Real life love potion. Love potion - how to prepare and use it correctly

What love potion?

This is a love drink, well known to us from children's fairy tales, books and films. The one who drinks it will dry up from tender feelings all his life ... Well, the one who prepared this potion will become the object of this very love.

Everything is fine, but only one misfortune, this love is artificial, and the potion is intoxicating. And this action is called a "magic love spell" - a powerful effect on someone else's energy and psyche in order to suppress the will and submission. For which, by the way, in the future, inevitable punishment will certainly follow.

I want to introduce you to the magical ritual of the same name from a technique to enhance female attractiveness and charm. And you will experience the “love potion” you created only on yourself. So no one gets hurt except you 🙂

We will use the “drink of love” prepared with our own hands to increase the level of female energies and to turn ourselves into an inexhaustible source of love.

This one is for all the lonely hearts, as well as for those who want to improve or strengthen their relationships. Its use will greatly enhance your natural charm and make you a real "love magnet"!

Ritual Simoron "Love Potion"

Girls, for the ritual, I advise you to choose one of the three "female" days of the week (Saturday, Friday or Wednesday) - since the very energy of these days significantly increases our natural abilities and enhances our female magnetism. For those who believe and rely on strength, it is better to wait for the growing one - the effect will increase significantly.

How to make a love potion?

You will need:

  • 1L of drinking water
  • Paper
  • red marker
  • red cloth
  • Powdered sugar

Leave a liter bottle of drinking water without gas overnight in the freezer.

Take it out of the fridge in the morning and let it defrost on the kitchen counter with a piece of paper underneath with the word "Love" handwritten in red marker.

When all the ice has melted, replace the soaked paper with a red cloth. Place the bottle on the cloth, open the lid and say out loud:

"Love everywhere,

Love is with me

Love - come to me with water!"

Then a teaspoon powdered sugar slowly and carefully pour into the bottle, while saying several times:

“As sweet is the water, so am I – full of love!”

After that, transfer the bottle to the window from which the Moon is visible, put it on the windowsill and say out loud 3 times:

"The power of the moon, charge the water with love!",

and leave her there to sleep.

From the very morning, after you wake up, find the sunniest place in your house, put charged water on it and say, referring to the Sun:

"Great Sun, you are brighter than fire,

Create a love potion for me!"

Once the last rays of the setting sun have left your home, your personal love potion will be ready to drink.

Every morning and every evening, take one sip of this magical love drink, while imagining how your whole being is filled with love and you turn into a powerful love magnet!

And very soon you will see how happy changes have come in your life.

Merry magic to you!

Alena Golovina

Alena Golovina

Interesting on the topic:

Love is a feeling not only beautiful, but also unpredictable. We do not choose who we fall in love with - often our hearts and souls make this choice. And how bitter and insulting it is to realize that the person we fell in love with does not reciprocate our feelings. Of course, unrequited love made people perform feats, create magnificent masterpieces of art, but it also brought a lot of suffering.

What am I talking about? Yes, that people from ancient times, especially the fairer sex, tried to turn unrequited love into mutual love, and magic helped them in this. Love potions are one of the most ancient means to achieve reciprocal feelings from the desired person.

What is a love elixir? This is a magical drink, the purpose of which is to increase passion and affection, to attract a nice and desirable person, to return fading feelings. In practical magic, love potions have been used since ancient times. They were made on the basis of wine or tea, fresh blood was an obligatory ingredient. The composition sometimes included the most unimaginable components, from which a person far from magic would be horrified.

Modern love drinks have a more measured and sparing composition, and you can usually find all the ingredients without the application of extra effort. Moreover, I do not recommend experimenting with the preparation of a love elixir with dangerous and "wild" components in your magical kitchen. Without knowing the properties of ingredients that you have never dealt with before, you risk causing significant damage to your loved one and yourself. AT best case the potion will not work or will give the opposite result, at worst it will lead to serious health problems.

What to consider when preparing a love elixir?

