Cooking delicious roasted pumpkin seeds. Simple ways to fry pumpkin seeds in a pan, in the microwave, in the oven

As if confirming the biblical saying that there are no prophets in their own country, the sunflower and pumpkin "found their land" far from their homeland - the land of the Aztecs and Incas, received real recognition, fertile ground and worthy use in our land.

Of course, the ancient Indians knew about the benefits of these crops, and they worshiped the sunflower as a deity, but for the Europeans who colonized the American continent, the value of pumpkin and sunflower seeds as agricultural crops for a wide range of applications was a discovery that came with emigrants from Russia. The earth is round!

The seeds of any plant have a large supply life force to germinate and give a new crop. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are no exception, so their benefits have not been in doubt for more than 5-6 thousand years. But in more detail biochemical composition they have been studied already in the age of advanced technology.

A discussion immediately ensued between skeptics and their opponents about the benefits and harms of seeds. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle and diet fans also did not stand aside: everyone seeks to speak out about the benefits and harms of seeds as a food product, at the same time attributing magical healing properties to roasted seeds.

Of all that has been said about these grains, only the results of scientific and laboratory research can and should be trusted. Logically, the purpose of each product is to supply the body with useful and nutritious substances. Some foods contain a lot of vitamins, some contain minerals, and others contain unsaturated ones. fatty acids, and so on.

For example, a lemon contains vitamin C, but to ensure its daily requirement, you need to eat 2 lemons, to provide the body with vitamin F, you need to consume 40 g every day. roasted sunflower seeds. But a list of everything a person needs during the day - vitamins, valuable acids, minerals necessary for regular use so large that it is impossible to eat everything at once. Yes, seeds are good. Yes, there are some restrictions in their use. It is possible that they improve well-being with some chronic diseases, but they should not replace the medicine, like all other food products. It is best to consult with your doctor on these issues, and not succumb fashion trend and the influences of sources, who are often sellers of the product, and their admiration logic has a very clear purpose: to expand the market.

Let those who disagree are outraged, but food, in addition to benefit, should bring pleasure, and the missing elements for the normal functioning of the body must, nevertheless, be sought in special mineral and vitamin complexes. Therefore, leaving a little aside the question of the benefits and harms of seeds, we will consider a simpler question - technology home cooking.

How to roast seeds: cleaning, sorting and preparing raw materials

Preparing seeds for frying is a more time-consuming process than frying itself.

The harvested crop must be carefully sorted and all impurities removed. Further, if the seeds are collected from sunflowers different sort, it is desirable to sort them by size.

In industrial conditions, of course, this stage is completely mechanized.

Seeds collected at your summer cottage will have to sort out manually. For what? To ensure even roasting of the seeds.

Next stage - washing. At home, this can be done by substituting a sieve with seeds under the stream of water. Sunflower seeds are easy to wash: just hold them under pressure to remove dust. Rinse if needed pumpkin seeds, then it is better to wet them first. After that, they need to be rubbed with your hands to separate the remaining fibers. It is better to repeat this operation several times in order to completely remove the remnants of pulp from their peel.

Next, you need to place a sieve over the pan and wait for the water to glass. It is better to wash pumpkin seeds immediately after removing them from the pulp, without waiting until it dries. If you are not going to fry them right away, then you need to dry them and put them in a dry place. Can be stored in glass jar in the kitchen or in a plastic bag in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

The ideal way to dry seeds- convection cooker. Fast and reliable. Spread them on a sheet, in a thin layer and just hold in hot oven. If conditions permit, dry the seeds in the sun, laying them out on a net. For example, an anti-mosquito net nailed to a wooden frame is suitable for this purpose - a necessary thing in the household.

Dry large quantities in small portions. It is important to achieve complete drying so that excess moisture during storage does not cause mold and a musty smell. Depending on the volume of the product and individual addiction to it, it is better to store the stocks dried, but not fried. That is, the seeds need to be sorted out, washed, dried and stored in this form, and it is advisable to fry them as needed, especially since it will not take much time.

