Love potion at home. How to make a love love potion yourself

What is love? Sparkling eyes, a wandering smile and a glow from within. People in love are like aliens from other planets - happy, calm and peaceful. They react less to conflicts and do not notice negativity at all. Their life resembles a beautiful tango for two. Of course, we are talking exclusively about mutual feelings.

Love gives a person a magical mood, familiar to everyone, and so powerful that at this moment of mild euphoria you can attract anything. Often the problem is only that we actually don’t need anything or anyone else... “if only a sweetheart were nearby.”

But what to do if you want love, but your soulmate is not even visible on the horizon? Or does your relationship with your chosen one leave much to be desired?

In this case, one small ritual can help you, which will not only enhance your natural charm, but also make you a mysterious magnet of love.

I strongly advise girls to perform this ritual on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday). The energies of these days significantly enhance our abilities, and work excellently for the development of our own magnetism. If you believe in the power of the Moon, then wait.

The phrase “love potion” is known to us from fairy tales and implies some kind of intoxicating drink. The “victim” drinks and dries out until the end of his days... However, this is only one of the interpretations.
We will use the love potion to enhance our energy in order to turn into a real source.

How to make a love potion?

Buy 1.5 liters of still mineral water and put it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, take it out, write the word ““ on a piece of paper, put your frozen water on it and wait for it to melt.

Towards evening, take red paper or a piece of scarlet cloth and place a bottle of water on it. Unscrew the cap and say:

"Love is everywhere,
Love wait,
Love come to me with water"

Then take a pinch powdered sugar and, carefully pouring it into the bottle, say: "Sweet water - I'm full of love"

Place the bottle on the windowsill and say: “The energy of the moon charges the water with love”

In the morning, when you wake up, place the bottle on the sunniest half of your house with the words:

"The sun is purer than fire,
Make a love potion for me!”

After the last rays of sunlight leave your apartment, the love potion will be ready for use: drink a teaspoon (sip) morning and evening with the thought that you are turning into a real source of love.

Believe me, very soon very pleasant changes will begin in your life.

Happy magic!

Anastasia Volkova

In ancient times, our foremothers, in order to achieve the love of a man, often resorted to magical techniques, for example, by preparing a love potion and mixing it into the food or drink of a loved one, you can completely take over his will and consciousness.

Currently remembered old recipes various love drinks and seasonings, which are increasingly used by modern representatives of the fairer sex to solve their problems in their personal lives. Just why not resort to solving these problems more the right way, for example, with the help of feminine charm? Anyway. This is the individual choice of each girl, and it is up to her to decide in what way to win the attention of her beloved.

What is a love potion , and how to prepare it correctly so that it is sure to work? More and more girls are asking this question. Let's try to answer it.

A love potion is a magically prepared drink that is made in order to subjugate a specific person to your will. If such a drink is prepared according to all the rules, then it will work no worse than any love spell, and maybe even more effective than it. The potion, entering the victim’s stomach, works as intended by the performer of the love potion.

Love potions are prepared depending on what goal the person is pursuing:

  • attract the attention and arouse the love of a man;
  • ignite attraction and passion in him;
  • bring back your loved one who is irretrievably gone.

Individually, for each life situation, there is its own recipe magic drink. All potions can also be divided into several categories:

  • drinks prepared using strong alcohol, and adding various specially prepared herbal infusions, coffee drinks using certain spices;
  • simple drink or food with charmed water, sugar or salt;
  • drinks for romantic meetings with the addition of substances that stimulate sexual desire.

If you add a particle of your flesh (blood, hair, nails or saliva) to such a drink or food and speak with a prayer or spell, then the effectiveness of such a potion will increase many times over.

Operating principle

How to make a love potion? Before you start preparing love drinks, you should understand that:

  • potions do not act at a distance - you must have personal contact with the person for whom you are going to prepare the potion;
  • the potion will only be effective if it is prepared by a person in a good mood;
  • Drinks should be prepared strictly following the recipe - you cannot change or exclude ingredients at your discretion. If a mistake occurs, the drink will have the opposite effect and harm the person who prepared it;
  • the potion is prepared exclusively during the period when the moon is growing;
  • days for preparing love drinks - Monday and Friday;
  • When making a drug, you need to think about the person you want to drug. Before you serve it to your loved one, concentrate completely on what you are doing;
  • The love potion is used only once.

