Use of aqua regia. What is aqua regia

Academician Bolotov had his own ideas about the treatment of many diseases, especially those that are commonly called incurable. For many years he studied sciences such as chemistry, biology and physics. Official medicine today shows more and more “misfires”, while folk medicine, on the contrary, is gaining popularity. Such famous scientists as Bolotov, Neumyvakin and others show us medicine from a different perspective.

Despite the fact that many facts remain unrecognized among supporters of traditional methods of treatment, people often use non-traditional methods. In this article we will talk about such a remedy as Bolotov balm. It sometimes even causes indignation among doctors. But people have the right to choose for themselves how to heal their body.

Aqua regia

The first mention of this product dates back to the Middle Ages, in the fourteenth century. And before that, many alchemists tried to derive its recipe by mixing ammonia, vitriol and other substances. Hydrochloric acid had not yet been invented at that time. But the goal was to formulate a solvent that could attack noble metals. The created aqua regia became this. It was capable of dissolving even the elements of gold, which were considered indestructible at that time.


So, aqua regia is an acid that is formed from two acids in high concentration. One part of hydrochloric acid was added to three parts of nitric acid. Sometimes sulfur was mixed in with it. The result was a transparent liquid, which gradually acquired a yellow-orange hue. At the same time, a pronounced smell of chlorine was released and such vapor is dangerous for humans. The product was strictly forbidden to be used internally.

Today it is used for sterility and metal separation. And in the Middle Ages, the liquid was used during torture. Based on aqua regia, today we have developed alcoholic drinks. Among them, famous vodkas are “Tsarskaya” and “Tsarskoye Selo”. The latter belongs to the premium class category.

Balm Bolotov

The scientist has developed 5 rules on which the principles of a healthy life are based. These include:

  • increasing the number of young cells in the body;
  • conversion of slags into salts;
  • removal of salts;
  • fight against harmful microorganisms;
  • recovery internal organs.

Bolotov’s balm, which he developed based on aqua regia, will help achieve the above goals. People doubt the usefulness of the product based on its composition. How can sulfur and salt have a positive effect on the condition of the body? However, it's all about concentration.

Today, Bolotov's balm is used not only for treatment, but also as a prophylactic agent. In some cases, it can cure serious diseases, as well as significantly strengthen the immune system. For example, the product neutralizes harmful substances that accumulate during sleep. Therefore it morning reception will help a person gain vigor for the whole next day.


Let's look at the most common purposes for taking this medication by mouth:

  • The creation of pepsins (special enzymes of gastric juice) is stimulated.
  • Low secretion of gastric juice and zero acidity return to normal.
  • The blood thins.
  • The increased sugar content returns to normal, and the blood vessels are cleansed of fatty acids.
  • The body rejuvenates.
  • Old and diseased cells are broken down.
  • Heartburn, ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis, herpes and other diseases disappear.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system is normalized.
  • split.
  • Free radicals are neutralized.
  • Diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia are prevented.
  • In addition, the poisonous protein that is formed during AIDS is neutralized, and also broken down different types cancer cells.


The product is purchased ready-made. However, they can also do it themselves. Let's look at how Bolotov's balm is prepared. The recipe must be followed exactly. Otherwise, not only will he not show his medicinal properties, but can also harm the body.

For one liter of water add:

  • 100 milliliters of 6% grape vinegar;
  • from one to two small spoons of 98% sulfuric acid;
  • from one to two small spoons of 36% hydrochloric acid;
  • four nitroglycerin tablets.

The ingredients are added in the specified sequence and mixed thoroughly.

How to use

Take one to two small spoons three times a day before meals or dissolve in tea, compote or coffee after meals. At the same time, a minimum dose is enough to treat a serious disease. And the maximum can be two large spoons, taken four times a day. Royal balm Bolotov is also useful to drink immediately after sleep.

Reception begins with a minimum dose. Each week add one small spoon. If an exacerbation of the disease is felt, then do not drink the drug on such a day, and the next day they resume taking it at the dose that was the previous week. Do not be afraid of exacerbations of the disease. This just indicates that the body is cleansing and healing. Following exacerbations comes complete relief from chronic diseases. They will appear in an increasingly lighter form.

