Cookie macarons recipe to make at home. Cookies "macaroni" with caramel-chocolate cream

Macarons - gourmet dessert French cuisine. It is a round cookie, which are paired together with a variety of fillings.

By the way, the macaroon blanks themselves, the so-called “lids”, are made without the addition of flavorings and other additional products, if this is not indicated in the recipe. The flavor accent is achieved through the filling, which can be sweet, sour, salty, or spicy.

So, let's start preparing this interesting multi-colored "cookie", which will surely delight your loved ones.


  • Almond flour - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Protein - 100 g
  • Water - 50 g
  • Gel food coloring heat resistant- 5 drops


Servings - 8
Cooking time - 1 hour

Important information! All ingredients must be taken exactly in the amount in which they are indicated in the recipe. For this, it is better to use a kitchen scale.

Sift the flour through a sieve. Add powder to it, mix. If necessary, sift the mixture again.

Now we take eggs (room temperature), separate the whites from the yolks. The right amount We divide the protein exactly into 2 parts, that is, 50 g each. Add one half of the proteins to the flour and sugar mixture and mix until smooth.

Put aside. Pour one part of the protein into a deep 2.5-3 liter saucepan with a capacity and set aside.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan or ladle and pour in water (no more than 50 ml).

Add dye to the syrup and put on fire.

At this point, it is very important to monitor the temperature, so you will need a thermometer. As soon as it rises to 95 degrees, we begin to beat the whites with a mixer (maximum speed) until peaks appear so that the protein mass is dense and thick.

When the temperature rises to 118 degrees, pour the syrup in a thin stream into the whipped proteins, continuing to work with the mixer. Now we cool the mass to 45 degrees.

The result is a thick, uniform consistency mixture. It should not spread or fall out of the dish when it is turned over.

Add the almond-sugar mixture and mix gently.

As a result, the "dough" should become glossy and slightly liquid. As soon as it starts to drain from the spatula, proceed to the next step.

We take a piece of parchment and spread it on a baking sheet. We transfer the finished mass into a pastry bag and squeeze out the same cakes with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Leave macaroons for 20-30 minutes. During this time, they will dry out, and a dense crust will form on their surface.

Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and place a baking sheet with the already dried meringue in it. We withstand 12-18 minutes (no more!).

Already in the third or fifth minute, a characteristic skirt should appear on the circles, which indicates that the entire previous process was performed correctly.

As soon as it forms on all products, we pull out the baking sheet, turn them over to the other side and again send them to dry.

Macarons are almost ready! Now we decide on the filling. It can be different: Kurd, custard, jelly, jam, and even ketchup and caviar.

How to plant cookies correctly?

You can deposit the dough using a disposable pastry bag. The most important thing in the procedure is to prepare the stencil. On the parchment paper you should draw circles (you can use a glass) with a diameter of 3-4 cm. It is better to draw in a checkerboard pattern - this will ensure better air circulation. Then squeeze the dough into the drawn circles and leave it until a crust forms.

What nozzle diameter is needed?

The best option is a nozzle with a round hole with a diameter 10-15 mm.

What is the best way to bake?

It is allowed to bake on ordinary parchment paper. You can draw circles on them, or you can plant them "by eye".

How to make black macarons?

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Purchase special black food coloring. It will give the dessert a rich black color.
  2. Add cocoa powder (25 g is enough). It is entered directly initial stage and stir in the almond flour.

Why are they empty inside?

The main reasons for this:

  1. Overwhipped whites. The result of whipping should be a kind of soft "beak" on the meringue.
  2. Baking at low temperature. Optimum temperature for dessert, it ranges from 135 ° C to 155 °. At temperatures below 135 ° C, the cookies will be baked, but there will be voids inside.
  3. The dough was mixed incorrectly. Pasta should be stirred, making movements from the bottom up, while not pressing too hard. It should be noted that prolonged mixing will cause the protein to become liquid and a hole will form inside.
  4. Almond flour. You should buy flour only finely ground.

Why doesn't a "skirt" form?

