Mikado cake recipe. Armenian cooking recipe

cake recipes

Step-by-step classic Armenian recipe with photo and video of Mikado cake. Cake from the movie The Last of Magikyan with butter cream with boiled condensed milk.

1 hour

350 kcal

4/5 (4)

We will need: mixer or whisk, parchment, bowl, saucepan, baking sheet.

I suggest you bake an Armenian cake, which, oddly enough, wears Japanese the name of the Mikado. It translates as "high gate". The cake got this name, most likely, due to the fact that in finished form it turns out to be tall and multi-layered. It consists of a large number very thinly rolled cakes soaked in cream with condensed milk.

In pastry shops you can find such a cake in the form of cakes cut into diamonds. This is considered traditional serving cake. In the same way, this dessert is served in cafes and restaurants. But if you cut the cake in the usual way into triangular portions, this will not make it any worse.

According to tradition, any Armenian woman should know how to cook this cake even before she gets married. Its recipe has been passed down for generations. Many Mikados are familiar from the movie "The Last of the Magikyans", where one of the heroines throughout the film tried to please her husband and learn how to properly cook his mother's cake.

I hope this recipe will take its rightful place in your cookbook, and final result pleasantly surprise you and your guests.

Authentic Armenian Mikado Cake Recipe

This cake is very easy and quick to make. The whole preparation will take you about an hour, but it will require some skill in relation to the cakes.

General list of required ingredients

Cooking the dough

For this you need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • about 850 g flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • one tsp soda;
  • 150 g sour cream (fat);
  • 200 g butter.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream.
Dough is also being prepared for the cakes from which it is prepared.

Making cream

We need:

  • 400 g of condensed milk;
  • 500 g butter.

The preparation of the ingredients must be done in advance. Better in the evening.

You can add lemon zest, crushed with a fine grater, to the cream. Or between the layers, on the cream, it is good to put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbanana slices.

Cream options

In addition to the standard cream, Mikado is also impregnated with butter-yolk cream with condensed milk. I will tell you about several of its options.

Butter cream with yolks and condensed milk

Cream composition:

  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 500 g butter;
  • two cans of condensed milk.

Chocolate butter cream with boiled condensed milk

It will require:

  • 500 g butter;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • two cans of condensed milk;
  • two st. l. dry cocoa;
  • 3 egg yolks.

You can also use these creams to soak the cakes when you cook.

Many housewives have at least once tasted incredibly tasty and delicate cake"Mikado" in ancient Armenian classic recipe with photo. This dessert really deserves attention, but it is quite difficult to find it on sale, even in large stores. That is why we propose to make this dessert with our own hands, without spending too much money and effort on it.

The cake comes out very tender and sweet, this is due to the fact that the dough contains butter and heavy sour cream. Cakes are usually rolled into a very thin layer, and then baked in the oven. In some recipes, you can simply fry the layers of dough in a pan to get an excellent sweet cake. Also, according to tradition, cream is made, it is created from butter and condensed milk, but cream can also be used instead of butter. Of course, the process of preparing treats can be quite lengthy and laborious. Baking cakes takes a lot of time, but the final result is worth the effort.

The classic version of the Mikado cake

Cream Ingredients:

  • liquid vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon;
  • cow's milk - 395 ml;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 155 grams;
  • flour of the first grade - 35-40 grams;
  • high-quality butter - 215 grams;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons;
  • boiled condensed milk - 565 grams.

For cakes:

  • fat sour cream - 370 ml;
  • butter good - 115 grams;
  • table soda - 1 spoon;
  • chicken fresh eggs- 2 pieces;
  • flour of the first grade - 3-4 cups.

Jewelry products:

  • boiled condensed milk - 0.5 jars;
  • fat cream for whipping - 365 ml;
  • large strawberries - 110 grams.

Icing on the cake:

  • good butter - 45 grams;
  • fat cream - 85 ml;
  • bitter chocolate bar.

Cream making process:

To begin with, it is worth preparing the cream for the Mikado cake according to the Armenian classic recipe with a photo step by step. Milk is poured into a small saucepan, and then 85 grams of granulated sugar is added to it and everything is mixed. In addition to this, it is worth pouring into milk product also a teaspoon of vanilla extract. The cream is put on fire and waiting for it to boil.

While the cream is slowly boiling, you can take the rest of the granulated sugar, and then mix it with flour and cocoa powder. Chicken eggs are added to the mass, and everything is beaten with a whisk, until the maximum is obtained. uniform consistency. Now you can add already chilled milk syrup to the eggs with flour, while the cream is constantly stirred with a whisk so that lumps of flour do not form in it. The container is returned to the fire, and the creamy mass is boiled, with vigorous stirring, for no more than ten minutes. During this time, the mass should thicken well.

As soon as the cream is ready, 45 grams of high quality butter is immediately added to it. Stir the mixture until the butter is completely melted. The cream is immediately poured into a separate bowl and its surface is covered. cling film. The finished chocolate mass is left on the table until it cools completely.

