Useful tips for the home from experienced housewives. Useful home tips for housewives

Feng Shui experts say that for harmony in the house there must be perfect order. Particular attention is paid to doors. According to the teaching, a door facing one side of the world or another is responsible for a certain aspect of life. Therefore, if your career or health problems are not going well, check the cleanliness and maintenance of the door “responsible” for this.

Even if you don’t believe the experts in this science of living space, you need to keep your doors clean. Just because a neglected, greasy door with a stained handle is so disgusting!

Soft toys are children's favorite friends.

Wherever the baby goes: to kindergarten, to the family dacha, to visit friends, for a walk in the yard - everywhere he drags his beloved soft friend with him. Therefore, soon the toys become very dirty, greasy, and microbes accumulate in them. Not to mention, the stuffed toy is a great dust collector.

Over the years, silver items develop a dark gray or black coating called patina. It is by the thickness of this gray coating that jewelers and collectors determine the age of a silver item. The blacker the product, the higher its value. Some people even use dishonest tricks such as applying an artificial patina to a silver item in order to inflate its true value.

Every woman who loves to cook has a standard set of utensils that always comes to her aid in cooking. different dishes. But it often happens that in the kitchen there are a lot of extra, unnecessary dishes that just take up space. Sometimes we don’t even understand how to use this or that device on the farm.

Let's figure out what items a good housewife should have in her kitchen.

This is the most popular item kitchen utensils. It is advisable that you have several pans with lids of different sizes. Enameled cookware the most practical. But thanks to new technologies that produce Teflon-coated cookware, such a saucepan will not be superfluous. Nothing burns in it. The bottom of the pan should be thick and molded to retain heat for as long as possible. A cast iron saucepan is a must. You can have several ceramic pots in stock for stewing in the oven or electric oven.

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Every family has some traditions and rules that are passed down from generation to generation. Since childhood, every girl knows how to serve food, how to properly prepare a dish, wash dishes and wash clothes. Unfortunately, time flies and what was relevant 10-15 years ago has not been used for a long time. In this section you will find useful tips, which will help you save time on cooking, teach you how to get rid of any stains, as well as many secrets on housekeeping.

How to do Is the food delicious, like in a restaurant? What to do with a parquet floor to make it shine? Or are you concerned about the question: how to wash a cat? In our articles you will find a lot of new and interesting things, and also get answers to common questions. Modern technologies have made the lives of many housewives much easier. Now, even without much experience, you can cook deliciously, clean, and preserve efficiently.

Tips for housewives– a way to keep abreast of all the secrets from experienced people. Remember that a woman should first and foremost remain a woman, so simplify your life and don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Article from the series useful tips for housewives will help you organize your work day at home.

Every woman knows that being a housewife in a home is like being the head of a large company. A housewife has many tasks on her shoulders, the execution of which is a responsibility. Feed the children and husband, wash things, clean the house, take care of the flowers, do homework with the children, go to the store, etc., you can’t keep track of everything, but you need to do everything. How to deal with all this?

Advice to housewives who do not have time to do anything, but really want to become good housewives.

  • You must understand that the first task is proper organization. A woman acts as a leader in household chores, so it is necessary to be able to organize. Remember the concept of division of labor. Those. There are some things your husband or children can do that will help relieve your workday.
  • Next, you need to be able to prioritize. Those. which is more important at the moment, but needs to be placed correctly.
  • Then the main thing is planning. You simply cannot do without planning. Saying that you don't know how to plan is simply stupid. Women are simply experts in this matter; they spend their entire lives planning something. Moreover, planning must begin in the morning.

In the morning, too, everything should be in order; statistics show that about 60% of women housewives spend a lot of time in the morning just wandering aimlessly around the house, not knowing what to do.

When planning, focus on distributing tasks over days, i.e. You shouldn’t dump everything on one day and then not know what to do with it.

Write everything down by day of the week. For example: Monday - laundry, Tuesday - go to the store, Wednesday - cook, Thursday - cleaning, Friday - cook, Saturday - day off, Sunday - cook. This will help you reduce the amount of work you do each day. But the plan should also be drawn up correctly.

Advice on how to create a plan for running a household.

There are five steps to do this.