Balm for gangrene

Gangrene develops with burns, injuries and frostbite. It also occurs with vascular diseases, endarteritis and diabetes. In most cases, gangrene involves amputation of limbs.

According to the scientist, such consequences can be avoided if you take increased doses of the balm. In this case, the course of treatment ranges from two weeks to a month. Drink 30-50 ml of medication three to six times a day every day. Then the gangrene will stop. This fact was called the Bolotov phenomenon No. 27. It develops when the balance of cell birth and cell dissolution shifts.

It turns out that a certain number of cells die. The same amount of them dissolves in the body. But with gangrene, there are fewer dissolving cells than dying cells. Therefore, an imbalance occurs when Bolotov’s balm - “Royal Vodka” - is used.

It should be emphasized that the medicine helps dissolve only dead cells. It has no effect on living things. This is why the gangrene process stops. This phenomenon applies to all types of this disease.

Balsam Bolotov: reviews

There are heated discussions about the usefulness of the product. Some people are confident in positive impact and have already been treated with it. Others ridicule the scientist and ask: “Why didn’t he and his loved ones rejuvenate?” It is clear that serious research must be carried out and it must be officially proven whether Bolotov’s balm is useful. Feedback from doctors is mostly negative due to a lack of information and research.

But, on the other hand, there is an opinion that for official medicine the goal is not a person’s health, but his painful condition. Otherwise, where should the entire pharmaceutical industry, which makes colossal profits, and the unscrupulous doctors who live off the treatment of patients go? Supporters of this position believe that this is the reason for the constant negative position of official medicine towards everything that can be used to improve human health practically free of charge. There may be many opinions, but folk remedies, as with medications, you need to be very careful.

Aqua regia is a synthesis of acids: nitric and hydrochloric. This product has a strong oxidizing ability, which makes it possible to dissolve even gold in it. From these features comes the name - aqua regia. If this product is capable of dissolving the king of all metals, then it should have a corresponding name - royal.

Getting aqua regia

Aqua regia is prepared by mixing part nitric acid and 3 parts hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions so that the reaction is strong. Otherwise, the reaction may be short-term and weak. You should not mix reagents by eye, as this way you will not get the proper accuracy.

A graduated tube should be used for maximum accuracy. Moreover, the use of different glassware should be avoided, and acids should be added to the same test tube. The more you pour ingredients from one container to another, the more likely you are to spill them and get a chemical burn.

Step-by-step preparation of aqua regia

First of all, you need to pour hydrochloric acid into the test tube, because you need it to prepare aqua regia. large quantity, rather than nitrogen. And when mixing reagents of this kind, it will be better if you add less to more. This will avoid unnecessary splashing of components and therefore chemical burns.

After you have poured the hydrochloric acid, add nitric acid to it. the right amount. The last thing you need here is haste. It is better to do everything slowly and deliberately, so as not to spill the reagents and get burned. Nitric acid must be poured in a thin stream to avoid splashing. It is not recommended to lean towards the test tube, as acid vapors are extremely dangerous for human body, as for respiratory tract, and for contact with eyes. Pour the reagents as far away from your face as possible, at arm's length.

After both acids are in the test tube in required quantity, mix them with a stick very carefully. It is strictly not recommended to shake the test tube; this is extremely dangerous. When the sediment sinks to the bottom, the vodka is ready. At first its color will be yellow, like the color of hydrochloric acid. Gradually, over half an hour, the color will turn dark orange. This color of acids indicates that everything was done correctly and the chemical reaction you need is taking place.

Ancient alchemists called gold the “king of metals.” Ordinary acids do not act on gold, so when an acid was discovered that could dissolve this noble metal, alchemists called it “regia vodka” ( Aqua regia- it is more correct to translate from Latin as “royal water”). Aqua regia can dissolve not only gold, but also platinum.

What is aqua regia? This is a mixture of two acids - hydrochloric and nitric in a ratio of 3:1 (three parts by volume of hydrochloric acid to 1 part by volume of nitric acid). Aqua regia is a yellow liquid with the smell of chlorine and nitrogen oxides.

