Which kebab is the healthiest? Barbecue - how not to harm your health.

Someone will unconditionally agree with this statement. Someone will object: “But it’s delicious!” Someone will ask: “Why?” Yes, because it is harmful to health!

Let's try to figure it out without going into long theories. Mayonnaise is a sauce for dressing salads, that is, cold dishes. Mayonnaise does not withstand heat and breaks down into its original components, namely vegetable oil, egg yolk, vinegar (or lemon juice), mustard.

About the Harm of Shashlik

In one of my articles, “On the benefits of kebab,” I mentioned the harmful side. In this article I want to dwell in more detail on this “sick” topic for many.

Incorrectly selected and prepared meat for, and not only, can cause very serious diseases. First of all, this concerns children, pregnant women and people who suffer from diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and others.

When cooking shish kebab on a grill, charcoal grill or barbecue, during frying, a large amount of harmful substances - carcinogens - are formed in it.

The benefits or harms of shish kebab

In a study published this spring by the European Dietetic Association, rabbit meat was named the most dietary. It has been proven that its meat is best absorbed by the human body. Now pediatricians advise parents who are starting to introduce meat products into their child’s menu to start with rabbit meat. By the way, allergies to it are also rare - much less common than to chicken.

What is safer to cook with, both in terms of waistlines and in terms of carcinogenicity? Moreover, now is the most picnic time - the end of May is still far away, and the weather is whispering.

Many people consider this meat too fatty and heavy.

Pork benefits and harms

As a child, each of us heard that eating meat products is necessary for our body. Meat contains a sufficient amount useful substances, for the proper functioning of the body. Many of us have wondered more than once: What are the benefits of pork?

Not only amateurs, but also doctors have been arguing about the benefits of pork for a long time. For some reason, people have the impression that pork is very fatty and a heavy product.

In fact, it turned out that pork is only slightly more difficult to digest by the body compared to other types of meat. But the main thing is that pork is ahead of other types of meat in terms of the amount of nutrients and vitamins it contains.

Shish kebab is harmful to health

Traditional lamb. considered a classic, is very different in its dietary properties from beef or pork. from which in most cases our compatriots prepare shish kebab. Accordingly, the dish itself, after cooking, will have different properties.

But at the same time, there is only one method of preparing shashlik, and both the benefits and harms of shashlik appear regardless of whose meat was used to prepare it.

Kebab: harm and benefit. Indications and contraindications for eating kebab. Kebab recipe

- this dish is the most various options which can be found in most national cuisines peace. Despite this, in our country kebab is usually associated with Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that the word “kebab” itself came from the Turkic language, being a derivative of the word “shish” - spit and literally meaning “food fried on a spit.” However, there is a certain inaccuracy here, since the real one should not be fried, it should be baked.

Shashlik: harm or benefit?

We all never stop thinking about the weekend, vacations need to be planned in advance, a picnic, barbecue, shish kebab. Just before cooking, we suggest you learn about the dangers and benefits of this dish. Little tricks and big secrets for carrying out best picnic without consequences.

In Kazakhstan there is “kauap”, in Armenia “khorovats”, in Azerbaijan and Iran “kebab”, in Turkey “shish-kebab”. It is believed that shish kebab is a traditional oriental dish.

Barbecue on coals - the benefits or harm of a traditional spring dish

Favorite spring dish all Russians - barbecue of marinated meat on coals. There is an opinion that this food, which is often prepared during outdoor recreation, is not useful for everyone. Whether the harm is as great as you might think at first glance, you will learn from this article.

The beloved May holidays will soon come, glorious not only for their labor exploits in the garden, not only for friendly meetings in nature, but also for the pleasure prepared according to different recipes, kebab.

Shish kebab: benefits and harm, recipes for cooking shish kebab

- this is not an original dish at all oriental cuisine, because in the form of meat cooked over coals, it is present in the cuisine of many countries around the world. Yes, the same meat that is still in Ancient Rus' cooked on a spit - why not a kind of shish kebab?

Which meat is shashlik the healthiest, and which is the most dangerous?

Nutritionists also told us what to serve as a side dish for meat so as not to gain weight [+ how many calories are in each type of kebab].

In a study published this spring by the European Dietetic Association, rabbit meat was named the most dietary. It has been proven that its meat is best absorbed by the human body. Now pediatricians advise parents who are starting to introduce meat products into their child’s menu to start with rabbit meat. By the way, allergies to it are also rare - much less common than to chicken.