To avoid a number of undesirable consequences that can be caused by the use of a love potion (and there are, believe me, there are cases when people even lost their minds from this drink), you need to follow certain rules and conditions when preparing it. Let's look at them one by one:

Love Potion Recipes

Now that we have examined with you the essence of the love drink and the conditions for its preparation, I want to introduce you to some recipes for a love potion that you can easily prepare yourself.

Method one - on the blood

Components: a few drops of your blood(you can prick your finger or use menstrual), red rose petals(it is red - this is the flower of the goddess of love Aphrodite).

Cooking: Squeeze out the juice from the rose petals, mix it with your blood. The resulting potion in several doses must be mixed with a loved one in food or drink.

Blood-based love potions are considered among the most powerful. They are able to bind your loved one to you almost forever.

Method two - on the hair

Components:chosen one's hair(you can curl from the head, but better inguinal), absolutely new scissors, red rose petals, their pubic hair, bottle of red wine.

Cooking: Burn the rose petals, save the ashes. Finely chop the hair (your own and the chosen one) with scissors, then mix with the ashes of the petals. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle of red wine, leave for 2 weeks. The resulting potion is gradually drunk together with the chosen one.

Method three - on vodka, fruits and apples

A recipe that has come down to us from Ancient Russia.

Components:vodka - 5 tablespoons, -1 piece, pear - half, walnut, juniper - 1 teaspoon, water - 1 glass.

Cooking: Finely chop everything solid ingredients, mix with water. Boil, remove from heat, strain after 15 minutes, add vodka. Give a drink to the chosen one (best of all - immediately after preparation). The results will appear pretty quickly.

Method four - a potion on the water

Components:plain water, or any other drink.

Cooking: Speak a drink (or water) using the following words:

“(1) You are with me, I am with you. I am with you, you are with me.

(2) As the water does not spill, so we get along together ” .

Give half of the potion to drink to your loved one, the other half to drink yourself. When the chosen one drinks, you need to repeat the second part of the spell to yourself; when you drink yourself - the first.

Various love spells, conspiracies or special elixirs are just some of the magical rites for obtaining reciprocity. In this article, we will pay special attention to love spells and how to make a love potion.

Love ... What could be more beautiful than this feeling? Probably only that feeling when a person realizes that his feelings are mutual.

Although some argue that it is unrequited love that pushes any of us to various feats, and works of art are often born from the pain of unrequited love.

Although who knows: maybe the same poets and artists, enjoying mutual love, would have created creations that surpassed themselves? This is unknown.

But it's one thing when men suffer: silently and sullenly, or emotionally and without restraint. It is quite another thing - female pain, aching and ongoing.

From time immemorial, there was one sure remedy for unrequited love. And if men did not particularly believe in the power of magic, then the representatives fair half mankind quite often resorted to the help of magic.

Love potion considered very effective method attracting a lover and awakening feelings in him. As a rule, depending on the goals pursued, different elixirs are prepared.

Drinks designed to please a guy are not good for getting him back after a breakup. Most often, experienced magicians recommend preparing love drinks during the growing moon.

Some types of elixirs are prepared in just one day and are immediately ready for use. Others - involve cooking for several years and infused for decades.

It is best to make a love potion either on the full moon or on the third or eighth day of the lunar cycle. This applies to elixirs that are prepared in one day, and immediately after preparation are ready for use.

A drink should be prepared only when a person is in a good mood and fully believes in the result. If you do not believe in magic, and the potion is prepared out of interest, it is better to leave this idea so that the magic does not work against you.

It is believed that the strength of a love drink directly depends on the desire and desire to get a result. If you put all your passion and all your dreams into even the simplest potion, then its effect will be much more effective than that of a complex composition made without feelings.

Since time immemorial, coffee has been used in love magic along with other drinks.

The coffee love potion can be used in several ways.

For example, when the relationship between lovers began to deteriorate.

Also, this method will be useful when a girl wants to please a young man and evoke reciprocal feelings in him.

To make a love potion with coffee, we need the following components:

  • three pinches of black ground coffee and savory root;
  • one pinch of orris root, dried magnolia flowers, sesame seeds;
  • a bottle of strong alcoholic drink.

