Drawing pains in the intestines. Pain in the abdominal wall. What to do with pain?

Everyone has problems with digestion: they got poisoned, overate at a holiday, got nervous. For some reason, disruption of the intestines for the mentality of our nation is considered a delicate problem that they do not like to discuss, and even more so to go to the doctor. But any symptom of a gastrointestinal disorder can indicate both banal and the growth of an oncological tumor. In addition, a diseased intestine increases the chance of catching respiratory infections due to a decrease in local immunity. Characteristic symptoms will help to recognize bowel diseases in time. Contents:

The intestines as the main immune organ The length of the thick and thin is about 6 meters. This most important organ not only performs the function of a food conveyor, but also ensures the normal activity of others. internal organs, and also protects the body from pathogenic microorganisms. After digestion, food enters the intestines and is broken down into proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the small intestine is responsible for the absorption of nutrients due to its structure and the presence of specific villi. The intestinal mucosa produces special hormones that have a beneficial effect on the performance of the digestive department. Gastrin, motilin, secretin regulate appetite, vascular tone and even mood. The immune function of the intestine is of great importance. Scientists have proven that 80% of the whole organism depends on the full-fledged work of the intestinal department. Bacteria that live in the intestine perform many useful actions:

  • inhibit the activity of putrefactive microorganisms;
  • filter heavy metals, toxic substances that enter with food, water and air;
  • produce acids (formic, acetic, succinic, lactic), without which normal metabolism is impossible;
  • improve absorption essential vitamins and microelements;
  • reduce the load on;
  • serve as a kind of protection against pathogenic bacteria;
  • reduce and accelerate the metabolism of fats;
  • raise the level.

Violation of intestinal motility is immediately displayed on the work of the body as a whole. A person notices manifestations due to insufficient filtration of harmful substances, the body becomes susceptible to. As a result of inadequate metabolism, the appearance, deterioration of the skin, hair and nails is possible. People who have suffered from intestinal colic for years, ignoring a visit to a therapist, risk getting more serious diseases. Symptoms of a diseased intestine and stomach The intensity and severity of symptoms of diseases of the intestinal section depends on the degree of the disease, on the part of the intestine (thick or thin). Almost all diseases are accompanied by pain. The pain can be constant aching, episodic, sharp. With a disorder of the small intestine, there is often pain in the navel, if the large intestine suffers, then the pain is localized in the groin area on the left or right. Before defecation, pain can radiate to the spine or sacrum. In addition to various bouts of pain, there are other signs of a diseased intestine:

  • (excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestines) - a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness and bloating, after the release of excess air, relief comes;
  • constipation - the absence of bowel movements for more than 48 hours, while the feces are hard and dry, daily emptying also belongs to constipation, but in small quantities;
  • - burning behind the sternum, which rises up the entire length of the esophagus (instead of burning, a sensation of a lump, heat, pressure is possible, often occurs with increased acidity);
  • bloating and rumbling in the stomach;
  • - increased emptying up to 6 times a day with damage to the small intestine, with a disorder of the large intestine even more often;
  • , burp.

The acute or chronic form of the diseased intestine is accompanied by a swallowing disorder (dysphagia), pain in the anus, the presence of blood, mucus, and pus in the feces. Most often, patients with the above symptoms are diagnosed with:

  • acute or chronic enteritis;
  • functional constipation;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • , inflammation of the large or small intestine;
  • dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections.

Sometimes intestinal pathology develops asymptomatically and is detected only during instrumental diagnostics.More detailed information learn about irritable bowel syndrome from the video. How to determine the pathology of the intestine in appearance? An experienced doctor is able to preliminarily assume a diagnosis, only by externally examining the patient. Judging by the condition of the skin of the face and its color, hair, tongue, one can determine which organ a person is sick with. The connection between sick intestines and facial skin is obvious. In the process of food processing, not only useful material but also poisonous toxins. If the intestinal microflora is disturbed, it cannot cope with its filter function, then the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. They become clogged, and harmful bacteria use the areas filled with sebum as a favorable habitat. After the studies, doctors came to the conclusion that accumulation in certain places can be interconnected with internal organs:

  • pimples located on the forehead, wings of the nose, cheeks indicate problems with the intestines;
  • acne on the temples signal a malfunction of the gallbladder;
  • on the chin can be a sign of a disorder in the genital or gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory formations on the back indicate intestinal dysbacteriosis, possible problems endocrine organs, gynecological pathologies.
  • change in the usual diet - a decrease in fatty foods, fast food, refined foods, the predominance of protein foods, fiber;
  • taking probiotics and prebiotics - relevant for intestinal dysbacteriosis, beneficial bacteria colonize the microflora and eliminate harmful microorganisms;
  • the use of sorbents, antispasmodics and antimicrobial agents - is used for enteritis to relieve pain, unpleasant symptoms (bloating, heartburn).

For constipation, laxatives are prescribed, but their use should be monitored by a specialist in order to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis. With diverticulosis, the doctor will prescribe the patient a diet, antiseptics, antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Proctitis is treated with sulfonamides, cleansing, while observing bed rest. The surgical method of treatment is resorted to only according to indications: removal of the appendix, breakthrough of a diverticulum (a small loop in the intestine), intestinal obstruction, benign and malignant tumors. The effectiveness of treatment of intestinal diseases depends on a competent diagnosis. Intestinal diseases in children You can encounter intestinal diseases in a child at any age. Some children are born with intestinal malformations, others acquire as they grow older inflammatory diseases: duodenitis, enteritis, colitis, sigmoiditis, peptic ulcer. Very often, mothers struggle with dysbacteriosis in newborns and older children. Symptoms of dysbacteriosis are the same as in adults: unstable stool (alternating diarrhea and constipation), paroxysmal pain, rumbling in the abdomen after 2 hours of eating, belching, decrease. Normalization of microflora during dysbacteriosis in a child is not an easy task. products, exclude possible allergen products, ask the pediatrician to prescribe drugs to restore the intestinal microflora. Crohn's disease (inflammation of the intestinal mucosa) is considered a serious disease. Ulcers form on the walls of the intestines, which, if treatment is ignored, can turn into fistulas. The chair becomes more frequent up to 10 times a day, after eating the child has a stomach ache. Pathology is treated with medications and dietary restrictions: all foods that increase intestinal motility (fatty, spicy, chocolate,) are excluded. In addition to severe inflammatory diseases, children often become infected with intestinal infections. Poisoning the body is easy to determine:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea (loose stools)
  • dry mouth and pale skin;
  • bloating, crampy abdominal pain;
  • sometimes enhancement of the body.

In the first-aid kit of parents, drugs for poisoning should always be present to provide emergency assistance to the child. It can be Regidron, Atoxil, Sorbeks. A solution to prevent dehydration can be made at home: one liter boiled water will need 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and juice of half a lemon. The doctor will prescribe the main course of treatment after determining the causative agent of an intestinal infection. A balanced diet for a child and proper hygiene - best defense children from bowel diseases not associated with congenital anomalies. What are the methods of prevention? To avoid problems with the intestines and stomach, you must follow simple rules supply:

  • meals should be regular so that digestive activity and juice production are synchronized;
  • it is desirable to eat 4 times a day in uniform portions;
  • constant dry food contributes to constipation - the body needs one and a half liters of fluid per day;
  • food should not be excessively hot or cold, so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa;
  • abuse of white bread, fresh pastries, baking provokes heartburn;
  • cereals, fruits, greens, vegetables rich in fiber activate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream) normalize intestinal motility, eliminate putrefactive processes.

Do not forget about the state of your psyche, because emotional trauma in one way or another affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. and fears can lead to functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcers. Treatment with any drugs without specialist supervision is very detrimental to the digestive organs. Antibiotics, antidepressants, hypotension pills, laxatives, psychotropic drugs - this is not the whole list of medicines that cannot be taken without the consent of a doctor. Of course, the best preventive measure It is considered the rejection of bad habits, which includes the abuse of alcoholic beverages. The child must be taught to keep their hands clean, wash fruits and vegetables before eating, and not to drink tap water. There is no need to go to extremes, bowel cleansing and fasting cannot be carried out without medical supervision. Intestinal diseases occupy a large part of all diseases of the digestive organs. We eat, guided by the principle of "fast, cheap and tasty", and then suffer from intestinal colic and indigestion. Everyone knows that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. Do not turn a blind eye to another bout of nausea, problems with emptying or rumbling in the stomach. Miscellaneous diseases(far from harmless) have exactly the same symptoms. It is especially necessary to be attentive to people who have a hereditary predisposition to intestinal diseases.

