Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms. How to cook lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms

    To prepare cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms you need very few ingredients. We should have one and a half or two glasses of ready-made buckwheat porridge. Moreover, this could be yesterday’s porridge. It is quite suitable for filling. You will also need one medium-sized cabbage fork. Let's do the cabbage. At the fork, cuts are made at its base and the large outer leaves are separated; you need to try and remove them without large tears. Then, using a thin paring knife, remove the base of the petiole of each cabbage leaf. These leaves are ready for cooking. Place them in a pan with salted boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes. Immediately remove the leaves and let them cool.

    Let's start with the filling. Let's open the jar canned champignons. They have virtually no mushroom flavor, but you can bring it back by frying the mushrooms. We also need one onion and a couple of cloves of garlic.

    The brine is drained from the jar of mushrooms; we don’t need it. Place a small frying pan on the fire and pour 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil into it.

    Peel the onion and finely chop it. Add onions and mushrooms to the pan and mix everything.

    Fry the champignons with onions until a crust appears around the edges of the onions.

    When the onions and champignons are fried until tender, pour one and a half or two glasses of buckwheat porridge directly into the frying pan and mix our stuffing for cabbage rolls.

    It is advisable to fry everything together a little. Check the filling for salt and add it as needed. You can add some aromatic seasonings. Crush one or two cloves of garlic and add it to our porridge. Filling for vegetarian cabbage rolls ready. Remove the pan from the heat and let the filling cool.

    Then the fun begins. Take a boiled cabbage leaf and put 2 tablespoons of buckwheat filling with mushrooms and onions in its thickened part. We wrap the sheet in a motion “away from ourselves”, then we bend the sides of the sheet towards the center and wrap it again.

    If you place the resulting product with the free end of the cabbage leaf down, it is very stable and does not turn back. In this manner, we wrap our filling in all the remaining cabbage leaves, turning them into full-bodied and cute cabbage rolls.

    Pour vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) into a large frying pan with a flat bottom, put it on the fire and heat the oil. We place our products on the frying pan with the free end of the cabbage leaf down.

    After frying on one side, carefully turn the cabbage rolls over and continue frying their lower part. For fully cooked cabbage leaf, you can add a little water to the frying pan and cover it with a lid. In the stewing mode, the cabbage will be completely cooked in 10 minutes. Then you can remove the lid and dry the cabbage rolls. Remove the frying pan from the heat.

    Vegetarian cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms are ready. Place one cabbage roll on flat plates, add sliced bell pepper and some olives. The dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Lenten cuisine is very tasty and varied. And this proves the existence of many dishes that are prepared exclusively without animal products, in particular meat and eggs. Lenten cabbage rolls are also prepared according to the rules and instead of meat, cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs are added to them. In addition, some recipes allow you to prepare cabbage rolls without using the usual cabbage “wrapper”. And now about how to cook lean cabbage rolls in detail.

Stuffed cabbage rolls for the lazy

Lenten recipe lazy cabbage rolls suitable for those who follow church rules and do not consume any animal products at this time. In addition, they cook very quickly, since the cabbage is not a “wrapper”. It is simply finely chopped and added to the total mass.

To prevent these cabbage rolls from falling apart during stewing, they should first be fried in a frying pan.

To prepare the dish you need 0.3 kg white cabbage and rice. You should also take 0.1 kg of onions, 0.35 kg and 0.15 kg of carrots. Additionally, any spices, salt, 50 g of flour are required. Frying is carried out in vegetable oil.

That's it, all that remains is to put the cabbage rolls on a plate and serve.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat

One more no less tasty option- lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat. They have spicy taste due to the addition of potatoes and mushrooms.

If you don't have time to scald and disassemble white cabbage, you can use Chinese cabbage. It's much easier to work with. It is enough just to cut off 5 cm of the stem, disassemble the leaves and blanch in water for no more than a minute.

To prepare the dish you will need a glass of buckwheat, 4 potato tubers and an onion head. The recipe uses dried mushrooms (just a handful), but you can use fresh ones. Cabbage leaves in the amount of 12-15 pieces are used as a “wrapper”. Additionally, you will need spices to add flavor, 1 tbsp. l. flour and vegetable oil.

The finished cabbage rolls are transferred to a dish and served.

Mushroom cabbage rolls

Lenten cabbage rolls with rice and mushrooms are very simple, but at the same time appetizing and satisfying. They are perfect for lunch or dinner during Lent.

If you don’t have rice on hand, you can replace them with tomato paste and other cereals.

To prepare the dish you will need 0.3-0.45 kg fresh mushrooms(according to your preferences). For this amount, take 0.1 kg of rice, half a kilo fresh tomatoes and 1-2 carrots and onion turnips. For clothes - forks of cabbage. Additionally, you need spices, a bunch of herbs and 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

Ready cabbage rolls are served sprinkled with herbs.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Vegetable lovers can be offered to cook lean cabbage rolls with vegetables. By the way, they are perfect for those who prefer vegetarian cuisine.

It is not necessary to take the filling components in strictly specified quantities. They can be varied according to your own taste. Or add new ingredients altogether.

To prepare cabbage rolls, you will need two carrots and bell peppers, one cabbage fork, a bunch of celery and parsley, and three garlic cloves. Additionally, prepare three bay leaves, 5 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 50 ml sunflower oil and salt and pepper.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparation. lean cabbage rolls. In addition, we eat their components almost every day. So why not try a new combination?

