is necessary to fill the cornets with icing and start painting.

Icing-filling for decorating gingerbread

Royal icing is ideal for creating a smooth contour and artistic painting of the finished product. And to fill the central part of the picture, you need a more liquid icing for painting gingerbread.

Let them dry. After you glue them together with the chocolate coating, you need to give them enough time to dry and harden or they will crumble in your hands when you stick them on top of the cathedral. Supplying towers one at a time and applying triangular roof supports at the ends.

You may need to cut the bread to give it the proper shape in the desired areas. If you have to cut the bread a lot, be sure to hide the edges so it looks pretty clean. This is easy to do with a little chocolate frosting as it is more or less the same color as the gingerbread.

The recipe for making filling icing, as confectioners call it, consists in the following steps:

  1. cook royal icing according to the above recipe.
  2. Transfer some of the thick glaze to another bowl and dilute it. a small amount cold water adding liquid literally by a teaspoon.
  3. You can check the readiness of the filling with a knife. To do this, a knife blade is drawn over the glaze, after which they count up to 10. If the trace of the icing disappears in these 10 seconds, then the filling is ready.

To obtain a perfectly even and smooth surface, it is important to achieve the correct consistency of the pouring glaze.

The ceiling is a bit difficult to install. Apply a large number of icing on the line of everything that rests on the ceiling. But don't worry - as long as you apply a strong amount of frosting to any board it will hold just about anything. The pieces of gingerbread literally melt as soon as the bonds freeze and harden. They can be removed after the skylight dries. Of course, the best part the process of creating an imperial house-cathedral. At this point, you have a complete structure that holds its own weight and manages the respect of all citizens.

How to make a gingerbread house at home?

two or even three gingerbread houses can be made from dough according to the following recipe. Its step by step preparation is as follows:

  1. Butter (300 g), honey and sugar (500 g each) are heated in a saucepan on the stove until all ingredients are completely dissolved. It is important not to let the mixture boil, but only warm it up, then remove from heat and cool.
  2. In the cooled honey-sugar mass, add eggs beaten with a fork (2 pcs.) And cognac (3 tbsp. Spoons).
  3. In 600 g of sifted flour, add cocoa (50 g), cinnamon (1 teaspoon), a pinch of ginger, cardamom, cloves, anise, orange zest, lemon and vanillin.
  4. Combine honey mass with flour. Knead a dough that is pleasant to work with, gradually adding more flour (up to 600 g).
  5. Place the dough in plastic wrap and then refrigerate overnight.
  6. In the morning, roll out the dough on baking paper, cut out the details of the house according to pre-prepared templates and bake them in the oven (at 180 ° for 20 minutes).

Now it remains to prepare a thick glaze (royal icing) and use it to connect all the details of the house.

While this is the most enjoyable part of the process for me - you may find the other parts more enjoyable. And some of the more experienced engineers will enjoy the building process the best. Either way, you can make your structure brighter and more festive at this point, and that will finish it off and make it ready for public display when the family arrives. This part is also where you get most creative. Yours may be completely different than mine, but feel free to use my own methods.

Once the roof is done, you can put on the spire. It is not necessary to wait until the roof is frozen to dry, as there is virtually no added weight. The spire is made from sugar cones stacked on top of each other to get the desired height. Apply a spire to the back end of the roof with a bunch of chocolate icing.

Icing for gingerbread without eggs

For a number of reasons, not all people can eat eggs and the products they are part of. In this case, instead of traditional icing, you can use glaze for gingerbread without eggs.

The glaze prepared according to the recipe below is homogeneous, glossy, shiny, and evenly falls on the surface. finished products. The step by step recipe is as follows:

At this stage, we have completely finished the chocolate icing! You can apply leftover chocolate icing to your joints for extra support, or you can spoon it in until you get sick. On the other hand, chocolate icing can still be handy for something, so you might as well just save it until you're done with the rest of the embellishments. Although the most common way to consume ginger is to infuse or add it to a recipe, there are many other alternatives to enjoy the benefits of this medicinal root.

  1. A tablespoon of milk is poured into powdered sugar (110 g) sifted through a sieve and the same amount corn syrup. The last ingredient at home can be replaced invert syrup or confectionery glaze.
  2. Aising is kneaded until smooth. If the frosting is too thick, you can add corn syrup.
  3. The desired dye is added to the finished icing, after which you need to put it in cornets and apply it on the gingerbread.

Icing for gingerbread without eggs with lemon juice

A thick and shiny egg-free icing is made from powdered sugar, lemon juice and water. It is the lemon juice that gives it the necessary gloss and pleasant sourness in taste. The result is a very easy-to-use glaze for painting gingerbread without eggs.

Ginger is a root that has become very common over time and appreciated for the impressive flavor it brings to food. So, here are 3 options to enjoy this ingredient. This alternative allows you to soothe aches and relax your body after a busy day while enjoying the warmth of a rich drink.

