Pretending potion. How to make your own love potion

Most unrequitedly in love girls and boys use all possible ways to attract the attention of the object of desire. As a rule, standard actions lead to failures. It is because of hopelessness that people are taken to conduct a variety of magical rituals, among which the preparation of a love potion occupies a leading position. How to cook love potion at home, and is there any sense in such formulations?

Principles and features of the preparation of a love potion

A love potion is an ancient remedy for attracting a lover. Previously, potions were prepared to attract men and remove the husband from the family. But already today cooking magic drink men who want to take possession of an inaccessible beauty are also involved. The gender of the “cook” is not important in this case. It is necessary to follow all the rules of preparation, in no case use additional ingredients, and also do not exaggerate the quantitative composition of all ingredients.

Features of the action of a love potion:

  1. Cooking should be carried out during the growing moon.
  2. The potion is prepared in one day. But among magicians and sorcerers, you can find compositions whose production date dates back several decades ago. These drinks are more effective.
  3. It is necessary to add a potion to a drink for a loved one on the night of the bright moon. You can also use the full moon.
  4. The potion can only be used once.
  5. The most favorable days of the week for the ritual are Monday and Friday.
  6. During the preparation of the magical composition, it is necessary to tirelessly repeat the name of your beloved, and also have a great desire to bewitch him. Before pouring the potion into the drink, you must concentrate on your desires and want uncontrollably a man or woman in all love senses.
  7. When using any method of preparation, it should be remembered that the recipe for a love potion may be intended for a specific occasion, for example, to bring new feelings and more love to a faded relationship between a husband and wife. You can also make a mistake with the gender for whom the prepared potion is intended. Such mistakes will lead to the opposite result, which will “hit” energetically quite strongly the person who prepared the composition.

It should also be noted that love potions are more effective if prepared by an experienced witch. According to legend, she can contact higher powers and her assistants, who will assist her in cooking and impose their energy.

The dangers of using a love potion

How to prepare a love potion will become clear after some of the presented dangerous consequences of ingestion. After all, many people, having decided on an independent ritual, do not think about the consequences.

The drink of love is intended to attract a lover and leave the family if he is married. But sometimes drinking a drink can cause a clouding of the mind in a lover. There are cases when a person who consumed a drink went crazy.

We should not forget about the composition of the attractive drink. It often uses wine and other products that are allergens. Therefore, before using the potion on your lover, find out if he suffers from any types of allergic reactions, since such use can lead to unpleasant consequences, even death.

Don't resort to self-cooking if you are not confident in your knowledge and are not informed about all the features of the body of your lover. AT last resort trust the professionals.

Love Potion Recipes

How to make your own love potion? Use in full accordance with the instructions for the following recipes.

Potion using coriander seeds

The presented recipe for making a potion will allow you to attract a loved one who simply does not notice you, and also arouse feelings of sexual passion in him. The most effective effect can be achieved if you bewitch a lover with whom you already have a love relationship, but, for example, he wants to leave the family or has begun to cool off towards you.

To prepare, prepare everything you need in advance:

  • coriander seeds in the amount of seven pieces;
  • a cup of spring water;
  • clean identical cups in the amount of two pieces;
  • a clean mortar designed for grinding seeds;
  • one church candle.

Initially, you need to pour the seeds into a mortar and start grinding them using a suitable kitchen appliance. You should get a powder of uniform consistency. This action may take several minutes. At this time, think about your beloved and imagine all his caresses and memories. If you were not close to him, imagine your future together.

Pour the resulting powder into one cup and fill with spring water. Turn off the light and light the church candle, set it carefully and firmly. Place the second cup on the table, keeping a distance of 1 meter. Start pouring water with seeds from cup to cup up to 7 times. During the presented action, also imagine the future burning feelings of the beloved for you. The next day, you can already add the potion to your loved one's drink or food.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

Use the preparation of alcohol tincture as a love potion if you are sure that your lover is not allergic to alcohol. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • opaque glass vessel;
  • Lily flower;
  • alcohol.

The preparation of the presented potion is carried out on the full moon. Grind the petals of a white flower in a mortar and season them with alcohol. Pour the entire composition into the vessel used and put it in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

On the day of the next full moon, take out the potion, pour it into a cup and repeat the spell:

“Stello gibr, ogada khamus, Ibul gabul faro sdabas ipaka debr, Tal hargabla omiadox, sam hadas redo, Giber hal agota naido mais lako.”

The spell must be pronounced clearly, without errors and out loud. The very next day you can add it to your lover's drink. The volume of the potion should not exceed five drops.