And what is safer - both in terms of waistlines and in terms of carcinogenicity - to cook kebabs from? Moreover, now is the most picnic time - the end of May is still far away, and the weather is whispering.

So, what does kebab from...


Many people consider this meat too fatty and heavy. Actually this is not true. Lamb is the only type of meat that is included in the “energy” diet popular in the United States, says nutritionist-gastroenterologist Svetlana Berezhnaya. Its essence is to eat those foods that help the body convert calories into energy and support the body during sports. But you shouldn't eat lamb more than once a week.

Lamb also contains a lot of lecithin, which helps us think faster and at the same time regulates the release of insulin. Interestingly, in lamb - the only one of all meat products contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel.

100 grams of lamb shish kebab contains about 320 kcal, and 100 grams of shashlik - 280 kcal.


Suddenly, sexologists stood up for pork: it turns out that only pork (namely lard) contains arachidonic acid, which is involved in the production of male and female sex hormones. By the way, lard is the only product that does not accumulate radionuclides.

But at the same time, pork contains a lot of saturated fats, which quickly make you fat. But there is a trick - soaking pork in lemon juice - it speeds up and reduces the absorption of fats. You can mix the juice with mineral water and add a little mustard - this will make the pork kebab more tender.

100 grams of lean pork ham- 280 kcal, necks - 340 kcal, ribs - 320 kcal.


Veal and young beef contain a lot of complete protein, which is very well absorbed, iron and vitamin A. But in “older” meat, harmful substances occupy a greater place saturated fats and substances that cause oxidative processes in the body accumulate. Recently, doctors involved in anti-aging therapy (anti-aging) increasingly agree that red meat accelerates the aging process in the human body.

100 grams of young beef shish kebab contains about 250 kcal.

Chickens, turkeys

Good chicken meat, not pumped with antibiotics, is very good for our heart; chicken is the champion among meat products for vitamin B6. It also contains a lot of glutamine, a protein necessary to fight stress and support nervous system and immunity (it is no coincidence that chicken broth is included in diets for those recovering from a variety of infections).

Turkey contains the same amount of phosphorus as fish (this element is very important for bones and joints). And recently, a substance was discovered in this meat that helps the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. So if you can’t get a good night’s sleep, a dietary “Indian” kebab will come in very handy.

In 100 grams of kebab from chicken breast- 100-120 kcal, legs - 160 kcal, wings - 180 kcal, turkey breast - 150 kcal.

You can eat more than 250-300 grams of meat per day. Otherwise, in addition to the threat to the waist, the risk of developing... gout increases. The fact is that meat contains quite a lot of purines. These substances are broken down in the body to uric acid, and its excess can lead to gout, cause inflammation and swelling of the joints.

What about the carcinogenicity of kebab? But here science was on our side! After all, carcinogenic substances are formed when meat is fried in a frying pan in a pool of oil (and, in fact, in the oil itself when it is heated, especially repeatedly). When prepared without oil, it is much safer in terms of carcinogens.

Charred meat retains a large amount of vital vitamins and microelements. But you can’t overcook the kebab! An overcooked, sometimes charred crust also produces harmful substances.

What to eat with charcoal-grilled meat?

Pork, beef, and lamb go very poorly with foods rich in starch. It binds proteins and prevents meat from being digested normally. So if you are preparing kebabs, do not serve potatoes, dishes with pumpkin, corn, or squash.

But all green vegetables and fresh herbs(cilantro, dill, parsley, wild garlic, leaf salads). They also help improve the absorption of iron from the liver.

Cucumbers also go well with all types of kebabs, fresh cabbage, kohlrabi, green beans, asparagus, bell pepper, onions - both white and red.

With the beginning of the summer season, all vacationers have a lot of exciting and exciting activities, and, as a rule, one of the most common is a picnic, and at a picnic the number one dish has long been shish kebab. In general, shish kebab in various variations is present in the cuisine of almost every country, but historically it has developed that it is considered an original Caucasian delicacy. The very name of this dish is literally translated as “a dish fried on a spit,” however, contrary to this decoding, the meat for kebab is not fried, but baked. This is all its charm: the meat does not lose its juiciness aromatic juice and languishes on hot coals under a thick golden crust. We will tell you about this amazing dish in this article “Healthy and harmful properties kebab."

