Hercules or oatmeal. Uncrushed oatmeal

Hello, dear blog readers! This morning I got up and decided to cook oatmeal. As you know, porridge is our mother. And probably only the wild tribes in Northern Guinea don’t know about the benefits of oatmeal. So I took out the rolled oats from the bins, I decided to do everything simply: brew the flakes with boiling water and let it brew... Has anyone noticed anything suspicious? Gotcha! So, scandals, intrigues and our serious “oatmeal” investigations.

Hercules and oatmeal: what is the difference, why do we need to know this and how to use secret information?

So what's the difference?

Believe me, this is not the same thing. Oatmeal is whole grains: it will take much longer to cook real porridge, not from flakes, because it needs to be boiled.

And rolled oats is the commercial name for oatmeal. It is much more popular than porridge because it cooks quickly, you can even just pour boiling water over it to have a tasty meal.

However, among the people, and even in recipes, these concepts are often confused. You can find in the recipe oatmeal cookies“2 tablespoons of oatmeal” does not mean that you need to put oatmeal in there, which itself cooks for about an hour. The author just meant cereals.

To avoid such confusion, you need to understand the difference between rolled oats and oatmeal. Plus, sometimes it's nice to know that you know something better than others, right?

Photo: whole oatmeal. Cooking - about 60 minutes.

Photo: crushed oatmeal. Cooking 40-45 minutes.

There is also crushed cereal (without flattening and processing like flakes) - it will be ready in half an hour. True, it’s so rare that it’s easier to grind a whole one yourself :)

Well, you've probably seen Hercules more than once. Read more about the differences below.


To make it easier to compare, I suggest using a convenient table:

The glycemic index is an important component in. The lower it is, the slower the food is digested, or rather, the longer period of time carbohydrates from food enter the bloodstream. With a low GI product, you can be sure that saturation will last for a long time, and unexpected fatigue and poor health will not occur from a sudden influx of sugar into the blood (have you ever eaten a chocolate bar on an empty stomach?).

According to BZHU, oatmeal and rolled oats are practically no different, except that there is 0.2 grams more fat in oatmeal, but this difference is not significant. But due to the fact that rolled oats undergo heat treatment during the transformation of oatmeal into flakes, it loses some of its nutrients.

The taste of cereal is more delicate, while that of oatmeal is coarser. This is because oatmeal contains more fiber.

As we can see, there are differences, but they are minor. Except for the taste and GI, but for flakes glycemic index You can’t call him tall, he’s medium, which is also good.

The benefits of oatmeal and rolled oats

Both options are good for health and especially for the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Porridge satisfies well, helps to gain strength, takes a long time to digest, so it can rightfully be considered perfect breakfast(read,). This is especially important for those who are losing weight: this dish fights hunger, helps not to indulge in sweets (why, if you don’t want to eat anyway).
  2. The soft, slimy component of the porridge, which is obtained during cooking, envelops the walls of the stomach and promotes good digestion (flakes can even be used for diseases of the digestive organs).
  3. Dishes based on rolled oats or oatmeal successfully combat constipation and toxins. Improves complexion and overall well-being.
  4. Frequent consumption of oatmeal and its derivatives will even improve skin turgor and increase the elasticity of joints, which will undoubtedly affect your appearance.
  5. Cereals and porridge contain iron and phosphorus, which have a good effect on the circulatory system and promote strong bones. However, this does not apply to “quick cereal” (read,).
  6. If you eat oatmeal or its cousin rolled oats often, you don’t have to worry about excess cholesterol: oatmeal simply won’t allow it to gain a foothold in the body.
  7. Heavy salts and dangerous toxins give way to the almighty porridge, so people who work in heavy production are strongly recommended to consume it.
  8. Flakes not only help from the inside, they can be used as gentle scrub for the face: just mix with sour cream and gently wipe the skin, rinse with water.
  9. Healthy sleep? No problem - the B vitamins that the porridge is full of will be given nervous system fortress.
  10. Does your face swell in the morning, is there swelling? This is also not a problem, because the right oatmeal will help here too - it will remove excess water.

Now the question of whether or not to eat oatmeal and its derivatives is closed, right? 🙂

Among the cereals, the most useful are those that have a long cooking time. As a rule, not all of the valuable shell is removed from them. They look like this - you can see that the oat grains are flattened.

What is better for health and weight loss?

If you pay attention to the nuances, then, of course, oatmeal is healthier. It has less GI and makes you feel full longer.

But will you always have time to cook it?