Now we take the butter, which was left at room temperature, and beat until a fluffy mass is obtained. Boiled condensed milk is gradually added to the butter, and everything is beaten until the cream is homogeneous. Now, to the oil with condensed milk, they begin to spread chilled on a spoon chocolate cream. Thus we get custard for the Mikado cake according to the Armenian classic recipe with photos and videos.

Cooking cakes:

The butter is whipped with a whisk, and then slightly beaten chicken eggs are added to it. Next, table soda is added to sour cream, and this mass is mixed with chicken eggs and oil. Wheat flour is added as the last step.

The dough is kneaded by hand, it should not turn out too steep. The finished mass is divided into thirteen balls, and then the blanks are removed into the refrigerator.

After thirty minutes, you can take out one piece of dough and roll it out to 20-23 centimeters in diameter. This is done with all the blanks, and then a more even circle shape is cut out on a plate. Leftover dough is not thrown away and is also baked in the oven. Each cake is pricked with a fork in several places before baking. The oven warms up, and the cakes are baked in it separately, 7 minutes for each is enough.

We start assembling the dessert:

It is best to collect the Mikado cake according to the Armenian step-by-step recipe with a photo in detachable form. The first cake is laid on the bottom, it is smeared with chocolate custard, and then the cream layer is covered with the second cake. Thus, the entire dessert is assembled. The surface can be smeared with cream, and then cover the delicacy with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Cream for creating jewelry:

To make the dessert look attractive, it is worth preparing a special cream for it, with which decorations will be made. For its preparation, cream is whipped with half a can of condensed boiled milk. The end result is beautiful and tasty. butter cream which holds its shape very well. The cake can be removed from the refrigerator, and then cover the surface of the dessert with a creamy mass. You can also make a border on a treat using a pastry bag. Dessert is returned to the refrigerator.

Preparing the frosting:

To begin with, chocolate is heated in a water bath, as soon as the tile begins to melt, pieces of butter are added to it. It is best to soften creamy product so the butter melts faster. The result should be a glossy and liquid mass. After that in microwave oven heat the cream, but do not boil. Hot cream is also sent to the chocolate mass, and everything is mixed until smooth.

The icing is left at room temperature to cool, as it will harden in the refrigerator. Once the icing has cooled, you can remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour over its surface. chocolate mass. Decorate the surface of this cake with fresh strawberries and grated chocolate.


Cake "Mikado" is the national cake of Armenian cuisine. It turns out sweet, chocolate and very tasty. The whole point of the cake is that the cakes should be thin - they are baked in the oven or even in a pan, and they should also be well soaked in cream.

As for the cream, there are two types of cream recipes for this cake, some Armenian housewives make cream with condensed milk and heavy cream, while others put condensed milk and cocoa in the cream.

The cake is served on the table in the form of diamonds. Some restaurants serve Mikado cake like a cake.

So, to prepare the classic Armenian Mikado cake, we need sour cream, condensed milk, sugar, butter, egg, flour, cocoa, soda and vinegar.

To begin with, add soda slaked with vinegar to sour cream.

Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for 5-7 minutes.

To butter room temperature add sugar.

Mix everything thoroughly and add the egg.

Mix until smooth and add sour cream.

Mix everything and add the sifted flour.

Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. The dough should be soft. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cream for Mikado Cake

Add a tablespoon of cocoa, sugar and a little water to the butter.

We put on a small fire so that the butter melts. Put the rest of the butter in another bowl, add condensed milk and cocoa to it.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add the hot mixture to the resulting mixture.

Mix everything again and put in the refrigerator while we bake the cakes.

Let's get to the crusts. Take the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 10-12 identical cakes.

We take one ball and roll it out directly on parchment paper. I baked on foil, for some reason it’s more convenient for me.

We will bake cakes on the other side of the baking sheet. Since they are then easier to remove, and they will not break.

We bake the cakes in the oven at 200 degrees for 2-2.5 minutes - until golden brown.

Let's start assembling the cake, or rather the blanks. On a warm cake, apply 1 tablespoon of cream, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the cake.

We do this procedure with all the cakes, we also lubricate the top cake with cream.

Grate dark chocolate and sprinkle over the cake.

Let the cake stand at room temperature for 3-4 hours at room temperature and send it to the refrigerator overnight. Some Armenian housewives do not put the cake in the refrigerator. So do not be afraid - it will not deteriorate. When time passes, we take out our workpiece and cut off the edges.

Put the cake on a plate in the shape of a star. Armenian cake "Mikado" is ready. Enjoy your meal!!

I will use a food processor, it is very convenient to whip various mixtures with it. You can also use a mixer or blender. Break the eggs, separating the yolks from the whites. We need yolks for cream, three pieces will be enough. If you want more cream, take 4-5 yolks and increase the dose of the rest of the ingredients accordingly. Beat the yolks with a glass of sugar.

Add 400 ml of milk to beaten yolks with sugar and beat. Then pour 4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa. Whip it all up again homogeneous mass. Pour this mixture into a saucepan, heat, stirring, to 90 degrees. Then we cool.

