Soy protein application. The shocking truth about soy protein: pros and cons. What is soy protein isolate

Isolate soy protein is a nutritional supplement that is useful for both athletes and people who want to diversify their diet with organic substances. It is distributed all over the world. In addition, soy isolate will appeal to vegetarians and people who are lactose intolerant. This universal product has not bypassed those believers who fast.

Soy protein isolate can be found in foods such as vegetable burgers, soups, power bars, breakfast cereals, and more. Since soy is a superfood, you can say isolated soy is good for you - right? But soy isolate is nothing but healthy, and can be downright dangerous. The reason has to do with how soy protein isolate is made.

Depending on who you ask, soy is either a superfood rich in protein and other nutrients, or a dangerous substance that will destroy your health. With such conflicting information, what should you think about soy? To help clear the air, here are some of the most popular myths and misconceptions about soy and the truth behind them.

During the day, a person needs to consume up to 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of weight. But in plant foods, the minimum content of macromolecular organic matter, therefore, during abstinence from certain foods, it is very difficult to restore the natural balance. The way out of the situation is soy protein isolate, about the effect of which on the body there are already myths.

Myth: Soy contains isoflavones, which can disrupt hormones.

This is the statement about soy that causes the most fear, especially among men. Anti-soy advocates say the isoflavones in soy, chemicals that are similar to estrogen, will cause estrogen-like effects and lower testosterone levels. You can often hear sufferers talking about how soy will shrink testicles, reduce sperm count and, if given to infants, may interfere with development.

Soy isoflavones can interfere with estrogen receptors, which is why soy is generally recommended to treat menopausal symptoms. But the soybean advocates are wrong here. They neglect to mention that there is more than one type of estrogen receptor in the body.

Soy Protein Myths

All the myths that have developed around the usefulness of soy protein have no scientific justification. And if you are told that soy lowers testosterone levels, you should not believe it. In addition, there is an opinion that this supplement is not completely absorbed in the body. This is possible if you use cheap soy protein isolates. Such a product will be absorbed only by 60%. Therefore, when choosing a nutritional supplement, you should choose only a quality product that will completely dissolve in your body.

Soy protein isolate for weight loss

In a meta-analysis of 50 treatment groups, researchers found that soy did not lower testosterone levels. However, soy is associated with numerous benefits for men. An analysis of 14 studies found that soy reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Myth: Soy causes breast cancer.

This myth is also linked to concerns about soy isoflavones. Because soy acts on some estrogen receptors, people assumed it would have the same effect as estrogen supplements. But no study has ever found a positive association between breast cancer and soy isoflavones. Actually, it's true. Soy isoflavones may reduce the risk of breast cancer because they help regulate cell growth by blocking the negative effects of natural estrogen.

Plant proteins are said to have an amino acid composition that is not balanced. According to this myth, proteins from plant foods are incomplete. This is possible only in relation to other plant polypeptides. But this is not true if we are talking about quality soy isolate.

Cooking at home

You can make your own soy drinks using soy protein isolate, which can be purchased at any sports nutrition store. According to the standard 2 tbsp. l. additives are diluted in one glass of liquid. If you are using a weight loss product, you should pay attention to the calorie content. Athletes add fruits, nuts or oatmeal to vitamin mixtures. The result is a nutritious smoothie that helps the body recover from intense exercise.

Myth: Soy depletes nutrients from the body

It's easy to see where this myth comes from because soy contains anti-nutrients. Antinutrition is basically anything that blocks the absorption of nutrients. In the case of soy, the antinutrients are natural chemicals called phytates. Because phytates bind to certain minerals, they can prevent some iron, zinc, and calcium from being absorbed. The key word to note here is "some". You will still be absorbing significant amounts of these nutrients even when using phytic acid.

If you are using nutritional supplements for weight loss, then you should choose yogurts that contain a minimum of fat. You can use all kinds of fat-free products. But add nuts and bananas to vitamin cocktail Not recommended. For the basis of the recipe, you can take yogurt or kefir. You can prepare a cocktail in a few minutes. You will need soy protein isolate, the recipes for which are quite simple. Namely, 25 grams of food additives are mixed with juice or water for 180 ml. Remember that you should drink a drink half an hour before training and after training in the gym for 20 minutes. You should not abuse and take soy isolates constantly, it is better to do it cyclically.

The phytic acid in soy does not deplete nutrients from your body in any way. It is important to note that soy is very high in all of these nutrients that are supposedly blocked. So while you may not be absorbing all of the 8mg of iron found in a cup soybeans you still get a lot of iron.

Myth: Soy prevents heart disease.

Soy is considered a healthy food. it high content fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels. Soy also promotes the production of natural chemical nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels, which can reduce arterial pressure. However, simply adding soy to your diet will not prevent or cure heart disease. If you are not eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with low content saturated fat, then soy won't do you much good.