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Photo gallery: Useful and harmful properties of shish kebab

There are few people who don't love barbecue. However, do not forget that this dish also hides several delicate nuances worthy of your attention. One of them is the high content of carcinogenic substances in kebab. The main harmful properties of shish kebab are that when coals burn, benzopyrene is released into the air, which, rising upward with the smoke, then settles on pieces of meat, making it not very useful for the human body. About the same amount of carcinogens is contained in the overcooked crust of meat, and this also applies to fish. It’s not for nothing that experts strongly advise cutting off the crust so as not to once again clog your own body. Of course, it’s a pity, because the crust is perhaps the most delicious in all the kebab, but health, as you know, is more important, and by indulging your stomach, you risk developing serious oncology.

It would also be a good idea to soak the meat in a freshly prepared marinade before cooking. It will not only reduce the content of carcinogenic substances in meat, but will also protect you from many harmful microorganisms, because they are very afraid of an acidic environment. The marinade can be wine, juice or vinegar, as you wish.

Inherent in barbecue and beneficial features, for example, in contrast to fried meat it contains no cholesterol and is much tastier than boiled. It is believed that eating kebab may even be beneficial and protect a person from arthritis and diseases associated with cardiovascular system. But, of course, provided that the meat was prepared taking into account all the subtleties and nuances.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that kebab is so loved by people of all ages, there are people for whom it is not recommended to eat it. This is especially true for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The most important thing when cooking barbecue is to choose the right meat for it. All your efforts will come to nothing if it is tasteless, tough or frozen. In general, it is not recommended to use frozen meat for kebabs, and for many other dishes, because their taste is greatly deteriorated by such processing. However, freshly purchased fresh meat is also not suitable; you should wait until the blood drains from it, then just marinate.

If the animal was old and wiry, nothing can be done about it; such meat is no good, and neither seasonings, spices, nor marinade can save it.

However, even if the source material for your creation was selected taking into account all the nuances, it is never too late to spoil the taste of the kebab. This incident can happen if you used kefir as a marinade and served a glass of wine with the meat. From such a combination, not only a weak, sick stomach can rebel, but even a healthy body. In particular, it will make life very difficult for the stomach. By the way, you need to be very careful with the choice of meat that will be prepared for a person with impaired digestion. For example, lamb kebab is unlikely to benefit him, because lamb itself is very heavy meat. Although, it should be noted that barbecue using this particular type of meat is considered traditional; it is very aromatic, juicy and tasty, but it is also much more expensive than the others.

But pork is ideal in this case. It is absorbed by the body much easier, but at the same time its juicy, delicate taste and the enchanting smell can drive any gourmet crazy. Marinating this meat will not take much time, and, believe me, it will more than pay off. It’s even better to choose lean meat, and then you definitely won’t have stomach problems.

Beef or veal is much less often used for barbecue, although it contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for human body. However, if you have firmly decided on this type of meat, it is preferable to take veal - it is much more tender and softer.

Kebabs made from chicken, turkey, fish, seafood and mushrooms are considered very specific. If the first two types can still be understood, because white meat is quite tasty, although a little dry, then all the subsequent ones are considered delicacies, which not everyone can appreciate. Fruit kebab can be considered a completely extravagant type of shish kebab, although, honestly, calling it kebab is not entirely fair.

Shish kebab is not at all an original dish of oriental cuisine, because in the form of meat cooked over coals, it is present in the cuisine of many countries around the world. Yes, the same meat that was cooked on a spit in Ancient Rus' - why isn’t it a kind of shish kebab?

Shish kebab can be cooked over coals, an open fire, in the oven or in a convection oven.

The benefits of shish kebab

Real kebab is absolutely dietary dish, as it is baked and not fried. The meat, surrounded by a crispy crust, simmers in own juice. If you have stomach problems, you can simply cut off this crust.

For a long time, meat consumption was considered the main cause of atherosclerosis. But recent studies show that eating no more than 100 grams of red meat per day reduces the level of excess cholesterol in the blood. It also maintains normal hemoglobin levels.

Eliminating red meat from your diet may cause iron deficiency anemia, as a result of which myocardial dystrophy may already develop.

So cardiologists have completely rehabilitated kebab, consumed in reasonable quantities, of course.

Shish kebab is useful from any meat - lamb, pork or beef, poultry or fish. It is only important that the meat is fresh and lean.

What real kebab it is obtained only from lamb - this is the point of view of gourmets, or rather Caucasian shepherds, simply surrounded by lamb of all stripes.

But nutritionists also advocate lamb, emphasizing that it should not be frozen, but steamed and fresh.

