Boil blackcurrants with sugar for the winter. Recipe for black currants pureed with sugar for the winter

Currants with sugar, prepared for the winter, are a storehouse of vitamins that will strengthen our immunity in winter and come to the rescue with coughs and sore throats. Black currants, pureed with sugar according to this recipe, can be stored even at room temperature.

In addition to treatment, this raw jam can be used as a filling in sweet pastries(for example, in), with, cook from it healthy drinks. And if you want to make a real vitamin bomb, I recommend making it.


  • 1 kg of black currants (1 liter of currants weighs approximately 700 grams)
  • 1.5-2 kg granulated sugar

Preparing blackcurrants with sugar:

  1. Sort the berries, wash them and place them on a clean towel, napkin or paper to dry.

    Drying currants

  2. Now they need to be crushed. This can be done using a meat grinder, but contact with metal will inevitably destroy some of the vitamin C. Therefore, I recommend pouring the currants into an enamel or plastic bowl, adding some sugar and mashing thoroughly with a clean wooden masher.

  3. Add the remaining sugar and stir. If you store raw jam at room temperature, you will need a total of 2 kg of granulated sugar. And if in the refrigerator or cellar, then 1.5 kg is enough.
  4. Like raw, pureed currants must be covered and left in the kitchen for 2-3 days, stirring occasionally. This will avoid fermentation during storage, and during this time the sugar will completely dissolve.

  5. Sterilize the jars in any way (as I already wrote in, I do this in a double boiler), and wash regular plastic lids well in hot water and dry.
  6. Place the “jam” in dry jars, not reaching the edges by 3-4 cm.

    Arranging pureed currants with sugar into jars

  7. Sprinkle sugar in a 2 cm layer on top.

    Sugar layer

  8. Wipe the jars with a clean cloth if necessary. Close with lids and store. Instead of lids, you can use paper, tying it with a string around the neck of the jar.

    Raw blackcurrant jam is ready

P. S. If you liked the recipe, to learn about new interesting recipes by mail.

Bon appetit!

Julia author of the recipe

Currants are one of the most healthy berries, which contains great amount vitamins and certain microelements. However, it is quite difficult to preserve them during the pasteurization process, since even short-term treatment with boiling water reduces the content of useful substances by a third. That is why experts recommend using a recipe for currants pureed with sugar, since it completely eliminates any heat treatment.


For this recipe you only need sugar and the berry itself. However, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions so as not to spoil the taste. For one kilogram of currants take two kilograms of sugar.

If you don’t have scales, then the recipe for currants pureed with sugar suggests that this proportion in glasses will be 4 to 6.5. You will also need vodka, but its quantity is measured based on two to four tablespoons per jar.

Product selection

Considering that currants with sugar will be prepared without cooking, you need to be very careful when choosing berries. They should not be ripe, but not overripe. Also, the use of a product with obvious signs of disease, mold or damage to the outer shell (peel) is not allowed.

The fact is that the shelf life depends on this, since even the increased acidity of the berry juice and the presence of a preservative such as sugar will not be able to protect the product from bacteria that have entered the fruit and developed there for a certain time. That is why, before starting work, the currants are sorted and washed thoroughly.


  • A typical recipe for currants pureed with sugar involves completely chopping the berries. It is better to use a blender for this, but a meat grinder will also work. You can also use the old technique, rubbing the fruits through a sieve, but this process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  • At the next stage, sugar is added to the resulting puree. At the same time, it is thoroughly mixed, but it is not necessary to achieve complete dissolution.
  • Then the recipe for currants pureed with sugar involves distributing them into jars. However, they must first be sterilized.
  • Next, small mugs are made from paper, the size of the neck of the container. They are thoroughly soaked in vodka, after which they are dipped into a container directly onto the puree. This is done in order to stop the fermentation process on the surface, which means it’s worth pouring a few more spoons of vodka on top.
  • On final stage The jar is closed with a plastic lid, which has been previously scalded with boiling water. It will expand a little, and after closing it will sit tightly in place as it cools. Therefore, the jars are not placed in a warm place, but are immediately placed in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • Some housewives prefer to use regular paper to close jars. parchment paper with a thread or simply close the lid without vodka and paper insert. However, the shelf life of such products is greatly reduced, and the requirements for storage space increase.