  1. Schedule regular meetings and activities.
  2. Determine one main task for each day.
  3. Add three to five small tasks to your daily main task.
  4. To complete your main daily task, choose a time that is convenient for you.
  5. Make a schedule of important events. Next, start creating modes. Morning and evening, which would include the sequence of your actions in the morning, while serving breakfast, and in the evening, when you will serve dinner and do basic housework.

And also remember that if you did not have time to do some basic task, then postpone it to the next week, and not to the next day.

Pay attention to how much time you spend cleaning the entire apartment. Half the day will fly by in worries and you won’t have time to look back. Eat good way spend half an hour a day cleaning. To do this, distribute the housework like this: today you clean one room, tomorrow the next. Or this option: one day to wash the floors. Another day - dusting, putting scattered things in their places, also set aside half an hour of free day. Thus, you will maintain general order in the house, spending from 10 to 30 minutes a day.

Combine cooking with washing in an automatic washing machine and you will do two jobs in one period of time. Of course, you won't get this effect with hand washing.

Prepare. for example, cutlets for several meals. Part for the day of preparation, put the rest in the freezer. In this case, you can already freeze ready cutlets or shaped raw. Taste qualities In both cases, after the freezer, the food will be preserved as if it were freshly prepared. You can freeze a lot of dishes this way, making a homemade semi-finished product.

Allow time for unforeseen circumstances. It is advisable to have your plan written down so you don't miss anything. Include time for personal matters in your plan, and try to make it fit your lifestyle. And then everything will work out for you and you will become best housewife!

Housewife: Recipes, home hacks, gardening, raising a child and much more.

Housekeeping requires certain
skills and abilities that, of course, come with experience.
And at first, a lot of things don’t work out as planned:
and the carpet seemed to be cleaned, vacuumed, but it was still
in dust, and washed clothes with the addition of superfashionable
washing powder, but it’s not so snow-white,
what it was like with my mother and grandmother. There are many more
little things that spoil our mood and poison our lives.

This is where young housewives come to the rescue
advice from experienced people. And undoubtedly some
some of them will benefit you too. All you need is
listen carefully, remember and apply
everything is in practice.

Wash clean

■ To whiten kitchen towels, T-shirts
and other things from stains that do not come off with
normal washing, you need to soap the laundry with laundry detergent
soap and soak in a hot bleach solution
(approximately 100 ml of whiteness per 3 liters of water).
Leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash and rinse
in cold water.
Soak white and colored laundry separately.
White underwear does not turn yellow, and colored underwear does not fade much.

■ To wash tulle curtains, they need to be
first soak, after shaking off the dust.
It is effective to soak in soda diluted in water.
(1 tablespoon of baking soda per bucket of water), leave
for 2-3 hours.
Then prepare a solution for washing: 1 liter of warm
water take 1 tbsp. spoon of detergent.
It is better to use powder for delicate washing.
When washing, tulle does not need to be rubbed or twisted,
Simply squeezing the product is enough.
Rinse in clean warm water several times until
the water will not become clear. Last time rinse
in cool water. It’s good to add when rinsing
add a spoonful of vinegar to the water, this will give the curtains a shine.

■ Yellowed curtains are easier to wash,
if you pre-soak them for a couple of hours
in salted water (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

■ Almost any faded item can be saved,
holding it in a hot solution of ammonia.
For a pan with a capacity of 3-4 liters you will need
1 bottle (50 ml) ammonia, per pan
larger volume for a large item - 2 bubbles.

■ To wash woolen items
do not “shrink”, remember that water, like when washing,
and when rinsing, it should be equally warm.
Do not leave woolen items in water, even
for a few minutes.

■ If an item is matted, do not remove it immediately
throw it away, try to restore it.
Before washing, soak the item in the solution,
prepared from 3 tbsp. spoons of ammonia,
1 tbsp. spoons of turpentine and 1 tbsp. spoons of cologne
for 10 liters of water.

■ If you cannot wash your clothes right away,
put it in a box or basket so that it “breathes.”
Dirty laundry must be dry so that
There were no damp stains on it.
They are very difficult to get rid of.

■ When drying for a long time, especially in the wind, the fabric
becomes brittle, with destroyed fibers.