Painful sensations in the intestines develop as a result of spasm of smooth muscle tissue. As a result, lactic acid is released, under the influence of which the nerve endings are irritated. There are several characteristic causes of sharp and aching pain in the intestinal area.

Causes of pain in the intestines after eating

If discomfort and soreness occur 1.5-2 hours after eating, most likely it is a lesion of the duodenum. In this case, heartburn may be added to the pain. The pain itself is a dull aching character with gastroduodenitis. When there are cramping pains in the intestines, the cause, most often, is a peptic ulcer.

Lesions of the sections of the large and small intestines make themselves felt 5-6 hours after eating. Depending on the pathology and the affected area, sensations can vary greatly. For example, inflammation of the appendix provokes pain in the right area of ​​the small pelvis, but pain can be given to the upper and left parts of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, proper diagnosis is necessary.

Common causes of bowel pain requiring immediate treatment include:

Aching and seemingly causeless pain in the intestinal area often appears in women who are in an "interesting position". As a rule, the symptom occurs due to the growth of the uterus - it compresses the intestines, which leads to discomfort.

How to treat pain in the intestines with pharmacological drugs?

It is impossible to advise how to treat pain in the intestines until the cause is clarified. However, there is a treatment regimen that is recommended in most cases:

  1. Etiotropic therapy - the use of antibiotics and probiotics to eliminate the infectious process and normalize the microflora.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy - the use of enzymes to stimulate the intestines.
  3. Symptomatic therapy - the use of drugs that reduce the pronounced clinical signs of pathology.

In acute appendix, intestinal obstruction, advanced oncology, surgical treatment is recommended.

How to treat pain in the intestines with folk remedies?

In combination with pharmacological preparations, to eliminate pain and treat dysbacteriosis, they also use folk recipes. It is advisable to first consult a doctor about the possibility of using them.

Recipe #1


  • motherwort - 1 part;
  • peppermint- 1 part;
  • sage - 1 part;
  • yarrow - 1 part;
  • St. John's wort - 1 part;
  • oak bark - 1 part.

Preparation and application

2 tablespoons of the mixture is poured into 500 ml of water and heated for 2 hours. The cooled broth is filtered and taken within 3 days four times a day for half a glass. It is indicated for pain associated with irritation of the mucous membranes of the organ and diarrhea. It is forbidden to use with pancreatitis.

Recipe #2


Preparation and application

Raw materials are steamed with boiled water. After 10 minutes, the infusion is filtered and drunk in several doses per day. Recommended for insufficient intestinal motility.

Knowing how to treat pain in the intestines, you should not take medicines spontaneously. In any case, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist, since first of all it is necessary to eliminate the cause of discomfort.

In many cases, pain is the result of spasms of the muscles of the small or large intestine, but sometimes such manifestations are caused by a violation of the function of removing feces or the movement of food through the intestines. Discomfort may be accompanied by other manifestations: increased gas formation, urge to vomit, heartburn, belching.

intestinal ischemia

One of the causes of abdominal pain is ischemic colitis. In the presence of a disease, the blood vessels in the large intestine are clogged, which leads to impaired patency. Manifestations of pathology occur in patients prone to vascular disease (varicose veins, diabetes, atherosclerosis). Pain caused by the progression of ischemic colitis is cramping. But with a decrease in colic, the pain can spread to other parts of the body and takes on a girdle character. The development of pathology leads to the appearance of other symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation.

Also, one of the symptoms of the disease is the appearance of blood streaks in the feces or defecation with mucus.

Bowel obstruction

Violation of the process of moving food in the intestines, caused by insufficient peristalsis of the fibers of the muscle tissue, leads to intestinal obstruction. With the development of pathology, the patient's condition worsens, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, constipation and loss of appetite appear.