It is best to use cognac, liqueur or rum. All dry ingredients must be mixed, and only then pour alcohol. This drink you need to insist three lunar quarters, and after this time, offer it to taste your lover.

You can use this potion to evoke love in a man and ignite extinct feelings. This drink is made within one day and can only be used immediately after preparation. To brew a love love elixir, you will need the following components:

  • seven pinches of zamanihi herb and rue herb;
  • a glass of good brandy.

To make a love potion, you need to pour herbs into an iron bowl and pour brandy.

While the drink is boiling, you need to concentrate on your man, imagining happy moments where you are together and dreaming about a joint future.

Now the elixir is filtered into a small vessel.

In order for love to settle in the heart of your beloved, give him about 12 drops of the drink on the day of preparation.

The remaining liquid must be stored in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

This method is only suitable for a married couple in whose relationship there are serious problems.

The recipe for a love potion in order to return a husband to the family involves the use of gold and silver coins and a glass of water.

The number of silver coins is determined by the number of years you have been married, and you need as many gold coins as you want to live together.

To prepare a love drink, you need to mix the coins in a bowl and pour water over it.

“I conjure you with gold and silver, the future and the past, Voditsa,
Preserve and protect peace, fidelity and harmony for eternity!

After the ritual is completed, both you and your husband should taste the love potion. Please note that this rite only works for spouses.

To please a young man, a girl can make a love potion in the form of a love compote.

To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • short pink candle;
  • sugar;
  • ceramic wide cup.

The candle is set in the cup and after that the cup is covered with sugar to the brim.

The top of the candle should protrude a few centimeters from the sugar.

The candle is lit and all the while it burns and melts, you need to think about your beloved.

When the candle burns out, all the melted sugar must be collected and boiled sweet compote.

Naturally, it is better to use fruits and berries that a young man likes.

The love potion begins its effect immediately after drinking. It is important to clearly follow all the instructions and think only about the good at the time of the ceremony and after it.

A drink to awaken passion

A love potion can also have an impact on the sexual sphere of a person.

The next drink will help awaken passion and love energy.

To prepare this love potion, you will need: one pinch of black licorice root, three pinches of cardamom and cumin, and the same number of passionflower flowers or leaves.

Mix these ingredients in the palm of your left hand. And after mixing, add to a bottle of rum.

This love potion is infused for one lunar quarter, after which it is filtered.

You need to drink this elixir together. About fifteen drops should be added to a man’s drink, the same amount to himself.

You can make a love potion using red wine.

The strength of this drink is determined magical properties the wine itself, which is considered the ideal basis for a love elixir.

The love potion is made from two glasses of red wine, two teaspoons of rhubarb juice, one small piece of vanilla and 20 pinches of ginger and cinnamon.

To begin with, all herbs and vanilla are added to the wine, and only after that you can add rhubarb juice.

The elixir is infused for three days, after which the drink is ready for use.

You can add magic liquid to alcoholic drinks by a tablespoon or use it when cooking.

Love potion on vodka

For centuries, love spells have been used to awaken passion. Drinking a pleasant and exciting drink from one glass is a ritual that is known to everyone. The following recipe for a love potion was used in ancient Russia.

To prepare this drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • five tablespoons of vodka;
  • one small apple;
  • half a pear;
  • Walnut;
  • a teaspoon of juniper;
  • glass of water.

All components except vodka are finely cut and mixed with water. Then all this must be brought to a boil and removed from heat. When the drink stands for fifteen minutes, it must be filtered and vodka added. It is advisable to drink immediately. The results of such a rite are usually not long in coming.

Recipes for making love drinks

The love potion is considered extremely effective and effective means love magic. Brewing such a drink will not be difficult. Different elixirs involve the use of different components, which allows you to always choose something for yourself.

The most important point in the process of preparing a love drink is the desire to get a result and faith in the power of magical influence. You can also make a drink that is very complex in composition, and the result can be not only not positive, but also negative.

This happens only when a girl does a ceremony and does not believe in its power. Good mood and purposefulness will be great helpers in matters of magic.

