Simple rules for delicious shrimp - Irzeis. Types of shrimp: description and photo

This amazing creature has many names, the most famous of which are Macrobrachium Rosenberg, giant river shrimp and long-armed shrimp. Experts say that her meat is very tasty. And we tend to believe them. It is not for nothing that many farms have been built in southeast Asia, in other countries and even in the south of Russia, where these arthropods are bred for sale. In addition, Macrobrachium rosenbergii can become a very interesting object for display in an aquarium. They have a rather unusual appearance and habits. Read our article about how to properly keep giant freshwater shrimp in your home pond.

The areas of its distribution in nature are India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Northern Australia, the Philippines and New Guinea. Adult shrimp can be found there most often in fresh, quiet, heavily overgrown reservoirs, the bottom of which is lined with sand and stones, and littered with snags. The temperature in them, depending on the season, ranges from 24 to 32 degrees. When it's time to spawn, they migrate to lower rivers or estuaries, where the water is saltier.

What does a Rosenberg shrimp look like?

The sizes of these creatures are quite large, females are approximately 28 cm, and males are 32 cm. The weight of the latter can reach 250 g, and they also have large, long, coal-colored claws. Sometimes the right and left are different sizes.

Equipment: filter, dim lighting. The current should not be strong. Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Priming. You can put dark-colored river sand with a fraction of 2-4 mm on the bottom. The surface should not be flat. Terraces and depressions are welcome.

Shelters and decor. The giant Vietnamese shrimp grows very quickly and therefore sheds often. During this period, she is extremely defenseless and can easily be eaten by her relatives. To protect it, you need to arrange a sufficient number of shelters. These can be snags, thickets, stone piles, grottoes, ceramic pipes.

Flora. It is better not to use live aquarium plants. They will be eaten. You can try planting “tasteless” cryptocoryne or ophiopogon, while feeding the shrimp with pre-scalded lettuce, dandelion, burdock, and nettle. If this does not help, then there is only one way out - to decorate the aquarium with artificial plants. It is better to place them in dense groups.

Our pets adapt quite quickly and can adapt to life under other conditions. However, if these recommendations are followed, the living conditions will be as close as possible to natural ones, and the shrimp will live longer (4-5 years).

What to feed giant freshwater shrimp

Suitable for both animal and plant food. From live food, you can give tubifex, bloodworms, coretra, cyclops and large daphnia. From time to time it is advisable to treat amphibian larvae, mollusks, and live fish. Seafood (squid, mussels, haddock, pollock, cod fillet and others) will also be used. Of course, everything must be pre-chopped. From the vegetation it will be useful to feed scalded nettles, spinach and burdock. Sometimes you can give artificial fish food like Tetra and the like.

Feed is supplied as needed when the previous one is completely destroyed. If you leave it to sit for a long time, the water may deteriorate.

Is it possible to obtain offspring in captivity?

Overall this is not a difficult task. But! Water for breeding should be brackish.

Sexual maturity occurs at 4-5 months of age. Producers must be in good physical condition, active, without injury or disease.

Preparation period. Females are placed in a container with a temperature of 22 degrees. They are kept there for three weeks. Next, the temperature is increased to 28-29 days for three. All shrimp are given food in abundance. It is better to use live food, as well as artificial food, which contains at least 30 percent protein (for sturgeon and salmon fish).

For reproduction, a male and three to four females are placed in one container. After mating and spawning, the females take care of the eggs: ventilate them and remove dead ones.

Larval stage– the most difficult in the development of shrimp. It is very characteristic of her high mortality rate. It is extremely important to control all water parameters:

  • temperature 27-29,
  • salinity 12,
  • oxygen 5,
  • acidity 8-8.2,
  • nitrites 0.1,
  • other nitrogen compounds 0.001,
  • illumination 4000 lux,
  • daylight hours 12 hours.

Larval development consists of 12 stages. Each lasts approximately three days and ends with a molt.

Feeding begins on the second day, preferably fresh nauplii of arrhythmia. From the fifth day you can add the yolk of a boiled egg and minced fish.

Next comes the transformation into postlarvae. Also with rapid growth and frequent molts, the number of which decreases as they grow. Postlarvae are transplanted into a container with reduced salinity (6o/oo). They begin to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The diet can be supplemented with boiled vegetables and cereals.

Juveniles can be kept in community aquariums with fish and other small shrimp. But when their size reaches 5 cm, it is better to plant them, as they will become dangerous to others. It is also better to immediately separate parents from young people to avoid cannibalism.

