Recipe: sour cream flatbread - GOST is GOST. taste from childhood! Sour cream cakes without yeast recipe in the oven

Childhood is always associated with something tasty, fried and rich. Like all grandmothers, my grandmother always prepared various delicacies for my sister and me. On weekends she cooked, and on weekdays in the morning for tea or lunch for soup, she often fried flatbreads with sour cream. They replaced our bread. But these cakes turned out a hundred times tastier than bread. The soft, fragrant fried flatbreads were no match for store-bought bread. We could take them with us into the yard and eat the entire portion there, sharing with hungry friends. If you return from work and find that there is not a crumb of bread in the house, then fry flatbreads with sour cream in a frying pan, nutritious and tasty, just like grandma’s. They are suitable for any dish as an addition. Everyone will be full and satisfied.

- 200 grams of sour cream,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 50 grams of granulated sugar,
- 1 tea. l. baking soda,
- ½ teaspoon l. salt,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 550 grams of flour,
- vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Combine sour cream, high fat content, with a chicken egg. Beat with a fork or spoon. Add salt for taste.

Melt in the microwave butter. You can also put oil on slow fire on the stove. Cool the oil so that it is not hot. Pour into the dough, stir a couple of times.

Pour granulated sugar into the liquid mixture. The donuts will be moderately sweet and moderately salty.

Add soda to the dough, and then sift the flour.

Knead a medium-thick dough, but make sure it sticks to your hands.

Sprinkle the board with flour, roll the dough into a rope, cut into pieces.

Roll out each piece of dough with a rolling pin.

Pour oil into a frying pan, place one flatbread, cover with a lid and start frying over slightly less than medium heat. The cakes will begin to bubble due to the baking soda.

When one side of the flatbread is browned, turn it over with a spatula and cook on the other side. If there is not enough oil, add a little more.

Stack all the fried flatbreads on top of each other to form a mound. There is no need to grease the cakes with anything, since they were fried in oil and absorbed enough of it.

Serve delicious flatbreads on sour cream. They go well with vegetables, sour cream or even honey. Bon Appetite!
An excellent addition to such flatbreads would be

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

For homemade baked goods most suitable simple ingredients, so you just have to find a free minute and you will get wonderful, unforgettable dishes. When it comes to baking, I love desserts, of course, but even ordinary bread evokes the most positive emotions in any family. Bread is bread, but day after day you get tired of eating the same bread that tastes the same. It can be replaced with sour cream cakes without yeast, which I suggest you bake. According to the recipe, they are baked in the oven, the temperature there is maximum, so the flatbreads are baked quickly, and before you can blink an eye, a tall stack of sour cream flatbreads will appear on the table. They are soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. They can be eaten with any dish. My household spreads them with butter and jam. My husband also likes to eat them with. With such sour cream flatbreads, both for the feast and for the world. If you plan to go out into the countryside for barbecue, then you can bake these flatbreads in advance and in larger quantities, take them with you and serve them with meat. These flatbreads replace pita bread and you don't have to buy it at the store. Sour cream flatbreads will be perfectly preserved in a regular plastic bag and the next day they will remain just as delicious, soft and pleasant to the taste.

- fat sour cream – 200 grams;
- chicken egg – 1 piece;
- Wheat flour– 550-600 grams;
- granulated sugar – 1.5 teaspoons. l.;
- salt – 1 teaspoon. l.;
- baking soda– 1 tea. l.;
- butter – 40 grams.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Beat sour cream with egg. It’s convenient to do this with a whisk.

Melt the butter and cool. After this, pour it into the dough.

Add sugar for sweetness and salt. The flatbreads will taste better if they are given a rich taste.

Add flour and slowly mix the unleavened dough.

Knead the dough until it sticks to the surface of your hands.

Divide the dough into parts and roll them into small balls.

Now roll out each ball to a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm.

Place the flatbreads on a dry, non-hot baking sheet and place in the oven, which is already heated to 200 degrees. Let's bake sour cream cakes 7-8 minutes. They will quickly bake and become a little fluffier and airier. Let the finished flatbreads cool.

