Cook beans with vegetables in a slow cooker. White beans with vegetables stewed in a slow cooker

Beans contain a whole list of minerals and trace elements needed by the body. In addition, it contains protein, which is absorbed by 75%. Such indicators are close to fish and meat, which means that beans simply need to be introduced into the diet during fasts, as well as those who do not eat food of animal origin. Soups and borscht are cooked with it, cooked as a side dish, pates are made. The most important thing is to cook it so that it is soft, but not boiled. In this article, we will tell you how to cook white, red, black or spotted beans until cooked quickly, and most importantly, delicious.

How long to cook beans

    Dry beans need to be boiled for 1-2 hours depending on the size of the beans.

    Young beans will be ready in 30-40 minutes.

The secrets of cooking beans

  • The larger the beans, the more they expand during the boil. So red beans practically do not boil soft, and large black or white beans increase in size by 2.5 times.
  • You can't cook beans quickly without soaking them. This is done not only so that it cooks faster, but also so that unevenly cooked grains do not come across.
  • Only young beans can be cooked without soaking.
  • In order for the beans to cook quickly in winter, they are frozen while still young and taken out of the freezer as needed. Convenient packaging for freezing is a half-liter or liter plastic bottle.
  • For soup, it is better to take red or small white beans, and large ones are better for salad.

Why soak beans

Soaking not only determines how long it takes to cook. Without it, the beans will not only cook for a long time, but may turn out to be soft on the outside and at the same time hard on the inside. Moreover, this effect will be more pronounced, the more dry beans you are going to cook. Young beans, or those frozen young, can be boiled without soaking.

A lot also depends on the variety. Be sure to cook red beans with soaking, but large white varieties can be cooked like this.

How to properly soak beans

Before we tell you how long to cook beans after soaking, we will describe how to soak them properly. The process is pretty simple:

  • rinse the beans under running water;
  • fill it up cold water;
  • the water level should be 5 cm above the beans themselves;
  • during the soaking process, the water needs to be changed 2-3 times.

Soaked beans are washed before cooking and poured with clean water. The soaking process should be 6-8 hours. It is best to do this at night.

How to cook beans in a pot


Wash the beans in running water. We discard bursting or beans with holes to the side.


Soak beans in cold water, the amount of which should be 3-4 times the number of beans. Soaking time 6-8 hours. During this period, it is advisable to change the water several times.


We send the soaked beans to the pan, fill it with clean water, add salt to taste. The ratio of beans and water should be 1:2.5.


We send the pan to the stove and bring to a boil over high heat. Then we remove it to a minimum and cook the beans until tender. The average cooking time is 1-2 hours. After 60 minutes, you need to check the readiness and make sure that it does not boil soft. Overcooked beans begin to burst.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker with a pressure cooker function, the cooking time for beans is reduced by 2 times. so dry beans will cook for 30-40 minutes, and fresh beans will be cooked in 15-20 minutes.

Beans are completely unpretentious to the regime. This can be done both in the Soup mode and in the Vegetable Stew mode. To do this, you can use absolutely any multicooker. We will show you step by step recipe cooking beans on the example of the Redmond multicooker (Redmond).


Before cooking, the beans should be carefully reviewed, spoiled beans, other debris should be selected and thoroughly rinsed under running water.

If you add a little imagination to the preparation of ordinary beans, then it will become not only healthy, but also tasty. I decided to cook beans in a slow cooker with onions and curry. I will say right away that I made this dish for the first time, having absolutely no idea what would come of it. And it turned out very tasty. As a separate side dish, for my taste, this dish will be a bit heavy. I served beans with mashed potatoes and meat. All my eaters really liked it, then my son ran all evening and shouted “beans”.


  • Beans red or motley (dry) - 400 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Curry - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.

Cooking beans in a slow cooker

I mixed red beans and variegated beans. I washed her. I poured it into a saucepan and filled it with water. The water should be 1 cm above the level of the beans. In general, the package with beans says to soak for 5-6 hours. I poured the beans in the evening and left it overnight.

By the way, I always thought that beans are soaked only so that they cook faster. And more recently I learned that beans are soaked in order to facilitate the absorption of legumes. This procedure is safe from the point of view of safety. useful substances(vitamins and minerals), but will allow you to wash out excess starch and reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Pour into the multicooker bowl vegetable oil. I turn on the Frying mode, throw in the chopped onion and fry, stirring for 10-12 minutes.

Then I transfer the fried onions to a plate, add curry and 0.5 tbsp. salt, mix gently.