People in love sometimes do crazy things and are ready to do anything if only their soulmate is nearby. One-sided love always causes painful feelings in the soul of a lover. When all methods of gaining favor have been tried and have not yielded results, people often resort to all sorts of magical influences. The most effective method to attract the attention of the person you like is a love potion. It is important to know not only how to make a love potion, but also how to set yourself up for the ritual, which is mostly based on strong visualization.

Manufacturing Features

How to make a real love potion? It has been used to attract the love of men since time immemorial. And if previously only women were engaged in potion making, today love potions are often used by men to win the hearts of unattainable beauties. Whoever prepares a love potion, the main thing is to use only the ingredients indicated in the recipe and not to increase their quantitative composition. It is very important to know how to prepare a love potion correctly. Rules for making a love potion:

  • The love potion should be brewed only during the waxing period of the moon;
  • the brew must be made in one day;
  • The potion should be added during the full moon;
  • You can use a love love potion only once;
  • during the cooking process, you need to tirelessly repeat the name of your lover, concentrate on the final result;
  • It is very important to choose the right recipe that is suitable for your gender, as well as for your individual case, otherwise the love potion will act in the opposite order, which will greatly damage your own biofield.

Before you make a love potion at home, you need to study all the information about the rituals and your chosen one. In some cases, the use of such potions leads to clouding of the victim's mind. The composition of love potions is very diverse and includes many ingredients that can cause death in the victim if he has chronic diseases or allergies. It is important to remember that each recipe is intended for a special individual occasion, from refreshing the senses to completely subjugating one’s will. The potion of strong love is effective and time-tested.

Coriander medicine

There are recipes for love potions that can be prepared from scrap materials that every housewife has in her kitchen. A love potion made from coriander will attract increased attention from the person you like and arouse sexual desire in him. A love love potion will have the greatest impact if the victim of the love spell is a man with whom you already have a relationship, and he has cooled off towards you or is about to run away from the family. To brew potion, you will need:

  • 8 coriander grains;
  • 200 ml spring water;
  • two glasses of 200 ml;
  • mortar;
  • wax candle.

Pour the seeds into a mortar and grind into powder, remembering all the wonderful moments of your life together, and begin to read these words:

“As you loved, cared for and cherished before, so now you will love even more, you won’t even think about others.”

Pour the powder into one of the glasses and pour water into it.

Place a candle on the table and light it. The second glass should be placed at a distance of 1 m. Next, pour the drink from glass to glass 7 times. All this time, imagine how the ice on your loved one’s heart has melted and your relationship has become tender and reverent. The next day, you can pour the love potion into your loved one’s soup or into an alcoholic drink.

Alcohol infusion

Many recipes for love potions contain alcohol, because it is alcohol that causes suppression of consciousness and then you can put any information into it. To prepare this version of the love potion you will need:

  • glass bowl, opaque;
  • white lily flower;
  • vodka.

Crush the lily petals in a mortar and pour in vodka. The entire contents of the mortar should be poured into a vessel and set aside for several days. On the next full moon, pour the liquid into a beautiful vessel and say a spell over it:

“Come to me, my love, give me your love. Drink the drink - give up your will. Don’t look around, just come to my house, you will live with me in happiness.”

Potion on the ashes from the photographs

Of all the love potions, recipes for love potions using ashes from photographs are considered the most difficult to prepare. You will need two photographs: yours and your lover's. A photograph of your loved one should be worn in your bosom, near your heart, for a whole month. When a month has passed, take out the photo and drop 9 drops of blood from the ring finger of your right hand onto it. When the blood dries, burn the photo, and then lower your photo into the ashes and burn it too. Now you need to brew the potion. For it you need to take:

  • three tea rose petals;
  • weeping willow leaves;
  • 2g rosemary;
  • 5 drops of red wine;
  • ash.