You can also lose weight on low-fat barbecue, because you don’t need any side dish except large quantity greenery and fresh vegetables. And if you sprinkle the finished meat with more lemon juice, it will be absorbed quickly and easily.

The harm of shish kebab

Nutritionists warn against eating the crispy crust resulting from grilling over charcoal. People suffering from peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis may experience an exacerbation of the disease after eating such kebab. Crispy crust that healthy person Occasionally it won’t hurt; those with gastrointestinal diseases should simply cut it off.

People suffering from peptic ulcers and liver diseases should not eat kebab with spicy seasonings, ketchup, lemon juice. They should replace all this tomato sauce or pomegranate juice. And in general, the norm in this case is three pieces of kebab, and the liver will be very grateful for this limitation. And even better for such people traditional shish kebab replace with poultry kebab, which is much better digestible.

Another danger lurking in barbecue is that uncooked meat can harbor an infection, E. coli, causing dysbacteriosis, which will then have to be treated for years.

Neither the freezing of frozen meat nor the high temperature during its death leads to the death of Trichinella. culinary processing. The only way out here is to buy only veterinary-tested meat.

Even if the barbecue meat is of high quality and fresh, it is not recommended to eat it often, especially for people suffering from kidney disease and the elderly.

It is also important who prepares the kebab - whether it is of excellent quality, or undercooked, which can cause heaviness in the stomach, “bear sickness,” exacerbation of pancreatitis, etc.

You can wash down the shish kebab with water, wine, or mineral water. Vodka not only kills the taste of meat, but when paired with kebab, it has a detrimental effect on the liver. For better fat breakdown, you can wash down the kebab with vodka, but in a dose not exceeding 100 grams.

Kebab recipes

Homemade shish kebab

Ingredients: 1 kg lamb, 100 ml pomegranate juice, 50 grams ghee, 3 onions, a bunch of green parsley, black ground pepper 5 grams, salt.
Cut the lamb into pieces of 40 grams and place it in a hot bowl with melted butter(you can use melted fat). Add pepper and salt. Five minutes before readiness, add the onion, cut into thin half rings. Pour into the finished shish kebab pomegranate juice and sprinkle it with fresh parsley.

Caucasian shashlik

Ingredients: 1.5 kg of lamb, 1 lemon, 5 onions, half a teaspoon each of red and black ground pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, herbs and salt to taste.
Cut the lamb fillet into pieces of 30 grams, place them in a clay dish, add black and red ground pepper, salt, grated onion and chopped garlic. Mix. Pour lemon juice over everything and leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours. Thread the finished meat onto skewers and fry until cooked, periodically sprinkling with a mixture of juice left over from marinating the meat and water for juiciness.
A lot of greens are served with the finished kebab - cilantro, tarragon, parsley, basil and green onions.

Fish kebab

Ingredients: 500 grams of fish fillet, 100 grams of bacon, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 onions, 1-2 tbsp. 3% vinegar, spices and salt to taste.
We cut the fish into fillets with boneless skin, cut into cubes of 30-4 grams and marinate in vinegar for 1-2 hours, citric acid, pepper, salt and cut into rings onions. Cut the bacon into thin slices.
Thread lard, fish and onion slices onto skewers one by one. Fry in a pan for 15 minutes, turning the skewers periodically. Then we put it in the oven and keep it there until fully cooked.
Ready kebab is served with tomato sauce.

Kebabs from selected fresh fish produce an incomparable and unique taste. Only necessary the right combination spices and marinades. It is better to take ready-made spices specifically for fish. Sturgeon, salmon, cod, trout, and tuna are suitable for barbecue. You can cook fish kebab on a grill, spit, skewers or skewers. Neither fish nor meat should be salted before frying - salt draws out moisture.

Lilia Yurkanis
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Shish kebab is a dish, the most varied versions of which can be found in most national cuisines of the world. Despite this, in our country kebab is usually associated with Caucasian cuisine. It is believed that the word “kebab” itself came from the Turkic language, being a derivative of the word “shish” - spit and literally meaning “food fried on a spit.” However, there is a certain inaccuracy here, since real kebab should not be fried, it should be baked. It is languishing on hot coals, when the meat is cooked in its own juices, shackled in golden crust and is the main difference between kebab and other methods of processing meat.

