A continuous mash column is a distillery at home. What is this, how can you make it yourself according to the drawings? Concept, milestones of development and features of operation of a mash column

3.5. Working with NBK, obtaining extra-class raw alcohol

3.5.1. General information about working with a continuous mash column

The technology for continuously producing raw alcohol from mash is a method widely used in industry. It is especially convenient when large quantities mash, which does not fit into the still, and requires several still distillations in a row. But, along with saving time and energy, the SS obtained using the NBK equipment has MUCH better organoleptics compared to the one obtained using the still method from the same mash.

This is explained by the fact that the mash, continuously fed into mash column, flows through it from top to bottom in a fairly short time (12-15 seconds). The alcohol evaporates from it so quickly that yeast and other protein compounds simply do not have time to “cook”, introducing their “aromas” into the organoleptics of the SS.

In everyday life, this method has not been widely used until recently, but with the advent of NBK HD/3 (the first industrially produced continuous column for home use), the situation is rapidly changing. Working with it is not difficult, and the quality of the distillates changes dramatically.

Let us explain the principle of its operation using the example of a standard NBK HD/3 column

In the photograph, the NSC column is installed on a cube, which is in this case used as a steam generator. A mash supply unit is installed on the column, which is necessary for dosing the mash flow from the fermentation tank to the top of the column. A standard HD/3 dephlegmator is installed on the top of the column, where CC vapors are condensed and drained into the receiver.

The mash is fed using a feed unit in top part columns, and then flows down along a special structure that creates a thin film of mash on the surface. Water vapor is supplied from below, from the cube. This steam heats the mash film so quickly that by the time it drains to the base of the NSC, the alcohol has time to evaporate “to dryness.” The SS vapors rise up the column and enter the reflux condenser. In this case, the mash is in the column for 10-15 seconds, and the yeast does not “cook” for hours, as with traditional still distillation.

Due to this, the quality of the SS obtained using the NSC is much higher than with the cubic method. Distillates are very different, and therefore distillers who have tried a product obtained using NBK quite often incur additional costs... especially since distillation with NBK is somewhat faster, and cleaning up after working with it is much easier and faster than with the traditional method .

3.5.2 Obtaining SS using NBK HD/3

  1. Thermometers
  2. Pressure gauge
  3. Draining stillage
  4. Feeding mash
  5. Switching on and warming up
  6. Column setup
  7. Working with the mash supply unit
  8. Working with a perelstatic pump
  9. End of work
  10. Periodic column cleaning


To understand the processes occurring in the NSC, it is very important to understand the fact that, as with distillation, there is a counter-movement of liquid and steam.

The mash flows from top to bottom, turning into stillage as it moves, water vapor moves from bottom to top, becoming saturated with alcohol vapor as it moves. But, unlike rectification, steam supply and reflux supply are not connected here. Let me explain this difference. During rectification, the greater the heating, the more evaporates from the cube and the more (assuming the phase factor remains unchanged) the reflux returns. That is, by changing the heating we change the operating mode of the column (steam speed, pressure). And with continuous distillation, the system has two degrees of freedom - steam supply and reflux supply. When these values ​​are constant and correctly selected, the system can remain in this “quasi-stationary” state for hours and days. If the balance is disturbed, either the mash is under-extracted (spillage) or it hangs in the column - choke.

Deputy 1. The ability to correctly use means of monitoring the operating mode of the column when setting the operating mode is the key to trouble-free operation of the NSC

Deputy 2. A stable supply of steam (stabilization of the power of the heating element) and a stable supply of mash (dosing pump) are necessary and sufficient conditions for the stable production of high-quality SS.

1. So, first, about the means of monitoring the operating modes of the column.

1.1. The main thermometer, by which we determine the degree of “squeezing” of alcohol from the mash, is installed at the bottom of the NSC.

So, in any case, the thermometer at the bottom of the column shows the temperature of the stillage.

When accelerating the column, when there is no mash supply, the thermometer may show 100-104C, the steam temperature. When we feed the mash into the column, the temperature drops to about 100C, with a small supply (for HD/3 it is 5-6 liters/hour). As the supply increases, the temperature decreases; a decrease in temperature of no more than 1C is considered the norm.

If your thermometer is not calibrated and does not show these temperatures, it does not matter. What is important to us is not its absolute readings, but its relative ones, the dynamics of changes. It is enough to remember the thermometer readings at a low flow of the buggy, and not allow it to fall when the flow of mash increases by more than a degree.

1.2. The second thermometer is installed in the reflux condenser. It performs illustrative, for the most part, functions - it shows the temperature of steam saturated with alcohol vapor going into the condenser and entering the receiving tank in the form of a liquid.