It’s worth saying right away that currants ground with sugar for the winter should be stored in a cool room. The temperature should not be higher than +1. Therefore, it is worth using a cellar or refrigerator for these purposes.

Considering this feature of this product, a large number of It will not be possible to prepare berries. Therefore, it is worth using other recipes in parallel, where black currants with sugar are subjected to heat treatment.

When the jam is ready, there is no need to turn it over, as is done during sterilization. In fact, this is contraindicated because the alcohol seal will be broken. That is why the jar should not be shaken, but should only be stored in an upright position.

  • For work, it is best to use enamel or glassware. The fact is that the high acidity of the juice allows it to react with metal, which will affect the taste and quality of the final product. Taking this into account, you must use a wooden or plastic spoon for stirring.
  • The puree must be placed in hot jars that have just undergone the sterilization process. At the same time, some chefs recommend performing this procedure over steam and immediately closing the container with a lid. This reduces the chance of bacteria getting in.
  • Such black currants with sugar can be used as independent dish. At the same time, it is quite suitable for making compotes or regular jam. If during storage it is discovered that the product has begun to ferment, then alcoholic drinks can be made from it.
  • When the jar is opened, first of all, remove the paper and a thin layer from the surface. After this, the jam must be consumed completely, since its shelf life in this form will not exceed three days.

Thanks to the modern variety of recipes and techniques for preparing preserves, variations of each of the usual preparations can be counted in dozens. No exception is currant jam. IN modern recipes cloying sweetness and viscous consistency faded into the background, they were replaced by a pronounced taste and the benefits that it brings finished product. One of the current recipes is for the winter with sugar, which is prepared without cooking. Great way save all the vitamins and save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

Red currants with sugar without cooking

Remember a specific recipe in in this case not required, pay attention to the proportions: one part of berries to one part of sugar for moderate sweetness of the workpiece or more to taste.

After sorting through the berries, clearing them of any remaining stalks and rinsing them well, begin chopping them. You can puree currants without any problems in a meat grinder, and if you need to get rid of the smallest remnants of skin and seeds, simply rub the puree through a sieve.

Add sugar to the finished berry puree and stir. Cover the jam and let it sit until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, stirring occasionally.

Of course, there is no need to sterilize the jam; we do it absolutely raw product, but containers and lids should definitely be sterilized. Having prepared sterile containers, fill them with jam, roll them up and store the currants and sugar in the cold without cooking.

Recipe for grated currants with sugar without cooking


  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg.


If you intend to leave the currants stored at room temperature for the whole winter, or even a whole year, then you will need significantly large quantity sugar, about 2 kg to 1 kg of berries. Due to the high concentration of sugar, such a product will last on the shelf even without sterilization, although it will be necessary to take time to infuse the product before canning.

Cover the currants with granulated sugar in an enamel or glass bowl. Grind the berries with a wooden pestle until you break the integrity of each berry. Cover the container with future jam with gauze and leave everything for at least two days at room temperature. This time is necessary not only to completely dissolve the sugar crystals, but also to ensure that the product does not ferment during storage.

When there is no sugar left, raw blackcurrant jam is poured into sterilized jars, a couple of centimeters of granulated sugar are poured on top and everything is covered with scalded lids.

Such a product will not only be an excellent winter treat, but will also help fight the first signs of a cold, and will also replenish the need for vitamin C.


  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg.


Technically, this recipe cannot be called completely raw, but here we will not cook the berries themselves, but only currant syrup. In this case, less sugar can be added, and the product will easily survive the whole winter and retain most of its vitamin benefits.

Pour the berries into enamel dishes granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Cover the container with the future jam with a gauze lid and leave in the cold for half a day. After time has passed, drain the separated syrup, place it over the fire and simmer for about 5 minutes after boiling. Arrange the berries over and pour hot syrup over them. Immediately cover the jam with scalded lids. It is not recommended to seal jars with standard metal lids, since vitamin C is destroyed upon contact with metal. It is for this reason that it is also prohibited to use metal utensils while preparing ingredients.

I always have a good harvest of berries, I plant a lot, so I have a lot of preparations, but my favorite is currants, pureed with sugar for the winter. Moreover, both red and black, without cooking, frozen in the freezer, or simply sprinkled with sugar.