How to roast pumpkin seeds? This question is asked by many fans. If sunflower seeds can be fried in a pan, then pumpkin seeds, after all, are better to fry in the oven, spreading them on a sheet in a thin layer.

How to fry seeds: heat treatment methods

Probably, there are still Russian stoves in the villages, which are ideal not only for cooking many dishes, but also an ingeniously simple answer to the question of how to roast seeds. This Russian miracle oven, in its design, is nothing more than a modern combi steamer, only without a timer and a built-in thermometer. In the conditions of modern city apartments, one has to be content with the available opportunities.

How to roast seeds in the oven

Cooking food in the oven, including seeds, is still considered the best way heat treatment of any products. closed chamber oven provides uniform heating of products at a constant or controlled temperature. Of great importance is also the fact that, being in a closed space, the products retain their valuable nutritional properties to the maximum, which are largely volatilized during heat treatment on the surface of the plate.

Roasting seeds in the oven takes no more than five minutes. In this case, the oven must first be heated to 220ºϹ. Lay the prepared seeds on a sheet. After five minutes, turn off the stove, but do not immediately take out the seeds, but hold until the temperature in the oven is reduced by half. After that, the seeds should be poured onto a wooden surface and kept covered with a linen napkin until completely cooled. Readiness of seeds is checked organoleptically.

Larger, pumpkin seeds, respectively, need to be fried, increasing the frying time.

Often lovers of pumpkin seeds are looking for pumpkin varieties with large quantity seeds. The breeders took care of them. These varieties include Candy, Volga Gray, Rossiyanka, Zhemchuzhina, Arbatskaya. However, before you go shopping for seeds, think about the fact that pumpkin seeds should be consumed in a very moderate amount, and the pumpkin itself is useful not only for seeds, but also for pulp.

How to fry seeds in a pan

For this method of frying, you must select the appropriate dishes. First of all, you need a heavy Cast-iron pan, preferably large diameter: the seeds will have to be fried, pouring them in a thin layer, for even roasting. Therefore, a large surface area will significantly speed up the process, especially if you need to make a supply of roasted seeds before the end of your favorite series. Set aside a metal spatula for mixing: use a wooden one. The pan can be pre-greased with oil, but you can not do this. It is better to wet the seeds so that the husks are steamed and then better separated from the kernels after drying. As soon as the moisture evaporates, start watching carefully, and, mainly, listening carefully: a characteristic crackle is a signal that it is time to remove the pan from the heat. Do not stop stirring even after the pan is removed. The second point that you should pay attention to is the characteristic aroma of roasted seeds. Just make sure it doesn't burn. That's all. By the time, frying the seeds in a pan takes from 10 to 15 minutes, or a little more: it all depends on the temperature of the stove and the degree of heating of the pan.

How to Roast Seeds in the Microwave

If the above tips on how to roast pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds seem too much of a hassle, then try it in the microwave. Everyone will surely like this method.

It's very easy: pour washed and damp grains on a plate. Turn on the microwave for a minute, at maximum power. Remove the bowl, stir and set aside for another minute. After the third time, try again. If the seeds are not fried enough, then the next approach should last no more than 30 seconds, so as not to be mistaken.

How to fry seeds in a pan: about flavorings

Roasted pumpkin seeds taste like peanuts. This makes me think: why not treat them with nut butter before frying them to emphasize this taste even more? Such seeds will be very useful if you add them to any original salad, sprinkle baked with bran or oat flour bread.

There are pumpkin varieties with “naked” seeds that can be kept in a salty or sweet solution before frying, which can significantly expand the range not only for a snack, but also create interesting dishes.

Let's summarize what has been said: frying seeds in a pan is incredibly simple!

If you cook numerous dishes from pumpkin, then in no case should you throw away the seeds from it: they are a source of zinc and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. By the way, pumpkin seeds are very expensive, so create for yourself from them salty snack in a matter of minutes, fried in a pan. Of course, you can also roast the seeds in the oven, but it will take a long time, but you can’t wait to click them with pleasure!

By the way, peeled roasted pumpkin seed kernels are a great ingredient for creating all sorts of recipes, ranging from meat loaf and sausages to sweet pastries and cakes!