I drain the water from the beans. I transfer half of the beans into the multicooker bowl (after frying the onion, I don’t wash the bowl, I don’t pour out the rest of the oil). I have 0.5 tbsp left. salt, divide it into two parts and salt each layer of beans. I put a layer of fried onions on top. Then I add the rest of the beans.

I fill it with water (the water should be 0.5 cm higher than the beans). I turn on the multicooker in the Buckwheat mode, cooking time is 2 hours. I close the lid and leave to cook until the signal.

When the beans are ready, transfer them to a plate (if there is excess liquid left, drain it).

Sprinkle beans with fresh herbs (I sprinkled with parsley) and serve. Bon appetit!

Beans with curry and onions cooked in the Redmond RMC-M20 slow cooker.

Time: 120 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

White beans with vegetables, stewed in a slow cooker

Today's recipe will require some preparation from you, because the beans require pre-soaking for several hours.

However, we do not consider this a terrible drawback - there, in Latin America it has been cooked for centuries, as they once cooked turnips in Rus', and everyone is happy.

Beans are extremely high in protein and are an essential staple for vegetarians to get their fill. daily allowance squirrel, or just fasting people.

Our photo recipe will show in detail how to cook beans in a slow cooker, you only need to follow all the steps step by step to get delicious.

To prepare hearty and budget lunch for households, take the following set of ingredients:

From the indicated number of components, it will be possible to prepare 4-6 servings of a hearty lunch.
The dish turns out to be quite easy: energy value per 100 grams of cooked beans will be only 72 calories.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be as follows: 2 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and 8.5 grams of carbohydrates.

Step 1

First things first, you need to soak the beans. Rinse it well, put it in the deepest and widest bowl, and fill it with cold water for at least 4 hours, and for a maximum of 10 hours.

Why such a strictly regulated soaking time? Firstly, because the product must absorb enough moisture and dissolve harmful sugars that can cause fermentation in the stomach. And secondly, the beans can turn sour, and thereby spoil the dish.

A lot of water is required, do not spare it. You can soak the product overnight, and in the morning.

Step 2

In the morning, we drain the water from the bowl, and put the product itself into the bowl of the multicooker, fill it with water. It is necessary to cook the product until half cooked. Turn on the "Extinguishing" function, cooking time - 1 hour. You don't need to add salt or other spices.

After an hour of cooking, we will taste a couple of beans, and if they are hard, then cook them for another 15-20 minutes.
Now put the beans in a separate container, and take care of the rest of the vegetables.

On a note: some recipes advise cooking beans in a slow cooker a little differently - laying it immediately to the prepared vegetables, but then there is a high risk that instead of other vegetables, indigestible porridge will turn out.

Step 3

Let's clear onion and carrots from the husk and peel, respectively. Rinse under cold water and cut the onion into small cubes, and rub the carrots on coarse grater(see photo).

However, if you want to cut carrots into slices, the recipe will not suffer. We rinse the bowl of the multicooker from the beans, and activate the "Frying" or "Baking" mode.

Drop a drop of vegetable oil, let it warm up a little, and lay out the chopped onion. We will cook the onion slices until golden brown for 5 minutes, put the carrots. We continue to cook for 10 minutes.

Step 4

We wash the tomatoes under running water, after which we cut them into two parts, removing the part with the tail, and the white tasteless stem sometimes found in tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes (see photo).

Add the tomatoes to the fried onions and carrots, and while the slow cooker cooks them, let's take care of the pepper.
We also rinse the bell pepper, and remove the stalk along with the seeds - this must be done carefully so that the beans in the slow cooker do not taste bitter.

We put the chopped vegetable in a magic pot, mix its contents, and cook for about five minutes so that all the vegetables become soft.

Now add the half cooked white beans.

Remove the husk from the garlic cloves, crush on the board, and finely chop, then add to the multicooker bowl. We do not add salt, because salt will slow down the cooking process and the beans may remain harsh.

On a note: if you want to make the recipe more dietary, then you can skip the roasting stage of vegetables, and cook immediately in the “Stew” mode, simultaneously putting all the components into the bowl of the multicooker. It turns out Lenten dish suitable even for people with delicate stomachs.

Step 5

Switch from frying or baking mode to stewing mode. The time it will take to prepare the dish will be 1 hour.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, salt to taste, add pepper and other spices to your taste.

On a note: you can slightly diversify the recipe by adding a couple of spoons to the dish being prepared tomato paste or a handful of fresh herbs, cut into small pieces.

See another version of this dish:

For those housewives who already have a "hand full", this process seems elementary. But the rest is not so easy to understand some of the nuances. Therefore, we have prepared for you the main simple recommendations, which will help you properly boil any kind of beans.