In our family we call these “living vitamins.” Vitamin C, which decomposes during heat treatment, is completely preserved in such a preparation. And in the jar there are the smells of summer, the aroma fresh berries and pleasant memories of warm days.

Currants grated with sugar for the winter - recipes

  1. In this kind of jam without cooking, we need to be especially careful that we don’t get a single unripe or spoiled berry, otherwise everything will quickly ferment and we’ll have to throw it away.
  2. Add sugar only as required. If there is not enough of it, then the finished product will not be stored for long, and then only in the refrigerator. It’s also not good to eat a lot of sugar, currants quickly become candied, and it’s unpleasant to eat, it crunches on your teeth.
  3. To make pureed jam, the berries are washed well and scattered on a towel to dry. We don't need water; it quickly provokes fermentation of the product.
  4. It is better to pack the product in very small jars, preferably from under baby puree, just enough for one meal, so that it doesn’t sit around and spoil later. Be sure to wash the jars with soap and sterilize them. I do this in the microwave.
  5. The product is stored, as I already wrote, only in the cold, no higher than +9 degrees.

Calorie content of currants grated with sugar

For traditional recipe, made in the proportions of one kilogram of berries to the same amount of sugar, the calorie content in one hundred grams of the product will be 221 Kcal.

This is quite normal for a sweet dessert, especially considering the many benefits of grated currants.

Black currants, grated with sugar according to a traditional recipe

Classic recipe for grated with sugar black currant implies using a sugar rate of one to one and a half. But here you can increase the dose a little if your berry has increased acidity due to the variety of any weather conditions.

We take a kilo of clean and ripe berries and one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar

How to prepare currants pureed with sugar:

We first select the berries so that the ripest ones remain, then we rinse them in a colander; there is no need to leave them in the water for a long time. After washing, we begin to tear off the tails and all the branches, they are also not needed.

We know that currants are strong berries and are not so easy to chop. But for grating with sugar, it is desirable to obtain a delicate consistency, without large particles of berries.

You can puree it with a wooden masher or rub it through a sieve and mix with sugar. I make it simpler and faster, pour it into a blender in portions, and immediately add sugar and grind it. The result is a homogeneous substance and grains of sugar are not felt at all. All that remains is to put everything into jars and roll up. If the workpiece is stored in the refrigerator, then instead of lids you can tie it with parchment.

Red currants without cooking for the winter, gelled

As far as you know, red currants are more sour than black currants, which means they require more sugar, but they also contain more pectins, so making vitamin jelly for the winter without cooking is as easy as shelling pears.

We will prepare:

  • A kilo of ripe berries
  • Two kilos of sugar

How to make jam-jelly without cooking:

First you need to inspect the berries so that you don’t get any green, unripe or spoiled ones, then pour the currants into a colander and lower them into the water together, it’s better to do this in a basin. We quickly rinse and wait for all the water to drain. We need dry berries.

The next step is chopping the berries, whether it’s a meat grinder or a blender, it doesn’t matter, the main thing for us is to get the berry mass. We will extract the juice from it by rubbing it through a sieve.

Next, mix the juice with sugar, preferably not in an aluminum saucepan. Leave it like this for a couple of hours, just cover it with a towel on top. Afterwards, mix again and pack into small jars. In a cool place the jelly will thicken quickly.

Red currants pureed with sugar for the winter

We will prepare red currants, pureed with sugar for the winter, not very sweet, this recipe is for those who like it sour. But such a product should not be stored for long and only in the cold. After opening the jar, it is better to eat immediately.

We take ripe, unspoiled, dry and clean berries. We grind it into a paste, my mother simply crushes the berries with a fork, but if there are a lot of them, the process turns out to be too long. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with modern kitchen appliances.

Stir the berry mass with sugar and let it stand in this form for a while so that the sugar dissolves. As soon as you stop feeling it on your teeth, prepare jars and place the finished “live” jam in them.

Currants, pureed with sugar for the winter with orange

I love it live jam. With oranges it turns out more refined and beautiful. You can tinker a little and remove all the pomace, then you will get the most beautiful and delicious jelly.

