Homemade cheese recipe from suluguni milk. Suluguni recipe at home

Suluguni cheese (see photo below) is one of the most famous Caucasian cheeses, which is loved and appreciated for its special taste. The classic process of its preparation is quite laborious, and not every beginner will be able to cope with it. However, there are many simplified recipes, which we will discuss in this article.

Sulguni cheese

This popular product in our country is prepared according to an old technology that begins its history in the mists of time. Suluguni cheese belongs to the group of pickled cheeses that ripen in a solution of common salt. The classic Mingrelian cheese is made only with sheep's milk, but in industrial production any is used (buffalo, cow or goat). A quality product has a pleasant sour-milk, salty taste and a layered dense texture. Nutritionists advise eating this cheese more often for those who play sports or try to maintain a figure. The fact is that suluguni contains a lot of protein with a rich amino acid composition. The fat content of the product is 45-50%, so it helps to quickly restore the spent resources of the body. fresh cheese without additives, it is useful to include in the diet of children, pregnant women and people weakened by chronic diseases.

Application of cheese

This wonderful product is eaten in the very different form: raw, smoked, fried and baked. That is why there are a lot of dishes that can be prepared with suluguni. First of all, cheese can be served as independent dish(in the form of cutting), use it as a filling for pies, as a component of a salad, as a basis for first and second courses. Nutritionists say that Suluguni cheese is best combined with fresh vegetables, beans, red onions. Its taste is perfectly emphasized by balsamic vinegar, olive oil and sour cream.

Classic recipe

Suluguni cheese is not so easy to cook at home. However, if you set yourself this goal, then get ready to work hard:

  • Eight liters unpasteurized cow's milk pour into a suitable saucepan and heat to 35 degrees. Add three milliliters of liquid pepsin to it (this is a special enzyme for fermenting milk), mix and leave in a warm place for an hour or an hour and a half.
  • When the milk curdles into dense lumps, they should be taken out and thrown into a colander. At home, it is very convenient to use gauze - you can hang cheese in it and wait until all the liquid has drained. Do not throw away the whey, as we will prepare brine and dietary cottage cheese from it.
  • As a result, you get a young cheese, which is often called Imeretian or Adyghe. Leave the product in a colander or cheesecloth to ferment for one hour.
  • When the right time has elapsed, test the readiness of the cheese. To do this, separate a small piece from it, place it in hot water for a few minutes and then try stretching. If the cheese breaks, then it should stand a little longer.
  • When the product becomes elastic enough, it must be cut into large pieces and place in a container with cold water for 20 minutes. This measure will stop the fermentation process.
  • Now you can check again: put a piece of cheese in hot water (the temperature should not be higher than 65 degrees) and make sure that it melts easily.
  • Cut the cheese into small pieces, transfer to an aluminum bowl and pour over hot water(remember about 65 degrees). The first water will need to be drained, and then pour more.
  • Repeat the procedure with water and mix the resulting mass until it becomes homogeneous and elastic.
  • Transfer the resulting product into a mold, and take care of the brine yourself. To do this, dilute the serum with 300 grams of salt (salt should be 20% of the mass of the serum).
  • Transfer the cheese to the brine and leave it for 12 hours.
  • Transfer the finished product to the refrigerator, hold it there for several hours and serve.

How to make healthy cottage cheese from whey, read below.


From six or seven liters of whey, we will prepare 300-400 grams of delicious dietary product. For this:

  • Heat the whey until foam appears on its surface.
  • After the product boils for some time, it should be filtered through cheesecloth.

Curd with high content squirrel is ready.

How to cook suluguni cheese (photo)

As we noted above, it is very difficult to cook this dish on your own according to all the rules. Therefore, we do not recommend that you follow all the nuances and subtleties of this process, but use a simplified recipe. Read how to cook homemade suluguni cheese (recipe):

  • Pour four liters of pasteurized cow's milk into a saucepan, put on fire and heat up to 40 degrees.
  • After that, put a teaspoon of salt and 100 ml of lemon juice in a bowl.
  • When the contents of the pan take on a curd consistency, transfer it with a slotted spoon to a colander lined with gauze.
  • Wait until all the serum has drained, and then tie the fabric tightly into a pouch.
  • After four hours, transfer the future cheese to salt water, in which it must lie for at least six hours.

When suluguni is ready, it can be served at the table or used as a filler for salad.

Goat milk cheese

This product will have a special taste, different from the classic one. But you will treat friends and relatives with fresh homemade pickled cheese, which differs delicate taste and pleasant aroma. And we will cook suluguni cheese at home as follows:

  • Dissolve one gram of pepsin in one glass of cow's milk. After that, the starter should be filtered through cheesecloth and heated in a saucepan to 30 degrees.
  • In a separate saucepan, heat five liters goat milk up to 40 degrees. After that, add one glass of yogurt to it, and then sourdough. Leave the pan for half an hour in a warm place.
  • After the milk curdles, it should be put back on the fire. Add a teaspoon of salt to it and heat to 30 degrees.
  • Throw the product through a colander lined with gauze. When the whey drains, wrap the future cheese in gauze and place it under the load for three hours.