■ Shiny areas on the coat collar
or suit, wipe with a cotton swab moistened
a solution of 5 g of table salt and 25 g of 10%
ammonia. The shine will also disappear
if you wipe the shiny areas with a brush,
soaked in vinegar.

■ To tidy up shiny
suit (or other thing), lay down a blanket,
cover it with a clean towel and spread it on it
costume. Move the brush evenly over the fabric
soaked in a solution of ammonia
(2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), in one direction - along the pile.
The fabric should be saturated with moisture.
Hang the suit on the hanger for about 10 minutes. Then
iron through a cloth. Hang it on the hanger again
and clean with a dry brush, but now against the lint.

We remove and clean

Special composition for softening grease stains
and soot - finely grate laundry soap,
soak it in water, add soda.
The resulting slurry can be used to clean the stove,
oven and other items.

All-purpose detergent:

This product is also suitable for washing dishes,
and for washing plumbing fixtures.
Grate 1 piece of baby soap and add
1 glass of water, beat, add 1 more glass of water
and gradually pour 250 g (half a pack) into the foam
soda Beat again. You should get a paste.
If you apply it to the surface and a little
hold it, it will wash away even limescale.

Pots and pans made of steel-nickel compounds,
electric stoves and ovens require special
attention of the hostess, as the runaway soup is burnt
sauce or fat leaves stains on them, which sometimes
difficult to clean. You can achieve perfect cleanliness
using traditional means, has long been
proven and in no way inferior to the most
modern detergents and cleaning products.
This is vinegar, soda, ammonia and, most importantly,
amazing, baking powder.

* Wash metal utensils and the oven immediately after
finishing cooking.
While the grease splashes are fresh, they are easily washed off with warm water.
water with a small amount added

* Dirt remaining in the grooves of the heating discs
electric stove, remove by sprinkling a small
amount of baking powder and then wipe
damp sponge and rinse with clean water.

*If anything escapes during cooking,
immediately wipe the stove by dripping vinegar on it,
to reduce the burnt smell.
Soak burnt dishes by adding liquid
for washing dishes and salt.

*To remove from glazed tile surfaces
Hard water marks that are difficult to wash off,
wipe the tiled surface with a sponge dampened
a weak solution of ammonia, and then until
Rub the shine with a dry, clean cloth.

There are two ways to clean bottles without a brush:

Finely tear newspaper and paper. Stuff the scraps
into the bottle, add a spoonful of sand, pour in a glass
water and shake vigorously.
Then rinse the bottle with clean water.

Pour into a bottle small pieces raw potatoes
, fill halfway with water and shake vigorously.
Then rinse the bottle first with soap,
then with ordinary clean water.

...To clean silverware, lay
Place food foil in a container, sprinkle as desired
salt and pour hot water. Put it down immediately
silver items, in a few seconds
they will be clean, shiny and long lasting
will not get dirty.

...You can preserve the shine of a bronze product by
hold it in boiling water for a few minutes
With a small amount wax or paraffin,
and then wipe dry.
The forming film will preserve for a long time
bronze from oxidation.

Secrets of a Clean Carpet

1. No more than twice a year, the carpet can be
brush with a soft hair brush,
moistened with water and ammonia
(per 1 liter of water 2 tablespoons of alcohol).
After cleaning, the carpet must be wiped down
dry with a clean cloth.

2. You can remove dust from the carpet even with your grandmother’s
way. To do this, scatter on the carpet
table salt"Extra" (fine salt),
and then sweep it away with a broom, which
pre-boil in soapy water.
If the carpets are very dusty, then sweep away the salt
with a damp broom.

3. Cleaning the carpet and refreshing its colors will help
drunk tea.
First, the carpet needs to be thoroughly cleaned.
vacuum cleaner or knock it out. Wrap tea in gauze
and wipe the carpet pile with this damp swab.
You can simply scatter the drunken tea on the surface
carpet and then sweep it away with a clean broom
or a piece of foam rubber.

4. To remove small specks from synthetic
carpet, prepare a mixture of water and conditioner
for linen in a 1:1 ratio.
Spray the entire carpet area thoroughly with this mixture.
The conditioner contains an antistatic agent,
which will remove the static charge.
You can vacuum the carpet and all the specks will fall away.

