The easiest moonshine recipe. What you need to get started

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The technology of making moonshine on sugar is a classic method of moonshine brewing. This type of alcoholic beverages takes pride of place among the citizens of Russia. There are a huge number of distillation methods, however, some methods can bring very bad results in the end.

If you are completely new to this field and do not want to waste your time, then especially for you we have compiled a simple recipe for how to make good-quality moonshine while working at home.

Proper observance of all points in the instructions for creating an alcoholic drink will allow you to make moonshine, which will surpass most of the vodkas sold in stores in quality. We have to consistently study every nuance.

The drink should be brewed only in clean dishes, so before you start doing something, you should check the condition of all containers. First, take the container and thoroughly wash it with heated water, then wipe it with some soft dry cloth.

The external condition of the bottles and pots will have a positive effect on the final quality of the drink. Some inexperienced moonshiners like to neglect the sterility of dishes, after which they claim that the resulting moonshine has third-party smells or tastes.

If you decide to brew an alcoholic drink at home, then you should first acquire certain ingredients. Their presence is necessary when you need to prepare forty-degree moonshine with a volume slightly exceeding five liters.

To brew a drink at home, focusing on the classic technology, you will need:

  1. Six kilograms of sugar;
  2. Eighteen liters of water;
  3. One hundred and twenty grams of dry or six hundred grams of pressed yeast;
  4. Twenty-five grams of citric acid.

  1. You need to calculate proportions. First you need to decide how much moonshine should be at the end of the process. When working at home, one kilogram of sugar should account for 1.1 or 1.2 liters of moonshine with a forty-degree fortress.

    When making calculations, try to increase the total number of ingredients by ten or fifteen percent, because for various reasons the actual yield is usually much less than expected.

  2. Sugar inversion process. At this stage, you need to prepare sugar syrup with the addition of citric acid. Moonshine made from inverted sugar should make the fermentation process faster. And after the moonshiner finishes brewing the drink using a home-made recipe, the taste will be better.

    Sugar inversion goes as follows:

    1. Heat up three liters of water mass, taking a large saucepan, to t in seventy or eighty degrees Celsius;
    2. Pour six kg of sugar. Do slow mixing of the mass until it becomes homogeneous;
    3. Boil the syrup, boil for ten minutes, removing the foam on the surface;
    4. Slowly start pouring acid, lowering the level of fire on the stove;
    5. Boil the contents of the pot for an hour, covering it with a lid.
  3. Water preparation. In order for home-made moonshine to meet the proper level of quality, water should not have taste, smell or color. It is recommended to defend the water for two or three days so that unnecessary impurities settle at the very bottom. However, it is impossible to boil or distill water, because the oxygen necessary for yeast fermentation will be removed from it.
  4. Mixing ingredients. The resulting syrup is poured into the dishes intended for fermentation, then add eighteen liters of cold water.
  5. Adding yeast. The recipe provides for the following: pressed yeast must be thrown into the container itself, kneading them with previously washed hands.

    Before adding dry yeast to the wort area, it must be activated. Boiled water is cooled to a temperature of thirty-two to thirty-six degrees, yeast is added, the pan is covered, and as a result, the container is wrapped in a cloth and placed in a place with a positive temperature.

  6. fermentation process. The bottle containing the mash is equipped with a water seal and goes to a place where the temperature level is from twenty-six to thirty-one degrees.

    The recipe specifies that the following procedure should be provided for maintaining the temperature: the container is covered with blankets, insulated with thermal insulation materials. The fermentation process lasts approximately three to ten days. Next, you need to remove the excess of UG by shaking the mash every twelve or sixteen hours, this should be done for forty-five or sixty seconds.

  7. Degassing and clarification processes. To make high-quality moonshine using our recipe, it is important not to skip this step. You remove the sugar mash from the sediment left by the yeast by pouring it through the hole of the tube into the pan, then warm it up to a fifty-degree temperature.

    The degassed mash must be poured back into the bottle, after which it must be illuminated with bentonite (2 or 3 tablespoons per 20 liters are ground and dissolved in heated water).

    Stir the resulting mass, wait until the resulting clay becomes thick. Add bentonite to the wash, seal the container, then shake. Leave the wash for fifteen or thirty hours.

How moonshine is distilled

  1. Initial distillation. The recipe involves the following actions: merges from the sedimentary layer into a cube for distillation.

