What is iced coffee called? Coffee with ice cream - what is the name of the delicious "tandem.

Many people love the taste of this magical, invigorating and unusually tasty drink, but not everyone knows the name of coffee with ice cream. And the name of this drink is very original and extravagant - coffee glace.

Drink with unknown pedigree

History is silent about who invented the glass. Some sources claim that the recipe was invented in France, others are sure that it was first prepared in Austria. But in fact, no one knows for sure where the drink was invented and where its name came from. Therefore, most often you can hear the unpretentious name - "coffee with ice cream."

The easiest way to remember the name of coffee with ice cream is for those who speak at least a little French: "glace" in French means "icy", "frozen". However, if history conceals information about the country in which this wonderful drink was invented, then it is not difficult to guess the time of the year in which it was prepared for the first time. Of course it was summer!

cool treat

Many people cannot imagine their life without an indispensable cup of coffee: someone without it cannot finally wake up and cheer up in the morning, someone suffers from hypotension and, with the help of coffee, normalizes blood pressure. And many simply love this drink more than all others, considering a cup of aromatic coffee as a kind of ritual.

In the summer, coffee lovers are somewhat humble. After all, drink hot drink in the sweltering heat is not very pleasant. However, the summer heat does not interfere with enjoying your favorite delicacy at all, if you remember the magical combination of hot and cold and the name of coffee with ice cream.

Glace coffee recipes: find your favorite!

There are many recipes for making glace: with ice, and with liquor, and with egg yolks, and even with candy and chocolate syrup! Among the huge variety of different variations, everyone will find exactly their favorite taste. But first, let's learn how to prepare a drink in its most common, classic version - just coffee with ice cream, the recipe of which will be the very first in our article.

Recipe classic coffee-glase - the easiest to perform. It requires very few ingredients. To prepare the classic version of the glace, you will need ground coffee beans, sugar and ice cream (it is desirable that it be ice cream, but ordinary, milky, in a waffle cup is also suitable):

  1. Brew your espresso - whatever strength you like - and pour it into a cup or glass.
  2. Place sugar or sweetener of your choice in a cup.
  3. Gently add ice cream with a teaspoon and stir.
  4. Try it! Is it really tasty?

Glace with ice cream and egg yolk is unusual combination most conventional ingredients. To prepare this drink you need:

  1. Brew fresh coffee and leave it in the cezve.
  2. Separate the yolk from the protein and grind it with sugar and a pinch of vanilla in a separate bowl.
  3. Pour the egg-sugar mixture into the cezve. Heat, stirring constantly, over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the drink into a transparent glass and add ice cream to taste, if desired, ice cream can be lightly sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
  5. Feel the magical aroma and fabulous taste!

With what to look?

Those who have mastered the simple science of cooking and remember the name of coffee with ice cream will surely want to treat their family and friends to this drink on a hot summer evening. It can be served with chocolates, fresh berries, pastries...

Try this wonderful drink at least once! Treat your friends and family! Experiment with recipes and ingredients. And then, for sure, a tender love for coffee with ice cream, the name of which is glyse, will forever settle in your soul!

With the arrival of a hot summer, you want to treat yourself to soft drinks. Many people like kvass, compote or cold tea and we invite you to prepare tasty coffee with ice cream. It not only invigorates, but also refreshes, tones. Let's find out the recipes for coffee with ice cream and the name of this drink.

Before today not yet determined which country was the first to cook flavored coffee with the addition of ice cream. According to some sources, this is Austria, according to others, France. It got its name from the French word glacé, which means “chilled”, “frozen” in Russian.

Later, the Japanese and Americans start preparing coffee with ice cream. Now the recipe for this drink has become very popular all over the world, and in each country it is made differently. You can try it not only in cafes and restaurants, but also cook at home.

The composition of the drink

According to traditional recipe it consists of cold coffee and white ice cream, in a ratio of 3:1.

