Italian Easter cake "Panettone": light, porous, really tasty! Italian pasca panettone, Easter cake.


Pannetone is an Italian Christmas cake that is very similar to ours. Easter cake. But panettone is less sweet, it is always baked with citrus peel, optionally decorated with almond petals. These panettone recipes are from yeast dough with raisins and oranges.

Panettone Recipe #1:


1. Flour - 720 gr
2. Live yeast - 25 g (10 g dry);
3. Butter - 120 gr
4. Sugar - 120 gr

5. Milk - 240 ml
6. Salt - 1 teaspoon
7. Chicken egg - 2 pcs ( room temperature);
8. Yolk - 3 pcs
9. Dried pineapples - 120 gr

10. Orange peel - 2 teaspoons
11. Raisins - 180 gr
12. Pine nuts - 90 gr
13. Vanillin - to taste
14. Vegetable oil for lubrication of the form.

How to cook the Italian panettone cake:

Dissolve yeast in warm milk and 1 tsp. Sahara. Leave for fermentation. Melt the butter, add sugar, mix and cool.
Mix all dried fruits and roll them in flour.
Beat eggs with yolks, add zest. Put butter and sugar into yeast, mix well. Add eggs, mix again. Sift half of the flour into the mixture and add salt. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. Put dried fruits and nuts into the dough. Introduce the remaining flour in small portions. Knead the dough.

Put the dough in a greased vegetable oil large container, covered with a towel. Leave the dough to rise (approximately 2 hours).
Line a baking dish with parchment paper and grease with oil. Transfer the dough into a mold, bake at 200 g for about 45 minutes. before the formation of a ruddy crust.

Enjoy your meal!

Panettone Recipe No. 2:


1. Wheat flour - 600 gr
2. Fresh yeast - 35 gr
3. Milk - 190 ml
4. Butter - 250 gr

5. Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
6. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
7. Raisins - 250 gr
8. Zest of 1 orange
9. Sugar - 100 gr

10. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon (or vanillin on the tip of a knife)
11. Sea salt - ½ teaspoon
12. Almond flakes - 20 gr
13. Butter or vegetable oil (for greasing the mold)

How to cook panettone cake:

Prepare all the ingredients for the panettone cupcake. Flour should be sifted before cooking, this will enrich it with air and remove unnecessary impurities.

Dissolve fresh yeast in warm milk, add salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Wait for bubbles to appear.

Add 2 eggs and half the norm of flour to the milk, mix thoroughly.

In another bowl, combine 2 yolks, all sugar and vanilla. If your family loves sweets, you can increase the amount of sugar. Enter the thawed butter.

In the first bowl of dough, add the oil-yolk mass, mix. Crack in the remaining two eggs.

Gradually adding the remaining sifted flour, knead the dough. It will be sticky and soft, so knead in a bowl without laying it out on the table, like regular yeast dough for pies. Leave the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, the dough grows at least 2 times.

Punch down the dough, add orange zest and raisins to it. Mix thoroughly.

Divide the dough into equal portions and place in an oiled panettone mold (or paper forms for Easter cakes, like mine). Fill no more than a third, as the dough rises a lot.

Leave for another half an hour in a warm place, during which time the dough will rise again.

Bake panettone cupcakes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Poke with a match and check for readiness.

When finished baking, remove the pans from the oven, let the cupcakes cool slightly and remove the panettone from the molds. Top with honey and sprinkle with almond flakes.

Fragrant, airy and very tasty Italian panettones are ready.

After cooling completely, you can cut the cakes.

"" wishes you bon appetit!

This year for Easter, I plan to cook the Italian panettone cake. He is very similar to Easter baking to which we are accustomed. But still it has some differences. I got this recipe for Easter cake in the oven from a friend who has lived in Italy for many years, but does not forget about our culinary traditions.


  • dry yeast - 15 grams;
  • milk - 150 milliliters;
  • wheat flour - 650 grams;
  • butter - 170 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • yolks - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 5-7 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • raisins - 50 grams;
  • dried apricots - 50 grams;
  • candied fruits - 50 grams;
  • nuts - 50 grams.

Italian panettone. Step by step recipe

  1. Half of dry yeast: namely, 7-8 grams - we breed in warm water, mix.
  2. Add 80 grams of flour to the yeast, mix again, cover cling film and wait for the dough to come up and increase three times.
  3. Separately, heat the milk to 35-40 degrees and stir the remaining yeast in it. Leave it for 15 minutes so that the yeast plays a little.
  4. Heat butter to room temperature. We also add flour to this.
  5. We grind everything by hand. It turns out wet flour crumbs.
  6. In a separate container for chicken eggs add egg yolks, vanilla, salt and sugar. Mix everything with a whisk or mixer.
  7. Add milk with yeast and the dough that has risen to the egg mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  8. Then gradually pour out the flour crumbs. Add candied fruits, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.

