How to make charlotte from puff pastry. Apple charlotte

To add originality to a familiar dessert, you don’t have to resort to complex tricks; it’s enough to replace just one ingredient! Today we will learn how to prepare charlotte from puff pastry, we will learn how to make it both in the oven and in a slow cooker. In addition, in our article you will find several filling options for this unusual pie, because not every “puff” will go well together.

The most important advantage of this dessert, of course, is the short time spent on its creation. There is no need to make the dough, knead it, beat it, just prepare apples or other fruits and that’s it!

There are several recipes for making charlotte from puff pastry. It can be made in a slow cooker or oven, whichever is more convenient for you. First, let's look at the classic method.

It doesn’t matter what kind of dough we take - yeast or yeast-free. In any case, this will have almost no effect on the taste of the pie.


  • Puff pastry - 1 package + -
  • 2 tbsp. or starch 1 tbsp. + -
  • - 1/2 cup + -
  • - 1 PC. optional + -
  • Apples - 3 pcs. + -
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp. + -

Making homemade puff pastry with apples

  1. Defrost in advance puff pastry and leave it to breathe, completely unrolling the roll or removing the layers from the packaging.
  2. Wash the apples, dry them and cut them into small slices or cubes. Set aside.
  3. Grease the pie pan with butter - it will make the dessert more flavorful, roll out one layer a little and carefully distribute it, leaving high sides.
  4. Place the apples inside, sprinkle them with sugar, cinnamon and be sure to add flour or starch. This is necessary so that the filling does not leak out during cooking and becomes thicker.
  5. Cover the pie with another layer of dough, seal the sides well, prick it in several places with a fork, brush it with egg if desired, sprinkle sugar or powdered sugar- this will give the crust an appetizing gloss, and set it to bake.
  6. Keep in the oven at 180C for at least 35 minutes on medium level. After 25 minutes, check to see if the top is burning and, if it seems that it has darkened too much, cover it with foil folded several times.

After time has passed, remove the puff pastry charlotte and be sure to let it cool for at least half an hour, otherwise the filling may leak out when slicing. Serve the finished pie with scoops of ice cream and slices of fresh apples.

As you can see, preparing the dessert in the oven is very simple, but if you want to give it an extra twist, change the filling a little.

Puff pastry charlotte with apples and caramel

We spread the dough in the same way as in the previous mode, and then start preparing the filling.

  • In a non-stick frying pan, melt 70 g of butter and add ½ cup of sugar.
  • Stir it until it is completely dissolved and, when the caramel begins to thicken and darken, add the green ones already cut into small pieces hard apples without skin. They will be required depending on the size from 3 to 4 pieces.
  • Stew them in caramel, adding 1 tsp. cinnamon until soft, then remove from heat.
  • Let it cool quite a bit and put it on the dough. Close the pie and bake in a hot (190°C) oven for 25 minutes.

Since the filling inside is already ready, we only need to prepare the dough, so this puff pastry charlotte is made even faster!

Well, for those who do not have an oven in the kitchen, but do have a multicooker at their disposal, we suggest trying the following recipe for the famous pie.

Puff charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

  • Thaw 1 package of dough and place it on a floured table.
  • Wash and cut 2 apples small cubes, approximately 5 by 5 mm, also finely chop 2 bananas and chop 70 g walnuts. It is better to do this with a knife, since from the blender we will get too much small pieces, which will not be felt in the filling.
  • We combine everything, add 1-2 tbsp. sugar and mix.
  • Roll out the dough into long strips, approximately 6-7 cm wide. Place the filling on each one lengthwise and pinch the edges to make a sausage.
  • Grease the multicooker bowl with butter or vegetable oil and place inside a spiral of puff pastry sausages filled with apple-banana filling.
  • Sprinkle the pie with shavings of butter on top - you can grate it or simply cut it with a knife - you will need about 50 g.

Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and the timer to 40 minutes. Close the lid and, when the time is up, carefully turn the pie over, brush it with egg white, sprinkle with sugar and leave to bake for another half hour.

Before removing the finished charlotte from the bowl, open the lid and wait for 15 minutes, then put it on the board and keep it in the air for at least 30 minutes. This way it will cool down and infuse properly.

Now you know how to cook puff pastry charlotte in a slow cooker or oven. There is nothing complicated in this recipe, and there are plenty of opportunities for experimentation! Try it and surprise your guests and family with a wonderful quick dessert!

Classic apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will receive perfect dessert for tea, apple compote and unusual alcoholic cocktail. Our chef invites you to prepare an almost apple-like home party for unexpected guests in just half an hour.

In addition to the video recipe, we want to please you with our own selections unexpected recipes charlottes.

To add originality to a familiar dessert, you don’t have to resort to complex tricks; it’s enough to replace just one ingredient! Today we will learn how to prepare charlotte from puff pastry, we will learn how to make it both in the oven and in a slow cooker. In addition, in our article you will find several filling options for such an unusual pie, because not every “puff” will go well with each one.

The most important advantage of this dessert, of course, is the short time spent on its creation. There is no need to make the dough, knead it, beat it, just prepare apples or other fruits and that’s it!

There are several recipes for making charlotte from puff pastry. It can be made in a slow cooker or oven, whichever is more convenient for you. First, let's look at the classic method.

It doesn’t matter what kind of dough we take - yeast or yeast-free. In any case, this will have almost no effect on the taste of the pie.

Making homemade puff pastry with apples

  1. Defrost the puff pastry in advance and leave it to breathe, completely unrolling the roll or removing the layers from the packaging.
  2. Wash the apples, dry them and cut them into small slices or cubes. Set aside.
  3. Grease the pie pan with butter - it will make the dessert more flavorful, roll out one layer a little and carefully distribute, leaving high sides.
  4. Place the apples inside, sprinkle them with sugar, cinnamon and be sure to add flour or starch. This is necessary so that the filling does not leak out during cooking and becomes thicker.
  5. Cover the pie with another layer of dough, seal the sides well, prick in several places with a fork, brush with egg if desired, sprinkle sugar or powdered sugar on top - this will give the crust an appetizing gloss, and set to bake.
  6. Keep in the oven at 180C for at least 35 minutes on medium level. After 25 minutes, check to see if the top is burning and, if it seems that it has darkened too much, cover it with foil folded several times.

After time has passed, remove the puff pastry charlotte and be sure to let it cool for at least half an hour, otherwise the filling may leak out when slicing. Serve the finished pie with scoops of ice cream and slices of fresh apples.

As you can see, preparing the dessert in the oven is very simple, but if you want to give it an extra twist, change the filling a little.

Puff pastry charlotte with apples and caramel

We spread the dough in the same way as in the previous mode, and then start preparing the filling.

  • In a non-stick frying pan, melt 70 g of butter and add ½ cup of sugar.
  • Stir it until it is completely dissolved and, when the caramel begins to thicken and darken, add the green hard apples without skin, already cut into small pieces. They will be required depending on the size from 3 to 4 pieces.
  • Stew them in caramel, adding 1 tsp. cinnamon until soft, then remove from heat.
  • Let it cool quite a bit and put it on the dough. Close the pie and bake in a hot (190°C) oven for 25 minutes.

Since the filling inside is already ready, we only need to prepare the dough, so this puff pastry charlotte is made even faster!

Well, for those who do not have an oven in the kitchen, but do have a multicooker at their disposal, we suggest trying the following recipe for the famous pie.

Puff charlotte with apples in a slow cooker

  • Thaw 1 package of dough and place it on a floured table.
  • Wash 2 apples and cut into small cubes, approximately 5 by 5 mm, also finely chop 2 bananas and chop 70 g of walnuts. It is better to do this with a knife, since from the blender we will get too small pieces that will not be felt in the filling.
  • We combine everything, add 1-2 tbsp. sugar and mix.
  • Roll out the dough into long strips, approximately 6-7 cm wide. Place the filling on each one lengthwise and pinch the edges to make a sausage.
  • Grease the multicooker bowl with butter or vegetable oil and place puff pastry sausages filled with apple-banana filling inside in a spiral.
  • Sprinkle the pie with shavings of butter on top - you can grate it or simply cut it with a knife - you will need about 50 g.

Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode and the timer to 40 minutes. Close the lid and, when the time is up, carefully turn the pie over, brush it with egg white, sprinkle with sugar and leave to bake for another half hour.

Before removing the finished charlotte from the bowl, open the lid and wait for 15 minutes, then put it on the board and keep it in the air for at least 30 minutes. This way it will cool down and infuse properly.

Now you know how to cook puff pastry charlotte in a slow cooker or oven. There is nothing complicated in this recipe, and there are plenty of opportunities for experimentation! Try it and surprise your guests and family with a wonderful quick dessert!

Source - website

Apple pie is prepared not only with biscuit dough: A pie with apples made from puff pastry, unleavened or yeasted, homemade or store-bought, turns out delicious and crispy. Vanilla or cinnamon will add a delightful aroma to the finished product; caramel, nuts and other fruits will leave a unique taste. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment!

Classic apple pie made from puff pastry

The classic recipe involves preparing charlotte not only with biscuit dough, but also with puff pastry. Ready dish It turns out more tender and crunchy. To prepare quick dessert, can be used store-bought dough or make it yourself.

For the test we will take the following products:

320 g flour;
0.1 kg butter;
1/2 tbsp. water;
spoon of sugar;
a quarter spoon of salt.