But you can always pour kefir over the flakes, or make a quick and healthy porridge from them. Moreover, even flakes, which have a cooking time of 20 minutes, are easily boiled. You just need to pour it in, close it, add salt to taste and leave for the same 20-30 minutes. You can add fruits, berries to the porridge, sprinkle a small amount Sahara. The recipe for such a “lazy” porridge is described in the article “”.

And if you want to cook cereal with milk, then nothing prevents you from heating it and using it as a filling.

Therefore, if you have time, cook the cereal, but if you don’t, lean on the cereal. What is better and healthier is not fundamental, the main thing is to simply include porridge in your diet, and it’s up to you to decide what it will be made from.

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

Having started studying the culinary topic, I realized that there are a number of ordinary things that we are so accustomed to that we do not notice the nuances and little things. Here is oatmeal and rolled oats. What do they have in common? How are they different from each other? Every morning I cook myself oatmeal. Why not Hercules? What is the power of oatmeal and is there life on Mars? In order to satisfy my suddenly awakened curiosity, I turned to the Great and Terrible Internet. So...

What is what?

Oatmeal or oatmeal These are unhulled oat grains. Their main parts - bran, germ and endosperm - are not removed by milling. When making oatmeal, whole grains are cut into several pieces, but not rolled. Oat bran is the outer husk of oats that contains proteins, fiber, minerals (iron) and B vitamins. Oat endosperm– the intermediate layer of the grain, which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Oat germ is the main element containing vitamins and minerals. Whole grains are much more best source fiber and other important nutrients than refined grains. Oatmeal is rich in natural antioxidants, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements, such as Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium, Calcium. It also contains beta-glucan, which is an important element that helps reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Hercules- these are thin cereals instant cooking. To obtain them, whole oat grains are peeled and the hard shell is removed. Next, the grain is subjected to hydrothermal treatment (steamed at high temperatures). After this, using smooth rollers, the grains are flattened into thin plates. To reduce the cooking time when producing Hercules flakes, cuts are made on their surface to break the fibers. As a result, it will take only 3-5 minutes to get the finished dish (but it may be longer, depending on the degree of preparation by the manufacturer).

Types of oatmeal:

  • Oat flakes “Extra” No. 1 They are made from whole grains. They are large in size and the most useful, as they have useful qualities and contain greatest number fiber.
  • Oat flakes “Extra” No. 2 They are smaller in size than the previous ones. They are made from cut cereals.
  • Oat flakes "Extra" No. 3 These flakes are small and quickly boiled. They are also made from chopped cereals. They carry less benefit. These cereals are suitable for children.
  • Oatmeal "Hercules" They have a smooth surface and are not suitable for cooking in microwave oven. They take longer to cook. Moreover, they passed pre-treatment steam and are not as healthy as previous types of oatmeal. They are also not recommended for daily use
  • Rolled oatmeal
    These are the same Hercules flakes, only for their production they use grooved rollers that flatten the oats and form a grooved pattern on it. They have a difference from “Hercules” - they cook faster. But note that they did not become any healthier due to steam treatment.
  • Uncrushed cereal This product is almost impossible to find on the shelves of Russian stores. It is the healthiest and has similar properties to whole grains. It is used for therapeutic nutrition.

Common features between oatmeal and rolled oats:

Both of these products are made from the same raw material - oats.

The difference between oatmeal and rolled oats is as follows:

  • production technology: oatmeal is whole, unrefined grains, rolled oats are flakes that have undergone hydrothermal and mechanical processing (separation of bran and germ, steaming, rolling). Also, rolled oats is the commercial name for a semi-finished product;
  • biological value - due to technological features production, oatmeal contains more nutrients than rolled oats. The benefit of oatmeal lies in the whole grain and the absence of heat treatment, which destroys the positive properties. Hercules, especially cooked with strong heat treatment, is no different and is in this case an “empty” product;
  • cooking time - for oatmeal it is 40-60 minutes, for Hercules - 3-20 minutes (more real is still about 20 minutes);
  • frequency of use - oatmeal can be eaten daily, but Hercules flakes are not recommended for frequent consumption.
  • The taste of cereal is more delicate, while that of oatmeal is coarser. This is because oatmeal contains more fiber.

Store shelves display cereals from different manufacturers. Some packages bear the inscription “Hercules”, while others for some reason are called “Oatmeal”. A completely reasonable question arises: what is the difference between oatmeal and rolled oatmeal? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

The love for oatmeal came to us from the shores of Foggy Albion and took deep roots in our country, becoming almost the most popular breakfast porridge. Today on sale you can find rolled oats for every taste: coarse “classic” flakes without special processing, as well as instant cereal, which under the influence of hot steam has become suitable for quick cooking.