After boiling the love potion, you need to cool it and add it to drinks for yourself and your loved one throughout the day. You need to be very careful with this potion. If your man has stomach problems, this solution to love problems is definitely not for you.

To improve relationships

Not only the recipe is very important, but also how the potion is prepared and with what intent. To improve relationships, it is necessary to prepare the so-called “love triangle”. To do this you need to take white paper and cut out a triangle with straight sides. The length of each side should be exactly 33 cm. On one segment you should write the name of your beloved guy, on the other your own, on the third segment write the word “love”.

After the last rays of the sun have disappeared, during the waxing moon, place a coffee table in the center of the room on which to place a crystal vessel with spring water. Place a triangle under it and place a candlestick with a red candle next to it. Next, take a torch and, passing it near the upper edge of the triangle, call upon the witchcraft powers: “Shlampatuk.”

Continue moving the candle along the perimeter of the triangle from left to right, saying: “amallo”, and closing the magic circle, say: “assate”. Don't look at the flame when moving the candle. All attention should be concentrated on the center of the triangular figure. Out of the corner of your eye, you will see how the fire leaves an invisible trail behind it. Your subconscious should draw a vivid image of a fiery triangle and concentrate on achieving the final result.

Add nine drops of wine and nine drops of your blood from the ring finger of your right hand to the water. Continue the above movements, saying the following text:

“Darling, wake up, open your heart. I’m brewing a potion, I want to receive love, ardent and passionate, like a clear sunny day, like a beautiful dark night.”

With your left hand, palm down, make circular movements over the vessel with the potion. All this time, think about what your relationship will be like, how good it will be for you. The moment you literally physically feel the flow of energy, abruptly stop your movements and turn off the light. When smoke comes from the wick, catch it with your hand and throw it into the potion. Now you can start drugging the victim.

Witch's medicine

From ancient times to the present day. The most popular is a love potion, which is brewed during the full moon. To make it you need:

  • trees;
  • periwinkle;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • mint;
  • tea rose petals.

All ingredients should be mixed in equal proportions. Crush in a mortar and pestle and pour boiling water over it. During the entire process you should say:

“The moon came out into the sky and gave me strength with a potion. You will not know peace, like a little boy, she has wrapped you around her finger, bewitched you to herself.”

Add this potion little by little to your loved one’s food and drink.

It’s not at all difficult to prepare such a love potion at home, but the result will exceed all your expectations. If your young man has not decided to take the next step, then soon he will take you as his wife. Another popular love drink is made from apples. To prepare it you need to take a beautiful red apple and vodka.

Cut the fruit in half and remove all the seeds. Throw one seed into the flask, then add a drop of alcohol, then throw in another seed, add another drop of alcohol, and so on until the seeds run out. During this process, say these words:

“Just as a large and strong apple tree grew from an apple seed and bore fruit, so our love grew from a small seed.”

To increase sexual attraction

Pepper, cinnamon, parsley, dill, and coriander are considered powerful aphrodisiacs in love magic. Almost all of these ingredients are constantly available to any woman in her kitchen, so it will not be difficult to prepare a love potion at home for sexual attraction. Mix all these ingredients in equal proportions, 2g each. Grind it all in a mortar and pestle to obtain a homogeneous powder.

Throughout this time, say these words:

Love potion. Recipe.

Love potion!!!

Before you brew love potions, you need to think about whether you will live with this person. Often girls, having not received an answer to their love, without waiting for the person with whom they are destined to live their whole lives, engage in magical influences, and some even try to take their fathers away from the family. This kind of action always leads to negative consequences, and even if the victim and the perpetrator live together, then their marriage will not bring joy and euphoria, as if there were a real strong relationship between a man and a woman, not only on the physical, but also on the spiritual level. Now you know how to make a love potion yourself - don’t make mistakes, and you will succeed.

Love is not only a wonderful feeling, but also unpredictable. We don't choose who we fall in love with - often our hearts and souls make that choice. And how bitter and offensive it is to realize that the person we love does not reciprocate our feelings. Of course, unrequited love forced people to perform feats and create magnificent masterpieces of art, but it also brought a lot of suffering.

