How much beer disappears from the body of a man table. Factors Affecting Alcohol Withdrawal

It is by no means difficult for a driver to find out how long alcohol is eliminated from the body - a table informing about the duration of intoxication from various strong drinks is publicly available on the Internet. In Russia, the punishment for driving in a state of alcohol intoxication per last years became more severe. A motorist can also end up behind bars if, being "under the fly", he provokes an accident - a large fine is definitely guaranteed.

In such conditions, it is better for the driver to generally switch to a sober lifestyle - however, if the situation still calls for a drunk glass, you should give up the risk and wait the necessary time before sitting down at the "steering wheel".

What factors affect the rate of release of alcohol

There is no general information on how long alcohol lasts in the body - one person can sober up much faster than the second at the same dosage. How quickly alcohol is eliminated from the body is influenced by the following factors.

  • The weight. In overweight people, ethanol leaves the body faster than in thin people.
  • The strength of the drink. Obviously, vodka will take longer to sober up than champagne.
  • Snack. Drinking alcohol is recommended in a "complex" with solid food - then you will sober up faster than after drinking on an empty stomach.
  • Age. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for his liver to remove ethanol.
  • Health status. If a person takes medication, it can either shorten or prolong the duration of his intoxication - depending on the medication. In any case, it is not recommended to drink during treatment - alcohol can enter into a chemical reaction with the tablets, the consequences of which will be the saddest.
  • The gender of the person. A woman needs more time to sober up than a man.
  • The frequency of drinking. A regular drinker takes less time to clear ethanol from the body than a person who only drinks "on holidays".
  • Environment. During the heat, intoxication comes faster, but lasts less.

I drank vodka - and at least for a day forget about the steering wheel!

It is extremely difficult to take into account all of these factors, so the timing of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, presented in medical articles, is very approximate.

How much can a driver drink?

Art. 12 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the permissible alcohol content in the air exhaled by the driver is 0.35 ppm (0.16 mg). This does not mean that a motorist is allowed to drink a little before getting behind the wheel. The devices with which traffic police inspectors measure the alcohol content are not yet able to boast of excellent accuracy - according to the traffic police, their error is 0.05 ppm. Therefore, the allowable rate can be reduced to 0.3 ppm. Among alcoholic beverages, none can boast such a minimal effect.

Why did the legislation make a value other than zero acceptable? Because some don't alcoholic drinks also include alcohol - albeit in small quantities. This is about non-alcoholic beer, kvass, kefir and other fermented milk products. The air that the driver exhales after drinking these drinks will contain alcohol - and the breathalyzer will react to this. The presence of alcohol in the body can be observed, even if a person did not drink at all - with diseases of the digestive system and diabetes.

0.35 ppm is a kind of "buffer zone" that allows innocent motorists to escape undeserved punishment.


Beer is excreted from the body much faster than other alcoholic beverages - however, you still cannot drive immediately after drinking a bottle. Half a liter of beer with a strength of 4% leaves the body of a man in 1.5 - 3 hours - depending on its mass. With a weight of 80 kg (middle bar), it will take a little over 2 hours. Women should add 1 hour more to all time values.

The fastest way out of the body is beer

It is worth saying that the peak ppm is reached 1 hour after drinking a bottle of beer (0.51 at a volume of 0.5), and not immediately (0.42 at the same dose). Therefore, a driver who believes that after a short period of time the alcohol content in the air he exhales will enter the “safe zone” may be grossly mistaken.

One and a half liters of drunk beer will lead to 1 ppm. To remove this amount of alcohol from the body, it is recommended to “sleep” for 8 hours.


Wine has too much variation in degrees, so it is almost impossible to give exact recommendations to the driver on the use of this drink. After drinking a bottle of 18% wine with a volume of 500 milliliters, a person of average weight needs to wait at least 10 hours - and only then get behind the wheel. If the driver decides to drink a bottle of wine at night, he must be prepared for the fact that the next day he will have to go to work by public transport.

Even after drinking one glass of wine, the amount of ppm alcohol in a person's blood jumps to 0.48. Consequently, wine is an unacceptable luxury for a motorist who is about to drive.

In France, drinking a glass of wine before a trip is allowed by law, because the ppm bar is set higher (0.5). The automobile legislation of this country is also notable for the fact that it requires drivers to buy breathalyzers themselves and always carry devices with them.


