Vietnamese noodle soup recipe. Vietnamese Pho soup: recipe, cooking features and reviews

Vietnamese pho bo soup, in other words, pho with beef, is one of the pillars of the so-called pan-Asian cuisine, a trendy mix of the most impressive hits that originates in various cuisines of Southeast Asia. I don’t know if the Vietnamese themselves are aware of how fashionable they have become, but pho soup, which appeared about a hundred years ago, has already firmly entered into vietnamese cuisine and acquired many regional variations. Pho soup with beef perfect option for the first acquaintance with the cuisine of Vietnam: which is cooked with the addition of spices, acquiring such unusual taste, you can cook in advance, and then cooking pho bo becomes a matter of 15 minutes. Need more arguments?

Pho soup with beef


for the broth:

1 kg. beef bones

1 bulb

1 piece of ginger

5 star anise

1 cinnamon stick

5 carnations

1 tsp coriander seed

3 tbsp Sahara

2 tbsp fish sauce

juice of 1 lime

for soup:

300 g rice noodles

150 g beef tenderloin

handful of bean sprouts

Cut the onion and a piece of ginger the size of a thumb lengthwise into two parts and burn on a grill, frying pan or open fire until scorched. Toast the anise, cinnamon, cloves, coriander and cumin in a dry frying pan until intensely fragrant. Pour the beef bones with 3 liters of water, add the onion and spices and sugar, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook, removing the foam, for 2-3 hours: the broth should reduce by about half.

When the broth is ready, strain it properly, add lime juice and salt to taste. Taste and season again if necessary to taste: the broth should be a complex balance of sour-sweet-salty, and be a little more savory than necessary - the bland noodles will balance this.

Boil rice noodles according to package instructions and rinse cold water. Cut the beef into thin slices (for convenience, you can freeze it slightly), if there was meat on the bones, cut it also thinly. Bring the broth to a low simmer, place the rice noodles, bean sprouts and meat slices in bowls, and pour over the broth.

According to the rules, slices are laid out in bowls raw meat, which comes to readiness in hot broth. If for some reason this Vietnamese tradition scares you, each slice can be dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and after that they are laid out in bowls.

In each bowl, add a generous portion of thinly sliced ​​green onions, hot pepper and green cilantro and basil. Serve pho bo soup with lime wedges, which are squeezed directly into the bowl for even more flavor. sour taste, remarkably contrasting with other elements of this ensemble - sweetness, saltiness and sharpness.

Svetlana Golovanova, editor-in-chief of the magazine, and Artem Mukhin, the chef of the Mukka restaurant, are not looking for easy ways and go to the Nizhny Novgorod expanses in search of a traditional Vietnamese soup.

Pho is a classic of Vietnamese cooking, invented almost a hundred years ago in Hanoi. It is a broth with noodles, and the main component can be beef, chicken, fish balls, or whatever the cook's imagination suggests. The beef version is called pho bo and is considered basic. We decided to find it in the menu of Nizhny Novgorod cafes and restaurants. Preliminary intelligence gave three points where they are familiar with the secrets of Vietnamese gastronomy. Or, they think they know each other.

Our test drive began in a newly opened location called "Zhar-Balcony". This space on the second floor of the Firebird mall is inspired by examples of European food markets and the legendary Danilovsky Market in Moscow. There are several zones where various cuisines of the world are presented: burgers are prepared in one (where without them), in the other - Portuguese specialties, France is on the way, and several varieties of pho soup are made in a colorful, Asian-looking building. For the purity of the experiment, we chose pho bo to test it everywhere.

Svetlana Golovanova:“Before I came here and personally tried this soup, I read a lot of conflicting reviews about the local pho. Some were enthusiastic, while others were skeptical. So I formed an ambiguous opinion, and after tasting it remained so. On the one hand, the meat is fresh and tasty, but, it seems to me, a little undercooked. On the other hand, the broth is empty. Lacks richness and spices. And celery appeared from somewhere in the soup. As far as I know, in classic recipe it shouldn't be. For me, he is completely redundant here. Onion, cilantro, basil, red capsicum, bean sprouts - yes, celery - I don't know. Rice noodles are good. As a result, the dish seems to be interesting, but something is missing in it, but something, on the contrary, I want to remove. I think you can put 4 points for quality meat, as well as for the price-quality ratio. An impressive portion of pho bo will cost 245 rubles.”

Artem Mukhin:“The temperature of the soup should be higher. Actually, that's why the meat did not grab completely. After all, according to the recipe, it is cut into thin slices and placed in a ready-made broth. Therefore, the latter must be so hot, and the meat slices so thin, that they instantly reach the state of readiness. AT this case almost held out temperature regime. In addition, the meat is cut along the fibers, not across, so it does not chew well. In general, according to the classics, pho bo is made with beef, not veal, so this is such an author's variation on a given topic, but the meat itself is fresh and tasty. It is a pity that it is inconvenient to eat due to improper cutting.