Ingredients we use:

  • Per kilo of ripe currants
  • One and a half kilos of granulated sugar
  • Two large thin-skinned oranges

Cooking process:

I described how to prepare the berries in the recipes above, and we need to choose good, ripe, juicy and sweet oranges, preferably with thin peel, because that will also be useful.

We twist the cleanly washed and dried berries through a meat grinder. We cut the oranges, do not peel them. We carefully remove the seeds from them; we don’t need them. Then we also twist it and add it to the berries.

Sprinkle sugar into our aromatic mixture, stir and wait about two hours for the sugar to dissolve. Ready jam Packed in sterile jars.

Black currants, pureed with sugar and raspberries

Grandma's recipe pureed currants with raspberries. The first remedy for the blues in the bitter winter. How delicious it is, especially spread on soft homemade bread, and with fresh milk.

We take:

  • Four glasses of black currant
  • Four glasses of raspberries
  • One and a half kilos of sugar

Cooking process:

We are preparing the berries; in general, it is advisable not to wash the raspberries at all, so as not to become saturated with water, so take the cleanest one. Take a glass or plastic container and place the berries in it in layers, sprinkling each layer thickly with sugar. Place in the refrigerator for two days. Then we take it out, mix it carefully and pack it into jars.

In almost every garden of our summer residents there are bushes of black and red currants, healthy berries and rich in vitamins.

So our grandmothers grew these irreplaceable and healthy currant bushes, the berries of which we ate as children almost every day in the summer. Delight your household and guests with this aromatic and vitamin-rich dessert all year round, treat them with amazing currants prepared by yourself, grated with sugar. This delicacy will appeal to both adults and especially children. I remember from my childhood - a large (and bigger, remember the scene from the movie “Girls”!) sandwich with the most aromatic currants, grated with sugar and a mug of tea from a samovar will not tear children’s ears off! There was only a crackling noise behind the ears - they devoured this vitamin-rich delicacy with such appetite!

Currants grated with sugar for the winter 7 recipes

There are no particular difficulties when cooking berries and syrup, so even novice housewives can prepare currants for the winter.
So, the simplest and most vitamin-rich winter supply is undoubtedly currants grated with sugar. This method of harvesting currants optimally preserves its taste and properties. Fragrant delicious dessert in cold weather it will not only remind you of the summer sun, but will also be useful for colds.

The benefits and harms of currants

Currant is a fragrant, tasty and healthy berry.
Vitamins, useful microelements and nutrients - all this underlies the fruits of the plant. Vitamin C is of particular importance; it is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for normal functioning many organs and systems of the body. It allows you to strengthen your immune system and increase your defenses.
The second most important vitamin is a component of group A. This is beta-carotene, which has oncoprotective properties. Chemical composition blackcurrant is represented by B vitamins. Thanks to them, synthetic processes occur in the body, the production of hormones is stimulated and protein absorption improves. An additional component found in blackcurrant is vitamin K.

In total useful material contained in berries (phytoncides, acids, pectin, tannins, essential oils) help fight viruses. They nourish the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

The composition of microelements in currant berries (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium) affects metabolic processes, maintains acid-base balance and normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. Due to its rich composition, black currant is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Berries are widely used in the treatment of: anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the cardiovascular, genitourinary and respiratory systems. Additionally, the fruits are used to combat influenza, acute respiratory and viral diseases.

Tea and decoctions based on the plant help cope with colds.
Currant tea acts as a powerful diuretic.
The tincture helps normalize mental processes.

A few fruits per day are enough, the main thing is not to go beyond the norm of a third of a glass. This will keep the body in good shape, improve memory and increase intellectual abilities.

Contraindications for eating currants

The plant has many positive properties, however, there are also contraindications. It is not recommended to consume the fruits if you have thrombophlebitis. The presence of vitamin K in them can provoke an increase in blood clotting. It is recommended to avoid berries if you have problems with stomach acidity. This can lead to gastritis. Use with caution during pregnancy.

Currants grated with sugar for the winter recipe

To prepare this vitamin bomb, you only need currants and sugar. Our motto: no cooking - all vitamins!

For currants with sugar for the winter, the proportions are as follows:

Black currant – 1 kg
Sugar – 1 kg


Grind the currants in a meat grinder.

Add sugar.