Typically, with a mash strength of 9-10% and a correctly selected mash/steam supply ratio, the output strength of the mash is 50-65%. Accordingly, the thermometer will show 91.5-93.5C.

A sharp change in these readings may indicate that the column is leaving normal operation.

For example, an increase in its readings may indicate that the mash has stopped flowing normally (clogging, depletion of the mash container). A sharp drop in temperature is a precursor to choking when the mash plug stops letting steam into the reflux condenser. However, these same problems can be monitored by a pressure gauge installed at the bottom of the column.

2. A pressure gauge is a very inexpensive, and at the same time extremely informative device for monitoring the operation of the column. Let's look at this in more detail, as this is important information.

Relatively speaking, there are three operating modes of the NSC.

a) Film - when the mash flows into the column in a thin stream, and the steam “smears” it along the walls. In this “thin film” mode, the pressure at the bottom of the column is almost atmospheric, there is no excess.

b) The other extreme is when the mash hangs with a stopper - the pressure is usually 10-12 mm Hg, choke begins almost instantly

c) An intermediate option, when there is no choke yet, but a sufficient amount of “bubbling” reflux accumulates in the column - bubbling mode.

The pressure is 5-7mm of mercury. This mode is the most productive, but also the most unstable. The flow or heating has increased slightly - and the column tends to choke.

Well, the pressure gauge allows you to clearly and unambiguously understand which mode the column is currently in.

In practice, if the mash is supplied using a high-precision perelstatic pump, and the heating is stabilized, you can work in bubbling mode for hours. If not, it’s better to work in film mode - albeit a little slower, but without choking. Although it is advisable to stabilize the heating in this case as well - otherwise there is a high risk (as the heating decreases) of losing a fairly significant proportion of alcohol.


3.Draining stillage

As already mentioned, the stillage is drained into one of the holes located at the bottom of the column.

I connect the drainage unit to the sewer with a 12mm diameter hose made from a mixture of silicone and PVC. It is cheaper than pure silicone, and at the same time does not soften from high temperatures (stillage has a temperature of almost 100C), like a PVC hose. The latter, from my point of view, is generally of little use for these purposes.

I have this hose connected to a tee under the sink, and the stillage drains directly into the sewer system of the house. VERY convenient and VERY practical - there is no smell, and immediately after the process is completed you can do something else - there is simply nothing to clean up. This is one of the clear advantages of the NBK technology compared to still distillation.

My drain hose lies on the floor without any heat - steam tends upward, as you know. Therefore, steam breakthrough into the drain is only possible when the pressure at the bottom of the column increases to almost drowning.

Another option, in the absence of a sewerage system, is to drain the stillage into some container located next to the NSC. In this case, the container must withstand high temperatures and be large enough - no less than a fermentation container, of course.

4.Feeding mash

As mentioned above, the supply of mash should be

Adjustable, from zero to the maximum possible for a specific mash column

Stable over time so that the column works stably.

IMPORTANT NOTICE. For NBK HD/3, the mash should not have large inclusions, since the gaps for passing the mash in the column are 3-4 mm. Large inclusions (crushed grains, seeds, grape pomace) can clog these gaps, disrupting the operation of the column.

Therefore, if the mash contains large solid particles, it must be filtered before distillation on a medium sieve with a mesh size of no more than 2 mm.

The ideal supply device is a perelstatic dosing pump, which is capable of pumping any mash very stably and for a long time. However, such pumps, especially those made reliably, are quite expensive and therefore not available to everyone.


If a transstatic pump is used, a submersible agitation pump is a MUST. In this case, the hose is simply brought to the surface, and the pump creates an active convention of the mash layers, mixing it.

The mash is fed into the fitting, which is located at the top of the column using a silicone tube. The mixing pump must be turned on in advance, when starting work (warming up the steam generator) - the better the mash is mixed, the more stable the operation.


NBK works very poorly with foaming mash - however, the same applies to still distillation. For example, it is generally impossible to distill fresh beer in a still, even taking into account anti-foam chambers - the spray is so strong. Therefore, such mash must be prepared for distillation. There are different methods of defoaming - pre-heating, kneading, precipitation with bentonite, etc. Therefore, turning on the pump in advance is very important.

5.Switching on and warming up.

Everything is quite simple here.

40-45 liters of water are poured into the cube, the heating elements are switched on to full power mode. If possible, the water is poured already hot, from the water supply, for example - this reduces the start time. The column is assembled as shown in the photograph.

When water boils in the cube, the column begins to warm up very quickly - after a minute or two, the temperature in the reflux condenser is already almost 100C.

There is no return of stillage at this time, since all the steam flies through the heated column to the reflux condenser, where it condenses and enters the product receiver. However, it is advisable to warm up the column for about 10 minutes before feeding the mash.

The value of the pressure gauge readings is remembered, which will serve as a reporting value in the future.

6. Column setup

For the studied column, setting the operating mode is EXTREMELY simple.

After warming up, we reduce the power of the column to the nominal - for NBK HD/3 this is approximately 2500 W. The first modifications operated at the full power of the heating element of 3000 W, but since the stabilization capabilities were limited (the network most often “sags”) the design was changed.

We feed a small flow of mash into the column (about five liters per hour for HD/3). The readings of the lower thermometer decrease slightly (previously it showed the steam temperature). We remember these readings; this is the temperature of the completely pressed stillage. In this case, the pressure gauge should not change the readings - the low flow mode is film.

We set the mash supply to the working value. We check the operating mode with a pressure gauge and the degree of extraction of the mash with a thermometer.

If the pressure gauge shows no more than 5 mm of mercury, and the thermometer readings have dropped by no more than a degree, everything is fine.


If the mash is thicker (or less thick) than usual, the normal feed level may change. Therefore, after setting the working level, you need to observe the column for some time.

If the pressure rises, either reduce the power or reduce the flow.

If the temperature at the bottom of the column drops, reduce the flow or increase the power.

In case of studying the capabilities of the column for your conditions (type of mash, type of feed, etc.), we can recommend the following algorithm for finding the optimal operating mode

  1. We turn on the power to the maximum possible stabilized, supply to the minimum.
  2. We remember the temperature of the bottom of the column.
  3. We increase the feed in stages, with pauses of three to five minutes between increases.
  4. As a result, with the next increase in supply, two options are possible - an increase in pressure above 5 mm of mercury or a drop in temperature below 1C.
  5. If the temperature has dropped but the pressure has not yet increased, it means we have found the maximum supply, make it lower (so that the pressure is no higher than 5 mm of mercury) and fix it
  6. If the temperature does not drop, but the pressure has increased, we reduce the heating by 5-10% and wait until the process stabilizes.
  7. Then we continue to increase the flow little by little (we repeat the process from point 3) until we achieve consistency between temperature and pressure.


I would like to emphasize once again that after each change in the supply or heating level, a certain time is required for the transient processes in the column to end and the regime to stabilize.

7. Working with the unit for feeding mash into the column

Take another look at the overflow device. The pump located at the bottom of the fermentation tank supplies the mash to the unit (tube on the left)

Excess mash, having risen to the cut of the return tube, is drained into it back into the cube (tube and hose from below)

This creates a constant level of mash in the supply unit, which flows through a silicone hose into the column (tube on the right).

The speed of overflow (supply of mash) depends on the difference in levels in these “communicating vessels”. This level can be adjusted in two ways. Firstly, the central tube of the feed unit is movable. By slightly loosening the lower nut, the tube can be pushed inside the assembly or pulled out. The higher the tube inside the body, the higher the overflow, the higher the feed rate.

The second way is to move the body itself relative to the column. The body is held on by a clamp. By releasing it, we can move the body up/down relative to the point at which the mash enters the column - thereby again changing the feed.

8. Working with a perlstatic pump.

The situation is even simpler here.

By rotating the speed control of the pump head, we change the supply of mash. If the pump has a rotation speed indicator (flow rate), then you can note its readings at the operating point and adhere to these values ​​in the future. If not, it’s easy to calibrate the pump for performance using a measuring tank and a stopwatch. In principle, the performance of such pumps practically does not depend on the height of the liquid rise by 2 meters, but if you want special accuracy, the receiving tank must be raised to the point where the mash is fed into the column.

By detecting the supply of mash and the position of the rotation regulator, the corresponding “notches” are made. In the future, they are guided by them, although the primary points (I repeat once again) are a pressure gauge and a thermometer

9. Finish work

The end of the work is either the exhaustion of the contents of the mash container, or the minimum water level in the steam generator cube.

40-45 liters of water is enough to distill 110-120 liters of mash. At home, this is almost always enough. However, if we add more mash, the process can be stopped by stopping the supply of mash and after 2-3 minutes turning off the heating of the steam generator. The remaining water is easily controlled visually using a level indicator. Another option is to use a continuous steam generator, which allows you to distill almost unlimited quantities of mash.

At the end of the mash supply, you need to change the receiving container, and instead of the mash, supply water to the NSC for a while - to flush the supply system and some cleaning of the NSC. After this, the mash supply pump is turned off, and after 2-3 minutes the heating of the steam generator is turned off.

10. Cleaning the NSC

When distilling even sugar (and even more so flour, rich in gluten) mash, over time a layer of solid “scale” of organic origin begins to settle on the walls. The annular trays used in NBK HD/3 usually do not become dirty.