  • For the recipe, you can use Turkish coffee or brewed espresso. Nowadays, cafes usually serve a drink prepared on the basis of espresso. Although, at the time when they came up with this unusual dessert, there were no coffee machines yet;
  • As for ice cream, it is better to add regular ice cream. Good taste it will also work with vanilla or cream. The main rule is not to use popsicles so as not to spoil the coffee taste;
  • Real glacé is made from iced coffee. Now there are a lot of cooking options, so some should put ice cream in a hot drink;
  • By classic recipe you need to put sugar, but this can not be done depending on your preferences;
  • You can replace sugar with syrup to get the original taste.

Ice cream coffee recipes

Today, there are many options for how to make coffee with ice cream, so you will definitely like any of them.

Basic Recipe

For delicious dessert prepare the following ingredients:

  • a teaspoon of ground coffee beans;
  • Fifty grams of ice cream;
  • Thirty grams of whipped cream.

Brew your espresso in a coffee machine or a coffee pot. Now let it stand. First put the ice cream in the glass, then pour the cooled coffee. Decorate the dessert with cream and grated chocolate. Ice can be added if desired.

With ice cream and milk

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • One hundred milliliters of cold espresso;
  • Fifty grams of ice cream;
  • One hundred milliliters of milk;
  • Sugar to taste.

Pour chilled espresso into cold milk, stir. Pour into a glass and put one ball of ice cream. You can add sugar as you wish. Delicious cold dessert is ready!

Affogato with liqueur

Make a delicious coffee dessert and surprise your loved ones. In this drink, the main component is ice cream, not espresso. The secret is that it should be fat and natural. Not only vanilla, but also chocolate, nut or fruit will do. So, you will need:

  • Fifty milliliters of brewed espresso;
  • Four tablespoons of vanilla ice cream;
  • A piece of dark chocolate;
  • Two tablespoons of any liqueur.

Brew espresso in a coffee machine or in a Turk. Put ice cream balls in a glass, pour over with liquor (you can use alcohol) or topping. Pour the brewed coffee on top. Ready dessert garnish with grated chocolate or fresh berries.

Alcohol shake

This is the favorite drink of Americans, to prepare it, prepare:

  • One teaspoon instant coffee;
  • Two hundred grams of ice cream;
  • Twenty grams of vodka;
  • A couple of spoonfuls of coffee liqueur.

The secret of the neck is that all the components need to be whipped with a blender. Then you should pour the mixture into glasses and serve with a cocktail tube, decorating to your liking.

Recipe with nutella pasta

If Nutella is not available, you can use another chocolate paste. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • A glass of milk;
  • Two teaspoons of granulated coffee;
  • vanilla extract;
  • Two spoons of Nutella;
  • Ice cream balls;
  • Sugar to taste;
  • Cream.

Heat the milk and add coffee and sugar to it. Add chocolate paste, vanilla and beat. Put the ice cream balls into the glass and pour the coffee mass. For dessert, add whipped cream and cocoa powder for garnish.

How to serve coffee glace

The drink should be served correctly in certain thick-walled glasses with a handle. If you don’t have them, serve in ordinary tall glasses or wine glasses, you can use bowls.

A dessert spoon is served for cream and ice cream. A cocktail tube is also served through which you need to drink a drink.

Grated dark chocolate, lollipops, syrup, cinnamon are suitable as decorations for coffee and ice cream. Along with dessert, you can serve a cake, pastries or sweets.

Hot tea alternative cold drink. It is especially good to cook it in the summer. You will need the following ingredients:

  • A cup of strong brewed tea;
  • Fifty grams of chocolate or vanilla ice cream;
  • Cream and granulated sugar.

Pour sugar into the brewed tea, mix it and cool it in the refrigerator. Then put ice cream in a glass and pour tea over it. Top with whipped cream and serve to guests.

There are a lot of recipes for making coffee with ice cream. You can diversify the taste of this dessert with such additives: crushed candies, chocolate or caramel syrup, nuts, dried fruits. lovers strong drinks, you can make such coffee with liquor, rum or cognac.

Even the most loyal fan of hot strong coffee in hot weather, you probably won’t get much pleasure from your favorite drink. On such a day, you want something cooler and more refreshing, but at the same time invigorating. Probably, it was on one of these days, in search of coolness, that one of the resourceful coffee lovers came up with the idea to combine coffee with ice cream.