5. To refresh the carpet, wipe it with a solution
prepared from 1-2 white caps,
a small amount of washing powder and a bucket of water
. Then you need to wash it well.

How to remove stains from carpet?

Stains from beer, wine, liquor, vodka can be removed
warm water with washing powder.
You need to moisten a rag with this solution and rub the stain,
and then rinse the solution with warm water and vinegar
(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Coffee, cocoa and tea stains are removed cold water
with glycerin (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Red wine and fruit juice stains can be
remove with cold water and a small amount

Grease stains are removed with gasoline. After that,
Once the stain is removed, the entire carpet needs to be wiped
with a clothes brush soaked in a detergent solution
products, and then simply with a wet brush or sponge.

Cleaning the microwave

The microwave oven quickly becomes dirty due to frequent
use. You can remove drops and deposits from fat
in an uncomplicated way.
Place a few slices of lemon in a saucer of water
and put it in the oven, turn it on at full power
for 3 minutes. Then remove the saucer and the entire space
Wipe the microwave with a damp cloth.
Grease and dirt are easily removed,
and no unpleasant odor!

Do not use powders detergents,
coarse rags, microwave oven cleaning brushes
. This may damage the inner surface of the slab,
after which it will quickly become unusable.

How to extend the “life” of rubber gloves?

After finishing the work, without taking off your gloves, wash
Hands with soap and dry with a towel.

Again, without taking off your gloves, pour it onto your palm.
1 teaspoon of talcum powder or baby powder and rub
over the entire surface, especially between the fingers.
If you don't have talc on hand, you can use
potato starch.

When removing gloves, turn them inside out
and powder again with talcum powder. Gloves should be worn
dry by attaching the edge to the rope with a clothespin
cuffs, rather than bending them over the rope.
Gloves are taken care of in the same way.
which have a lining.

To avoid creating any harmful to the skin
greenhouse effect, hands while working
must be in contact with air,
so the gloves are much larger
more hygienic than those that stick to your hand.
Never pull on your gloves - it makes them faster
will burst.
It is better to sprinkle your hands with talcum powder or starch.

Secrets of proper ironing:

1. Natural and artificial silk fabrics
Be sure to iron from the inside out and with a not very hot iron.
2. It is better not to iron silk knitted items.
It is enough to pull the product in the desired directions,
while it is still wet, returning it to its correct shape.
3. Woolen items are ironed dry, but through
damp cloth.
In this case, you need to iron the same place until
until the fabric being ironed is finally
won't dry out.
4. Linen is usually ironed slightly damp, on the front side.
If it is dry, it is better before ironing.
Sprinkle it with hot water. Only places with embroidery,
so as not to deprive it of its relief, iron it from the inside out.
5. Tulle curtains are not ironed.
They wait until the water drains from them and hang them wet on the ledge
. The fabric in this position smooths itself out.
But if ironing is still necessary, it must be done.
through gauze cloth with an iron placed
on low temperature and in the appropriate mode.

You can use an iron to get rid of stains,
left behind by chewing gum. I love anything with a chewing gum stain.
place on ironing board, place white on top
A4 paper and iron with a hot iron,
changing the paper several times.
You will need several sheets of paper.
And the iron itself will clean well if you heat it up,
and then wipe with a soft cloth, in which
a piece of wax is wrapped.

How to get rid of moths?

First of all, you need to carry out
major cleaning to get rid of
from old and unnecessary things, in other words, junk.
Why is it pointless to continue anything?
store away when not in use
these things? In them the moth feels
so wonderful that it lays eggs.

All shelves and walls in the closet should be wiped down.
a rag that needs to be soaked in soapy water
After this, all existing cracks are extremely important
coat with vinegar. Close cabinet doors
not recommended, let everything be as it is in the beginning
should be ventilated and dried.

Before putting away seasonal clothes in the closet,
it must be washed and dried thoroughly
in the sun. Before rinsing again,
especially woolen items, add to water
a little vinegar. Moths cannot stand this smell.

