Portobello mushrooms in your kitchen. Learning to cook original dishes

An unfamiliar name can easily mislead and give rise to fantasizing about many things that are far from the truth. Few people have any idea what portobello mushrooms are. The exquisite name hints that it means something exotic, like truffles. Meanwhile, our housewives know them under the “nickname” of imperial champignons. And the portobello mushroom (photo in the article) is indeed a huge variety of them, with a simple official name “crimino”. And the beautiful name is just a clever mushroom that once sold extremely poorly, causing traders to lose money. Having become “portobello” instead of the vague “crimino”, they quickly gained popularity and began to fly off the shelves.

Portobello mushrooms: benefits and harm

Basic nutritional quality“Crimino” basically corresponds to the properties of other mushrooms. The positive ones include:

  1. Low carbohydrates. That is, the product is ideal for vegetarian and dietary diets.
  2. Portobello mushrooms reduce the overall nutritional value of dishes, significantly expanding the list of foods allowed for dieters.
  3. Mushrooms have a fairly high content of selenium and copper, which is rare in other products.
  4. Portobello has a cleansing effect, removing heavy metals from the body.

Caution in consuming mushrooms should be exercised only by those who have difficulties with digestive system: They are not very easy food to digest.

Portobello for barbecue

Any connoisseur of picnics in the lap of nature will say with confidence that it’s impossible to limit yourself to just meat - it’s boring and not very tasty. Grilled vegetables become mandatory companions for delicious pork. And portobello mushrooms are completely beyond competition in this regard. In order for them to please all the picnic participants, they should first be divided: only the caps will be used, since the legs, for all their aroma, are fibrous and coarse, and only a decoction of them is good for soup. The next step is marinating. For the sauce, combine two spoons wine vinegar And vegetable oil plus crushed garlic, salt, thyme, parsley and pepper. Half an hour of soaking - and onto the grill!

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms “topsy-turvy”

The huge size of Portobello hats gives the widest scope for culinary fantasy. In particular, you can treat yourself to non-standard scrambled eggs in the morning. For this, the cap is cleaned of most of the plates, greased both outside and inside with olive oil mixed with pepper, salt, thyme and garlic. Carefully pour an egg into each cap so as not to damage the yolk (choose small ones to fit). The Portobello mushrooms are topped with grated cheese and then placed in the oven. The approximate baking time is a quarter of an hour, but be careful the first time, all ovens are different.

Stuffed hats

This is perhaps the most seductive Portobello. There are a huge variety of filling options, and no one forbids coming up with your own. However, it has been experimentally established that meat filling It works better from tender varieties of meat - chicken, turkey or not too fatty ham. Consider the turkey version.

The first step is to prepare the meat: it needs to be finely chopped and thoroughly fried until evenly browned on all sides. Next, the turkey meat is salted and seasoned, after which it is supplemented with chopped onion in a frying pan and fried with it for another 2-3 minutes.

Washed and dried portobello mushrooms are separated into caps and stems. The latter are put aside for the soup, and the inside of the caps is thinly coated with English mustard, with grains, and mustard. Soft butter is ground with chopped parsley - this will be the next thin layer in the cap. When the filling has cooled, it is laid out in the “nests” so that it protrudes slightly above the edges. Finishing touch- sprinkling with grated cheese. The prepared caps are laid out on a greased oven sheet, which is put into the oven for a third of an hour.

It tastes better to eat right away. However, cold is also completely fine, unless melted and cooled cheese seems rubbery to you. On the other hand, the snack can be heated in the microwave.



Portobello is a type of champignon, a rather large mushroom; when its cap is fully opened, it reaches a diameter of 15 cm. Thanks to the fully opened cap, more moisture evaporates from the portobello mushroom than from any other mushrooms, so their structure is dense and fleshy, and when cooked they turn out very fragrant. Portebello is the most exquisite type of champignon, which is used in all European cuisines. Portobello is one of the most delicious and easiest to prepare mushrooms. These mushrooms are salted, pickled, fried on the grill and in a frying pan, stewed in sour cream and sauces, and added to salads, omelettes and pizza.

History and distribution

In nature, Portobello grows in unsightly conditions: along roads, in pastures and even in cemeteries. The name “portobello” appeared in the 1980s in order to popularize this variety of mushroom. Previously, these mushrooms were not used in cooking and were often simply thrown away. Now portobello is one of the most popular mushrooms used in Israeli and European cuisine.


Portobello mushrooms are rare enough that you can buy them in gourmet grocery stores and some supermarkets.

Portobello is often used in the preparation of various appetizers and main courses. It is ideal for baking. For example, it is used in the preparation of such a beloved dish as.

When preparing soups, broths and sauces, the stems of the portebello mushroom are removed, as they are very fibrous and dense. Mushroom caps are used in the same way as other mushrooms: chopped or left whole. Whole caps are best suited for baking.

The longer the portobello mushroom is cooked, the firmer it will be and will develop a distinct meaty flavor. Little secret: for achievement best taste When preparing these mushrooms, do not wash them, but scrape off any dirt with a knife.

Composition and properties

Like other types of mushrooms, portobello is very nutritious and high-calorie product. It is sometimes called "vegetarian meat" because of what it contains. a large number of protein and because of the rich smell of meat. This mushroom contains many vitamins and microelements such as copper and selenium.

Eating this mushroom promotes the natural elimination of heavy metal salts from the body, so these mushrooms are often eaten almost raw, dipped in lemon sauce.


Portobello mushrooms are considered a heavy food due to their high content they contain protein.

How long to cook portobello

Portobello should be boiled in salted water for about 15 minutes.

Calorie content portobello

Calorie content of portobello is 26 kcal.

I love mushrooms. And baked with cheese and nuts - it's just a song! Portobello is a type of mushroom. They are distinguished by their impressive size and nutty flavor. This is what I decided to emphasize.

By the way, Portobello can be replaced with regular champignons.

First I'll give you basic recipe, on the basis of which I prepared this wonderful dish:


  • portobello mushrooms - 6 pcs.
  • parmesan - 50 gr.
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.
  • goat cheese- 30 gr.
  • garlic butter - 3 tsp.
  • breadcrumbs- 3-4 tbsp.
  • salt - ground pepper.
  • olive oil- 2 tbsp.
Chop the nuts.
In a bowl, mix crackers, cheese, salt, pepper and nuts. You can add a couple of spoons of sour cream.
Wash the mushrooms thoroughly. Carefully separate the stems from the caps. Place the caps on a lined baking sheet or in a baking dish. Place 1/2 tsp in each mushroom. butter with herbs and garlic (if you don’t have it ready, just add a little garlic and dill).
Sprinkle on top cheese breading. Sprinkle with olive oil.
Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Serve hot. Bon appetit!

I've modernized this recipe a little. The fact is that for some reason all the recipes I found on the Internet did not use mushroom stems (they are usually sent to soup). I decided to correct this omission... And I didn’t regret it :o).

So, we will need:

  • portobello mushroom - 6 pcs (take larger ones)
  • walnuts - 7-10 pcs
  • pine nut - 30 g (optional)
  • onion - 1 piece
  • breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp.
  • butter - 50 gr
  • cheese - 20 gr
  • salt, ground black pepper

Wash and peel the mushrooms.

Carefully cut out the legs and chop finely.

Use a spoon to scrape the inside of the cap to enlarge the cup.

In a dry, hot frying pan, fry the pine nuts until golden brown, then place them on the walnuts. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter along with the mushroom stems (I also added mushroom scraps scooped out of the cap). At the end, add breadcrumbs, mix, salt and pepper. Add the resulting cooled mixture to the nuts and stir - this will be the filling.

Place baking paper on a roasting sheet (baking sheet). Carefully place the mushrooms on it, caps down. Place a small piece of butter into each mushroom and stuff tightly with the nut mixture.

Place in the oven for 10 minutes over medium heat.
Remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle each mushroom with grated cheese.

If you don’t want to bother, you can just put a thin slice of cheese on top of the mixture

And place in the oven for another 5 minutes until the cheese is completely baked.

It can be served either hot or cold.
Bon appetit!

On occasion, without any plans at all (I just liked the name), I bought Portobello mushrooms. They are quite expensive, but I bought two of them. It cost me a little over a hundred rubles. I didn’t know what to do with them at all. Therefore, I was destined for a direct path to the World Wide Web.

From this very network I learned that Portobello mushrooms are a beautiful name (one might say - trademark) simple, fully ripened crimino mushrooms, a type of champignon. The giant caps of these mushrooms can reach a diameter of up to 15 cm. Once upon a time, simple and inconspicuous, but very large crimino mushrooms sold poorly, lying on the shelves, they spoiled and then some resourceful merchant figured out how to correct the situation. I think it was some cunning Italian.

A beautiful, melodic “portobello” sounds better and more mysterious than some kind of “crimino”, right?

Yes, this mushroom has a distinct meaty smell! It contains more protein than a piece of beef. Simply ideal for vegetarians and fasting people. This mushroom can be eaten raw (like any other champignon), simply sprinkled with lemon and salt to taste.

Here he is, in person:

So, this same crime haunted me all weekend. I surfed the Internet far and wide.

After merging several found recipes and applying small quantity fantasy, I have a recipe stuffed mushrooms. It's quite simple.

For cooking have a delicious dinner we need:

Two Portobello mushrooms. If you don't have them, don't worry. Just take champignons with large caps.

Turkey meat. It is believed (at least that’s what they say on the Internet) that turkey is best suited for stuffing Portobello, and I actually had a little turkey left after cooking Olina homemade ham. 300-350 grams.

Quarter bell pepper medium size

One stalk of celery, small

Onion, small

Nutmeg, ground ginger, cumin - a quarter teaspoon

Red pepper, ground. I used chili powder

Grain mustard (I don’t know what it’s called correctly, but it’s mustard with a lot of round grains)

Butter - a couple of tablespoons

Dill and parsley – a little bit

Hard cheese for sprinkling

The cooking process is quite simple:

Mushrooms need to be prepared. You don't need to wash them for this. Where it's dirty, scrape it with a knife. Wipe the mushrooms thoroughly with a paper towel. They clean well.

Now we need to tear off the leg of the mushroom and scrape out its lungs - the spores. These spare parts will go into mince. The mushrooms can now be left alone for a while.

Now - minced meat. We cut the turkey very finely. If you freeze it a little, then you will be happy, and not a headache, like I had, because I didn’t think to do this.

Finely chop the pepper and celery, as well as the onion.

Now comes the time heat treatment. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and add the onion there. Let's fry it until soft or golden brown and call the turkey for company. You need to fry the turkey for 5-7 minutes. It should change color all over. Ideally, it should turn golden. This didn’t happen to me, because... there was a lot of liquid in it. During her life, she apparently had severe dryness. Just before the end of frying, add our spices, salt, pepper, celery and pieces of mushroom leg and spores to the minced meat. Fry for another three minutes. I don't recommend trying minced meat. Very tasty and hard to stop.

When the minced meat has cooled slightly, break the egg into it and mix thoroughly. The egg issue is controversial. It seemed to me that the minced meat would hold its shape better this way.

Now we first coat the mushrooms on the inside with mustard. Let them stand and absorb it.

In the meantime, we will prepare next ingredient. Finely chop the dill and parsley and mix thoroughly with warm butter.

This mixture should be brushed over the mushrooms, on top of the mustard. You can put a little more oil in the middle of the cap.