The main reason for this is the long beating of the dough. Whipping too long destroys the air bubbles in the meringue. But it is at their expense that cakes are baked "with a skirt." Liquid pasta spreads over the entire parchment, does not hold its shape and, as a result, does not form a “skirt” during baking.

Macaron has been a favorite dessert of the French monarchs since time immemorial. The recipe was brought to France by the Italian princess Catherine de Medici, who married Henry II, the king of the future republic. It's hard to believe, but in the distant 16th century, pasta was a simple cookie made from almond flour, egg whites and sugar. No exotic flavors or rainbow colors, no cream filling, just dough.

He acquired the second layer of pasta at the beginning of the 20th century. Pierre Defontaine - grandson of Louis Ernest Ladure (owner of the first Laduree tea salon in Paris) - decided to glue the two halves of a cookie together using a sweet chocolate mass known throughout french cuisine like ganache. Thus, the pasta acquired a two-story appearance familiar to us.

By the way, you still need to pronounce "macaron", as required by the French transcription. Macaroon is a completely different cookie, which in 90% of cases is made from egg whites and coconut flakes.

As history shows, pasta has always been the lot of wealthy people. Therefore, now these cookies are more associated with the Queen of Manhattan, Blair Waldorf from the Gossip Girl series, eating a ton of pasta in her own bathroom, than with a housewife baking an elite dessert on own kitchen. However, with the onset of the crisis, it will be useful to master the recipe for air cookies to surprise loved ones.



Before you cook pasta according to the Maison Ladurée recipe, you should master the most detailed step by step instructions those who have already done it before you and know all the pitfalls complex process. In addition, you need to know a few simple secrets preparations: although they seem insignificant, experienced people say that they must be followed to achieve the ideal result.

    "Aging" the eggs. Most agree that eggs should be at room temperature. It is best to take them out of the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking, but 2-4 hours is also possible.

    Sift flour 3 times. Exactly 3. The number of sieves was experimentally derived by the chefs of the Parisian culinary school Cook'n with class. And the first time you do it just to get rid of the lumps, the second time you fix the result, and the third time you sift the flour along with the powdered sugar. The procedure will make the dough glossy.

    Drying dough before baking. Do not try to immediately put the baking sheet with the "lids" of pasta into the oven. Leave them to lie on the table for 20-30 minutes.

    Air circulation during baking. The desired mode is ensured by the correct location of the cookies on the baking sheet (chess order) and the oven slightly ajar in the process (to remove excess moisture).

    Proportions are important. In the case of pasta, making dough by eye will not work. Therefore, a kitchen scale is your faithful assistant during the preparation of dessert.

classic pasta recipe


  • almond flour - 150 gr,
  • powdered sugar - 150 gr,
  • sugar - 150 gr,
  • water - 50 gr,
  • protein - 50 + 50 gr (about 3 eggs),
  • dye (preferably gel).


    We prepare the flour, namely: we sift it as it should be - 3 times. Adding powdered sugar, mix well with a whisk and sift again.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. Make sure that not a gram of fat, water or yolk gets into this mass. It is important! We divide the protein into 2 parts - 50 grams each.

    cook up workplace for kneading dough. Pour 50 grams of protein into a large bowl. Put a saucepan with sugar and water on the stove, next to it - a cup of proteins, a spare glass of water, a mixer and a thermometer.
    *Attention! A thermometer is essential to keep track of the temperature of the syrup. A degree more or less - and the whole idea will fail!

    Next, we will perform several actions at the same time. We turn on the stove and begin to cook the syrup, stirring with a thermometer. Keep it in the middle of the mixture so that the temperature is as accurate as possible. Keep a close eye on heating. As soon as the thermometer shows 95 degrees, start whipping the whites at full power of the mixer. When the syrup is heated to 110⁰, remove it from the stove and start slowly pouring it into the proteins.

    Whipped egg whites should be almost firm and should not run or drip when turning the bowl. If the syrup has already warmed up to 110 degrees, and the proteins are not whipped to the desired state, you can cool the syrup with water and wait for the desired temperature again. While pouring in the syrup, continue to beat the mixture with a mixer.
    *Attention! The mixture should be thick and very strong. She should not have any fluid qualities. The mixture will cool down as you whisk. Add another 50 grams of protein, and on top - the finished flour and powder.