What am I talking about? Yes, that people from ancient times, especially the fairer sex, tried to turn unrequited love into mutual love, and magic helped them in this. Love potions are one of the oldest means of achieving reciprocal feelings from the desired person.

What is a love elixir? This is a magical drink, the purpose of which is to enhance passion and affection, attract a nice and desirable person, and restore fading feelings. Love potions have been used in practical magic since ancient times. They were made on the basis of wine or tea, and fresh blood was a mandatory ingredient. The composition sometimes included the most unimaginable components, from which a person far from magic would be horrified.

Modern love drinks have a more measured and gentle composition, and you can usually find all the ingredients without extra effort. Moreover, I do not recommend experimenting in your magic kitchen with preparing a love elixir with dangerous and “wild” ingredients. Without knowing the properties of ingredients that you have never dealt with before, you risk causing significant damage to your loved one and yourself. IN best case scenario the potion will not work or will give the opposite result, at worst it will lead to serious health problems.

What to consider when preparing a love elixir?

To avoid a number of undesirable consequences that can be caused by drinking a love potion (and, believe me, there are some: history knows of cases when people even lost their minds from this drink), you need to adhere to certain rules and conditions when preparing it. Let's consider them individually:

Love potion recipes

Now that we have discussed with you the essence of a love potion and the conditions for its preparation, I want to introduce you to some love potion recipes that you can prepare yourself without much difficulty.

Method one - on blood

Components: a few drops of your blood(you can prick your finger or use a menstrual pump), red rose petals(red is the flower of the goddess of love Aphrodite).

Preparation: Squeeze the juice from the rose petals and mix it with your blood. The resulting potion must be mixed into your loved one’s food or drink in several doses.

Love potions based on blood are considered one of the most powerful. They can bind your loved one to you almost forever.

Method two - on the hair

Components:chosen one's hair(you can use a curl from the head, but the groin is better), absolutely new scissors, red rose petals, your pubic hair, bottle of red wine.

Preparation:Pink petals burn, save the ashes. Finely chop the hair (yours and your chosen one) with scissors, then mix with the ashes of the petals. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle of red wine and leave for 2 weeks. Gradually drink the resulting potion with your chosen one.

Method three - with vodka, fruits and apples

A recipe that has come down to us from Ancient Rus'.

Components:vodka - 5 tablespoons, -1 piece, pear - half, Walnut, juniper - 1 teaspoon, water - 1 glass.

Preparation: Finely chop everything solid ingredients, mix with water. Boil, remove from heat, strain after 15 minutes, add vodka. Give the chosen one a drink (best of all - immediately after preparation). The results will appear quite quickly.

Method four - water potion

Components:plain water or any other drink.

Preparation: Speak to the drink (or water) using the following words:

“(1) You are with me, I am with you. I am with you, you are with me.

(2) Just as water does not spill, so we can live together.” .

Give half of the potion to drink to your loved one, and drink the other half yourself. When the chosen one drinks, you need to repeat the second part of the spell to yourself; When you drink it yourself - the first one.

Very often we love those who are absolutely indifferent to us. And what to do in such a situation, when your heart is broken, and the passion chosen by your loved one does not suit him at all? In such a situation, you need to act urgently, and a love potion is an excellent solution.

Almost any love potion that allows you to attract a loved one is prepared during the waxing Moon.
As a rule, one day is enough to make a potion. However, as full exposure a period of several decades would be optimal. Despite this, we should not forget that the time for transmitting the required energy flow is the night of the bright moon.

Choose a day to use a love potion, which is performed only once. It is very important that the magical action occurs on the third, eighth or ninth lunar day. The full moon is also an alternative. The most suitable days for performing this magical ritual are Friday and Monday, combined with your mood, desire and emotional state.

If you take a love potion, it will make a person fall in love with the person who prepared the decoction for him. Love potions have been widely used in magic and mythology since ancient times. They were given no less importance in the Middle Ages. Then the crazy demand subsided, giving way to spells and enchantments. However, recipes for magic potions have survived to this day.

