Juicy beef medallions, like in a restaurant. Verified Recipe

Beef medallions: interesting details about the dish

This dish is always taken with beef or veal tenderloin or, in other words, fillet, apple. This part of the carcass is soft and the dishes from it are juicy and tender. Medallions are also prepared from beef tenderloin - a traditional dish French cuisine.

At its core, beef medallions are medium-sized chops with a pronounced rounded shape. It is because of the shape that the dish got such an interesting and original name. How to cook it? There is different variants recipes: in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker. With various sauces and the addition of a wide variety of ingredients. Below I will give options for recipes, according to which I cook this dish myself, and you can choose for yourself the one that seems most interesting to you. But before moving on to the recipes, I’ll tell you how to choose the right beef (veal) tenderloin for the dish.

The secrets of choosing the right clippings for medallions

For medallions, you should always buy fresh, paired tenderloin. You can also take chilled meat, but it is better not to use frozen beef or veal for the dish. When choosing meat, always pay attention to its color. If we are talking about beef, then a good tenderloin will have a red or rich pink color.

The piece should not have streaks or films, but the fat may be present and its color - white or pale cream. If the fat is yellow, the meat is definitely from an old animal. I check the freshness of the meat and so - I press it with my finger, if it quickly restores its shape, then the product is fresh and you can buy it.

If you buy a fresh fillet, then you can easily cut small and round medallions from it without any problems. Watch the thickness of the pieces - it should not be more than one and a half centimeters. It is not necessary to beat the medallions, but if you are not too lazy to do this, the meat will turn out even more juicy and tender.

Ladies and one more piece of advice: always cut the meat not along, but across the fibers. Beat the medallions through plastic bag, and beat off to the state of a soufflé. Having prepared the meat, it remains only to choose a cooking recipe. Below are the most interesting, in my opinion, options.

Delicate beef medallions in wine and cream sauce

In this version, we will cook the medallions in a pan, and I will explain in detail how to fry the meat so that it does not lose its juiciness. For the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 6 cut and broken medallions.
  2. 6 strips of bacon, about 15 centimeters wide.
  3. 50 grams of quality cognac.
  4. 100 grams of dry red wine.
  5. 100 grams of heavy cream.
  6. Two small onions.
  7. 3-4 cloves of garlic.
  8. Vegetable and butter for frying.

Further, the cooking process will consist of the following steps:

  1. We take our medallions and wrap each of them with bacon in a circle, fasten with a thread, salt and pepper.
  2. We heat the pan with vegetable oil and fry our medallions on each side until a beautiful crust. The average frying time on each side is 4 minutes.
  3. Crush the garlic cloves with a knife and mix the crushed garlic with melted butter. Pour this dressing over the meat. We continue frying and at the same time add the onion, cut into thin rings, into the pan, simmer the onion with the meat in the pan until the vegetable is soft.
  4. We turn off the fire, pour cognac over the meat and vegetables and set it on fire. All alcohol should evaporate.

After - we take out the medallions from the pan, put them on a separate plate. And in a frying pan we make sauce: pour wine and cream into it, heat over low heat until the sauce resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency. Drizzle medallions with sauce and serve with fried potatoes, fresh or pickled vegetables.

Recipe for the oven

Veal or beef medallions are easy to make in the oven, and the recipe is good for both a dinner party and hearty lunch in the family. For the recipe, you must prepare a set of the following products in advance:

  • 6 pieces of beef or veal tenderloin
  • 50 grams of soy sauce
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 70 grams of hard cheese
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 100 grams of medium fat mayonnaise
  • Spicy herbs (ready seasoning).
  • Large head of onion

We beat off the tenderloin a little and rub it abundantly soy sauce, herbs, lemon juice and keep in this marinade for half an hour. After fry the medallions on both sides in a pan and then put them on a baking sheet. We coat the medallions with mayonnaise on top, put onion rings on pieces, sprinkle with grated cheese. The meat is baked for half an hour.

Medallions in a multicooker

The recipe for a slow cooker is good because you don’t have to stand at the stove and waste your time, and the meat when cooked in this appliance turns out juicy and tender. To prepare the dish, prepare the products according to the following list:

  • Half a kilogram of veal or beef tenderloin
  • 150 grams of fat sour cream
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 4 small ripe tomatoes
  • 200 grams of cheese
  • 400 grams of milk
  • A piece of butter

We beat the meat, salt and pepper. In the device, select the “Baking” mode and put the medallions in its bowl. Without closing the lid, fry on both sides for three minutes. Finely chop the garlic, stir with sour cream. We cut the tomatoes in circles, grind the cheese through a medium grater.