    We begin to mix the dough with a spatula and continue the procedure until the desired texture is obtained. The dough should drip off the sides of the spatula and not fall in lumps. Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment.

    Pour the dough into a pastry bag and begin to carefully form pasta hats. Try to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Don't forget dry! Put the baking sheet in the oven heated to 140 degrees Celsius.

    Baking time - 10-20 minutes. Don't be upset if your "hats" start to crack, crumble, or "rise". Do perfect pasta the first time, even the great Ladura would hardly have succeeded.

    If everything worked out, then your pasta will have “skirts”. This will happen in 3-4 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can try to pry them with a knife. If the cookies easily move away from the parchment, then the pasta is ready. The lid over the “skirt” must be rigid.

    Prepare the filling yourself to your taste - it can be custard or ganache. It is important to remember that if the filling is liquid, it will soak into the dough faster and soften it more quickly. Therefore, such a filling can be filled with cookies just before serving.

    Ganache can be applied immediately after oven and left in the refrigerator until consumed.

Hello dear sweet tooth and admirers french pastries! Offered to your attention classic recipe cookies "Macaron" with chocolate filling.

It's incredibly airy and tender cookies will become a favorite delicacy of your household, a crown addition to any tea party. Immediately I ask you to accurately follow the recommendations regarding the technology of cooking pasta.

Additional variations regarding changing the color of pasta will be considered at the end of the recipe. So, let's start cooking.

Ingredients (for 9 pieces):

1. Almond flour - 60 gr.

2. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.

3. Egg white - 60 gr.

4. Vanilla (sugar) - 10 gr.

5. Sugar - 20 gr.

For filling:

1. Dairy or White chocolate- 50 gr.

2. Butter - 10 gr.

3. Cream 35% - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. On parchment paper, using a pre-prepared template (our inner diameter of the circle is 4 cm, and the outer diameter is 8 cm), draw a form for the meringue. Lay the paper on a baking sheet, pattern side down.

2. Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar through a fine sieve. For cooking pasta, it is better to use purchased fresh premium flour. If for some reason you could not buy almond flour, we will show you how to cook it yourself.

Pour almond nuts with boiling water and set aside for 10 minutes, then remove the skin. We calcine in a pan on minimum heat (or oven). If you are afraid of overcooking the almonds, you can dry them for several days at room temperature on the windowsill.

We put the dried nuts in the freezer for a couple of hours. Grind in small portions in a coffee grinder, avoiding heat and oils from the nuts.

3. Distribute the sugar-flour mixture in a uniform layer over the parchment,

4. Send for 5 minutes in the oven, preheated to 160 C.

5. In a warm state, sift the mixture a couple more times.

6. In the "aged" egg whites (the day before cooking they must be placed in a closed container at room temperature), add a little salt and bring the mixer to a state of soft foam. Without turning off the mixer, add sugar, combined with vanilla, and bring to a strong foam.

7. Pour the sugar-flour mixture into the protein-sugar foam in three approaches, stirring thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

Thoroughly mix the mixture until a smooth consistency, turning the bowl clockwise.

8. Pour the composition into a pastry bag (or syringe).

9. Squeeze out the pasta base onto the marked parchment, without violating the marking border. A couple of times you need to knock the pan on the countertop, remove the bubbles with a toothpick.

10. Set aside the base for 10 minutes at room temperature until a compacted crust forms.
In the oven, preheated to 160 C, we send the base for 10 minutes. We check readiness by pressing (it should be dense and firm).

11. We take out the parchment on the kitchen surface and cool for 15 minutes.

12. Delicately remove the base from the parchment and combine them into pairs.

Filling method:

1. Rub the chocolate on coarse grater and pour over the warmed cream, mix until smooth.
Pour in butter and mix thoroughly again.