The sensation of pain is the main manifestation in the symptoms of intestinal obstruction. Pain sensations appear suddenly, regardless of the time of day, sleep or wakefulness, food intake and other external factors and are cramp-like in nature. The first manifestations of the symptom during the development of the disease appear every 20-30 minutes, with the development of pathology, pain contractions may disappear, but this is an alarming sign, it indicates the complete absence of peristalsis and the accumulation of feces, which cause toxic poisoning inside the intestine.

Detection of intestinal obstruction

The clinical picture of the development of the disease, according to the symptoms, resembles the development of other pathologies developing in the gastrointestinal tract.

Many patients ignore the symptoms and calm down when the pain subsides, but this leads to more serious consequences and the development of other gastrointestinal diseases.

It is important not to start the disease, to be more attentive to any malfunctions digestive system. When the first signs of pathology appear, it is urgent to contact specialists who can identify the cause of disorders in the intestines. Particular attention should be paid to the following manifestations that occur with intestinal obstruction:

  • uneven shape of the abdomen (associated with the accumulation of feces in the colon);
  • complete absence or rare defecation (taking laxatives does not have a positive effect);
  • attacks of pain that occur with a time interval of 20-30 minutes.

But these same symptoms can also occur with other diseases, only a complete examination of the intestinal cavity of the patient can reveal the cause and degree of development of the disease.

Polyps in the intestine

The development of the disease in the primary stage is asymptomatic, so it is difficult to diagnose. Polyps are one of the forms of benign neoplasms, their localization is located on the intestinal mucosa, and both single manifestations of the disease can occur, and mass distribution over the entire area, mass distribution has its own medical term - polyposis. In more cases of detection, polyps are detected during an ultrasound examination of the intestinal cavity, which may be prescribed for reasons not related to this type of pathology.

Pain symptoms in the event of polyps are mild, accompanied by aching pain, which does not have a clearly defined localization, and if large lesions occur, problems with defecation may occur.

Malignant tumors

The development of bowel cancer is imperceptible on initial stage for the patient, but in the process of development of metastases and their spread to neighboring organs of the body, there is a dull pain in the intestines that does not have a pronounced localization. When a malignant tumor is formed, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • the occurrence of constipation that cannot be treated with drug therapy and diets;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight of the patient;
  • blood manifestations in feces;
  • lack of appetite.

When primary signs appear that characterize the possibility of bowel cancer, it is necessary to consult an oncologist. Detection of a benign tumor at the initial stage of pathology development can save the patient's life.

The nature of pain sensations by locality. Pain on the right.


Inflammatory processes that occur with appendicitis cause acute pain on the right side of the abdomen, spreading to the upper intestines, its spread may be accompanied by discomfort in the right leg. Typical signs of appendicitis:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • frequent urination;
  • promotion blood pressure;
  • increased pain when changing posture, walking and coughing.

The nature of pain sensations by locality. Pain on the left.

Ulcerative colitis

One of the reasons for the appearance of uncomfortable sensations on the left side of the intestine may occur against the background of the development of pathology, ulcerative nonspecific colitis. The disease occurs after severe psychological stress, due to the genetic predisposition of the patient, after an infectious lesion of the intestine, and also due to allergic reactions.

Pain in ulcerative colitis is dull or acute in nature, their duration depends on the stage of the disease and can torment the patient for up to several hours.

The development of the disease occurs against the background of false urge to defecate, this symptom is one of the fundamental ones, according to which the doctor during the anamnesis can make a preliminary diagnosis of "Ulcerative colitis", also purulent and bloody discharge in the feces, fever, painful weakness.

Ulcerative nonspecific colitis in the advanced stages of the disease contributes to the development of malignant neoplasms, the risk of developing a tumor increases by 2-3 times, in order to exclude the occurrence of cancer, it is necessary when primary symptoms urgently contact a gastroenterologist and conduct clinical examinations.


Also, pain on the left side of the intestine can be caused by the development of diverticulitis. Inflammation of the diverticulum or protrusion of the colon occurs with stagnation of food or with dysbacteriosis. The development of pathology is accompanied by fever and cutting pain, while the feces become watery and contain blood fibers.

The nature of pain sensations by locality. Spread of back pain.