The classic version of glasse is coffee with ice cream, but it can be replaced with any other ice cream: fruit, berry or chocolate. In addition to the ingredient from the freezer, various liqueurs, syrups, spices and toppings can be included in the composition of "iced coffee". Despite the fact that it is most often served chilled, hot glace is no less good. It all depends on personal preference.

Enjoying another glass of a refreshing drink, do not forget that it has a fairly high calorie content. So, one serving of classic coffee with ice cream contains about 150 kcal. BUT additional ingredients, which are part of it, can increase the calorie content of the drink by 2-3 times.

cooking recipes

Making coffee glaze is not difficult at all. There are many interesting and original recipes, following which you will definitely be able to prepare a delicious invigorating drink.

  • Classic recipe

Have to take:

  • 150 ml of freshly brewed espresso;
  • 50 gr cream ice cream.

Pour the espresso into a glass, add sugar as desired and chill. Then put a ball of ice cream on top.

All you can drink and enjoy! It is convenient to do this with a straw, so you will be able to fully feel the original alternation of coffee and creamy notes of taste. And fresh cherries or strawberries will only complement the taste of an amazing summer dessert.

Serving this exquisite dessert can become a whole ritual that gives us aesthetic pleasure. It is served in transparent glasses, next to put a dessert or teaspoon (if there is no special spoon with a long handle) and two straws per serving.

If coffee is served during special occasions, replace the paper napkin with a small lace napkin that is for decorative purposes only.

  • With milk or white glace

For cooking you will need:

  • chilled espresso - 100 ml;
  • cold milk - 100 ml;
  • ice cream - 50 gr;
  • sugar - optional.

Mix the milk with the slightly cooled espresso and pour into tumbler, put a ball of your favorite cool treat on top. Sweeten as desired.

  • Recipe for coffee glaze with syrup

Coffee with ice cream can be supplemented with your favorite syrup, then the taste familiar drink will acquire new bright notes.

To complete this recipe, you will need:

  • freshly brewed strong espresso - 100 ml;
  • syrup - 30 ml;
  • ice cream - 50 gr.;
  • whipped cream - 50 gr.;
  • sugar - optional.

How to do:

Place a scoop of ice cream in a tall glass and pour syrup over the top. Then pour the cooled coffee in a stream, if necessary, sweeten. Garnish with whipped cream. Drink immediately after preparation.

  • Alcoholic option

To make coffee with ice cream according to this recipe you will need:

  • 150 ml espresso;
  • 50 gr of ice cream;
  • liqueur or cognac - 25 ml (no more than 20% of the volume of the coffee part).

Mix coffee with alcohol and add a scoop of ice cream. Garnish with whipped cream, if desired. chocolate chips or cinnamon.

  • Tasty and healthy (with yolk)

To cook not only tasty, but also healthy drink for this recipe, you need to work a little more than over classic version glasse. But the result is worth it!

You will need:

  • 1-2 tsp ground coffee beans;
  • 2-3 yolks;
  • 1-3 tsp Sahara;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 50-100 gr. ice cream.


  1. Brew or in any other convenient way. Strain, let it brew and cool, while doing other ingredients.
  2. Mix the yolks with sugar and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  3. Pour the cooled coffee to the beaten yolks, put the mixture on water bath(put dishes with coffee in a larger container with already boiling water) and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour the drink into glasses, put ice cream on top.
  5. Can be garnished with whipped cream and cinnamon.

Serve the finished drink immediately, as, after standing, it can change its taste.

Having learned how to make glasse coffee, you can safely start experimenting, fantasizing, and maybe even invent your own technology for making this wonderful, refreshing dessert. The main thing is to use only high-quality ingredients.

  • Banana Miracle (high-calorie, mild-tasting dessert)

Lovers of fruity notes coffee drinks enjoy the next recipe. You will need:

  • 1-2 tsp coffee;
  • 50 gr. ice cream;
  • small banana;
  • sugar to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We prepare the base in a convenient familiar way.
  2. Add some sugar to the espresso.
  3. Cut one small banana into pieces.
  4. Mix banana pieces with coffee and beat in a mixer until smooth.
  5. We also put 50 grams of ice cream there, beat again.
  6. We pour into cups.