Video recipe for cooking lean cabbage rolls

Stuffed cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms is a dish loved by residents of Transcarpathia, an area where there are a lot of mushrooms. They are easy to prepare, but they turn out nourishing, soft with a pronounced mushroom flavor. You can cook these cabbage rolls in a pan on the stove for 30-35 minutes, or you can simmer them in the oven on low heat, which is what we will do.

To prepare lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms, we will need the products indicated in the list.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a grater with large holes.

Finely chop the onion.

We send the onion to sauté. Finely chop the mushrooms and sauté with the onions until the liquid from the mushrooms has completely evaporated.

We also sauté carrots in oil. When it becomes soft, add to it tomato paste and sugar. Let's continue sautéing together.

Let's start preparing the cabbage. We used Savoy. Remove the stalk from the cabbage and place it in a bag, tie it and put it in the microwave for 8 minutes, and then immediately under cold water. The leaves became soft and flexible. We disassemble the cabbage, immediately cutting off the thickenings.

Boil buckwheat in advance. To it add onions with mushrooms, salt, pepper, add thyme.

Wrap buckwheat filling in prepared cabbage leaves.

We place leaves on the bottom of the baking dish, stuffed cabbage rolls on them tightly to each other, filling the form.

Pour carrot and tomato sauté on top. Place prunes on top. Place lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and mushrooms in a cold oven for 1 hour at 160 degrees. You will get stewed cabbage rolls, like straight from the oven.

Bon appetit!

Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat– delicious vegetarian and dietary dish, both in fasting and just in fasting days. The recipe for lean cabbage rolls is simple, made from available ingredients. Despite this, cabbage rolls with buckwheat are very healthy, tasty and juicy. For the recipe and photo of lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat, we thank Olga Pirogova:

Lenten cabbage rolls with buckwheat

My family has a favorite dish - cabbage rolls, of course, I cook them with minced meat, but since it will start soon Lent, I offer a recipe for lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat and carrots.

For cooking lean cabbage rolls You will need white cabbage leaves.

To fill cabbage rolls with buckwheat you will need:

  • buckwheat - a glass,
  • onions - 2 heads,
  • fresh carrots 2 pieces,
  • dill or any other herbs

How to cook lean cabbage rolls with buckwheat

Let's start preparing lean cabbage rolls by preparing the filling. For this we cook buckwheat porridge, that is, pour 2 glasses of water into a saucepan, then add a glass of washed buckwheat and salt. Or cook buckwheat in a slow cooker according to the recipe. When the porridge for cabbage rolls is cooked, mix it with vegetables fried in oil (cut carrots + finely chopped onions).

Then place the white cabbage leaves in the microwave for 5 minutes to soften them.

We prepare lean cabbage rolls from white cabbage, put buckwheat filling with vegetables on each leaf, and roll it into an envelope.

Now fry the cabbage rolls in vegetable oil on both sides and transfer to a saucepan. Sprinkle cabbage rolls with buckwheat with fried onions and carrots, add on top Bay leaf and add vegetable broth so that the cabbage rolls are completely covered with the broth.

Simmer them covered for 10-12 minutes.

Ready-made lean cabbage rolls stuffed with buckwheat are served with a salad of any vegetables.

Bon appetit!

And for sweets during Lent, we suggest baking delicious yeast breads.

I often cook Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms, potatoes and buckwheat for my family and not only during Lent. Cooks, I suggest you prepare delicious, delicious, very cute, tender, satisfying, and most importantly, healthy lean cabbage rolls according to my recipe. I'm posting mine detailed recipe with step-by-step photos taken and let it become a visual aid for cooks who decide to cook this dish for the first time.


On cooled cabbage leaves sharp knife remove thickenings and coarse veins.

Fill the buckwheat with water (500 ml) and boil until tender, but do not overcook.

Mushrooms need to be soaked for 15 minutes in cold water. After this soaking, it will be much easier to clean the mushrooms from dirt.

Peel the carrots and onions.

Wash the champignons thoroughly. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, grate the carrots.

First fry the carrots and onions in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Then add the mushrooms and, stirring with a spatula, continue frying until the liquid has evaporated.

We need to peel the potatoes, chop them into pieces and boil until tender in salted water. Completely drain the potato broth from the pan with potatoes and thoroughly mash the remaining potatoes with a potato masher.

All ingredients for the filling are ready and when they have cooled you can start mixing them.

After thorough mixing, the result was this mass.

I will cook cabbage rolls in a thick-walled stainless steel pan. Pour a little at the bottom vegetable oil and add the prepared cabbage leaves.

This is done to prevent the cabbage rolls from sticking to the pan during cooking.

First, bend the side parts of the cabbage leaf inward (toward the filling). Then we bend the top and bottom of the sheet inward. It turns out to be such a cute cabbage roll.

We put our lean cabbage rolls on top of each other in a pan.

Then, dilute the tomato paste in 700 ml of water, add salt to the filling.

Fill the cabbage rolls tomato filling, add bay leaf and peppercorns to the pan.

Place the pan with cabbage rolls on high heat.

After boiling, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for half an hour.

This is what our darlings look like in cross-section. As you can see in the photo, the filling is homogeneous and does not fall out.

Very tasty with buckwheat, mushrooms and potatoes, served to eaters along with sour cream.

Bon appetit everyone!