To understand the main differences between rolled oats and oatmeal, you should understand where the name “Hercules” came from.

The main difference between oatmeal and rolled oats

Thin oatmeal flakes are made from oat grains. Why, Hercules?"Hercules", Soviet tradename oatmeal, who received it after the name of the most powerful Roman hero of myths (his Greek counterpart Hercules), endowed with exorbitant strength and good health.

Behind the scenes, when most people say “oatmeal,” they mean a dish made from oat grains. When talking about “Oatmeal porridge,” they mean oatmeal taken as the basis for cooking. This is the main difference between oatmeal (natural oat grains) and rolled oats (oatmeal).

Oatmeal is a porridge made from unprocessed oat grains. Hercules is any cereal made from oat grains.

All that we see on store shelves in cardboard boxes are industrially processed oat grains transformed into flakes, and it doesn’t matter whether they are called “traditional rolled oats” or “instant oatmeal.”

What is healthier: porridge made from oatmeal or rolled oats?

If you want to get the maximum health benefits, be patient and cook porridge from unprocessed oat grains. If you don’t have the time, patience or desire to spend time preparing grain oatmeal, buy rolled oatmeal, aka oatmeal.

1. Everyone loves breakfast made from cereal. The porridge turns out homogeneous and tender, especially with the addition of milk. If you purchased instant cereal, you can be sure that breakfast will be ready in five minutes. The flakes are usually prepared quick breakfast.

2. Oatmeal dishvery nutritiousand retains the entire set of vitamins and microelements obtained from nature in in its original form, but coarse grains require pre-soaking, at least overnight, or the porridge is subjected to long heat treatment without pre-soaking, simmering it over low heat or in the oven until the grains are completely softened. Grains are more often used for the treatment of diseases internal organs and preparing rich jelly and decoctions.

The oat grains themselves can be purchased in stores or health food departments. They are the most useful, since they have not been subjected to any processing at all and have retained all their beneficial features unlike processed rolled oats flakes.

But you can’t make a quick breakfast from grains. They are very tough and require pre-soaking or long cooking. Ready porridge They produce a coarser grain, the grain is not completely boiled and retains its original structure.

So, greatest benefit Oatmeal porridge brings health.

Hope answer to the main question, what is the main difference between oatmeal and rolled oats is now clear.

Eat porridge and be healthy!

Eating porridge is very important for the body not only of a growing person, but also of an adult. There are different types of porridge, but perhaps the most popular are oatmeal and oatmeal. They contain many useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on physical and mental endurance, immunity, and general condition of the body. However, many people mistakenly believe that oatmeal and rolled oats are the same thing. Oatmeal is often equated to rolled oats, whereas these are completely separate nutritional substances. The ability to understand this issue will allow you to distinguish one product from another, since everything has its place in our... plate.

Oatmeal or oatmeal is a whole grain that is appearance looks a bit like rice. To prepare porridge from such raw materials, 30-40 minutes of cooking is required.

Oat groats

Hercules or oat flakes is the commercial name for cereal that is made from oats, but at the same time it is a different product because a different preparation technology is used. First, the oat grain is taken, cleaned, steamed and flattened. To prepare porridge from such flakes, it is often enough just to pour boiling water over the rolled oats and after 5 minutes you can already eat.


As already noted, the cooking time for these products varies. In the case of whole grain oatmeal, you will have to spend a certain amount of time, often up to 40 minutes, to get a good porridge and not a paste. As for oatmeal (rolled oats), they only need a few minutes to cook. It is worth noting that sometimes the flakes also need to be boiled, since they may not undergo complete heat treatment, but in this case, much less time is spent on cooking.

The nutrients in the final products also vary. If whole grains retain all healthy vitamins and microelements, then processed cereals are no longer so beneficial for our health. It is also worth paying attention to the so-called “empty” rolled oats - the one that requires only boiling water and five minutes to prepare. It is suitable for those who need a quick snack, for example, on the road, but are not recommended for daily use.

Conclusions website

  1. Oatmeal is a whole grain product, and rolled oats are the commercial name for the prepared product.
  2. Oatmeal takes quite a long time to prepare (cooks for up to 40 minutes), and to prepare oatmeal you only need boiling water and a few minutes of steaming.
  3. Benefit oatmeal consists of whole grains and the absence of heat treatment, which destroys the positive properties. Hercules, especially those prepared with strong heat treatment, is no different from this and is in this case an “empty” product.
  4. You can eat oatmeal often, but rolled oats only on occasion when you need a quick snack (it is not recommended for daily use).