    The future moonshine will have to be distilled on a slow flame, as the recipe says. The first fifty milliliters per kilogram of sugar are collected in a separate container for this purpose.
    Next, select the middle fraction, which is called raw alcohol. The process will have to be stopped after the distillate falls below forty degrees. Next, as our recipe suggests, you must remove the fusel oils.

  2. Carrying out cleaning. Further, the recipe announces the need for purification from unwanted impurities so that the resulting moonshine does not contain harmful substances.
  3. Second distillation stage. The diluted crude is poured into a distillation cube, then distilled with a slow flame. Similarly, you remove fifty milliliters of sugar. Further, according to the recipe, you perform the same steps as in the first distillation.
  4. Dilution and settling processes. Moonshine is diluted with water until the desired percentage of strength is reached. To create a soft and balanced taste, moonshine should be bottled. The sealed container should be infused (three or four days) in a room with a low temperature, where there is no lighting.

Of course, in our country there are no such people who do not know what moonshine is, since it is a traditional alcoholic drink of the Slavs. It must be emphasized that in terms of quality and recipe, it has much in common with rum: the only difference will be in the raw materials. At its core, rum is nothing more than unrefined moonshine.

Marriage can be caught in stores

According to statistics, a significant proportion of vodka products that are put on the shelves of our stores are a real fake for the simple reason that the requirements of GOST are often ignored in the technology for preparing a native Russian alcohol-containing drink.

Homemade product - the highest quality

Of course, consumers have an alternative that allows them not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous suppliers of alcoholic beverages. Which? Naturally, prepare an intoxicating drink with your own hands at home. And in fairness, it should be noted that the Russians have already gained some experience in this matter: it is enough to recall the times when prohibition was introduced in the country and many families had to stock up on moonshine stills.

There are many ways to make schnapps at home.

It should also be emphasized that today there is a whole arsenal of ways to prepare homemade schnapps, and from a wide variety of ingredients.

The recipe for sugar moonshine is quite simple: even someone who first hears about the existence of “homemade” vodka can master it. You just need to put in a little effort and have a few hours of time.

The sugar moonshine recipe, of course, involves the use of a moonshine still. In order for the drink to be prepared correctly, it is very important to read the instructions for the distiller and strictly observe the ratio of the constituent components.

Method number 1

So, the recipe for moonshine from sugar. The proportions will be as follows: 10 grams of special yeast, 10 grams of fermentation activators, 2 kilograms of granulated sugar and 8 liters of water. As a result, you will get 10 liters of high-quality mash.

Experts recommend using wine yeast for home brewing, since they accumulate less volatile acids than baking yeast, and also ferment quickly enough, eliminate negative microflora in the drink, and, together with glucose, provide it with a fortress.

The recipe for sugar moonshine involves the following steps: you need to place yeast in a special container, pour warm water and leave them to swell for a quarter of an hour. In parallel with this, 8 liters of slightly warmed water and sugar must be combined in a fermentation tank.

Then fermentation activators and yeast should be added to the resulting composition. It is very important at this stage to ensure high-quality fermentation. In order for the above process to proceed intensively, it is necessary to add about 150 grams of peas to the substance. Next, you should tightly close the fermentation tank with a lid and install a water seal, through which the fermentation process is normalized, and the resulting carbon dioxide is properly removed.

However, the sugar moonshine recipe does not end there. At the next stage, it is necessary to place the fermentation tank in a room with a temperature of + 30-32 degrees Celsius. It remains only to mix the resulting composition several times a day. Braga will ferment for about a week.

The readiness of an alcoholic drink made at home is determined by taste: it should not be sweet. Pay attention to the water seal: if the bubbles do not stand out, then the moonshine has fermented.

However, the above recipe for making moonshine from sugar also involves the distillation of the resulting mash. This is done with the help of special devices: alambika, moonshine, alquitara.

In the end, you will get a pure alcoholic product without impurities and taste.

How to make moonshine from sugar yet? There are many recipes.

Method number 2

When preparing “homemade” vodka, many people prefer to save on sugar, replacing it with jam, since there is more than enough glucose in it. At the same time, it is curious that you can use last year's or even the year before last conservation: the degree of spoilage of the product is of no fundamental importance here. However, make sure that there is no mold. The advantages of this recipe include the fact that a wide variety of types of jam are suitable for making schnapps: cherry, strawberry, apricot, raspberry, plum. Why fill your head with the question of how to make moonshine from sugar when you have a whole arsenal of jam at hand? Thus, you will not only be able to taste a drink prepared with your own hands, but also free up space in your basement or pantry.