Traditionally, a love potion included ingredients such as wine, water or tea, flavored with potions or herbs. The best love potion of love was prepared by a witch and provided a magnificent result that did not take long to wait.

Having prepared a love potion, it was necessary to act with it very carefully. After all, it was believed that a person who drank the drug would have strong feelings for the one who gave him the drink. However, history knows of cases where, after drinking a love potion, people lost their minds and went crazy. For many centuries, the main ingredient in love potion recipes was mandrake root. This plant is a poisonous member of the nightshade family. In order to give a pleasant aroma, they added to the love potion orange zest and ambergris. The verbena herb was used in earlier times, as well as in the 20th century.

Other less pleasant components were the reproductive organs of animals: beavers, kangaroos, etc. Indian sorcerers added betel nuts and tobacco to love potions. About how to cook love potions without killing animals and searching for rare herbs, the women of Canada and Nova Scotia knew very well. They simply immersed their hair in water and then forced their chosen one to drink this potion.

Witch Potion Components

The following ingredients are very popular for preparing magic potions:

  • Fern seeds
  • Step over
  • Shangla
  • Red resin
  • Hummingbird Heart

Many of the ingredients in the potions smell very bad, making it impossible for your loved one to drink it. Since the brew is unpleasant not only in smell, but also in taste, the drink began to lose its popularity. Potions fell out of demand, and spells began to be incredibly popular. Although for a long time many witches and sorceresses knew how to make a potion.

Ritual with a potion to improve relationships

It is not the composition of the drink that is most effective, but the way it is prepared. Therefore, we will talk about how to prepare a love potion.

Prepare a “love triangle.” To do this, take thick white paper from which you need to cut out an equilateral triangle. The length of its sides should be 33 cm. On one side write your name, on the other - the name of the loved one with whom you dream to be close. On the third side, write the word “Love” with a capital letter. The ritual is carried out in several stages on the waxing Moon after the Sun has set.

  1. In the center of the room you need to place a small table, which needs to be covered with a red or black cloth.
  2. A triangle is placed on the fabric.
  3. The candle is lit.
  4. A crystal glass is filled with spring water or any other liquid.
  5. The glass should be located in the center of the triangle.
  6. Now take the candle in your right hand and hold it above the top edge of the triangle.

Beginning of the ritual

By starting to move the hand in which the candle is located, from the upper extreme corner to the right corner, you need to invoke witchcraft power:

Continuing to move along the horizontal side of the triangle, from right to left, continue to say:

From the lower left corner, continue moving upward, closing the magical triangular figure:

While the candle flame is moving, try not to look at the fire. You need to concentrate on the center of the triangle, looking at the fire out of the corner of your eye. During this, you will be able to see how the fire leaves an almost invisible trail that follows the contour of the triangle. The fiery outline of the triangle should be clearly visible in your imagination. It is thanks to your vivid imagination that your dream about your loved one will acquire the features of the material world. Therefore, you need to be able to visualize and imagine how your dreams and desires come true.

Continuation of the ritual

All previously performed movements and words require repetition twice more. In this case, the voice should initially be quiet, but gradually intensify with each movement. You must give more and more force and confidence to what you say, filling it with passion and desire. After completing the action, holding your left palm over the potion and your right palm over your left palm, say:

“Adlavah saus, korga avydalo.
Piro tagul, ahvadol.
Ueder nore kofado, ude ode do.”

Now begin to make circular movements with the palm of your left hand, directing your palm clockwise. Start doing this silently, but if necessary, start repeating the spell:

“Akhalael atabl.
El lekamur, Azwakh.
Ode faul lame, ode lah.”

Until you believe that the ritual will bring the desired effect, continue the ritual. During the ritual, imagine the consequences that will accompany your loved one after taking the potion. Make full use of your own imagination. Mentally draw pictures and images of you exchanging passion with your loved one.

