Chromium side effects. Vitamins with chromium. Video instruction for the use of chromium

Chromium Picolinate normalize lipid-protein-carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates the production of “good” cholesterol, removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques (prevention of atherosclerosis), restores skin elasticity, stimulates hair and nail growth. Chromium picolinate is the metal of life and the elixir of youth!

Some people may experience mild dizziness when they first take the tablets. If this happens, we advise you to consult your doctor. Dizziness is caused by blood sugar levels, a possible sign of diabetes. For all people who are overweight or who want to lose weight, the fact that they do not have an urgent need to consume food is a welcome help. Many of them did not inspire my confidence in my health. Lust and sweets destroy everything! . It has the following preventive and therapeutic indications.

Chromium helps to reduce weight without side effects, along with a little movement and a healthy diet. Chromium Picolinate has a fat burning effect and is an integral part of modern weight loss therapy. Insulin is known to be one of the most important hormones that plays a role in muscle development, body weight stabilization and proper cardiovascular function. vascular system. It introduces into glucose and amino acid cells the need for energy production and protein synthesis. When chromium is deficient, insulin cannot participate in glucose metabolism.

On the Merzana website, you can buy Chromium Picolinate at the manufacturer's price with delivery in Moscow and Russia, or arrange pickup.

Pharmacological group

Biologically active dietary supplement dietary supplement.

Release form

Drops for oral administration, bottle with dropper 50 ml.

Nosological classification

In diabetes, chromium enhances the action of insulin, most metabolic processes and increases the ability to work and rejuvenate the body. Intense activity, athletes - Chromium affects the absorption of proteins and thus participates in the development of muscles and reduces the amount of fat in the body.

Lack of chromium increases sensitivity to carbohydrates and can cause weight gain or lead to diabetes. It also causes an increase in blood cholesterol levels and susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. In the case of athletes, a lack of chromium reduces physical performance and can interfere with muscle development. Chromium deficiency symptoms stand out in people who consume a lot of sugar.

  • Chromium deficiency;
  • non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Pathological changes in body weight of any etiology, obesity;
  • Sleep disturbances and sleep maintenance (insomnia);
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Elevated blood glucose.

Pharmacological properties Chromium picolinate

  • Chromium picolinate helps to normalize the level of triglycerides and cholesterol, stimulates the production of good cholesterol, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • Promotes the production of insulin, evens out its release during the day and normalizes blood sugar levels.

Chromium is necessary for violations of carbohydrate metabolism, helps to reduce excess weight, reducing the craving for sweets and simple carbohydrates, and also helps to increase body weight in case of its pathological deficiency.

During digestion, 80% of chromium intake is lost. The solution to this problem is the introduction of chromium into the body using nutritional supplements rich in this trace element, in the form of chromium picolinate, a biologically active form. Chromium picolinate lowers blood cholesterol levels and increases the density of high-density lipoproteins, which leads to a decrease in the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the artery and, therefore, to the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Thus, chromium interferes with the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.

Animal experiments have shown that insufficient chromium intake slows down body development, shortens lifespan, and promotes impotence, while high chromium supplementation led to outstanding results at the University of Bemidji. They applied a chromium-rich diet to a batch of control animals and found that they lived one year longer than the control group without a chromosome.

Purpose of Chromium Picolinate

  • As a source of chromium;
  • A drug that helps reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, especially in the elderly;
  • For correction of weight and figure, in case of alimentary obesity;
  • In violation of carbohydrate metabolism, to restore normal glucose tolerance;
  • As a means of improving the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • To improve immunity;
  • With insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • Increased fatigue.

Chromium picolinate composition of the drug

Microelement chromium picolinate (chromium picolinate), sweetener (sorbitol E420), purified water, glycerin (E422), chromium chloride trivalent hexahydrate, sodium acetate trihydrate, antioxidant ( lemon acid E330), preservative (sodium benzoate E211), fragrance.