So, what is required to make moonshine? You need to prepare a wort or starter for schnapps. To do this, open a couple of three-liter jars of jam and place them in a warm room. As soon as the fermentation process begins, their contents should be placed in a separate container, into which water is then added in an amount of 30 liters.

At the next stage, it is also necessary to put 3 kilograms of sugar and 200 grams of wine yeast into the container. The resulting composition should be thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place for 6-7 days. During this period of time, the fermentation process should be completed. At the final stage, you need to overtake the resulting substance in a moonshine still. The result should be about 9-10 liters of high-quality moonshine. You can combine several types of preservation, then the drink will have a very original taste and aroma. In general, do not be afraid to experiment, and you will succeed!


Of course, the first time you may not succeed as you would like. The main thing is not to despair: already for the third or fourth time of the moonshine operation, you will be able to treat your family and friends with a high-quality alcoholic drink of your own preparation.

Moonshine is not considered an aristocratic drink, rather, it is alcohol for ordinary people, which during the period of prohibition became a kind of salvation for most countries of the former Soviet Union. The main advantages of good moonshine are, first of all, naturalness, availability and versatility. Such a drink is prepared exclusively from natural products, respectively, it does not come out as a surrogate for a store product, while it can be consumed both in its pure form and used to further create analogues of “noble” alcohol (whisky, tinctures, liqueurs and cognac).

For example, from moonshine based on millet or barley, high-quality homemade whiskey is obtained in a short time.

The process of making moonshine at home is not difficult. You can make this drink quickly or using traditional technology - with an exposure of several weeks - it all depends on the availability of free time. So, we offer to consider the best moonshine recipes.

Traditional recipe: sugar moonshine

As a basis for making moonshine, we suggest that you first of all familiarize yourself with the recipe for how to make classic sugar moonshine at home. For this you will need the following products:

  1. sugar - 4 kg;
  2. yeast - 150 g;
  3. pure water - 17.5 liters.

Water should be poured into a deep container, and then heated to 30 ° C. Next, first add sugar to the liquid, then crushed yeast.

Thoroughly stir the starter and leave it warm for about 48 hours.

After the time has elapsed, the mash must be distilled on a moonshine still, or home-made distillation devices can be used for these purposes. For example, a large pot for mash, a bowl for collecting the finished drink, a means of delivering liquid to the bowl as a tube, a lid for a pot with a bottom curved down, or a bowl that will fit snugly against the pan are suitable.

It is important to pour ice water into a bowl adjacent to the top of the pan, while constantly changing it, while avoiding heating.

As for filtration, it is ideal to drive moonshine 2 times using the method of cleaning the drink from fusel oils and getting rid of the “residue” and “pervach”. To reveal this, it is necessary to mentally divide the entire liquid into 5 equal parts, and then leave the middle, except for the first and last part.

And also a good cleaning method is the preliminary cleaning of the mash with potassium permanganate. To prepare this solution, you will need 2 g per 1 liter of mash, which are dissolved in water in advance, and then the liquid is filtered through gauze.

Using such a simple classic recipe, as a result we get about four liters of high-quality moonshine. And, knowing the basis of moonshine, we suggest considering various recipes for making moonshine from vegetables, fruits and other affordable inexpensive products.

Options for bread and potato moonshine

Most of all the moonshine recipes below at home require time (an average of 14 days). But there are also non-traditional ways to achieve product readiness in 24 hours or even several hours.

A selection of recipes for homemade moonshine based on bread products:

  • Alcohol from crusts of Borodino bread. It will take 1.2 kg of bread crusts, 30 pcs. cloves, 40 g of cinnamon and 10 liters of moonshine. All ingredients should be mixed in a container, pour moonshine and set aside for at least 4 days. After that, the moonshine mixture should be diluted with 5 liters of water and distilled to obtain about 10 liters of the finished product.
  • Wheat moonshine. It will take 10 kg of cereals, which should be ground, and then add 0.5 kg of yeast. Pour the whole mixture with 30 liters of water and set aside in a warm place until fermentation. Distillation should not be carried out with hot water, as this interferes with the fermentation process of the yeast. When the mixture begins to ferment, it will need to be distilled 2 times.
  • There is another recipe for making wheat moonshine. 6 kg of grain should be soaked in 10 liters of water, adding 8 loaves of black bread. Separately, cook 10 kg of potatoes, and then knead it. Add chopped potatoes with 1 kg of yeast to the grain mixture, then dilute with 20 liters of water and leave for a week. Then the mash should be overtaken twice.