Advice. Raisins and dried apricots must first be poured with boiling water, steamed well, and then dried. Dried apricots still need to be crushed to the size of raisins. We use any nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts. But also grind a little with a rolling pin or knife.

  1. Add the orange and lemon zest to the dough. Knead everything thoroughly (approximately 10-15 minutes: the dough should be soft and stick to your hands).
  2. We cover the pan with cling film, and let the dough rise in a warm place, without drafts. We leave it for 1-2 hours.
  3. When the dough has increased in volume, it must be mixed again. To do this, grease your hands with oil and knead the dough well (about 15 minutes).
  4. The dough should be airy, soft, elastic. The kneaded dough should not stick to your hands.
  5. Grease a baking dish for Easter cakes or just small deep pans with vegetable oil or margarine: you can sprinkle a little semolina on top of the oil. So that the finished cake comes out easily.

Advice. Ready-made for sale now paper molds for cakes, you can use them. Or metal molds.

  1. We fill the form with dough by about one third. Because the dough will increase in size.
  2. We put in a warm place. Let the dough rest for about one hour.
  3. The first 10 minutes we bake the panettone at a temperature of 200 degrees, then you need to lower the temperature to 180 degrees and hold for about 30-40 minutes more. Baking time for cookies depends on their size.
  4. Before baking, the Italians cut the panettone crosswise and put a piece of butter there. We just smear the surface with yolk.

Advice. If the top of the cake starts to burn during baking, it must be covered with a clean sheet of white paper, previously moistened with water. If necessary, repeat this procedure several times.

Italian pasta called panettone drives you crazy with its aroma and amazing taste. This traditional European Easter cake is really worth cooking for Easter to feel like cozy Europe. We will tell you how to bake Italian pasca panettone at home.

Italian pasca panettone has become a traditional Milanese pastry made from yeast dough with the addition of dried fruits, zest, candied fruits, and nuts. The recipe for Italian pasca is very similar to the recipe traditional Easter cake which is passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, you can safely take on the preparation of the Italian pasca panettone, which will proudly decorate Easter table. By the way, be sure to try a piece of European cake with coffee - it's just a heavenly delight.

Italian pasta panettone

italian easter recipe with photo

120 gr butter

25 g fresh yeast(or 10 gr dry)

2 teaspoons lemon peel

90 gr pine nuts

1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or vanilla sugar)

Italian pasca panettone: how to cook

1. Preparing the dough for the Italian pasca, you need to warm up the milk in advance (it should be slightly warm, but not hot). Dissolve yeast in milk by adding 1 teaspoon of sugar. Let the dough swell a little.

2. Melt the butter and 120 grams of sugar in a small saucepan, it is important to take the exact amount of sugar. Allow the butter to cool and add to the milk with yeast, knead the mass well.

3. Break two eggs into a bowl, and add three more yolks to them, separated from the protein. Grate two teaspoons of lemon zest. Then mix the zest with raisins, candied fruits, nuts and add 1 teaspoon of flour.

4. Add eggs to the dough, mix. Then sift in half the flour and salt, mix. Pour in all the dried fruits with nuts, add vanilla extract and mix.

5. The most crucial moment in the preparation of panettone, add flour in small portions, and then start kneading the dough. This will take at least 10 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands, if necessary, add more flour.

6. Lubricate a deep bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough there, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2 hours so that the dough rises.

7. Lubricate the baking molds with butter, cover them with parchment. Lay out the dough in the forms, filling them not completely. Brush the top of the Italian pasta with oil and leave for 30 minutes.

8. Put the forms with the dough in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes. Check the readiness of the Italian cake with a toothpick.

Italian pasca panettone can be decorated with icing or fondant for Easter cakes. Read more about this in our material.

Many of us have seen panettone in the most beautiful large boxes in the supermarket. What is it? And why such gift wrapping, sometimes even with champagne? Cake? Pie? Cake? Let's try to figure it out, and at the same time cook this overseas miracle.

Panettone - Italian Easter cake

Italians, like us, prepare their own Easter cake for one of the most important holidays. It is called "panettone", which translates as "bread of luxury." And the truth: it goes great amount ingredients and a lot of dried fruits. Less often - cream is added: chocolate, vanilla, creamy, etc.