Insulin is one of the most important hormones that plays a role in muscle development, body weight stabilization and optimal cardiovascular function. When chromium is absent, insulin cannot participate in carbohydrate metabolism. therefore, it is also useful for diabetics, especially in the early stages of the disease, but cannot replace insulin or oral antidiabetics. Since they are involved in the metabolism of glucose, they enhance the action of insulin, regulate the internal distribution of energy, stabilize the concentration of glucose in the blood, facilitate the assimilation of amino acids, accelerate the metabolism of proteins and enhance most metabolic processes, chromium increases the efficiency and self-healing of the body.

Component Properties

  • Chromium picolinate replenishes chromium deficiency in the body, normalizes lipid metabolism and lowers blood glucose, improves intracellular metabolism and promotes weight loss, improving the process of fat burning;
  • Reduces the risk of developing asthenovegetative reactions (depression, anxiety, insomnia, nervous disorders);
  • Chromium contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Chromium provides a pronounced cosmetic effect: it helps to “smooth out” wrinkles, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, due to which, after losing weight, the skin looks firm, toned and elastic;
  • Tightens the skin, sagging, after a diet or childbirth;
  • Makes muscles elastic and elastic.

In the process of taking chromium picolinate, it is noted: irritability decreases, endurance increases, activity of the cardiovascular system normalizes, function thyroid gland, sleep improves, convulsive contractions of the limbs are eliminated, the development of glaucoma is prevented, weight is reduced, the process of production of glycosylated proteins responsible for the aging process of the body slows down.

Due to the effect of incorporating protein into muscles, chromium is also very effective for athletes, developing muscle and reducing body fat, comparable to that obtained with the use of anabolic hormones. Athletes who consumed chromium supplements for 6 weeks had a weight of 3.2 kg, and the weight loss of the chromosome-free blank was only 1 kg. Knowing that the specific fat content of fat is lower than muscle, a difference of 2.2 kg corresponds to a total weight loss of more than 5 kg.

The fact that chromium picolinate in the dietary supplement helps to reduce weight without the presence of harmful side effects is clinically proven to be true. Together with the right diet and a little movement, chromium supplements can help achieve and maintain ideal weight for both weight loss and athletes. In addition to the presentation of capsules, there are also modern aerosol products that can decide how to bad smell from the mouth, and a lack of chromium.

Chromium Picolinate by MERTSANA in drops for oral administration does not contain alcohol and sugar, which allows them to be taken even by diabetics, drivers of vehicles without restriction of the right to drive a vehicle. Chromium Picolinate drops are highly effective due to the absorption of active substances in the oral cavity, which instantly enter the bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, where up to 90% of the active substance is destroyed, compared with taking tablets or capsules. Therefore, drugs presented in drip form, as a rule, are not addictive.

Diabetics should follow an appropriate diet and specific medications as recommended by their healthcare provider, even under conditions of chromium picolinate supplementation: 60 mcg. Chromium is an element without which the body does not exist because it is involved in many metabolic functions.

Chromium is effective for people with an exaggerated appetite for sweets, since chromium interferes with their metabolism and, finally, does not last turn helps maintain body weight. Chromium is recognized for its effectiveness in regulating and promoting glucose metabolism. In this regard, chromium picolinate enhances the activity of insulin, thereby indirectly influencing the concentration of glucose in the blood.

In order to prevent actions that mislead consumers, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare approved the "System of Voluntary Certification of Biologically Active Food Supplements". The voluntary certification system provides for the confirmation of product quality and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of dietary supplements.

This mechanism is useful and may help diabetics to treat people with altered carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin C, administered in small doses along with chromium, significantly increases the absorption of chromium picolinate and together improves the action of insulin. Lack of chromium increases carbohydrate sensitivity and can lead to weight gain or diabetes. Symptoms of chromium deficiency emphasize people who consume a lot of sugar. The fact that chromium picolinate helps to reduce weight without harmful side effects is clinically proven to be true.

Being a conscientious manufacturer, KURORTMEDSERVICE LLC (MERTSANA Group) confirms the effectiveness and conformity of product properties by conducting voluntary certification.

Chromium Picolinate Biologically Active Supplement (BAA). It is not a medicinal product.

Certificate of State Registration №Е.013458.09.12


Indications for use Chromium Picolinate

With chromium deficiency, hormonal disorders, diabetes the second type, disorders of the nervous system, as well as stressful conditions and hormonal disruptions. It is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart failure, to increase immunity and protective functions of the body, for headaches and insomnia. Used to reduce cravings for flour and sweets in the treatment of pathological changes in body weight.

Other Ingredients: rice flour, gelatin. Recommended daily dose: one tablet. Nutritional supplements should not replace a varied diet. Store at room temperature protected from heat, moisture and excessive light. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! Keep out of the reach of children!

The product description includes information provided by the manufacturer at the time of original purchase. Our store is not responsible for any further changes that are not reported by the manufacturer. Don't forget: Read the product description, label and packaging carefully before use! All information on this site is published for informational purposes and does not replace the advice or recommendations of your physician or any qualified medical personnel. You must not use the information on these pages to diagnose or treat any health condition or disease or to replace prescription drugs and procedures prescribed by authorized medical personnel.


  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Severe functional insufficiency of the liver and (or) kidneys;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the most severe (fourth) stage;
  • Parkinson's disease.

Side effects

  • Overdose may develop: allergy (in the presence of hypersensitivity);
  • Dyspeptic disorders;
  • Dizziness.

Attention: If you have diabetes, you need to consult a doctor. Be careful when taking Chromium Picolinate in combination with other chromium-containing drugs so as not to exceed the daily allowable dose of Chromium (about 200 mcg per day).

You should read the prospectus carefully. The effect of foods varies from person to person depending on lifestyle, metabolism, age, health, etc. if you have or think you have a medical condition or are suffering from a medical condition, see your doctor promptly.

A harmonious lifestyle can be ensured through your health care efforts. It is recommended to take a balanced diet with a rich supply fresh fruit and vegetables and enough water. Also, don't forget about the physical activity segment. Very important role is an approach to life with a calm and positive attitude. Positive thoughts always help restore and strengthen the body, as well as restore mental tone, while a negative attitude will affect your health.

For children and adolescents under the age of 16, this dietary supplement is prescribed with caution.

A mandatory preliminary consultation with a nutritionist is required.

Instructions for use and doses

For oral administration "under the tongue". Drop 10 drops into a spoon from a bottle, lick and hold in your mouth, without swallowing, for a minute.

That's why you try to have a positive, active lifestyle with the right diet, and you're sure to maintain optimal health. Chromium is a mineral oligo that the body needs in small quantities for healthy functioning. What are the most studied health benefits of chromium? Significant benefits of chromium in regulating blood sugar levels, its role in diabetes and weight maintenance, heart and brain health.

Chromium is involved in the insulin signaling pathways that allow the body to control the amount of sugar we ingest, helping to balance blood glucose levels and providing stable energy levels. In addition, chromium has been linked to longevity and improved heart health due to its role in fat metabolism, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients.

Take immediately before or during meals 2 times a day. Shake before use.

One bottle for one adult is enough for 2 weeks.

Biologically Active Supplement (BAA). It is not a medicinal product.

additional information

According to the conclusion of the Anti-Doping Center, no doping substances were found in Chromium Picolinate (MERTSANA) medicines and their metabolites, which makes it possible to use it in sports medicine practice. Chromium picolinate helps increase muscle mass, is a natural replacement for steroids for athletes involved in the development of their bodies.

Naturally, many types of whole foods can be found in brewer's yeast, certain meats, vegetables, potatoes, and whole grains. Chromium enters the body mainly through diet, it is stored in the soil and enters the body through the consumption of food that we collect from crops, and in small amounts also found in water. tap water complements our chrome supply and also cooks in stainless steel pots.