This dish takes 1.5 hours to prepare and the ingredients listed here make 3 servings.


  • beans - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • water - 2.5 tbsp.


1. At first glance this process there is nothing difficult. But it's not. In cooking beans, it is important to understand the small nuances so that the beans turn out tasty and soft. The first thing to start with is the choice of beans. Young beans are much easier to cook. Often such a base does not need soaking. Young beans cook quickly, and therefore it can be poured with cold water for only 40 minutes (or immediately start cooking). Dry beans must be left to infuse in liquid for several hours. White and yellow beans should be soaked in cold water for 6 hours. Red (and other types of variegated beans) - for 8 hours. Fluid must be changed every 2-3 hours. Dry beans should increase in size (about 2x) before cooking.

2. Drain the water from the bean container. Wash beans thoroughly. Pour the prepared beans into a clean multicooker bowl.

3. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Add salt. Thoroughly mix the contents of the bowl. The salt should completely dissolve. Activate the "extinguishing" mode. When using this program, the beans are the most delicious. Legumes white variety it takes 1 hour to cook. Red beans should be boiled for 1.5 hours. After 40 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the beans. Some varieties of beans cook quite quickly. The main task is to bring the beans to readiness, but not to overcook. Otherwise, the beans will begin to crack and lose their integrity, which will eventually affect its appetizing.

4. After the timer signal, the beans must be discarded into a sieve. Let the water drain completely. Cool the beans slightly. Serve as a side dish with some sauce or gravy. Such beans can be used for salads, soups, various stews and even preservation. This recipe will come in handy in any case, for whatever purposes you cook this species legumes. Delicious and healthy beans often used by vegetarians as a substitute for meat. After all, beans are nutritious and quite high in calories.

Time: 160 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Spicy red bean lobio in a slow cooker

Georgian cuisine strikes with a variety of dishes from both meat and vegetables, including legumes. One of the most popular meatless snacks is lobio, which is made from red beans.

The taste of such a dish is bright and rich, because this is how traditional Georgian spices and herbs make it. Lobio recipes may differ in the composition of the products, but the cooking technology of the dish is unchanged.

You do not have to cook for a long time if you have previously soaked it overnight. The beans will absorb the liquid and soften, which will ensure they cook quickly.

Lobio recipes involve the use of not only dry herbs, but also fresh herbs, so if you have fresh parsley on hand, and preferably cilantro, do not forget to add it to other components of the dish before serving.

Thanks to this, lobio will not only acquire a festive, original look, but will also be filled with a new fresh taste.

Delicious lobio in a slow cooker can be cooked only if you follow the recommendations of experienced chefs.

  • To cook a real Georgian dish, you need red beans, they contain enough starch to keep the dish juicy.

There are recipes for white bean lobio, but it turns out to be completely different both in taste and structure.

  • Before cooking, it is worth soaking them properly. The optimal soaking time is 8-12 hours.
  • Traditional Georgian dishes contain many aromas and tastes, this also applies to lobio. Basic Recipes must include an ingredient such as walnuts. They are what give beans light nutty smack.
  • Cooking beans in a slow cooker is necessary without adding salt, it is added at the final stage of cooking, in which case the beans will be soft and at the same time retain their original shape.
  • It is worth remembering that lobio is different piquant taste and spiciness, so its essential components are spices and seasonings, but they need to be added in moderation. In addition to suneli hops, you can use ground nutmeg, cloves and coriander.

Now let's start the process of preparing delicious Georgian lobio. Surprise everyone spicy dish from red beans.


How to cook

Step 1

Soak the beans in advance, soak them in water for about 12 hours. Prepare the rest of the food.

Step 2

Peel the onion, wash the herbs, chop the garlic cloves.

Step 3

Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl, and then heat it in the "Baking" mode. Put the onion in there, fry it until translucent.

Step 4

Put the beans inside the bowl, fill it with water. The liquid should be about 2 fingers above the level of the beans. Select the "Stew" mode, you need to cook the beans for 1.5 hours.

Step 5

After the specified time, add tomato paste, spices along with salt, coarsely chopped greens, and chopped garlic.

Pour in 1 multi-glass of water, continue cooking by setting the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. During the stew, stir the beans several times.

Step 6

After the signal about the end of the program, you can open the multicooker, now enjoy the incredible oriental fragrances freshly made lobio.

Spread lobio in portions on plates, serve it with fresh Georgian bread. Each serving can be garnished with a sprig of cilantro.

It is worth noting that the appetizer can be chopped with a blender, and then used as a pate, it's fast, original and very tasty!

See another version of this dish: