Georgian chikhirtma soup with chicken - a recipe with a photo of the preparation of the dish. Georgian chicken and egg chikhirtma

Friends, welcome!

Chikhirtma is something you fall in love with once you try it. That's what happened to me. This awaits you too.

Chikhirtma - awesome thick soup with chicken meat, deep respect for her Georgian cuisine! The ingredients are all very humane, except that the set of spices will surprise you a little, but in practice it is something! So, the recipe.

To create chikhirtma in Georgian, we need:

  • 500 g chicken (I had 4 chicken thighs)
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 large onions
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 2 tablespoons corn or wheat flour(I had wheat)
  • A good handful of fresh cilantro halved with basil (optional without basil)
  • 2 eggs
  • Juice of half a small lemon
  • 1/3 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon saffron
  • 1 cinnamon stick

Chikhirtma recipe:

Pour chicken meat with water, wait for it to boil, then drain the water. The second time, pour 1.5 liters of water, cover with a lid, immediately salt (I put 1.5 tsp) and cook for 35-45 minutes.

(There will be a photo here soon after the recipe update, otherwise I forgot to set the desired mode on the camera, and it turned out some kind of crap, I beg your pardon)

While the chicken is cooking, butter fry the onion cut into small cubes until soft. At the end of frying, add flour, mix thoroughly so that the flour ceases to be white and disguises itself as the color of the onion, and turn off the stove.

We take out completely cooked meat from the pan, set it aside, pour a ladle of broth into a separate glass. We lay cinnamon, coriander and saffron, boil everything together for 3-4 minutes, then remove the cinnamon.

We shift our onions in flour into the broth and cook for 7-8 minutes.

While the onion is cooking, we disassemble the chicken meat into fibers, separating it from the bones.

In a bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk, in a thin stream we introduce the previously poured broth from a glass. Add lemon juice, mix thoroughly.

We remove the pan from the stove and let it stand for about five minutes, after which we pour the egg mixture into it, stirring constantly. Add greens, lay pieces chicken meat and heat the soup over a fire, without bringing to a boil.

Chikhirtma is ready. Serve piping hot. Enjoy.

The description probably evokes thoughts of complexity. This is a deceptive impression, in fact the recipe is extremely simple, and the result of your efforts will be insanely delicious, believe me!


Soup Chikhirma Georgian- a thick first course, which is traditionally cooked in rich chicken broth (sometimes chicken is replaced with lamb) without vegetables. Main Feature this soup is special way its thickening, based on the use of cornmeal and chicken eggs. Thanks to this technology, chakhirtma in Georgian without mashing turns out to be thick and at the same time homogeneous.

You can cook traditional chicken chikhirtma at home according to our recipe with a photo. We advise you to pay attention to some ingredients. So, flour for Georgian chikhirtma should be corn, but if it is not possible to buy it, you can use wheat flour. Instead of whole chicken eggs, we recommend using only the yolks to make the soup more tender, but you can try both options and choose the one you like best. And be sure to bring acid, because otherwise the eggs or yolks will not be distributed evenly, but will float on the plate with unaesthetic gray flakes.

If everything is clear, let's start cooking!


  • (700-800 g)

  • (4-5 pieces)

  • (2 tablespoons)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1.5 tablespoons)

  • (25 g)

  • (20 g)

  • (pinch dried)

  • (1/2 clove)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Half of my chicken, put in a saucepan, pour 1.2-1.5 liters of water and put on fire. Remove the foam formed during cooking with a slotted spoon. At the end, salt the broth to taste. We take out the finished chicken from the pan and then we work only with the broth.

    Finely chop the onion and fry in butter. Then add flour and, constantly stirring, pour in ½ tbsp. broth.

    Pour the resulting sauce into a saucepan with broth, kneading everything with a whisk so that lumps do not form.

    In a separate container, combine the egg yolks with lemon juice or white wine vinegar and beat well with a whisk for 2 minutes.

    Bring the broth to a boil, and then put the chopped greens, chopped garlic, red ground pepper and yolks mixed with acid. So that the latter do not curl up, when they are introduced, we intensively work with a whisk, and then immediately remove the broth from the heat.

    Now let the soup brew a little.

    Georgian chikhirtma served in portions. First, finely chopped chicken meat is placed on a plate. Then the yushka is added. The soup is decorated with chopped cilantro (can be replaced with dill or parsley, which are more familiar to us). And be sure to put dried or fresh mint: without it, chikhirtma loses its unique flavor. You do not need to put sour cream, because it will drown out the natural taste of the soup. If desired, white bread or croutons can be served with chicken chikhirtma.

    Bon appetit!

Simple and delicious recipes soups for every day

Recipes Georgian soup chikhirtma from chicken, as well as from lamb with photos, videos and step by step guide for cooking. Surprise your family with a new dish!

40 min

200 kcal

5/5 (3)

Chikhirtma is a thick Georgian soup characterized by the absence of vegetables and a combination of egg and flour dressing. This dish has found many fans far beyond the borders of Georgia, as it has a very unusual taste and well tones, especially after yesterday's feast. It is taken as a basis chicken bouillon, sometimes lamb. There are several interpretations of this soup, but we will talk about the most popular of them.

Georgian chikhirtma soup recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, whisk.


Step by step cooking

video recipe

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking chikhirtma, with basic knowledge in cooking, you can easily repeat this recipe, and in the future, supplement it with your imagination.

Chikhirtma recipe based on lamb

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 portions.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, whisk.


The use of vinegar is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Also, carefully eat dishes that contain vinegar if you suffer from diseases of the urinary system.

Step by step cooking

1 chicken without breast; 3 onions; 3 egg yolks; 2 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar; 1-2 tbsp. l. corn flour; 2 tbsp. l. butter; 1 st. l. Imeretian saffron; a bunch of cilantro; salt, black peppercorns

Cut the fillet from the chicken (use in another recipe), pour 2-3 liters cold water, quickly bring to a boil, remove the foam, add 1-2 unpeeled onions, a couple of black peppercorns, turn off the heat 10 minutes after boiling water, let the chicken stand in the broth under the lid for 45 minutes. In the meantime, pour the saffron with a ladle of broth, let it brew. Beat the yolks with a fork, pour in 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, pour in a ladle of hot broth, mix. Remove the chicken skin and set aside, remove the meat from the bones, divide into fibers. With oil over medium heat, fry finely chopped chicken skin and onion until the onion is soft, add and fry the flour, pour in the broth in portions, stirring so that there are no lumps. Add chicken meat, pour strained saffron infusion, add finely chopped cilantro, mix. While stirring, pour in the egg mixture in a thin stream, bring to a boil, let stand on the lid for 10 minutes. Serve with wheat bread, coarsely ground black pepper and vinegar.

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Andrey, tell me, please, how can Imereti saffron be replaced? With us, I only found ground yellow powder - as I understand it, some kind of mixture based on turmeric instead of saffron. Thank you.

sorry, I made a mistake in the first letter))) ჭირბული - so it will be more correct.

Thank you! I'll try to cook.

ჩირბული is the name in Georgian

those. does the recipe have any other spelling other than in Russian?

what is the name of this recipe? how do you spell?

Hello. I can't access my email, so I'll share my favorite scrambled egg recipe here. This is how my grandmother cooked in Adjara. The recipe does not pretend to be a classic, since each person has his own preferences in spices and additives. Therefore, please do not judge strictly. So, the dish is called chirbuli. For 2-4 servings you will need:
4 eggs (preferably rustic, they are brighter and tastier);
2 tbsp. spoons of white cornmeal;
50 g butter;
2 medium onions;
half a glass of tkemali (or any other sour fruit sauce);
2 cloves of garlic;
1 teaspoon of Imeretian saffron;
1 st. a spoonful of ground walnuts;

Crush nuts with saffron in a mortar. Chop the garlic. Fry finely chopped onion in melted butter over medium heat until golden brown. Pour to the bow cornmeal and brown for another two minutes. Then pour a couple of tablespoons of boiling water, add nuts with saffron. Then pour in the tkemali sauce, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes. Carefully break the eggs into a plate and pour into the pan, season with salt and sprinkle with garlic. Cover with a lid and cook for 2 minutes. Eat while the scrambled eggs are hot, as when they cool down, they lose their charm.

what do you, Kazakhs, call such a recipe with kurt?

Another option for meat lovers (beef, lamb) is to boil a rich broth and thicken in a similar way, the Turks are served with national yogurt, we are Kazakhs, we add kurt. Very tasty, fast and healthy.

Natural, 22 Sep 2013

Yummy! Pure hangover! Good country chicken and all the way!

Andrew, of course, I don't mind!))) I love watching your videos. It will please me))

Yana, thanks. did you describe the chicken recipe? right? If so, I'll make a video on it one of these days. do you mind?

There is another recipe that is classic. This is how my grandmother used to cook in Georgia. For him you will need:
1 gutted chicken - 1kg
2 medium onions
medium bunch of cilantro
2 tbsp flour
3 yolks
2 tbsp. l butter
2 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar
1 st. l ground Imeretian saffron
salt, freshly ground black pepper, lemon juice
Boil the chicken (this process, I think, does not need a description). When it's cooked, take it out and let it cool. Pour 1/3 cup boiling water over saffron and leave to infuse. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown. Then add it to the barely simmering chicken broth. Send chopped cilantro there. Pour a little broth into a bowl and dilute flour in it, then pour this gruel back into the broth, stirring constantly. Add the chopped chicken meat, increase the heat slightly, bring to a boil and reduce the heat again. Add salt and pepper. Crush the egg yolks with a spoon, add vinegar and mix until smooth. Strain the saffron infusion and pour into the broth. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the broth, stirring constantly with a whisk or fork.
Serve hot. You can add a few drops lemon juice and sprinkle with black pepper.