Love ... What could be more beautiful than this feeling? Probably only that feeling when a person realizes that his feelings are mutual. Although some argue that it is unrequited love that pushes any of us to various feats, and works of art are often born from the pain of unrequited love. Although who knows: maybe the same poets and artists, enjoying mutual love, would have created creations that surpassed themselves? This is unknown.

But it's one thing when men suffer: silently and sullenly, or emotionally and without restraint. It is quite another thing - female pain, aching and ongoing. From time immemorial, there was one sure remedy for unrequited love. And if men did not particularly believe in the power of magic, then the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity quite often resorted to the help of magic.

Various love spells, conspiracies or special elixirs are just some of the magical rites for obtaining reciprocity. In this material, we will pay special attention to love potions and how to prepare a love potion.

Cooking features

A love potion is considered a very effective method of attracting a lover and awakening feelings in him. As a rule, depending on the goals pursued, different elixirs are prepared. Drinks designed to please a guy are not good for getting him back after a breakup. Most often, experienced magicians recommend preparing love drinks during the growing moon.

Some types of elixirs are prepared in just one day and are immediately ready for use. Others - involve cooking for several years and infused for decades. It is best to make a love potion either on the full moon or on the third or eighth day of the lunar cycle. This applies to elixirs that are prepared in one day, and immediately after preparation are ready for use. A drink should be prepared only when a person is in a good mood and fully believes in the result. If you do not believe in magic, and the potion is prepared out of interest, it is better to leave this idea so that the magic does not work against you.

It is believed that the strength of a love drink directly depends on the desire and desire to get a result. If you put all your passion and all your dreams into even the simplest potion, then its effect will be much more effective than that of a complex composition made without feelings.

Love drink with coffee

A love potion with coffee can be used in several cases: when the relationship between lovers began to deteriorate, or when a girl wants to please a young man and evoke reciprocal feelings in him.

A. Balashov's book “Magic: We Attract Love and Happiness” says that any kind of interaction with the world has its own patterns. With proper work with the energy of love, a person has the opportunity to control the feelings of the chosen one, achieve harmony in relations with him and gain self-confidence.

Some women, and sometimes men, use magical advice and prepare a love potion for the onset of long-awaited changes. Desires concern not only love, but also health, finances, useful skills and talents.

But not everyone knows how, from what and when to prepare a magic drink. It is necessary to consider under what circumstances a cherished desire comes true if you use magic at home.

Love spell - effective method achieve the desired result without physical and mental effort, but with the use of special technology and the selection of occult ingredients.

At home, the remedy is created on the basis of a proven recipe, with strict adherence to the rules for preparing love potions and other love spells:

  • drugs do not work if there is no direct contact with the person for whom the rite is performed;
  • when creating a potion, you must have a good mood;
  • the ritual will be valid only if the magician has a strong desire, his faith in the effectiveness of the potion and the ability to visualize the dream;
  • the day and duration of production play an important role;
  • a love spell can only be used for one magical ritual.

Ingredients are added to the potion that affect the victim of the love spell:

  • peppermint enchants both beloved and unfamiliar person;
  • almonds strengthen the union;
  • thyme awakens a feeling of extinct love;
  • orange gives mystery and sensuality to a woman;
  • lemon causes passion;
  • oregano is used to return the spouse to the family;
  • cumin encourages frank conversations, trust;
  • ginger promotes the emergence of love;
  • coriander increases the partner's passion and strengthens his love;
  • parsley causes sexual affection.

The use of a part of one's own flesh (saliva, blood, hair or nails for a ritual), conspiracy with a spell or prayer enhance the magical power of the mixture.

When is the best time to prepare the potion?

It is better to cook a remedy using improvised materials on the days of the growing moon, only on Monday or Friday. The time of preparation and infusion of the remedy depends on the purpose and the added ingredients. Remember, the longer the mixture is in a vessel with a ground stopper, the more effect it will create.

How to make a love potion with different ingredients

Love potions can be crafted different ways and use several tricks to manifest magical power.