We spread the fried meat in the multicooker bowl in layers, coat the top with sour cream sauce, put tomato mugs in the same place and cover everything thickly with grated cheese. Pour warmed milk over the top. We again set the baking mode on the device and bring the medallions to readiness within an hour. Ready meat goes well with mashed potatoes, rice and vegetable salads and cuts.

Filet mignon steak (fr. Filet mignon - “small fillet”) differs from all other steaks in its special delicacy, there is practically no connective tissue. It does not need pickling, it does not need to be beaten with a hammer. The cut itself is soft and juicy, but this part of the carcass does not differ in a concentrated meat taste. Filet mignon is often referred to as "lady's steak" due to the fact that the meat is less saturated with the taste of beef than the "male" striploin or ribeye. Therefore, medallions are always served with sauce in order to place flavor and aroma accents.

What kind of meat is suitable

For medallions, only veal / beef is suitable. You will need a tenderloin (tenderloin, fillet). beef tenderloin is located under the spine and does not participate in the loads of the animal, therefore it is considered the softest part of the carcass. The cut is the most expensive, which is said to be worth its weight in gold among cooks, very tender and lean. As a rule, it is sold as a whole, on one side there is a thickened edge (“head”), and on the other, a thinner one (“tail”).

For medallions, the thin edge of the central part of the tenderloin is best suited - a first-class cut, usually its diameter is up to 8 cm. It is also acceptable to use a "tail", as restaurants often do. Each piece with a standard cut of 3-5 cm will weigh about half as much as any other steak, so medallions are usually served 2 pieces per serving.

What should be the roast

Classic filet mignon, as a rule, is never "with blood". Beef medallions should be fried evenly, pink and juicy in cut, with a dense and ruddy crust. Depending on personal taste preferences, the roast can be medium or full. But for those who love very deep-fried meat, I still would not recommend preparing veal tenderloin medallions. Tastier and softer they are still roasted "medium". Love them - they are the most delicious!


  • beef tenderloin (filet mignon) - 300 g
  • salt - 2-3 chips.
  • mixture ground peppers- 1/4 tsp
  • rum or cognac - 50 ml
  • vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. l.

Total cooking time:
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Output: 3 pcs.


We wash and dry the meat, we clean it from white films. Cut off the thin part from the tenderloin. I strongly recommend that you take the meat out of the refrigerator in advance and warm it up to room temperature, then the frying will be more uniform.

Cut it crosswise into pieces 4 cm thick (maximum 6 cm). The result should be round medallions - filet mignon.

I lightly peppered and salted the pieces, sprinkled with oil. Then I wrapped each medallion in a strip of foil (sides). Due to this, the pieces will keep their shape better. Instead of foil, you can wrap the meat with strips of bacon, it will prevent drying out during frying and enrich the taste of the beef, add juiciness to it.

Next, prepared medallions need to be quickly fried on both sides on a grill or a thick-walled pan at a very high temperature. To do this, I heated the grill pan to red and poured a little vegetable oil into it. She laid out the medallions at a great distance from each other. There is an important rule here - the pieces cannot be turned until the bottom is fried, if you disturb the meat, the lower fibers will tear and valuable juice will flow out, as a result, the steak will become dry. Meat takes half the time to cook than large steaks.

Fry for about 2 or 2.5 minutes to each side - for medium frying; or 3-3.5 minutes for a stronger roast.

Then topped with cognac.

And set it on fire to burn out all the alcohol. Due to the flambéing, the pieces of meat warm up better over the entire area and cook more evenly. If you wrapped the medallions in bacon, then fry the sides for 30-40 seconds as well (the foil holds the temperature anyway, this is not necessary).

After heat treatment, I sent the medallions to the oven and kept them at 50-60 degrees for about 10 minutes - for “rest”, during which time the meat juices will have time to redistribute inside the piece, due to which the meat will turn out juicy. When everything is ready, put it on a warm plate or board.

