How to make caramel candies. How and from what can you cook caramel yourself?

Caramels are sweet and viscous, with an expressive creamy-butter aroma. I have loved butter caramel since I was a child, you must be dear readers too. This is such a delicacy, almost toffee, only more elastic. But not everyone knows how to make caramel at home. It is on the principle of adding fat - butter and cream - that many recipes are based, from delicate sauces before traditional apples in caramel.

I bring to your attention variations on the theme - caramel popcorn(as in a movie theater), covered with the same apples, creamy caramel sauce and . Everything is very simple and without a thermometer! Go ahead, caramelize with pleasure!

  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • package of salted popcorn for the microwave.
  1. Start with salted popcorn, microwave it according to the instructions, and pour it into a large bowl.
  2. In a small saucepan with a long handle (this will make it easier to pour), pour sugar, pour in water and lemon juice. Acid lemon juice will prevent unwanted crystallization, so do not omit this item.
  3. Wait for the sugar to completely absorb moisture, then heat, stirring lightly with a silicone spatula, until the sugar is runny and clear.
  4. When the sugar turns into a liquid state, do not stir it, do not touch it. For this amount of sugar, three minutes of boiling is enough to start darkening.
  5. After three minutes, add the melted butter, cut it into pieces in advance. The butter will begin to melt and foam, this is normal, mix the caramel with the butter until smooth and let it simmer for another minute or two. Carefully, sugar mixture Very hot!

Pour the caramel over the popcorn and stir-stir until the caramel coating on the cereal is completely set. Stirring is important so that the pop corn does not stray into a single caramel mass.

How to make caramel apples

  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water (possible with dye);
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 40 g butter creamy fat content 82%;
  • 6 small juicy apples
  1. and pat dry with a towel. Choose small fruits so that they have time to bake in hot caramel. Apples must be dry so that it does not slip off them.
  2. Stick a stick into each apple, Chinese disposable sticks are great, they can even be painted to taste.
  3. In a small saucepan, mix sugar with water, lemon juice and honey. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Then add the oil, mix until smooth, reducing the heat a little. Give the mixture time to develop a beautiful caramel color, this will happen in three to four minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat immediately.
  5. Dip the apples in the caramel, swirling to evenly distribute the caramel layer.
  6. on a greased baking sheet to completely harden the caramel. While the layer is still warm, sprinkle the dessert with nuts, rice balls or cereal.

How to color caramel? Dissolve in water (2 tbsp.) a little helium coloring or, if you want a pink color, change the water beetroot juice. Experiment and use your imagination!

caramel sauce

  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of water;
  • 100 g cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • 100 g of butter with a fat content of 82%;
  • a pinch of sea salt.
  1. In a saucepan, heat sugar with water, stirring, as if dividing the sugar mass with a silicone spatula into sectors, rhombuses and zigzags.
  2. When the mass becomes liquid, let it boil for 3 minutes and then add the crushed butter. The mixture will boil and the butter will begin to melt.
  3. Stir the caramel until smooth and slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the cream. From the time you added the oil, another 4 minutes should pass.
  4. After adding salt, carefully stir the caramel sauce from wall to wall so that air comes out of it.
  5. Pour into a glass jar and let cool.

Caramel sauce is wonderful, pancakes and baked apples. Can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

caramel toffees

Ingredients for 15-20 sweets:

  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 110 g butter 82% fat;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of molasses, or light honey;
  • 40 g cream;
  • a pinch of sea salt.
  1. Heat the butter with sugar and molasses for about 4-5 minutes over medium heat until the mixture becomes a light brown hue.
  2. Slowly add cream and stir for another minute.
  3. Add salt and stir, remove from heat.
  4. If you have silicone pastry mat- Pour the caramel over it and let it cool. Alternatively, a baking sheet greased with oil is suitable.
  5. When you can comfortably touch the elastic caramel mass, divide it into several oblong snakes and begin to stretch and bend, stretch-roll-bend in half. Until they begin to lighten and harden.
  6. Then you can cut, with a buttered knife, caramels. So you get cute little candies. On top I put a sprig of thyme and a lavender inflorescence, I like it so much. You can also add a few salt crystals. in transparent cellophane and decorate.

