Proven dough for pies in a bread machine. Delicious rich yeast dough in a bread machine

Pie recipes

The dough for pies in a bread machine is prepared much easier than regular kneading. Once you try it, it’s difficult to give up the comfort of preparing dough. Comfortable!

700 g

1 hour 30 minutes

280 kcal

4.4/5 (5)

For our grandmothers, preparing dough was a whole ritual. Just imagine: collect all the ingredients, knead the dough, knead it with your hands for a long, long time, leave it to rise in a warm place near the oven for the whole night, and only after that start baking.

Of course, this had a special charm, but the modern rhythm of life does not allow us to treat time so wastefully. Fortunately, we have smart assistants - all kinds of blenders, multicookers and bread makers, with which culinary life has become easier and more fun.

For example, preparing yeast dough for pies in a bread machine is now as easy as shelling pears – let’s see for ourselves!

In almost all bread machines, when using standard programs, the dough is kneaded for 20 minutes and rises for 70 minutes (of course, there may be variations, but the difference in time will definitely not be large). By the way, you won’t necessarily need to stand over the bread maker all this time; you can easily go about your business while the dough rises.

Kitchen appliances: bread machine

Required Ingredients

How to choose the right ingredients?

  • Flour should only be of the highest grade, and the whiter it is, the better.
  • Don't take risks by using something that isn't very good fresh eggs and milk, it’s better to worry about their quality ahead of time.
  • You will need dry fast-acting yeast, so that’s one less headache: you don’t have to buy it the day before the day of cooking, as our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. Dry yeast can easily sit in your cupboard for up to two years without any loss of quality.

  1. Pour warm milk into the bread machine bowl.
  2. Add sugar, salt and yeast there, then mix lightly.

  3. Beat the egg into the bowl and pour in the vegetable oil.

  4. Pour flour into the bread machine bowl. It will be very good if the flour is sifted before this - in this case the dough will be more airy.
  5. Place the bowl in the bread machine according to the instructions, select the “Dough” mode and press the “Start” button. The process has begun, the main job is done, but you still have two small steps ahead.
  6. While kneading, look under the lid of the bread machine: if the dough sticks to the walls, add a few tablespoons of flour.

  7. When the dough stops sticking to the walls, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Perhaps this is your last action regarding the dough: then the bread maker will do everything itself, and you rest!

Video recipe for preparing dough for pies in a bread machine

As you can see, everything is extremely simple: you put in the ingredients, and the bread maker already works its magic on them. To dispel the last shadows of doubt, watch a video on how to make delicious yeast dough in a bread machine.

Secrets of yeast dough

  • Milk intended for preparation yeast dough, should not be cold. You can warm it up a little (but not boil) or just leave it in the room for a few hours. The same applies to eggs.
  • It doesn’t matter whether you are going to bake pies with a sweet or savory filling: the dough must be salted in any case.
  • Old housewives say that you need to knead the dough with your hands, for a very long time and always with love. In our case, I can advise you to press the bread machine button with love and in a good mood - this will not be superfluous either!
  • Roll out ready dough you need to be very careful and preferably in one direction.

Pies are a unique, multifunctional dish that every housewife adapts to her needs. Pies with salty filling - cabbage

Making dough for pies in a bread machine is much easier than performing all the necessary processes manually. This miracle of technology can cope with any famous recipe. The main thing is to put all the ingredients in correct sequence and turn on the appropriate mode. Then the bread maker itself will set the cooking time and make amazingly soft and homogeneous dough, which is ideal for home baking.

You can make any dough in a bread machine, but most often housewives turn to this machine for help. kitchen appliances, when it comes to yeast pies. They are prepared on the basis of milk, flour or kefir. The dough may also contain eggs, sugar, salt, wheat flour, margarine or butter. Dry and liquid products Add to the bread machine one at a time. Which ones to put first and which ones later depends solely on the model of the equipment. This is usually indicated in the instructions for the bread machine, which must be read before preparing the dough.

To make the dough in a bread machine perfect, you need to decide on the filling in advance. So, for sweet pies, they usually reduce the amount of yeast and use much more sugar. However, there are also universal recipes, with which you can make a wide variety of pies from the same dough.

The dough prepared in a bread machine is suitable for both fried and baked pies. It can be used immediately after the signal about the end of the program - there is no need to knead or infuse anything additional.