You can prepare the so-called "green" butter in advance - combine softened butter, salt, chopped herbs, chopped garlic clove and a little lemon juice, mix everything until smooth, wrap in a film, like a candy, and send it to the freezer until it hardens. When serving, put a small piece of butter on top of the steak, which plays the role of sauce here and elegantly ennobles the medallion, gives it a special aroma and aftertaste.

Filet Mignon is medium rare. If you want to get a stronger roast, then you can do the following - cut the half-finished filet mignon across, unfold in the form of a "butterfly" and bring to the desired degree of readiness in this form. Tender meat goes well with vegetable side dishes, for example, with mashed green peas and bell pepper. Enjoy your meal!

"... Everything is optional here. While the meat is lying, in the process of fermentation it acquires the appropriate softness and delicate taste... As a result, the meat is soft and tender, not at all like a sole. Meat that has lain in the refrigerator for two or three days will always be more tender than fresh. As far as I remember, for steaks, the meat is aged from a week to two directly in the kitchen, and maybe up to 20 more days in a slaughterhouse. I don’t remember exactly, I can lie a little, but the fact that it is ripening is a fact.

At home I do the following:

On Saturday I buy beef (not veal) tenderloin. I wipe, not mine!
After that, I carefully cut into medallions. The main thing is to cut and remove all external connective tissues.
I cut medallions 3 cm thick.
I put it in sealed bags (IKEA) and in the refrigerator away from the back wall. During the week, we don’t turn over the bags and control them so that they don’t leak (not literally, but in the sense that if a lot of juice forms in the bag, then the meat will quickly go bad).

From Tuesday to Friday in the evenings I cook steaks ... The most delicious on Friday, it happens that the meat is rotten by Friday, but there is a nose for it.

Three (2-1) hours before cooking, take the meat out of the refrigerator, rinse gently under cold water. After that, gently wipe and put on a towel.
During this time, the meat should dry out and warm to room temperature. DO NOT SALT!

We take cast iron pan appropriate size. We put on fire below average for 15 minutes. When the pan is hot and begins to smoke slightly, set the fire to a little above medium, pour in the oil (peeled olive).

After that, we take out the steaks, salt a little bit (less than the norm), a little bit (less than the norm) black pepper and put in the pan.
Depending on the exposure, the meat is cooked for different times.
After 4 minutes, carefully turn the meat over without turning, set the fire to medium.
We are waiting for the readiness of 3 minutes.

I determine the final readiness with a thermometer. We don’t press on the meat, we don’t make holes in it, in general we just look at it. Without a thermometer, readiness can be determined with a fork, BUT not by pricking, but by pressing flatly, by elasticity, readiness is determined ... In the process, everything is important, both temperature and cutting, and specifically meat ... It should not burn, it should not boil in juice. That is, the temperature and heat supply in the pan should be such that when meat is added at room temperature, the pan does not cool down locally under the meat, but can instantly fry and close the pores in the meat, and then maintain this temperature. We don’t cover the meat!, Only a splash screen, if the meat is dry, there won’t be much splashing ... Heat can only be stored in a cast-iron frying pan ...

Serve the meat on the table:

Twenty seconds before the readiness, put the meat on the plates. We put the plates on the table and drive them all away for 2-3 minutes.
During this time, the meat will reach, relax and soften significantly. juice will begin to ooze out of it (in my case with blood, the temperature of the middle when removing 55 gr.) ..
It is in this juice that I add salt and pepper to taste, I also add 3-4 drops of green Tabasco..
I stir and dip pieces of meat there ... We don’t cut the whole piece, but cut it off piece by piece and closer to the sky ...
If you want to aggravate .. THEN decaramelize the pan. To do this, without removing from the heat, pour half a glass of dry red wine (or water) into it, drive it around the pan and wash it with this solution, after the alcohol has evaporated and the consistency of the sauce is “com il fo”, serve the sauce to the table. In principle, you can add spices, although in my deep conviction, this will not improve the taste!

From correspondence:

It is so written that while reading, I almost choked on saliva ...

Interested in the question of the safety of such a dish ... (Helminths, for example)

The question is open. I am constantly worried about this! I take the meat in the store, not in the market. I hope for some kind of control. Helminths are not just a spoiled product, but an infected one ... This is serious.
ALWAYS (a serving of three medallions - one for my daughter) For her, I cut the medallion not 3, but 2 cm. That is, with the same cooking time, she does not rarely succeed, but well done ... Well, my wife and I fill food with adrenaline. Actually when I cook fish, there are much more fears, the temperature is lower there and the danger is higher ...