Panettone, due to the addition of alcohol to it and a long “rest”, is much softer than our Easter cake, and it is stored longer. Its delicate texture, sweetness and high content raisins or candied fruits make it a favorite not only for children, but also for adults. In Italy, it is baked more often at Christmas than at Easter.

Today, many housewives try to bake this foreign cake. Milan is considered its homeland and it was baked during the Roman Empire. original recipe no, they usually add whatever they want to the cake: nuts, various fruits and dried fruits, chocolate, seeds.

Panettone is baked not only in Italy. This pastry is popular almost throughout Europe and is actively bought up on the eve of Christmas. The best Easter cakes can be bought at pastry shops called pasticheries. At home, Europeans rarely bake them on their own.

Slavic women love to cook much more, and therefore today we offer you to get acquainted with two different recipes cooking this yummy. Depending on the desire, you can cook a quick or traditional version. In any case, it will be unforgettably delicious!

How to cook an incredible tasty and tender read in our article.

How to cook a great jellied meat in a slow cooker.

So that no one says about your fish: “What a disgusting thing,” learn how to cook it correctly. Our step-by-step guide will help you prepare a masterpiece.

Classic recipe

Ingredients Quantity
rum (preferably light) - 20 ml
water - 170 ml
flour - 545 g
raisins - 175 g
yeast - 5 g
eggs - 3 pcs.
candied citrus fruits - 145 g
butter (soft) - 260 g
salt - 4 g
lemon peel - 7 g
granulated sugar - 160 g
vanilla - 5 g
honey - 40 ml
cold butter - 15 g
melted butter - 15 ml
Time for preparing: 1320 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 349 kcal

Italian Easter cake panettone at home you need to cook like this:

Quick recipe

  • 600 g flour;
  • 110 g dried currants;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 5 ml vanilla extract;
  • 200 g of water;
  • 15 g lemon peel;
  • 60 g powdered sugar;
  • 15 g yeast;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 125 g raisins;
  • 120 ml unsweetened yogurt;
  • 110 g sugar.

Time - 4 hours.

Calories - 290.

How to cook Easter Panettone:

  1. In warm water, you need to prepare a dough. To do this, you need to pour all the yeast and a pinch of sugar there;
  2. Let the dough stand for about twenty minutes so that it has time to “come to life”;
  3. Pour it into a large bowl, where add lemon zest, yogurt, vanilla, a little salt, soft butter, yolks;
  4. When the mass becomes more or less homogeneous, add flour in parts and knead an elastic, soft dough;
  5. Put it in a warm place, without drafts, for a couple of hours. It should double in size;
  6. Sprinkle raisins and dried currants with powdered sugar, and then gently fold into the already risen dough;
  7. Transfer to a baking dish, it is better to sprinkle it with flour for this;
  8. Put to bake in a preheated oven at 175 Celsius for forty minutes. Remove, wait until cool, decorate as desired.

When preparing Easter panettone, as well as when baking domestic Easter cake, it is important to follow certain rules. One of them is that work with the dough should take place in a warm and quiet room, the windows should be closed, there should be no direct sunlight (falling on the dough).

All ingredients should be at room temperature unless otherwise specified in the recipe. This is especially true for eggs and butter, on which the softness and airiness of the future panettone depends.

It is important to cook slowly. The dough needs time to rise, while a classic panettone can take all night. This is necessary so that all components are completely merged. And, of course, be sure to add a little alcohol to the dough. Yeast must be fresh, and this must also be checked on a pack of dry ones.

Cooking the Italian Easter cake panettone is an unusually pleasant and “delicious” business. I want to cook it not only for Easter, but also on a normal day to please loved ones delicate pastries. Italians really know a lot about cooking. Why not try to cook their "cake"?

Recipes panettone there are many on the Internet. In the hope of finding the one whose result would be as close as possible to the real Italian, which I once had the good fortune to try, I made several attempts to reproduce that unforgettable taste and aroma.

In a word, very tasty! How long the cake does not go stale, I could not determine - this pastry of the ball was eaten one of the first, despite the fact that it baked a double norm and there was a lot more. But I can say for sure that when the last cake was eaten on Monday (and baked on Thursday), the crumb was still soft and juicy.

I concluded for myself that out of the whole variety of all the homemade and Easter cupcakes that I had a chance to try, this one is the best and deserves to be in the center holiday table! I'm sure I'll bake italian panettone cake not just for Easter, I hope you do too.