Suluguni can be served as an independent dish or as a filling for sandwiches.

homemade cheese

Delight your family with cheese own cooking. We offer you a very simple recipe that even a novice cook can handle. Homemade suluguni cheese is done like this:

  • Boil one liter of milk in a saucepan, add one kilogram of cottage cheese and cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes.
  • Drain the whey through a colander lined with gauze.
  • Return the curd mass to the pan, add 100 grams of butter and three eggs to it. Stir the products by adding a teaspoon of soda and salt to them.
  • Boil everything together for 10 minutes, then transfer the cheese to a pre-oiled bowl and level it with a spoon.
  • Place the product in the refrigerator for one night.

When the suluguni cheese is ready, remove it from the dish, cut it into slices and serve it to the table, beautifully spreading it out on a plate.


Now you know how to make suluguni cheese at home. We hope you enjoy the recipes we have selected for this article. Fresh cheese goes well with herbs and hot bread. It can also be an excellent addition to soups, meat and fish dishes.

To make homemade suluguni cheese, you need to know the unique Georgian technology, which is similar to the manufacturing technology Italian cheeses Provolone.

Suluguni cheese, made from buffalo milk, is considered the most valuable. This cheese has a light yellow color. The cost of cheese made from buffalo milk is more expensive than cheese made from other types of milk. Since it is not easy to get buffalo milk, at home you can make cheese from the milk of a cow, goat, sheep. In Georgia, several types of milk are often taken to make suluguni.

The recipe for suluguni was formed under the influence of the hot Georgian climate. In the heat, the milk quickly turned sour, which made it difficult to get high-quality cheese. To withstand the high temperatures, cheesemakers heated the milk and fermented it with lactic acid bacteria. The resulting dense clot was pressed and then cheddarized, leaving for several hours to mature in sickle. The resulting cheese layer was crushed and melted. After that, the mass was placed in a mold, compacted and placed in whey brine for several days.

This technology, with slight deviations, is used in modern production. Such a manufacturing process may seem very complicated. However, there are other more simple ways cooking Georgian cheese at home.

Making homemade suluguni cheese.

1. A simple recipe for suluguni. Following this recipe, you can cook homemade healthy cheese, similar in taste to suluguni.
For him you need to take:
a liter of milk with a fat content of 3.2%;
100 g butter;
1 kg of homemade low-fat;
1 tsp salt, but if you like salted cheese then add 2 tsp. salt;
3 eggs.

Bring the milk to a boil and add curd to it. Mix everything thoroughly and boil for 30-40 minutes over medium heat with occasional stirring. Throw the resulting mass on a sieve with two layers of gauze and let it drain. Still warm cheese mass must be returned to the pan, add eggs, salt and butter and mix. We put the container on medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, grease the mold with oil and put the mass into it. Smooth it out with your hands and leave the cheese to cool. At the end of cooking, put the cheese in the refrigerator for two hours.

2. Real homemade suluguni. warns that for the preparation of real suluguni it is necessary to show patience.

For a kilogram of cheese, you need to take the following products:
8-10 liters homemade milk;
3 ml of liquid pepsin, which is sold in pharmacies and specialty stores.

Preparation of suluguni:
1. Milk is poured into a metal non-enamelled container and heated to 35 degrees. Add salt, pepsin to it and put in a warm place for half an hour.

2. The pan is put back on a small fire, the curdled milk is collected with hands to one edge. This process usually takes about five minutes. The resulting lumps are removed from the whey, put in a colander with gauze and left until the whey drains. The resulting lump is placed in a small amount of whey for three hours to complete the fermentation process.

3. To check the mass for the end of fermentation, you need to get it, cut off a piece from it and immerse it in hot water for a couple of minutes. The cheese should stretch well and not tear. If it breaks, then it is necessary to return the mass to the serum.

4. Cut the cheese piece into strips about 2 cm thick and place them in a saucepan in water at a temperature of about 70 degrees. The pot should be on low heat to maintain the temperature. The strips must be mixed in one direction until they melt and turn into a layered mass.

5. Remove the cheese from the pan, cut it into pieces, put in a mold and leave to cool. After that, the cheese must be kept for 12 hours in brine, which is made from whey or in water with salt. This will help the cheese to ripen and acquire a characteristic salty aftertaste.

It is not easy to cook real suluguni at home, because the technology has a number of difficulties. That is why many housewives prepare it according to their own recipes.

The taste of the cheese is no worse than the authentic suluguni.