Useful properties of soy product

To useful properties The product should be attributed to the fact that soy protein isolates in their composition have a number of natural plant components. In addition, the food supplement increases the body's production of inorganic binary compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, which improve blood flow in the muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of sports fans. Regular consumption of soy protein in combination with healthy eating has a positive effect on the overall metabolism. And also it minimizes the risk of developing heart disease, which is possible with a lack of oxygen.

How is soy protein isolate made?

If obesity causes heart problems, learn more about it. By definition, soy protein isolate makes up at least 90% of the protein from soybeans. Have you ever stopped and wondered how they separate protein from beans to isolate? The defatted soybeans are then soaked in ethanol or acidic water to remove carbohydrates and aromatics. The result is a substance that is 90% protein and can be added to foods to increase the protein content.

Not all soy isolates are made from hexane. It is also possible to make soy isolate using machines that extract oil from soy. Before you worry about the health risks of soy foods, know that foods made with whole soy — like tofu and tempeh — don't use hexane. All soybeans are produced for cooking.

Maximum benefit

This product would not be so popular if it were not useful for the body. So what are the benefits of soy protein?

    The content of numerous protein elements and organic compounds useful for the body.Improve the functioning of the kidneys.Reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood.Improve the functions of the endocrine system.Stimulation of the production of thyroid hormones that help in burning fat.Reduction of malignant tumors in the human body.

Good to know

Sports fans will appreciate the amazing properties of isolates:

Hexane is a by-product of oil refining. In addition to extracting oils from soybeans, hexanes are also used in cleaning products and as a solvent for glues, paints and varnishes. Clearly, the use of hexane is on the rise. It may be too early to tell if hexane causes health problems. The fact that hexane is classified as a neurotoxin and is associated with numerous health risks makes it a little scary to consume soy protein isolate.

What happens if all this hexane residue ends up in our bodies? The idea is that hexane floating around in oil refineries is dangerous to workers who can breathe it in. Yes, breathing hexane particles will probably be much worse than digestion. small quantities leftovers. And I have yet to find any research that looks at the health effects associated with hexane consumption. However, it is not encouraging that almost all of the studies that have found Negative consequences for health with soy products were conducted using soy isolates.

    Do not forget that soy protein isolates are ideal for vegetarians and athletes who do not consume dairy products. Protein should not be diluted in hot drinks, as it can lose its beneficial properties when curtailed. Everyone involved in sports should drink shakes between breakfast and lunch .To maintain the balance of protein in the body, the shake should be consumed no more than twice a day. Anyone who wants to lose weight can consume soy protein isolates once a day instead of breakfast or lunch.

Ducan's diet

The peculiarity of the Dukan method is that weight loss occurs without a feeling of dissatisfaction. According to the creator of this diet, losing weight and feeling hungry is incompatible. In the course of his developments, Pierre Ducane identified nutritional protein products which are low in fat. All lovers diet food know that dukan soy protein isolate diet allows for all phases of the weight loss process. There are many recipes that use bran for cooking.

How soy became “healthy”

Given that the hexane in soy protein isolator can be dangerous, it seems prudent to avoid it entirely. Just in case you're not sure, remember that soy protein isolate is used in processed foods, which probably also contain added sugars, hydrogenated oils, additives, and fillers. For your health, you should avoid processed foods as much as possible.

The easiest way to avoid using hexane is to avoid eating processed foods. Just as bad as processed food products They also make our lives so much easier and it's nice to have a veggie burger as a backup dining plan. Another way to avoid using hexane is to buy organic products. Hexane is banned in organic products.

Well-known world-famous bodybuilders are advised to use nutritional supplements without hesitation. They have already experienced their effectiveness. The use of soy protein helps those athletes who are vegetarians keep fit. Today, soy protein isolate, reviews of which speak for themselves, allows athletes to achieve goals and be on the Olympus of glory. This is noted by many Internet users who are used to conquering peaks in their favorite sport. Each of them has his own secret of using the supplement, each of them already knows his ideal dosage.

Soy, whey, and casein are the three most popular supplemental protein sources in the United States. Soy protein is cheap, vegan, and claims to fight heart disease. But many men continue to avoid food and supplement foods with soy due to rumors of proestrogen effects and accusations of general de-masculinization. In this review, we will assess the consensus on these positive and negative claims in the clinical literature and see how soy protein stacks up against whey and casein.

The sex hormones, namely testosterone and estrogen, are vital for physical fitness. appearance and general health status in men and women, respectively. Although the sex hormone is often considered to be exclusively sex-specific, clinical evidence suggests that a balance of both hormones is needed, with testosterone predominating in men and estrogen predominating in women. This delicate balance is based on only minor chemical modifications, since estrogen is directly synthesized from testosterone, primarily by the liver, brain, muscles, and fat cells.

