Cherry wine at home. Must recipe for berry liqueur

Good for dessert cherry wine

Everyone would like to enjoy the aroma and taste good wine. One of these is homemade cherry wine. The simple preparation of wine at home, described in this article, will give you the opportunity to enjoy both the process of making cherry wine and the result that you can please yourself and your loved ones.

How to make homemade cherry wine

Getting ready to make homemade cherry wine

Manufacturing house wine won't take much of your time. Cherries, like grapes, best fruit for winemaking and produces excellent wine. Cherry juice has more acids than sugars, however, all varieties are suitable for winemaking. It is necessary to collect the fruits in dry weather and it is advisable not to wash them in order to preserve the wild yeast that we need for normal fermentation. Unripe, overripe and very sweet cherries should be discarded. It is necessary to sort out and in no case use spoiled and moldy fruits. Otherwise, soon your homemade cherry wine will start to deteriorate and this process will be irreversible. You will not be able to make real cherry wine from frozen raw materials at home. Fruits must be used no later than two days after harvest. Scald containers for cherry wine with boiling water and wipe dry. To make cherry wine at home, we use plastic, enameled and glass container. It is necessary to prepare water, taking into account 1 liter per 1 kg of cherries. Water must be clean (well, well). In urban conditions, it is necessary to prepare water in advance and let it stand for about a day with access to oxygen.

Fermenting homemade cherry wine

Let's start making wine. Squeeze unwashed cherries by hand. If the pits are crushed, then the cherry wine will have a sugary taste and a pungent smell of bitter almonds. We fill the container for infusing wine with sugar solution by 2/3 of its volume, otherwise at the time of fermentation everything will climb over the top. It is better to dilute sugar in water beforehand. For homemade cherry wine, 1 kg of crushed cherries requires 700 g of sugar and 1 liter of water. The fermentation mixture obtained in this way is called must. To prevent black flies from getting into cherry wine, at home we cover the vessel with multi-layer gauze or a towel and put it in a warm (18-25 ° C) place, protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the must may turn sour. Within a few days, fermentation will begin, accompanied by a sour smell, seething, foam. Several times a day, cherry wine should be stirred until smooth.

Filtering cherry wine at home

After 4-6 days of rapid fermentation, we filter the cherry wine through a sieve or colander. Pour homemade cherry wine into a bottle or jar and seal hermetically with a lid with a rubber tube through which carbon dioxide generated during fermentation will escape. We lower the other end of the tube into a jar or glass with cold water. We cover the pulp with water, mix and once again set for several days for fermentation. Both vessels with the future homemade cherry wine are placed in the same conditions for another 4-6 days and left alone.

Fermentation of homemade cherry wine

After a few days, strain through a fine sieve. We squeeze the pulp well. The pulp should be separated when it feels dry to the touch. We clean the standing homemade wine from sediment by pouring it into another container through a tube. Pour everything into one container. It is necessary to hermetically close the lid with a tube and prevent oxygen from penetrating inside. The duration of fermentation of homemade cherry wine depends on the activity of the yeast and the temperature of the room. Over time, the activity of the bubbles will decrease and a precipitate will form. Making wine at home takes 25-55 days.

Aging cherry wine

Pour brightened homemade wine through a tube or hose without touching the sediment. Close the bottle tightly and close up with plasticine. Transfer cherry wine to a cooler 6-10°C and dark room for 6-12 months for its maturation. During this time homemade wine acquires wine taste and aroma. As sediment accumulates, it can be poured and tightly closed again. Metal lids and containers are not suitable for cooking or storage. As sediment accumulates, cherry wine should be poured through a straw. The production of homemade wine is finished.

Enjoying cherry wine

Making your own wine gives your drink a unique quality. Cherries make excellent dark wines with bright aroma and rich taste. Homemade cherry wine ferments well and clears up. A couple of hours before drinking, sugar or clean water can be added to homemade wine to taste.

Summer is the season of abundance different berries and fruits, but when there are too many of them - to overpower the harvest in fresh under the force is not for everyone. So that the product does not disappear - the housewives make preparations, homemade cherry wine is deservedly considered one of the best, this exquisite drink can replace any expensive drinks in the world.

At home, making wine is simple, and if you are a novice winemaker, then the first samples are best done on cherry berries.

Making homemade cherry wine with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. The technology of preparing your favorite drink is clear and simple, there are no complicated intricate processes in it.

However, the recipe is full of features, non-observance of which leads to the fact that the wine turns out to be tasteless. To prevent this from happening, strictly adhere to the detailed culinary steps and tips that will always help you in preparing a drink of the highest quality.


  • Pitted cherries- 2.5-3 l + -
  • — 5 l + -
  • - 1.5-2 kg + -

Making homemade wine from cherries

  1. We sort through the cherries, remove the leaves and tails from them, leave the bones intact.
  2. We shift the berries into a clean bucket, put gloves on our hands and knead (manually) all the cherries. Make sure each berry is well crushed.
  3. After - pour the chopped cherry mass into a larger container (a plastic bucket for water is ideal).
  4. Add warm water to the berry pulp, add sugar, mix everything with a clean wooden stick.
  5. We cover the container with a dry, clean lid and leave the product (for about a day) to ferment at t 20-22 ° C.
  6. When fermentation begins, remove the lid, again stir the berry mass with a wooden stick, so that the foam formed on the surface is evenly distributed. It is necessary to stir the cherry pulp twice a day (morning and evening) for 4-5 days.
  7. After that, the wort is left completely alone for another 4-5 days. We need the foam itself to completely disappear from the surface.
  8. After 4-5 days, open the container. Without stirring, scoop a layer of cherries from the surface with a colander (the berries will need to be squeezed out with your hands). When the top layer is removed, cover the container again with a lid and leave the wine to ferment for another 5 days. This time we will have the bottom layer fermenting.
  9. After 5, maximum 7 days, we open the container. Foam should form on the surface of the fermented mass (in a small amount), and the berries themselves will sink to the bottom.

Drain the wine from the sediment

  • We put the container with the drink higher, and the container into which we will pour it is lower.
  • We leave the product alone for a while so that the thick “settles”.
  • We take a hose (transparent) ̴ 2 m long and lower one end of it into a container with wine. Just make sure the end doesn't touch the sediment.
  • We take the other end of the hose into our mouth and begin to draw in air. As soon as the wine pours, we immediately lower the hose into a clean container.
  • We cover the container with a lid, transfer it to a cool (t 10-12 ° C) dark place to continue fermentation. We pour out the thick.
  • After 10-11 days, the wine is again drained from the sediment, only this time the drink is poured into glass bottles. We put a piece of gauze on the neck of the bottles (or install a sieve), after which we cover them with loose lids.

If the fermentation process continues, then every 10 days the wine must be poured into clean glass bottles until the fermentation stops completely.

Then we pour the wine into bottles again, cork them with airtight lids, and take them to the cellar / cellar for storage.

The longer homemade cherry wine is stored, the tastier it will turn out. Exposure gives the drink not only a rich taste of almonds (namely, such a taste is formed in wine, thanks to the seeds), but also a beautiful velvety shade.

Fans of stronger drinks can be offered a simple recipe for homemade cherry wine with alcohol. The algorithm for preparing such a drink is similar to that described above, the only difference is that after squeezing the must, wine yeast is added to it.

  • Then the product is left to ferment for 10 days, after which the wine is removed from the sediment, alcohol is added to it (calculation ½ liter per 10-liter bucket of cherries), sugar.
  • You need to keep the wine until the end of fermentation for another 10 days.
  • Next, the wine is filtered and bottled.

Cherry recipe

Dry cherry wine, which is popularly called nothing more than cherry, is made no more complicated than usual. The total cooking time for cherry is 1.5-2 months. The taste of the drink turns out to be quite sweet, so this wine is perfect for quiet friendly gatherings.


  • Cherry - 1 bucket (10 l);
  • Sugar - 4 kg.

Making wine from cherries with your own hands

  1. We fill the cherry in a bottle with sugar, put it to ferment in the sun for 1-1.5 months.
  2. We wrap the neck of the bottle with gauze, filter the composition, wipe the rest of the berries through a sieve or colander (you can squeeze it manually).
  3. Add grated berries to the composition, leave the product in the sun for another 3 days.
  4. Carefully filter the wine, leave it to mature for 1-2 weeks.
  5. If the drink seems too strong or dry to you, add 1-1.5 liters of water to it.

Secrets of successful homemade cherry wine

Homemade cherry wine is a great addition to any meal. His refined taste cannot be confused with other drinks. When you make cherry wine yourself at home, you will understand how simple technology, however, what an elite, tasty, and most importantly - inexpensive drink can be created with its help. Prepare your favorite drinks with pleasure - and let all year round the tart aroma of delicious cherries does not leave you.

Bon appetit!

Recipes for making cherry wine with and without pits.

Cherry wine - natural and healthy drink. It will come in handy if you have a lot of cherry trees and the berries are wasted.

Cherry wine at home: a simple recipe

Making cherry wine is very easy. At the same time, it is not necessary to remove the bones, they will add spice to the drink.


  • Crush 1 kg of sorted but unwashed berries and remove the seeds. Pour a liter of water and add 700 g of sugar.
  • Leave the pot uncovered for a few days, stirring daily with a slotted spoon. When the bubbles become much smaller and the fermentation process is weakened, leave the mixture alone for 3-5 days. This is done to enhance the fermentation processes inside the container with liquid.
  • During this time, all the pulp will rise, it will need to be removed with a slotted spoon and squeezed out.
  • Pour the liquid into bottles and put on a glove or water seal. After a week, the wine will stop foaming and sediment will appear at the bottom. Pour carefully into bottles through a rubber tube and leave for another 15 days.
  • Put in the cold for 40-60 days.

Pitted cherry wine at home: recipe

Wine with stones has a spicy aroma and taste. It is slightly tart and bitter.


  • A bucket of cherries needs a bucket of water and 3 kg of sugar.
  • Sort the berries, but do not remove the seeds.
  • Crush the berries and put them in a bowl. Pour in water and add sugar. Do not cover the pot with anything. Leave for 7 days, stirring daily. This is done so that the mixture does not sour and mold. Such a mass will have to be poured out, it will still no longer roam normally.
  • Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and squeeze the juice from the cherries.
  • Pour into a bottle and put a glove on the neck. Leave until the glove droops.
  • This will take 1 month. After that, strain the wine and pour into bottles. Refrigerate for a month.

How to make wine from fermented cherry compote?

Often, blanks for the winter turn sour or break. The drink may start to ferment, but do not be upset, you can make delicious wine from it.


  • On three-liter jar compote you need 500 g of sugar and a handful of raisins
  • Strain the compote through cheesecloth, giving up the liquid. Pour sugar and 5 raisins
  • Put a glove with a hole on the bottle. Leave up to three times until the glove deflates
  • Pour the wine into bottles and let it ripen for 1-2 months

Cherry wine at home: a recipe without yeast

Almost all wine made from fresh cherry berries is prepared without yeast. This is due to the presence of plaque on the berries, and it provokes fermentation.

VIDEO: Cherry wine recipe without yeast

Cherry wine with yeast: recipe

Usually yeast is added if jam or frozen berries are used. Since there are no natural yeasts on their surface.


  • For 3 kg of cherries you need 3 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar. Crush the cherries and remove the seeds, add sugar and pour water.
  • Add 200 g fresh pressed yeast. Leave in a sealed container. It will not allow air bubbles to get inside the drink and will not spoil it.
  • Wait until the mixture ferments and there are no more gas bubbles. Strain the mixture and pour into bottles. Leave in the cold for 20-60 days. You can taste the drink. To extend the shelf life, you can pour in a little alcohol.

Cherry juice wine

Cherry juice is an excellent and already prepared raw material for making an intoxicating drink. It has a rich taste and pleasant aftertaste.


  • Wine is prepared using yeast sourdough. To make wine, you need 3 liters of juice, 500 g of sourdough, 0.5 kg of sugar and a little alcohol.
  • Pour the cherry juice into a jar, add water and yeast starter. You can use raisins instead of sourdough.
  • After 5-7 days of fermentation, strain the mixture from the sediment and pour in alcohol. Leave the liquid for 6 months in the cellar in tightly closed bottles.

Cherry jam wine

Cherry jam is one of the most favorite, it is quickly consumed, as pies, cakes are usually prepared from it, or simply complement tea.


  • For a liter of pitted jam, take a liter of boiled and lightly warm water. Throw in a handful of raisins.
  • Leave the mass for a week.
  • When everything rises, strain the mixture.
  • Pour the liquid into bottles and put on a glove. Put in the cellar and keep 40 days.
  • After that, carefully drain the drink without hitting the sediment. Put in corked bottles for 40 days in the cellar to ripen.

Fortified Cherry Wine: Recipe

Wine is fortified not only to increase the concentration of alcohol in it. This great way extend the shelf life of wine.

For 10 liters of water you need 10 kg of berries and 3000 g of sugar.
Sugar is usually added gradually.
The more sugar at the beginning of preparation, the stronger the drink will be.
To add viscosity, sugar is added after pre-fermentation and filtration.


  • Cherries do not need to be washed. It is pitted, poured with water and sprinkled with sugar.
  • The mixture is poured into a large container and the lid is closed with a water seal.
  • When the bubbles stop forming, strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add a little sugar and a handful of raisins again.
  • Close with a glove and wait for the fermentation to stop.
  • Pour in 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol.

Dry cherry wine

classic dry wine from cherries is called cherry. It is quite strong and contains very little sugar.


  • For 10 kg of berries you need 4000 g of sugar.
  • Peel the berries from the seeds and add sugar. Pour the mass into a bottle and tie with gauze. Leave for 1-1.5 months in a warm place.
  • Rub the pulp through a sieve and mix with the liquid. Leave for another 1 week, but already closed with a water seal. After that, carefully strain the liquid and you can taste it.
  • If the drink is too strong and tart, add a liter of water and a little sugar to taste.

Sweet cherry wine

Berry juice is used for this wine.


  • Take 7 liters of juice and 2 kg of sugar. And also 2 liters of water.
  • Mix all the juice with 1 kg of sugar and water. Set for 7 days to ferment. After that, drain the drink so that the sediment remains at the bottom.
  • Add another 1 kg of sugar and a liter of vodka. Pour into bottles and let ripen in a cool place for 40-60 days.

Cherry wine is one of my favorites. women's drinks. It is easy to prepare and goes well with fruits and desserts.

VIDEO: Cherry wine

Cherry is one of the most delicious berries used for consumption in pure form, preparation of compotes, jams and even alcoholic beverages. Cherry wine has a pleasant taste, characteristic aroma, noble and bright color. It is very popular at home feasts, keeps well and, of course, can add zest, diversifying any wine list.

Main component

What is cherry wine made at home? The main component of any alcoholic beverage, regardless of its recipe, are berries. The best solution may be a ripe dark cherry. Varieties such as Shpanka, Vladimirskaya or Shubinskaya are in the greatest demand in winemaking. All of them have a sour taste, so that the final drink is as rich and bright as possible. It is not recommended to take sweet cherry that is damaged or rotten.

Pre-treatment of berries

Beginning winemakers often ask questions about preliminary preparation raw materials. The most popular questions are as follows: is it necessary to remove the stones and is it worth washing the fruits? There are no universal recommendations for such dilemmas, everything is decided by your taste.

If you want to receive pure product, without additives, be sure to remove the seeds, but remember: their presence gives a certain bitterness that many may like. As for washing the berries, observing the necessary hygiene measures leads to the removal of natural bacteria that stimulate fermentation processes.

Classic recipe

How can you make cherry wine? The recipe, considered one of the most classic, involves the use of a number of components according to the following algorithm:

Cherry wine, which has gone through two stages of fermentation, is stored in a dark and cool place. It is recommended to use it approximately 2 months after the start of preparation, if you want to get a drink with a greater strength and pronounced taste, it is recommended to wait up to six months.

Recipe: two in one

from ripe and fragrant berry you can prepare several alcoholic drinks in stages (cherry liqueur, wine). For this you will need:

After the liqueur is ready, you can use the remaining raw materials to make excellent wine. Cherry fruits are kneaded to an almost complete state of porridge and mixed with sugar syrup. The container with the components is re-placed in a warm place. At the first signs of the resumption of fermentation, a water seal is installed again, which is removed after three weeks. No repetition of manipulations is required, and the cherry wine can be bottled as it is ready to drink.