What do you need:
500 g fat-free cottage cheese
2 eggs
0.5 tsp salt
120 ml medium fat milk
1 tsp butter
1/4 tsp soda
olive oil - for greasing the mold

How to cook homemade suluguni:

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, put it in an aluminum pan and pour milk (it should completely cover the cottage cheese).

2. Put the pan on the stove and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly.

3. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and strain the liquid. Squeeze gently and put back into the pot. Enter the eggs butter, salt and soda. Cook on the lowest heat until the oil is completely dissolved, stirring constantly vigorously. Transfer immediately to a mold greased with olive oil.

4. Cool the cheese when room temperature and then refrigerate for a couple of hours.

5. Serve suluguni on a large serving dish, sprinkled with herbs if desired.

Originally Georgian cheese "Suluguni" was to the taste of many Russians. It has a moderately salty taste, a fairly dense and elastic texture. For the production of this, sheep, goat or are used. Specialists refer to it as a brine species. The process of its manufacture has significant differences compared to other varieties. The fried cheese is especially valuable. It is suitable for people who carefully monitor their figure and adhere to a strict diet.

Cheese "Suluguni" has a calorie content of 285 kcal per 100 g of raw product. In the Caucasus, khachapuri with this cheese is considered a classic. And its combination with dry red wine is an indescribable taste sensation. Cheese "Suluguni" - good for the whole organism. Just a few pieces will make the stomach work well and cause an excellent appetite. In addition, Suluguni cheese is rich in proteins and this variety can be easily found in any supermarket and grocery store. Its cost is different and depends on many factors: the country of origin, the quality and price of the milk used.

You can cook Suluguni cheese at home. This will take you no more than 30 minutes. To begin with, we go to the store for milk (cow or goat). At the final stage of cooking, you can add fresh cilantro and parsley. Feel free to experiment using different seasonings and new products.

To make Suluguni cheese yourself, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese (it is best to take homemade);
  • 3 cups milk (cow or goat);
  • butter (enough 100 g);
  • two eggs;
  • half tsp soda slaked with vinegar
  • salt.

When all the products are at hand, you can proceed to the cooking process. We take cottage cheese, grind it through a sieve, and then put it in a cauldron and pour milk on top. Make sure that the milk completely covers the curd. We put it on the stove and set the fire to the minimum value.

Cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. You will watch how the cottage cheese dissolves, melts. After 20 minutes of stirring, the resulting mass must be thrown into a previously prepared colander and squeezed well. We spread the mass back into the cauldron. We take two eggs, beat them, adding butter. At this stage, the use of salt is acceptable. We knead it all over low heat. As a result, a dense mass should form, resembling a dough.

You just have to put the cheese dough into a special mold made of high-strength silicone. We wait until it cools down, and then put it in the refrigerator.

In about 1.5-2 hours, our homemade Suluguni cheese will be ready to eat. You can add as much salt as you see fit.

If you are a fan of very salty cheese, then put a lot of salt in it. As you know, salt is considered a wonderful natural preservative. homemade cheese it turns out very tasty and nutritious. It's just as good as the store-bought one.

Suluguni cheese was originally produced in Georgia, this pickled cheese, which has a layered structure and a pronounced creamy taste. Produced from cow or buffalo milk, translated from Georgian means suli - "soul" and guli - "heart". In Georgia, no one has tried suluguni from, so if you have a desire, you can do it.

Just as easy to make as homemade hard cheese. We will need to perform four easy steps: whey maturation, melting, shaping and salting.

Recipe making suluguni cheese closely related to . It is important to remember that salting is not necessary at the salting stage. Start production with yra suluguni it is possible only after you get it out from under, which has been there for four to five hours and has already become hard.

1. Ripening of suluguni cheese.

Ripening occurs in fresh whey at a temperature of 28-32 ºС, within 4-5 hours. Homemade hard cheese is immersed in it entirely.

2. Melting.

The ripened cheese mass is cut into strips about 1 cm thick and placed in a container with water or whey, preheated to 65-70 ºС, but no more.

The temperature of water or whey during melting is maintained at 65-70 ºС. It is necessary to stir the cheese mass until the cheese turns into a homogeneous elastic mass.

3. Molding.

The finished cheese mass is placed in a mold and allowed to cool. During this time, you can prepare the brine.

4. Salting of suluguni cheese.

After molding suluguni cheese at home left in a free-floating state in brine for 12 hours. The brine can be water or whey. Serum can be taken the same in which the cheese was ripened. The brine should have a concentration of 18 - 20% salt. takes place in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

On the Internet, I managed to find a video on how Suluguni Cheese is made in Georgia. This method can be easily repeated at home. It very clearly demonstrates how to melt and how to stir the cheese mass so that it becomes just that.

Another secret suluguni cheese recipe at home was disclosed in this article. Share your experience of making cheese in the comments.

The article used material from the site http://www.coolnws.ru/