By the way, sometimes people want to attract a lover of the same sex with them (adherents of homosexual relationships). Alcohol tincture with lily flowers is quite suitable for same-sex love.

Potion using ashes photos

Very often, girls try to keep a young man near them, who has already cooled off in a relationship. A recipe for making a potion using the ashes of your photos will help here.

The recipe requires a lot of preparation. Take a photo of a loved one and wear it for a month near your heart. After the time has elapsed, lightly smear the picture with your blood from the finger of your left hand. If desired, use menstrual blood. Burn a photograph of your lover in a saucer. Take yours, lower it into ashes, and then set it on fire.

Next, you need to brew the potion itself. Dip three red rose petals and weeping willow leaves into a pot of boiling water. Add photo ashes, a pinch of rosemary and a dash of red wine. Boil the composition and cool. The resulting drink is cooled, filtered and drunk with a lover throughout the day.

Preparing a love potion is a rather dangerous procedure and can lead to much more serious trouble for the creator himself. Therefore, before deciding in favor of the implementation of the ritual, you must carefully weigh everything and be prepared for negative consequences.

Most unrequitedly in love girls and boys use all possible ways to attract the attention of the object of desire. As a rule, standard actions lead to failures. It is because of hopelessness that people are taken to conduct a variety of magical rituals, among which the preparation of a love potion occupies a leading position. How to brew a love potion at home, and is there any use in such compounds?

A love potion is an ancient remedy for attracting a lover. Previously, potions were prepared to attract men and remove the husband from the family. But even today, men who want to take possession of an inaccessible beauty are also engaged in the preparation of a magical drink. The gender of the “cook” is not important in this case. It is necessary to follow all the rules of preparation, in no case use additional ingredients, and also not to exaggerate the quantitative composition of all ingredients.

Features of the action of a love potion:

  1. Cooking should be carried out during the growing moon.
  2. The potion is prepared in one day. But among magicians and sorcerers, you can find compositions whose production date dates back several decades ago. These drinks are more effective.
  3. It is necessary to add a potion to a drink for a loved one on the night of the bright moon. You can also use the full moon.
  4. The potion can only be used once.
  5. The most favorable days of the week for the ritual are Monday and Friday.
  6. During the preparation of the magical composition, it is necessary to tirelessly repeat the name of your beloved, and also have a great desire to bewitch him. Before pouring the potion into the drink, you must concentrate on your desires and want uncontrollably a man or woman in all love senses.
  7. When using any method of preparation, it should be remembered that the recipe for a love potion may be intended for a specific occasion, for example, to bring new feelings and more love to a faded relationship between a husband and wife. You can also make a mistake with the gender for whom the prepared potion is intended. Such mistakes will lead to the opposite result, which will “hit” energetically quite strongly the person who prepared the composition.

It should also be noted that love potions are more effective if prepared by an experienced witch. According to legend, she can contact higher powers and her assistants, who will assist her in cooking and impose their energy.

The dangers of using a love potion

How to prepare a love potion will become clear after some of the presented dangerous consequences of ingestion. After all, many people, having decided on an independent ritual, do not think about the consequences.

The drink of love is intended to attract a lover and leave the family if he is married. But sometimes drinking a drink can cause a clouding of the mind in a lover. There are cases when a person who consumed a drink went crazy.

We should not forget about the composition of the attractive drink. It often uses wine and other products that are allergens. Therefore, before using the potion on your lover, find out if he suffers from any types of allergic reactions, since such use can lead to unpleasant consequences, even death.

Do not resort to self-cooking if you are not confident in your knowledge and are not informed about all the features of the body of your lover. At the very least, trust the professionals.

Love Potion Recipes

How to make your own love potion? Use in full accordance with the instructions for the following recipes.

Potion using coriander seeds

The presented recipe for making a potion will allow you to attract a loved one who simply does not notice you, and also arouse feelings of sexual passion in him. The most effective effect can be achieved if you bewitch a lover with whom you already have a love relationship, but, for example, he wants to leave the family or has begun to cool off towards you.

To prepare, prepare everything you need in advance:

  • coriander seeds in the amount of seven pieces;
  • a cup of spring water;
  • clean identical cups in the amount of two pieces;
  • a clean mortar designed for grinding seeds;
  • one church candle.

Initially, you need to pour the seeds into a mortar and start grinding them using a suitable kitchen appliance. You should get a powder of uniform consistency. This action may take several minutes. At this time, think about your beloved and imagine all his caresses and memories. If you were not close to him, imagine your future together.