Heat water to a boil. Then remove from heat and place a tablespoon of ginger. Add the rest of the ingredients and enjoy a wonderful tea. Another way to consume ginger tea- replace water with milk or replace lemon with orange. This way you will avoid boredom yourself from the taste after a few days.

The recipe for this icing is very simple. Only three ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl: powdered sugar (200 g), lemon juice and warm water(2 tbsp each). The prepared glaze is applied to the gingerbread with a brush or simply gently poured on top. To get a thicker icing during the kneading process, you do not need to add water to the ingredients, just powdered sugar and juice are enough.

Candied ginger, also called crystallized ginger, is a delicious sweet that is made from fresh roots. They are washed very well and cooked several times in concentrated syrup and then dried. You can get this variant of ginger from supermarkets or natural stores.

To save it, we recommend keeping it tightly closed jar and in a dark and cool place, but not more than one month. After this time, it usually becomes very small and heavy. This way of eating ginger is simply amazing. You can add it to any bread you make along with a handful of chopped nuts. We also recommend adding it as part of apple pie. You will see that the combination is delicious. Another option is to have a piece of candied ginger as a dessert when you're craving something sweet.

Colored icing for gingerbread

All types of glaze are subject to coloring with food coloring: both contour, and filling, and the thickest, intended for the final painting of gingerbread. To get multi-colored icing, it is necessary to spread the icing made in advance for painting gingerbread cookies into different bowls. The recipe for its preparation depends on the type of work performed (contour, painting or surface filling).

How to decorate gingerbread with icing

Of course, don't eat a large piece of the bite, as it can taste somewhat strong. Another option for eating ginger is candy. Of course, it's best that you cook at home and limit your intake once or twice to avoid glucose problems.

This tip is especially important for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes problems. Ginger cognacs are a great alternative for relieving dizziness caused by very long trips or pregnancy. Put the ingredients in a deep pot and boil, without stirring too quickly, until boiling. Remove mixture from heat and empty in mold until cool. The next day, remove the sweets from the mold and store them in glass jar in a cool dry place.

Further, water-soluble gel or dry food coloring is added to the prepared glaze. The mass is thoroughly mixed and applied to the gingerbread. If the icing is too thick after adding the dye, you can add a little more powdered sugar to it. The intensity of the icing color can also be adjusted by adding different quantity dye.

  • Preparation 30 minutes.
  • Cook 15 minutes.
  • Maceration 60 minutes.
  • Just 45 minutes.
  • Serving 35 servings.
Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and stir in baking soda. Let cool by removing the cauldron from the bain marie.

In a large bowl, beat the butter with an electric mixer. Stir in molasses mixture and knead. Add eggs one by one and mix again. Mix in flour, 1 cup each, knead with an electric mixer. Use an electric mixer until the fourth cup.

chocolate frosting recipe

When decorating gingerbread, fantasy can be limitless. For example, as a filling or base, you can use not only sugar, but also chocolate icing for painting gingerbread.

The recipe for making such a delicious icing is as follows:

  1. Melt dark dark chocolate (100 g) in a water bath.
  2. Add butter (40 g) to it.
  3. Lead into the chocolate mass, first the pounded white yolk, and then the whipped protein.
  4. Cool the icing in the refrigerator to a temperature of 30 °, after which you can start applying it to the gingerbread.

Thanks to the butter, the chocolate icing will turn out glossy and shiny.

Form 2 discs and wrap them in wax paper. Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 2 hours. Cut out cookies with a cookie cutter. Let the cookies cool before decorating. Icing: in a bowl, froth the egg white with an electric mixer and stir in the icing sugar, using a spoon, place the icing in the round nest pocket.

Step 1 to do water bath, fill the kettle with about half of the water. Then place the smaller pot in the pot of water. Pour the ingredients from step 1 into a small pot. The water should not overflow, remove if it does. Spice Bread Preparation: In a bowl, pour half the flour and butter until you get a short paste. Using a rolling pin, spread the dough between two sheets of parchment paper about 5mm thick. Remove the baking sheet from the top of the dough and, using a knife, cut out the shapes into a homemade shape. The best way To do this - print the patterns and follow the outlines and bake for 12-15 minutes until your spice bread is golden brown. Add icing sugar to the rain until you get a smooth mixture. Pour frosting into pocket. Raise the house into a gingerbread house using the icing as glue. Let the icing dry for 30 minutes to have a solid home. Decorate your home with the rest of the icing, place Christmas decorations in it, sprinkle with silvery soft pearls and red, green and white minors. For a touch, wai a snowman in sugar paste and throw it at the entrance to your house. Ground ginger.

Glaze for sweet gingerbread emphasizes their pleasant taste.