Be sure, a handful of homemade caramels, presented to friends or colleagues, will make their day more beautiful.

It's good to sit at the computer with a caramel on the cheek, next to the zhinka, the kids are talking together in a crowd. I prepared delicious things, let the family have fun. There will be no sad faces nearby - I know for sure!

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. So caramel, despite its simplicity, is one of those ingenious culinary inventions that have not lost their significance and popularity over time. Probably, many people remember those very seductive cockerels on a stick, without which not a single fair could do before, or everyone's favorite Monpasier. The list of treats that owe their popularity to the inventors of caramel can be continued for a long time, as over time many desserts have appeared, based on this sweet miracle.

But even today, caramel is often used in pure both liquid soft and solid. It is used to decorate or complement desserts and other dishes, as well as to prepare candies.

Below we will tell you in detail how to make caramel at home.

How to make caramel from sugar?

To prepare caramel from sugar, pour the required amount into a saucepan or other dish with a thick bottom, put it on the stove and, stirring constantly, keep it on high heat until the sweet crystals begin to turn into a liquid mass. At this point, reduce the heat to a minimum and, without stopping intensively stirring, let the sugar melt completely. As soon as we have achieved a homogeneous transparent result, immediately remove the dishes from the heat and pour over silicone molds or use as intended. At the end of the melting of granulated sugar, you can add aromatic spices for additional palatability caramel.

It is very important to stir the sugar continuously and intensively to avoid burning, and also try not to overexpose the sweet mass on fire. In this case, we get burnt sugar, and not everyone's favorite caramel.

How to make salted caramel in the microwave


  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • brown sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • light coloured corn syrup- 100 g;
  • - 125 g;
  • sea ​​salt - 30 g.


We combine all the ingredients in a container suitable for cooking in microwave oven, and mix. We stand at maximum power for about six minutes, stirring once every minute and watching the process. You may need a little less or more time, because everyone's devices are different. The result should be a homogeneous, creamy mass without lumps.

When ready, pour the caramel into an oiled container with a diameter of thirty centimeters, cool for fifteen minutes at room temperature, sprinkle sea ​​salt and set in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Then we cut into slices, wrap them in wax paper and put them in a convenient storage dish.

We get original creamy caramels with a contrasting salty-sweet taste.

How to make liquid (soft) caramel at home?


  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • salt - a pinch.


To prepare soft caramel, we need a saucepan, frying pan or other utensils with a thick bottom. Pour granulated sugar into it and melt it as we described in the recipe above. First, warm up over high heat, as soon as it starts to melt, reduce to medium and let the crystals completely melt over minimal heat.

Remove the pan from the heat and very carefully pour in the warm milk little by little. Beware of splashing How can you get burns from hot drops. Then we put the caramel on the smallest fire and, stirring constantly, bring the mass to uniformity. It is very important that the caramel does not boil at this stage. If the temperature is too high, the milk can curdle and turn into flakes.

Remove the finished homogeneous caramel from the heat, add salt, vanillin and butter and mix until it dissolves.

With this ratio of products, a fairly thick soft caramel is obtained. For a more liquid result, double the portion of milk.

Caramel is a well-known delicacy. Caramel is used to make toffees, lollipops, decorations for confectionery. BUT how to make caramel yourself at home?

Easy sugar caramel recipe


  1. Water - 125 ml
  2. Sugar - 500 g


Put all the ingredients in a saucepan. We put it on medium heat and wait until the sugar has partially dissolved. We begin to stir the liquid with a wooden spoon until the caramel darkens to the desired color. But, keep in mind, the darker the caramel color, the more bitterness will be in its taste. After all, it is burnt sugar that gives a rich brown color. Besides, the darker the color of the caramel, the less sweet it is and may burn to the pan. Therefore, if you do not want to get bitter caramel, make it as light as possible.

Creamy caramel recipe

Creamy caramel is a delicacy no less familiar to all of us. From creamy caramel, sweets such as "Korovka", toffee "Golden Key" and "Kis-kis" are made.