Completion of the ritual

The time will come when you will understand that this is no longer an illusion, but a happy reality. The moment you feel the love of your loved one, suddenly stop your movements and extinguish the candle by blowing it out. Wait until the flame dies out and a light cloud of smoke begins to remain. After this, try to catch this smoke and hold it in your fist. Move your right hand to the side. Sharply open your left palm and push the smoke into the potion. This gesture expresses the strength of your will, so whether you caught the smoke or not does not play a special role. So, the ritual is over. Now you can serve the drink to the person you want to bewitch.

Witches' potions, that is, drinks prepared by these witches, have long been especially popular. A considerable number of recipes have survived to this day, describing how to brew love potions that have a powerful effect on the object being bewitched.

It is worth noting that witches were the first to brew potions. They made them both for those they love and for those they hate. However, most often, witches liked to prepare a decoction for themselves in order to preserve their natural beauty.

Thanks to the witches, another direction began to develop, namely healing magic. With the help of a specially prepared decoction, it has now become possible not only to make a person fall in love with you, but also to cure a terminally ill person. Knowledge of how to brew potions has become incredibly popular.

Drinks for various magical purposes

Making magic potions at home is quite simple. The attractive thing is that the decoction can have a wide variety of purposes: to ease childbirth, heal wounds, etc. That's why we suggest you learn how to make potions in more detail. You will understand how to prepare potions and avoid mistakes.

This drug is used to improve sleep and avoid nightmares. Stock up the following ingredients: rose petals, verbena and myrtle leaves.

All components must be taken in equal proportion. Rose petals need to be infused for three days in a teapot with water. Replenish the infusion with a new batch of petals every day.

On the third day you need to add verbena and myrtle. The mixture of three components should infuse for the third day. Before going to bed, wash yourself with three handfuls of this water. Continue the procedures every day until the infusion ends. If necessary, you can prepare an additional portion.

Do you want to attract financial success into your life? If so, you will love this money potion recipe.

To prepare a money potion you will need:

  • 2 parts cedar
  • 3 parts sassafras
  • 1 part Jamaican pepper
  • 1 part dill
  • 1 part cloves
  • 1 part calamus
  • 1 part vetiver

Take a bottle made of green glass and fill it halfway with water. Place a handful of energized herbs in it and close the bottle with a lid, leaving it to infuse in bright sun for the whole day. After dusk, you need to smell the water. If the smell is strong, strain the broth and add it while taking a bath, wash your face with it, lubricate your hands, etc. If the smell is not tart enough, place the broth in the refrigerator. The next day, expose it to the sun again and then the love potion will be ready.

This magical decoction will help you protect yourself from the negative effects and actions of evil spirits.

To prepare a magical decoction we will need:

  • 1 part laurel
  • 3 parts rosemary
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper

Mix all ingredients. 1 tsp place the resulting mixture in a bowl and pour boiled water. Let sit for nine minutes. Cover the cup with a lid. The infusion can be added every day when taking a bath or taken in pure form a few spoons a day.

A love potion will help you quietly bewitch your loved one. The beauty of the drink is that the person being bewitched will not feel the difference between ordinary red wine and this love drink.

To prepare this love potion we will need:

  • 2 cups red wine
  • 1 piece vanilla
  • 2 tsp rhubarb juice
  • 3 tsp each cinnamon and ginger

All herbs and a 2.5 cm long piece of vanilla should be placed in red wine. Adding 2 tsp. rhubarb juice, you need to leave the mixture to infuse for 3 days. After this time, the broth can be drunk.

If you want to learn how to foresee the future, then you will probably like the recipe for magic tea.

To prepare magic tea we will need:

  • 1 part wormwood
  • 2 parts rose petals
  • 1 part jasmine flowers
  • 1/2 part cinnamon
  • 1 part peppermint

Mix the ingredients, add 1 tsp. mixture into a cup. Pour boiling water over it and, cover with a lid, let it brew for a few minutes. Drink before bed for prophetic dreams.

How to make a love potion yourself video:

Now you know how to prepare potions and can use them for their intended purpose.

Some love potions will allow you not to lose your loved one. Other recipes for magical potions will help you become successful, find peace of mind, healthy sleep and the gift of clairvoyance.