Then we serve the dish to the table, such sour cream flatbreads instantly create an appetite and you want to eat them.

Bon Appetite!
Try to cook some more delicious ones

Flatbread with sour cream is a fairly simple dish to prepare. They can be served instead of bread for tea, and if complemented with sauce, meat or vegetable filling, then it can easily pass for a separate hearty meal.

Flatbread with sour cream, like grandma’s, fried in a frying pan

You can fry flatbreads with sour cream not only while at home. This cooking method is suitable for a picnic in nature or in the country.

Necessary products for yeast flatbread dough:

  • fresh yeast (you can use instant yeast – 1 sachet) – 20 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • sour cream 15-20% fat – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon with top;
  • wheat flour – 3 cups;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • salt -1 teaspoon.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Preheat the water to such a state that it is slightly warmer than room temperature. Dissolve a packet of yeast in it.
  2. Add sugar, salt and sour cream.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly with a fork and let rise, 10 minutes is enough.
  4. Pour in one egg and stir again.
  5. Pour out the millet flour one glass at a time and knead the dough; for convenience, first mix with a spatula and then with your hands. You need to add flour as needed, but so that the dough easily comes off your hands.
  6. When the dough is kneaded, cover it with a clean kitchen towel and place where there is more heat to proof for an hour. It should become fluffy and twice its original volume.
  7. All the dough needs to be distributed into equal 4 pieces for flat cakes.
  8. Now you need to roll out each piece of dough to about 1.5-2 cm thick and pierce it with a fork. Leave the cakes to rise for 5 minutes.
  9. In a hot frying pan with oil, fry the flatbreads until cooked on both sides.

You should not fry over high heat, otherwise there is a risk that the inside of the cakes will not be baked. Let the fat drip off, placing it on paper napkins. Can be consumed hot.

Cooking in the oven

For those who don’t like fried things, there is an option to bake flatbreads in an oven like grandma’s or in the oven.

You will need:

  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • flour – 400-450 g;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • half a teaspoon of soda.

Description of preparation:

  1. The sour cream should be cooled, and the flour sifted through a sieve, so it will be saturated with oxygen, and the kneaded dough will become more fluffy.
  2. The sour cream and granulated sugar must be beaten.
  3. Mix flour with soda.
  4. Combine everything together and knead the dough.
  5. When the dough is ready, divide it into two pieces.
  6. Each part is rolled out in turn to 0.5 cm in thickness.
  7. Cut out circles from the dough using a mold, a special knife or a glass.
  8. You can place baking paper on a baking sheet and grease it with oil.
  9. Place the mugs in pairs - one on one.
  10. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes.

Baked flatbreads in the oven can be cut in the middle and coated with jam, butter, condensed milk, and sprinkled on top powdered sugar, or pour melted chocolate over it.

No added eggs

Necessary products for cooking:

  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • spices, it's better to take " Provencal herbs"- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat flour – 500 g;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. spoon and for greasing hot cakes;
  • Adyghe cheese – 200 g;
  • fresh herbs – 1 bunch;
  • turmeric – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to make flatbread with sour cream, like grandma’s:

  1. As in other recipes, sift the flour and add soda and Provençal herbs.
  2. Mix sour cream with melted butter, soda and salt if desired.
  3. Mix everything, add turmeric and knead the dough until it sticks to your hands and holds its shape.
  4. Mash the cheese with a fork in a plate.
  5. Chop fresh herbs and mix in a plate with cheese.
  6. Make 5 cakes from the dough.
  7. Roll each one to 2-3 mm thick.
  8. Place cheese and herbs filling in the middle.
  9. Secure all ends in the center.
  10. Roll out the resulting “envelope” with cheese inside with a rolling pin so that the cake fits on the bottom of the frying pan.
  11. Fry the tortillas, turning from one side to the other.
  12. While still hot, brush the fried tortillas with butter.

These flatbreads with cheese inside can be served hot or cold at the dinner table. You can also diversify the dish different varieties cheese and spices.

How to cook without yeast

In order for the dough to rise quickly, it is not necessary to use only yeast; it is suitable for dough dairy products, such as curdled milk, kefir, spoiled milk or sour cream.