The approximate strength of champagne is 11 degrees. This alcoholic drink, beloved by women, is distinguished by the fact that it quickly intoxicates, but just as quickly and “lets go”.

The peak of blood alcohol content when drinking champagne occurs 30 minutes after drinking a glass. 100 ml of the drink completely leaves the body of a healthy man of average weight in 50 minutes. female body it will take more than 2 hours to completely break down the ethanol contained in 100 ml of champagne. You can calculate that after drinking a bottle you will have to wait at least 8 hours and only then sit down at the steering wheel.

Have a champagne party? You will need to take a taxi home.


A 40-degree strong drink is excreted from the body much longer than others. If a motorist of average build drinks half a liter of vodka, he will have to do without a bagel for a whole day. A thin person will be forced to wait 30 hours at all. Only after drinking cognac and whiskey do people sober up longer - it takes an average of 10% more time.

It is necessary to mention smaller dosages. 100 grams of vodka leaves the body after 3-4 hours (depending on the weight of the person), 50 grams - after 1.5 hours. All the values ​​​​given are relevant only if a person had a strong bite of vodka.

Exit alcohol from the body: table

For ease of perception, it is worth collecting information on how much alcohol is eroded from the body into a table.

How to quickly withdraw alcohol?

If you need to quickly get rid of ethanol in the body, it is recommended to seek medical care. A dropper of glucose and saline solution will help the alcohol to “come out” much faster. However, if there is no desire to go into narcology, you can get by with “home” remedies. Here are steps to cleanse the body of alcohol on your own.

  • Reception activated carbon. Tablets should be drunk before breakfast - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight (for example, 7 tablets with a weight of 70 kg).
  • Cold and hot shower. This method will eliminate the main symptoms of a hangover. Together with the subsequent walk on fresh air this measure is even more effective.
  • Cup of tea. A cup strong tea in the morning gives an excellent diuretic effect. Tea can be replaced with chamomile tea.
  • The use of porridge. The next morning after a party with alcohol, you should force yourself to eat. rice porridge without any additives (salt or spices). Rice will play the role of an absorbent.
  • Bathhouse visit. The purpose of this event is to get toxins out through sweat. However, you need to be careful: such a passive cleansing creates a load on cardiovascular system, which, after heavy drinking, is already in a deplorable state.

Than to solve the problem of excess alcohol in the blood, it is better to prevent it. The motorist will not have to look for information on how much alcohol leaves the body if he remembers in a timely manner what he is driving and refuses to take “on his chest”.

How long does it take for vodka to leave the body? This question is asked not only by drivers of vehicles, but also by representatives of other professions. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood, enters almost all organs and tissues. How to assess your condition and not make a rash trip by car? After what time can you consider yourself in shape after drinking vodka the day before? Need to consider individual characteristics person, his state of health, weight and other factors.

How does vodka come out

A strong drink begins to be absorbed already in the mouth, the process continues in the stomach. Alcohol quickly mixes with any fluids in the body. In the blood and tissues, vodka can be detected almost 30-35 minutes after consumption. The liver is responsible for the elimination of alcohol.

What affects the process of removing alcohol

What factors influence the process of alcohol elimination? To calculate the time of release of the body from ethanol, you need to know that the saturation in the blood of alcohol residues is measured in ppm. One unit is the presence of 1 gram of alcohol in one liter of human fluid. The speed of alcohol processing depends directly on the liver. It is the health and individual capabilities of this organ that determine the rate at which the vodka substance leaves the body.

The following points must also be taken into account:

  1. Floor. The male body processes ethanol faster than the female body. The rate of decomposition in men is 0.10-0.15 ppm per hour, and in women 0.085-0.10 per hour. A man can sober up after 100 grams of vodka in 3.5 hours, and a woman needs 4 hours. This phenomenon is explained by the peculiarities of male and female physiology, hormonal processes, and the nervous system.
  2. The weight. The more weight a person has, the less time it takes him to sober up. In a thin person, alcohol is absorbed faster, he gets drunk faster. For example, vodka with a strength of 40 degrees, drunk in an amount of 0.5 liters, will leave the blood of a hundred-kilogram person in 22 hours, an eighty-kilogram person in 23 hours, and a sixty-kilogram person in 30.
  3. Product quality. It is more difficult for vodka to disappear if other alcoholic beverages, such as beer, have been consumed before. Beer is not purified from fusel oils, so its mixture with vodka has a destructive effect on the body. A mug of beer and 100 grams of vodka lengthen the process of removing alcohol by 1.5-2 hours.
  4. emotional factor. In a state of nervous excitement, a person can drink and seem sober - stress affects. But keep in mind that alcohol is absorbed into the blood anyway. In a state of relaxation, people quickly get drunk.
  5. systematic use. Do often drinking man recovery processes take longer. The immune system weakened, slow down the processing.