These deposits lead to a decrease in column productivity. True, for the productivity of a column to decrease significantly, it would take more than one thousand to pass through it! liters of mash, but the column MUST be cleaned periodically.

The simplest and most effective method known to me.

The inner rod with the plates is removed and their cleanliness is checked.

The lower holes are plugged, the column is installed vertically in its normal place.

A solution of caustic soda is prepared, at the rate of a tablespoon per liter, and poured into the column. CAUTION - caustic soda is a very caustic substance, it is better to work with rubber gloves.

The solution is left overnight in the column, then drained and the column is washed hot water in sufficient quantities.

Here, in fact, are all the main points related to the operation of the NSC. In fact, everything is quite simple, and the result of her work is worth the technical complexity of the equipment a hundredfold!!

Moonshine still VIP. Continuous mash column HD/3 - 60.

Moonshine still - continuous mash column (NBK).

The method of producing SS (raw alcohol) using continuous mash column (CBC) technology is one of the most popular today. There are more and more fans of this technology in our country.

In addition to receiving SS on this column, it has one more purpose. It can be used for secondary distillation of SS at high quality product credit up to 95% (underrectification). And when using automation in this mode, the process will take place practically without your presence. In addition, the use of automation will allow you to make drinks in a wide range: from 88 to 95%, depending on your taste preferences.

The operating principle of the NBK is quite simple. The mash is fed into the upper part of the column, then it flows by gravity down the plates installed in the column. Steam is supplied from the bottom of the column, which, when it meets the mash, evaporates the alcohol-containing base from it. The alcohol vapors respectively go up the column and enter the distiller installed on the column, condensing into a receiving container. The stillage, passing through the column to its base, is discharged out through a distillation drain or a tube into the sewer (or into a special container for stillage).

Advantages of NBK compared to traditional still distillation.

  1. Organoleptics of the final product. When producing SS using the NBK method, all the aromatic components of the initial raw materials (apples, grapes, grain) are transferred to the final product in a much brighter form. This is due to the fact that the mash entering the column is evaporated by steam in 12-15 seconds, and thanks to this, the yeast and proteins in it do not have time to boil and “transfer” unwanted notes into the product.
  2. With the help of NBK it is convenient to process large volumes of mash. It is enough to configure the operation of the NSC and the steam supplied to it, and then the pump will do everything for you, which does not care what volume of mash it must pump into the column from the container with the mash. Vat distillation is limited by the useful capacity of the cube, no more.
  3. In the case of discharging the stillage from the column directly into the sewer, another advantage of the NBK becomes clear: you do not need to think about how to dispose of the stillage after the process, as in the case of still distillation. You need to do two simple things: turn off the mash pump and turn off the heating. The process is over.
  4. By using a small cube volume as a steam generator, we can distill large volumes of mash. For example, with a 50 liter cube you can distill up to 250 liters of mash on the SS.

Detailed instructions for working with the NBK are presented here.

Among craftsmen, there has long been an ongoing debate about how necessary mash columns are and whether they justify the cost of purchasing them or making them yourself. Let's try to understand this issue.

Unlike rectification, continuous mash column works at high speed, providing the output with very high strength moonshine (almost alcohol). It, like the rectification one, eliminates fusel fumes from the final product.

Some disadvantages

What is a disadvantage for some is an advantage for others. However, before purchasing or making such a device (preferably from copper with your own hands), you should know something.

It is not suitable for the usual practice of moonshine brewing (from time to time, in small batches), since the product intended for processing (mash), the mash column requires at least 70 liters, and even better – 100-120.

Costs are required - either monetary or labor - in order to have such a device. The need for precise and correct regulation of temperature, water flow, etc. It is best to entrust it to electronics, which in other cases causes difficulties.

If funds allow, it is best to purchase finished column, providing continuous action, equipped with electronic control. This will eliminate additional adjustments and initial errors.

How it works?

Let's look at the principle of operation of a mash column so that you can finally understand: do you want such equipment for yourself?

  1. Braga is supplied to the heat receiver (upper part of the column pipe) using a pump.
  2. While in the column, he begins interact with water vapor heated to almost 100°C in countercurrent mode.
  3. Happening heat exchange: the alcohol evaporates, other components with a high boiling point flow down and are removed.
  4. On jumpers made of mesh material, located horizontally, arises focal bubbling. Because of this, the percentage of alcohol in the vapor increases. This is what determines the high amount of moonshine produced.
  5. Are extracted from mash in a column with liquid withdrawal unnecessary components(fusel), at temperatures below 76°C. The temperature must be regulated by the speed at which the mash is supplied, as well as by its temperature.

The moonshine obtained in the mash column has already does not require selection of either heads or tails– the final product is strong and free of unnecessary impurities.