Secrets of making the perfect dough for pies in a bread machine

Pie dough in a bread machine is a real paradise for lovers homemade baked goods. There is no need to get your hands dirty or waste your time and energy on kneading. You just need to give your kitchen assistant the right instructions. Thus, how to make dough for pies in a bread machine, even a schoolboy can figure it out, especially if he remembers the following recommendations:

Secret No. 1. Dough made in a bread machine may stick a little to your hands. If at the same time you can work with it calmly, then you should not add excess flour, otherwise it will immediately lose its airiness and will not be tender.

Secret No. 2. Even if you are preparing unsweetened pies, you should definitely add sugar to the dough, otherwise the tremors simply will not activate. A small amount of salt is also necessary for yeast dough, regardless of the chosen filling. Salt controls the yeast and prevents it from rising too much.

Secret No. 3. To ensure that the dough for pies rises well and is subsequently soft and airy, do not be lazy to sift the flour before putting it in the bread machine.

Secret No. 4. If we are talking about yeast dough, then the liquid should be added only when heated. There is no need to boil it - a temperature of 60 degrees is enough.

Secret No. 5. Fluffy dough for pies in a bread machine can be made without yeast. To do this you need to use kefir and a little soda.

This dough will allow you to treat yourself to delicious pastries even during fasting. At the same time, household members may like its taste so much that at any other time they will demand just such pies. The recipe lists ingredients with a salty filling in mind. If you want to make sweet pies, two spoons of yeast will be enough. In this case, you will need to reduce the amount of salt and add more sugar. This dough is prepared in a Moulinex bread machine. . Your model (Panasonic", "Polaris", "Scarlett" etc.) may differ slightly, so read the instructions carefully.


  • 620 g flour;
  • 360 ml water;
  • 4 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the bread machine container room temperature and vegetable oil.
  2. Next add salt and sugar, then add the sifted flour.
  3. IN last resort Place the yeast in the bread machine.
  4. Turn on the “Dough” program, then select “Basic” from the proposed modes.
  5. Wait until the end of the program and transfer the dough to a cutting board sprinkled with flour.
  6. Cut a small piece from the dough and roll it into a flat cake. So prepare all the dough, then start forming the pies.

Interesting from the network

The dough in the bread machine according to this recipe turns out to be very tender and soft, rises well and is suitable for both frying and baking. The only drawback of pies with such a base will be their high calorie content. However, if you choose fresh vegetable filling, then you can slightly compensate for this factor. Before making the dough, the milk needs to be heated, but not boiled. This is necessary for the yeast to activate. This dough can be used not only for pies, but also as a base for pizza.


  • 250 ml milk;
  • 1 ½ tsp. yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 400 g flour;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g margarine.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour warm milk into the bread machine container.
  2. Melt the margarine in the microwave or in a water bath and also pour into the bread maker.
  3. Add egg, sugar and salt there.
  4. Sift the flour and add to the rest of the ingredients, then spread the yeast on top.
  5. Select the “Dough” mode and wait for the end of the program (this will take about an hour and a half).

Now you know how to prepare dough for pies in a bread machine according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

If you have such an assistant as a bread maker in your kitchen, then you will not need to put the dough, knead and knead the dough. The bread maker will handle this job without any problems while you go about your business. From the specified amount of products you will get two baking trays of excellent homemade baked goods. This tender and airy dough is suitable for baking pies, buns, bagels with sweet and non-sweet filling. If you bake buns without filling, add more sugar when preparing the dough.

To prepare the dough, take milk, wheat flour, butter, salt, egg, sugar and dry yeast.

Heat the milk. Add the egg to the milk and stir.

Pour the milk mixture into the bread machine bowl, add sugar and salt.

Melt the butter, but only so that it is not hot, and pour it into the milk.

Sift the flour into a bowl and add the yeast.

Place the bowl in the bread maker and select the "Dough" mode. In this mode, time and weight are not set.

After 1 hour and 20 minutes, the bread maker will notify us that the dough is ready.

This is our cutaway pie dough. To cut the dough, it will be enough to grease your hands with vegetable oil once.

I baked sausage buns with it. The dough definitely needs to proof for 20 minutes before baking and don’t forget to brush the buns and pies with a loose egg before baking.

This dough makes such wonderful baked goods.

Delicious baking!

Today my husband's father called and said that he would come to visit. He is a frequent guest in our house, so a festive feast was not planned. At the same time, he loves home cooking, so I decided to fry fresh pies with peas and garlic for Ukrainian borscht.

Fried pies are not common, but they delight our table with their presence. I don’t cook them every day, because I take care of my figure and the health of my family and friends. But if you choose between store-bought pies, which are fried on something unknown, and homemade, it is better to stick with the latter. Here the sunflower oil is not overcooked, and all the products are fresh and of high quality.