When calculating the release from vodka in the blood, one must take into account chronic diseases, consumption of medicines, general health.

Vodka weathering time

How long does it take for a strong one to wear out? alcoholic drink? Consider the amount of vodka you drink. Here are the average data.

  • 50 grams vodka can disappear after an hour and a half after consumption.
  • 100g vodkas disappear after three, sometimes four hours.
  • 250 grams vodka stays in the human blood longer - from seven to eleven hours.
  • 500 grams vodka stays in the body for the whole day.

It is also necessary to take into account gender, weight and health status. Example: a man of 85 kg ingested half a bottle of vodka. Alcohol in his blood will last 10 hours.

For comparison, a 200 gram glass of wine disappears after three hours, and a 500 gram glass of beer after two and a half hours.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol

Is it possible to get rid of the consequences of libations faster? It is worth adhering to the following recommendations.

  1. Cold and hot shower. The blood is more quickly freed from alcohol under the influence of a sharp jet of water. Toxic vapors leave thanks to the work of the lungs, and the tissue of the epidermis is included in the work. Many feel much better after such a procedure.
  2. Use a large number liquids. Help to get rid of toxicity sweet tea, juice, mineral water. Sometimes drinking liquids causes vomiting - the digestive tract struggles with the phenomena of intoxication. The traditional way- drinking cabbage or cucumber pickle, acids break down substances of intoxication. If a person is prone to edema, then this method should be abandoned.
  3. Before the feast, you can drink a few tablets of activated charcoal or other absorbent. Absorbents absorb all toxic substances, neutralize them and allow them to be removed. naturally. Known absorbents: Polysorb, Sorbex, White coal. With severe intoxication, you can drink a tablet of glycine or lemontar.
  4. On an empty stomach, you can use any fermented milk product such as kefir. Amino acids and bacteria help the liver to cope with its work faster.
  5. Not many people know that a bath or a steam room helps to get rid of alcohol. Sweat removes toxins through the skin, heat accelerates metabolic processes. But this method is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases - the load on the heart increases several times.
  6. Diuretics. In rare cases, you can take furosemide, but keep in mind that this method has many contraindications. Medicines quickly remove toxins, but adversely affect the heart. After this method, it is easy to get to the doctor with complications. With mild intoxication, it is best to use tea or other liquid.
  7. Physical activity. In the fresh air, with good activity, alcohol is excreted much faster than in a sitting position at the table. It is useful to run, do squats. This will allow you to disperse the blood, in addition, metabolic processes are accelerated.

What is the most efficient way? Several methods can be used, but it will take time to remove vodka from the body. It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, immune capabilities.

Finally, I would like to cite a study of scientists. They proved that alcohol is completely eliminated from the body no earlier than 28 days. The rest of the alcohol will be valid for the entire period. In any case, you do not need to drive while drinking vodka.

In order for the driver to organize his leisure time correctly and without consequences, he needs to know how long does it take for alcohol to wear off. Thus, the amount of beer, wine or vodka drunk will not prevent him from driving the next day in a sober state, so as not to have problems with the law.

Factors affecting the elimination of alcohol from the body.

Let's first find out how alcohol is eliminated from the body and what affects it. During a trip to a particular holiday, you will either need to control the amount of strong drinks you drink, or purchase a special device in advance and take it with you. This will help control the amount of alcohol in your blood.

