Vietnamese cuisine soup pho. Bouillon masters: the history and recipe of pho bo

We all love soups. Eat liquid meals every day proper nutrition and digestion. If you are already tired of traditional cabbage soup, lagman and other soups, then try to cook the national Vietnamese soup Pho. The recipe for this dish is simple, there are several ways to prepare it with different ingredients. meat ingredients. Today we will introduce you to traditional options this soup.

Introducing Vietnamese Pho Soup

Vietnamese Pho soup, the recipe of which every citizen of this country knows from early childhood, is the main component of the Vietnamese daily menu. This soup is preferred for breakfast to recharge energy for the whole day.

If you are not yet familiar with the cuisine of this country, then start your acquaintance with the first dish, this is the Vietnamese Pho soup. The recipe for its preparation is distinguished by meat components. Another main ingredient is rice noodles, which are sold in any store. Many seasonings are the main highlight of the broth.


Vietnamese Pho-Ka soup - a recipe with fish and other seafood. It is not as common as chicken soup. Chicken Fo-Ga Soup, vietnamese recipe this option will be appreciated by every fan chicken meat. There is also Pho-Bo, a beef-based dish.

Which meat is closer to your soul, then choose for cooking. But it is better to try every Vietnamese Pho soup. You will find the recipe for all varieties of this dish in this article. The ingredients can be purchased at any store.

Pho Soup: Vietnamese Chicken Recipe

By the way, this option is the most common, since two types of meat are more popular in Vietnam than the rest - pork and chicken. Soup Pho, a Vietnamese recipe with chicken, is also served in luxurious restaurants and sold right on the street at an affordable price for poor tourists. The recipe and ingredients in the restaurant and the street vendor are the same!

Prepare this dish yourself. Serve to guests or during family dinner- the taste will be appreciated even by the most fastidious eaters.

Let's start cooking Pho-Ga

To prepare this soup, take a whole chicken, naturally without paws, head and entrails.

Fill with water so that the meat is completely "drowned". Put the onion, cut into halves, carrots also in large pieces into the pan. From seasonings, take a cinnamon stick (you can also use powder - 13 teaspoons), a couple of cloves, a teaspoon of ground black pepper or five peas, half a chili pepper, an asterisk, a small piece of ginger (about a centimeter wide, and no larger than a five-ruble coin), salt.

Boil one and a half to two hours, remove the foam and excess fat. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth with a slotted spoon and put it in a separate container.

The broth must be well strained through a sieve to discard any remaining seasonings, onions and pieces of carrots.

In order to cook noodles (necessarily rice, otherwise it will turn out not Pho, but its parody), you should soak it in cold water for half an hour. After that, boil as usual pasta, drain the water through a colander.

Divide the cooled chicken into pieces, separate the meat from the bones. It should be cut into thin layers, and then chopped into strips.

Take a lot of greens: green onion, dill, parsley, cilantro and shallots. Cut the way you like.

Put the noodles, meat in deep plates, pour in the broth, sprinkle generously with herbs. The base of the flavor is lime. Cut it into halves and squeeze the juice into the broth with the calculation: one lime half for two servings of soup.

Pho Ka Soup

As we have already said, this is a Vietnamese Pho soup with seafood. The recipe for its preparation is notable for the fact that such a dish is prepared much faster than its other varieties.

Take squid, shrimp, octopus, any fish. Clean from the insides, scales, shells, film. Fill with water. Cut the onion into halves, carrots in large pieces - we only need them for the broth, from which it will be easier to remove them in large parts.

We take all the seasonings that are available: black pepper (5-6 peas or ground - a teaspoon), a piece of ginger, mint, cinnamon (a stick or 13 teaspoons), two cloves, one star anise, salt. Boil for no more than half an hour (if there are shrimp in the composition, then throw them five minutes before they are ready).

We filter the broth, cut the seafood into small pieces. Soak the rice noodles for half an hour, then cook for no more than three minutes, drain the water.

Put the noodles, seafood in the plates, pour the broth, add more fresh herbs (shallot and green onions, parsley, dill, mint leaves, cilantro), squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lime into each plate. You can put cherry tomato halves or lady fingers, they will give more bright taste fish soup.