This version of the glass will delight you with a soft and delicate taste.

  • With instant coffee

This recipe will come in handy when there is no time to prepare a real glass at home, but you want to treat yourself to your favorite drink.

You will need:

  • 1-2 tsp favorite soluble variety;
  • 150-200 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. ice cream;
  • sugar optional.

How to cook:

  1. Preparing instant coffee: pour hot water, add sugar. Cool down at room temperature.
  2. Put a scoop of your favorite ice cream into a glass and pour the cooled coffee in a thin stream. Decorate with chocolate chips if desired.

A glass of refreshing and invigorating glass will undoubtedly appeal to many coffee gourmets. However, do not forget about the high calorie content of such a delicacy. It is better to drink glasse occasionally, each time, truly enjoying its unique taste.

Many people know, but for many the question is: what is the name of coffee with ice cream and why? With the advent of warm, and then hot weather, coffee lovers prefer cool coffee, and coffee gourmets prefer coffee with ice cream, or glasse (pronounced glasse).

Both the glass itself and its name owe their origin to the French. Apparently, this drink was born in France. Although, who knows for sure? Well, the word is definitely French (glacé - ice, frozen, frozen).

Coffee-glase is made from freshly brewed espresso or instant coffee, cooling it down and sometimes adding ice cubes. Then about the same amount of ice cream is put into the chilled drink. Often drizzled with syrup and topping off the symphony of flavors with whipped cream. In glasse - coffee with ice cream - liquor is sometimes added to make an unsurpassed cocktail. Of course, the taste depends on who will cook.

And the most original recipe glasse - with the addition of egg yolks. They are whipped with sugar, added to coffee and boiled in a water bath. After that, they already cool and put balls of ice cream. And filled with syrup. So we found out or were convinced that we were right in answering the question: what is the name of coffee with ice cream and where did it come from? That's right, glass, from France.

Coffee with ice cream is called glase (glase). Who first came up with the idea of ​​adding ice cream to a chilled drink - no one remembers. They say that it was in Austria. But the recipe, it should be noted, is ingenious. Perfectly cools, especially on a hot day, while giving a charge of vivacity and a delight of taste.

Why is coffee with ice cream called glace?

Word "glase"(from the French glace), which means frozen or ice cold. Therefore, the name of the drink can be translated as iced coffee, ice coffee.
Glace coffee- This is a drink based on chilled coffee, to which a scoop of ice cream is added. Often decorated with whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts, cocoa powder, cinnamon, lollipops. Sometimes chocolate syrup is added to it to taste.

  • Served in a glass conical glass, glasses for Irish coffee on a leg with a handle are often used, or just glasses, put on a plate with a carved napkin. A dessert spoon and drinking straws are put to the glaze. Ice cream and whipped cream are eaten with a spoon, and coffee is washed down through a straw, when the ice cream has melted, only a straw is used.

that earlier, according to the rules of spelling, the word “glase” was required to be written with two letters “s”, today only one letter “s” remains in the word.

How to make coffee glace?

The cooking option can be like this:

  • First, we brew coffee according to your favorite recipe using a Turk, coffee maker or French press, we insist for about five minutes. Then, be sure to filter with a strainer into a suitable container, let it cool a little, and put it in the refrigerator. For cold glass only well-chilled coffee is taken, up to 2-3 o C. There are 2 types of glass: cold glass and chilled glace (coffee is cooled to 10 o C).
  • Whip the cream, prepare the chocolate syrup. Put a ball of ice cream on the bottom of a glass tall glass, it is better to take ice cream, you can use coffee, chocolate, vanilla, but not flavored or fruit ice cream, it will kill the taste of coffee. Pour it with chocolate syrup, add chilled and slightly sweetened coffee to taste, put whipped cream on top, sprinkle with nuts. You can try!
  • It is often recommended to first pour chilled coffee into a glass, and then place ice cream on top.

Glaze options can also be with cognac, liquor, egg yolk, finely crushed ice, syrups, milk.
And the so-called "hot look" when ice cream is added to hot coffee, it doesn't actually glaze. It's in my own way delicious drink, but still "glace" comes from the French "ice".