12 duodenal ulcer

In the presence of a disease, a duodenal ulcer, pain can spread to the dorsal part of the body. Occurs with a long break between meals or at night.

Patients with duodenal ulcer should adhere to strict diet, and undergo courses of necessary medical therapy, strictly adhering to the prescriptions of the attending physician.

The human body is a delicate mechanism for its normal functioning coordinated work of all organs is necessary, especially such an important one as the intestines, therefore, if even slight discomfort appears in the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice. Early diagnosis of the disease will allow the doctor to take more effective measures to eliminate and treat pathological processes in the intestines, and the patient will help avoid complications, which in some cases lead to death.

Often people are faced with the problem of frequent pain in the intestines, they occur due to mucous colitis. The intestines collide with fermentation, the stomach begins to swell very strongly. He may suffer from diarrhea or constipation. The pain can be given to the stomach, while gases are tormented due to the fact that they accumulate in the intestines. Frequent pain in the intestines can spoil the important things of people. It is very difficult to find the cause of the pain. Because there are many of them, most likely this is due to nutrition or emotional overstrain.

Causes of frequent pain in the intestines

1. Due to the accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence), it occurs when, appears when a tumor occurs in the intestines, with irritation of the intestines.

2. Due to intestinal colic, the pain has a cramping character, smooth muscles begin to contract, which covers the walls of the small and large intestines. Pain occurs due to the fact that there is a spasm, colitis, food poisoning.

3. Due to intestinal obstruction, pain begins to occur due to the fact that the muscles in the intestine are stretched, the pain is accompanied by seizures.

4. Due to adhesive disease, adhesions form in the intestines, most often after abdominal abdominal surgery.

5. There may be pain in the intestines due to. At the same time, nausea appears, the temperature rises.

What to do if the intestine hurts?

1. Doctors relieve excruciating and frequent pain in the intestines with a balanced diet.

2. It is also advised to be careful with laxatives. If a person wakes up with abdominal pain, while it is accompanied by constipation, you can take a laxative, but you can not use them constantly. Because everything can develop into a chronic form, the intestines can become lazy and will not be able to fully work without medicines. That is why it is so important to use only natural remedies in the treatment.

3. It is very important to consume as much fiber as possible - a fibrous food substance. With the help of fiber, you can increase the volume of food in the intestines, and most importantly, soften it. When they occur, fiber helps to empty the intestines faster.

4. What foods are rich in fiber? A sandwich with grain bread for lunch, eat baked potatoes, for dinner you can eat some peas and. For breakfast great option is porridge with bran.

5. Help to cope with frequent pain in the intestines and nutritional supplements. Remember that if you abuse foods with fiber, bloating and flatulence can occur. It is best to introduce a food supplement with fiber into your diet - methyl cellulose preparation, fibogel husk preparation. In pharmacies you can find microcrystalline ankir-B.

6. In cases of frequent intestinal pain, you need to take enzyme preparations - panzinorm, festal,. With the help of them, you can soften dry and thicken liquid stools, therefore they are suitable for both constipation and constipation.

One of the most common causes of abdominal pain and bloating is dysbacteriosis. To effectively get rid of pain, its treatment should always work in two directions: firstly, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms, and secondly, to restore and maintain the balance of the intestinal microflora. Among the funds that have two of these actions at once, Redugaz is distinguished. Simethicone - one of the components contained in the composition, fights abdominal discomfort and gently releases the intestines from gas bubbles, weakening their surface tension throughout the intestines. digestion. Inulin inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause gas, so re-bloating does not occur. Also of the pluses, it can be noted that the product is available in a convenient form in the form of chewable tablets and has a pleasant mint taste.

7. Consume as much as you can more water in a double dose. With the help of water, food moves faster, while the volume of emptying increases. It is best to drink up to 8 glasses of water per day. You can't just drink food with it.

8. Use as little as possible. Avoid caffeine as much as possible, it promotes bowel movements. But you will have to give up not only coffee, but tea, cola, chocolate.

9. It is very important to enter a food diary, write down everything that negatively affects your intestines, so it will be easier to find the cause. Remember that the food that you ate an hour ago is not always the cause of the pain, the reaction can be only after a few hours.