Soup Pho: Vietnamese Recipe with Beef

This Pho-Bo is the most satisfying of all the above. We need about a kilogram of beef pulp, the same amount of beef bones. Bones, chicken or beef, the basis for making broth, you can’t do without them!

Boil meat and bones for at least three hours, removing the foam. The broth should also contain big chunks onions and carrots, spices: cilantro, basil, cinnamon (as in previous recipes), star anise, piece of ginger, black ground pepper or peas, garlic cloves (2-3, no more), salt.

Remove the meat from the broth, the bones - in the trash, the meat - cut into strips. We filter the broth, remove all the "garbage" from it.

We prepare the noodles in the same way as in the previous recipes.

We lay out the noodles, meat on plates, pour the broth, thickly sprinkle with a variety of fresh herbs, squeeze a quarter of a lime for each serving.

Enjoy your meal!

If the meat is poured and put immediately on fire, then there will be a lot of foam, and all the juice will come out of the meat into the broth. The broth will be richer.

If you put the meat in already boiling water, then it will remain juicy, there will be no foam in the broth, it will remain beautiful and transparent!

There are two types of pho: northern and southern. For the northern, wide noodles are taken and a lot of green onions when served, other herbs and greens are absent. For the southern, thin noodles and a lot of different greens and herbs are useful when serving - mainly dill, mint and parsley.

There should be a lot of meat in the soup! Do not save - this is its main component.

Pho bo soup for the Vietnamese is a heritage of culture. Therefore, they are hostile to the theory that the French colonialists had a hand in the appearance of this dish.

Often in the early morning on the streets of Hanoi, you can see how queues of those who want to have breakfast line up in street cafes. But instead of a cup strong coffee Vietnamese take a large bowl of hot beef broth, which is poured over rice noodles, thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat and spices. It is believed that such food will give strength for the whole day.

Pho soup began to be prepared in northern Vietnam not earlier than the end of the 19th century. Before the establishment of the French protectorate in 1884, the Vietnamese practically did not eat beef, so the French most likely taught them how to cook rich beef broth. Some historians associate the name of pho soup with the French word feu- "the fire". The fact that the soup is made with beef rather than pork, which is traditional for Asian cuisine, speaks in favor of the French version. The Vietnamese do not like this genealogy of their favorite dish at all: they prefer not to remember the colonial past.

Chan Manhung

A native of the city of Vinh (Central Vietnam), concept chef of the VietCafe restaurant chain tells how to adjust the taste of pho bo .

How to cook stock for pho soup?

Use fresh beef bones. Stale ones will change the taste of the broth. So cheating is not possible. Perhaps that is why the soup is so popular.

What is special about pho noodles?

It is cut from steam pancakes. The cook who bakes them must be a virtuoso. After all, he needs to cope with three double boilers at once. Each is covered with a thin silk cloth, the dough is poured on its surface, and after a couple of minutes it is removed ready pancake. In Vietnam, skilled chefs cut noodles with both hands. And then, having scalded it with boiling water, they lay it out on plates.

Is it customary to add something for taste?

Usually put bottles with seasonings: rice vinegar with garlic, tuong ot chili sauce, nuoc mam fish sauce, and a plate of lime wedges. With their help, you can adjust the taste of the soup. But be careful with the lime juice so that the soup does not become too sour.

According to local historians, pho soup was first cooked in the town of Nam Dinh, 100 kilometers from Hanoi, about 150 years ago. It was sold by street vendors. On a kind of yoke they carried two boxes. One housed a brazier with broth that should remain hot, the other - greens and meat for soup. At the beginning of the 20th century, one of these peddlers moved to Hanoi, and his food quickly became popular.

For a long time, pho broth was made only from beef (they called it pho bo), but in 1939 it appeared chicken version- pho ha. Chicken became an alternative to beef, which at that time was not sold on the market every day. Yes, and to cook chicken broth, just an hour is enough.

South Vietnam learned and loved pho bo only after 1954, when refugees from the communist north appeared here. In Saigon traditional recipe improved by adding local herbs and soy sprouts to it.