This time the dough for the ruddy pies was made by my assistant, a bread maker. Once again I was convinced that she saves my time, which is always not enough for the most important thing. It is very convenient to throw all the ingredients for the dough into the machine, dial the desired program and wait 1.5 hours while doing more important things.

You also need vegetable oil for frying the pies (about 2 cups per serving).

Pour salt and sugar into the mold.

Add water and vegetable oil.

Add flour and dry yeast at the very end.

We put the bucket into the bread machine, close the lid, turn on the “Kneading Dough” program and wait for the sound signal after 1.5 hours.

I used thick pea porridge for the filling, but you can choose any other filling.

From the finished dough we make flat cakes in which we “hide” the filling.

It turns out beautiful pies, which we fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Sprinkle the finished pea pies with herbs and garlic.

This is how you can easily fry pies with a bread maker. I wish everyone Bon appetit and happy cooking!

Yeast dough for pies in a bread machine will guarantee that the pies will turn out fluffy and rich.

I can’t, I won’t share it with you great recipe dough for pies in a bread machine. I have been using this recipe since I purchased my bread machine. The cooking process will be the most enjoyable moment, even if you are not friends with yeast dough, of course, if you have such a wonderful assistant. This valuable item does not require any special culinary skills from you. She will do all the most important things for you. There is a very wide variety of recipes on the Internet, it’s amazing, but everyone has different bread machines, and every housewife has her own ways of preparing dough in a bread machine. I present to your attention the simplest and most standard recipe. This yeast dough for pies is suitable for products with a salty filling. If you want to make sweet ones, you just need to increase the amount of sugar and add according to your taste aromatic spices which are suitable for sweet pastries. Imagine waking up in the morning to the smell of freshly baked meat pies or... fragrant berry, and not from a loud alarm clock. Well, let's start preparing yeast dough for pies. You can also make pizza dough in the same bread maker.

Set of products for preparing yeast dough:

  • wheat flour 500 grams;
  • dry yeast 2 teaspoons;
  • salt 1.5 teaspoon;
  • sugar 0.5 tablespoons;
  • butter 100 grams;
  • sour cream 110 grams;
  • water 0.5 cups.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Yeast dough for pies in a bread machine"

Everything is very easy and simple. Yes, I have a Binatone 2169 bread machine. It has a large shape and two whisks, which improves the process of kneading dough. To the bottom of the mold add warm water, salt, sugar and whipped chicken eggs. The recipe for yeast dough for pies in a bread machine starts with preparing a certain base.

If you have a bread machine, then you will probably like the recipe for making yeast dough for pies in a bread machine. In addition, from this dough we will make pies with green onions and eggs in the oven.

Pies made from dough made in a bread machine remain soft and tasty and the next day, however, they rarely make it to the next day. And you can choose any filling, for example, with cabbage and eggs, as in, or with potatoes and fried onions, or with cottage cheese and raisins, or with meat and rice, as in, in general, each family has its own preferences.

Ingredients:(for 24 pies)

for test:

  • 1 cup warm water(cup capacity 240 ml)
  • 2 eggs (1 whole and 1 white for the dough, 1 yolk for brushing)
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 3.5 cups of flour (if by weight, then approximately 480-490 g of flour)
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk powder
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar (for sweet pies you need 3-4 tablespoons of sugar)
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast

Tea and tablespoon measuring spoons are included with the bread maker.

For filling:

  • large bunch of green onions (about 100 g)
  • 6 eggs
  • piece of butter 25-30 g


Place the ingredients in the bread maker bucket in the order described in the instructions. Usually the liquid components are added first. In our case, this is a cup of warm water, 1.5 eggs, pre-beaten with a whisk, and 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Cover the remaining yolk for now and put it in the refrigerator.

Sift 3.5 cups of flour. Flour should always be sifted to be sure that it is absolutely clean and to make it more airy. And we measure the flour with the same cup or glass that we measured the water.

Pour the flour into a bucket and use a spoon to make four indentations.

We fall asleep in these recesses powdered milk, yeast, sugar and salt.

We insert the bucket into the bread machine, close the lid and turn on the “Dough” mode; the duration of this program is usually one and a half hours. Let's do other things, and towards the end of the program we'll prepare the filling.

Let's set the eggs to boil, and in the meantime finely chop the green onions.

After this, take a puree masher and lightly crush the onion so that it releases the juice and becomes more homogeneous rather than crumbly.

Add a piece of softened butter and place in the microwave for a minute, then mix the onion with oil.