Design features

The design of a continuous mash column at the same time resembles distiller and rectifier. Comprises:

  • reflux condenser— the part that takes care of ridding moonshine of fusel vapors;
    distiller - actually, a distillation device;
  • refrigerator– common or separate for the reflux condenser and for the distiller (read:);
  • pump, feeding mash into the column;
  • thermometers, and even better - temperature sensors.

How to do it yourself?

So that the continuous mash column with your own hands is not only functional, but its operation is trouble-free, there are many nuances to consider c, including frequency of use and production volumes.

You can see a drawing of the popular Malyutka mash column below. It's not that difficult to implement. The name itself already speaks of its compact size. However, it is worth knowing that “compact” does not mean low.

Column height should not be lower than 1.5 meters, better - about 2 meters. With a lower design, it will not provide high-quality selection of alcohol vapor, and a significant amount of it will go to waste.

A special feature of the Malyutka is that the condenser and reflux condenser are located in the same refrigerator, that is, they share the same container with running water. This, of course, saves costs and partially materials.

However, this design has a drawback - it is quite difficult to regulate the reflux process and you may be dissatisfied with the quality and strength of the moonshine. Of course, you can get alcohol of average quality, but you want to be known as a real master of a quality product.

The Marisa mash column, or as it is also called, the Modernized one, will help with this. The refrigerators in it for the reflux condenser and distiller are separated and it makes it possible to correct adjustment obtain rectified alcohol, free of unnecessary impurities, with a strength of up to 97%.

Necessary materials

After reviewing the diagrams for self-made Before starting work, you need to purchase devices and materials. You will need:

  • mash container with a capacity of 100 to 200 liters;
  • one or two containers for arranging refrigerators, depending on the chosen design, or materials that allow you to make it yourself;
  • a pipe with a diameter of at least 50 and no more than 100 mm made of stainless steel or copper with a height of 1.5 to 2 meters;
  • mash supply pump;
  • to control the mash column you need a voltage regulator of the LATR type;
  • thermometers (2 pcs.);
  • Heating element (if provided);
  • fittings, according to the drawing;
  • mesh filter partitions;
  • silicone hoses.

Naturally, for manufacturing to be possible, you also need to have tools and installation equipment.

Now you have learned what a mash column is and how to use it to obtain moonshine with excellent (let’s be honest - unthinkable with other methods) indicators of strength and purity. Easy to make and enjoyable to use!

The mash column is a recent invention used at home for distilling alcohol from any kind. This simple device has gained popularity among summer residents and owners of country gardens who use substandard fruits to prepare mash.

Home distillation has undergone a significant evolution in a relatively short time, going from an ancient coil to continuous column, which, according to its operating principle, is a simplified (home) version of the factory distillation column. What is a mash column and what is the principle of its operation?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this device? Is it possible to make it yourself at home or is it easier to buy a ready-made one? Let's try to figure it out.

A mash column is a device designed for distilling alcohol from any type of mash and equipped with a reflux condenser - a device for partial condensation of the vapor of various liquids that arise during the distillation process.

The reflux condenser separates the vapors leaving the column into separate fractions, returning heavy condensate for further separation of alcohol from high-boiling organic compounds of the fermentation solution (fusel oils).

A continuous column retains the same distillation stages as a conventional moonshine still equipped with a steamer: evaporation plus condensation. The difference lies in the principle of evaporation, which provides high-quality purification of the final product.

The continuous mash column, in accordance with the principle of operation, has a simple structure. It consists of the following key elements:

  • containers (tank, container, cube) for fermentation solution, having three threaded holes for installing a thermometer, outlet tube and safety valve;
  • columns made of copper pipe or stainless steel;
  • a reflux condenser, which is mounted at the top of the column;
  • nozzle for connecting to a condenser of any design (coil, shell cooler, etc.);
  • two thermometers, one of which is mounted at the top of the column, the second shows the temperature in the fermentation liquid container.

Various design modifications of this device may contain: silicone gaskets, clamp joints, adapter couplings of different diameters and bushings. The entire set of elements is usually given in the drawing specification.

Operating principle of a continuous mash column

Before starting the process, it is necessary to install a column with a distillation tank using clamp fasteners. Place the cube on a heat source (electric stove, gas stove etc.).

As the solution heats up, alcohol-containing vapors from the tank rise into the condenser, where they partially condense, settling on the walls of the refrigerator. The rest of the steam continues to move upward.

The first cooler is called partial precisely because it only partially condenses the steam. The settled liquid is called “reflux”, and the cooler, accordingly, is called a “reflux condenser”.

The reflux flows down the walls of the reflux condenser back into the tank, encountering uncooled steam on its way and breaking up into three types of fractions: head, main and tail.