Potatoes are another product for making good homemade moonshine, the recipes for which are as follows:

  • The best option for processing potatoes is to extract the starch, and then pour it with hot water up to 60 ° C. Then the mixture should be heated to 95 ° C and, after holding for 2 hours, cool by adding malt. After complete cooling, yeast can be added.
  • Having previously cleaned 20 kg of potatoes, add 15 liters of water heated to 60 ° C. Add 1 kg of flour and a little wheat straw to the potatoes, mix thoroughly. When the mixture brightens, the liquid must be drained into a separate container, and the remaining cake should be refilled with up to 10 liters of water heated to 50 ° C. Mix everything and leave for 3 hours. After the time has elapsed, drain the liquid again and add the substance obtained from the first drain. After that, add yeast with the calculation of 100 g per 500 ml. For subsequent distillation and ready-made moonshine, it is necessary to infuse the yeast mixture in heat for 2 weeks.

Fruit Moonshine Recipes

Most of the fruits are used for the production of moonshine. We offer you to familiarize yourself with some recipes for making moonshine based on fruits and berries:

  • Apricot moonshine. Fruits should be washed, then remove the seeds and chop thoroughly. After that, squeeze out all the juice and dilute it with vodka with the expectation of 250 ml of juice 350 ml of alcohol. We mix everything and set aside for a month in a cool corner so that the mash ripens. After the time has elapsed, the mash should be filtered, and the resulting moonshine should be bottled.
  • peach alcohol. To make moonshine, it is also necessary to wash and remove the stones from the peaches, then grind them and squeeze out the juice. We dilute the juice with vodka, adhering to the proportion of the previous recipe, and then mix and put away for 30 days in a cool place. After a month, the mixture must be filtered and bottled.
  • . To make alcohol, you need to grate the fruit and squeeze the juice out of them, and then add 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast to the resulting liquid. We insist a week in a dark place for Braga, and then we distill it.
  • Home . The berries should be washed and pitted, then mashed and put in a moderately warm place. When the cherries begin to ferment, the container must be closed with a lid and kept in this state for 48 hours, but stir occasionally. Cherry pits do not need to be thrown away, they should be crushed and added to the composition when they begin to ferment, which will give an almond flavor and an appropriate smell. We distill Braga - as a result we get transparent moonshine. If the liquid begins to become cloudy, it can be taken into a separate container for re-distillation.
  • Grape alcohol. For preparation, it is necessary to dilute 5 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast in 10 liters of grape juice, and then add 30 liters of water to the mixture. We insist the resulting mash for a week, and then distill 2 times.
  • Pear recipe. For moonshine according to this recipe, it is better to use wild fruits. They need to fill the container halfway and leave to rot. After this, the pears should be mashed and the vessel filled with water, and then 100 g of yeast should be added for every 10 liters. The resulting mash must be infused for at least 2 weeks by installing a water seal, and then overtake twice.

From fruit-based moonshine, it is also good to prepare various tinctures with a lower alcohol turnover.

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22 05 2017

Over time, this strong drink has become traditional and now it is prepared not only in villages and villages. Homemade moonshine recipes are also suitable for cooking in urban environments.

Thanks to the abundance of fruits and berries grown in our latitudes, a huge number of moonshine recipes have appeared that compare favorably with foreign analogues - vodka, brandy, chacha and the like. In addition to the fact that almost any fruit and even vegetables can be used as a raw material for this drink, the production technology is quite simple and does not require special financial costs.

In this section, we tried to collect all the best moonshine recipes that are easy to prepare even at home. Each recipe describes in detail not only the process of making a drink, but also gives useful tips. Using a household distiller, you can easily overtake prepared mash, but this does not guarantee a quality drink. You will also need to learn a lot of special secrets, such as clarification, purification, the rules for dividing moonshine into fractions and much more.

Using recipes on how to make moonshine, you must understand that strong alcohol can also be hazardous to health.

If you are going to make this drink, you must strictly follow the distillation technology. Without the necessary knowledge, you will not be able to prepare safe, high-quality alcohol. That is why, in each recipe of this section, not only the process of preparing raw materials is described in detail, but also tips from professionals are given that will be useful to all lovers of home-brewing.

How to get rid of fusel oils, how to properly distill the drink and store it at home - these and other tips will help you make not only a tasty and soft drink, but also safe for health. This section contains many interesting and original recipes for every taste, among which there will surely be one that will interest you and will appeal to you.