What are the advantages of chromium and how can we avoid the disadvantages of chromium?

Chromium deficiency is not very common in developed countries because most people accept their daily chromium dietary requirements and may even exceed the recommended daily intake. Chromium is present in whole wheat products, and this is probably one of the reasons why Westerners, who tend to have carbohydrate-rich foods, get their diet daily.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a place protected from light at room temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

After opening, storage on the refrigerator door is allowed (the entire period between courses, i.e. 5 months).

Avoid heat.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Clinical researches

The trace element CHROME PICOLINATE was first artificially synthesized in the USA in the late 80s by the scientist Harry Evans. The American company "Nutrition 21" patented the development and introduced it to the market as a drug that burns fat and builds muscle mass. 2 studies were conducted, which were detailed by G. Evans. After lengthy controversy, the US Federal Trade Commission issued a ruling prohibiting Nutrition 21 from making controversial and unsubstantiated claims about the drug's fat-burning properties. Nutrition 21 complied with the US FTC's order, while making a number of high-profile claims about the intrigues of competitors. And in fact, the decision of the FTC was "strange", since no one directly managed to refute the research of G. Evans. The "evidence" for the drug's ineffectiveness was presented by Melissa Hallmark, a mere college graduate student, and Henry Lukasky, Ph.D. Strange isn't it? At the same time, no side or negative factors of the influence of the microelement chromium picolinate on the body have been identified.

Even babies get their chromium needs whether they are breastfeeding or breastfeeding because the average amount of chromium in a healthy breast milk and proper nutrition is 24 micrograms per litre. On the other hand, some researchers believe that chromium deficiency is more common in people who respond poorly to insulin, i.e. most of the overweight and poor diet. Diabetic and elderly people are more prone to chromium deficiency than healthy adults or children.

Chromium deficiency symptoms include

Poor blood glucose management weakened bones and bone loss low level fatigue poor skin health more high level cholesterol and heart complications reduced the power of concentration and impair memory, worsened mood swings in vision, increased disturbing fluctuations in desire, nutritional fluctuations in growth and development of mass slowed down slow wound healing or intensive recovery after surgery.

Recommended Daily Intake of Chromium

The needs of chromium depending on age and gender are as follows.

All experts: doctors, biologists, nutritionists admit that chromium is one of the biogenic trace elements that a living organism needs. V pure form chromium is toxic, but chromium as part of the trypsin enzyme is involved in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins - the basis of the body's vital activity. A decrease in the content of chromium in the blood and the body leads to a decrease in the growth rate and an increase in "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

All statements aimed at discrediting the microelement also did not receive any official confirmation, and remained at the level of "black PR in the yellow press."

The trace element CHROME PICOLINATE is very popular in the fitness environment and is practically little known as a drug that stimulates the production of "useful" cholesterol (clinically proven). “Good” cholesterol removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and thereby cleanses the vessels of cholesterol plaques (prevention of atherosclerosis). A sufficient amount of “useful” cholesterol in the body has a positive effect on skin elasticity, hair and nail growth.

G. Evans' statement regarding the "fat-burning" properties of CHROMIUM PICOLINATE was obviously based precisely on the fact of the removal of "bad" cholesterol from the body, which is often the cause of alimentary obesity. The property of the microelement in “building muscle mass” was most likely based on the logical conclusion that the trace element CHROME PICOLINATE has a positive effect on the restoration of lipid-carbohydrate-protein metabolism and accelerates the delivery of useful active substances to muscle tissues (this is a scientifically proven fact).

To check and prove the inefficiency of the trace element, based on short-term and small experiments (only 8 weeks), as M. Hallmark and G. Lukaski did, is a big mistake, according to many experts.

The only thing that can be agreed with them is that it is necessary to conduct more in-depth studies on the study of the "fat-burning" properties of the drug.

The main thing! The trace element CHROME PICOLINATE is important and necessary for the body. And in the recommended dosages, like any useful substance, it is absolutely safe.