The head fraction (head), including aldehydes, esters and other light substances, is cut off at low temperature at the initial stage. Then it comes to the main fractions (body), containing the alcohol itself, and at the very end of the process, the tail (tails) compounds from fusel oils and other heavy impurities are removed.

During the heating process, condensate fills the walls of the column, reaching the reflux condenser. This happens when the thermometer on the upper cooler shows 51 - 55 degrees.

At this stage, the vapors of light fractions complete condensation and are removed into a special container. This is a poisonous solution and is not used for further distillation. On average, 20 liters of moonshine yield one liter of head fractions.

As the tank heats up, the temperature at the reflux condenser reaches 77 degrees. This is exactly how it should remain during the entire distillation process. During this period, the main fractions—the alcohol itself—are separated from the fermentation vapors.

Fifteen minutes before the end of work, it is necessary to raise the temperature at the upper cooler to 81 - 83 degrees in order to collect “tails” - impurities of fusel oils and other heavy compounds, which are subsequently sent for the second distillation.

The operating temperature of the device is regulated by the top tap at the cooler inlet and the heat source regulator.

Did you know? The standard technological description of the distillation process looks like this: alcohol vapor rising to the reflux condenser continuously reacts with reflux flowing towards it. A heat exchange reaction occurs. Steam takes away the light, low-boiling fractions from the phlegm and leaves it with high-boiling heavy compounds ( fusel oils and water). The product of this long reaction becomes alcohol with a strength of 88 - 90 degrees.

The quality of the output alcohol (purity of moonshine) is achieved by temperature control, which helps to separate the head and tail fractions of alcohol-containing vapor from the final product.

Important! For novice moonshiners, it is necessary to remember: during the distillation process, under no circumstances should the mash be allowed to boil. The temperature in the tank should not rise above 87 - 89 degrees;

Pros and cons of the distillation process in a mash column


  1. Simplicity of the distillation process: the device will work until the fermentation solution in the cube runs out and the water in the steam generator disappears.
  2. Good quality of the final product. The short distillation time does not allow the yeast membranes to “explode” and introduce a fusel smell into the alcohol.
  3. The reflux condenser makes it possible to almost completely remove heavy tailings, sending fusel oils to the tank for new distillation.
  4. There is no need for additional operation: pour the mash into the cube and then pour it out. —The mash container is placed on the stove, then after work, the remaining solution is disposed of in household waste.
  5. Economical use of water for cooling. During the distillation process, it is recommended that the fermentation solution be preheated, so that water is needed only to cool the product and for nothing else.
  6. For continuous operation of the device there is no need for automatic and semi-automatic control regulators. When supplying mash and heat, the device will operate stably in the specified mode throughout the distillation period.


  1. The device can only work with liquid mash made from sugar, flour solutions and - fruit mash—. Malt types of mash must be passed through a filter.
  2. Frequent breakdowns of the tubular electric heater. Due to the large volumes of mash, there is a danger of it being exposed. This requires constant monitoring of the solution level in the tank.
  3. Foamy mash cannot be used for distillation, since the foam is often thrown into the main fractions, which requires additional purification of the final product. - You can remove foam from the mash only with the help of a special defoamer.

How to make a column with your own hands

If you have decided to make a continuous mash column with your own hands and are already mentally imagining the drawings of the future device with all the dimensions, you need to moderate your ardor and stop in time to answer the questions for yourself: how often will you use the device and what volumes of alcohol do you intend to receive at the output?

If you have a small summer cottage with two dozen fruit trees, then seasonal distillation will not require large expenses for making a simple continuous mash column with your own hands and according to your own drawings.

For a farm with a large orchard, you need a powerful machine with high productivity.

Finding drawings for making a continuous mash column with your own hands is not difficult. They are in specialized literature and on the pages of thematic sites on the Internet.

In order to get started, you need to purchase some equipment. Each drawing specification contains full list what you need to buy.

In the very general view the whole list looks something like this:

  • container for fermentation solution and evaporator (volume is indicated in the specification of each specific drawing) – 2 pcs.;
  • copper or stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 50 - 100 mm and a length of 1.5 - 2 meters - 2 pcs.;
  • thermometers – 2 pcs.;
  • silicone hoses (length is indicated in the specification of each specific drawing);
  • assembled cooler or separate parts for it;
  • clamp holder – 2 pcs.;
  • couplings, fittings (quantity and dimensions in the specification);
  • mesh filters and partitions (quantity and dimensions in the specification).

Did you know? It should be remembered that the cost of making a device with your own hands is not without common sense only if you have plumbing skills, as well as general engineering knowledge in the field of heating and electrical engineering.

However, if you wish, you can overcome the difficulties and make the device yourself to receive quality drink, which will be truly yours: from your harvest to your equipment.

After drawing up the drawings and purchasing the components, the work on manufacturing the device can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Preparation of the column itself from a pipe (copper or stainless steel), the height of which must correspond to the dimensions of 50 diameters. Drill a hole for the column in the fermentation tank and prepare an outlet for clamp mounting. Then drill another hole in the tank for the thermometer and mount everything into a single system.
  2. Manufacturing of a reflux condenser. Need to take four copper tubes sizes 20, 12, 6 and 3 centimeters, five couplings with transition to internal thread. Then twist the coil on which you need to wind an aluminum wire to make the refrigerator more efficient and make a cover for the reflux condenser. This can be an ordinary polyethylene lid for a jar, into which you need to melt a nylon sleeve in order to tighten the holder nut during installation. Mount the dephlegmator as a separate unit and only then connect it to the column.
  3. Hole. You need to drill a hole in the column for the second thermometer, which should be located in front of the reflux condenser.
  4. Assembly and installation of a refrigerator-condenser with a tap for water inlet and outlet. Install the tap using silicone gaskets as a single block and then attach it to the column through an adapter.

Listed here are the most necessary operations for the manufacture, installation and assembly of a mash column. However, many craftsmen are trying to improve the device. They include two, three and four dephlegmators in the general distillation system, install automatic relays for supplying water to the condenser cooler, and much more. Everyone decides for himself which device he needs.

Brewing alcohol at home is far from the easiest process imaginable. To do this, you will need not only high-quality ingredients, but also the appropriate equipment and the skills to use them effectively. In this article we will talk about continuous mash columns, which are also known as NBK.

NSC and their application

They are not very common today, although they have high level functionality. On the one hand, people are accustomed to using a standard still for distillation, so they do not want to adapt to something new. On the other hand, the cost of such a column is quite high and can reach several hundred dollars. This is why many people who make alcohol at home do not switch to mash columns. Our article is intended to describe this device, the principle of its operation, as well as the main advantages compared to the standard common method of still distillation. After reading the material, you can decide for yourself which method you prefer.

What it is?

So, first you need to understand what mash columns actually are. NBK is a device that allows you to obtain the purest raw alcohol from mash through steam generation. As you read this article, you will learn about absolutely all the features of this device and cooking method. homemade alcohol. It is worth noting that due to the high cost of the device and its components, this method is not so common in home distillation, but in industrial scale it has been used for quite a long time and is extremely successful. So if you really want to reach a new level of efficiency, then you should definitely pay attention to continuous mash columns, as they will allow you to achieve the desired result.


Naturally, the dream of every home distiller is a mash column. Anyone can assemble this structure with their own hands (the drawings will help you with this). However, it is strongly recommended not to do this yourself, as this may lead to serious negative consequences and can even threaten your health and life. Further in the article we will present best models, which you can safely purchase right now - and then you won’t have to take risks and try to build something by hand. In the meantime, you need to understand the structure of this product so that you have an idea of ​​what such a column consists of, and can also easily navigate the drawings if you still decide not to spend money, but to make the column yourself. So, the device is really not that complicated: the NSC consists of an evaporation tank, directly continuous column, pump, bardot vent, as well as some other parts that may vary from model to model - heater, power regulator, refrigerator, alcohol meters, and so on. Well, now that you know what this device consists of, you can create a mash column. There is no need to draw drawings yourself. You can use ready-made ones (one of them is presented below). The components, of course, will have to be purchased. You will also need to exercise extreme caution. And again we need to repeat: it is not recommended to take risks and make such a device yourself, as this is fraught with not the most pleasant consequences.

Operating principle

The mash column is an idea for those who want to quickly and efficiently obtain alcohol at home. But to use the NSC, you need to understand how it works, not just the design. Accordingly, now you will get acquainted with the process of producing alcohol from mash. The initial raw material, that is, mash, is slowly fed in a thin stream into the heater located on top of the device. Some models may not have this element, but with it the device works much more efficiently. From the heater, the mash enters the column from above, after which it gradually flows down plates located throughout the entire structure. At the same time, steam is supplied from the evaporation tank using a pump, which comes into contact with the descending liquid. As a result, all the vapors containing alcohol come out of it, and stillage reaches the bottom of the column, which is discharged into the sewer through the stillage drain. As for vapors saturated with alcohol, they rise higher and enter the distiller, where they already acquire their normal state of aggregation - liquid. That's all, raw alcohol of the highest quality is ready. As you can see, a continuous mash column works very quickly and efficiently, however, of course, a lot depends directly on the model of the device. Some options that you may consider will be presented to you later. In the meantime, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages of this device compared to the usual traditional distillation still.