  1. Sugar - 200 g
  2. Milk - 50 ml
  3. Butter - 100 g
  4. Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Vanilla sugar - 2 packs


Very carefully, over low heat, heat the sugar until melted, then add the milk. Boil the mixture for ten minutes, all the while stirring with a wooden spoon. After the specified time, add butter, honey and vanilla sugar. Continue to boil the caramel until it thickens. Put the finished mass on a sheet parchment paper, wait until it hardens a little, and cut into small pieces - sweets.

How to make caramel "Cockerel on a stick"?

“Cockerel” is a caramel on a stick familiar to us from childhood, the grandfather of the currently famous lollipop. Is it possible to cook "Cockerel" on a stick at home? Of course!


  1. Water - 100 g
  2. Sugar - 300 g
  3. Food coloring (if you want to get a colored "Cockerel")


Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer until sugar is completely dissolved. Once the sugar has dissolved, continue to simmer for about ten more minutes. But, in no case, do not bring the caramel to a golden, and even more so, brown color. It must remain transparent.

After the caramel is ready, we remove it from the heat and pour it into a special mold. As sticks, you can use cut straws for a cocktail. The form into which the caramel is poured is pre-lubricated vegetable oil. The caramel poured into the mold is kept in the cold until completely solidified.

Making homemade caramel is much easier than you think. How exactly - read on ...

Initially, for the preparation of any dish, you need to prepare everything necessary ingredients and inventory. Let's start with this.

1. Dishes.

Caramel should languish during cooking. And for this, it is best to use dishes with a thick bottom: cast iron, aluminum, etc. But if such dishes are not available, you can use a simple frying pan with a Teflon or ceramic non-stick coating.

2. Ingredients.

The simplest caramel is made from sugar and water. But there are more complicated options (for example, banana or crispy). And if you want to get a special caramel, then you should prepare the right ingredients in advance.

Let's look at regular caramel. Many culinary experts and gourmets are sure that a really good caramel is made exclusively from brown cane sugar, and not from white beet sugar. And this is absolutely justified, because in itself cane sugar has a caramel flavor and a mild aroma, so caramel from it inherits its many-sided and exquisite taste qualities.

To obtain dark caramel, unrefined cane sugar Demerara TM "Sladov" is perfect. This sugar is made from special kind sugarcane, which retains a rich brown color, as well as a tropical taste and aroma of cane.

Light caramel is best prepared from golden cane sugar, for example, Golden Granulated TM "Sladov". It will make caramel not only attractively amber, but also healthy. Known fact: Cane sugar contains useful material, B vitamins and a number of minerals. That is why all the sweets made from cane sugar benefit the body.

3. Safety

Precautions in the kitchen are an important component of the successful preparation of any dish. And the case with caramel is no exception, because during the languishing of sugar, the scalding hot mixture can get on hands and clothes. Putting on an apron, armed with kitchen mittens or gloves, and not turning on a strong fire during cooking, you will 100% successfully and absolutely safely for the skin of your hands and clothes prepare delicious sweet caramel.

Now let's find outhomemade caramel recipe :

We put the pan on low heat, pour 1 cup of cane sugar into it and pour 4 tablespoons of water into it. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. As soon as the caramel begins to darken, turn off the heat and use it (for example, to pour over dessert or add to porridge). However, you should not leave the caramel in the pan for a long time, because after cooling it will firmly stick to the bottom and walls of the dish.

Another option for homemade treats - milk caramel:

Pour 0.5 liters of milk into a saucepan, bring it almost to a boil and make a low heat. Then slowly add 3-4 cups of cane sugar, stirring constantly, and continue to stir until the mixture becomes brown. After that, add 100 grams of butter, mix the mixture well and leave to cook over low heat.

After 1 hour of cooking, we will get a delicious milk caramel cream.

1.5 hours of cooking - and we have homemade condensed milk.

After 2 hours of cooking in a saucepan will be milk caramel.