This delicacy has its own characteristics in cooking. If you follow them, baking will always be appetizing, tasty and spectacular.

General principles for preparing delicate glaze

What consistency should the icing for gingerbread have? It should not be liquid or thick. Then the mixture will be well fixed on the dough product, and will not drain from its surface. Too thick glaze requires a few drops of warm liquid.

If a fragrant mixture to decorate the baking will turn out liquid, you need to pour powdered sugar. This ingredient can be prepared from granulated sugar by grinding it in a coffee grinder.

Lemon juice is actively used to make glaze. This liquid component is substituted for water. It has a positive effect on the taste of the glaze. Too sweet gingerbread cookies need lemon juice.

The eggs will help the frosting get a thick and soft texture. Yolks are added to the mixture for its yellowish tint. Baking with icing is best dried in the oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees. A little heat will protect the human body from salmonella.

To make the color of the finished glaze brighter, you need to add food colorings. Then the dough product will take on a festive look. A spoon raspberry jam contributes to the red tint of the glaze and the magical raspberry aroma. Turmeric will give the mass an orange tint.

The icing can be applied to the entire surface of the dough product or it can be used to create a beautiful pattern. It is better to draw on gingerbread with an ordinary syringe without a needle.

Grated chocolate icing with sour cream for gingerbread


sugar - 80 g

grated dark chocolate without additives - 130 g

sour cream - 245 g

Cooking method

Grind sugar with sour cream in a saucepan.

Put on a small fire. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

The icing must be stirred all the time.

Pour the grated chocolate into the bowl. Keep on fire until chocolate mass will not become uniform.

Remove container from fire.

Wait until the mixture thickens.

Dip the gingerbread into the glaze. Put on a plate.

Serve with tea after the glaze has completely dried.

White icing for gingerbread


Protein chicken egg- 1 PC.

Powdered sugar - 225 gr.

Lemon juice - 4 ml

Cooking method

Pour lemon juice into the dish.

Add protein.

Whisk the mixture.

Pour out the sifted powder.

Stir until the protein mass stops draining from the whisk.

Pour frosting into an airtight container.

Add 2 drops of lemon juice before use. Mix.

Put the finished icing for gingerbread cookies into a plastic bag with a hole of about 1 cm.

Apply thick glaze on a gingerbread outline. Wait until it dries.

With the same mixture, draw even lines of the same thickness.

Use a toothpick to create drawings from the lines.

White chocolate icing for Christmas gingerbread


powdered sugar - 160 g

white chocolate - 195 g

cold milk - 40 ml

coconut flakes - 70 g

Cooking method

Break the chocolate into small pieces.

Put in a bowl. Melt in a warm water bath.

Pour the powdered sugar into a bowl.

Pour in 20 g of milk. Mix.

Pour liquid mixture into melted chocolate.

Stir icing for gingerbread until smooth.

Pour in the rest of the milk.

Beat the frosting with a mixer.

Decorate the gingerbread with a mixture of white chocolate and powdered sugar.

Sprinkle coconut on top.

Butter chocolate icing for gingerbread


powdered sugar - 155 g

butter - 2 g

cocoa - 36 g

water - 60 ml

Cooking method

Fill a container with powdered sugar.

Add cocoa powder.

Place the oil in a saucepan. Melt.

Pour water into a separate bowl. Boil. Pour into cocoa powder mixture.

Stir until smooth.

Put the melted butter to the products.

Use ready chocolate butter icing At once.

Icing for gingerbread


3 chicken eggs

340 g powdered sugar

15 g tangerine zest

Cooking method

Divide the yolks and whites into different bowls.

Beat the protein mass until the foam rises.

Add powdered sugar.

Beat at the highest possible speeds.

Pour in the zest. Gently stir the aromatic mixture.

Decorate gingerbread masterpieces with icing.

Orange icing for homemade gingerbread


freshly squeezed Orange juice- 145 ml

powdered sugar - 250 gr.

food coloring - 2 gr.

starch - 48 g

Cooking method

Pour freshly squeezed orange juice into a bowl. Heat up.

Add starch and powdered sugar.

Mix until smooth.

Put in food coloring.

Mix until smooth.

Put the finished icing for gingerbread gingerbread on gingerbread.

Butterscotch Gingerbread Icing


hard toffee - 220 g

butter - 45 g

milk - 60 ml

powdered sugar - 48 g

Cooking method

Put the oil into a saucepan.

Pour milk into it.

Put the container with the ingredients on fire.

Lay out the toffees.

Pour out the powder. Mix.

Cook until the candies are completely dissolved, stirring the ingredients.

Spread the finished icing on the gingerbread in several layers.

Gingerbread icing with rum


powdered sugar - 255 gr.

hot water - 240 ml

rum - 24 ml

Cooking method

Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl.

Add required amount water.

Pour in the rum. Rub the mixture well.