Love compote

To fall in love with a person, use the following method:

  1. Set the candle in a cup and fill with sugar to the brim.
  2. Light a fire and think of your loved one.
  3. Wait for the wick to burn out and collect the sugar.
  4. Brew a sweet drink with berries that your chosen one loves.

With my own blood

A strong potion that is added to food or drink is a liquid with the addition of blood.

In order to boil the mixture, squeeze the juice from the rose petals and mix it with blood (menstrual or from the finger of the left hand). Say the magic spell:

“Just as this blood belonged to my body, so you, my beloved (name), will always be only mine! Amen".

With added hair

Use hair, freshly bought scissors, red rose petals, red wine.

Place the ashes of the burnt petals in a container. Cut your hair and your chosen one into small pieces, and then send them to the ashes. Pour the mass into a bottle with alcoholic drink and leave for 2 weeks. After the drink is infused, perform the ceremony by treating the one whose love you want to get.

With photo

Before preparing the potion, place a photo of a loved one in the breast pocket of a jacket or jacket and wear it near your heart for a month.

After the expiration date, perform a ritual with a love potion, the recipe of which is simple:

  1. Sprinkle the picture with your blood and burn it.
  2. Turn your personal photo into ashes too.
  3. Send 3 leaves of weeping willow and 3 red rose petals to boiling clean water.
  4. Add a pinch of rosemary, mixed ashes and some red wine.
  5. Cool the mixture and strain.

You need to drink the drink together with the chosen one during the day.

On the water

Create harmony in a love relationship will help "love triangle".

The ceremony is carried out in compliance with the following points:

  1. Cut out a triangle from thick white paper, the length of the sides of which is 33 cm.
  2. On each side of the figure, make one inscription - your name, your loved one and the word "love".
  3. Place a table in the center of the room and cover it with black or red material.
  4. Put the triangle on the table and light the fire.
  5. Fill a glass with water.
  6. Take the candle with your right hand and lift it above the triangle.
  7. Move your hand from the top corner to the bottom right corner and say "Tarapagas".
  8. Continue moving your hand from right to left in a horizontal line with the Gavallo spell.
  9. Close the triangle with an upward movement with the phrase "Amado".
  10. During the ceremony, look at the center of the figure, but not at the fire. You will notice that the flickering leaves a trace of a triangle in the air.
  11. Repeat the movements 2 more times, clearly imagining how your dream came true. At the same time, gradually increase the volume of your voice, giving it confidence and passion.
  12. Raise your left hand over the glass of liquid, and place your right palm on top. Speak

    “Adlavah south, corga avydalo. Piro tagul, ahvadol. Weder nore kofado, oude ode do.”

  13. Continue the movement of the left hand clockwise and repeat the spell:

    “Akhalael atabl. El Lecamur, Azvah. Ode faul lame, ode lah.”

Continue the last action for as long as your imagination requires. As soon as you clearly imagine the chosen one and feel his love, put out the fire. With your left hand, try to catch the smoke and send it into the drink. Treat your loved one with a drink.

With coffee

Mix the listed ingredients: crushed orris root, sesame and dried magnolia flowers (1 pinch each), chopped savory root and ground coffee(3 pinches each).

Pour the mixture with alcohol (rum, liquor, cognac) and remove to infuse for 3 lunar quarters. Then strain and treat the bewitched with a prepared drink.

On red wine

If such an elixir is needed, the manufacture involves the following manipulations. For a spell, mix the following ingredients:

  • 2 glasses of wine;
  • a small vanilla pod;
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and cinnamon;
  • 2 tsp rhubarb juice.

Add rhubarb to wine last turn. The elixir is infused for 3 days, and then added to the food or drink of the chosen one.

On vodka

For greater effect, the vodka love potion can be drunk with your lover, but from the same glass and immediately after preparation.

For a love potion, you will need finely chopped walnuts(1 pc.), Juniper (1 tbsp.), Apple and pear. Mix ingredients with water and boil. After cooling, strain the product and add vodka to it.

With alcohol

In this case, you will need white lily flowers, which must be ground, poured with alcohol and removed for infusion until the next full moon.