Aqua regia was first obtained by the Italian alchemist Bonaventura in 1270. It is curious that at that time hydrochloric acid was not yet known to science. Aqua regia was then prepared by distilling a mixture of saltpeter, copper sulfate and alum with the addition of ammonia.

The oxidizing properties of aqua regia disappear during storage, because chlorine evaporates from it in air, and it is this that is the main one in oxidation reactions. Therefore, only freshly prepared reagent is suitable for work.

How does aqua regia act on noble metals?

First, nitric acid reacts with hydrochloric acid. In this case, two strong oxidizing agents are formed - nitrosyl chloride and chlorine:

HNO 3 + 3HCl = NOCl + Cl 2 + 2H 2 O.

These two reagents in pairs are able to oxidize gold even at room temperature:

Au + NOCl 2 + Cl 2 = AuCl 3 + NO.

The resulting gold chloride AuCl 3 immediately adds another molecule of hydrochloric acid HCl, forming tetrachloroauric acid (known as “gold chloride”):

AuCl 3 + HCl = H].

The total reaction of gold oxidation with aqua regia looks like this:

Au + 4HCl + HNO 3 = H + NO + 2H 2 O.

Tetrachlorauric acid crystallizes with four water molecules: H(AuCl 4) 4H 2 O. Its crystals are light yellow, water solution also colored yellowish.

The reaction with platinum proceeds similarly with the formation of chloroplatinic acid H2:

3Pt + 18 HCl + 4HNO 3 = 3 H 2 + 4NO + 8H 2 O

It is very simple to obtain pure gold from tetrachloroauric acid hydrate: you need to heat it. When heated, “gold chloride” decomposes to release HCl and reddish-brown crystals of gold (III) chloride AuCl 3 . If you treat a solution of gold(III) chloride with caustic alkali NaOH, yellow-brown gold(III) hydroxide Au(OH)3 precipitates, which when heated turns into gold oxide Au2O3. And gold oxide decomposes at temperatures above 220°: 2Au 2 O 3 = 4Au + 3O 2.

By the way...

Gold, in addition to aqua regia, also dissolves in hot concentrated selenic acid:

2Au + 6H 2 SeO 4 = Au 2 (SeO 4) 3 + 3H 2 SeO 3 + 3H 2 O.

The unique property of aqua regia was used by the famous Danish physicist, Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr, during World War II. In 1943, fleeing the Nazi occupiers, he was forced to leave Copenhagen. But he kept two gold Nobel medals of his colleagues - German anti-fascist physicists James Frank and Max von Laue (Bohr's own medal was taken from Denmark earlier). Not risking taking the medals with him, the scientist dissolved them in aqua regia and placed the unremarkable bottle further away on a shelf where many similar bottles and vials with various liquids were collecting dust. Returning to his laboratory after the war, Bohr first of all found a precious bottle. At his request, the staff separated the gold from the solution and re-made both medals.

Vodka can be called the most popular drink at every feast and holiday. It consists of which is purified from impurities, diluted with water. Vodka, which must contain 40 percent alcohol, may contain additives. Usually these are fruits, berries, spices and other ingredients. A high degree of purification allows us to make a product that, unlike its analogues, does not cause a hangover. But this is only vodka, the composition of which can truly be called high-quality.

A little history

There is no exact date of origin of this drink. But the approximate time of birth can be considered the 14th-15th centuries. This happened on the territory of the Russian state. Therefore, all claims of other countries are invalid. In 1982, international arbitration recognized this drink as originally Russian. In the 14th century, Genoese ambassadors brought wine alcohol to Russia. It was the basis of all known high-strength drinks. And in Russia, a drink was obtained based on wine alcohol, which was called “vodka”.

In the mid-15th century, grain harvests reached unprecedented heights. Export grape wines from Byzantium ceased. It's time for a change in the spirits industry. As history testifies and legends say, around 1430 a monk from Chudov created a recipe for real Russian vodka. For this he had all the capabilities: knowledge and equipment. Well, Mendeleev introduced the concept and designation on the bottle - 40% vol. He did not own the invention of vodka. He made it of high quality and obtained a patent.