2.5 hours of cooking will give us milk toffees.

banana caramel, which was mentioned above, is prepared easily, simply and quickly. To do this, when caramel acquires a brown hue, add chopped bananas to the pan and simmer the whole mixture for 1-2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

BUT crispy crust can be obtained by adding a little cognac at the end of the caramel preparation and setting it on fire.

Now you know how to make homemade caramel in different shades, flavors and textures.

Enjoy your meal!

The preparation of homemade caramel and sugar candies is based on general rules, although the result can be completely different variants sweets. The basic principle of making caramel at home is the rejection of the use of harmful substances:

  • artificial flavors;
  • chemical thickeners;
  • synthetic dyes.

To make these lollipops or soft caramel at home, which, by the way, is suitable for cakes and other desserts, it is enough to use ordinary sugar, water and lemon juice.

There are several options for making caramel. All of them are quite original and simple. Culinary experts also know some secrets of cooking this sugar-based sweet.

The most important rule to remember is that sweets cook very quickly. That is why you should not be distracted. Otherwise, everything will burn. You should also prepare in advance the forms into which you plan to pour the sweet viscous mass. They must be lubricated with vegetable oil without a pronounced odor. Such a trick will help you easily remove candy.

If, during the preparation of caramel at home, burnt sugar got on some dishes or surfaces, such items should be soaked in water as soon as possible. Otherwise, the mass will stick and it will be very troublesome to deal with it.

There is another secret to making homemade caramel. To make not just sweets from sugar, but original dessert, you should use:

  • nuts;
  • confectionery powder;
  • coconut flakes;
  • pieces of dried fruit;
  • slices of berries and fruits.

The photo shows different versions of this dessert. Choose the one you like the most!

Caramel Recipes

There are several recipes for making liquid sugar syrup at home. On its basis, sweet caramel is made. The photo below shows some of the options for preparing this sweet.

Recipe 1: Classic Homemade Caramel

The classic recipe for homemade caramel is quite simple. It does not require adherence to complex and multi-stage technology. For the preparation of sweets, expensive and rare ingredients are not needed. But the result will certainly please! A viscous delicious caramel is perfect for tea, coffee and toast. Having decided to use this recipe, it is worth preparing the “right” dishes in advance. The pan in which the sugar will melt should be with a thick bottom and walls. This will allow the sugar to heat evenly. Otherwise, the molasses may turn out to be burnt. As a result, the whole caramel will turn out with a bitter taste.

Another way to make caramel classic recipe- Proper heating of sugar. This must be done over medium heat. The mass will have to be constantly stirred so that the sweetness does not burn and does not stick around the edges during melting.

To prepare this caramel with the taste of cream, you need to take the following set of ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 450 g;
  • butter - 45 g.

Butter is a very important component, and if desired, milk can be replaced with cream.

On a note! Sometimes sugar syrup is poured into hot milk. But in this case, the mass forms a lot of foam, from which you can get burned.

That's all! Homemade viscous caramel with butter is ready! step by step photos The instructions above will help you avoid mistakes when cooking this sweet dessert.

Recipe 2: caramel on a stick

Caramel on a stick is a traditional delicacy that was extremely popular just a few years ago. This sweet is loved by both kids and adults. Previously, such candies were prepared in the form of cockerels, bunnies, stars and other figures. But you can also make round caramel. To prepare such candies, you do not need to purchase expensive components, and the process of cooking sweets is quite simple and fast. If desired, you can dilute the taste of delicacy with freshly squeezed fruit juice.

It should be borne in mind that the process of making such candies from caramel on a stick is quite simple. But there are some nuances. This recipe requires constant monitoring and care. So it’s definitely not possible to cook such caramel and do other things at the same time.

To make these sweets at home, you need to use the following ingredients:

Note! From the specified number of components, 12-16 lollipops will be obtained.

Recipe 3: Delicious Soft Caramel

Soft tasty caramel - great dessert for the whole family. Its preparation can be somewhat troublesome, but the taste of the finished delicacy is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Ready soft caramel can also be used as a filling for rolls and cakes.

To prepare such caramel, you need to take the following set of components:

  • milk - 100 g;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • butter - 50 g.

Video: how to make caramel at home