Peel the eggs and cut them small cubes, add to the onion, salt to taste and mix. The filling should be a little salty, because during baking the dough will absorb the salt, and the taste of the pies will be excellent.

A beep sounds - the dough is ready. It turns out very fluffy and tender.

Place it on a floured work surface. Carefully, trying not to press too much, lightly roll the dough in flour and give it this shape:

Cut the dough in half, work with one half, cover the other for now cling film or by package.

Cut this half into 12 equal pieces...

And we also cover it with film so that it does not dry out, in addition, under the film the dough begins to rise quickly again.

Now let's start making pies. But first we light the oven, it should heat up to 180 degrees.

Pour 1-2 tbsp into a saucer. l. vegetable oil. Take a piece of dough, grease the bottom side with vegetable oil, dip your fingers in it, and use your fingertips to gently knead the dough into a flat cake. Since your fingers are dirty with oil, the dough does not stick to your hands. When I make dough for pies not in a bread machine, when cutting the dough I simply coat the work surface with vegetable oil and do not use flour at all. I'll post this recipe later. (The recipe is already there, look.) The dough from the bread machine turns out so tender that it’s quite difficult to do without flour. However, when the dough has already been cut into pieces, you can also grease the table with oil and continue working.

But let's get back to our pies. Spread 2 tsp on the flatbread. fillings.

We pinch the edges, they stick together very easily.

Press the seam down a little and place the pie on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, seam side down. Place the pies at a distance from each other.

My baking sheet is not very large, so I bake the pies in two batches. It would be possible to fit everything in, but then they won’t be so beautiful, they will definitely stick together like barrels, because during baking they increase a little in size.

After the baking sheet is filled, let the pies rise a little, they will become plump and even. I usually place the baking sheet on an unlit stove and open the oven slightly.

Before putting the pies in the oven, they need to be greased. To do this, beat the remaining yolk with a tablespoon of cream. or add 1 tsp to the yolk. milk and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. I do this because if you simply coat it with yolk, it may crack during baking and the pies will not look very presentable. 🙂

Place the greased pies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until golden brown. We take it out, put it on a plate and cover it with a clean towel, let it cool.

Like these ones We made beautiful pies. I really hope that you liked the recipe for yeast dough for pies in a bread machine, and you will continue to cook using it in the future.

That's all for today. I wish you good luck and good mood. Always have fun cooking!

Just a touching video

Appetizing and tasty rosy pies- one of the most beloved and traditional types of baking. Probably every family has its own favorite recipes fillings and their own traditions: some prefer fried pies with cabbage, while others prefer oven-baked ones with sweet filling.

However, pies are, first of all, several hours of work, from kneading the dough to a pile of finished pies, especially when it comes to yeast dough. It must not only be thoroughly kneaded, but also “not missed”, vigilantly monitoring the rise and kneading it from time to time. If you already have a Moulinex bread machine in your kitchen, the process of making pies is greatly simplified, and the dough turns out tender and tasty, and you don’t have to keep an eye on it. We bring to your attention a recipe for dough for pies in a Mulinex bread machine, which includes the most traditional set of products.

Ingredients for making pies

  • milk - 220 ml;
  • margarine or butter - 50 g;
  • two eggs;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 0.5 kg.

Cooking process

First of all, let's prepare the products. Flour must be sifted, even if you are absolutely sure of its high quality. The milk needs to be slightly warmed. Scramble the eggs slightly; no need to beat them. Pour milk into the bucket of your bread machine, add eggs, melted margarine or butter, sugar, salt, distribute evenly. Now you can add flour, and making a well in it, add yeast. That's all, close the lid, select the main mode, "dough" program, kneading time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

Of course culinary recipes you can almost always change it a little. So, instead of milk, you can use water, whey and even potato broth. In the latter case, it should not be hot, in addition, it is better to strain it. Pies made with potato broth remain soft for a long time. However, then the amount of salt should be reduced.

And one more nuance. It has long been noticed that even the best and most proven flour can suddenly fail and the dough, where all the subtleties of the recipe are observed, still “floats”. This happens even in experienced housewives and the recipe cannot provide for this. You can, of course, move the dough by hand again before baking, adding flour. Or you can use a little vegetable oil to lubricate your hands. Then your dough will stop sticking and become more manageable.

So, using this pie dough recipe, you will get excellent... thick crust, which is suitable for a wide variety of fillings.

