Mashed potato soups: simple and tasty recipes. Creamy potato soup with mushrooms Mushroom soup, puree of champignons with potatoes

Step 1: prepare the mushrooms.

First, wash the champignons well under running water. warm water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the ingredient into small pieces and immediately transfer it to a clean plate.

Step 2: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion. Afterwards, rinse the component well under running water and place it on a cutting board. Using the same sharp tool, finely chop the vegetable into cubes no more than 1 centimeter. Transfer the processed ingredient to a free plate.

Step 3: prepare the potatoes.

Using a knife, peel the potatoes and then rinse them thoroughly under running warm water. Attention: in order for us to succeed delicious creamy soup, you need to take potatoes of such varieties that boil well, and the mashed potatoes are obtained without lumps. Otherwise, the dish may simply not turn out. So, on a cutting board, cut the vegetable into small pieces, but at the same time, so that they are not very small. Afterwards, transfer the crushed component into a medium saucepan and pour it plain water, and so that the water completely covers the potato pieces. Place the container on high heat, and after the water boils, turn the heat to a little less than medium. After salting the potatoes a little, mix everything well with a tablespoon, cover the pan with a lid and cook the ingredient for 25-35 minutes. Important: The cooking time for potatoes may vary depending on the type of vegetable. Therefore, from time to time we check the component with a fork. If the potato pieces are already soft and boiled, it means the potatoes are cooked and you can turn off the burner. Then, holding the pan, slightly open the lid with oven mitts and completely drain the water. Using a potato masher, mash the potatoes to a puree consistency and set the processed vegetable aside for now.

Step 4: fry the chopped vegetables.

Place finely chopped onion in a frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil and set the heat to slightly less than medium. While constantly stirring the component with a wooden spatula, fry the vegetable until tender. golden crust. After this, add chopped champignons to the fried onions and add a little salt to the ingredients. Mix everything well with a spatula and continue to fry the vegetables until all the mushroom liquid has completely evaporated. Then turn off the burner and let our frying cool a little.

Step 5: prepare mashed potato soup with mushrooms.

Fried vegetables transfer to a blender bowl and grind the ingredients in Turbo mode until homogeneous mass. It will take us all the maximum 30 seconds. Then, transfer the onion-mushroom puree into crushed potatoes, pour the cream into the pan, salt and pepper the ingredients to taste. Again, mix everything well with a blender on the same mode and then put it on medium heat. Stir the dish with a tablespoon from time to time. As soon as the puree soup begins to boil, immediately turn off the burner. Attention: Do not boil the soup under any circumstances, but only bring it to boiling temperature. In another case, the dish may simply not turn out and your work will go down the drain.

Step 6: Serve the mashed potato soup with mushrooms.

Immediately after preparation, the puree soup can be served. But also tastier dish It will work if you chop finely chopped greens into it just before serving. And to do this, simply rinse the parsley and dill under running water and chop the components on a cutting board using a knife. How delicious and aromatic this mashed potato soup with mushrooms is! The main thing is that it is not only an appetizing lunch for both adults and children, but also very healthy, especially for those who have stomach problems. After all, it envelops the walls of the stomach and leaves you feeling full for a long time. You can even eat it without bakery products. Enjoy your meal!

- – If the puree soup turns out to be very thick before cooking, do not be upset. Just add a little boiled water to the container, or even better, the liquid remaining after boiling the potatoes. Mix everything well with a tablespoon, put the dish on medium heat and wait until it starts to boil.

- – Reheat the mashed potato soup in the microwave or on the stove over low heat, but only until it boils.

- – If you don’t have a blender at hand, don’t worry. A regular meat grinder with a fine grid would be an excellent replacement for this equipment. To do this, grind the ingredients one by one in a meat grinder and then follow the same recipe scheme.

- – When choosing mushrooms, it is best to take champignons, as they are more aromatic and tender, and are suitable for this puree soup.

- – For a rich aroma, you can add other seasonings to your dish to suit your taste. For example, mushroom spice, dried coriander, as well as Khmeli-Suneli spice.

- – If you want small pieces of mushrooms to float in the dish, then it is better to grind the frying in a blender bowl at 3-5 speeds, since the Turbo mode turns any food into puree.

Mushroom soup- mashed potatoes is a dish that has a pleasant texture and tender creamy taste. It will remind you of the autumn aroma of wild mushrooms.

You can use fresh, peeled, dried or frozen mushrooms; the taste of the finished dish will not change in any way. The only thing is that if you choose dried ones, you will have to allocate a little more time for preparation - before frying, you will need to soak them for several hours, and then drain off the excess water and rinse them again. Frozen mushrooms can be fried without first defrosting, you just need to stir them more often and leave the lid open to evaporate excess moisture.

The recipe for pureed potato and mushroom soup is universal because it does not tie the housewife to a specific list of products. So, for example, to reduce the viscosity of the soup, you can reduce the amount of potatoes, add chicken breast. And replace the cream whole milk. In this case, the calorie content of the dish will decrease. You can also make completely lean potato- cream of mushroom soup. It is enough to delete butter and cream and use water or vegetable broth.


Servings: – +

  • mushrooms 500 gr
  • potato 4 things
  • onion 1 PC
  • carrot 1 PC
  • water or broth 900 ml
  • cream 200 ml
  • processed cheese 4 things
  • butter 20 gr
  • vegetable oil 20 gr
  • spices to taste
  • croutons, parsley optional

Calories: 54 kcal

Proteins: 2 g

Fats: 2.1 g

Carbohydrates: 7.3 g

40 min. Video recipe Print

    First of all, to prepare cream of mushroom soup with potatoes, you should clean all the ingredients and rinse them thoroughly under running water. Then cut the potatoes into large pieces, add water or meat or vegetable broth prepared in advance and put on fire.

    While the potatoes are boiling, you need to finely chop the onions and carrots. Fry the onion in butter and vegetable oil until translucent. Then add the carrots, stir and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

    In a separate frying pan, fry the mushrooms in a small amount of vegetable oil. They must be placed in the pan carefully to avoid splashing. During the cooking process, the mushrooms are fried to approximately half their original volume. Don't be scared, this is normal.

    Before the final stage, when the onions and carrots are ready, you need to add cream to them. Then stir and continue frying for about 5 minutes.

    When all the ingredients are ready - the potatoes are boiled, the mushrooms and vegetables are fried separately, you need to carefully combine the contents of the pan with the potatoes and broth.

    Before you start whisking the soup puree, you should add pieces of processed cheese. It will give the dish an extra creamy note. Use a blender to blend the cream of mushroom and potato soup carefully so as not to burn yourself. If the resulting consistency is not satisfactory, you can either add broth or milk, or, conversely, keep the pan on the fire for some time to evaporate excess moisture.

Decorate ready dish will not be difficult if, when preparing cream of mushroom soup used fresh mushrooms– just take a few small mushroom slices and fry them in a dry frying pan.

If you have chosen dry or frozen semi-finished products, it will be much more aesthetically pleasing to sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs, throw in a few crackers or pour a little cream on it. Crackers from white bread, fried with salt or dried in the oven, will be the perfect complement.

It is also necessary to remember that cream of mushroom soup with potatoes, despite its consistency, is not recommended for children's table if the child is under three years old.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Among all mushrooms, champignons are the most accessible, therefore they are most often used in preparing the most different dishes- from gourmet and pates to everyday soups and. Of course they are inferior in taste forest mushrooms, but it’s very easy to fix: use spices, cream, sour cream, herbs, garlic, soft and hard cheeses, and you will be convinced that you can prepare delicious and varied food from banal champignons.
Puree potato soup with mushrooms is prepared with champignons. The recipe can be either lean (or vegetarian) without adding meat and dairy products, or more nutritious, with chicken broth or with cracklings, sour cream, cream. It is not necessary to cut vegetables as finely as in the recipe; to save time and effort, you can make large cuts. But then the mashed potato soup with mushrooms will have to be cooked longer, and when frying, the vegetables will not have time to soak in the oil. Choose the option that suits you and cook for your health!


Potatoes – 4-5 medium tubers;
- carrots – 1 large;
- onion – 1 piece;
- fresh champignons – 250 g;
- water – 1 liter;
- pork lard – 60-70 gr. (or 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil);
- cream or sour cream – 100 ml;
- greens – any of your choice;
- black pepper – 2-3 pinches;
- salt - to taste;
- crackers – for serving.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Cut the potatoes into strips or small cubes so that they boil better. We clean the champignons, trim the stem, if there is damage, we cut out these places. We cut large mushrooms into slices, cut small ones in half. A few small mushrooms can be left whole or halved and, after frying, set aside to serve with mashed potato soup with mushrooms.

Cut the carrots as desired - into cubes, slices or strips. In this case, it is not advisable to use a grater, the carrots will absorb a lot of oil, and the soup will turn out to be very high in calories. Finely chop the onion into half rings or cubes.

The basis for the soup can be either water or chicken, mushroom, or vegetable broth. Pour potatoes into the boiling liquid and add some salt. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook the potatoes until they are soft.

For a lean (vegetarian) option, pour oil into the pan. If you cook soup with the addition of meat or dairy products, you can melt lard, render fat from pieces of lard, or use butter to fry vegetables and mushrooms.

Pour the chopped onion into the hot fat, first pushing the cracklings to the side. Fry for about three minutes, then remove the cracklings with a slotted spoon or spatula.

Add carrots to the softened onions. Mix and simmer over low heat until the carrots absorb the oil and become soft.

Add the mushrooms to the fried vegetables and mix carefully so as not to damage the slices. If you don’t plan to garnish the soup with fried mushrooms when serving, you can cut them smaller and quickly fry until creamy.

The potatoes will be ready by this time. Add mushrooms and vegetables to the boiling broth and stir. Cook for about five minutes, checking the softness of the carrots and potatoes.

Place the pan with the soup on a rack and let it cool slightly. Using an immersion blender, grind the contents of the pan to the consistency of a thick puree. Before chopping, part of the broth can be selected in order to later regulate the thickness of the puree soup.

Add broth or water to give the soup the desired consistency. Return to the burner with low heat and warm up. Before turning off, add cream or sour cream to the soup and add salt to taste.

Leave the finished mashed potato soup with mushrooms to brew under the lid. When serving, add fried mushrooms, a few slices of carrots, sprinkle with herbs and ground black pepper. Serve with crackers and sour cream, if appropriate. Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

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Step-by-step recipe for making mashed potato soup with champignons.

potatoes - 6-7 pcs.,

champignons – 300-400 gr.,

cream 20% – 200 ml.,

onion – 1 pc.,

butter – 40 gr.,

There are many recipes for creamy soup. differs from regular soups the fact that all products are ground into puree. Puree soup provides long-lasting saturation and is perfectly digestible. Each housewife prepares this dish according to her own recipe. We present to your attention step by step photo recipe for mashed potato soup with champignons.

How to prepare mashed potato soup with champignons?

- it's delicious and useful first dish. The main advantages of this puree soup are that it is prepared quickly and does not require special culinary skills.

Use our photo recipe and you will be delighted with such a simple and tasty dish.

Making mashed potato soup with champignons.

In order to make mashed potato soup with champignons, you need to peel the potatoes, rinse them under running water and cut them into cubes.

Then put the potatoes into a saucepan and add water. Salt the water and set to cook. Add enough water to cover the potatoes completely.

Next, you need to wash the mushrooms, peel them and chop them coarsely.

Peel the onion, rinse under running water and finely chop.

Then melt the butter in a frying pan.

Add chopped onion to the pan and fry it until golden brown.

Then chopped large pieces Add the mushrooms to the onions and lightly fry.

To garnish the soup, place a few slices of mushrooms in a bowl.

When the potatoes are ready, add the fried onions and mushrooms to the pan and cook a little more, stirring occasionally for 5-7 minutes.

Next, you need to drain the broth from the pan into a separate bowl.

Beat potatoes with mushrooms in a blender.

After this, you need to add broth to the resulting puree and mix. You need to add until the puree becomes thinner, to the consistency you need. Then you need to put the pan with the puree soup on the fire and heat it, stirring constantly.

How nice it is to pour a plate of aromatic hot food for lunch. The main thing is that such a soup can be given even to children and not worry at all about their stomachs hurting, because such a dish, on the contrary, is very useful for people with a sensitive stomach: it completely envelops its walls and saturates the body for a long time. It can be served even without baked goods. So, let's look at a few recipes for creamy mushroom soup.

Potato soup with mushrooms


  • fresh champignons – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 600 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • cream – 500 ml;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh herbs- optional.


To prepare the mushroom puree, wash the champignons well and cut them into small pieces. We clean the onion and chop it into half rings. Peel the potatoes, wash them thoroughly, chop them into cubes and place them in a saucepan. Then fill it with water and put it on high heat, and after boiling, reduce the flame. After slightly salting the potatoes, cover the pan with a lid and cook for about 30 minutes. Then carefully drain the water and use a potato masher to mash the potatoes.

Place finely chopped onion in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and sauté over low heat until golden brown. After this, add chopped champignons to it, add salt to taste and mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula until all the liquid has completely evaporated.

Next, turn off the burner and let our roast cool. After this, transfer the vegetables into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Then we transfer the onion-mushroom puree into the crushed potatoes, pour in the cream, add salt, mix everything well again with a blender and put it on the fire, stirring. As soon as the champignon puree soup boils, immediately remove it from the stove, sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs and pour into plates.

Cheese cream soup with mushrooms


  • processed cheese – 200 g;
  • porcini mushrooms – 100 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • vermicelli - a handful;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • spices;
  • garlic – 1 clove
  • dill.


Take a small saucepan and pour it into boiled water and bring to a boil. During this time, we peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes and throw them into boiling water. Then add sliced ​​mushrooms and grated carrots. Bring the soup until half cooked, add vermicelli and let the dish simmer with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

After this, add the chopped pieces processed cheese, mix everything thoroughly and at the end of cooking, squeeze the garlic clove through a press. Now beat the dish thoroughly with a blender until smooth and pour ready soup– porcini mushroom puree on plates.

Chicken cream soup with mushrooms



Fresh mushrooms are washed, dried and processed. Next, cut them into slices and sauté in vegetable oil along with the onion chopped into half rings in a frying pan with high sides. Pour the prepared vegetable frying into the broth and bring to a boil.

Then add the potatoes, cut into strips, and cook until fully cooked. Next, strain the soup, transfer the potatoes, mushrooms, boiled chicken meat into a blender, season with spices, whisk, diluting the mass with broth so that the soup acquires a normal consistency.