Pour the resulting powder into one cup and fill with spring water. Turn off the light and light the church candle, set it carefully and firmly. Place the second cup on the table, keeping a distance of 1 meter. Start pouring water with seeds from cup to cup up to 7 times. During the presented action, also imagine the future burning feelings of the beloved for you. The next day, you can already add the potion to your loved one's drink or food.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

Use the preparation of alcohol tincture as a love potion if you are sure that your lover is not allergic to alcohol. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • opaque glass vessel;
  • Lily flower;
  • alcohol.

The preparation of the presented potion is carried out on the full moon. Grind the petals of a white flower in a mortar and season them with alcohol. Pour the entire composition into the vessel used and put it in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

On the day of the next full moon, take out the potion, pour it into a cup and repeat the spell:

“Stello gibr, ogada khamus, Ibul gabul faro sdabas ipaka debr, Tal hargabla omiadox, sam hadas redo, Giber hal agota naido mais lako.”

The spell must be pronounced clearly, without errors and out loud. The very next day you can add it to your lover's drink. The volume of the potion should not exceed five drops.

By the way, sometimes people want to attract a lover of the same sex with them (adherents of homosexual relationships). Alcohol tincture with lily flowers is quite suitable for same-sex love.

Potion using ashes photos

Very often, girls try to keep a young man near them, who has already cooled off in a relationship. A recipe for making a potion using the ashes of your photos will help here.

The recipe requires a lot of preparation. Take a photo of a loved one and wear it for a month near your heart. After the time has elapsed, lightly smear the picture with your blood from the finger of your left hand. If desired, use menstrual blood. Burn a photograph of your lover in a saucer. Take yours, lower it into ashes, and then set it on fire.

Next, you need to brew the potion itself. Dip three red rose petals and weeping willow leaves into a pot of boiling water. Add photo ashes, a pinch of rosemary and a dash of red wine. Boil the composition and cool. The resulting drink is cooled, filtered and drunk with a lover throughout the day.

Preparing a love potion is a rather dangerous procedure and can lead to much more serious trouble for the creator himself. Therefore, before deciding in favor of the implementation of the ritual, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything and be prepared for negative consequences.

What is love? The sparkle of the eyes, the wandering smile and the glow from within. People in love are like aliens from other planets - happy, calm and peaceful. They react less to conflicts, do not notice the negative at all. Their life is like a beautiful tango for two. Of course, we are talking exclusively about mutual feelings.

Love gives a person a magical mood, familiar to everyone, and so powerful that anything can be attracted at this moment of light euphoria. Often the problem lies only in the fact that we actually don’t need anything and no one else ... “would be nice nearby.”

But what to do if you want love, and the second half is not even visible on the horizon? Or your relationship with the chosen one leaves much to be desired?

In this case, one small ritual can help you, which will not only enhance your natural charm, but also make you a mysterious magnet of love.

I strongly advise girls to perform this ritual on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday). The energies of these days greatly enhance our abilities, and work excellently for the development of our own magnetism. If you believe in the power of the moon, then wait.

Phrase " love potion”is known to us from fairy tales and implies a kind of intoxicating drink. The “victim” will drink and dry up until the end of his days ... However, this is only one of the interpretations.
We will use a love potion to enhance our energy in order to turn into a real source.

How to make a love potion?

Buy 1.5 liters still mineral water and put it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, take it out, write the word "" on a piece of paper, put your frozen water on it and wait until it melts.

Toward evening, take red paper or a piece of scarlet cloth and put a bottle of water on it. Open the cork and say:

"Love is everywhere,
Love hold on
Love come to me with water"

Then take a pinch powdered sugar and, carefully pouring it into the bottle, say: "Sweet water - I'm full of love"

Put the bottle on the windowsill and say: "Energy of the Moon charge the water with love"

In the morning, when you wake up, put the bottle on the sunniest half of your house with the words:

"The sun is purer than fire,
Make a love potion for me!"

After the last rays of sunlight leave your apartment, the love potion will be ready to use: drink a teaspoon (sip) in the morning and evening with the thought that you are turning into a real source of love.

Believe me, very pleasant changes will begin in your life very soon.

Merry magic to you!

Anastasia Volkova

People in love sometimes do crazy things, and they are ready for anything, if only their other half is there. One-sided love always causes painful feelings in the soul of the lover. When all methods to achieve location have been tried and failed, people often resort to all sorts of magical influences. The most effective method to attract the attention of a person you like is a love potion. It is important to know not only how to make a love potion, but also how to set yourself up for a ritual that is mostly based on strong visualization.

