If the watermelon is green, how to pickle it. How to salt watermelon pieces

Salted watermelons are a real delicacy, especially in the cold season, when it is impossible to eat this product in fresh. Cooking salted watermelons in a saucepan is especially convenient, since there is no need to sterilize the bottles and roll them up.

Features of choosing watermelons for pickling

Watermelons for long-term storage salted in the fall. Fruits salted in summer quickly become acidic, so their consumption is limited. The most suitable for pickling are only ripe or brown watermelons without damage in the form of cracks or dents. You can choose both thin-barked and thick-barked varieties.

Before cooking, the fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water and the circles should be cut off from the side of the stalk and inflorescence to expose the edible part of the watermelon.

Pickling whole watermelons in a saucepan

Watermelons can be salted whole in large saucepans. Small fruits weighing no more than 1.5 kg are suitable for this. Washed watermelons are pricked in several places, after which they are placed in a clean pan. The fruits are poured with brine, completely covering the watermelons. Place a clean cloth on top and place pressure (a bowl or bottle of water placed on a large plate or round cutting board will do). The pot with watermelons is kept warm for two days, after which it is put in a cold place. The fruits will be ready for consumption in 21 days.

Preparing the brine

For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar and 400 g of salt are required.

If you don’t like sweet-salty watermelons, but simply salted watermelons, the brine is prepared at the rate of 700 g of salt per 10 liters of water. The brine is boiled and then cooled to room temperature.

For smaller containers

To pickle watermelons in small saucepans, prepare the brine by combining 2 liters of water and 3 tbsp. l. salt.

The washed watermelon is cut into triangular slices and placed in a pan, pouring brine on top. They put pressure on top and keep the watermelons for a couple of days at a temperature of at least 18°C. After a maximum of 3 days, the pickles are ready for use.

Salted watermelons are stored in the refrigerator without draining the brine.

Early ripening salted watermelons in their own juice

The watermelon is cut into slices and a mixture is prepared for filling, combining a tablespoon of dry mustard with the same amount of sugar and salt. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan with this mixture and begin arranging the watermelons, sprinkling each slice with the spicy sweet-salty mixture.

After laying the watermelons, place a plate with pressure on top. The container with pickled fruits is kept warm for 5 days. Before use, the slices should be washed with the brine formed in the pan to remove the mustard.


Previously, only large tubs were used for long-term storage, but even today, pickling watermelons in a wooden barrel is considered the most productive, allowing you to prepare a large harvest for the winter.

Large-volume containers for various preserves are made from a wide variety of materials. Moreover, there are even jugs made of thick bottle glass or enameled steel. But most often the products are prepared in large barrels. Today on the market there is a large selection of containers of this kind, made of plastic, stainless steel or wood.

It should be noted that polymer tanks are not very good for conservation, since today in industrial scale Recycling of plastic waste is often used. And in general, this material can impart a rather specific taste or smell to any canned product. But if you choose a quality container, it can last a long time. Stainless steel barrels are almost eternal. Moreover, such an alloy of metals practically does not oxidize, and therefore does not deteriorate taste qualities blanks, unlike conventional iron tanks. It is from this material that all cutting tables, pipes, trays, tanks and boilers are often made. Food Industry. However, stainless steel containers are expensive and that is why they are rarely used at home.

Plastic and steel barrels

The best option is classic wooden barrels. They are more expensive than plastic ones, but much cheaper than metal ones. Their advantage is the environmental friendliness of the material, as well as some additional properties that depend on the type of wood. If you want your food to be stored for as long as possible, it is best to choose oak containers, since such wood contains very large quantities of tannin, which is a tannin.. This natural material is released from the walls of the barrel very slowly, due to which the shelf life of watermelons can be very long, but their taste will change somewhat over time.

In linden barrels, on the contrary, all the qualities of the product will remain unchanged. In addition, the likelihood of fermentation of the product will be significantly reduced, thanks to the antiseptic substances contained in the wood of this species - they will suppress the activity of bacteria. Under no circumstances should you purchase a barrel with a burnt surface for pickles; this option is only suitable for aging homemade wines for several years.

Steel and plastic containers can simply be washed thoroughly, preferably without chemicals. detergents. After washing, rinse the barrels thoroughly under running water and then dry, trying to prevent dust from getting inside (you can cover the necks with gauze). You will have to tinker with wooden containers made from linden: as a rule, if they are new, there is almost certainly a lot of sawdust clogged inside in barely noticeable cracks and cracks. Therefore, you need to thoroughly rinse such a barrel several times until the poured water stops smelling like fresh wood.

Wooden barrel for pickling

Oak barrels require even more time to preliminary preparation. The fact is that initially the tannin content on the inner surface and in the lower layers of wood is too high. If you start salting right away, the workpiece will acquire a very astringent taste, very different from its natural one. Therefore, it is first recommended to fill the barrel with water for a month, and it is advisable to empty and refill the container every 2 days. When the drained liquid is clean, without the smell of wood, you can proceed to the next step. Prepare boiling water and pour it into the barrel, filling it about a third, add soda in a proportion of 2 grams per liter, then tilt the container so that the solution rinses the inner surface to the very edge. Drain the water and rinse again with clean boiling water.

If you bought the barrel a long time ago, and long time was not used, the sequence of actions should be almost the same. In particular, you need to fill the container with water for a month, replacing it with clean water from time to time. This is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the wood drying out; it must be saturated with moisture and swell. In addition, in case mold suddenly appears in the barrel, it is a good idea to rinse the walls with a salty solution. And, most importantly, immediately before adding food, be sure to fumigate the internal surfaces with sulfur, this way you will avoid the appearance of fungus in the preparations.

You should choose late varieties, such as Vesenniy, Kustovoy 334 or Ikar. All of them are quite suitable for salting or pickling. But, first of all, you should choose the right fruits. They shouldn’t be too ripe, and if they turn out to be a little underripe, that’s even better. The main thing is that the watermelons have juicy pink flesh and no defects on the skin (try to choose ones that do not have darkened or soft areas). Preference should be given to fruits whose weight does not exceed 2 kilos.

Watermelons for pickling

Small berries are also very good for storing for future use, if they have already gained some sweetness. In particular, many gardeners use small fruits for pickling, even early ripening ones, for example, such as Sugar Baby. The main factor when choosing a variety is the thin peel. It is also desirable that the pulp is not too crumbly. The juice content in melons also plays a significant role; it must be high enough for the preparation to be tasty.

So, you have selected melons, the barrel is prepared, all that remains is to prepare the brine. To do this, based on the volume of the container (and taking into account that part of it will be occupied by watermelons), take 1 kilo of salt for every 10 liters of water and prepare a strong solution. If the fruit is less than 15 centimeters in diameter, 800 grams of salt will be enough. Now you need to thoroughly wash the watermelons and cut off their tails at the very base. Next, take a long wooden knitting needle or kebab skewer and make a dozen punctures, evenly distributing them along the “equator” of each fruit. This is necessary so that the brine quickly penetrates under the peel and saturates the pulp.

Pickling barreled watermelons

Salt should under no circumstances be iodized, otherwise it can greatly spoil the taste and even the color of the product. We pour boiling water over the inner surfaces of the barrel, in case fungal spores or microorganisms have managed to get inside, which could cause the product to sour. It is better to repeat this procedure 2-3 times. Then carefully place the watermelons in the barrel, in even rows, not too tightly so that they do not crush each other. It is advisable to fill the container at least 2 thirds full. Now pour the brine so that it covers the top row of melons by a few centimeters. If the fruits start to float, it’s okay; to solve the problem, it’s enough to have a wooden circle on hand with a diameter slightly smaller than the neck. We place it on the watermelons and place some weight on top, not too heavy, so as not to damage the workpiece.

Now you need to wait at least a day, and preferably 48 hours, leaving the workpiece in room temperature. During this time, the brine will have time to mix with watermelon juice, which will flow out through the holes in the peel. In addition, some of the solution will get inside the berries. However, small fruits will have time to go through the first stage of soaking in 12 hours. Next, if part of the brine has evaporated or flowed out through small cracks, add required amount fresh brine solution, cover the barrel with gauze folded in half and transfer it to the cellar. In a cool place, the brining process will slow down and the product will be ready in approximately 21–22 days. Further storage requires regular addition of brine as it drains from the container.

This option will allow you to get completely whole fruits, under the skin of which weak fermentation processes will take place, that is, the pulp will become, in a sense, carbonated. So, wash all the melons and cut off the stems from them. This time there is no need to pierce the peel, but a layer of washed and calcined river sand, 7 centimeters thick, should be poured onto the bottom of the scalded barrel.

Preparing melons for salting in sand

We place the first row of fruits on top, not too closely, but also without leaving large gaps. Then pour sand again, covering the watermelons by 2-3 centimeters, and lay the second row of berries. They should also be covered with a layer of sand. We make the brine by dissolving 800 grams of salt and 200–400 grams of sugar (to your taste) in every 10 liters of water. The proportion of watermelons and liquid for filling should be 2:1.

Now pour the resulting moderately strong solution into a container, trying not to wash away the top sand layer - the workpiece should be completely hidden under it. As a result, you won’t need any bending or a lid. We leave the watermelons in this form for 3 days at room temperature so that the fermentation process begins inside, under the skin. Then we move the barrel into the cellar, and the temperature at which our ambassador should be for the winter should not exceed 3 degrees Celsius.

Another recipe for preparing watermelons for the winter is suitable for those who want to preserve the sweetness of these juicy berries. Moreover, this time we will not use brine at all. We take 1.5 times more fruit than is necessary to place them in a barrel in several rows. Wash half of them and remove the stalks, and cut the remaining ones and scrape out the pulp in small pieces, pouring the released juice into a separate bowl.

Salty-sweet watermelon preserves

We place the first row of watermelons in a scalded barrel, and in the spaces between them and along the wall, pour the crushed core mixed with salt (it needs about 5-6% of the total mass of the berries). We lay the next rows in this way, covering the top one with a few centimeters of pulp. The barrel must be filled to the top. When the container is filled, close it tightly with a wooden lid, which should have a hole with a stopper. Pour the juice through this hole, seal it well and leave in a warm place for 4-5 days for the product to ferment. To ensure uniformity of the process inside, you can tilt and turn the barrel from side to side several times during the specified period.

Then the preservation can be simply laid out and rolled back to the cellar, lowered into it and left until consumed. This salt can be stored for up to six months at a temperature not exceeding 3 degrees Celsius. This recipe can be prepared differently - the watermelon pulp can easily be replaced with shredded pulp, which is placed on the bottom and along the walls, as well as on top of each layer. The only difference is that gauze is placed on top, which is pressed down with a wooden circle and pressure.

It is better to start salting in the fall to prevent watermelons from souring in the heat. optimal time– end of September or mid-October. During this period, almost all late varieties ripen, and you can choose suitable berries. In addition to salt, you can add various seasonings if you want to get an unusual spicy snack. In particular, it is allowed to put allspice peas, celery roots or herbs, chopped ginger, coriander and, of course, horseradish into such a preparation.

Salted watermelon

But if you want to get the natural taste of watermelon, it is better to refrain from adding spices and limit yourself to salt and sugar. As additional ingredients You can pickle apples or tomatoes along with watermelons. The next thing to remember is that the fermentation process should take place only in the first stage, at room temperature. The product should not ferment in a cold cellar, otherwise it will very quickly become inedible. Therefore, the lid should be closed tightly, but from time to time it is recommended to check the preservation and add fresh brine if necessary.

In addition, in order to avoid the appearance of mold on the bottom of the barrel, it must be placed on a wooden grid laid on a layer of dry sand. You can also add straw. You also need to ensure that mold does not appear on the surface of the salting; in this case, it must be carefully removed, the wooden circle washed and fresh brine added. If the barrel is new, you will need 10–15% more salt for filling than indicated in the recipe - some of it will be absorbed by the wood.

The striped berry season is slowly coming to an end and over time the last fruits will disappear from the garden beds and store shelves. And many people with a sweet tooth want to preserve a piece of summer and enjoy its taste as long as possible. The only way out is to pickle watermelons for the winter at home.

Preserving watermelons fresh is problematic. But there are other ways to prepare berries, including pickling. Let's take a closer look at the technology for salting striped delicacies and pay attention to important points. Thanks to the information received, you can easily do excellent preparation for the winter.

Classic recipe for pickling watermelons in jars

If you decide to pickle watermelons for the winter and have not done this before, I advise you to start with the classic recipe. It is as simple as possible and strongly resembles the technology used to pickle cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables and fruits.


  • Watermelon – 2 kg.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 1.5 tablespoons.

How to cook:

  1. For pickling, use whole watermelons without damage. Rinse each berry with water, dry and cut into small pieces. Fill the prepared jars with slices.
  2. Make the brine. To do this, add salt, sugar and vinegar to boiling water and cook for literally 30 seconds. Fill the jars with hot brine.
  3. Place the filled containers in large saucepan, pour water up to the hanger and sterilize for 20 minutes. Next, roll up the lids and leave upside down under the blanket until cool.

Video recipe

Some chefs remove the crust from watermelons when pickling. This procedure is optional; most importantly, do not use store-bought watermelons for winter preparation, especially if the season has just begun. Otherwise, nitrates, which are rich in early berries, will end up in the jar with the treat.

How to properly salt watermelons in a barrel

Now watermelons are salted in jars and other small containers, but previously wooden barrels were used for this purpose. Pickling striped fruits in such a container is not difficult, and you can get an excellent result. It all comes down to the right choice and preparing the product, preparing a good brine and ensuring optimal storage conditions.


  • Watermelons - the quantity depends on the capacity of the barrel.
  • Water - the volume depends on the capacity of the barrel.
  • Salt - at the rate of 700 g per 10 liters of liquid.


  1. Rinse the watermelons with water and dry with a towel. Use a toothpick to make a dozen symmetrical punctures in each berry, then place it in a clean barrel and fill with brine until it completely covers the fruit.
  2. Cover the container with a piece of clean cloth, place a wooden circle scalded with boiling water on top and place a heavy object. The main thing is that the circle does not float, otherwise air will penetrate into the container and the workpiece will deteriorate.
  3. Leave the covered barrel for a day at room temperature, then put it in a cool place. In three weeks, the watermelons will be thoroughly salted and will become suitable for human consumption.