This is interesting

The giant oriental Rosenberg shrimp is considered one of the most delicious, which is why in many countries and even in Russia they are bred for gastronomic purposes. In Thailand, this matter is completely on stream. Treating yourself to such a shrimp is not a cheap pleasure: one piece costs about 15-20 euros. They are transported live (in special cars or boxes with wet moss) or frozen.

In conclusion, we note that keeping, and even more so breeding, giant freshwater shrimp is not an entirely simple matter, but it is very interesting. That’s why if you have some experience in aquarium keeping, and most importantly, a desire, then go for it. You will definitely succeed!

Video: organizing a sectional shrimp tank:

Shrimp are representatives of crustaceans that live in seas and fresh water bodies. Their fishery passes all year round. Freshwater shrimp are considered the most valuable and tasty; they are not only caught, but also grown on special farms. Shrimp dishes are considered a delicacy.

Shrimp meat is very tender and tasty. It contains a lot of protein, calcium, potassium, zinc, sulfur and much more. Also in it a large number of various vitamins (E, A, C, H, group B).

Shrimp are dietary product, since they are not very high in calories. Therefore, they are used for weight loss, various diets and proper nutrition.

Variety of shrimp Number of calories, kcal/100g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Fresh frozen 80 17,1 1,2 1,0
Peeled frozen 60 14,2 1,0 0,0
Boiled 95 19,0 2,2 0,0
Canned 81 17,7 1,1 0,0
Pickled 60 12,5 1,3 0,0
Fresh 97 22,2 1,0 0,0
Royal 87 18,5 1,2 0,8
Brindle 89 19,4 0,6 0,0

The most common edible species shrimp are:

  • classic (packaged by size);
  • brindle;
  • royal.

Potassium contained in meat is necessary for smooth functioning cordially- vascular system, improves brain activity by supplying it with oxygen, necessary for the natural activity of soft tissues. Sulfur reduces allergic reactions, improves immunity, and helps in the structure of cells (muscles, bones, joints). Iodine neutralizes unstable microbes, thereby reducing stress and irritability, and increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Zinc is involved in enzymatic metabolism, helps immune system, the male reproductive system, accelerates metabolism. Calcium is necessary in the skeletal system, blood clotting processes, and has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Shrimp dishes are often used in various diets. Most often these are protein diets, as they contain a small amount of calories, a lot of protein, very little fat and virtually no carbohydrates. But do not forget that they contain cholesterol, so they must be used in reasonable quantities.

They are also used in medical nutrition:

  • with pancreatitis;
  • to eliminate hormonal imbalance in thyroid diseases;
  • with a tendency to diseases of the respiratory organs and with the development of inflammatory processes;
  • to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Shrimp can be a separate dish, and be part of various salads, pastas, soups and snacks. They are very harmonious in combination with other seafood. Olives also go well with them. Various spices diversify the soft and delicate taste.

They are often served simply boiled with some sauces. Most often this sour cream sauce, made from cream, sweet and sour, spicy, tomato. Since they themselves, like most other seafood, do not have their own distinct taste, almost all sauces are suitable for them.

Shrimp in batter is also popular now. Even with the minimum calorie content of fresh shrimp, this dish becomes fattier due to deep-frying it. But that doesn't stop fans.

Another common dish is grilled shrimp. To do this, they will need to first be marinated and then fried.

Dishes that include shrimp are very tasty and nutritious. Most often these dishes have Italian and Mediterranean roots. They go well with cereals such as bulgur, rice, and corn. WITH pasta(pasta, spaghetti, noodles) they also “sound” good. Seafood lovers will appreciate pizza and shrimp risotto, as well as sandwiches and creamy cheese and shrimp soup.

This product is often used in salads. Tomatoes, avocados, arugula go well with them, green salad, cucumbers, eggs, cheese and other products. Snacks with them turn out light and tender. Shrimp are also an integral part Japanese cuisine, they are added to traditional sushi and rolls.

The most important contraindication is a possible allergic reaction, both to the pulp itself and to the shell (chitin).

You should also not eat shrimp caught in waste disposal areas. They tend to absorb harmful substances, which can have a detrimental effect on human health. In addition, they should not be consumed by people with protein intolerance.

Most great harm from them is that they contain cholesterol and with frequent and large consumption of them in food can develop various diseases vascular system. And they are not allowed for arteriosclerosis.

They also contain such a harmful substance as arsenic. But in small quantities it is not hazardous to health. Therefore, it is worth recalling once again that it is necessary to use them in moderation.

If you eat shrimp often, you may sometimes notice differences in taste and consistency. All this depends not only on the place where they were caught, but also on the freshness of the product.

The most important criterion for the freshness of seafood is its smell. Of course, if the shrimp are already packaged, then it is impossible to understand what they smell like. Therefore, it is better to choose a weight product in order to have the opportunity to smell them. Fresh goods have virtually no odor. If you feel at least slight unpleasant smell, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Appearance also plays an important role in the choice. The shell should be translucent and elastic. Whiskers and tails should not be broken. The color should be uniform, without dark spots. The meat has a light pink or white color; its yellowish color reveals old and improperly stored goods. The tails should be curled towards the shell; the straighter they are, the more stale the shrimp in front of you. If the head of a shrimp is black, then you should not take it, as this indicates its toxicity.

If you still buy packaged seafood, you need to look at the expiration date. Also, there should not be a large amount of ice in the bag, nor on the carcasses themselves. Perfect option so that they have an icy glaze.

  1. Many people are interested in the question of why shrimp vary so much in size. So, their size depends on the temperature of the reservoir in which they lived. The colder the water, the smaller the representatives of this species. The largest of them, tiger and royal, are imported from China, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia;
  2. In terms of usefulness, they are all the same. But the smallest species have a brighter and richer taste;
  3. In Judaism, they are prohibited for consumption, like other arthropods. In Islam there is no precise definition and its different directions have different attitudes towards these seafood;
  4. Shrimp raised in the wild have a richer flavor and firmer texture than those raised in captivity because they move more and have a more varied diet;
  5. The largest representatives are Black Tigers. They can reach 35 cm and 650 grams. Moreover, females weigh more than males;
  6. Shrimp contains high amounts of cholesterol. But this is a useful substance that does not become a base higher level cholesterol in the blood;
  7. Often a shrimp has a very thin and soft chitin (shell). This means that they were caught during the period of its change or molting. They molt regularly; they change their shell to a more spacious one for better growth;
  8. Fresh shrimp meat is very soft and tender, proper preparation. Therefore, you should not subject it to prolonged heat treatment; it usually lasts no more than a few minutes.

There are a huge variety of shrimp dishes. Even the biggest gourmet will be able to make a choice to suit his taste. And at the same time, they can (and sometimes are even necessary) for many diseases; they must be included in your diet with proper nutrition, since they are practically pure protein in their natural form. In addition, their preparation does not require much effort and time. And often boiled frozen shrimp are sold, which just need to be reheated.

Moreover, they contain a considerable number of vitamins and microelements that are necessary to maintain the health of the body. But what is especially important is that it is a very tasty product.

Tiger prawns are considered an excellent delicacy among seafood lovers. They grow very quickly, reaching quite decent sizes. These decapods got their name due to the transverse stripes on the body and tail. As for the color of these same stripes, and of the shrimp in general, it depends on its variety.

There are many types in the world tiger shrimp. The most popular of them are ordinary, black and green. All of them are distinguished by their juiciness, meatiness and excellent taste. Interestingly, two-thirds of tiger shrimp are grown on farms, where sometimes it is possible to obtain individuals weighing 1 kg. It is not surprising that these giants are in demand all over the world.

Common tiger shrimp(lat. Penaeus kerathurus) live in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The largest colonies are found in the Adriatic. Their head is much smaller than that of freshwater king prawns, but the tail, on the contrary, is much larger. Its weight occupies half of the mass of the entire body.

The tail of common tiger shrimp has transverse stripes. It is curious that in females they are green, but in males they are pink, not at all boyish, in color. True, if you buy these shrimp frozen in a supermarket, you will not find any stripes on their body - when the shrimp dies, its decoration disappears.

They settle at a depth of 40 to 60 meters. During daylight hours they hide, burying themselves in the sand, and at night they go in search of food. Females reach a length of 9-20 cm. When breeding, they do not need to carry eggs along their abdomen, since they have adapted to lay them on the seabed. The largest producing countries of common tiger shrimp are Vietnam and Thailand.

Black tiger shrimp(lat. Penaeus Monodon) live in the western Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic coasts of the United States. They are artificially bred in countries such as China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Malaysia. This business is quite profitable, since on farms some individuals reach a length of 36 cm and weigh a whole kilogram.

This variety is distinguished by a black shell and light transverse stripes. Interestingly, black tiger shrimp reproduce exclusively in their natural environment. To do this, their wild relatives come to spawn in warm coastal lagoons. Naturally, resourceful farmers have long studied all their favorite spawning places.