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest!

P.S. About buying meat.

By the way, I specifically buy not in the market, but in the store, because it takes longer to get to the buyer, i.e. the fermentation process takes longer and, as a result, it is better suited for short-term cooking ... The meat is fresh on the market, for my purposes less suitable...

P. P. S. About cutting meat.

When cutting, we remove only the connective tissue. Layers of fat ("marbling"), do not touch and do not pay attention to them!

P. P. P. S For training, you can make medallions thinner, but then it will be less juicy dish BUT it's much easier to get an average good end product. The thicker the medallion, the more important the shutter speed. Fresh meat 3-4 cm thick will most likely be drier and not as tender as aged meat...because the cooking time increases...

Dry red wine goes very well with steaks, with a pronounced tart taste. French Bordeaux is just right for me, but not from Odessa.

We like Miratorg's products, and Perekrestok supermarket often has a discount on it (apparently, they work closely with the x-retail group), so I periodically visit the meat department of the store. What I like about this Miratorg product is neat individual packaging + gas environment, and through transparent cellophane you can see what you are buying.

I bought beef medallions from "apple". The apple is part of the carcass from the muscle of the outer part of the thigh. As you can see in the photos, there are thin layers of fat in the pieces of meat, and the manufacturer writes that they melt when cooked, making the meat especially juicy. The manufacturer also recommends, to improve palatability, stew or bake medallions (and an apple in general), then the meat turns out fragrant and tender.

Since time was short, I decided to fry it well, and then stew it for a few minutes.
You can see the result. Of course, the pieces have decreased in volume, not so much as to suspect that the manufacturer "pumped" the meat with water.

First, I fried the medallions on one side, then on the other, added water and simmered under the lid. The water gradually evaporated, so the meat looks like fried in a pan. I fried it for the second time, and more on that later (with photos).

And now for the taste. Firstly, the original semi-finished product looked great, had a pleasant smell and natural color.
The meat turned out very tasty. Let it not be so juicy, because the beef itself is lean, but it chews easily, does not have particles that would have to be thrown away. It is easy to cut, the fibers are well separated and visible on the cut.

The second time I fried the medallions differently, and I photographed the whole process again. And it tasted even better the second time around.
I did so. First, I heated the pan, and I have it with Ceratec ceramic coating, fried the medallions, without oil, on both sides to “lock” the juice inside, then removed them, washed the pan, laid it out again, poured water (boiling water) and simmered for about 45 minutes . Then finely chopped onion, added olive oil and stewed with onions. The water gradually evaporated. The onion turned out incredibly tasty, almost tastier than the meat itself))
See photos and buy medallions if you like my work))

Ideally, it would be nice to fry such meat over high heat (in a hot frying pan), and then place it in the oven for 10 minutes. Next time I will try to cook it in this way.

Food and the energy value per 100 grams of product: protein - 16 grams, fat - 18 grams, 230 kcal.
The photos turned out small, and I will write here. Meat - category A, that is, the highest category. This is a semi-finished meat product, small-sized, boneless, chilled. Packed in a protective atmosphere.

Product expiration date - 12 days. It should be stored in a conventional refrigerator at a temperature of - 1.5 to + 4 C.

Miratorg products are still in demand, because the quality is guaranteed. I recommend

P.s. I visited the Miratorg company store (retail), and I can say that the prices for products of the same name in it are significantly lower than in other places.
For example, black angus dumplings cost 380 rubles. I bought them in a wholesale store for almost 600 rubles.

Happened: A long time ago

If you want to surprise your soulmate and win her heart forever, you should cook a simple, but at the same time delicious dish - beef apple medallions. The recipe for this dish is very simple. And for the hostess who does not want to mess with the tenderloin, the Miratorg company has already produced beef medallions in the form of a semi-finished product. This will save a lot of time.

The difference between apple medallions is in the fat layer, which melts during cooking and gives the dish a unique taste, and a well-chosen sauce or spices will add flavor.

Step by step cooking gourmet dish

Today we will look at classic recipe beef medallions. It won't take long and decorate romantic dinner. In order not to waste time on cutting and you do not have small pieces that are not suitable for cooking, let's take finished products.