Video cooking

There are many ways to pickle in a barrel. Some involve the use of sugar, others spices. This recipe does not contain these ingredients, which helps preserve the natural flavor of watermelons.

What is better to ferment or pickle watermelons?

Watermelons are prepared for the winter different ways, including pickling and salting. The first technology is based on the use of vinegar, and the second is based on the action of lactic acid bacteria contained in berries.

Each method is good, but fans of the delicacy claim that watermelons soaked in barrels are tastier and healthier, since the product does not pass through heat treatment. In fact, only experimentally can one determine The best way, because everyone has their own tastes.

The benefits and harms of pickled watermelons

Pickling is a popular way to prepare watermelons. At the same time, the calorie content of the product is only slightly higher than the nutritional value fresh berries and is 40 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, preparation is appropriate when dietary nutrition.

Salted watermelon is saturated with hydrochloric acids and big amount dietary fiber. It contains a lot of copper, cobalt, chlorine, zinc and sulfur. These minerals are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Like any other product, in some cases, salted watermelons cause harm to the body. The product is not recommended for people who have:

  1. Impaired urine flow.
  2. Stomach upset.
  3. Stones in the body.

Watermelon provides a strong diuretic effect. As a result, the stones move out of place, causing severe pain. Even healthy people It is not recommended to eat salted watermelons after a salty meal, since salt slows down the outflow of fluid from the body and causes swelling.

It is strictly forbidden to eat watermelons whose nitrate content exceeds the norm. If you bought watermelons before pickling, and their purity is in doubt, eat only the core. It contains fewer harmful substances.

Watermelons are salted different ways. Some recipes call for salting own juice, others are based on the use of spices. There are also combined options.

  1. If you like spicy pickles, it is recommended to add a little ginger, coriander, allspice, garlic, currant or cherry leaves to the container with watermelons.
  2. Watermelons go well with other ingredients. We are talking about apples, cabbage and green tomatoes, which best complement their taste.
  3. Such preservation is stored for a long time if it is provided optimal conditions for storage. The mold that appears is carefully removed and a little brine is added to the container. Oppression is also doused with boiling water.

If you want to get a tasty treat, keep the pickles in a cool place and control the pickling process. In reply home preparation will thank unsurpassed taste and a lot of culinary experiences.

Is watermelon a berry or a fruit?

Interest Ask, is not it? In the old days, gardeners from all over the world had an extensive discussion about this matter. It’s not surprising, because watermelon tastes very similar to fruit. But there is a discrepancy here, because most fruits grow on trees. Watermelon also has similarities with vegetables. It's about the nature of growth.

It took many years to solve this breeding problem. In the last century, the procedure for classifying all horticultural crops was completed. As a result, watermelon was classified as a berry. So, according to generally accepted terminology, watermelon is a berry, not a fruit or a vegetable.

In order to implement this recipe quick salting pieces of watermelon in a pan you will need:
one or more watermelons with a total weight of 10 kg;
water 3 liters;
big enamel pan;
5 large spoons of granulated sugar;
2 large spoons coarse table salt, preferably not iodized;
vinegar 70% in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons/

One of the main advantages this method pickling is that it is no more complicated than a recipe for quick pickling of tomatoes or cucumbers. At the same time, it completely eliminates costly measures aimed at preparing and sterilizing jars.
First of all, you need to cook the brine, in which later the watermelon will be able to acquire its unique taste. To do this, pour about 3 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, optional seasoning (dill, laurel leaves, celery sprigs, garlic, etc.). Boil for 3-5 minutes, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, turn off the heat, cool to room temperature.

Take a watermelon and rinse it thoroughly under running water without using any chemicals. We divide it into 4 parts, which we then cut into 10-15 separate thin slices (depending on the size of the watermelon). Next, take an empty pan (you can use the same container as for the brine), arrange all the pieces evenly.

There are many similar methods in which the watermelon is placed directly into the brine. However, those who have at least once tried, for example, a recipe for quickly salting tomatoes in a pan, know that this is not the most the best option. Firstly, it is almost impossible to calculate the amount of liquid required, and secondly, pieces of watermelon will constantly float to the surface, distorting the perception of the fullness of the container.

In our case, we first drain the brine, then add the main ingredient, and then fill our pan with liquid. Moreover, before pouring the brine, we create something like a press. Cover the watermelon slices with a flat plate, slightly smaller in diameter than the main container. Place a 1-2 liter jar of water on top, and only after that add the marinade. This method will allow you to make the most of the space in the pan and eliminate the possibility of poor salting of the top layer. The cooking time for watermelons can range from 2 to 5 days. In order to speed up the process, you need to remove the pan to the warmest place in your apartment or house. Bon appetit!