Sole tongue (pangasius) in batter. Sea tongue in batter (step by step recipe with photo)

Today we will prepare the sea language. Unfortunately, under the guise of this fish, unscrupulous sellers often offer us pangasius. It should be said right away that this is absolutely different fish although it looks similar. Real sole is not cheap and is considered a delicacy. How to cook it? Especially tasty is the sea tongue in batter.

How to cook sole in batter?

Such a seemingly simple dish, like a fish fried or baked in batter, is actually quite capricious. No, it is not difficult to prepare it if you follow some important rules. Let's look at them in detail:

  • Before you fry any fish in batter, you need to properly heat the pan. If this is not done, the batter will spread, and ready meal it's far from aesthetically pleasing.
  • For the same reason, you need to make sure that the batter is not too liquid. And if, nevertheless, in your opinion, the batter is liquidish, add a little sifted flour.
  • There are two ways to fry the sea tongue in batter - with an open and closed lid. In the first case, the fish will be covered with a crispy crust, and in the second, it will turn out juicy and soft.
  • You should not put too many fish pieces into the pan at a time, otherwise they may stick to each other, and the temperature threshold of the oil will drop sharply, the batter will get wet, which will affect appearance ready meal.
  • Sole, cooked in batter, harmoniously combines to taste with vegetable side dish and cream sauce.

Here, in principle, are all the secrets of cooking sole fillet in batter, now you can safely move from words to deeds.

Classic recipe

So, we are preparing the sole in batter. A recipe with a photo will help you understand this simple culinary process. Classic and perhaps the most delicious batter consists of flour and eggs. These simple ingredients help us fry juicy and tender fish.


  • 0.5 kg of sole (fillet);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 st. l. sifted flour;
  • 5 st. l. filtered water;
  • ¼ tsp soda;
  • 0.5-1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • a mixture of spices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.


  • Rinse and dry the fish fillet. Cut the sea tongue into medium equal pieces.
  • Season the fish with spices and salt. Mix everything and leave for 15-20 minutes.

  • In the meantime, let's prepare the batter. We drive the eggs into a deep cup, lightly salt, add granulated sugar and soda.

  • With a mixer or blender, beat the egg mixture, as they say, until a stable foam, and then pour in the filtered water.

  • Without ceasing to work with a mixer, add the sifted flour to the batter.

  • The finished “correct” batter resembles sour cream in consistency, that is, it is neither thick nor liquid.

  • Heat refined vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  • Dip the fillet pieces well in the batter.

  • Carefully put the fish in the pan and fry on one side until a beautiful golden crust appears.

  • Then fry the fillet on the other side until cooked.

  • Put the fried sole in a colander or on a kitchen paper towel to drain excess oil.

Baked fish under a cheese coat

We already know how to fry the sea tongue in batter, and now let's look at the recipe for baked fish under a cheese coat. The role of batter will be performed by breadcrumbs, grated cheese and a mixture of oils. Of course, such a batter is more like a breading, but if you get a fish delicacy in your hands, this recipe is a must-try.


  • 0.7 kg sole fillet;
  • 1 st. bread crumbs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • salt;
  • a blend of spices;
  • vegetable oil.


  • Wash the fillets and dry them.

  • Rub the fish with spices and salt.
  • We cover the baking sheet with food foil and grease with vegetable oil.

  • While the sea tongue is saturated with spices, prepare the batter. Combine breadcrumbs with softened butter.
  • Let's add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and grated cheese, mix. Chopped herbs can be added if desired.

  • Since our batter consists mainly of dry ingredients, we will not dip the fillet in it, but go the other way.
  • Posting fish fillet onto a baking sheet and sprinkle with the prepared mixture.

  • We bake the sole for 15-20 minutes at a temperature threshold of 200 degrees.

  • Serve the finished dish with your favorite side dish.

Fish sticks are the perfect appetizer!

If you are planning a small party with friends in the evening, for a snack, cook fish fingers from the sole, baked in batter. Such a dish is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. And it is best served with cheese sauce.


  • 1 kg fillet of sole;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100-150 g of sifted flour;
  • 100-150 g breadcrumbs;
  • 100-150 g of cheese;
  • salt;
  • spices.


  • Rinse the fillet, dry it and cut into oblong pieces.
  • Rub the fish with salt and spices and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now we need to make a triple batter. Beat the eggs well, pour the sifted flour into a separate bowl.
  • Grate the cheese and combine with breadcrumbs, mix.
  • Prepare a baking sheet: cover it with parchment.
  • Dip fish pieces in flour.

  • Now dip the fillet in the eggs.

  • Then roll the fish in a mixture of breadcrumbs and cheese.

  • We spread the sea tongue in batter on a baking sheet at some distance from each other.