When it’s time for reproduction, special bamboo poles with algae tied to them are placed in the water. It is around them that young larvae gather. People can only collect them with nets and transfer them to special reservoirs.

Green tiger prawns found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In addition, through the Suez Canal they penetrated into the Mediterranean, where they successfully multiplied and took root. Their body color is light brown with dark transverse stripes. Scattered throughout the shell are small green patches of the different shapes. Females of this species grow up to 23 cm, they are juicier and fleshier than males.

Of course, the list of varieties is not limited to just the three named. Warm sea and ocean waters have also become a haven for brown (lat. Panaeus Esculentus), Japanese (lat. Panaeus Japonicus) and blue (lat. Penaeus stylirostris) tiger shrimp.

In the underwater world great amount living beings that differ in classes and species. The crustacean class is represented by shrimp. They can be found in any sea or ocean. Shrimp vary in appearance, size, color and lifestyle. The shrimp's lifestyle is calm, they do not change their habitat and remain in the same territory throughout their life.

The life of a shrimp is from six months to a year, and the average size varies from 6 to 14 cc. The maximum length is 40 cm, this is the largest shrimp in history. Minimal size shrimp are harvested in the North Pacific Ocean and the Barents Sea.

Features of shrimp life

A species of shrimp common on the west coast of Africa, it lives in muddy areas near the mouth of a river. The temperature of the natural water layer varies from 17 to 23 degrees, and the depth does not exceed 70 meters. In daylight, the shrimp burrow into the mud and rest until dark. At night, they hunt for small creatures from the category of crustaceans.

The Far East is also rich various types shrimp. There they are called shrimp or chilim. In the coastal areas of the Kuril Islands, on Southern Sakhalin and in Primorye, there is a species of grass shrimp; they live in sea grass. And near the mouth of the river small sandy shrimps live. A large species of shrimp, which reaches 30 cm, is called shrimp - bear cub, they are common in the Japanese, Bering and Okhotsk seas.

Rating of the largest shrimps

In first place in the ranking of the most large shrimp- shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus. This species was caught in Colombia, its length reached 40 cm. The size of the shrimp was twice as large as the average size of a tiger, which reaches 20 cm. It was classified as a type of peacock shrimp or mantis shrimp. The mantis crab is a predator whose size can reach 30 cm, and powerful claws give it additional size. Because of them, it is popularly called “biting the finger.”

Shrimp Odontodactylus scyllarus, or Peacock shrimp

The peacock shrimp hunts from the sand. They use their claws like a hammer, which can break the shells of mussels to feast on tender meat. They can also easily hit the octopus and damage it. This type of crustacean has a unique optical system. Their eyes see in optical, infrared and ultraviolet ranges.

Peacock shrimp can glow in the dark. This phenomenon was discovered by marine biologists; they found that the light signals that come from the eyes of shrimp are a signal of approaching danger for other individuals. The mantis crab is clearly visible in shallow water; the surface of its body is covered with characteristic spots. And in the depths of the reservoir they can only be distinguished by the light that comes from the eyes of this individual.

To understand the full scale of the richness of such an “alarm” and compare the functionality with a peacock shrimp, you need to use special equipment, the weight of which will reach 100 kg.

In second place is a type of shrimp that reaches 28 cm. It is recorded in and is the official representative of the big view shrimp. The crustacean is 10 times larger than all species of its class, it was caught by fishermen in the north of the New Zealand coast.

The official record for the largest shrimp was set by British biologist Alan Jamieson. The shrimp was caught at a depth of 10 kilometers. The scientist was surprised by his prey and for a long time could not understand what genus this creature belonged to. It was possible to catch the unknown shrimp using a trap located at the bottom of the sea.

In the same expedition, Alan Jamison's team managed to catch another representative of crustaceans, the size of which was 33 cm. However, the unknown creature slipped out of the trap at the moment of lifting. This species could not be officially recorded and remains unstudied. There is a secret video recording that confirms the fact of existence.

Unknown secrets of the underwater world

Famous director Mac Lockey created a film about a giant mantis crab, it was released in 2003 and was called “Crust”. The genre of the film is fantasy. In the story, a giant peacock shrimp falls into the hands of a former boxer, and he teaches it all the elements of boxing.

If we transfer the meaning of the plot to the real world, then when provoking a peacock shrimp, you can lose all the fingers on your hand. Therefore, you need to handle it only with a special glove.

The existence of many species has not yet been proven by scientists, but everyone hopes to discover their own unique species, which will reach record sizes.