After 30 years, excess weight becomes a problem for many women. Someone is trying to solve it with exhausting diets, someone - through hard training. many the best option seem to be weight stabilization pills. Learn about the role chromium plays in weight loss. Correct use trace element will help restore the body an attractive appearance and maintain skin elasticity.

The benefits of chromium for weight loss

The substance is one of the necessary for the body to work. Chromium preparations and the element in its pure form lower blood sugar, transferring glucose to the muscles, and not to body fat. In addition, the microelement reduces cravings for sweets, starchy foods, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. The positive aspects of using chromium for weight loss include:

  1. Normalization of insulin production.
  2. Favorable effect on the thyroid gland.
  3. Activation of the restorative processes of the body.
  4. Prevention of osteoporosis.
  5. Removal of toxins and cholesterol from the body.
  6. Improving the functioning of the liver.
  7. Reception of vitamin chromium-containing complexes removes irritability. There is a breakdown during the diet.

Where is chromium found

source beneficial substance can serve simple products food or nutritional supplements for weight loss. A large amount of chromium contains:

  • beans;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • apples;
  • prunes;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • germinated wheat.

It is very difficult to get the daily dose of an important element through products containing chromium. Buds are an alternative. Useful and vitamins for weight loss, which include chromium. It is better to take the funds only after consulting a doctor, otherwise there may be side effects. Recommendations:

  1. Daily dose chromium for weight loss varies. It is 400-600 mcg for people with a little overweight.
  2. An amount of 600-1000 is recommended for those struggling with obesity.
  3. The volume must be divided into several steps.
  4. The maximum course duration is 30 days.

Appetite suppressants

Pharmacology offers a large number of medicines to reduce food cravings. Such active biological additives have a beneficial effect not only on excess weight but also on the condition of the skin. Among the most popular means include Turboslim. The composition of the product is rich in insulin, L-carnitine and chromium. With its help, it is possible to reduce appetite, normalize the metabolic processes of the body. It is necessary to take the drug 1 tablet before meals.

Chromium tablets

The most effective microelement compounds that are optimal for the human body are capsules. Tablets for reducing appetite Soglar Chromium are quickly absorbed. The drug enhances calorie consumption during physical exertion, reduces cravings for sweets. To get rid of excess fat and stabilize body weight, take 1 tablet daily before any meal.

Find out which are the most effective.

Vitamins with chromium

Complexes, the composition of which has a substance, have a healing effect on the entire body. With their help, immunity increases, the intestinal microflora normalizes. In addition, vitamins help facilitate diet tolerance and promote active calorie burning. Chromvital has proven itself well. Vitamins should be taken 1-2 times a day with meals.

According to the manufacturer's research, taking a drug with this name helps to reduce weight. In fact, dietary supplements are effective only in combination with physical activity. Solgar Chromium Picolinate reduces carbohydrate cravings and promotes muscle growth. It is better to take drops 2 times a day before meals, breaking daily allowance in 500 mcg (20 drops) in equal parts. The medicine must be held in the mouth for a while, then drink plenty of water. The use of the drug does not cause side effects.

Chromium foods

If you are against medicines and dietary supplements, then you can give preference to a natural source of trace elements. Chromium in food is also well absorbed by the body, as well as in tablets. Increasing their amount in the diet contributes to the normalization of weight. The table shows the main products that will help get rid of excess weight and improve your general condition:

Product, 100 g

Amount of Cr


Amount of Cr


beef liver

Pearl barley

Kidneys and heart



Chicken breast

Side effects

Sometimes chromium during weight loss can provoke adverse reactions. In some patients, products containing the substance may cause dizziness, vomiting and nausea. In addition, drugs have a negative effect on the heart, kidneys and liver. To prevent such consequences, it is better to consult a specialist before taking a chromium-containing drug. This is especially true for those who suffer from diabetes. Contraindications for use include the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance.

Video instruction for the use of chromium