Original cherry drink with pits and lemon juice

Homemade cherry wine with pits can turn out to be especially tasty if you are not afraid to experiment with the recipe and ingredients. So, lovers of light sourness will appreciate alcoholic drink from ripe fruits of cherry and lemon. It is prepared according to the following algorithm:

Wine from jam

Want to pamper yourself strong drink, but do not like to perform long and complex manipulations? The best solution for you can be wine made from cherry jam with the addition of vodka. Which recipe should be followed this case? The algorithm is extremely simple and involves the following steps:

Quick recipe

You can also make cherry wine, the recipe of which does not imply fermentation. His hallmark are the minimum time costs. To begin, select the most ripe cherries with an intact shell. Remove the bones from it, and crush the pulp. A day later, the resulting mash is placed under a press and the juice is squeezed out of it. About 180 grams of sugar is added to 400 ml of liquid. The resulting sweet drink is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 8 to 1.2 liters, respectively. After the liquid has settled, it should be filtered and poured into a container for further storage.

Juice-based wine

Wine made from cherry juice has at least pleasant taste and smell, the main thing is to use for its preparation natural drinks. Please note that the juice must also be prepared from ripe strong berries, only in this case final result can meet your expectations.

The first step in this recipe is making the wort. To do this, mix the following components:

  • Cherry juice - 7 liters.
  • Drinking water - 1.5-1.6 liters.
  • Sugar - in the amount of 1.6 and 0.8 kilograms (no need to mix the product, divide it into the indicated portions).

How to make cherry wine from the listed ingredients? Place the mixture of ingredients and most of the sugar in a clean container, add some pre-prepared sourdough there and leave to languish in a dark place for about 10 days.

The next step is the alcoholization of alcohol. To do this, vodka is added to the wort (in a ratio of 10 liters to one). The components are mixed with the utmost care until a homogeneous state is obtained and poured into a new container for languishing for about 5 days.

At the final stage, the remaining sugar is added to the wine, filtered and poured into glass containers for subsequent permanent storage. At the exit, under all conditions, you can get an excellent young drink with a slight astringent taste, a very rich color and a pronounced smell.

About possible errors

What to do if cherry wine at home did not work out? Do not be upset, first try to find the cause of what happened and take into account the mistakes made for the future. It is likely that you used low-quality raw materials, violated the production technology or the aging time.

Such a failure will only add to your experience, and the resulting liquid can be used as an excellent wine vinegar used for dressing salads and marinades.

Well, now you know how to make cherry wine. Do not be afraid to experiment, learning new tastes from original and non-standard recipes. At the same time, it is recommended not to forget about the need to use only high-quality products and adhere to the proposed technologies.

Cherry is a popular favorite. The Japanese celebrate every year during its flowering. We, unfortunately, do not have such a holiday, in our area it is simply customary to plant it under the windows of houses from the side of the street. So she is always in sight, pleases with her delicate pink-white beauty and the owner, and neighbors, and passers-by. However, cherry gives not only charming fragrant flowers to the person who grew it on his site - her main gift will be heavy dark red berries on long legs, poured with scarlet juice. Not every berry can be compared with cherries in terms of the variety of uses of its fruits, they are tasty both immediately from the branch, and when dried, and in jam or compote. Separately, I would like to mention homemade cherry wine.

Cherry wine

It is easy to make wine from cherry berries at home. Anyone who wants to taste the sour-sweet red drink will cope with this task.

Cherry homemade wine recipe: cherries - 10 kg, sugar - 3 or 4 kg, water - 5 liters, dark raisins - 2 handfuls as needed.

It should be noted that this is a recipe for homemade wine with pits. They give the drink a special taste.

1. Do not harvest cherries immediately after rain. wild yeast on the surface of the skin of the fruit are washed off

Homemade cherry wine

rain. Their number will be restored in a day.

2. Carefully sort out the cherry. Do not wash if it is not dirty. In the event that the berries are contaminated, rinse them with running cold water. In this case, when preparing the wort, you will need to add 2 handfuls, preferably dark.