Mix currants and sugar thoroughly.

We pack the currants with sugar into jars and close the lids.
You need to store currants and sugar in the refrigerator. Currants, ground with sugar, can be stored all winter! Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter, five-minute recipe

We stock up on vitamins for the winter. This jam is not boiled, it turns out candied, aromatic and healthy. From such a preparation you can cook compotes, bake pies, and simply drink it with tea. An indispensable remedy for colds and flu.
Currants – 1 kg
Sugar – 2 kg

Here are our products for preparing currants for the winter.

Wash the currants well and dry.

Pass the currants through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Add sugar.

Mix the berries with sugar well.

Wash jars and nylon lids well with soda. Sterilize jars in any way. Place jam into jars.

Sprinkle 1.5-2 tbsp granulated sugar on top of the jam. spoons. Close with a nylon lid. You can store currant preparations for the winter at room temperature.

Preparing currants for the winter can become filmy or moldy, then before use you need to remove the top layer of sugar. Enjoy your tea!

Blackcurrant jam with sugar without cooking in the microwave

250 g black currants
250 g sugar

Sort the berries, rinse and dry.
Place in a large container suitable for microwave oven, and close the lid.
Heat the berries at full power for 5 minutes.
Pour sugar over the berries, use a masher and mix. Return to microwave for 5 minutes, then remove and stir. Repeat 4 times.

Serve immediately. Bon appetit!

Grated currants with sugar for the winter, step-by-step recipe

The list of ingredients for this unusual jam orange is included and this is a recipe for jam that doesn't need to be boiled!
1 kg currants
1.5 kg sugar
1 orange

Sterilize jars and lids for currant jam. Wash the orange and pour boiling water over it to remove the wax.

Then grind it together with the peel using a blender.

Repeat the same steps with currants.

Then combine fruit and berry puree, add sugar and mix. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a couple of hours. Stir the mixture several times during this time and wait until the sugar completely turns into syrup.

After the sugar has dissolved, put the jam in jars and roll up.
Store the jam in the refrigerator. Even after a year it will retain its taste and beneficial properties.

Bon appetit!

How to make “live” blackcurrant jam without cooking

This is no less interesting recipe blackcurrant jam for the winter. The title of the recipe indicates that the jam is prepared without cooking. This is only partly true: the jam will need to be put on fire, but it cannot be brought to a boil.
1 kg black currants
1 kg sugar

Sort and wash the berries.

Crush the berries with a wooden pestle in an enamel bowl or pass through a meat grinder.

Add sugar. If you use a meat grinder, you need to add sugar gradually, twisting it with the berries. The resulting puree should be heated over low heat with constant stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. The temperature should not exceed 80 degrees.

Place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal.
Healthy jam for tea is ready! Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam for the winter without cooking, video recipe

Very tasty in tea and on bread!

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter, recipe with photo

Another recipe for preparing blackcurrants for the winter. This method of harvesting blackcurrants allows you to retain more of the vitamin C it contains. In order not to destroy vitamin C during cooking, black currants do not need to be ground in a meat grinder, otherwise the amount of vitamin C may decrease significantly during oxidation. It is best to grind the currants in a glass bowl using a wooden masher or wooden spoon. To prevent black currants, ground with sugar, from fermenting, sugar must be used in the following proportion - twice as much as berries.
Black currant – 1 kg
Sugar – 2 kg

Sort the berries, rinse, remove all excess and dry well.

Pour into a glass container a small amount of black currants, a little sugar. And grind with a wooden spoon or masher, adding berries and sugar each time.

When the berries are completely ground, add the remaining sugar and mix everything well.

Wash and sterilize jars for blackcurrants, grated with sugar. Place currants in prepared jars, cover with a small layer of sugar on top and close nylon covers. Grind black currants with sugar are stored in the pantry or refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

I hope the recipes for preparing currants grated with sugar from the article will help you in preparing this wonderful dessert for tea. And this delicacy will decorate your table. All year round, and especially winter evenings Over a cup of tea, the taste of currants grated with sugar will lift your spirits. I wish you a pleasant tea party!

Yes, I recommend that all those with a sweet tooth take note of my colleague Timur’s recipe for aromatic classic charlotte with apples, cooked in the oven for tea. Bon appetit!

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