  • dough:
  • milk 180 ml
  • fresh pressed yeast 22 g
  • sugar 1.5 tbsp
  • flour 1.5 tbsp
  • dough:
  • 4 cups flour (you may need a little more or less)
  • 6 eggs (3 whole and 3 yolks)
  • sugar 2/3 cup
  • butter 150 g
  • salt 1 half teaspoon
  • vanillin
  • orange peel
  • raisins 100 g
  • dried apricots 50-75 g
  • cognac (wine) 100 ml
  • powdered sugar for decoration

Italian panettone cake - recipe

So armed necessary products, and most importantly, with a good mood and pure thoughts, let's get started. Finally, a couple of tips: do not deviate from the recipe, it is very important to follow all the steps and subtleties in cooking, and you will get an excellent result! Make sure all foods are at room temperature.

Still, panettone is better to bake in larger forms - this way it will turn out softer and juicier (checked!) Let's start with the dough. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and add the same amount of flour.

Stir, cover with a clean cloth and place in a warm place for 30 minutes to let the yeast bacteria work. Melt the butter in a mixing bowl and let it cool slightly.

For the test, we need 3 eggs and 3 yolks. Beat them lightly with a whisk along with sugar.

As soon as the dough has increased in volume and taken on a fluffy hat, we will continue.

Pour the eggs beaten with sugar into the melted butter and mix.

Next, carefully introduce the dough.

Add half the flour with salt, mix well until the lumps disappear.

Flour must be sifted to enrich it with oxygen. Vanillin can be added at this stage. Gradually, in small portions, introduce the remaining flour into the dough, continuing to stir with a spoon.

In no case do not add all the remaining flour at once, since everyone has different flour and it may need either less or more, depending on its quality. When the dough becomes viscous when kneading (by this time I have already introduced 3.5 cups of flour), we will dump it on a table dusted with flour (this flour is also included in the total) and continue kneading with our hands.

I want to immediately warn you against possible mistakes - the dough for panettone should not be steep, but at the same time not liquid, so that it does not stick to your hands when kneading. Try not to add more flour than indicated in the recipe (during the kneading process, I gradually added the remaining 0.5 cups of flour), and to make it easier to work with the dough, periodically grease the table and hands with vegetable oil (by the end of the kneading, you won’t need oil ).

You should knead the dough with your hands for a long time - 10-15 minutes (I admit, this fact did not bother me at all, since I like working with the dough, in addition to everything, it has a very pleasant soft texture and kneading it is a pleasure!), - this is done in order so that gluten develops, thanks to which the structure of the future Easter cake will acquire all the qualities that I spoke about earlier. So, the dough is kneaded and now we will send it to come up to a warm place.

Considering that it will rise 2-2.5 times, it is better to take a deep bowl. The dough rising process can take from 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on how warm the place you have chosen for this. While the dough is coming up, pour raisins and dried apricots with alcohol (you can use cognac or, like me, wine).

After 1 hour, put them on a sieve, let the remaining alcohol drain and roll in a small amount of flour. Grate the zest of one orange on a fine grater.

Mix it with raisins.

The dough that has already risen by that time looks like this.

We gently siege it with our hands, then put it on the table and knead it (kneading the dough, you will feel how air bubbles burst under your hands - this is the effect that we have been achieving for so long, kneading the dough).

Now let's level the dough into a layer and evenly lay out a part of the raisins with dried apricots evenly over the entire surface.

Roll up the envelope and repeat this procedure again, using the rest of the raisins.

Knead the dough once more and let it rest for 5 minutes.

In the meantime, we will prepare the forms in which we will bake the panettone. It is very convenient to use ready-made paper molds for this, which are now sold in stores - you do not need to lubricate them, besides, they act as a kind of decoration. We fill the forms with dough halfway, grease the tops with vegetable oil and send to part, covering with a towel.

We will wait until it takes up the entire volume of the form (it took me about an hour), then we will send it to the oven.

It must first be heated to 190 degrees. The duration of panettone baking is on average 45 minutes, while the first 15 minutes temperature regime 190 degrees, and then lower it to 165. If you notice that the tops of the cakes are browning heavily during baking, then cover them with foil. Cool the finished Italian ones completely (do not forget to check the readiness wooden skewer) before serving.

The aromas are so divine that it is very difficult to wait until the panettone has cooled down. Italians, as a rule, do not cover panettone with icing, and I understand them - its taste is so self-sufficient that extra sweetness is useless here, although, of course, this is all a matter of taste. I just sprinkled a little powdered sugar, but you can decorate in your own way.

Italian panettone. A photo