When the full moon comes, pour the potion into a mug and clearly, without errors and hesitation, cast the spell:

“Stello gibr, ogada khamus. Ibul gabul faro sdabas ipaka debr. Tal hargabla omiadox, sam hadas redo. Giber hal agota naido mais lako.”

The next day, mix the remedy into the drink you decide to use to treat your loved one.

With rose petals

To prepare a love remedy, use the following method:

  1. Add a couple of red rose petals to the white ones and burn it with a small fire. Mix the resulting ashes with alcohol.
  2. 3 drops of blood are alternately sent to the liquid, 2 pinches of crushed ginger, angelica and anise, 1 pinch of licorice, coriander and cumin.

Add a few drops of this drug to the food of the chosen one to bewitch him and experience mutual love.

with ginger

A drink prepared according to the following recipe has magical powers:

  1. Cut a vanilla bean (2 cm long) into 2 parts and place in an enameled container.
  2. Add ground cinnamon(3 tsp) and ginger (3 tsp)
  3. Pour the mixture with red wine (2 glasses).
  4. After 3 days, serve the chosen one.

With coriander seeds

Before making a love potion at home, prepare the following materials and components:

  • coriander seeds (7 pcs.);
  • mortar;
  • pestle;
  • spring or filtered water;
  • 2 cups of the same size;
  • church candle.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the seeds and grind with a mortar. At the same time, imagine kisses, hugs, intimacy with the chosen one.
  2. Pour wine or water into a glass and mix with the powder.
  3. Extinguish the light after you light the fire.
  4. Pour the contents from one cup to another 7 times, thinking about the feelings for your loved one, the strength of his love for you.

With lemon

Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and an orange (3 each), mix. Add ginger (1 g) to the contents, vanilla sugar(1 tsp), dried and crushed five-petal lilac flowers (6 pcs.).

The maximum effect will be achieved when using the potion in pure form within 3 days, 1 tsp.

with an apple

The recipe for a love potion in this case requires the preparation of the following components:

  • flask;
  • Red Apple;
  • vodka or alcohol.

Cut the apple into 2 parts and remove the seeds. Send the seeds into the container one at a time, while adding drops of alcohol and saying:

“Gilba rama, AUS wedding. Note dahos ibada”.

After all the bones are in the container, eat an apple, thinking about the chosen one. After two weeks, start adding the potion to the food of the bewitched, 9 drops daily and until the desired result occurs.

with ink

Get some ink, a mirror, 3 of your hair and a drop of blood.

On the mirror used in last time, write your name and place in a container with alcohol or melt water. Add a pinch of crushed rose petals and say:

“The name is dear, the body and face are loved /”

Repeat the spell until the inscription is erased.

For a love spell of the chosen one, carry the mirror that took part in the ceremony with you. From time to time, look into the reflection and think about mutual love and a happy future.

How to prepare a love potion for different magical purposes

A potion can give a person success, save him from insomnia, endow those who wish with the gift of clairvoyance, awaken passion in a husband and turn away from his mistress. By what methods the listed desires are fulfilled, it is required to consider in more detail.

From nightmares

To resume sound and prolonged sleep, use the following cooking rules:

  1. Send rose petals to a kettle of water and leave for 3 days, periodically adding a plant.
  2. Supplement the liquid with verbena and myrtle, leave for another 3 days.

Wash your face with this cleanser every night before going to bed.

For money

To improve the financial condition, use a potion of a mixture of cedar, sassafras, Jamaican pepper, dill, cloves, calamus, vetiver.

Fill a green bottle with water and herbs of the listed types. Put the closed bottle in a sunny place for 1 day.

You can wash your face with a decoction, lubricate your face and hands, add it to the bath.

From evil spirits

mix Bay leaf, rosemary, cayenne pepper and pour boiling water. The infusion is recommended to be taken in its pure form, 3-4 tablespoons per day, added to a drink or bath.

To return the husband to the family

Water combined with coins will help keep the spouse in the family. The number of coins used for this is chosen according to the following principle: silver means the years of marriage, and gold determines the time the spouses lived together after the ceremony.