Properties of good vodka

Not all vodka that can be found on the shelves can be called high quality. It all depends on the manufacturer and the ingredients used. What characteristics should a quality product have? Firstly, it is a subtle, unique aroma. A good product does not have a pungent odor. Secondly, it has a mild taste. The composition of vodka and its production must meet all modern requirements. The quality of the product is also indicated by its packaging. The cork and cap must fit tightly to the bottle, and the stamps with the bottling date must be clearly legible. There should be no sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

The correct composition of vodka allows you to make the purest, clear drink. Cloudy contents of the bottle indicate the use of low-quality water or the presence of impurities. The label must contain information about the manufacturer, his contact details and a code consisting of 7-10 digits. There must be information about certification and production license.

When determining quality, the components used for production are very important. The composition of vodka, without going into the basics of chemistry, is water and alcohol. Three types of alcohol are usually used. The first type is made from potatoes or grain and has the highest degree of purification. Next come the extra and luxury varieties, made from selected grains. The last two types are considered the best.

Water quality also plays a big role. Good producers pre-clean it from salts and impurities. If the packaging contains information about silver purification, this indicates the quality of the water. If the label says “purified with milk,” then this refers more to the final product.

Alcohol purification degree

Alcohol good quality made from a mixture of potatoes and grains or from each ingredient separately. Molasses, sugar beets and raw sugar are also used for this. There is a scale for the degree of purity of alcohol. The first grade product has 96 percent strength. The highest purification provides an indicator of 96.2% percent. The best types of alcohol - extra and luxury - have, respectively, 96.5 and 69.3 percent. There is also a distinction between medical and anhydrous alcohol.

Water purification

The composition of vodka mandatory water comes in. But this is not an ordinary liquid from a tap, but a special one, purified from impurities. To make water ideal for the production of vodka, salts must be removed from it. This procedure will make it softer. Sometimes it is necessary to completely purify water of all elements. After this, it is saturated with microelements. This technology is also used for the production of drinking and mineral water. Therefore, information about purification with silver indicates the enrichment of water with ions of this metal.


Many manufacturers introduce additional components or additives into Russian vodka. This happens for various reasons. Firstly, this is the desire to highlight your product and make it unusual. Competition in the alcoholic beverages market is serious and all methods are used in the fight for consumers. Secondly, many additional ingredients purify vodka, making its taste softer. This improves the quality of the product. Well, the last factor, but not the most pleasant, is attempts to hide the shortcomings of vodka, its poor taste and quality.

Therefore, whether or not to focus on these indicators is a personal matter for everyone. The main components that are used as additives are lemon acid, honey, powdered milk, sugar, baking soda, acetic acid and potassium permanganate. Some manufacturers use sodium acetate and sodium bicarbonate. The choice of additive depends on the type of vodka or brand. Honey is often used. It is added to vodka, diluted with pure water. This component makes the product softer.

Classification of vodka

Depending on the number of “turns”, vodka is divided into four categories. These are 40, 45, 50 and 56 percent. Experts in the production of alcoholic beverages divide it into four more classes: economy, standard, premium and superpremium. The last two classes are elite drinks. They are of excellent quality and higher cost.

For their preparation use only best views alcohol and thoroughly purified water. When assessing the quality of vodka, two categories of indicators are used. The first is organoleptic factors, which include smell, transparency and taste. The second group is analytical indicators. Here laboratory tests are carried out and alkalinity, the presence of impurities and the percentage of alcohol content are determined.

Tsar's vodka: history

The description of aqua regia first appeared in the 14th century. Hydrochloric acid was not yet known to people. The method of obtaining the drink involved the distillation of a mixture of alum, ammonia and saltpeter. The second method, mixing nitric and hydrochloric acid, was described in 1597 by the alchemist Andreas Libavia. Thanks to aqua regia, it was possible to make many discoveries in alchemy, and there was an increase in knowledge about chemical reactions and substances.

Properties of aqua regia

What is aqua regia? The composition of acids in this drink gives it certain properties. Aqua regia is a mixture of two acids, nitric and hydrochloric, in a ratio of one to three. This is one of the strongest oxidizing agents. This quality is manifested thanks to nitrosyl chloride. Freshly prepared “vodka” is colorless.