As for the broth, I can assume that a cube is added here, judging by appearance soup. Small-small greens are very similar to the one that is part of the bouillon cubes. The salt and spiciness of the soup is right, but the broth is not rich at all. The taste is there, but the right texture is not. And celery seems out of place to me too. Probably, the second time I would not order this soup.

The second point of our gastro-raid was the Tanuki restaurant on Gorky Square, beloved by many for its rolls and sushi. Of course, we were attracted by the page with soups, where he was found " traditional soup with beef rice noodles, ginger and herbs” pho bo.

Svetlana Golovanova:“What I didn’t feel at all here was ginger, proudly declared on the menu. The broth is not spicy at all. I did not find any ginger, or any spices and spices in it. And on the tables is only soy sauce, that is, it is impossible to independently adjust at least the sharpness of the soup. The broth is rich, unlike the previous version, but the meat is simply terrible. It feels like it has been waiting in the wings for an eternity, frozen and thawed several times before getting into the soup.

Now everyone can afford to relax in Vietnam! Low housing and food prices, great amount interesting places and attractions, warm sea and cozy resort towns - all this attracts tourists from all over the world. And of course one of the main attractions is Vietnamese cuisine.

Pho soup a traditional dish Vietnam

Soup Pho has long won the hearts of not only the Vietnamese, but the whole world. Vietnamese cuisine became popular and widely known primarily thanks to him, since numerous emigrants from this country cooked it wherever they were, and shared the recipe and the secret of cooking with everyone. Ranked among the top 50 by CNN delicious meals peace.

The small homeland of this dish is Hanoi, namely its north - Nam Dinh. For the first time, such a Vietnamese soup became known at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1920s, a restaurant opened in Hanoi that specialized in pho. Europeans discovered this dish by reading in 1935 cookbook"Recipes of the peoples of the world" by Mrs. Morphy.
Pho soup has three varieties: pho with beef (pho-bo), pho with chicken (fo-ga) and pho with fish balls or pieces fried fish(fo-ka). Initially, pho soup began to be cooked with beef, and only with time did various variations of this dish appear. This captures the influence of French colonization. Until that time, cows in Vietnam were considered exclusively working animals. Their meat was not used in writing.
The “purely Vietnamese” ingredient in this soup is rice noodles. Without it, pho soup is impossible. It differs from other types of noodles in that it is almost transparent, it does not need to be boiled (it is enough to pour boiling water over it), and it does not include gluten.

How to make pho soup? Its preparation will not take you much time, and the process of its preparation is no more difficult than ours. regular soup with noodles or buckwheat.
So, to make pho soup, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Beef meat (the best is the leg, here the meat is the softest) - 500-800 gr.
2. Onions - 2-3 pieces.
3. Rice noodles - 300-400 gr.
4. Lemon - 1 piece.
5. Salt
6. Black pepper
7. Ginger (3-4 cm root)
8. Lemongrass (1 teaspoon)
9. Green onion
10. Cilantro

First you need to cook the broth. This is the most time-consuming and lengthy stage of preparation. Pour the meat with water, bring to a boil. After the broth boils, add salt, pepper, lemongrass and ginger. In the end - onion.

When the meat is ready, take it out and cut into thin layers. Dip the noodles in boiling water and cook until medium done. Keep in mind that it cooks much faster than our usual wheat noodles.
After all the ingredients are ready, put the noodles in a bowl, put the chopped meat on top, pour everything with broth and decorate with herbs.

Oh guys, what did we eat today! Thanks to Moose - he saw this soup somewhere on TV and became intrigued. I put off cooking for a long time. And then just now I climbed to read about him, but it’s interesting to cook him! And that's it. Again I read under a hundred recipes in different languages ​​and still cooked. Thanks to Moosie for asking for this soup. This is delicious!!! I recommend it, I wholeheartedly recommend it!

In general, there are many variants of Pho, but the basis is identical everywhere: a strong, clean aromatic broth, rice noodles, green onion. Well, meat can be different: both chicken and shrimp are added (to the main meat), and smoked / dried / boiled meat is added (to the main), and dressings are different: basil / mint / cilantro / parsley / lime / soy sprouts / hoisin sauce /...

Today I cooked, like, classics. We will need:
For the broth (per 2.5L):
2 beef shanks (bare bones. I had a little bit of meat on one shank, I later added it to the soup as boiled, but you can easily without it).
1 medium onion
ginger root (about 5 cm long)
1 sugar cube
5 st. spoons of fish sauce
2 star anise
1 cinnamon stick
1 box of cardamom
1/2 tsp coriander in grains
2 allspice peas
6 black peppers
4 cloves

For filling:
rice noodles (it is best to take special noodles for Phop - flat, resembles tagliatelli. But if you don’t have one (as I didn’t have in this case), any other rice vermicelli noodles will do)
beef (tenderloin is best, but I had meat for entrecote, it turns out very tender. The main thing is a piece of tender meat)
green onion
parsley / basil / cilantro / mint / lime (optional)
Energy value: 49.6 kcal per 100g

When preparing Pho Bo, it is important to follow three rules:
1. onion and ginger bring to process on fire
2. boil the broth for at least 3 hours (the Vietnamese cook it for 12 hours in a row. I cooked it for 5 hours)
3. it is best to let the broth cool completely (put it in the refrigerator overnight), and remove the fat in the morning (just don’t throw it away - it’s so fragrant that it’s a pity to throw it away - you can then add it to another dish when cooking)

We bake the bones in the oven at 230 degrees for 30 minutes. In parallel, we bake (or burn) the onion and ginger. At the same time, we cut the onion into two parts, ginger too (having previously cleaned it). When they began to turn golden or even blacken, we get it - that's what we need.