– deposit good health and excellent health. From early childhood, many people know about this, therefore, as they grow up, they experience not only extremely warm, but also nostalgic feelings for these dishes. Perhaps few porridges can compete with oatmeal in popularity.

It is difficult to find a person who has never tried an oatmeal treat with milk in his life and has not asked for more. Rolled oats and oatmeal have become synonymous for most people, but is that really true? Are they different from each other? What benefits will they bring to the body? Let's figure it out.

Is Hercules oatmeal or not?

Oatmeal for breakfast - perfect option

is a mixture of oat grains used to prepare porridges and many other dishes. In appearance, it is an ordinary cereal crop like wheat or barley.

Oatmeal is sold in almost all grocery stores. You can find oat grains in in different forms, however, the most popular are:

  • crushed;
  • solid;
  • processed in the form of flakes.

The beneficial properties of oat crops are preserved in all types of products. The only difference is the cooking technology different types oatmeal and final form ready meals.

- This is a type of oatmeal. It was developed not by scientists or nutritionists, but by marketers. In fact, rolled oats is a common commercial name for the product. All products sold under it are standard oat flakes and have no special characteristics or properties.

Unlike other types of oatmeal, rolled oats have a number of attractive qualities:

  • cook 2-4 times faster (within 5-20 minutes);
  • more tender and delicate in taste;
  • only slightly less useful (most positive properties oat grains are preserved in flakes
  • even after they are created using special technology).

To appreciate all the advantages of Hercules, any person will have to overpay slightly. On average, this product is 1.5 times more expensive than regular oatmeal.

Hercules is very popular and is one of the most popular types of cereals among people.

The benefits of oatmeal for the gastrointestinal tract

Oatmeal goes well with fresh fruit

Oatmeal, beloved by many, is prepared from flakes and grains. As noted earlier, the essence of the dish practically does not change depending on the raw materials used. In any case, oatmeal will be beneficial for the body due to its high content of nutrients.

IN rolled oats There are, of course, fewer of them, which is associated with the processing of them, but for the sake of a more gentle and good taste A small amount of utility can still be sacrificed.

Microelements and vitamins are the main components of oatmeal. When they enter the body, they contribute to its general toning and cleansing of harmful compounds. In addition, oat culture has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • and diuretic effect.

The greatest benefit of oat flakes and grains is for the gastrointestinal tract (hereinafter referred to as the gastrointestinal tract). Their periodic consumption of food is a real treasure trove for the digestive organs. The main benefits of oatmeal are that it:

  1. relieves inflammatory processes and irritation in the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. tones up digestion;
  3. cleanses the entire system of toxins, simultaneously helping the liver and bile ducts.

When systematically taking oatmeal of any form, a person has the right to count on:

  • Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract suffering from duodenitis, ulcers and other pathologies.
  • Stabilization of the digestive system.
  • Rejuvenation of skin and body tissues.

In addition, oatmeal will help cardiovascular system, will speed up weight loss and provide energy that is so important for a person.

The benefits of oatmeal in any form should not be underestimated. Both rolled oats and ordinary grains are an excellent aid for the body, allowing it to function smoothly and fight various kinds of pathologies.

Rules for receiving and preparing oatmeal

Oat flakes have unique properties

Eating porridge periodically is not easy fashion trend among “zozhniki”, but a truly useful measure. The benefits of the same oatmeal are described in detail above and cannot be disputed.

But does it require special preparation or administration? Not really. All you need to do is buy rolled oats or oatmeal and cook them according to the instructions.

To get the maximum effect from oatmeal, your choice should be made in favor of:

  1. whole or crushed grains;
  2. long-cooked rolled oats.

Oatmeal in bags for quick cooking It’s better not to buy fast-cooking flakes. Such products contain few useful substances and rarely have anything in common with regular oat grains.

The process of preparing oatmeal is primitive, and its final appearance largely depends on the raw materials used. If grains were chosen for preparing the dish, then it is enough:

  • Pour 1 part oatmeal with 2-3 parts hot water.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Put on fire and cook for 40-45 minutes, stirring. When boiling, the heat should be reduced.

As for long-cooking cereals, in this case you will need:

  1. Pour 1 part of raw material into 2.5 parts of hot water.
  2. Put the mixture on the fire and cook for about 20-25 minutes, stirring. When boiling, it is also important to reduce the heat.

For one serving of porridge, you should take no more than half a glass of oatmeal, regardless of whether you use grains or flakes. You can add whatever your heart desires to the prepared dish. Naturally, the porridge should be diluted without fanaticism. Most often they add:

  • a couple of tablespoons of regular sugar or honey;
  • berries or;
  • jam or preserves;
  • nuts;
  • spices.