  • We bake fish sticks in the oven at a temperature mark of 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Sole tongue in batter- very appetizing and tender dish. It will fit almost any festive table. The recipe for making sea tongue in batter will come in handy if you want to diversify these that have become familiar. The batter, which is prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be very airy and will simply melt in your mouth. Sea tongue in batter will surely appeal to all your household members.

Products to cook sole in batter:

sole fillet - 2 pieces (medium),

eggs - 2 pieces,
flour - 6 tablespoons with a slide,
water - 6 tablespoons,
salt, pepper,
soda, sugar - 1 pinch each.

Sea tongue in batter recipe:

The sole is recognized as one of the most common products, with the help of which you can cook many fine dining. But from the sea language you can also cook quite simple meals, for example, fry it in a pan. Next, we will describe in detail how to cook fried sole in batter. So let's get started.

Defrost the sea tongue fillet and rinse.

Then cut it into portions, put on a dish, sprinkle them with pepper and salt.
Leave the sea tongue to marinate in this way, and at this time start preparing the batter.

To prepare the batter, add one pinch of sugar, pepper, soda and salt to the eggs. Beat everything with a mixer until foam forms.

And without stopping to beat everything with a mixer, add flour.

The cooked batter should, in its consistency, somewhat resemble thick sour cream.

Put the pan on the fire, heat it up a little. Then pour on it sunflower oil and wait 30 seconds for the oil to become warm.

Take a piece of the sea tongue, dip it on all sides in batter and send it to the pan in oil.

Fry the sole until golden brown on both sides.
Put the finished fish in a colander to drain excess vegetable oil.

Place the finished sole in a deep or flat serving dish. Also sprinkle it with olives, pitted olives or onion half rings.

Sea tongue in batter will undoubtedly be an excellent second course, as well as hot or cold snack on the New Year, Birthday, or any other holiday. It goes well with champagne, red or white wine or soft drinks.

Watch the video recipe How to cook sea tongue in batter.

Sole tongue or European salt - fish of the Salt family of the Flounder detachment, dietary valuable product, the object of fishing. Dwells in warm waters tropical and subtropical seas. This fish looks very similar to the flounder, has the same laterally flattened, but more elongated oval body structure (the usual body length rarely exceeds 30 cm). Salt scales are small, hard, pale brown with dark spots, which allows it to successfully camouflage against the background of a sandy bottom. On the underside of the body (in the natural state facing the bottom) the color is lighter. Like the flounder, both eyes of the salt are located on the same side, which is due to the benthic lifestyle.

It should be noted that sole is considered a delicacy product (unlike pangasius, which unscrupulous trade employees sometimes pass off as sole). So it is better to buy this fish whole, and not in the form of a fillet.

The flesh of the sole contains many useful substances: protein, amino acids (lysine, tryptophan and methionine), essential fats, as well as taurine, vitamins A, B, D, E, F, PP, compounds of potassium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, zinc, copper and iron.

Sea tongue can be cooked in different ways, including frying in a pan. There are two options: fry, roll in flour (or), or fry in batter. As we remember, batter is batter, a mixture of eggs with flour, sometimes with the addition of milk and / or some other ingredients. Any product fried in batter (including fish) will be juicier than just fried.

Sole fillet recipe in batter


  • fish sole;
  • chicken egg;
  • milk;
  • high-grade wheat flour;
  • dry ground spices (black and allspice, grated nutmeg);
  • greens for serving (basil, parsley, cilantro, marjoram);
  • vegetable oil for frying.


First, let's properly cut the fish. We remove the hard skin with scales, for this we make transverse incisions at the base of the tail, separate the skin along the edge of the incision and, firmly grasping the edge, sharply tighten it to the head of the fish. We cut off the head, tail fin and the hard part of the remaining fins, remove the gills. We make a longitudinal incision along the ridge and remove the fillet. From the parts remaining after cutting the fish, you can cook the broth.

Cooking: for 2 chicken eggs need 2 tbsp. spoons of medium-fat milk or light beer and about 2 tbsp. spoons of flour. We mix all these ingredients so that there are no lumps, add dry ground spices and beat lightly with a whisk or fork (or a mixer at low speed, the batter should not be too fluffy). The dough should have the density of liquidish sour cream and be viscous.

We will fry whole pieces, since the sole is a rather medium-sized fish.

Now the actual preparation of the sole in batter. We heat the oil in a frying pan, dip-dip the fillet pieces in batter. Fry on both sides over medium heat until cooked, which can be judged by a golden hue. All this happens quickly, because we fry the fillet without bones, for about 8 minutes. You can still hold on the lowest heat for 5-8 minutes, covering with a lid.