2. Cool the filling, fill the pastry bag.

Assembly of pasta:

1. On one of the halves of the pasta, a filling is applied in a small layer and covered with the second half.

2. We put the dessert in a closed container and send it for a day (a couple) in the refrigerator.

An hour before the arrival of guests, we take out a delicacy from the refrigerator in order to achieve the maximum disclosure of its taste facets.

Video recipe for makaron cakes

Additional Information:

Thus, you can try and enjoy French macarons not only in a prestigious restaurant at a high price, but also in your kitchen.

The chocolate color of the cookies is obtained by adding cocoa powder (8 g) to the sugar-flour mixture at the 4th stage of preparation. To obtain multi-colored pasta, the dye is added in a liquid state (a couple of drops) to whipped proteins with sugar (after stage 5).

Happy tea!

2 years ago


Incredibly tasty, but not easy to prepare french cookies pasta (macaron). These cookies are made from egg whites, powdered sugar and almond flour. In order for the cookies to turn out bright and colorful, various food colors are added. I will cook classic version without dyes. It is recommended to strictly observe the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe. I have tried different recipes with different amount ingredients. And also on Italian and French meringue. Meringue is essentially whites whipped with sugar. So here it is Italian meringue preparing with sugar syrup- the protein is whipped and brewed with hot sugar syrup. french meringue- the protein is whipped with dry sugar. The second option, in my opinion, is easier to cook, and you can experiment.
This is the second publication based on the results of the survey - what recipes do you want to know? Application from a subscriber of the VK group Home cooking.



  • 60 g almond flour
  • 60 g egg white(from 2 eggs)
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 20 g sugar
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • a pinch of salt


macaron french pastry

French meringue pasta.

First I will note important points !

  1. All ingredients must be weighed on an accurate balance. This is noted by everyone who cooks pasta.
  2. Almond flour should be fresh, finely ground and good quality. It is better to buy in specialized stores for baking.
  3. Proteins are recommended to be “aged” beforehand, i.e. keep at room temperature for a day in a closed container. This is necessary so that the "skirt" of pasta is correct. Without it, there is no real pasta.
  4. Pasta is best baked on baking paper. It doesn't always work on silicone mats.
  5. The oven must be well preheated before baking pasta, at least turn it on for 20 minutes.

If you are preparing this cookie for the first time, then I advise you to take exactly this amount of ingredients - the minimum in order to “fill your hand”. There are many on the Internet different recipes pasta cookies and the composition is different everywhere. The first time it may not work out, as these cookies are quite capricious in preparation. I admit honestly, I got it on the third or fourth time proper cookie, that is, the correct shape, the correct "skirt" and it was baked correctly. But don't let that scare you! Even if the cookies didn't turn out, the taste is still delicious.

First, make a template for pasta - draw circles with a diameter of 4 cm on tracing paper at a distance of 2 cm from each other in rows or in a checkerboard pattern. This will be a template that you can put under the baking paper and deposit the dough. This is necessary so that all the halves are the same size, since the finished pasta consists of two halves.

How to make macarons

Sift the almond flour through a sieve. Then sift the powdered sugar. We mix.

Pour onto baking paper or onto a tracing paper laid on a baking sheet, distribute.

Dry in a preheated oven to 160 degrees for 5 minutes. We drag the sheet with the almond mixture onto the table, spread it over the paper and leave to cool.

Sift the dried mixture through a sieve again TWO TIMES. Here you can add cocoa (1 tbsp = 10 g) to make chocolate macarons. Also through a sieve.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. In several steps, add the sugar mixed with vanilla, without stopping whisking. At the end, food coloring can be added to whipped proteins to give color to the liver.

In several steps, again through a sieve, add the almond mixture to the proteins. Gently mix with a silicone spatula, direction in one direction, while constantly turning the bowl clockwise. So we upset the protein and thin the dough a little.

The result is a smooth homogeneous mixture. How to determine that the dough is ready? Run a spatula over the dough to form a groove. It should disappear within 8-10 seconds.

We shift the dough into a pastry bag, which is placed in a glass. or in a confectionery syringe with a tip with a diameter of 8-10 mm.