We put the bones in a saucepan, pour water, bring to a boil, remove the foam, let it boil for 10 minutes, drain the water, carefully wash the bones under warm water. Put the bones back in the pan, pour 2.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, add the onion and ginger.

In a dry frying pan, fry spices for 2-3 minutes: cardamom, cinnamon, pepper, coriander, cloves, star anise - release their aromas.

Add spices to the broth, then put a piece of sugar, fish sauce. We try. If you need to salt, add either more fish sauce, or just salt. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to weak gurgles and, without covering with a lid, leave to cook for 3 or more hours.

When the broth is ready, we filter it, throw away all the spices, onions, ginger, bones. If there was meat on the bones, it can be separated and saved for soup.

We cut raw beef: our goal is to cut the meat so thin that you can admire the sun through it. For this, it is best to cut a frozen piece. Get perfect pieces the thickness of a paper sheet. We cut as much as we want to see on our plate. Postpone.

Assembling the soup
rice vermicelli boil until cooked.
Chop parsley/basil/cilantro, green onion. Slice the onion very thinly.
We heat the bowls in which we will serve the soup.
Put into a warm bowl in sectors: rice vermicelli, parsley / basil / cilantro, green onions. If you put boiled / dried / smoked meat, then put it in a bowl. Put raw meat, onions on top. Pour all this with BOILING (!!!) broth. Raw meat is cooked before your eyes, and you yourself can use it in the condition that suits you best.

Usually, an additional plate with extra is served with a bowl of soup. ingredients that everyone who wishes imposes on himself: lime, cut into quarters, mint, cilantro, soy sprouts, hot pepper etc.

Step 1: Prepare the meat.

Rinse and dry the bones properly. Then put them in a saucepan, fill with clean water and bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes after boiling, then drain the water and replace it with clean water. This will make the broth clear.

Step 2: Prepare the onions and ginger.

Clean the onion. Wash the ginger root well. Then cut each ingredient in half and fry in a dry frying pan until black. You can burn onions and ginger with fire if you have a gas stove rather than an electric one.

Step 3: Prepare the broth.

Add well-fried onions and ginger to the pan to the beef bones, dip all the necessary spices there (star anise, anise, cloves, peppercorns, cinnamon, bay leaves). By the way, some housewives tie spices in a gauze bag, and then lower them into the soup. This is done in order not to catch seasonings from the finished broth.
Also add peeled carrots, parsley (roots or stems) and salt to the soup pot.
Bring to a boil and cook for at least 3 hours on slow fire. In the original, pho soup is cooked for 6 o'clock. So, if you have time, better cook it the right way. And do not forget to remove the foam and fat so that the broth is exceptionally clear.

Step 4: Prepare rice noodles.

Soak the noodles in cold water.
Separately, in a saucepan or free saucepan, bring water to a boil, and then transfer the rice noodles into it and boil for 3 minutes. After that, the noodles must be thrown into a colander and rinsed with cold water. And leave it for now in a colander to drain excess liquid.

Step 5: Prepare the beef tenderloin.

Lightly freeze beef tenderloin to make it easy to cut. Because it will need to be cut into very thin slices so that the meat has time to cook a little in the hot broth.
If you are afraid to eat such raw meat, you can boil beef in salted water, literally dip it on 2-3 minutes into a saucepan with boiling water.
Attention: if there is meat on the bones from which you cook the broth, it must also be cut off and added to the soup when serving.

Step 6: Prepare pho soup for serving.

Get everything ready to serve. Divide the rice noodles and beef tenderloin among serving bowls, and rinse and pat dry the herbs, limes, chili peppers, and sprouts. Pepper and lime will also need to be cut into small pieces. Greens can also be chopped.
Remove all excess from the broth, leaving only the rich liquid.

Now pour the meat with noodles with hot, freshly removed from the fire broth, trying to pour more on the beef so that it scalds a little. Then garnish each serving with herbs, chili and soy sprouts. At the very end, pour lime juice over the pho soup or place citrus slices on a plate.

Step 7: Serve the pho soup.

Pho soup should be served hot. Eat it with a spoon and fork or chopsticks. Stir before tasting, and then enjoy the taste of a traditional Vietnamese dish.
Enjoy your meal!

When serving pho soup, you can add pieces of chicken, fried fish or fish balls. So cook the way you like best.

Sometimes for pho soup, the broth is cooked not only from beef, but with the addition of chicken, for example, you can add a chicken soup set.

In addition to noodles and soybean sprouts, Chinese cabbage, chopped into thin strips, can be added to pho soup.