Moonshine is a strong alcoholic drink obtained by distillation of alcohol-containing raw materials (mash).
As a raw material for the preparation of mash, sugar can be used (the easiest way at home), or the fruits of berries and fruits containing sugar (fructose) in its pure form, or starch-containing raw materials (rye, wheat, barley, corn, etc.) that are processed into sugar with malt or malt enzymes.

Let us consider in more detail the preparation of moonshine from the main types of raw materials:

1. Moonshine from sugar

This method is the simplest for cooking. To prepare it, you only need sugar, yeast and water.
The ratio of components is approximately the following: for 1 kilogram of sugar - 5 liters of water and 100 g of pressed yeast, or 18 grams of dry yeast such as Saf-Moment or Saf-Levure.
Sugar is dissolved in warm water, then yeast is added, pressed must first be diluted into parts of the sugar solution and wait until they are activated (3-5 minutes), dry ones can simply be scattered over the surface of the sugar solution.
The container is closed with a water seal.
Braga ferments for about 7 days, after which it is drained from the yeast sediment and distilled in a moonshine still.

To ennoble such moonshine various fruits and berries can be added to the mash, such as grapes, plums, blackthorn, etc., they transfer their taste and aroma to the finished drink, and also help the fermentation process due to the wild yeast contained on their surface.

2. Moonshine from starch raw materials.

Grain moonshine is considered one of the most noble due to its original taste and aroma. It is prepared much more complicated than sugar, but the result is worth it, try it yourself! Grain, flour or cereals are suitable as raw materials.

First, a little theory.

The grain contains a lot of starch, which contains sugar molecules. Starch lends itself to splitting into simpler molecules, among which there is also sugar, which is exactly what is needed for alcoholic fermentation. Enzymes are needed to convert starch into sugar. germinated grains - malt.
Enzymes work catalytically. Therefore, it is possible to germinate, grind 1 kg of grain and with the help of its enzymes turn starch from 5-6 kg of unsprouted grain (crushed), or cereals, or flour into sugar. Starch in unsprouted crushed grains, cereals, flour is closed inside the cells. In order for it to become available to enzymes, non-sprouted grain (crushed, or cereals or flour) must be boiled - cell membranes burst and starch goes into solution, this solution is called must.

It is not necessary to use malt to obtain sugar from starch, there are ready-made enzymes for this: amylosubtilin, which contributes to the liquefaction of the wort and glucavamorin, which promotes saccharification.

The saccharification process itself requires great care and strict adherence to temperature regimes, for example, enzymes will not withstand overheating above 75 degrees, and if underheated, fermentation will not be complete. Also, at the end of the fermentation process, it is important to cool the wort sharply to room temperature, this is necessary so that various microorganisms do not have time to multiply in the resulting nutrient medium during gradual cooling, otherwise the yeast may die.

After saccharification- obtaining sugar from starch, the wort is fermented with ordinary yeast, such as Saf-Moment or Saf-Levure.

Another complication making moonshine from starch is that the fermented wort is very thick, so it cannot be distilled in a classic moonshine still, because it will simply burn to the walls of the still and the drink will be completely spoiled. The distillation of grain wort is carried out either by steam or in a water or some other bath, such as glycerin.

3. Moonshine from berries and fruits.

Fruit moonshine has the taste and aroma of those fruits or berries from which it was prepared.
It is no more difficult to prepare than sugar, but it has its own characteristics.
If you have already decided on the raw material, you need to find out what sugar content it contains.
Next, the raw material is crushed.
BUT by no means don't wash it, the surface contains wild yeast, we still need them to ferment sugar and fructose!
The crushed or mashed raw materials are placed in a fermentation tank, it should ferment itself (1-2 days).
Then sugar and water are added, if necessary.
The sugar content should be around 25% so refer to the table above to calculate how much to add.
For example, if you are making slivovitz (the sugar content in the plum is about 10%), then 1.5 kg of sugar will be needed for 10 liters of crushed berries.
If you dilute it with water, then sugar is added to it as in ordinary sugar mash.
If during distillation it is supposed to use heating elements or a plate for heating, then make sure that the raw material is completely fermented, otherwise the remains or fruit peel may burn, which will lead to spoilage of the entire product and rapid wear of the heating elements.
For the distillation of fruit mashes, especially thick ones, it is recommended to use a steam generator or a water bath to eliminate the possibility of burning.