Required ingredients:

  • flour – 3-4 cups;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • any vegetable oil for frying;
  • sour cream – 1 glass;
  • margarine – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar – 30 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  1. Melt the margarine steam bath, but do not boil. Then remove from heat and let cool.
  2. Beat the egg lightly.
  3. Add sour cream and continue beating the mixture.
  4. Add melted margarine and continue whisking.
  5. Add granulated sugar, baking soda and salt.
  6. Gradually pour in the prepared flour glass by glass, kneading the dough.
  7. Leave the dough to rise under a clean kitchen towel for 20 minutes.
  8. Knead the raised dough and form into flat cakes. The size can be made at your discretion.
  9. Sprinkle the formed pieces with flour and roll out to 5 mm thick.
  10. Fry the tortillas in a frying pan until golden brown on each side.
  11. salt - half a teaspoon;
  12. instant yeast – 1 sachet (5 g);
  13. egg - 1 piece.
  14. Step by step instructions:

    1. Dissolve yeast in warm water.
    2. Melt the butter in a steam bath and cool until room temperature.
    3. Mix everything with sour cream, salt, granulated sugar.
    4. Pour the egg into two cups, separating the white and yolk.
    5. Beat the egg white until foamy and add to the dough mixture.
    6. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
    7. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place to rise.
    8. Punch down the risen dough and divide in half.
    9. Roll out each part and cut out circles from it.
    10. When placing on a baking sheet, pierce the circles with a fork or make indentations with your fingers.
    11. Brush the surface of the cakes with yolk and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
    12. Ready and still hot sweet flatbreads You can grease it with a brush by dipping it in butter. This will make them even more appetizing and beautiful.

Hi all! The other day I was saving kefir so that it wouldn’t go to waste 😉 . The result was excellent homemade scones.

Of course, I wanted to make homemade flatbreads like my grandmother’s, but not knowing her recipe even roughly, I decided to trust my favorite feminine logic. Logic didn’t fail, it’s not for nothing that she’s female. They turned out great flatbreads.

True, they look like grandma’s only in appearance. And the taste is different, but also very soulful. I feel that soon they will have to be performed as an encore (the husband transparently hints at them with the words: “When will you bake your flatbreads again?”).

To prepare homemade flatbreads in the oven, we will need:

  • 2 cups kefir
  • 100 g butter
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda and vinegar
  • 6-7 cups flour

Homemade flatbreads, recipe:

Combine softened butter with sugar, salt, eggs, stir well. Then add kefir, soda slaked with vinegar, gradually (a glass at a time 🙂) add flour and knead elastic dough, not too steep (leave half a cup of flour for sprinkling).

Now let the dough stand for a while at room temperature - about half an hour. During this time, you can just cook it in the microwave and.

After the allotted time (by me), add flour to the table and, using your hands or a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a layer approximately 1 cm thick. I hasten to note that I first divided the dough into two equal pieces, and put one piece in a plastic bag in the refrigerator to prepare a fresh portion of flatbreads the next day. Why? Because all the dough will definitely not fit on the baking sheet at once. And I’m kind of lazy to charge the oven with a second batch of flatbreads. And in general, no matter how much you bake, everything will crack in one evening, and the next day they will remain (if they remain) pathetic crumbs. Besides, gluttony is a sin :) And according to my version, you get a normal amount of flatbread for two evenings. Moreover, the remaining dough can be frozen if you are not planning to make flatbreads the next day.

So, roll out the dough and cut out circles with a wine glass rolled in flour (I mean rub the edges of the wine glass with flour) and place them on a baking sheet. We roll out the remaining scraps of dough again and cut out our potential cakes until the dough is finished.

Now prick the circles lying on the baking sheet with a fork in two or three places so that they bake more evenly, and put them in a heated oven for about 30-40 minutes, until golden brown and smelling delicious. The standard temperature is 180 degrees, at the end of baking you can raise it a little higher to brown it.

That's all, delicious homemade flatbreads are ready. I hope you find it useful.