  • 200-300 g raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tsp salt


1. Freshly peeled seeds must be thoroughly washed. To do this, water is poured into a container with them and the pumpkin pulp is removed manually. At the same time, the water must be changed about 7–8 times in order to wash off the pumpkin fragments enveloping them from the seeds. If a little remains - it does not matter, everything cannot be cleaned off.

2. After that, pour the washed seeds onto a paper towel or waffle towel to remove excess moisture. Many people prefer to fill this product with salt water, leaving them in it for 30 minutes, but this is not necessary, as moisture seeps into the seeds - then they remain raw even after drying in the oven. We soak the seeds and let them lie down, drying out, for about 5 minutes.

3. Then pour them into the pan and add salt. Stir gently and place the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. On a strong fire, the shell of the seeds will burn, on a minimum, they will have to be fried for a long time. No oil or other fat is needed! Fry the seeds for about 5-7 minutes, watching their surface. We will definitely taste it so that they do not burn inside or remain raw. During the frying process, the seeds will dry out and the salt will remain on them.

4. Pour the fried seeds into a prepared bag or onto a plate, let them cool slightly and enjoy their taste to the full by turning on your favorite TV series.

Note to the owner

1. Salted seeds of healthy gourds can be one of the brightest and, moreover, nutritious components of granola, including homemade ones. It's okay if the main part of the ingredients of the baked mixture turns out to be sweetish. Opposite flavors will merge into a harmonious taste symphony when the original mix is ​​filled with some liquid: milk, vitamin berry broth, drinking yogurt.

2. The right idea - when cooking according to the above technology, use pink Himalayan salt. Its grinding is ideal so that when heated, a uniform coating of barely noticeable crystals forms on the product. When eating, too large grains will not come across, which are unpleasant to dissolve.

3. Just like crackers and chips, this snack can be flavored. It is better to prefer the smell of moderate strength. The procedure is simple: on a hot frying pan, you need to put the selected odorous ingredient, with the exception of garlic, for example, cloves (3-4 inflorescences) or nutmeg(about one and a half crushed kernels); warm the spice and remove; immediately after that, pour raw pumpkin seeds. They will be enveloped in a fragrant plume, and the aroma will be fixed due to the high temperature.


  • pumpkin seeds
  • fresh pumpkin

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a pan step by step instructions with photos:

Step 3

Place the dried pumpkin seeds in the pan. The layer of seeds should not be thick.

Step 4

Roast the pumpkin seeds over low heat without a lid, stirring constantly, until slightly golden. This will take approximately 30 minutes. Adjust the degree of roasting of seeds individually.

Step 5

Immediately after reaching the required degree of roasting, remove the pan from the heat, and be sure to sprinkle the seeds on a wide flat object (kitchen board, dish) in one layer. Let the seeds cool. On the hot pan the seeds will overcook and may be overcooked, but if moved elsewhere and cooled quickly, they will stay as roasted as you like.

We will need:

  • Microwave utensils
  • Colander
  • wooden spoon


  • pumpkin seeds

How long to roast pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin has recently become a very popular ingredient. various dishes. Housewives are happy to use pumpkin to make soups, stew, bake, prepare drinks, jams, sauces from pumpkin.

After cooking these dishes, seeds always remain. Don't rush to throw them away. Rinse well, dry, and fry at a convenient moment. Roasted seeds can then be added to soups, salads, pastries, or simply eaten as a healthy snack.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are very pleasant taste, which is somewhat similar to the taste of roasted peanuts. In addition to the fact that roasted pumpkin seeds are very tasty, their regular use has a great effect on the state of blood vessels, blood, heart, and skin.

You can roast pumpkin seeds in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave. Choose the method that you like the most.

How to roast pumpkin seeds in the microwave step by step instructions with photos:

Step 4

Cook at 800 W, turning on the oven for 1 minute and then stirring. The amount of time will depend on the number of seeds and their degree of moisture. Every minute you need to mix the seeds and try the degree of roasting. Usually the whole process takes 4-5 minutes.