After a short time it acquires an orange tint. Distinctive feature This liquid has a strong smell of chlorine and this mixture is prepared immediately before use. Aqua regia, the composition of acids of which we discussed above, loses its oxidizing properties over time and decomposes.

Uses of aqua regia

Where is this drink used? Aqua regia, whose composition differs from the use of conventional alcoholic beverages, is used in laboratories as a reagent. It is used to clean laboratory glassware from organic matter. It is also used for the analysis of noble metals, the production of metal chlorides, and in others, the composition of aqua regia allows the dissolution of low-active metals, platinum, gold and palladium, even at room temperature. Gold dissolves in aqua regia at a rate of 10 µm/min. Etching ruthenium requires the presence of oxygen. These two components result in hexachlororuthenic acid. Silver cannot be dissolved in aqua regia. This is explained by the formation of a silver chloride film on the surface. Metals such as titanium, tantalum, zirconium, chromium, niobium and hafnium are also resistant to acids.

Aqua regia, the composition of which we have considered, is not used for oral administration!

Balm Bolotov

Many people are interested in information about It is known that a mixture of concentrated acids - nitric and hydrochloric - is aqua regia. The composition according to Bolotov is a weaker solution. The balm, which is prepared in pharmacies, corresponds to 3 percent. Therefore, it does not have a destructive effect on the human stomach and is taken orally. What effect does this remedy have on the human body?

Sulfuric acid dissolves connective tissue by converting sugar into mucopolysaccharides. In other words, it dissolves old cells and improves digestion. Nitric acid improves the functioning of the adrenal glands and increases adrenaline levels. There is also an improvement in cell nutrition, where Bolotov’s Balsam plays an important role; it promotes the formation of vitamins and amino acids in the body and restores protein molecules. It has a beneficial effect on all processes occurring in the body and prevents inflammation. The balm performs several functions. Firstly, it is an increase in the number of new cells. Secondly, it is a reduction in the body’s slagging, that is, the transformation of toxins into salts and their removal from the body. The third is the fight against microbes and restoration of organs.

"Russian standard"

Founded in 1998, the spirits company is the largest producer in this area. Vodka "Russian Standard" is a drink that is produced in several variants at a plant in St. Petersburg. Today the line consists of several types: “Empire”, “Original”, “Platinum” and “Russian Standard Gold”. All varieties have characteristics and unique properties characteristic of this species. This product can truly be called the best. The composition of Russian Standard vodka includes only quality ingredients. The production technology meets all modern requirements. For production they take the best varieties wheat grown in the Black Earth Region, and water from an underground source, which is connected to Lake Ladoga. This is a soft, pleasant-tasting drink worthy of aristocrats.

Vodka "Beluga"

"Beluga" is a premium vodka. This drink can be called one of the best on our shelves. Beluga vodka, the composition of which can be called ideal, contains natural honey, milk thistle extract and oatmeal. It is made from the best luxury alcohol and water from artesian springs. This drink is bottled in bottles made in France. Each specimen is decorated with a fish emblem and sealed with an airtight, environmentally friendly stopper.

When giving preference to strong alcoholic drinks, choose only high-quality products. And remember that excessive consumption of vodka leads to irreversible consequences.

Aqua regia is a composition of concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acids in a volume ratio of 1:3. This synthesis has the strongest oxidizing ability, even dissolving gold. But why is it called that? It’s simple, aqua regia is capable of dissolving the “king of metals,” that is, gold, and vodka is a gentle vodka. In the writings of Albertus Magnus this substance was referred to as “aqua secunda”, secondary vodka; later other alchemists in their writings called it “aqua regia (regis)”.

History of royal vodka

The turning point in the development of chemistry was the 13th century, when alchemists discovered strong mineral acids capable of dissolving many water-insoluble substances. Before this, the world only knew about acetic acid, known since ancient times. The newly discovered acids turned out to be a million times stronger, which brought alchemy to a new frontier, because it became possible to carry out many chemical processes and reactions. So nitric acid was soon discovered, called “aqua fortis” - strong water, corroding everything that came into contact with it, with the exception of gold, all metals known at that time. Three centuries later, hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) was discovered.