I came across this by accident in my notes. excellent recipe... And nostalgia overwhelmed me. And in order not to become completely limp, I decided to remember and prepare this wonderful pastry. It’s definitely GOST and GOST in Africa. Nowadays, few people bake like this. But you can easily prepare this at home.

You can’t imagine the aroma in the house when I baked these wonderful cakes! All the neighbors must have gone crazy! I certainly almost went off. And what a taste! The pastries melt in your mouth and you don’t even need vanilla...

All you and I will need are these ingredients, the quantity of which for seventeen pieces is indicated at the top of the recipe (according to GOST, in recalculation from this amount of products it should have turned out to be sixteen, but for some reason I got one more).

1. First, you and I will need to prepare the dough. To do this, pour eleven grams of dry instant yeast into two hundred and eighty milliliters warm water(not cold, otherwise the yeast will not revive, and especially not hot, if you don’t want to cook the yeast, but at room temperature or a little higher) and let it soak there for about five minutes and absorb water and go into solution. After this, the yeast can be mixed with water. At the same time, they will not stick together, will not clump and will mix well.

2. After this, pour about one-third (I got exactly three hundred grams) of flour into the resulting solution and knead the dough as if it were a dough. It should have the consistency of thick oatmeal.

3. Cover the dough with plastic or stretch film and put it in a warm place to ferment for about one and a half to two hours. When the dough begins to fall off, you will need to knead the dough.

4. To do this, mix all the sour cream, granulated sugar, salt, butter (you can easily replace it with margarine)

and the remaining flour (I have exactly seven hundred grams left)

and having ground all this mass to a crumb state, pour in the finished dough

5. Then knead the soft and elastic dough.

6. Then cover the dough again with film and let it stand for about twenty to thirty minutes so that it can rest. During this time, the dough will gain gluten and become more elastic and soft. Then knead it for five to ten minutes until smooth and homogeneous. In this case, there is no need to dust either the dough or the table with flour, since the dough kneads very well and does not stick at all to your hands or to the table, and we leave it under the film in a warm place until the dough increases in volume two to three times .
7, Next, since the recipe is GOST, I decided to make the yield for the flatbreads exact. To do this, I weighed identical pieces of dough, one hundred grams each, on a measuring kitchen scale. This amount of ingredients should have yielded sixteen pieces of dough. But for some reason (maybe due to the fact that I worked for a long time as a director of a restaurant carriage :)) I ended up with one part more, namely seventeen.

8. Afterwards, we form each piece by gathering the edges of the dough inward in order to stretch it.

9. And cover the resulting balls for rest and short proofing plastic film for five to seven minutes.

10. Then roll out the dough balls with a rolling pin into flat cakes about one centimeter thick and approximately twelve centimeters in diameter so that they fit six pieces on a baking sheet.

11. Next, we give the already rolled out flat cakes another proofing period for from forty minutes to an hour and a half. It depends on how much good yeast and how much our sour cream cakes rose and increased in size.

12. And now, after such proofing, in order to avoid the formation of swelling on the surface of the cakes and the separation of their crumb, you will need to prick it often and as deeply as possible, but not completely and not with frenzy, but carefully (so as not to let the dough drop) with a toothpick with one with the broken end (so that the holes in the cakes would be larger) the surface of the cakes.

13. Afterwards, grease the surface of the flatbreads with a loose egg, or best of all with egg yolk alone (then the surface of our sour cream flatbreads will be brighter, almost even red) and it’s better if they are brushed with yolk twice.
14. And bake them in a preheated oven at a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees for fifteen to seventeen minutes until a stable coloring of the surface of the cakes is formed. I managed to bake them for exactly fifteen minutes. And after preparing the sour cream cakes, they will need to be cooled until completely cooled on a wire rack.

And although the process of preparing this delicacy is quite lengthy, our GOST sour cream cakes turn out appetizing, golden-brown and so tasty that if there are all kinds of jams, sour cream, honey and so on on the table, you absolutely don’t want to spread anything on them - everything is the same eaten without a trace.

I wish you all a pleasant appetite!

Cooking time: PT04H00M 4 hours