A baking sheet must be taken with a minimum height of the sides. On it is a template, on top of baking paper. We set aside the dough according to the template. Do not fill the circles of the stencil completely, the dough will spread a little. When the blanks are deposited, the stencil can be carefully pulled out from under the top sheet. To bring down the "tails", you need to knock the baking sheet on the table strictly vertically.

We leave the blanks at room temperature for 45-60 minutes until a crust forms on the surface. Gently touch the surface with your finger, the dough should not stick.

The oven should be well heated to 150 degrees. Place the pan on the middle rack for about 12 minutes. Ready pasta have a dense crust on top and a characteristic "skirt" at the bottom, and are also easily separated from the paper.

We drag the paper along with the pasta from the baking sheet to the table and let it cool.

Remove the pasta from the paper and put in pairs on a dish.

Now let's prepare the filling - ganache.

Ganache for pasta

Chocolate can be used white or dark.

This miracle must be tried in order to understand me, absolutely not a "box maker" - to keep for so many years a completely simple little box of pasta, on which it is written - Laduree - it even faded for me, but ...
Since then, I have returned to the idea of ​​baking them from time to time, in search of a recipe I have collected a lot of information. It is very interesting:
So, pasta is a round, tender and at the same time crispy meringue cookie, small 3-5 cm in diameter, which is made from white almond flour. By the way, confusion can also occur here, there is also macaroon - a dessert that is made from coconut flakes. Macaroon is more famous in America, this dessert is also delicious, but not at all as legendary, light and refined as French macaron.
Macaron appeared in the Middle Ages in Italy, and in the Renaissance reached France. This cookie was very popular at court.
But not only kings and queens could feast on pasta.
True, in those days, pasta was not the same as it is now - in fact, they were ordinary macaroons.
But at the beginning of the 20th century, Pierre Defontaine, the grandson of Louis Ernest Lyadure, the founder of the House of Ladure\'e, came up with the idea of ​​​​gluing two cookies together using a filling. And so it appeared the new kind pasta, which is now called Gerbet, or Parisian pasta.
Every morning in Paris on the Rue Royale, the confectioners of Ladure\'e- carefully weigh almond powder, eggs, sugar to please the French and foreign guests with such gourmet delicacy. In addition, House Ladure\’e has a wonderful tradition: every year confectioners come up with a new flavor of pasta and replenish the color palette. The price of pasta is quite high, but it's worth it!
Aromas and their combinations - great amount so that everyone can choose pasta to their taste.
Just imagine these aromas: chocolate, spices, vanilla, coffee, rose petals, pistachios, raspberries, black currants, salted butter caramel, cherries, orange fleur, liquorice, coconut, mint, grenadine, lemon, chestnut, praline, apricot, brown sugar, cotton candy, havana, white amber, champagne, violet, saffron with orange, lily of the valley, gingerbread, strawberry with poppy seeds, Javanese pepper, green lemon with ginger...
As in the world of fashion, collections change each other, some colors of clothes come into fashion, others go out of it. This is how new flavors, "collections" of pasta are created.
I have a funny pasta story:
Luigi Lablache (Italian singer) arranged parties in his Parisian apartment for close friends, where he treated guests to the same pasta.
Once, Gaetano Donizetti, an early 19th-century Italian opera singer and composer who was very fond of pasta, arrived too late - everything was eaten.
- I'll give you macaroni, - said Lablash, - but on one condition ... Here is the album. Sit down at the table and write two pages of music.
In less than half an hour, in just 22 minutes, Donizetti wrote two pages of music. A few days later, he asked Lablache for an album, wrote the words into the score, and two pages turned into a chorus from the opera Don Pasquale - a beautiful waltz, which two months later sounded all over Paris ...
Although the preparation of this dessert is a whole art, nevertheless I decided, I prepared for a long time - I re-read many recommendations, tormented more than one confectioner with my questions ...
It's still a long time before Christmas...
Maybe you will bake and your family will be in Paris for Christmas. (for Christmas they cook pasta - "Diva", burgundy-cherry color).