There are many technologies for making puff pastry. More for charlotte the recipe will do instant cooking(in this case finished goods will turn out less crumbly compared to other variations):

Sift the flour onto the table and place the chopped butter on top. Chop the whole mass with a large knife until large crumbs form.
Add sugar and salt to water and stir until dissolved.
Pour the sweet-salty liquid into the butter crumbs and quickly knead the dough.
Cover with damp gauze or towel and place in the refrigerator.
After 2 hours, roll out the cooled mass thinly, fold it twice in the middle (you get 4 layers), roll it out again and continue to repeat the process of rolling out and folding 3 more times.

The dough can be made in advance: it is stored in the refrigerator for about 5 days, if frozen – for several months.

Now we prepare the charlotte itself.

For her, in addition to the dough (half a kilo), we take:

a couple of apples;
50 g sugar;
melted butter or milk (to lubricate the surface);
powdered sugar;
Add raisins (3 tablespoons) to the filling if desired.

How to cook:

Divide the dough in half, roll it out, and place one layer in the prepared pan. The mold can be greased and plain water, then the dough, having absorbed it during the baking process, will become even more fluffy.
Cut the apples into small cubes, mix them with sugar and raisins. To give a pleasant aroma, you can stir in a little ground cinnamon(small spoon).
Place the filling on the dough in the form. To prevent the resulting liquid from leaking out during the cooking process, it is advisable to sprinkle flour (2 spoons) or starch (1 spoon) on top.
Cut the second layer of dough into strips of equal width.
We lay the strips on top of the filling, forming a “braid”, connect their ends to the edge of the bottom layer and pinch them well.
Coat the surface with milk or butter.
Bake at 200°C for a quarter of an hour.
Reduce the temperature in the oven to 160° and bake the product for another 10 minutes.

Sprinkle the cooled charlotte with powder and divide into portions.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

A delicate dessert with banana flavor can be prepared in a slow cooker.

To do this, use the following for a package of puff pastry:

2 apples and bananas;
70 g nuts (walnuts);
sugar - about 50 g and a little more to sprinkle on top (you can use powder for this);
white from one egg;
butter – 50 g.

The cooking activity is not particularly different from the traditional recipe:

Prepare the dough: defrost and transfer to a floured table.
Make the filling: chop the apples, bananas and nuts into small cubes with a knife and mix with granulated sugar. It is better not to use a blender, as the end result will be a mixture from which it will be difficult to isolate any individual taste and enjoy it.
Roll out the dough into a strip 7 cm wide.
Place the filling in the center of the strip along the entire length, and then pinch the edges.
Coat the multicooker bowl with oil (any kind), and then place the resulting sausage in it, rolling it in a spiral.
Sprinkle the surface with chopped butter (you can finely chop it with a knife or grate it).
Bake in the “Baking” mode for about 2/3 hours.
After the time has passed, turn the charlotte over, coat it with egg white, sprinkle with sugar and bake in the same mode for about another half hour.
First leave the finished charlotte in the multicooker for a quarter of an hour, opening the lid, then transfer it to a plate.

After half an hour, you can cut into portions and serve.

From puff pastry without yeast

A wonderful pie with apples made from puff pastry without yeast can be made using a very small grocery set:

dough packaging;
a couple of apples;
2 yolks;
sugar, ground cinnamon - to taste.

The dessert is prepared very quickly:

Roll out the defrosted dough into a wide strip and place it on a prepared sheet (greased or lined with parchment).
We thinly slice the peeled and cored fruits and place them in the center of the layer along the entire length.
Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture on top.
We cut the sides of the layer into equal horizontal stripes (before the filling).
We wrap the strips over the filling, connecting them at the top (left and right).
Coat the surface with yolks.
Bake at 180° for about half an hour.

Open apple pie

For a juicy dessert you need to take:

puff pastry (one layer from the package);
sugar – 8 spoons;
apples – 4 pcs.;
egg (you only need the white).

How to cook an open pie:

Cut the washed and peeled fruits into thin slices.
Roll out the dough thinly.
Place in the pan, pressing lightly against the side walls, securing the edges.
Arrange apple slices beautifully in a circle and sprinkle with sugar.
Cut off the corners of the dough and bake.
Beat the egg whites with sugar (50 g) until foamy; pour the resulting mixture into the filling.
Sprinkle the top with baked corner crumbs.
Bake for half an hour at medium temperature.
Leave in shape until cool.

Transfer the cooled dessert to a flat dish.

Simple and quick recipe

You can very quickly make charlotte from ready-made dough.

In addition to puff pastry, you will need:

3 apples, peeled and cut into thin slices;
1/2 cup sugar;
butter for greasing the mold (preferably butter);
yolk - for greasing the top of the pie.