Of course various recipes there are many. For example, lean yeast dough recipe Great for fried pies. It will turn out not only satisfying, but also very tasty! In this recipe we will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour - 0.480 kg;
  • water - 0.25 l;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • instant dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Before placing all the products in the container of your bread machine, slightly heat the water and be sure to sift the flour. The procedure is the same as in the previous recipe: first pour water, add butter, salt, sugar. And only after that you need to add flour and yeast. Such pies will be relevant for those who observe fasting. In this case, you can use peas or lentils (which will serve as a source of protein), boiled and seasoned with sautéed onions, as a filling, as well as traditional potato and cabbage filling.

Thanks to the bread maker, you can very quickly knead delicious yeast dough. It's great for pies, pies, pizza bases, etc. The dough turns out incredibly porous, airy and does not go stale for a long time.

Recipe for yeast dough in a bread machine


  • dry instant yeast – 15 g;
  • wheat flour – 505 g;
  • fine salt – 5 g;
  • cane sugar – 45 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • – 55 g;
  • water – 225 ml.


Pour into a clean form instant yeast and sow the flour. Then add sugar, salt and break the chicken eggs. Add a small piece of butter and fill with cool water. Now we place the mold in the bread machine, select the program intended for kneading dough, and cook for about 2 hours. After time, the soft and airy yeast dough for pies in the bread machine is ready.

Yeast dough for buns in a bread machine


  • flour – 505 g;
  • dry instant yeast – 15 g;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • butter – 105 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 105 ml;
  • – 115 ml.


The recipe for rich yeast dough in a bread machine begins with preparing the base. Place the butter in a bowl and melt in the microwave. Pour into the mold, add sour cream and add sifted wheat flour and yeast. At the very end, break the eggs into the base, dilute the mixture with water and add sugar. Close the device and turn on “Dough” for about 2 hours. If suddenly the result turns out to be watery, add a little flour and knead until soft.

Yeast dough in a bread machine with milk


  • pasteurized milk – 205 ml;
  • flour – 455 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 45 g;
  • instant yeast – 5-10 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 40 g.


Pour the milk into a glass and heat it in the microwave to 40 degrees. Melt the butter, cool and pour into a container. Add warm milk and add salt. Beat the eggs separately with a mixer, and then pour them into the rest of the products. Wheat flour sift several times and gradually pour into the container. Add sugar, instant yeast and mix everything with a spoon. Now we place the bowl in the bread machine, close the device with the lid and select a program for kneading dough, designed for about 2 hours. After the beep, carefully remove it and use it to prepare buns, pies or pies.

Lenten yeast dough in a bread machine


  • flour – 630 g;
  • water – 365 ml;
  • dry yeast – 25 g;
  • sugar, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 35 ml.


Pour room temperature water and oil into the bread machine container. Then add salt and sugar to taste and add sifted flour. Lastly, add dry yeast, close the device and turn on the “Dough” program. After the sound signal, we transfer it to the table and begin making pies.

Yeast dough with kefir in a bread maker



Sift the flour onto the table, and then pour it into the bowl of the bread machine. Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Next, add kefir, add instant yeast and mix. We install the container, close the device with the lid and set the appropriate program for kneading the dough, which is designed for approximately 2.5 hours. After the signal, turn off the oven, carefully remove the yeast dough from the bread maker and use it to make pizza or pies.

The dough for pies can be prepared using a bread machine. This electronic assistant will do a great job of kneading while you prepare the filling for fragrant pies. Below you will learn a few available recipes pie dough in a bread maker.

Yeast dough for pies with milk

We need: sieve, bread machine.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Milk with a fat content of 3.2% is heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. Pour the warmed milk (185 milliliters) into the bread machine container.
  2. Add 25 grams of sugar and 3-4 grams of dry yeast to the milk. Lightly shake the mixture to mix the ingredients.

  3. Pour 2-3 grams of salt into the resulting mass and beat in 1 egg.

  4. Place the container with the dough in the bread machine, close the lid and select the “Dough” option (90 minutes).

  5. During the kneading process, check the dough; if it sticks too much to the walls, you can add a little flour (literally 45-50 grams).

  6. When the dough forms into a ball, pour in 10 milliliters sunflower oil, close the lid and wait for the program to complete.

  7. After completing the program, we take the dough out of the bread machine and can start making pies.

Video recipe

In the video below you will clearly see the entire process of preparing yeast dough for pies in a bread machine.

Yeast dough for pies on water

Cooking time: 220-225 minutes.
We need: sieve, bread machine.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe

In this video you will learn how to make dough for pies using water in a bread machine.

Yeast dough for kefir pies

Cooking time: 145-150 minutes.
We need: sieve, bread machine.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe

In this video you can see how to make yeast dough with kefir in a bread maker.