Ready glaze can be applied to products.

Serve gingerbread with icing for a festive dinner.

Glaze with fruit for gingerbread


sugar - 180 gr.

dried plums - 70 gr.

canned cherries - 60 gr.

chocolate chips - 30 gr.

food red paint - 4 gr.

almond nuts - 25 gr.

cocoa powder - 48 gr.

butter - 55 gr.

milk - 105 ml

Cooking method

Remove the butter from the refrigerator to soften it.

Pour cocoa into a dish.

Add sugar.

Pour milk into a separate container. heat up milk product. Add to bowl with sugar and cocoa mixture.

Heat over low heat, stirring the contents. Boil. Cook 3 minutes.

Remove container from fire.

Add butter. Mix.

Drizzle hot icing over pastries.

  • Butter will make the icing for gingerbread shiny.
  • Irregularities in baking must be cut off while the dough is warm so that the icing for gingerbread lays in an even layer.
  • Do not beat the protein too much, because the icing will be saturated with air and will bubble.
  • Properly melted chocolate will allow you to get the perfect glaze.
  • There is no cocoa powder in white chocolate, therefore, when melting, it is necessary to calculate the features of the temperature regime.
  • Do not melt 240 g of food at the same time.
  • Icing for gingerbread should be moderately thick.
  • It is better to heat the ingredients for the glaze in a water bath.
  • Properly prepared glaze does not spread. It is convenient to draw patterns with such a mixture.
  • In order for the icing for gingerbread to be snow-white, you need to choose powdered sugar with a very light shade.
  • Beetroot gives red glaze, orange juice yellow, parsley green.
  • The orange juice will make the mixture pale yellow.
  • It is better to use powder prepared on your own so that the glaze has a delicate aroma.
  • It is recommended to sift the powdered sugar.
  • If the baking is smeared with a thin layer of jam, then the icing will lie perfectly evenly. After complete drying, a shine will appear.
  • For the preparation of the glaze, you should not choose aerated chocolate. If you add a spoonful of cocoa to the mixture, its color will become more saturated.
  • Proteins must be whipped in a dry and clean container. It is better to use a glass or porcelain dish.
  • The whisk must be dry.
  • To speed up whipping processes egg whites into the foam, you need to apply the following tricks:
  • add a pinch of salt;
  • put lemon juice with salt and powdered sugar;
  • pour a few drops of vinegar;
  • cool the protein mass.
  • If there are fat residues and drops of liquid on the whisk, this will interfere with whipping the proteins.
  • In an aluminum bowl, the whites darken, the yolks acquire a greenish tint.
  • If there are cracks in the enamel bowl, small pieces of enamel can get into the cooked mass.
  • The mixture to which the whipped protein is added should be stirred carefully to preserve the air in the protein mass. Otherwise, it will settle and become liquid.
  • To make the mass thick, it is necessary to beat it at very high speeds.
  • To better whip the sour cream, you need to beat in the egg white. Cool down the mass.
  • The butter will be easier to whip if you first cut it into pieces and put it in a softening bowl immersed in warm water.
  • In the process of preparing glaze with the addition of flour, you must use a long whisk. Then the finished mass will turn out smooth.
  • While stirring the icing with a whisk, you need to make movements, describing the number 8.
  • Butter glaze should be applied to the gingerbread only after it has cooled.
  • Gingerbread frosting will be smooth when smoothed with a knife dipped in hot water.
  • If the icing is sprinkled with starch, the mass will not spill over the treat from the dough.
  • To prepare chocolate icing, melt the chocolate in a hot water bath, stirring gently so that the product melts completely. The finished glaze will not have a burnt aftertaste.
  • Chocolate can be heated up to 45 degrees.
  • The walls of the dishes in which the pieces of chocolate will be melted must be lubricated butter. Then the chocolate will not stick to them.
  • Apply to upper part gingerbread icing is necessary from the center to the edges, then the layer will be uniform.
  • If you don't have chocolate on hand, you can use cocoa powder to make the glaze.
  • When preparing cocoa glaze, it is very important to first add the powder and then the water, mixing the mixture thoroughly while doing this. Otherwise, the powder in the glaze will turn into lumps, and it will be difficult to stir it.
  • Cook the icing for gingerbread on low heat.
  • To interrupt the glaze drawing without a drop, you need to perform a quick upward movement from yourself.
  • For drawings from chocolate icing, you need to put a transparent film on the picture.
  • If you use one type of chocolate, then the icing will not delaminate and curl.
  • If gingerbread is poured with glaze in two layers, this should be done with a short break for it to harden.
  • It is better to store the sweet mixture for decorating gingerbread in cling film to prevent drying out.
  • If only part of the prepared glaze is used, the rest can be frozen.
  • Glazed gingerbread can be served with tea, cocoa, milk, yogurt, compote, coffee and kefir.