10. In no case should you eat a lot of wheat and dairy products. With an irritable bowel, such products negatively affect overall health. You also need to consider that milk and wheat are included in semi-finished products, already finished products. That is why it is so important to carefully study the composition of the products.

11. Try to eat only homemade food, for some people, food bought on the street can cause poisoning and upset. Perhaps this is due to additives, seasonings that are present in food.

12. Try to move as much as possible. Physical exercise will help normalize the intestines, they promote food that is digested. Be sure to choose a sports activity - walking, swimming, running. Try to train up to three times a week, if necessary, up to five.

13. Try not to be exposed to a stressful situation, it is because of this that frequent pains in the intestines can occur, find a way for yourself to relax.

Treatment of frequent pain in the intestines by a doctor

In cases of severe failure in your intestines, you need to urgently contact a specialist. If you began to suffer from constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain appeared, which begins to worsen, and disappears only immediately after a bowel movement, most likely you have a problem - irritable bowel.

It is very important to pay attention to such symptoms:

2. We lost a lot of weight.

3. At night, diarrhea is especially severe.

4. A person has constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain, which prevents them from working normally and living a full life.

With all these symptoms, it is very important to seek medical help in time.

So, frequent pain in the intestines, as a rule, occurs due to malnutrition or abuse. harmful products. Pain in the intestines can occur due to serious diseases that require urgent treatment. That is why it is so important to review your diet, to introduce as much as possible more products with fiber, drink as much water as possible, play sports, enter an active lifestyle, then you will not be disturbed by intestinal problems. In cases where the pain in the intestines began to worsen, you need urgent hospitalization.

When the intestines hurt - this is a pretty serious cause for concern. Of course, in most cases, the causes of such pain in the abdomen on the left are not so dangerous - it can simply be the result of exposure to certain irritating foods, the effects of certain drugs, disorders of the peristalsis process, or simply the results of prolonged diets or fasting (which, as they say, now are being treated).

An unpleasant feature of pain in the intestines is that they (unlike pain in the stomach) have practically nothing to do with the time of eating.

In some cases, this fact can confuse a person, because sometimes the intestines hurt quite a lot, and attacks happen extremely unexpectedly.

The only exceptions are violations in the work of the transverse section of the colon - in this case, the pain appears immediately after eating due to an increase in the barometric load that comes from the bottom of the stomach.

It is much worse when various (and sometimes quite serious) diseases become the cause of such pain. Therefore, it is useful to understand what could be the causes of such pain, how the diagnosis is carried out and what should be done in such a situation.

This disease is also called "mucous colic." It is one of the most common causes of this kind of pain - almost 20% of the population of our planet are quite familiar with it.

The disease is chronic, so those who have encountered it once, it makes sense to learn to live with this problem.

The cause of this syndrome is still unknown. Most experts believe that numerous stresses are the cause of the appearance of "mucous colic".

Also, the possible reasons for the development of this disease include malnutrition, excessive bacterial growth, excess alcohol and caffeine, and a number of other factors.

Discomfort or pain in the abdomen (usually on the left), as well as stool disorders, bloating, and the presence of mucus in the stool are considered characteristic manifestations of this syndrome.

Also, this disease is often accompanied by headache, fibromyalgia, syndrome chronic fatigue, back pain, and even some psychiatric symptoms.

This disease is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms, but to confirm it, an x-ray of the intestine, anorectal manometry, and a contrast enema are also performed. Treatment of this disease often combines pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods.

Most people prefer the second option - this is a treatment that involves certain diets. Another "plus" for non-drug treatment - irritable bowel syndrome, according to histological features, is more like dystrophic rather than inflammatory changes.

What to do when the intestines hurt due to "mucous colic"?

Most experts believe that if the intestines hurt due to such a syndrome, then in most cases it is enough to slightly adjust the diet and daily routine, which is usually enough to eliminate the symptoms.

In addition, you should be wary of certain medications, such as laxatives. Of course, they can and should be taken in some cases, but the abuse of such drugs will lead to the fact that the intestines will completely “get lazy” and will no longer work normally.

In this regard, it is also better to rely on natural remedies to obtain a sustainable effect.