3. In a spacious enamel pan We transfer the berries and knead them thoroughly. The smaller the better. Pour sugar, pour water. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place for a week. Active fermentation may end sooner, it may take a little longer, it doesn't matter.

4. As soon as the juice “replays” and active fermentation is over, strain it through a sparse cloth. Squeeze out the pulp.

5. In glass jars or bolona pour the juice. The container must be two-thirds full. This is a mandatory rule in the preparation of all types of wine. If the berry was washed, add raisins. Put a water seal on the container. Now it's not juice, but wort. Put it on fermentation in a fairly warm place - 22 or 24 degrees, not lower.

The type of water seal is not important. The main condition is that air should not penetrate to the wort. If you do not have a complex water seal - it does not matter, a conventional medical one will do. rubber glove. During fermentation, it is filled with carbon dioxide and rises above the jar. As soon as she droops helplessly, the wine is ready.

6. Drain the drink from the sediment. Strain. Bulk and

If you are going to store wine for a long time, it is better to pasteurize it. The aroma and enchanting taste will be preserved, and the shelf life will increase significantly.

A simple recipe at home

There is also a simplified version of making homemade wine from pitted cherries.

Recipe: cherries - 1 bucket, sugar - half a bucket.

1. Collect berries in good weather. Go through.

2. Put the cherries and sugar in layers in a large enameled pan. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for slow fermentation in the cellar. The process of extracting juice and melting sugar in it occurs gradually. Due to the low temperature, acidification does not occur, and besides, sugar is an excellent preservative.

3. When the sugar dissolves, squeeze the cherries. Strain the wine and package.

It must be stored in the cellar. The drink can be consumed immediately, or it can be left to ripen.

Many winemakers prefer to make wine from the juice of cherries rather than directly from the berries. But to make juice, in our case, you need to choose the seeds or squeeze the juice by hand without damaging the shells. The seed has a bitter shell. The bitter taste quickly turns into juice. Wine can Berry does not need to be washed if it is clean.

Cherry juice drink

Recipe: juice - 10 liters, water - 10 liters, sugar - 4 or 5 kg.

1. Mix the juice with water and sugar.

2. Transfer the liquid to the fermentation tanks.

3. We install a water seal and carefully monitor the fermentation process.

4. As soon as fermentation is over, drain the wine from the sediment and strain.

5. Pack the drink and put it in the cellar for ripening.

From frozen berries

Frozen Cherry Wine home cooking also turns out well. By nature, a berry
very good, and freezing does not affect its taste and aroma.

Before being placed in the refrigerator, every berry is washed, dried, and then sent for freezing. For this reason, it is necessary to use unwashed raisins. It replaces

Recipe: cherries - 5 kg, water - 3 liters, sugar - 1.5 kg, raisins - 100 gr.

1. Berries must be removed from the refrigerator. Place in a large bowl and leave to thaw completely at room temperature.

2. Mash the cherries. Transfer to an enamel bowl. Mix with sugar, add water and raisins, cover the pan with a lid.

3. Put the pan in a warm place. Active fermentation lasts about a week. After its completion, strain the juice, squeeze the pulp.

4. Pour it into jars or bottles for fermentation. Containers are filled no more than two-thirds of the volume.

5. Install a water seal and watch the process carefully. Once fermentation is complete, drain

Cherry wine water seal

drink from the sediment. Pack and send for storage and ripening in the cellar.

From frozen berries, you can make juice and make wine from it. Perfect for this classic recipe: juice - 5 liters, water - 5 liters, sugar 1.5 or 2 kg, unwashed raisins - a handful.

Cherry wine at home is wonderful. Densely colored, with a rich aroma and taste. It retains all the charm of a fresh berry. In addition, it must be remembered that to the huge list useful substances you need to add the ability to improve the process of hematopoiesis, characteristic of dark-colored fruits. In this capacity, cherry wines are not inferior to red grapes.

Homemade cherry wine is especially valuable because it contains only natural products. It is often prepared even without yeast, not to mention preservatives, flavorings and dyes, and therefore you can be completely sure of its safety and benefits for the body.

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