A large amount of mash

Now that you can imagine a drawing of a mash column, and also have an idea of ​​what is happening inside the device, you can draw some conclusions regarding the functionality of the NSC. The first is that the use of this device is perfect when you have any amount of mash. The fact is that a standard cube has a limited volume, so only a limited amount of mash can be poured into it, while in the NBK you can pour mash throughout the whole day. Accordingly, if you plan to make alcohol in large quantities, then this device is ideal for you. However, a mash distillation column has more than one advantage, so you should definitely consider each of them in order to fully realize how much more efficient and convenient home distillation will become when you purchase an NBK.

Convenience and order

Those people who have ever used a distillation cube know that after using it, a person will still have to clean it for a long time, since the stillage does not drain anywhere, and the cube must be washed after each use. If you have a mash column, then the stillage obtained during the distillation process is drained directly into the sewer through a distillation drain, saving you from the need to spend time and effort cleaning the stills every time. Thus, as soon as you decide that there is enough distillation for today, you just need to turn off the steam generator and stop feeding the mash. That's all, you can immediately go about your business, since there is no need to clean or put anything away.


While we're talking about saving time on cleaning, it's worth noting that you'll be able to spend less time on distilling in general. The fact is that the NSC uses heat recovery technology, and it, in turn, provides an impressive increase in the coefficient useful action. Accordingly, you can get the same amount of finished alcohol in a shorter period of time, spending much less energy on it. As you can see, the advantages of the NBK are numerous, and you should consider and evaluate them all in order to be able to come to the conclusion that the mash column is the best assistant for any distiller operating at home.

Quality of the finished product in cube

All of the previous benefits are very pleasant, but none of them are so impressive as to force the distiller to switch from the traditional method to using a mash column. Of course, no cleaning required, can be processed more mash and easy saving of time and energy are pleasant bonuses. But the very advantage that is most important has not yet been touched upon. The fact is that when using NBK you can get raw alcohol of much higher quality and much purer. Why? It's actually quite simple. When you use the still method, the process of evaporating alcohol from the mash takes quite a long time. During this time, other chemical processes are launched, during which the yeast contained in the mash is “cooked,” as well as some other substances, which all ultimately give the finished alcohol product additional aromas and tastes. Naturally, when using high-quality equipment, these smells and tastes are barely distinguishable, but they are still present, which significantly reduces the organoleptic properties of raw alcohol.

Quality of the finished product at NBK

If you use NBK, then the process of evaporating alcohol from the mash occurs incredibly quickly - it takes a maximum of fifteen seconds. During this time, none of the side processes has time to reach such a stage as to give the alcohol-saturated steam its aromas and tastes. Accordingly, when using NBK, the raw alcohol obtained is as pure and high quality as possible, and this is what puts mash columns much higher than even the most advanced still.

NBK Vilenoff (6kW)

Now you will get an idea of ​​what NBKs are available on the modern market. The product that we are going to talk about now is the best mash column that you can get your hands on. Its power is 6 kW, which allows the device to function more than efficiently. The unit has a fairly large height - just over two meters. The evaporation tank is located at the very base and has a volume of 93 liters. If we talk about the supply of mash, it is adjustable, that is, you yourself can control how much product will be supplied to the column. The maximum is 70 liters per hour, but you can reduce it to any level you wish. The approximate yield of raw alcohol is 13.5 liters per hour, but this figure is not stable - it largely depends on the quality of the mash you use. This NSC is the best column available to everyone, but it is far from the only one you can get.

NBK AR-480

The previous product costs more than six hundred dollars, and not everyone wants to spend such an impressive amount. So if you still want to purchase an NBK, but do not have such funds, then a mini-bar column may come in handy. It is much smaller in size, it lacks some elements such as the evaporator tank which you will have to attach separately, and it is also less efficient due to the fact that its power is only 2.5kW, which is much less than from the previous model. However, the device still remains incredibly functional, and most importantly, it will cost you only three hundred dollars, which is half the price of a full-size, highly functional NSC. Accordingly, you can choose one of these options - or go in search of some other option. Are you not interested in any of the bar columns? You can build an analogue with your own hands. And although this is not the best or safest option, you cannot simply ignore it and not say anything about it.

Creating an NBK with your own hands

The easiest way out is to purchase a ready-made device, but if you want to experiment, you can try it. Perhaps you will end up with a full-fledged mash column - it is quite difficult to make the device yourself, although everything may look simple in the diagram. As you already understood, you need to ensure that the top container, which can be, for example, an inverted glass jar, alcohol-saturated vapors came in, and spent stillage flowed down. Evaporation must occur in the fan pipe, which must be achieved at a certain temperature. If you understand such devices, then you will have a chance to build something similar. If not, then it is unlikely that you will get something quite effective, and most importantly, a homemade device is not always safe.