“The discovery of such a huge shrimp proves the fact that we know very little about the inhabitants of the marine world, their life and reproduction,” note scientists from Alan Jamison’s team.

To set a record, you need to carefully and gradually study the underwater world; this may take a large number of years, but they will not be wasted.

Until recently, we only had one shrimp - beer shrimp. But life has become better, life has become more fun, and now even the most modest Russian stores offer 2-3 types of frozen shrimp, and in reputable supermarkets the shrimp are on ice and are called “chilled.” TOWhat kind of shrimp do we sell and how to choose them?

How many types of shrimp are there and how do they differ?
There are about 2000 species in nature shrimp. They can all be divided into two groups - cold-water and warm-water. Externally, they differ in size - cold-water ones are much smaller.

Are cold-water shrimp our usual shrimp?
You can say that. The most commonly found shrimp are northern red shrimp, with northern chilim and red comb shrimp also common. By the way, they are red even when raw. These shrimp are boiled alive in sea water and immediately frozen after boiling. Distinguish boiled shrimp from raw you can tail: the boiled one has a curl, while the raw one has a straight tail. But here it is important to know that northern shrimp are supplied to Russia only boiled frozen, and such shrimp have a straight tail - a sign that the shrimp was boiled already dead.

Interesting point - Russian fishermen shrimp they catch, but supply them to the USA, South Korea and Japan, and we buy shrimp caught by the Danes and Canadians, they say it is profitable from an economic point of view.

Another nuance concerns the size or “ caliber» shrimp. On the packaging you can find the following numbers - 50/70 ( pieces per kilogram - approx. ed.), 70/90 and 90/120 The higher the number, the smaller the shrimp. So, cold-water shrimp are small, and size 70/90 is already rare for them. Therefore, I advise you to buy shrimp of 90/120 caliber, for all others more ice than meat.

So we have to be content with the smallest shrimp?
Small doesn't mean bad. On the contrary, the smaller the shrimp, the juicier their meat and brighter taste. For this reason, I like northern shrimp much more than tropical ones. Moreover, cold-water shrimp are caught in their natural habitat, and warm-water shrimp in industrial scale grown on farms.

Are you saying that warm water shrimp are inferior?
I would say that they are not for everyone, and besides, it is really easy to get confused when choosing them. For example, " royal» Shrimp do not exist in nature. All large warm water bodies are united under this name. shrimps, with the exception of tiger ones, so named because of the specific color of the shell.

IN different countries their own king prawns - there are white Pacific, Indian, Chinese, Japanese sweet shrimp, Atlantic red and even giant freshwater shrimp that live in southeast Asia. But only 20% of the total king prawns are caught in their natural habitat. The remaining 80% comes from farms where shrimp are bred in special ponds.

Where do king prawns come from in Russia?
We mainly source shrimp grown in China, India and Bangladesh. Farmed shrimp are always larger than wild shrimp, and the manufacturer’s packaging should indicate that this is a product of aquaculture. Boiled frozen king prawns are sold in three types - uncut, with the shell without a head, or completely peeled. By the way, despite the impressive size - 25-30 cm in length, meat in king prawn only 30% of total weight, the rest is the head.

Are tiger shrimp farmed too?
To a lesser extent than king shrimp, but farmed tiger shrimp are supplied to Russia. Black tiger shrimp are brought from India and China, and ordinary shrimp are brought from Indonesia and Thailand. They differ in color - ordinary ones have dark stripes on a light carapace, while black ones have the opposite.
The size of tiger prawns is even larger than that of king prawns - 30-35 cm, and meat is 50% of the total weight. These shrimp are sold raw, with or without heads. They look very impressive with the head on, and are often used to decorate dishes.

What's so scary about farmed shrimp?
Some people don't like the taste it gets. shrimp, grown on artificial feed. Some are afraid that they are being bred using stimulants, dyes and antibiotics. I just like northern shrimp more - they are tastier and useful substances there is much more in them. But all this is true only if the shrimp is fresh.

What should fresh shrimp taste like?
Fresh shrimp must be properly frozen. The coloring should be even, the ice glaze should be thin, and the tail should be pressed against the belly. White spots on the shell or snow flakes in the packaging mean that shrimps defrosted several times. Pay attention to the shrimp's head, if there is one. Pregnant shrimp have a brown head; their meat is the most delicious and healthy. A green head indicates that the shrimp was feeding on algae and special kind plankton. But a black head indicates a serious illness; eating such a shrimp is dangerous to health. Black spots on the shell are also unacceptable.