Components for a dish

  • Chicken broth - 370 ml.
  • Miratorg medallions - 2 pack.
  • Red wine - 80 ml.
  • Tomato sauce - 100 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Spices - to taste.
  • Italian seasonings - to taste.
  • Olive oil - 30 ml.
  • Champignons - 250 g.

Cooking step by step

Step 1. Before preparing beef medallions, we take them out of the package and rinse. Then spread on a towel and dry. It is very important that the tenderloin is not wet during cooking, otherwise it will not work. golden brown. Put the meat on a cutting board and sprinkle with spices on all sides. If you still bought a tenderloin, then you need to cut it into thick portioned pieces and also rinse and then dry.

Step 2. The meat needs to be beaten off, but not much, so that you get all the same even medallions, not flat cakes. We put the pan on the stove and pour vegetable oil, wait for it to heat up, and put the prepared medallions. Fry the prepared meat on 2 sides for 2 minutes, and then pull it out. Place on a plate and cover with foil to keep it warm.

Step 3. We thoroughly wash the mushrooms and chop them into plates. In the pan where there were beef medallions, pour olive oil and put a little butter, spread the mushrooms.

Step 4. Add spices and seasonings and fry until golden brown. Then you need to add tomato sauce. Simmer the mushrooms for 5 minutes. Do not forget to stir constantly so that they do not burn, and the mushrooms are soaked in tomato sauce.

Step 5. Add wine and add fire. Stir constantly until the red wine has evaporated. pouring chicken bouillon and simmer until half of the liquid has evaporated. Better not to make broth out of chicken cube. It will give the dish an unpleasant pungency and smell. Better cook homemade broth yourself, the process will not take much time.

Step 6. We put our medallions in the sauce and reduce the heat to half, simmer the meat for 10 minutes, not forgetting to turn over. If you like a stronger roast, then simmer for 20 minutes. Be careful not to dry out the meat.

Step 7. Put the finished medallions on a plate and pour over the top mushroom sauce.

Serve with mashed potatoes or spaghetti.

Beef medallions wrapped in bacon are a dish that any gourmet or meat lover will love. It is also easy to prepare and the process takes a short time. In addition, due to the bacon, the dish will turn out even more juicy and appetizing.


  • Spices and Provence seasonings to taste.
  • Beef medallions - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 6 cloves.
  • Red wine - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Bacon strips - 4 pcs.
  • Cream 15% - 100 ml.
  • Butter- 25 g.


We take our meat, wash it, dry it and beat it a little. In this case, you do not need to add spices and salt, you need to add them later. Now wrap the medallion in bacon on the sides, keeping its shape. He, like a ring, surrounds our tenderloin. We fix the bacon with a toothpick, but you can use a needle and thread.

We put a frying pan on the stove and heat it well. Add 2 types of oils and wait until the butter melts. It will give the dish a slight milky flavor. Add chopped garlic and fry for 30 seconds. And now we lay out the medallions, fry them on both sides for 3 minutes each. At this point we add Provencal herbs. You can add whatever dry herb mix you like. Do not forget to fry the sides with bacon, they need no more than 1-2 minutes. To check if the medallion is ready, pierce it with a skewer. If clear juice appears, then the meat is ready.

We spread the beef medallions on a plate and now only salt and pepper, and then cover with foil. Thus they are still languishing in their own juice.

Now add red wine and cream to the juice from the meat and evaporate over low heat, while stirring constantly. As soon as the sauce begins to thicken and stick to a wooden spatula, turn off the stove and transfer the sauce to the saucepan.

When serving medallions, do not forget to remove toothpicks or threads. Top with sauce.

Medallions can also be prepared breaded, then they form golden crust, but this method is for those who prepare the sauce separately. Better not to use breadcrumbs, and add ground nuts, any flour and a little starch to them.

If, nevertheless, the meat was dried out when cooked without sauce, then it can still be saved. To do this, you need to prepare any sour cream sauce. You can also cook milk sauce. Fill them with medallions and put in the oven for 20 minutes, the temperature should not exceed 120 degrees. The meat will be juicy and tender again.

It is advisable to salt the meat after you fry it. If you salt before frying, it will immediately give juice and begin to dry faster.

If you are marinating medallions separately, blot them with paper towels before cooking, otherwise a large number of juice will turn them not into fried or stewed meat, but into boiled meat, and this will no longer be what you wanted to cook.