The Vietnamese begin to cook pho bo broth late in the evening. In a round iron oven, resembling a tandoor in shape, braziers with coals are placed. Their heat is enough to maintain the temperature necessary for long-term cooking of the broth for several hours: it must languish on fire for up to eight hours - for nutrition. Only in the final spices and onions with ginger are added. But even after readiness, the broth is left on low heat, not allowing to cool.

Pho noodles are made early in the morning from steamed rice pancakes. Only long Vietnamese rice aged for a year (and dried during this time) is suitable for dough for them. It is soaked for ten hours, washed and left in a bowl with a little water to get batter. Rice is ground with hand millstones. It is believed that this is the only way to get the right taste. If you use modern household appliances, rice pancakes (and therefore noodles) will become sour and brittle.

Fresh noodles, as well as green onions and cilantro, are practically not subjected to heat treatment so that they retain their taste better. But the meat in the soup is added both boiled and raw. The first is cut from the bones from which the broth was cooked, the second is cut into thin slices and simply poured with boiling broth.

The Vietnamese rarely cook at home - their apartments do not always allow for a kitchen. In addition, a hearty and inexpensive meal in a street cafe in Vietnam is not a problem. It is believed that the most tasty soup pho is made in Hanoi. It is best to choose an institution that specializes only in pho bo. Then you don’t even have to place an order: just sit down at a table on the street, and in a minute you will have an impressive, almost liter ceramic bowl with fragrant pho bo for only a dollar and a half in front of you.

Soup pho bo


Cooking time: 8 hours
For how many people: 2

1 Chop the beef bones, bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Rinse, pour cold water, boil. Boil over low heat for eight hours, periodically removing fat and foam. At the end of cooking, add the onion cut in half and ginger, baked in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Before adding to the broth, beat off the ginger with the back of a knife. Add the nuoc mam sauce and all the spices in a linen bag (to make it easy to remove). Bring the broth back to a boil. Remove the bones and bag from the pan.
2 Scald fresh rice noodles in a colander with boiling water and put in a bowl.
3 There also add thinly sliced ​​raw and boiled beef, finely chopped green onion, cilantro, mint.
4 Pour boiling broth over everything. Add lime juice, red sweet onion and freshly ground black pepper.

Svetlana Golovanova, editor-in-chief of the magazine, and Artem Mukhin, the chef of the Mukka restaurant, are not looking for easy ways and go to the Nizhny Novgorod expanses in search of a traditional Vietnamese soup.

Pho is a classic of Vietnamese cooking, invented almost a hundred years ago in Hanoi. It is a broth with noodles, and the main component can be beef, chicken, fish balls, or whatever the cook's imagination suggests. The beef version is called pho bo and is considered basic. We decided to find it in the menu of Nizhny Novgorod cafes and restaurants. Preliminary intelligence gave three points where they are familiar with the secrets of Vietnamese gastronomy. Or, they think they know each other.

Our test drive began in a newly opened location called "Zhar-Balcony". This space on the second floor of the Firebird mall is inspired by examples of European food markets and the legendary Danilovsky Market in Moscow. There are several zones where various cuisines of the world are presented: burgers are prepared in one (where without them), in the other - Portuguese specialties, France is on the way, and several varieties of pho soup are made in a colorful, Asian-looking building. For the purity of the experiment, we chose pho bo to test it everywhere.

Svetlana Golovanova:“Before I came here and personally tried this soup, I read a lot of conflicting reviews about the local pho. Some were enthusiastic, while others were skeptical. So I formed an ambiguous opinion, and after tasting it remained so. On the one hand, the meat is fresh and tasty, but, it seems to me, a little undercooked. On the other hand, the broth is empty. Lacks richness and spices. And celery appeared from somewhere in the soup. As far as I know, in classic recipe it shouldn't be. For me, he is completely redundant here. Onion, cilantro, basil, red capsicum, bean sprouts - yes, celery - I don't know. Rice noodles are good. As a result, the dish seems to be interesting, but something is missing in it, but something, on the contrary, I want to remove. I think you can put 4 points for quality meat, as well as for the price-quality ratio. An impressive portion of pho bo will cost 245 rubles.”