Mix the coins in a bowl, fill with clean water and say the plot:

“I conjure with silver and gold, past and future you, Voditsa, to preserve and preserve fidelity, peace and harmony for eternal centuries.”

After the ritual, drink the liquid with your spouse.

To awaken passion

The recipe for a passion drink must contain the following ingredients: a pinch of crushed black licorice root, 3 pinches of cumin, cardamom, passionflower flowers.

Mix the ingredients in the palm of your left hand and add to the rum container. Steep for a lunar quarter and then strain.

It is important to drink the potion with your lover, adding 15 drops to the drink. This method should not be used more than once a month. You can also do this video recipe:

Tea for clairvoyance

Pour boiled water a mixture of wormwood, rose petals, jasmine flowers, a pinch of cinnamon and peppermint. Drink the potion before going to bed.

What could be the consequences

The composition of the potion contains aphrodisacs, stimulating and tonic components, including ginger, cinnamon, root of the herb zamanihi. These ingredients can adversely affect the health of the bewitched.

Therefore, before performing the ceremony, it is necessary to make sure that a person is not prone to allergic reactions, increased aggressiveness and excitability, to sudden mood swings and mental disorders. Excessive use of the drug can cause poisoning, insomnia and fever.

Magicians claim that the effect is similar to infection with a disease in which the functions are impaired. immune system bewitched, there is a zombie and a change in the energy field.

If a person is cured of the disease, then another magical influence can lead to his death or the development of severe pathology.

The behavior of a person after zombification will cause misunderstanding on the part of loved ones. To their questions, the bewitched will begin to show aggression, devoting all his attention to the object of adoration that has arisen.

At the same time, the magic potion changes not only feelings and behavior in relationships, but also actions that relate to a career. Many people, after the impact, turn into unsuccessful, incompetent employees.

A love spell is also dangerous because in some cases a person shows uncontrollable anxiety and cruelty, feels dissatisfaction, becomes pathologically jealous and a tyrant. All this can lead to alcoholism, addiction to narcotic and psychotropic substances.

The fortuneteller himself also exposes himself to high risk, since he binds people and circumstances that most often should not have been present in his life. At the same time, deviation from the recipe, lack of self-confidence, magical powers and the effectiveness of the ritual, at best, will not have any effect, and at worst, will lead to negative consequences: disease, change in one's own feelings and perceptions.

While preparing the remedy, the mage spends a large number of energy, therefore, may feel apathy in relation to the previously desired object. After some time, the balance is restored and the fortuneteller, who has sincere sympathy, fills the aura with the energy of mutual love.

However, the rite of selfish motives will lead to a complete loss of interest on the part of the magician himself. And if the love spell destroys the life and internal energy of the victim, then the performer will receive a similar answer and spoiled karma.

When does it work and how long does it last?

According to the duration of the impact on the victim, the love spell can be of different types:

  1. Permanent, that is, for life. Most often used by wives to create harmony in the family and return the husband.
  2. Short-term, valid for a year or less, depending on the ceremony. Used to attract attention and build relationships.
  3. Long-term, used to get rid of resentment and maintain positive relationships for 2-5 years.

You can understand that the magic potion has brought results by the following factors:

  1. The bewitched will provide more interest, care and attention. People around will note how your chosen one has changed and how great his desire is to be near you.
  2. If the ceremony was performed on a man or woman who is married, their family will notice a suspension, frequent absences and delays.
  3. When a wife performs a ceremony to return her husband to the family (and vice versa), the opposite effect occurs - the spouse spends more time with the family, shows signs of attention.
  4. A love spell for money can reveal itself in the form of a successful participation in the lottery, career advancement, the appearance of a suitable and profitable job.

In some cases, love potions begin to act immediately, but most often the effect occurs after 28 days. It all depends on the phase of the moon, the method and type of ritual (black or white magic), faith in its effectiveness and the magical power of the fortuneteller.

Love spells have an impact almost immediately, but they manifest themselves for only 2-3 months, with the exception of rituals in the cemetery and rituals using blood.

It happens that the effect of a drug designed to long time, fades away after a week. The reason may be the great inner strength of a person, the ability to resist charms and third-party influences.