Manufacturing features

How to make a real love potion? It has been used to attract the love of men since time immemorial. And if earlier only women were engaged in potions, today a love potion is often used by men to win the hearts of inaccessible beauties. Whoever prepares a love potion, the main thing is to use only the ingredients indicated in the recipe and not increase their quantitative composition. It is very important to know how to prepare a love potion correctly. Rules for making a love potion:

  • brew a love potion should only be during the growth of the moon;
  • the brew must be made in one day;
  • add the potion should be on the full moon;
  • you can use a love spell only once;
  • in the process of cooking, you need to tirelessly repeat the name of your lover, concentrate on the final result;
  • it is very important to choose the right recipe that suits your gender as well as your individual case, otherwise the love potion will work in reverse, which will greatly damage your own biofield.

Before you make a love potion at home, you need to study all the information about the rituals and about your chosen one. In some cases, the use of such potions leads to a clouding of the victim's mind. The composition of love potions is very diverse and includes many ingredients that can cause death in the victim, if he has chronic diseases or allergies. It is important to remember that each recipe is meant for a special occasion, from the refreshment of the senses to complete submission to one's will. Potion of strong love - effective and time-tested.

Coriander potion

There are recipes for love potions that can be prepared from improvised materials that every housewife has in the kitchen. A coriander love potion will attract increased attention, a person you like and arouse sexual desire in him. The love potion will have the greatest impact if the victim of the love spell, the man with whom you already have a relationship, and he has cooled off towards you or is about to run away from the family. To brew a potion, you will need:

  • 8 grains of coriander;
  • 200 ml of spring water;
  • two glasses of 200 ml;
  • mortar;
  • wax candle.

Pour the seeds into a mortar and grind into powder, remembering all the wonderful moments of life together, and start reading these words:

“As you used to love, cherish and cherish, now you will love even more, you won’t even think about others.”

Pour the powder into one of the glasses and pour water into it.

Place a candle on the table and light it. The second glass must be placed at a distance of 1m. Next, pour the drink from glass to glass 7 times. All this time, imagine how the ice on the heart of your beloved has melted and your relationship has become tender and reverent. The next day, you can pour the love potion into your loved one's soup or into an alcoholic drink.

Alcohol infusion

Many recipes for love potions contain alcohol, because it is alcohol that causes the suppression of consciousness and then you can put any information into it. To prepare this version of the love potion you will need:

  • glass bowl, opaque;
  • white lily flower;
  • vodka.

Lily petals crush in a mortar and pour vodka. The entire contents of the mortar should be poured into a vessel and set aside for several days. On the next full moon, pour the liquid into a beautiful vessel and say a spell over it:

“Come to me, love, give me your love. Drink a drink - give your will. Do not look around, just go to my house, you will live with me in happiness.

Zelitse on the ashes from the pictures

Of all the love potions, the ash love potion recipes from the photographs are considered the most difficult to prepare. You will need two photographs: your own and your beloved. A picture of a loved one should be worn in the bosom, near the heart for a whole month. When a month has passed, take out the photo and put 9 drops of blood on it from the ring finger of your right hand. When the blood dries, burn the photo, and then lower your photo into the ashes and burn it too. Now you need to brew the potion. For him you need to take:

  • three petals of a tea rose;
  • weeping willow leaves;
  • 2g rosemary;
  • 5 drops of red wine;
  • ash.

After boiling the love potion, it must be cooled and added to drinks for yourself and your loved one throughout the day. You have to be very careful with this potion. If your man has stomach problems, this solution to love problems is definitely not for you.

To improve relationships

Not only the recipe is very important, but also how the potion is prepared, with what intent. To improve relations, it is necessary to prepare the so-called "love triangle". For this you need to take white paper and cut out a triangle with even sides. The length of each side should be exactly 33 cm. On one segment, you should draw the name of your beloved guy, on the other your own, on the third segment write the word "love".

After the last rays of the sun hide, during the period of the growing moon, set a coffee table in the center of the room, on which you place a crystal vessel with spring water. Place a triangle under it and place a candlestick next to it with a red candle. Next, take a light and passing it near the upper edge of the triangle, call on the witchcraft forces: “Schampatuk”.

Continue to move the candle along the perimeter of the triangle from left to right, saying: “amallo”, and closing the magic circle, say: “assate”. Do not look at the flame when moving the candle. All attention should be concentrated on the center of the triangular figure. Out of the corner of your eye, you will see how the fire leaves an invisible trail behind it. Your subconscious mind should draw a vivid image of the fiery triangle and concentrate on achieving the final result.

Pour nine drops of wine into the water, nine drops of your blood from the ring finger of your right hand. Continue the above movements, pronouncing the following text:

“Beloved, wake up, open your heart. I brew a potion, I want to receive love, ardent and passionate, as clear as a sunny day, as beautiful as a dark night.