To make cocktails to your taste, they should be enriched with juices or fruits. But remember that it is not recommended to drink a drink after dinner. Consume the product in small sips and visualize your progress. Imagine how your muscle mass grows. If you are prone to the formation of kidney stones, then the composition should be selected more carefully. And remember that any cocktail from food additives You can start using only under the guidance of a trainer.

Testosterone is known to increase muscle mass, bone density, and has positive cardiovascular, neurological, and libido-enhancing effects. However, as men age, testosterone levels decrease and estrogen levels rise, which contributes to less developed musculature, more fragile bones, and a reduced libido. In addition, clinical studies have shown that this switch plays a role in the development of a number of chronic diseases in men such as diabetes, depression, heart disease and prostate cancer.

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Soy protein isolate - what is it? This isolate cannot be called a product that has an increased biological value, but it can be used as a nutrition for athletes on a par with protein from milk. Also, this soy product can be consumed by ordinary people, not athletes, especially to fill their diet with protein.

So how do soy products affect the presence or absence of testosterone and estrogen? Soy protein is a source of isoflavones, which are known to have estrogen-like effects in the body. They are also implicated as major culprits in soy protein testosterone lowering claims.

Clinical and epidemiological evidence supports soy protein cholesterol lowering, lipid lowering, and cancer prevention, but concerns still remain over its role in muscle building, especially in men. The testosterone-lowering effect of soy protein has been documented by a limited number of clinical studies and anecdotal reports; however, high doses were often used to isolate the effects of soy and served as an unrealistic measure of average daily intake. One study, for example, found that 56 grams of soy protein for 28 days significantly reduced testosterone levels in healthy male volunteers.

Benefits of using

The amino acid composition of the isolate is not complete, and in addition it contains a small amount of methionine - this amino acid is indispensable for the human sports body. Soy filtrate used in sports nutrition, purified from harmful impurities - antinutrients, phytoestrogens. Therefore, using it, you can not worry about your health and well-being.

However, more clinical studies indicate that normal soy protein intake is unlikely to cause hormonal imbalances and performance effects. To this point, a separate study conducted in a test group similar to the first showed that 20 g of soy protein per day for 4 weeks did not have a testosterone-lowering effect.

While these effects are likely representative of most healthy men, it is also important to measure the specific effect of soy protein on muscle gain, which is the primary goal of protein supplement buyers. The subjects in this study also experienced a similar increase in body weight since the subjects received only whey protein.

Soy contains many useful natural substances, antioxidants for the human body. If a person who plays sports regularly takes soy filtrate, it will allow the body to increase the production of thyroid hormones, nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is able to improve blood flow in muscle tissue, strengthen. soy product can be used during the unloading or other period.

It is also necessary to mention the fact that this product does not contain cholesterol, lactose, various harmful fats. It is recommended to use it for athletes during the period of "drying" the body, with a low-carbohydrate diet. Suitable for women. Soy protein filtrate helps enrich the athlete's diet. It is recommended to combine it with other types of protein to get the best effect.

Soy isolate can be used by athletes with allergic reactions to animal proteins, as well as athletes with lactase deficiency, since soy does not contain lactose. This bean product does not contain gluten, which is important for allergy sufferers. Soy is saturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, fiber.

Fiber renders positive influence on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as its microflora, is able to remove harmful substances from the body. - all detailed information.

The protein filtrate is able to remove radionuclides, heavy metals from the body - they can provoke the formation of oncology. legume products of this type contain a lot of lecithin. Lecithin has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. It is very important for the full functioning of biological cell membranes, takes part in fat metabolism, cholesterol metabolism.

Soy contains the enzyme protease, which contributes to the intensive breakdown of protein. The isolate can be added to, in order to increase their enrichment with amino acids. It must be remembered that this is a leguminous plant, products from it are not harmful. human body, as is commonly believed. The filtrate is equated in protein value to meat, therefore it is recommended to use it in nutrition.

Proper Use of Soy Protein Isolate

  1. Dissolve 30 grams of powder in 0.2 liters of water, juice or milk, but only fat-free.
  2. It is necessary to take such cocktails up to four times a day.
  3. Before workout this drink you need to drink in 60-120 minutes.
  4. After physical activity and before going to bed the drink is drunk for half an hour.

To increase muscle mass, you need to mix one part of soy filtrate with three parts of carbohydrates. You can also mix this soy protein with other types of proteins. In order to improve your well-being, the isolate can be used in the form of cocktails to strengthen joints, improve the condition of the skin and nails.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to obtain a positive effect in sports, it is necessary to use only soy protein isolate purchased in specialized stores. soy may not always be beneficial to humans and contains harmful substances. Soy isolate itself is rich in substances, trace elements and protein. Works great with other proteins.

Before use, contraindications must be considered. The filtrate is equally useful for both men and women. At the right combination and use helps to achieve the desired result on the set muscle mass. If you have any doubts or questions, you can seek additional advice from a personal trainer or sports doctor.

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