Artem Mukhin:“The temperature of the soup should be higher. Actually, that's why the meat did not grab completely. After all, according to the recipe, it is cut into thin slices and placed in a ready-made broth. Therefore, the latter must be so hot, and the meat slices so thin, that they instantly reach the state of readiness. AT this case almost held out temperature regime. In addition, the meat is cut along the fibers, not across, so it does not chew well. In general, according to the classics, pho bo is made with beef, not veal, so this is such an author's variation on a given topic, but the meat itself is fresh and tasty. It is a pity that it is inconvenient to eat due to improper cutting.

As for the broth, I can assume that a cube is added here, judging by appearance soup. Small-small greens are very similar to the one that is part of the bouillon cubes. The salt and spiciness of the soup is right, but the broth is not rich at all. The taste is there, but the right texture is not. And celery seems out of place to me too. Probably, the second time I would not order this soup.

The second point of our gastro-raid was the Tanuki restaurant on Gorky Square, beloved by many for its rolls and sushi. Of course, we were attracted by the page with soups, where he was found " traditional soup with beef, rice noodles, ginger and herbs” pho bo.

Svetlana Golovanova:“What I didn’t feel at all here was ginger, proudly declared on the menu. The broth is not spicy at all. I did not find any ginger, or any spices and spices in it. And on the tables is only soy sauce, that is, it is impossible to independently adjust at least the sharpness of the soup. The broth is rich, unlike the previous version, but the meat is simply terrible. It feels like it has been waiting in the wings for an eternity, frozen and thawed several times before getting into the soup.

20 best recipes soups

pho bo soup

2 hours 30 minutes

230 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

The preparation of Vietnamese soup Pho-bo has its own specifics. The main thing in this dish is the separate preparation of the broth, followed by pouring raw beef meat in spices and, in fact, the very composition of spices.

Do not be afraid that the meat is raw - pour hot broth, you also let it brew a little, and this time is enough for it to become edible and to acquire a special taste characteristic of this dish.

So discard all possible doubts, and forward towards new culinary discoveries that will surely make you happy!

Pho-bo soup recipe at home

Used technique: kitchen stove.



For filing

How to choose the right ingredients

To prepare such a soup, it is most convenient to take a beef shank, since all its components will be fully involved both in cooking the broth and in ready dish. Pay special attention to spices.

Step by step cooking

video recipe

Despite the fact that this soup began to be prepared recently in comparison with many other dishes, it still undergoes some changes in its preparation method and ingredient composition. In the video below, you can learn about one of the interpretations of the Asian soup Pho-bo - with the addition of mushrooms.

Vietnamese Pho-Bo vs. Doshirak =) (Recipe for Real Pho-Bo Soup)


  • In order for the noodles not to lose their elasticity, it is recommended to wash them ready-made, first in cold and then in hot water.

Put the pre-prepared greens and meat on top of the noodles in a plate, then pour everything over beef broth and garnish with a couple of lemon or lime slices.

Possible other cooking and filling options

  • Pho-bo soup can be topped with lettuce, red chili and garlic for spiciness, a little sugar and soy or fish sauce in the broth.
  • Pho-bo soup is also prepared on the basis of chicken broth, but its recipe and, accordingly, the taste is already completely different.

Not only do Russians indulge in borscht and cabbage soup, but they also cook delicious Pho Bo soup according to a Vietnamese recipe. There are 3 types of similar dishes:

  1. Pho bo with beef.
  2. Pho ka with different fish.
  3. Pho ha - chicken.

If you take the original recipe, then only rice noodles are used there. If you can't find it, any other will do. Of course, the taste will be somewhat different. But hardly much worse. And those who are not too lazy, run around supermarkets, will definitely get rice noodles and embody the original recipe.

How did the Vietnamese soup recipe get to our area? During the Vietnam War, many residents fled and left those territories, and of course, they treated new friends and generously shared the recipe for delicious national dish. Fo has been traveling the world since the 1960s.

In Vietnam, the dish is served in 2 main versions: southern and northern. With the southern, a variety of herbs float in the soup and lime is added. With the northern one, there is a lot of green onions and wide noodles are added. Each province has its own, modified recipe.

Many of our compatriots traveling for the first time in Vietnam really like this dish. They note that fragrant herbs, wonderful beef, delicious noodles, and, besides this, raw beef is present in the original recipe. It is said that chicken pho is significantly inferior in taste to beef.