So, one of the main requirements of all diets of this kind is to increase the amount of fiber in the diet.

It is cellulose (fiber) that plays essential role in the treatment of such a disease - it softens the contents of the intestine and increases its volume, which makes peristalsis more measured.

But the fiber large quantities can also become a problem - its abundant use provokes the development of flatulence and bloating. If a person is not accustomed to a diet rich in fiber, then it would be advisable to take enzyme preparations.

Pectin, which is found in oranges, papaya, and grapefruits, is also good for bowel function. There are also nutritional supplements that contain apple pectin.

Also a necessary component for the normalization of bowel function is ordinary water. It increases the volume of stools and promotes the movement of food in the intestines, therefore it recommends drinking up to eight glasses of water per day.

The latest recommendations given by doctors in this situation are to remove caffeine from the diet, limit the intake of dairy products and wheat products (which are poorly tolerated by people with irritable bowel syndrome), move more and avoid stress.

About the primary diagnosis of other diseases

Although the disease described above is the most common, it is far from being as dangerous as many other diseases in which the stomach hurts on the left.

In the diagnosis of various diseases of this kind, the nature of pain is of considerable importance. Already by this indicator, it is sometimes possible to make fairly accurate assumptions about what kind of disease one has to deal with.

Naturally, such a diagnosis will be only primary, and treatment will be prescribed after a full-fledged differentiated examination.
So, various diseases may manifest themselves:

  • aching pains;
  • stabbing;
  • cramping;
  • pulling;
  • burning pains.

In many cases, pain is also accompanied by cramps and bloating.

Spasmodic pains

Such diseases as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, salmonellosis, enteritis lead to the appearance of pains of this nature.

Spasms are quite sharp, appear unexpectedly regardless of the moment. But at the same time, the pain recedes quite quickly, returning after a while. This type of pain is easily and effectively relieved with antispasmodic drugs (like drotaverine and no-shpa), but this does not remove the need to go for an examination.

Aching pains

The cause of aching pain in the abdomen on the left is usually the constant tension of the intestinal wall.

A similar condition can result from impaired defecation, atonic constipation, massive helminth damage, or accumulation of intestinal gases.

More serious and life-threatening conditions can hide behind such pain - obstruction or volvulus of the intestine, various tumors, adhesive disease, so if the pain cannot be removed quickly enough, then this is a sign of the need to see a doctor, since serious treatment may be required.

Acute pain

With such pains, it makes no sense to drink painkillers, the most reasonable decision would be to immediately call ambulance. The reason for this urgency is that acute pain can indicate very life-threatening conditions that the average person will not be able to diagnose on their own and require immediate treatment:

  • acute appendicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • renal colic;
  • peritonitis;
  • infringement of a hernia;
  • perforation of the stomach or intestines.

Localization of pain is also a diagnostic component

For the initial diagnosis, the localization of pain is also very significant. So, for example, the familiar appendicitis manifests itself as pain in the right inguinal region, which also “gives” to the leg.

Pain around the umbilical ring usually indicates the presence of helminths, and pulling pain in the anus, combined with discomfort before or after a bowel movement, often indicates a rectal fissure or hemorrhoids. O food poisoning and diseases such as enteritis, dysentery and colitis usually speak of diffuse pain.

What should be done first?

What to do in those cases when the stomach hurts on the left, but the pain syndrome gives you the opportunity to move and does not increase at the same time? You can try to eliminate these unpleasant sensations on your own.

To do this, first of all take antispasmodic drugs (no-shpu, for example). After that, you need to lie down comfortably (try to find a position in which pain will not be felt) and wait about half an hour.

If during this time the pain recedes, then you should proceed to the further restoration of bowel function. You need to lightly massage the stomach - if bloating is observed, then you should take Activated carbon or smectite solution.

In the future, you should accustom yourself to drink more clean water, normalize your diet (give up "snacks on the go", etc.), exclude from the diet those foods that hurt the intestines.

But even with the implementation of all these measures, it will not be superfluous to contact the clinic and take a stool test for worm eggs, undergo a bacteriological examination for dysbacteriosis and visit a gastroenterologist who, if necessary, will prescribe appropriate treatment.