It’s better to forget about mothballs. Firstly, he is negative
affects your health, and secondly, it only
repels moths from clothes.
Who said they would be destroyed in advance
laid eggs? It is better to hang small ones in the closet
gauze bags that will be filled with lavender,
wormwood, tansy, tobacco.
Can also be expanded orange peels,
earth soap. If you have pets in your home
plants, then put them in the closet fresh leaves geraniums
or coleus. Moths also cannot stand these odors.

You need to cut or buy flowers early in the morning.
They have a lot of moisture and stay fresh longer.

Before placing flowers in a vase, trim the stems
sharp knife. Branches of lilac, jasmine, chrysanthemums
split from below with a knife, and in the places of splitting
insert pieces of matches then placed in a vase
plants will absorb water better.

All leaves on stems that are under water
need to be torn off so that they do not rot and spoil the water.

Do not place flowers in very cold water.
The water should be at room temperature.

Many cut flowers last better and longer.
if you put a piece of charcoal in water, a little
ammonia or table salt
(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

Roses and carnations keep well in candied
water. For roses you need a 10% solution, and for carnations – 15%.

For dahlias, chrysanthemums, carnations you can put
aspirin in water (1/2 tablet per 3 liters of water).

To keep lilacs fresh longer,
add a little manganese to the water.

Do not cut asters and chrysanthemums for a bouquet, but break them.
This way they last longer.

If you want flower buds faster
opened, add ammonia to the water
(1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

The ends of the stems need to be trimmed every day.

The roots of flowers in a vase will not rot if at the bottom
throw it a piece of copper wire, flowers will
stand for a long time.

Keep the bouquet as cool as possible
room and do not place it in the sun.

How to use space rationally
(relevant for small apartments)?

1. Order is maintained if storage areas
located close to where they are used
- think about this when placing things;
2. divide the room space into zones and
place furniture for storage not “in a row”,
and in accordance with your habits;
3. Keep frequently used items on hand
(even if some little things have to be purchased
in duplicate);
4. Sort clothes according to their season
and put away what you are not currently using;
5. Group items with similar properties
according to their personal associations, then there will be
easy to find;
6. determine the exact place of each of the things
and follow this procedure for at least 2 weeks,
Automation will then turn on;
7. Make the most of vertical
space - walls and verticals in cabinets,
increase the number of shelves if necessary;
8. buy upholstered furniture with spacious
drawers for linen;
9. don’t rush to fly to the store for more
cabinets and racks - think
maybe the existing ones are not used 100%;
10. be realistic - don’t transform the apartment
to the warehouse of things that have not been used for a long time, learn how to
It’s easy to part with something that has served its purpose,
and free up space for life!

Nice little things in the house

* Keep bright clothespins in the kitchen, they will come in handy
to seal bags of cereals and other
bulk products.

* To keep the lid on the pan when cooking
did not slam shut and steam condensed on it,
Place a new wooden clothespin on the edge of the pan.

* Do not rush to throw bags in the trash bin
from under coffee or sweets with a tight fastener.
You can store small household items in them,
for example, nails, screws, nuts, etc.

*Do not throw away natural corks from wine
bottles Put them on the lids of the pots,
It’s so convenient to take the lid without fear of getting burned.

Various secrets

1. To prevent glasses from bursting when in them
you pour boiling water, they need to be “hardened”.
This procedure is scientifically called
"letting go". Place on the bottom of the pan
thick, 20-30 millimeters, a layer of newsprint,
then put the glasses and fill with cold water.
Bring it to a boil over low heat.
then gradually reduce the heat.
Turn off the gas and leave the glasses in the water until
until it cools to room temperature.

2. If you need bending for products in glass
jar, place 2-3 plastic bags in it,
nested one inside the other, leaving the necks outside.
Then carefully pour water and tie the bags.
The oppression for the can is ready. The same oppression can be prepared
and for larger containers using bags
bigger size.

3. To make it easy to wash the trays from the washing machine
machine, prepare a vinegar solution
(in proportion 1:1).
Place the trays in a basin or bucket and fill
overnight with vinegar water.

4. From olive oil And lemon juice,
which can be replaced with vinegar,
It turns out to be a furniture polish.
Just mix the ingredients in equal amounts
quantities, spray on a wooden surface
and wipe with a cloth.