With your left hand, turned palm down, make circular movements over the vessel with the potion. All this time, think about what your relationship will become, how you will feel good. At that moment, when you literally physically feel the flow of energy, abruptly stop moving and turn off the light. When the smoke from the wick comes out, catch it with your hand and throw it into the potion. Now you can begin to solder the victim.

Witch potion

From ancient times to the present day. the most popular is the love potion, which is brewed on the full moon. To make it you need:

  • trees;
  • periwinkle;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • tea rose petals.

All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions. Crush with a pestle in a mortar and pour boiling water. During the entire process, you should say:

“The moon came out into the sky, gave strength to the potion. You don’t know peace, like a little boy, wrapped you around your finger, bewitched you to yourself.

Add this potion little by little to your lover's food and drink.

It is not at all difficult to prepare such a love potion at home, but the result will exceed all your expectations. If your young man did not dare to take the next step, then soon he will marry you. Another popular love drink is brewed from apples. To prepare it, you need to take a beautiful red apple and vodka.

Cut the fruit in half and take out all the seeds from it. Throw one seed into the flask, then drop alcohol, then drop another seed, drop alcohol again, and so on until the seeds run out. During this process, say these words:

“Just as a big and strong apple tree grew from an apple seed and gave fruit, so our love grew from a small seed.”

To increase sexual attraction

Pepper, cinnamon, parsley, dill, coriander are considered powerful aphrodisiacs in love magic. Almost all of these ingredients are constantly in the kitchen of any woman, so it will not be difficult to prepare a love potion at home for sexual attraction. Mix all these ingredients in an equal ratio of 2g. Pound it all in a mortar with a pestle to get a homogeneous powder.

Throughout this time, say these words:

Love potion. Recipe.

Love Potion!!!

Before you brew love potions, you need to think about whether you will live with this person. Often, girls, having not received an answer to their love, without waiting for the person with whom they are destined to live their whole lives, are engaged in magical influences, and some even try to take their fathers away from the family. Such actions always lead to negative consequences, and even if the victim and the perpetrator live together, their marriage will not bring joy and euphoria, as if there was a real strong relationship between a man and a woman, not only on the physical, but also on spiritual level. Now you know how to make a love potion yourself - do not make mistakes, and you will succeed.

In ancient times, our foremothers, in order to achieve the love of a man, often resorted to magical tricks, for example, by preparing a love potion, and by mixing it into the food or drink of a loved one, you can completely take over his will and consciousness.

Currently remembered old recipes various love drinks and seasonings, which are increasingly used by modern women to solve their problems in their personal lives. But why not resort to solving these problems more the right way, for example, with the help of female charm? Anyway. This is an individual choice of each girl, and it is up to her to decide how to win the attention of her beloved.

What is a love potion , And how to prepare it correctly so that it definitely works? More and more girls are asking this question. Let's try to answer it.

A love potion is a drink prepared in a magical way, which is made in order to subjugate a certain person to one's will. If such a drink is prepared according to all the rules, then it will act no worse than any love spell, and maybe even more effective than it. The potion, getting into the stomach of the victim, works as intended by the performer of the love drink.

Love drinks are prepared depending on what goal a person pursues:

  • attract attention and arouse the love of a man;
  • ignite attraction and passion in him;
  • to bring back a loved one who has gone forever.

Individually, for each life situation, there is a recipe for a magical drink. All potions can also be divided into several categories:

  • drinks made with strong alcohol, and the addition of various specially prepared herbal preparations, coffee drinks using certain spices;
  • simple drink or food with charmed water, sugar or salt;
  • drinks for romantic meetings with the addition of substances that stimulate sexual desire.

If you add a particle of your flesh (blood, hair, nails or saliva) to such a drink or food, and speak with a prayer or spell, then the effectiveness of such a potion will increase many times over.

Operating principle

How to make a love potion? Before you start making love drinks, you should understand that:

  • drugs do not act at a distance - you must have personal contact with the person for whom you are going to prepare the potion;
  • the potion will only be effective if it is prepared by a person in a good mood;
  • drinks should be prepared strictly following the recipe - you cannot change or exclude ingredients at your own discretion. If a mistake occurs, then the drink will have the opposite effect and harm the one who prepared it;
  • the potion is prepared exclusively during the period when the moon is rising;
  • days of preparation of love drinks - Monday and Friday;
  • during the manufacture of the drug, you need to think about the person you want to drink. Concentrate fully on what you are doing before pouring your favorite drink on your loved one;
  • the love potion is used only once.