The first option is suitable for people with great willpower who can control the amount of alcohol they drink. In the case of a wedding that is celebrated several days in a row, or a similar holiday, a tester that you take with you will help you.

alcohol withdrawal time directly depends on how saturated the blood is. The concentration is measured in ppm based on 1 g of alcohol per 1 liter of fluid in the human body. It should be borne in mind that the male body consists of 70% water, and the female - of 60%. After how much alcohol disappears directly depends on the functionality of the liver, which breaks down alcohol. Even healthy person this process takes a lot of time, not to mention people who have problems with the liver. Men process an average of 0.15 ppm per hour, while women process a little less - about 0.1 ppm. The amount of snacks eaten, the health of the body, the presence of diseases, the individual characteristics of the human body affect how much alcohol disappears.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

The table below will help you understand this. It contains average statistical data that were collected during a real experiment involving a 50-year-old man with a body weight of 75 kg. It should also be remembered that 0.3 ppm is the norm for the content of alcohol in the blood, at which it is permissible to drive under Russian law. The table considers: the type of alcoholic beverage (vodka, wine and beer), the amount drunk and the time for the complete elimination of alcohol from the body.

How long does it take for the beer to dry out?

Below, consider how much alcohol is excreted from the body after drinking 1.5 liters of beer a strength of 5.4%. A 35-year-old man with a body weight of 74 kg and a height of 178 cm took part in the experiment.

It was interesting that after drinking the second glass, the tester showed 0.71 ppm, and after the third - this figure dropped to 0.62.

Narcologists explain this by the fact that beer is much faster removed from the blood than stronger drinks. Based on the data in the table, we conclude that after drinking 1.5 liters of beer, a person needs 8 hours of time to completely remove alcohol from the body. Just keep in mind that these 8 hours will be spent on a good sleep.

The time of excretion from the body of wine.

In the study of how much alcohol disappears after drinking wine, a 34-year-old woman with a weight of 65 kg and a height of 178 cm took part. She drank 750 g of dry red wine with a strength of 12%. The table shows the hourly results of removing wine from the body.

As the course of the experiment showed, the first glass of wine drunk already increased the blood alcohol content to 0.48 ppm. Even this a small amount enough to refuse to drive on Russian roads (do not take into account European legislation).

Thus, if you decide to relax in the evening and drink a bottle of wine at the same time, set yourself up right away for the fact that you will have to go to work by public transport the next morning or you will need to call a taxi. The time to remove alcohol after drinking wine is quite long.

How much vodka is "recycled".

To determine the time of excretion of drunk vodka from the body, data were taken from a 36-year-old participant in the experiment (male) with a body weight of 86 kg and a height of 176 cm. He drank 350 g of vodka with a strength of 40%. How long does it take for alcohol to wear off in this case, we find out from the table below.

We were interested in the following fact: after the first drink, the level of alcohol in the blood was 0.8 ppm, after the second tester showed 0.2 ppm, and the third (the entire volume of 350 ml) gave the result as much as 2.75 ppm!

Narcologists say that strong alcohol reacts first in the stomach and only then enters the bloodstream, which explains the results of the study. For lovers of cognac, you can only add that it is excreted from the body almost the same time as vodka. But you should take into account the special composition of this alcoholic drink, which will add 10% of the time to remove alcohol from the blood.

Let's sum up how much alcohol disappears.

The data given in the tables were derived empirically, so the results may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular person. However, you should remember the following: if you drank a considerable amount of alcohol in the evening, then set yourself up that in the morning you will not drive. Most best time for the trip - the evening of the next day. This can save you from a possible deprivation of a driver's license. But the most effective way will be a complete rejection of alcohol, especially before the upcoming trip.

Cognac and whiskey are strong alcoholic drinks (40-42%), so even after 100 grams you should not drive on the same day. After 200-300 or more milliliters of a drink, you should not drive a car even in the morning the next day - the breathalyzer can show the remnants of alcohol.

The time of withdrawal of alcohol should be calculated with a margin, since the following factors influence this period:

  • Individual and genetic characteristics of the body and metabolism.
  • State internal organs frequency of alcohol consumption.
  • Height, weight, gender.
  • Taking liver-loading drugs, sorbents and other medications.
  • The abundance and composition of snacks, sleep time after drinking.

Other circumstances may also affect the reliable period, therefore, a margin of 20-30% of the data indicated in the table should be laid. This will help ensure that you drive completely sober and not have problems with the law. For a more accurate calculation, use.

For the convenience of calculating the time of alcohol withdrawal, you can use the table:

Behind the wheel after 100 grams of cognac / whiskey

One stack (40-50 grams) strong alcohol practically no noticeable effect on the body of an adult does not have. Approximately 100 grams of drink (2-3 shots) cause slight intoxication, since this amount contains 40-42 grams of pure ethyl alcohol.