We open a couple of cans of boiled condensed milk. If you can't find it in the store, make it yourself. To do this, put the jars in a pot of water and cook over low heat for 4 hours. Beat 500 grams of butter with boiled condensed milk.

Pour the cooled chocolate cream in milk into the whipped mass of boiled condensed milk with butter. Beat well, put in the refrigerator. Let the cream harden a bit.

As you understand, we made the cream and put it aside. Now let's get to the dough. Again we need butter. Yes, the Armenian cake is dangerous for the figure, but this is also the secret of its amazing taste! Beat softened butter with eggs.

Next, put the sour cream in a bowl for whipping. We shift the beaten eggs with butter there. We beat. We put the sifted flour, whisking continuously at low speed. When the mixture begins to thicken, transfer the dough to the table.

Knead a smooth dough that should not stick to your hands. Divide the ball into several small lumps. You should get about 10 pieces. Roll into balls of the same size.

Sprinkle the table with flour, take a rolling pin, roll out each ball of dough to the finest state. Just make sure the dough doesn't spread. We cover the baking sheet parchment paper, put the dough there. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 7-10 minutes, until golden brown.

I tried this delicious cake for the first time at a party and fell in love with it. One day my husband and I went to visit my husband's friend at work. And only on the way to visit her husband, talking about his new friend - an employee, mentioned that he was Armenian. I confess that I have never tried Armenian cuisine in my life, and I became terribly interested. In addition to my husband and I, there were many guests, and a pleasant hostess named Karina also spared no time in cooking. There were several unusual dishes which I tried for the first time. As expected, the Armenian cuisine turned out to be very tasty, but what struck me the most was the cake that was served for dessert. The name of this cake is “Mikado” and for Armenians it is like “Honey cake” or “Napoleon” for us, that is, the most common cake that is sold in any store. But since I have not been to Armenia, purchased cake I haven't tried it and I don't have anything to compare it to. Tastier than cake than this Armenian cake, I have never eaten in my life!

Having talked with the sweet, sociable and very hardworking hostess Karina (as it turned out later, her name is Karina), I could not help but take the opportunity to ask about the recipe for this excellent cake. As it turned out, there are many nuances in the preparation of dough and cream. Cake layers can turn out to be sandy and crumbly or soft and tender rich. The cream is made from fresh or boiled condensed milk, and some add more cocoa to make the cake more chocolatey. It turned out that Karine had been preparing this Mikado cake with a clear Japanese name for 10 years, but she had never thought about its origin. The cake was taught by her grandmother to cook according to a family classic recipe. Of course, I transferred this recipe in all details to my notebook and decided to bring it to life in my kitchen the same week. Of course, I did not experiment with a new recipe. Cooked according to the classic recipe, as Karine said. It turned out just incredible! Delicate cakes, impregnated with vanilla-iris cream, which melt in your mouth! If you have never tried this cake, be sure to try it, the cake turns out divine the first time!

To prepare the Mikado cake you will need:

  • Medium eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Oil - 200 gr;
  • Sour cream - 200 gr;
  • Soda - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Premium flour - 4-5 tbsp;
  • A pinch of vanilla.
  • Oil - 400 gr;
  • Boiled condensed milk - 2 cans of 0.5 liters.

For powder:

  • grated chocolate.

The classic recipe for the Armenian Mikado cake.

1. Mix sour cream with soda and leave for 30 minutes.

2. During this time, sour cream should foam up and be covered with a cap of small bubbles.

3. Before making the cake, leave the butter in the kitchen so that it becomes soft and manageable. Put the butter in a bowl and mash with a fork. If the oil is easily kneaded, you can work with it.

4. Pour sugar and a pinch of salt.

5. Mix soft butter with sugar and a pinch of salt.

6. Add eggs one at a time and beat.

7. Then add sour cream with soda and mix.

8. Add flour in small portions and start kneading the dough with a spoon.

9. The dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time and interrupted with flour, otherwise the cakes will turn out dry. As soon as the dough gathers on a spoon and stops lagging behind the walls of the bowl, roll it into a ball and put it on a floured surface. The dough should be soft and easy to roll out.

10. Divide it into 6 parts.

11. Start rolling out the dough on the table.

12. And transfer the dough to a baking sheet, turning the last one upside down.

13. Flatten the entire pan with your hands or with a rolling pin. Trim the edges.

14. Use a fork to poke holes all over the dough.

15. Bake until golden brown at 180-200 degrees. Finished cakes cool down.

16. Put boiled condensed milk into softened butter at room temperature.

17. Mix well.

18. Lubricate the cakes.

19. As you spread the cakes one on top of the other to make a large, low cake.

20. Sprinkle well with grated chocolate on top.

Now the cake needs to be put in the refrigerator for the night so that it is infused and soaked with cream. The longer the cake stays in the fridge, the tastier it will be. And the mikado cake is stored for a very long time - up to 10 days. finished cake“Mikado” is cut into squares or rhombuses and served with tea or coffee. Enjoy your meal!