In 1597, alchemist Andreas Libavia first described the preparation of aqua regia by mixing a concentrate of nitric and hydrochloric acid. Before this, there were attempts to obtain alkahest by dry distilling a mixture of saltpeter, ammonia, copper sulfate and alum in a glass vessel and covering it with a lid or cap. This method was described in the 14th century by the alchemist Pseudo-Geber, but it was very painstaking and complex, and besides, such a mixture could cope with silver, but gold was beyond his control. And in the 16th century, a universal solvent was finally found and the invention of “aqua regia” contributed to the development of technical chemistry and the improvement of assay analysis.

What acids does aqua regia consist of?

As for the composition of aqua regia, it turned out that the chemical mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acid, when interacting with its components, enhances its abilities several times. The mixture turned out to be so strong that gold and even platinum dissolve in it at a ratio of 1:4 (hydrochloric acid, when reacting with nitric acid, releases chlorine, and the solution turns green, and particles of free chlorine attack gold).

The interaction formula looks like this:
Nitric acid oxidizes hydrochloric acid
HNO3 + 3HCl = NOCl + Cl2 + 2H2O.
During this process, two active substances appear: nitrosyl chloride and chlorine, which are able to dissolve gold:
Au + NOCl2 + Cl2 = AuCl3 + NO.

Gold chloride instantly attaches a HCl molecule to itself, resulting in the formation of tetrachloroauric acid, also popularly known as “gold chloride”: AuCl3 + HCl = H (AuCl4).

Preparation of aqua regia at home should be carried out in compliance with all safety measures and in a well-ventilated area.
To prepare aqua regia, you will need to acquire two main ingredients: concentrated hydrochloric and nitric acid.
We also strongly recommend using only glass test tubes (with marks) and a glass rod to evenly stir the “explosive mixture”. Original composition is a mixture of two acids in a quantitative ratio of 1: 3. Mix using only one test tube, do not measure acids in other containers, this way you minimize the chance of acid spillage.
Now you need to discuss separately those components that you will have to deal with when making aqua regia.

Nitric acid

Monoprotic acid, sensitive to light, has a very pungent suffocating odor. Nitric acid will decompose into nitric oxide and water under strong light. In this regard, one of the strongest acids is stored in a dark or opaque container. A concentrated solution of nitric acid does not dissolve aluminum and iron, so it can be safely stored in a metal container.

I would like to note that nitric acid is a very strong electrolyte (like most acids) and an oxidizing agent. Very interesting fact, is that nitric acid (like ozone) can be formed in the atmosphere during strong lightning flashes. The composition of atmospheric air consists of 78% Nitrogen, which reacts with atmospheric oxygen. This reaction produces nitric oxide (NO). Subsequently, with further oxidation in open air, nitrogen oxide is converted into nitrogen dioxide (NO2 or as it is also called brown gas). When atmospheric moisture reacts with nitrogen dioxide, nitric acid is produced. The concentration in such cases is minimal, and it is not at all dangerous for people, animals and nature.

Hydrochloric acid

The second component of aqua regia is hydrochloric acid. This acid is colorless, in the open air it emits steam in the form of “smoke”, a very caustic liquid (hydrochloric acid of technical significance may have a yellowish tint due to the presence of iron and chlorine impurities in it).

When it comes to the physical properties of hydrochloric acid, it is necessary to note its strong side when dissolving all metals (which are in the voltage series up to hydrogen); H2 is released and chloride salts are formed). You need to be very careful when using this acid, carry out work or experiments outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, since the acid has a very pungent odor and strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract of the human body.

The production of hydrochloric acid occurs by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in ordinary water(H2O). In turn, hydrogen chloride can be obtained by reacting sodium chloride with highly concentrated sulfuric acid.

Uses of aqua regia

Many Soviet and post-Soviet families knew the composition of royal vodka by heart. People use it to dissolve gold at home, in order to extract pure gold from microcircuits, transistors, wristwatches and other unnecessary devices that do not contain a large number of gold.

The main aspect of the successful completion of your planned chemical experiment with aqua regia is safety. Use the funds personal protection, follow safety rules, be extremely vigilant and attentive, your life and health will be at stake.

Video about aqua regia