5. To prevent windows from freezing, place between the frames
charcoal and cover with cotton wool.

6. And so that the window frames open easily,
Lubricate the junction areas of the sashes with soap.

7. If windows often fog up, you need to wipe them
glass with a cloth soaked in solution,
prepared from 1 part glycerin and 20 parts
regular alcohol.
After about 2 weeks, repeat the procedure.

8. To get rid of unpleasant odor in shoes,
Wipe the inner surface generously with a cotton swab,
moistened with hydrogen peroxide.
Let the shoes dry and air out.

9. If you rub orange zest on a worn-out
leather shoes, their appearance will improve.

10. Reduce paint odor during renovations
work can be done as follows: prepare
2 bowls of cold water, add to each bowl
150-200 g salt. Place them in the room.
The smell will become weaker. The procedure can be repeated.

11. If you want to check the quality of the washing
powder, pour some water into a glass glass,
add washing powder and put a piece
boiled egg white. Leave it for a day.
If the egg is almost completely dissolved, it means
The powder is good and washes off even hard
removeable stains. If the egg remains like this,
as it was, the powder is no good.

12. To remove coffee stains from clothes,
prepare the solution by mixing in equal proportions
glycerin, ammonia and water.
Apply the mixture to the stain and leave for a day,
then rinse.

13. Vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water)
It cleans stains from glass and mirrors well.

14. Combs and hair brushes will be washed well,
if you immerse them in water with ammonia for 10 minutes
alcohol in a ratio of 4:1. Then rinse
water and wipe dry.

15. To prevent the edges of the oilcloth from curling,
you need to glue a wide piece from its reverse side
tape (about 3x3 cm).

16. Dull scissors can be brought back
in order, that is, sharpen them slightly,
if you cut an old steel wool with them.

An exemplary housewife would never receive guests in an uncleaned house, but external shine and cleanliness are not always the result of many hours of work. In emergency cases, experience and skill help bring the interior into proper shape in a matter of minutes.

There are several ways to quickly clean your home. If you use the advice experienced housewives, you can do a great job cleaning up in one hour, 15 or even 5 minutes. To do this, you just need to follow a certain procedure and not be distracted by foreign objects.

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    Systems for various types of cleaning

    Life situations sometimes force you to quickly clean up your apartment and do the cleaning in a few minutes. Such cases unbalance, so cleaning turns into useless movement from corner to corner and chaotic grabbing of a vacuum cleaner, rags and other accessories. However, all these movements do not lead to the desired result.

    To avoid confusion, haste and learn how to clean quickly, you just need to act in a certain order, which was developed by experienced housewives and cleaning company specialists. Before you begin, you should determine the period during which you need to tidy up:

    • 1 hour;
    • half an hour;
    • 15 minutes;
    • 5 minutes.

    If it takes more than an hour to restore cleanliness and order in the house, this can no longer be considered a quick cleaning, but even in this case, many tips for housewives on cleaning should be taken into account.

    Five minutes

    This cleaning method is not only the fastest, but also the most effective. In just 5 minutes, even the most cluttered room can be significantly refreshed. To be always ready for this method, you need to prepare the necessary props in advance and store them in the toilet or bathroom. If everything is in one place, the unexpected urgency of cleaning will never take the housewife by surprise. So, for urgent cleaning you will need:

    • thick garbage bags;
    • rag;
    • microfiber or flannel cloths;
    • thick oilcloth or tablecloth;
    • 2–3 large waffle towels;
    • white bottle with spray;
    • bottle of water with spray.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. 1. Take a bottle of bleach with a spray bottle and quickly spray the product on the surface of the toilet, bathtub and sink.
    2. 2. You need to wet a rag and wring it out, take a microfiber cloth and 2 garbage bags. A five-minute cleaning does not leave time for separating the necessary things and garbage, so you need to put everything in a garbage bag.
    3. 3. You need to start walking around the house from the bathroom, then the corridor, then the rooms, into last resort- kitchen. When walking around, it is recommended to quickly throw into a bag all unnecessary things that catch your eye. It is advisable to remove all objects from the surfaces of cabinets, cabinets and chests of drawers - surfaces freed from objects create the illusion of cleanliness. When removing items, you must immediately wipe the surfaces to remove dust.
    4. 4. You should act very quickly in the kitchen. If there is any in the sink and on the tables dirty dishes, you need to wipe it with a microfiber cloth and put it in a second garbage bag, inspect the stove - you won’t be able to wash it in the allotted time, so you shouldn’t even start.
    5. 5. The contaminated stove must be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with a waffle towel, and a kettle and a covered pan should be placed on top, as if it were so. Curious guests can be informed that the stove is being disinfected.
    6. 6. The surfaces of the kitchen unit should be lightly wiped, and then lay a towel on the countertop. The kitchen table should be covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth.
    7. 7. Bags with clothes and dishes should be put in a closet or pantry, and then returned to the bathroom. During a walk around the house, the whiteness has time to dissolve yellow deposits and dirt on surfaces, so you just need to wipe the toilet and sink with a microfiber cloth, and rinse the bathtub from the shower.
    8. 8. The final stage of cleaning is a repeated inspection of the premises for the presence of conspicuous contamination. Since you won’t be able to vacuum and wash the floor, you should at least wipe the corners with a rag if dust has accumulated in them. Additionally, you can humidify the air with water from a spray bottle.

    Cleaning in 15 minutes

    This method includes all the points of a five-minute cleaning, but in 15 minutes you can not only clean up, but also have time to wash the stove or vacuum the floor. If the housewife chooses to wash the stove, then when going around the kitchen, she should apply a cleaner or white cleaner to the surface of the stove rather than water.

    Removing dirt from the stove is done last, so grease and dried stains will already have time to soften. Use a damp cloth to quickly remove the cleaner, and to ensure there are no streaks left, wipe the stove with a dry cloth. If the stove is in order, then you need to vacuum the corridor, and then the room in which you plan to receive guests. There is no need to be zealous in cleaning the floor; it is important that the vacuum cleaner is already turned off and put away when guests arrive.

    Half an hour

    Half-hour cleaning includes all stages of five-minute and 15-minute cleaning, while you can have time to thoroughly wash the stove and vacuum the floor. In this case, there is also no need to be diligent when working with a vacuum cleaner, so as not to waste precious minutes.

    In half an hour, an additional inspection of mirrors and windows is carried out for the presence of splashes, stains from which can be quickly wiped off with a microfiber cloth. If there is time left, you should replace hand towels with fresh ones and check the availability of soap and toilet paper.

    A whole hour

    If there is 1 hour left before the guests arrive, then the cleaning can be done thoroughly. Of course, general cleaning and washing during this time is impossible, but after going through all the stages of half-hour cleaning, the remaining half hour can be set aside for washing dishes and the floor.

    To make it cozy, you should fluff the pillows on the sofas, set the table (lay out napkins and cutlery), and drape the curtains beautifully. It is very good if unobtrusive music plays in the room. Subtle little things add coziness to a home; these could be plush toys placed well on the sofa, seat covers or neatly arranged books. In the last minutes of an hour-long cleaning, you need to carefully examine the apartment, and if possible, add cozy little things to the interior.

    House cleaning in a short time will not be burdensome if you use the time correctly. However, quick cleaning in heavily soiled areas will not create the illusion of cleanliness. To maintain order in the house long time, you need to get rid of unnecessary things in a timely manner and prevent contamination from turning into dusty, yellowed deposits.

    To create the effect of a clean home you need to:

    • Start cleaning from the top, i.e. first remove dust and unnecessary objects located under the ceiling on cabinets.
    • Promptly wipe away dirt from door handles, switches and sockets.
    • When receiving guests in a poorly tidied apartment, turn on only dim lights and refuse to turn on ceiling lights.
    • Ventilate rooms thoroughly during and after cleaning.
    • Inspect ceilings and corners weekly; if cobwebs appear, remove them immediately, without leaving this matter until scheduled cleaning.
    • You should regularly wash curtains and vacuum upholstered furniture, otherwise the dust accumulated on them will constantly float in the air.

    Thus, the main rule for any cleaning is to constantly maintain cleanliness and order. If household members are accustomed to putting things in their place, and cleaning is done every week, the unexpected arrival of guests will not be a reason to take emergency measures.