The harms and benefits of barbecue - who can, who can’t

If we talk about the dangers of barbecue for the human body, we mean talking about carcinogens, namely benzopyrene. This substance is found in tobacco smoke and is part of the fumes that are formed when fat hits hot coals. Rising upward, it falls on pieces of meat and settles on them. Dark overcooked crust is no less harmful to health, be it red, white meat or even fish. The carcinogenic elements it contains can also provoke the occurrence of cancer. To protect yourself from harmful effects negative substances, the fried crust can simply be cut off.

Marinade, especially acidic one, also protects against carcinogens. This could be vinegar, wine, juice and much more. Meat thoroughly soaked in marinade will not only be less carcinogenic, but also more healthy, since it will contain large quantity beneficial substances obtained from the marinade. In addition, the marinade is a kind of protection against microbes and banal poisoning, because many harmful microorganisms are afraid of an acidic environment.

In general, eating kebabs in reasonable quantities and occasionally is unlikely to cause any more harm than most other types of cooked foods. Moreover, it is believed that properly prepared kebab reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. However, depending on the type of meat and the method of marinating, it may be contraindicated for certain categories of people.

For example, lamb is a rather difficult meat to digest, so its intake should be limited to those who have problems with the stomach and intestines. And any meat soaked in kefir should be consumed with caution by people with unstable acidity levels, since such food intake can result in heartburn and bloating. In addition, this type of barbecue cannot be washed down with wine. This can cause digested food to break down slowly and be poorly absorbed, which can ultimately lead to stomach upset.

Meat for shish kebab

Meat is the basis of barbecue, and its successful choice is 80% of success. The meat must be fresh and chilled. Avoid using frozen meat as its flavor and nutritional values reduced significantly. Meat from a freshly skinned carcass is also not recommended; at a minimum, it should be allowed to sit until the blood drips off, and then marinated thoroughly. The taste of the meat of old animals will differ from the meat of young animals, not for the better, and even the most sophisticated marinades and numerous seasonings are unlikely to help.

The most popular meat for barbecue is pork. It marinates faster, making the dish juicy and soft. Pork consists of proteins that play important role for normal human life, extractives, fat, mineral salts and water. It is better to give preference to lean varieties of pork, they have great taste and are easier to digest.

Lamb is no less popular, but more exotic and not always available. This traditional choice for Caucasian or Central Asian kebab. Its specific taste and aroma are the hallmarks of real kebab.

Beef as a base for barbecue is used a little less often than other types of meat, despite the fact that it is rich in proteins, vitamins A, PP and B, as well as microelements (potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, etc.) . And if you have already chosen this type of meat, use veal - it is more tender and not so difficult to prepare.

Chicken or turkey are white meats that are also suitable for making barbecue. Moreover, it can be prepared not only from fillet, but also from drumsticks, wings and simply chopped chicken into small pieces. White meat is not so juicy, but it is dietary.

In addition, kebab can be prepared from offal, fish, seafood, mushrooms and vegetables. There are even fruit kebabs, but this is, of course, completely an acquired taste, and it is unlikely that such a dish can be considered a full-fledged kebab.

Most delicious recipe kebab

Ingredients: pork (neck) 2.5 kg, red dry wine 125 ml, pomegranate juice 125 ml, onion 8 pcs., lemon 1 pc., hops-suneli seasoning 1 tsp. olive oil 3 tbsp. l., salt and pepper to taste.

Method of preparation: Cut the meat into a large container in large pieces(5x5 cubes). Peel the onion and cut into rings. Mix meat with onion, seasoning, salt and pepper. It is better to do this with your hands, applying a certain amount of force. In a separate bowl, combine wine, pomegranate juice and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Pour the resulting mixture into the meat and this time mix gently, being careful not to crush the meat. Finally add olive oil. Place in a cool place overnight.

Heat the coals, thread the meat onto skewers and cook on the grill for no more than 15 minutes, regularly turning the skewer to prevent the meat from charring. Pour the remaining marinade into a bottle and use during cooking. Ready dish Serve with fresh or heated vegetables and herbs.

Sauce would also be nice homemade. It doesn't take much time, it can be prepared in advance and is much healthier than ketchup. industrial production. Sauce ingredients: 0.5 kg tomatoes, 3 cloves garlic, 1 onion, 3 sprigs cilantro, 5 sprigs parsley, dry seasonings, vegetable oil, salt, water. Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and blanch in vegetable oil within 5 minutes. After grinding with a mortar or spoon, pour the resulting pulp with a glass of water. Chop garlic, onion, fresh herbs and combine with tomatoes. Add salt, season with spices and boil for no more than 5 minutes. The sauce is ready, serve chilled with the meat.