After 100 ml, you can not drive, at least:

  • With a weight of 60 kg: 6:05/7:17 hours for men/women, respectively.
  • 70 kg: 5:13/6:16 h.
  • 80 kg: 4:34/5:29 h.
  • 90 kg: 4:04/4:53 h
  • 100 kg: 3:39/4:23 h.

Feelings of intoxication from such an amount of alcohol will pass much earlier, or may not appear at all. In this case, alcohol will be detected in the body within 4-6 hours. It is advisable to wait at least 6-7 hours before driving (for example, from evening to morning).

Behind the wheel after 300 grams of cognac / whiskey

Drinking a bottle for two will guarantee that each will have 250 grams of drink or so in the body. Taking into account the error, the calculation is made for 300 grams of 42% alcohol, which is approximately equal to 126 milliliters of pure alcohol.

The withdrawal time of 300 grams will be (approximately):

  • With a weight of 60 kg: 18 and 22 hours for a man and a woman, respectively.
  • With a weight of 70 kg: 15:40 and 18:40 hours for m/f.
  • With a weight of 80 kg: 13:40/16:20 hours.
  • With a weight of 90 kg: 12:10/14:35 hours.
  • With a weight of 100 kg: 11 and 13 hours.

This is a lot: you will not be able to drive not only that day, but also the next morning. It is advisable to wait at least until the evening, and even better - do not get into the car at all the next day.

Driving after a bottle of cognac or whiskey

The use of 500 ml of cognac or whiskey (a whole bottle of 0.5 liters) is guaranteed to prohibit driving both on the day when alcohol was consumed and the next day. Such an amount of alcohol will be processed by the liver for too long, so alcohol residues can be detected in the blood after a day or more.

When to drive:

  • At a weight of 60 kg: after 31 hours for men and 37 hours for women.
  • 70 kg: after 26 and 31 hours for m / f, respectively.
  • 80 kg: after 23 and 28 hours.
  • 90 kg: after 21 and 25 hours.
  • 100 kg: after 18 and 22 hours.

Feeling unwell and having any symptoms of a hangover or alcohol intoxication indicates that there is still a lot of alcohol and its decay products in the body. Not only should the specified time pass, but the state should also completely normalize. After a bottle of cognac or whiskey, it is advisable to sleep off twice (after drinking and the next day) in order to be able to safely drive a vehicle. With alcoholism, the liver begins to process alcohol even more slowly, so in dependent people, the elimination period will be even longer.

The time when you can drive after beer depends on the body of the drinker and the amount of alcohol consumed. One 0.5 liter bottle is excreted in 2-3 hours. A liter and a half of beer disappears longer and does not allow you to drive on the same day.

After two or three liters, the beer will go out for a long time and may remain in the body in the morning. 4.5 liters or more of beer will disappear all the next day, and you can get behind the wheel only in a day, and not the next day.

Tables for removing beer from the body

  • What to pay attention to
  • How much beer disappears from the body of a man: table
  • How much beer disappears from a woman's body: table
  • What you should pay attention to

    To determine how long you can drive a car, you should use the calculations below or. The numbers show the approximate time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body based on weight, gender, height, and availability of snacks. Calculations are indicative and relevant for beer and beer drinks.

    The time of alcohol withdrawal is influenced by factors not taken into account in the calculations: the individual characteristics of the body and internal organs, the presence of alcoholism, the length of time and regularity of alcohol consumption, and chronic diseases. What matters is the degree difference in various beers and beer drinks - the degree can differ by two or more times. In order not to have problems with the law while driving a car, it is advisable to add 20-30% to the specified time.

    A plentiful and high-quality snack, heavy drinking, taking activated charcoal or other sorbents at night will help speed up the excretion of ethanol from the body. Do not drive if there is a feeling of intoxication, hangover symptoms, or bad breath.

    For calculations, beer of 5% strength was taken - the average. When drinking stronger beer, or drinking it on a full stomach, the period of beer excretion from the body will increase by 10-30%.

    Table weathering beer from the body of men

    As can be seen from the tables, the rate of alcohol elimination varies greatly depending on sex and weight. One bottle of beer disappears from the body on average 2-4 hours. A liter of beer (2 bottles) from 4 to 8 hours. After two, three or more liters of beer, you can’t drive either on the day of rest or the next morning.