We will need:

  • baking sheet
  • Colander
  • wooden spoon
  • parchment paper


  • pumpkin seeds

How long to roast pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin has recently become a very popular ingredient in various dishes. Housewives are happy to use pumpkin to make soups, stew, bake, prepare drinks, jams, sauces from pumpkin.

After cooking these dishes, seeds always remain. Don't rush to throw them away. Rinse well, dry, and fry at a convenient moment. Roasted seeds can then be added to soups, salads, pastries, or simply eaten as a healthy snack.

Knowing how to roast pumpkin seeds will turn them into a healthy and appetizing snack.

You can buy seeds for frying at the market or choose your own from a pumpkin that you have eaten. There are varieties that contain a large number of seeds.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds in 3 Different Ways

There are several ways to fry, and all of them do not require the addition of vegetable oil. As a result, the seeds will turn out not only tasty, but also moderately high-calorie.

  • How to fry pumpkin seeds in a pan? It is best to take a cast-iron frying pan, such dishes perfectly retain heat. It is well warmed up and the seeds are poured out. Keep them on high heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly. After the fire is reduced. When the seeds change color to golden and begin to make a characteristic crackle, it's time to turn off the stove. Pour the seeds into a clean bowl. The main condition for cooking them in a pan is constant stirring so that nothing burns. A spatula for mixing is preferably wooden, not metal.
  • How to roast pumpkin seeds in the microwave? This method requires little pre-training. The seeds are washed and dried for two days. After they are laid out on a flat dish and sent to the microwave for one minute, turning it on at maximum power. After the time has passed, the seeds are taken out, mixed and fried again for a minute. The procedure is repeated until the seeds begin to click.
  • How to roast pumpkin seeds in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C, pour the seeds onto a baking sheet. Stir every five minutes until they are golden brown. After turning off the fire, do not take out the seeds immediately, but let them "reach" for several minutes.

To make the seeds easier to clean, they are pre-soaked in water for 10-15 minutes. But this trick has a minus: if you remove the seeds from the fire too early, they will not be as tasty.

Pumpkin seeds, along with sunflower seeds, are very popular, primarily as a tasty and unpretentious snack. In some cases, they help pass the time, in others they add a little satiety, and in others they are an excellent component that strengthens the body, subject to normal use. In spite of great amount store deals, many people are looking for information on how to roast pumpkin seeds at home.

In contact with

Pumpkin seeds can be used for various purposes. In addition to the commonplace snack and treat that many consider them to be, pumpkin seeds can also be components of some recipes. Often they are added to soup or salads, but for this they will need to be fried first.

It is very important to cook pumpkin seeds correctly, otherwise they will not give a characteristic flavor and will not decorate the dish in any way. Thus, the question of whether pumpkin seeds need to be fried becomes or loses its relevance, depending on the state in which they are planned to be consumed.

Pumpkin seeds can be roasted with various spices

Which is healthier: fried or raw?

Pumpkin seed has been dried for a long time, and it has been a common delicacy of people since the discovery of the pumpkin. Properly dried seeds will fully preserve the entire set nutritional properties and substances, which cannot be said about seeds subjected to heat treatment during frying.

Answering the question which pumpkin seeds are healthier, fried or raw, we can answer that raw and dried are preferable.

Analyzing the question of whether fried pumpkin seeds are useful, one can note the following beneficial effects on the human body when they are consumed:

  • improved metabolism;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • strengthening joints and bones;
  • improved digestion;
  • normalization of the liver.

However, there are also disadvantages that should also be mentioned:

  • rapid addiction, developing into excessive use;
  • the ability to provoke an exacerbation of gastric diseases;
  • high calorie.

It should be remembered that any fried product should be consumed in small portions, which is another plus of raw seeds. On the other hand, the latter are not suitable for use by every organism.

Fried calories

The calorie content of roasted pumpkin seeds is 556 kcal per 100 grams. Based on this, overweight people, as well as those who control their weight, are not recommended to consume more than two dozen pumpkin seeds per day. The rest of the category of consumers, with normal use, can regularly treat themselves to this delicacy.

Useful composition of pumpkin seeds

How to dry in the oven?

Before solving the problem of how to dry or fry pumpkin seeds in the oven, it must first be heated to two hundred degrees. Then the seeds are poured onto a baking sheet and loaded into the oven. They must be stirred every five minutes until their shell acquires a golden brown hue.

After the fire has been turned off, you should not immediately take out the baking sheet, as it is recommended to keep its contents inside for some time. This will make it possible to finally bring the entire volume of the product to a usable state in case there was uneven processing during the drying process.

How long to dry?

In deciding how to dry pumpkin seeds at home, the time factor is important. It is permissible to dry the seeds in direct sunlight and in a ventilated space for two to three days. From time to time you will need to mix, as it is necessary to dry evenly. This method, as a rule, is often used for primary drying of seeds immediately after their extraction from a pumpkin.

In the case when you want to quickly dry the seeds, but do not fry, you can resort to different ways heat treatment and special devices. Depending on the option chosen, the drying time will also vary, however, as a rule, it will not take more than two to three hours. Regarding the question of how much to fry pumpkin seeds, there are other time intervals provided for the heat treatment of the product.

How to fry with salt?

In order to fry pumpkin seeds with salt, you will need to use the following recipe. It is important not to forget that salt should be added according to the recipe. Increasing the serving or salting after toasting the seeds will most likely spoil the taste.

The frying order will be as follows:

  1. Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Then four tablespoons of salt are added and mixed until completely dissolved.
  3. Seeds are immersed in water and boiled until they are saturated with salt.
  4. Now wait a few extra minutes.
  5. When the seeds are ready, they will need to be poured into a colander and completely drained.
  6. Now the oven turns on at one hundred and eighty degrees.
  7. Seeds are stacked on a baking sheet, on which you should first spread cooking parchment paper.
  8. It is important for the seeds to be evenly distributed in one layer and go to the oven for half an hour (periodic stirring is recommended).

Performing the above steps is the solution to the question of how to fry pumpkin seeds with salt.

How to fry in a pan?

In order to fry pumpkin seeds in a pan, it is recommended to use a cast-iron product. The choice is determined by the fact that dishes made of this material retain heat well.

This process is carried out in the following order:

  1. Before pouring the seeds into the pan, it will need to be warmed up well.
  2. After pouring, the seeds are kept on high heat for several minutes.
  3. After that, they must begin to constantly and methodically mix.
  4. As it roasts, the fire should be gradually reduced so that the seeds do not burn out inside.
  5. When the shell of the seeds becomes golden and they begin to make a characteristic crackle, the fire can be turned off completely.
  6. For some time, the seed can be kept inside the pan, and then pour them into a clean dish.

The most important point is that when frying pumpkin seeds in a pan, they must be constantly stirred, preferably with a wooden spatula, but not a metal one. Also, do not cover the pan with a lid during the entire frying process, otherwise the seeds may retain moisture inside and get bad taste charms.

How to cook in the microwave?

This method will require little preparation. This means that the seeds will need to be washed and dried for a couple of days. After preparation, the seeds are laid out on a flat plate and placed in the microwave at maximum power for a period of one minute. After this period, the seeds are removed, mixed and the process is repeated. It is necessary to repeat these steps until the seeds begin to crack and click. This will be the solution to the question of how to fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave.

Is there a difference between home-dried and purchased seeds?

Opinions about pumpkin seeds agree that it is advisable to personally harvest and prepare them for use. Thus, the consumer will not have concerns about the origin of the seeds, the technology and conditions for their preparation, which is especially important, for example, when it comes to.

Those who decide on their own how to dry pumpkin seeds will be able to do this based on their own preferences and tastes, which is an additional advantage.

Useful video

And finally, a little more about how you can cook them deliciously at home using salt and an oven:


  1. Regarding the question of how to dry pumpkin seeds at home, there should be no difficulty with the question of how to roast pumpkin seeds.
  2. You can solve such issues using both improvised means and kitchen equipment.
  3. Recipes and cooking conditions are simple and clear.
  4. The benefits of roasted seeds have been proven, but subject to their moderate use.