The soup is very satisfying and at the same time easy on the stomach. It is eaten frequently throughout Asia from the South to the East. In Vietnam, beef is twice as expensive as pork. Therefore, soup is eaten on weekends, holidays, treated to dear guests. And on weekdays, you can cook simpler, with chicken or fish. The recipe is passed down from mother to daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, etc.

To make the dish tasty, you need to choose the right beef. They say that it is best to buy brisket. And others argue that the rich broth is obtained from the meat of the leg. Who to believe? Try both options and draw your own conclusions. The broth will need to be strained. The recipe calls for 1 cup. Let the rest of the broth cool on the stove, then hide it in the refrigerator. Prepare another soup, borscht, cabbage soup or a second course on its basis.

By original recipe black cardamom must be added to the broth. With cinnamon and fragrant star anise, it will give the soup the desired aroma and taste characteristic of this particular soup. Palm sugar is also thrown here, which also gives its own special note. If you can’t find one for sale, replace it with an ordinary one.

Some people are terrified of eating food cooked in a special way. raw beef"carpaccio". You can boil the meat a little, of course, you will not know which real taste pho bo, but the choice of technology is yours. Don't be afraid to eat this beef. She is already welded when she is poured with bubbling broth.


  • 200 g beef brisket;
  • rice noodles, which are located like a "nest" in each plate;
  • 3 medium limes;
  • 4 hot chili;
  • 100 g of greens;
  • fish sauce.

For broth:

  • 0.5 kg of beef shank (meat with bone);
  • 100 g fresh shallots;
  • ground fragrant cinnamon with star anise;
  • 50 g ginger;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


It takes 2.5 hours to prepare and makes 6 servings.

  1. Rinse the meat under cold running water. Then pour a little liquid and add all the spices there or selectively to your taste. The Vietnamese most often pickle meat with cinnamon and fragrant star anise. Type water into a 3-liter saucepan, light a strong fire first, and when it boils, make a small one. Throw the meat there and let it cook for 2 hours. You need a rich broth.
  2. After putting the meat on the broth to boil, take 200 g of brisket and put it in the freezer. According to the cooking technology, the piece should freeze slightly. This is so that you later cut it thinly, neatly in portions.
  3. When the broth is completely cooked, you can get a piece of meat from the freezer and, as planned, cut into beautiful (about 0.3-0.5 cm) pieces. If you are afraid to eat raw meat, marinate it. To do this, you need to take pepper with lemon juice. Place the meat in thin pieces in the mixture, and let it stand for a while in the refrigerator.
  4. There is a nuance that the greens are first washed under running water so that there is no dust, dirt, and then rinsed in pre-salted water and laid out on a plate. Rice or other noodles are also placed here. The Vietnamese themselves sometimes take instead rice noodles like spaghetti. Therefore, do not be shy, no rice - replace with ordinary. In one province, the soup is prepared with such ingredients, in another - with others. Therefore, the Vietnamese themselves are calm about substitutions in the recipe.
  5. Cut the chile as small as possible. Squeeze out the lime juice gently. There is already noodles with greens on the plate. Place the meat next to it and drizzle lime juice over the top. Also chopped chili. Let a couple of minutes pass, and you can pour boiling rich broth.
  6. Now drop 2-3 drops of aromatic fish sauce. If you don't really like fish, fish fat, then you will not get used to the smell of fish sauce immediately. To tolerate its rich flavor well, try adding 1 or 2 drops at the beginning or end of cooking to any soup. It will take 1-2 months, and you will get used to its specific smell. If you love fish, you will find it tasty and fragrant.
  7. Pho in the south is served with a slice of lime and a piece of chili. In Vietnam, this dish is prepared both in well-known restaurants and is sold by vendors right on the street to everyone from a large pot. He is very invigorating.

Most often, locals and foreigners order miso, then minestrone, and pho comes in 3rd place of honor. After tasting this dish, in half an hour you will feel a surge of strength and an increase in mental and physical performance. The Vietnamese enjoy this soup at any time of the day, some for breakfast, some for dinner. Therefore, when you want to cook, try for the first time - get all the ingredients and do not hesitate: start! The result will not disappoint you. Great recipe. Enjoy your meal!

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