Serve with greens, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. It would be nice to submit some light sauce like lemon garlic. As a side dish, you can serve rice, pasta or potatoes, it is also good to serve fresh vegetables and maybe even fruits with not too spicy and pronounced flavors. Wine is better to choose table white or pink, or cold light beer.

You can complicate the recipe a little: put the ready-made still hot sea tongue, fried in batter, on a dish, and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. The cheese will melt slightly and will be very tasty.

Sole tongue, or salt - what kind of fish is it and what is it eaten with?

The sea tongue, or salt, is an exact copy of the popularly beloved flounder, only in miniature: the fish has the same flattened body, both of its eyes are on one side of the head. Each fish has its own texture of meat and bones, its own taste and aroma. And, of course, the methods of preparing this marine animal are different.

Salt is good for everyone: there are practically no bones, the meat is the most tender, it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most delicious fish. Dishes from it can be prepared both simple and sophisticated. But ... there is not even one "but".

A warning

Sole tongue is a fish that is banned for consumption in many countries of America and Europe, because it is literally stuffed with poisons, heavy metals, bacteria and hormones. Where did the fish get all this from? Solea, or rather, the same pangasius (river catfish), which is sold under the guise of salt, is bred artificially. The main place for fish breeding is, for the most part, Vietnam, or rather, its famous Mekong River, which is one of the most polluted on the planet. To accelerate the growth of fish, "secret" hormones are imported from China, the composition of which is not subject to publicity. Certainly these drugs are not safe for human body. A small part of real salt is caught from the Black Sea, so when buying a product, you should definitely ask the seller where the fish was caught and from where it was delivered.

About the product

Real sole has a truly divine taste. Many are prepared from it. excellent meals, delicious in their own way. And the sea tongue, baked in the oven, and simply fried in breadcrumbs in a pan - each of these dishes is special. Usually, this fish is served with expensive and gourmet sauces. Very tasty sole in batter. The recipe for its preparation is simple and there is not a single version. However, it should be remembered that all recipes are only suitable for making real salt.

Sea tongue in batter - the first recipe

To cook fish according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients: half a kilogram of sole fillet, a glass wheat flour, three eggs, an incomplete glass of milk, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, vegetable oil, spices for fish, salt, dill, lemon, black pepper.

Cooking process

Rinse and dry the fish. Grate on all sides with spices, sprinkle lemon juice and marinate for 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the batter. To do this, beat the eggs, add mayonnaise and flour with salt to them, stir so that there are no lumps, and gradually dilute the mixture with milk. Add chopped dill and pepper to the mass. The batter should have a consistency like thick sour cream. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Take two forks. Dip each piece of fish in the batter on all sides and, using forks, carefully transfer the fish to hot pan. Fry until beautiful golden brown a few minutes on one side and a little less on the other. Transfer the finished fish to a colander, on the bottom of which put a paper towel in advance in order to stack excess fat. Fry all the other pieces of salt in the same way. Sea tongue in batter is ready! You can serve it with your favorite side dish.

Sea tongue in batter - recipe two

Required ingredients: a kilogram of sole fillet, salt, lemon, 2/3 cups of flour and milk, three eggs.

Cooking process

Cut the fish in portions, drink lemon juice, lightly salt and marinate for 15 minutes. Whisk the yolks with large quantity salt, dilute with a couple of tablespoons of milk, stir with flour until smooth and gradually add the rest of the milk to the mass, constantly stirring the mixture. Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff and carefully fold them into the yolk mixture. Heat a wide frying pan with plenty of vegetable oil (about 2 centimeters from the bottom), dip the fish in batter and fry for two to three minutes on each side to get a beautiful, appetizing crust.

I will be serving a delicacy for dinner today - sea tongue in batter. Why a delicacy? Yes, because this fish is very difficult to get. European salt (this is the name of this fish) is not often sold in supermarkets.

When buying, be careful. Often dishonest sellers give out the usual one for the sole, the cost of which is much less. The scales of the sole are bluish-brown in color with small dark spots. She is very tough and small. Cleaning high-quality scales is quite difficult. Therefore, I recommend buying finished fillet to conserve energy and save time.

The sole is somewhat reminiscent of a flounder, but the taste is more pronounced. Marinating the fish for a long time is not worth it. Also, you do not need to use a large set of spices. A mixture of peppers will suffice.

If you decide to fry the sole in a pan, then be sure to use breading or batter. And it will be reflected in the taste, and it will look more beautiful in finished form. But I don’t really like baking sole in the oven. AT fried- the most suitable option, in my opinion.

Cooking steps:


Sole tongue 400 g, egg 1 pc., flour 1 tbsp. spoon, starch 1 teaspoon, a mixture of peppers to taste, vegetable oil 50 ml, salt to taste.