Culinary activity in this case does not differ in special actions:

Defrost the dough and divide it into 2 unequal parts. We roll out both parts, cover the larger part with oiled bottom and walls of the mold.
Lay it out in a row apple pieces, sprinkle them with sugar.
Cover with a smaller layer of dough and pinch the edges. Pierce it in several places with a fork.
Bake for about 25 minutes. at a temperature of about 200°C.

With the addition of pears

A delicious apple and pear dessert is prepared from:

packaging of dough (any puff pastry);
fruits (2 apples, pears each);
sugar (150 g);
cognac (1 spoon);
1 egg;
chopped almonds (50 g).

How to cook:

Divide the dough in half, roll out both parts to the size of the baking sheet.
Cut the peeled fruits into thin slices and mix them in a separate bowl with cognac.
Place one layer of dough on the prepared baking sheet.
Lay out on top fruit pieces, sprinkle them well with sugar and then chopped nuts.
Cover with a second sheet of dough and pinch the edges.
We make small punctures on top with a skewer or fork and put them in the refrigerator for a third of an hour.
Coat with beaten egg.
Bake for half an hour at 220°C.

Apple charlotte with caramel

A sweet pie is obtained if you use caramelized fruits as a filling.

To prepare the filling take:

3 sour apples;
100 g sugar;
70 g butter;
a spoonful of ground cinnamon to add a unique aroma.

Preparing the caramel filling is quite simple:

Cut the peeled apples into cubes.
Melt the butter in a frying pan, add sugar and cook, stirring constantly, until it dissolves.
Add fruit cubes, cinnamon and cook over low heat for 2 minutes, and then turn off the heat.

It turns out very sweet filling. That is why it is preferable to take sour varieties of apples. If there are none, then you can slightly oxidize the caramel itself by adding a little citric acid or juice.

When creating a charlotte with caramel, it is better to divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Moreover, 2 parts are combined and used to form the bottom and side walls of the pie, and a third is used for the top.

The surface of the product is coated with beaten yolk and sprinkled with powder, and then baked for about 2/3 hours at medium temperature (185°).


To prepare a fragrant apple pie, prepare:

packaging of puff pastry (yeast);
5-6 apples;
100 g sugar;
60 g flour;
a spoonful of lemon juice;
a spoonful of ground cinnamon;
a couple of pinches of nutmeg;
a little salt.

Prepare cinnamon charlotte like this:

Put the oven on preheat (it should warm up to 220°C).
Place a rolled out layer of dough on the bottom of the prepared pan (it should cover not only the bottom, but also the sides).
Core the washed apples and cut them into thin slices.
Mix fruit pieces in a separate bowl with all the spices, then spread on a layer of dough.
Cover the workpiece with the other half of the dough and pinch the joints. The top can be coated with beaten egg to ready pie turned out rosy.
Place in a preheated oven. After about a third of an hour, cover with a sheet of foil folded in three to top part the charlotte is not burnt, and bake for another 20-25 minutes.

Before serving, the pie must be cooled for 1-1.5 hours.

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Puff pastry charlotte with apples is surprisingly tasty and delicate pastries, and easy to prepare. Therefore, we decided to invite you to bake this fabulous charlotte for your household!


Step-by-step recipe for making Charlotte from puff pastry with apples with photo

So, let's get to work:

First wash the apples, then remove the core and cut the fruit into slices.

Place the apple slices in a container and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll out the dough, you will get two layers.

Place apples in sugar on one test layer, roll the product like a roll, press down the edges.

Make another roll in the same way.

Next, you will need a baking tray, grease it and carefully place the dough pieces with the filling.

Beat the egg and brush the rolls with the egg mixture.

Now you need to turn on, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the pie for literally 5 minutes. That's all, in a couple of minutes there will be a delicious charlotte puff pastry with apples!

Video recipe for Charlotte made from puff pastry with apples

Charlotte made from puff pastry without yeast

We also advise you to prepare an equally tasty, juicy and tender charlotte from puff pastry yeast-free dough!

So, in order to bake this dessert pastry you will need:

apples – 500 grams;
ready-made puff pastry – 1 pack;
sugar – 4 tablespoons;
crushed crackers - 4 tablespoons;
cinnamon – 1 coffee spoon;
raisins – 50 grams;
walnuts – 50 grams.

Well, let's get down to business:

  1. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it defrost.
  2. Next, you need to immediately turn on and preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  3. Wash, peel the apples and cut the fruit into thin slices.
  4. Place the apple slices into a container, sprinkle with sugar, add crushed nuts, raisins, add cinnamon and mix thoroughly.
  5. Now roll out the dough, grease it, use butter, sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.
  6. Next, lay out the filling, which you also sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs.
  7. The product must be rolled up like a roll and placed on a greased baking sheet. Let the product bake for half an hour. That's all, when the specified time expires, you can taste the delicious and tender pie- Charlotte!
Enjoy your meal!