Kholodnik: preparing a national Belarusian dish.

  1. And so, for starters, we must completely fill the beets in the peel with water, boil until fully cooked. This usually takes about 40 minutes.
  2. After that, we will cool the beets, peel them and grate them on a medium grater. Also, you can cut into strips with a knife.
  3. Rinse the cucumber in clean water and grate it on a medium grater. If desired, you can peel it in advance.
  4. Now we need to boil hard boiled eggs. After that, we will cool them under a stream of cold water and peel them. Then, just cut into small cubes.
  5. We take out the onion, wash it in clean water and cut it small cubes with a knife. We also wash the greens and chop with a knife.
  6. Now we take a large bowl and mix all the chopped foods in it: beets, cucumbers, finely chopped eggs, chopped green onions and dill. Now we will salt, if desired, add vinegar.
  7. At this stage, we just need to fill the dish with mineral or boiled water and mix everything well.
  8. And so, we pour our cold Belarusian beetroot on plates and fill it with the desired amount of sour cream to taste. Again, mix everything.

So tasty and simple, we managed to cook a very simple, and most importantly delicious Belarusian beetroot. This recipe has many analogues, but we have selected the most interesting for you. Plus, you can use any greens your family eats in this recipe!

Kholodnik in Belarusian - the coldest of summer soups. It is not for nothing that they even serve vases with crushed ice so that the soup retains its refreshing properties even in the most unbearable heat. The ice cream recipe is very simple. If you have cooked okroshka at least once, then you just need to study the list of products. Since the principle is the same, with the only difference that in the refrigerator main ingredient- beet. It is boiled or baked in advance, chopped and laid out in a pan, after which it is poured acidified ice water. The refrigerator needs time to infuse and acquire a bright color and rich taste. So many people do the foundation in advance. And already before dinner, finely chop cucumbers, boiled eggs, green onions, parsley and dill. traditional soup topped with sour cream. If you follow the exact recipe, you should serve Belarusian-style holodnik to the table with potatoes - boiled or baked. Sourish cold soup, With large quantity fragrant greens will become the perfect dish for a hot hot day.


  • sugar beet - 130 g,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 60 g,
  • sour cream - 190 g,
  • mineral water without gas - 260-280 ml,
  • lemon juice - 7-10 ml,
  • sea ​​salt - ½ tsp,
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp,
  • pepper h. m. - 1/3 tsp.
  • dill / parsley / green onion feathers - 15-20 g each.

The process of preparing a refrigerator in Belarusian

All selected greens - fragrant fresh dill, parsley and feathers of juicy green onions, rinse under running cool water, shake off excess drops and dry a little. Chop all the greens quite finely. Prepare a deep voluminous bowl, transfer the chopped greens into it.

Chicken eggs should be boiled for eight minutes, in lightly salted water. Cool eggs in cold water, peel off the shell. Now you need to carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, break the latter with your fingers and send to the greens.

Rub the yolk and greens thoroughly together, it is convenient to do this with a spoon or fork.

Grind the protein that remains from the eggs into large chips using a grater with a large nozzle. Transfer the protein to the mashed yolks and greens.

The only ingredient that you should take care of in advance is to prepare the beets - you can always experiment here - boil, pickle, bake. We suggest baking beets. Choose the most delicious sugar beet on the market, wash it thoroughly, dry it and wrap it in a double layer of foil. In a hot oven, bake the beets for about two hours, check for readiness by piercing. Cool the beets and peel, grate on a coarse grater. Wash the fresh cucumber and also grate with large chips. Transfer prepared foods to a bowl.

Add all the sour cream, preferably not light, but fatter.

Dilute the ice cold mineral water without gas, adjusting the density of the soup at your discretion. Also take into service a few more variations of the liquid - fatty kefir, tan, or beetroot broth, in which you should cook pre-cleaned and washed beets. Season the dish with salt, pepper, sugar and lemon juice. Take a salt sample without fail send the refrigerator to the refrigerator shelf, leave for at least several hours, the longer, the tastier it will be in the end. Serve according to tradition - with potatoes, but you can do without it.

Good appetite!

Recipe for a Belarusian cold beet soup or Symphony of Summer.

cold summer light soup from beets in Belarus is called a cold beet. I just adore him since childhood, and for all my considerable life this cold beetroot neither borscht nor hodgepodge could replace it... In the summer I cook it every few days. I cook it the way my mom used to make it. And others - it may be different, but the essence remains the same - they eat it only cold.