Now we put the minced meat in little heaps. No need to feel sorry for him. The mouth rejoices at the big piece! It should look like something cone-shaped.

Now we carefully cover this cone-shaped thing with cheese grated on a fine grater. These are such beautiful pyramids.

Now put the stuffed mushrooms in the oven, preheated to 190-200 degrees and bake until golden brown crust on cheese. It took me about 30 minutes.

When we take our mushrooms out of the oven, we will see this lovely picture:

It smells so bad it makes you sway.

You can’t eat right away - you’ll burn yourself. Wait at least 5-7 minutes.

It turned out simply divinely delicious.

With a clear conscience we can say: Portobello - bellissima brava! Portobello is a super-well done mushroom!

In terms of time, cooking took a little over an hour. The most fuss was with the turkey. If you freeze it a little, then the problem disappears altogether.

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The French word champignon (mushroom) comes from the Old French word champignuel, which can be translated as “product of the countryside.” The ancient Egyptians served mushrooms at the table of the pharaohs, and mere mortals were strictly forbidden to even touch them. The ancient Greeks and Chinese even attributed a supernatural origin to mushrooms and deified them. The Slavs have legends associated with their origin. They said that mushrooms appeared from crumbs that the Apostle Peter ate in secret from Christ. Therefore, the Slavs associate mushrooms as an unclean object, but at the same time, sanctified by Christ himself and his disciples.

Today, mushrooms are very widespread throughout the world. In kitchens different countries around the world they are constantly used for cooking gourmet dishes and snacks.

Portobello is a fairly large mushroom, brown in color. This mushroom is essentially a ripe crimino ( Italian mushroom). Its cap is straight, fully open. The records are hidden underneath. Portobello can reach up to 15 cm in diameter. Due to its structure, much more evaporates from the mushroom when cooked than from any other species, thereby making it meatier and denser.

Portobello and crimino are varieties. Portobello has a more expressive taste and a richer aroma than a regular champignon. It can truly be considered a delicacy. It’s a little strange, but such an exquisite mushroom grows in the most ordinary places: along roads, in livestock pastures, on compost heaps, in roadside ditches and even in cemeteries. Although portobello is extremely rare in natural conditions. And so sonorous and beautiful name they owe it to one merchant who came up with a new name for them to increase the number of sales. And he advertised the product so well that even to this day, portobellos are a sought-after delicacy not only in European, but also in Israeli cuisine.


It is customary to use a mixture of steamed horse manure and straw as a substrate for growing portobello. After two or three harvests, the so-called waves, the use of the same substrate becomes unprofitable. Rooms for cultivating mushrooms must be well ventilated, under temperature and humidity control. They must be able to withstand chemical disinfection or heat treatment. There are cases when specially built chambers are burned after the first harvest for disinfection. Basements, mines, bomb shelters, etc. are considered good places for growing mushrooms.

Chemical composition of the product

Portobello in fresh– 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Use in cooking

These delicious gourmet mushrooms can be used different ways: fry, boil, marinate, bake, stew. But they are ideal for grilling. Their large caps are fleshy and become hard during cooking. The taste of portobello is vaguely reminiscent of the taste of meat, which is why they are sometimes jokingly called “vegetarian meat.”

The caps are often stuffed and sent whole to the grill or oven. And the legs are ideal for making soups and sauces. By themselves, they have a fibrous structure and are practically not used for food. But they give a very rich and pleasant aroma, which is of course good when preparing first courses. To make portobellos tastier, it is recommended not to wash the mushrooms before cooking, but only remove visible dirt from them using a knife or paper napkin.

Grilled Stuffed Portobellos

To prepare you will need:

  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs;
  • grated cheese;
  • greenery;
  • whole portobello mushroom caps - 4 pcs.;
  • soy sauce;
  • lemon juice.

Remove dirt from mushrooms with a knife or napkin. Separate the stems from the cap and chop finely. Mix a little more than half a teaspoon in a bowl vegetable oil, fresh lemon juice and soy sauce. Soak the portobello caps with this marinade. Mix finely chopped and cloves. Grill mushrooms on both sides for 5 minutes each. It is better to bake first on the side where the leg grew, and then on the other side. Then it is convenient to fill the mushroom with filling directly on the grill. Then fill with filling and bake again. Top with grated cheese and herbs.

Julienne with portobello and chicken

For preparation you will need:

  • champignons – 350 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • chicken fillet – 150 g;
  • flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • cream – 1 glass;
  • sour cream – 150 g.

Chop mushrooms, onions, garlic. Chicken fillet fry and then cut into strips. First add the onion, then the garlic, and add the mushrooms into a preheated frying pan. Fry a little and add. Cover everything with flour, pour in the cream, add sour cream and bring to a boil. Cook until thickened. Place the dish in molds, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 5 minutes.

How to choose and store Portobello correctly

Be sure to pay attention to the type of mushroom when purchasing. The hat should be smooth and free of wrinkles and stains. U fresh mushrooms it is light brown in color. The plates under the cap of mushrooms stored for a long time darken and reddish spots appear on them. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the mushroom cap should be flat, that is, completely open. Then you can be sure that you are buying portobello, and not ordinary champignons. It is recommended to store the product fresh in the refrigerator for no more than a week. You can also wrap them in paper or a damp cloth.

Portobellos are also good for freezing. In this form, mushrooms can be stored for almost a year. But at the same time, you should make sure that the temperature is not higher than -18 degrees.

Beneficial features

Portobello mushrooms have a very beneficial effect on the body, as they contain healthy vitamins and minerals. They remove dangerous waste and toxins, and in dried form they are excellent for gastritis and ulcers. , contained in their composition have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin. Portobello is practically absent, which makes it possible to effectively use them in salt-free diets. And thiamine and riboflavin can prevent migraines and headaches, relieve fatigue and overwork.

Constant consumption of portobello is recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and those suffering diabetes mellitus. These mushrooms may also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Regular use Eating them will help boost immunity and reduce nervous excitement.

Fresh foods contain many useful elements that can improve blood composition, which can have a positive effect on the prevention of cancer. By the way, mushrooms are very useful for diets, as they tend to reduce the overall calorie content of a dish and make almost any food dietary.

Hazardous properties

If you buy mushrooms in a supermarket, you can be sure that this product will not harm you. They are considered environmentally friendly and safe, unlike those you find in natural habitats. Such representatives are capable of absorbing all harmful and hazardous components contained in the soil in which they grow. Also, an inexperienced mushroom picker may well confuse young portobello mushrooms with poisonous mushrooms such as light fly agaric or pale toadstool. Therefore, you should not try your luck and it is better to buy Portobello in the store.


Portobello is a large brown mushroom, one of the elite varieties of champignons. Famous for its extensive flat cap, exquisite taste and a unique aroma. Environmentally friendly if bred at home. At the same time, it may contain harmful substances from the soil in which it sprouted. And since Portobello usually grows in unfavorable natural conditions, this can cause various food poisoning and disorders.

Its meaty texture makes dishes made from it rich and nutritious. The taste is slightly reminiscent of meat. Portobello is widely used in cooking, both as a main dish and as an ingredient included in many dishes of European cuisine. Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, it has a beneficial effect on the body. They even prevent cancer and saturate brain cells with vitamins and micronutrients, which has a good effect on immune system. Probably one of its few drawbacks is the high cost of the product.

Portobello is considered a delicacy, and therefore its price is higher than average. This is one of the mushrooms loved by nutritionists, as it is low in calories in itself, and can also make almost any food it includes dietary.

Portobello is almost impossible to confuse with any other mushroom due to the presence of its huge cap. When buying a product in a supermarket, you can be sure of its safety, since the mushrooms sold in stores are artificially bred, which gives the right to talk about their environmental purity and naturalness.