I will tell the recipe without specifying quantities.

We put the water to boil, add salt, keep the lid closed, turn off. At the same time, boil or bake in foil (so more vitamins) unpeeled 1 large beets or 2-4 small ones, cool completely, peel and three on coarse grater. Then we put this grated beetroot in that hot salted water in proportions of about 1/4 or even thicker, mix, add vinegar and leave this mixture with the lid closed until it cools completely, you can put it to cool in a basin with cold water. beets in hot water completely gives up its juice and therefore the refrigerator always turns out to be a brightly saturated color. By the way, in Belarus, beets are harvested on a national scale, and they are always pickled in jars in stores. Don't have ordinary beets at home? went and bought.

Now let's do the filling. Boil eggs and potatoes. Clean and cut into cubes, cut into pieces fresh cucumber, green onion and fresh dill and don’t grind too much there 🙂 Mix, don’t salt, don’t season with anything, and so this dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Infused beetroot liquid mixture is also stored in the refrigerator. Craving something cold in the heat? poured a mixture of cucumbers into a plate, poured beetroot infusion, did not forget to put beetroot thick, flavored with more good sour cream, mixed well, tried ... and at this stage, for some reason, I always for some reason do not have enough salt, sugar and vinegar at the same time .. and I add so much so that it tastes delicious to me - sweet-sour-salty .. well, like in a pioneer camp .. maybe one of my Belarusian readers remembers that's all .. that's the whole recipe.

Usually one portion is not enough for me .. well, 2-3 still didn’t go anywhere 🙂 and no meat, pasta, sausages, sweet pies after such an almost dietary, but tasty cold drink, I don’t want to for half a day for sure.

Please note the napkin on which my plate with a cold drink stands (and also with flowers in homemade mayonnaise recipe too) - these are Belarusian products, 100% flax, Orsha Flax Mill. I have already made gifts for everyone here upon arrival and I keep the leftovers as the most precious thing from the Motherland, and now I show you sometimes in Belarusian recipes.

Well, now for the options. I know that someone cuts grated raw beets into boiling water, I know that potatoes are boiled in advance in that water and even rubbed, I know that someone grinds green onions with salt, they also add kefir or spoiled milk, they also cook on sorrel (this is a Minsk-style holodnik) and even sausages can be cut. All options are good, but I only do it my own way and nothing in the world tastes better for me in the summer Belarusian cold beetroot no. Will you try?


Vyalikae dzyakuy to Boris Drozdov for the wonderful epithet “Taste Symphony of Summer” and to all fellow countrymen for reminding us that our Belarusian holodnik is also eaten with hot potatoes cooked in “uniforms” or simply with fried bulbachka on lard

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It’s getting hot, the sun is hot like summer, and you don’t want to cook or eat anything, except for something cold, right? For this case saved another cold recipe summer dish, already from the name of which it becomes more cheerful for the body and easier for the soul, and rather I want to try it. So let's get the fridge ready!


Refrigerator or cold borscht- it National dish Belarusian, Polish and Baltic cuisine. The holodnik differs from the more familiar to us in the absence of meat, because. it is prepared exclusively from vegetables based on fermented milk products- kefir, sour cream, milk.

Prepare a cold soup and refresh yourself with a fragrant and bright cool tonic soup.

Refrigerator - ingredients:

  • 2 beets,
  • 4 cucumbers,
  • 4 radishes,
  • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, green onions),
  • 4 eggs,
  • 200 ml sour cream
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice
  • black ground pepper taste,
  • salt to taste
  • 1 liter of mineral non-carbonated water.

Refrigerator - cooking:

  1. Boil young beets in uniform until tender. Depending on the size, the beets will be ready in 30-40 minutes.
  2. Cool the beets, peel and rub on a coarse grater.
  3. Hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and finely crumble.
  4. Remove skin from cucumber and cut into small cubes. Cut the radishes into cubes as well. Chop the greens.
  5. Combine vegetables, herbs, eggs, salt, pepper and mix.
  6. Get the fridge dressing ready. To do this, mix sour cream with cold mineral water and lemon juice.
  7. Pour the resulting dressing into the refrigerator, salt and pepper to taste and refrigerate for about 30-60 minutes.
  8. Serve cold, of course. As a side dish, boiled young potatoes with dill and butter are well suited for a cold dish. By the way, potatoes can also be cold.

Bon Appetit!